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Clinton News-Record, 1987-11-18, Page 31
l� orholme Decorating Centre and Draco give you beautiful ways to save energy with your windows. •DRACO SOLID VINYL VERTICAL BLINDS AND METAL VENETIAN BLINDS RESTRICT HEAT LOSS IN WINTER BECAUSE THEY CLOSE TIGHTLY. •THEY ALSO REFLECT AS MUCH AS 75% OF SOLAR HEAT ENTERING YOUR ROOM THROUGH THE WINDOW KEEPING YOUR HOME COOLER IN SUMMER. •BEAUTIFUL, LIGHT FILTERING FABRICS IN PLEATED SHADES OR VERTICAL BLINDS. •WITH ANY DRACO WINDOW ORDER GET NORHOLME'S USUAL FULL-SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES AND FREE INSTALLATION. dfacG CUSTOM DRAPERIES • VERTICAL BLINDS MINI VENETIAN BLINDS- WINDOW SHADES • QUILTED WINDOW SHADES • WOVEN WOODS • WE'RE YOUR COMPLETE WINDOW TREATMENT CENTRE. 53 KING STREET, CLINTON (.lust across Iroan the Post Oil ice) 482 3528 R2OOO technology gets fresh air in house Getting fresh air into an airtight house sounds impossible, but it's something the super energy-efficient R-2000 Home is designed t aturally, just like breathing. doesw , a he vily'insulated R-2000 house ba,reathe thro gh a mechanical ventila- tion system, exhaling fresh outside air - in most cases recovering valuable heat at the same time. The result is cleaner air and dramatically lower heating costs than in conventional houses, where the air inside the house is usually replaced by outside air every half hour. Warm house air, which the homeowner has paid hard-earned money to heat, ran- domly flows out through cracks and small holes in the exterior walls and roof. In fact, researchers estimate that air leakage from a conventional house can be responsible for as much as half of the house's total heat loss. In short, it's like hav- ing a big hole in the front door. The R-2000 Home, however, is a much dif- ferent story. Its air -tightness is achieved through the careful installation of a con- tinuous air -vapour barrier on the warm side of the insulation. This barrier prevents the penetration of outside drafts and the escape of comfortable interior air. Special techniques have been developed in the R-2000 Home so that electrical wires, plumbing pipes, floor headers and even ceil- ing joists don't break the sealed air -vapour barrier. Because of this special barrier, an R-2000 Home requires a ventilation system to ex- haust stale air and supply fresh air throughout the home. Otherwise, daily fhir r pollution caused by humidity from cooki , washing and plants, formaldehyde from niture and carpeting, household chemicals from cleaning pro- ducts and solvents, tobacco smoke, viruses and bacteria would build up, producing a must, potentially unhealthy environment. HRV helps In an R-2000 Home, this doesn't happen because the special mechanical ventilation system continuously draws in fresh air, filters it and distributes it evenly throughout the house, while exhausting the stale, indoor air. Most R-2000 homes also feature a heat ' ' V' \l)VEMBER 18, 1987—PAGE 5B aarHomegndbiergy recovery ventilator (HRV), which can ex- tract as much as 75 per cent of the heat from exhaust air and use it to prewarm the in- coming stream of fresh air. The advanced controlled ventilation system reduces heating costs to about a third of those for a conventional house and it does much more. There is no temperature stratification, as occurs in many conventional houses, but rather an even distribution of heat. The temperature in the bedroom, for example, is invariably the same as in all the other . rooms in the house. In addition to providing uniform temperature throughout the house with vir- tually no drafts, the controlled ventilation system also controls humidity and removes dust, smoke and other allergens. It is excep- tionally quiet, and it makes the R-2000 Home warmer in winter and cooler in summer. To maintain the desired levels of fresh air to the living area, clothes dryers, central acuum cleaners and space heating and hot water systems are supplies with air through a separate system. Each fireplace in an R-2000 Horne also needs its own supply of air for combustion, so glass doors must be placed across the front of the hearth to separate it from the home's controlled ventilation system. That's a small price to pay for the many benefits of the R-2000 Home, which is tested for air leakage through a fan depressuriza- tion test. In this test, all windows, vents and other openings in the house are closed and the front door is replaced with a special door equipped with an exhaust fan to draw air out of the house and reduce the indoor air pressure. A computer then measures how long it takes for the air pressure inside the house to return to normal. This measurement can be used to help predict the actual heating costs for each R-2000 Home. If the amount of air leakage exceeds R-2000 program requirements, a smoke pencil or a special meter is used to pinpoint air leaks, which are subsequently sealed. The test is repeated until the R-2000 standard is met. With attention to detail and quality assurance tests, such as the fan depressurization tests, R-2000 builders are offering Canadians a home with cleaner air and dramatically lower heating costs. Farmers must keep eye on energy Canadian farmers — among the most effi- cient food producers in the world — spend more than $3 billion each year on direct and indirect energy use. Fuel and electricity for powering machinery, heating buildings, drying crops and scores of other essential tasks account for an increasing percentage of farm overhead costs. Cutting those costs is important to the financial well-being of the farm operation, and it's one area where substantial gains can be made. Farm buildings should be designed and situated to take advantage of passive solar heat in the winter and shade in the summer. COMPLETE INSULATION SERVICE SPACE AGE INSULATION We do all types of insulation • POLY U RETH A NE FOAM • FIBERGLASS • ROCK WOOL • CELLULOSE FOR MORE INFORMATION AND FREE ESTIMATES CALL Ron Kcissies AFTER 6 P.M. 523-9484 This can be accomplished by correctly plac- ing windows and overhangs. A well positioned windbreak around the farmstead can reduce heat loss caused by wind chill, as well as the amount of energy used for snow removal. Barriers of trees can channel cooling summer breezes into the farmstead and provide shade. In the farm house, as in urban residences, small measures (like turning off lights when they are not needed, lowering thermostats at night and washing only full loads of clothes and dishes to conserve hot water ) can add up to large energy savings. Air leakage around doors, windows and other openings in the farm house can be THE HEAT IS ON! MICROFURNACE'm - Technology makes it efficient — Size makes it portable — Design makes it safe This amazing new product provides instant heat where and when you want it. Your Dealer DON BUCHANAN Londesboro 526-72©4 All this plus five Year Warranty and CSA Approved. • WINDOWS REPL; Your complete Glass Service! *Replacement Windows •Storm Doors •Plexi -Glass •Repla Windows and Patio Doors FISHER GLASS MIRROR LTD. 224 Suncoast Dr., Goderich easily stopped with weatherstripping and caulking. It's also important to ensure that the house's air -vapour barrier is providing an effective seal. An efficient electrical system is vital to the farm operation. The transformer should be located near the largest loads, to reduce wire costs and line losses. All wires should be properly sized; undersized wires waste energy and cause equipment to operate poorly. If the farmstead is on a demand meter, power bills can be reduced by scheduling heavy electrical loads so they don't occur at the same time. Oil heating a major industry Oil heating is a major Ontario industry. Over 700,000 Ontario homes, or nearly 25% of all households in the province, heat with oil. Ontario households consume about 1.9 billion litres of fuel oil. Based on an average cost of 21 cents a litre, homeowners spend about $600 million a year to heat their homes with fuel oil. When combined with the sales of associated heating services and equipments, the fuel oil business in On- tario generates over $1 billion annually in revenues. The heating oil industry is a significant employer in Ontario. The province's 600 heating oil companies employ between 3,000 and 3,500 people. Customer service is vital to the success of any business. This is especially true for community-based heating oil companies, whose continued business success depends on providing customer service 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Many fuel oil companies are owned and operated by local business people in their own communities. Because of strong market competition from other energy sources, the local fuel oil dealer works at retaining and expanding the business through good customer relations. For the heating oil customer, this rela- tionship offers a number of benefits, one of the most important being the freedom to choose from among several dealers. This gives the consumer a definite advantage over dealing with a large utility where there is no choice. Provided by the Home Energy Group IYI�e the NATURAL CHOICE Now's the time to invest in a new conventional or High -Efficiency natural gas furnace. Cash in on great savings today ... and for years to come) • High -Efficiency furnaces over 90% fuel efficient • No chimney required for High -Efficiency furnaces • Clean, safe, economical and dependable • Ask about easy payments on your gas bill When it comes to winter, come to us for a new natural gas furnace that's perfect for you - it's only natural! )PLUMBING & HEATING 55 Kingston St. Goderich 524-7861 HOFFMEYER