HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-11-18, Page 17R E A LT O FS NEW LISTING! This 3 bedroom bungalow has a maintenance free Axterior, with a cozy interior. New furnace, new windows, new hydro, and new roof. Workshop in basement, air cleaner and more. Asking $45,500.00. NEWLY LISTED! 3 bedroom vinyl sided mobile home with 3 room addition and deck. Locateo at Heritage Estates in Seaforth. Priced to sell at $14,000.00. HOBBY FARM: With 16 acres of paradise and an excellent 4 bedroom home, ponds and bush. List price $129,000.00. QUIET AREA OF TOWN: Lot 82' x 165', Frederick Street, 5 bedrooms, living room, family room, dining room, made for the comfort of the family, large pool and deck. Priced to sell at $69,500.00. SIDESPLIT: 4 bedroom brick and aluminum sided home on mature treed lot in excellent location. 318 High Street. 2 bathrooms, an exceptional family room and more. GRACIOUS HISTO dition, stained gla3 $95,000.00. NEW LISTING! 3'1(agn 12'x70'plus ao E: in mint con- ed windows. List mobile home, . tking $16,000.00. LIST WITH THE ACTION TEAM Bill Steenstra Mary Divok Aileen Craig Peter Damsma SharonMedd 482-3780 482-3370 482-3669 482-9849 527-0560 (Seaforth) 6 OFFICE: 11 VICTORIA ST., CLINTON 482-5991 PICK OP YEAR p 'VOP THE REAL ESTATE ADVERTISER TODAY! NEW LISTING. 3 bedroom, 11/2 storey home situated on 105' x 99' lot, close to downtown Clinton, Sun room, carport and more Asking $48,000.00. NEWLY LISTED! 3 bedroom bungalow situated on good corner lot close to town. Porch with new windows, gas forced air heat, cement front porch. Asking $32,000.00 NEED LOTS OF ROOM? Come and in- spect this century old home. Features in- clude bevelled glass French doors in the living room. Main floor family room, coun- try style kitchen, main `Io.,r laundry, recent- ly Insulated. Listed at $54,900.00. LOT 198' x 165': 2 storey brick and Mansville sided home with 3 large bedrooms, 2 full baths, large kitchen, laun- dry room, sewing room, double garage, workshop and large garden Call today! TUCKERSMITH TWP.: 11/2 storey, 3 bedroom home, with barn and drive shed. Situated on 3.34 acres. Call today for Wore details. SPANISH ST:W.: 4 bedroom brick bungalow.,,,d4VTa. well planned, large deck. List Vg7.00U. Need A Bigger Home? Come See Us! WORKMAN, REAL ESTATE LTD. 8 KING ST. CLINTON 482-3455 Neil McNichol RE5.: 527-0089 DAIRY FARM: 150 Acres, 106 workable, bank barn 70 x 70 loose pen, shed 27 x 60. 1' n storey brick & frame 1 floor ad• dition in good condition. POULTRY FARM - 50 Acres, 42 workable 1 floor 30 x 168 barn built in 1980, 10 ton feed bin, space for 10,000 birds, plastic cages 3 tiers. Brick 4 level home in excellent condition. HOG FARM - 149 Acres, 106 workable. bank barn 60 x 60. sow capacity 120, silo 14 x 35, steel shed 50 x 60, 2 feed tanks - 5 8 9 ton with brick bungalow built in 1980 BUSH LAND WANTED Clinton, Goderich, Bayfield Area CLINTON OFFICE 8 King St. SEAFORTH OFFICE 96 Mein St. 5. MITCHELL OFFICE 68 Ontario Rd. 482-3455 Neil McNichol 527-0430 Henry Moro 348-9066 Harold Workman 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE OR RENT 62 x 12 Bendix at Morgan s Trailer Park Clinton Two bedroom in very good condition $15 900 or $285 plus utilities Phone 482 7066 45 46or LOT A2 for rent 5245 n month Requires first and last months root at Morgan s Trailer Park Phone 482 7066 45 46or 16. Articles for rent 17. Apartments for rent THE BROWNSTONE 250 HINCKS ST., GODERICH ONE BEDROOM apartments available for im- mediate occupancy Fully carpeted includes fridge, stove outdoor parking. laundry facilities Coll 524 4249. 30tf Ready Soon Now RENTING NEW APARTMENTS: in Clinton 12 units - 2 bedrooms 800 sq ft. Fridge stove laun- dry facilities Also included in rent ore all utilities plus cable T V OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUNDAY NOVEMBER 21 8. 22 FOR INSPECTION APPLY AT Mason Bailey Real Estate 87 ALBERT ST., CLINTON 482-9371 18. Houses for rent LARGE BRICK lnr,n hr ,se apacinus lot large tre-ec r.1 {,Yr.if „ .1 ,;c.,frrnms well ,nsvintad Bayfield rnea oo t ''id A,o'Inhlo nppro• imotely December Is, References required Contact Gordon H:'! 733 3307 46 THREE BEDROOM h„ngoinw for rent at Durharme Estate; Boylielrf A,r;•'nbie November 15 Phone 2364230 45artf FURNISHED HOME near Bayfield for winter mon the for rent Reos0nable rent to rel,oble tenants no pets Phone 565 5031 or 527 0307 46 FOR RENT AVAILABLE DEC 1st Beautiful home on Maitland River 3 bedrooms large kitchen and living rnnm rentrnl air cnnditioninq central vac woll ,ns.,Inted roll for details 524 2520 4h holiday rent -a -car system We have a full Me of: CARS -TRUCKS -VANS .WEFJCENO RATES AVAILABLE -12 or 20 Ft MOVING VANS AVAILABLE SSTRICKLANDS 344 Nucor Rd. • Ood•r+ett 524-8311 FOUR BEDROOM home completely renovated new oak k !rhe^ rind family room central loca hon ,n Cl.nton As0,10ble immediately Coil 88' 6602 oven ngs 46x HALF A HOUSE far rent three bedroom 1 baths ,n Cl,otnn Phone 348 0066 46x TWO BEDROOM form house tor rent northeast of Clinton nvailnbie now Contact Eric Anderson 482 7283 46 47 18. Houses for rent THREE BEDROOM bungalow for rent with finished rec room. December 1 occupancy, $350 plus utilities. References required. Coll after 6 p.m.. 482.7841. 46 CLINTON • available December 1st., small Iwo bedroom, 1' z storey house on large lot, recent carpet and paint. $275.00 monthly, fridge and stove supplied. 482-5872 after 5 p.m. -46 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE in quiet neighborhood in Clinton, No pets. Available immediately. App• ly to Drawer No. 9, c o Clinton News Record, Box 39, Clinton, NOM 110.- 46 25. Wanted to buy WANTED - 10-15 face cords split hardwood delivered in Bayfield. Slate when cut. Box 86, Bayfield. NOM IGO. -46x $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CASH PAID 10r Antiques, complete or partial estates, dining, bedroom, living room suites, old jewellery, clocks, furniture, etc. Call Seaforth 527-1847 or 527-1633 26. Help wanted A CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class "A" Licence. For prescreen- ing interview and job placement information, Contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training, London. 1.800-265.3559. 4ltfar CHICKEN CATCHERS! Experience an asset but not a necessity. Full or part-time work available now. Call free 1.800-265.3044.--35tf SUN STAR Poultry Services, full or part-time employment available. night work catching chickens, travelling involved, transportation pro- vided, need fit and hard working people. Chance for advancement to foreman available. Call 527.2225, ask for Clinton. 41 tfar FULL OR PART time help wonted on dairy form Please phone 523.9241 45,46 OPPORTUNITIES ABOUND. Youthful, aggressive. successful applicant required to demonstrate, handle smaller sales opportunities, for your local Case IH dealer. Apply Ken Coleman, Sales Manager, Vincent \Farm Equipment, Seaforth, Ontario. Phone 527.0120. 46.47 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1987 ---Page 17 26. Help wanted, BROILER BREEDER FARM MANAGER and ASSISTANT FARM MANAGER required for farm In the LISTOWEL area. Please apply In person at the Hanover office or in writing to: Mrs. M. Ashton Horizon Chicks Ltd. Box 337, Hanover, Ont. N4N 3H6 The Huron Addiction Assessment and Referral Centre requires a FULL-TIME CASE MANAGER with formal counselling education and experience to provide case manage- ment services to Huron County clients of this agency. Responsibilities include maintenance of confidential client records, establish- ment of interagency communication and participation In public education programs In the county. Minimum educational requirement: M.S.W. or equlvlant health care degree and appropriate counselling ex- perience. Preference given to non-smokers. Qualified applicants, please apply in writing with resume and three references by December 4, 1987 to: L.A. Price, Director HURON ADDICTION ASSESSMENT & REFERRAL CENTRE P.O. Box 1120 Clinton, Ont. NOM 1L0 PARA -MED HEALTH SERVICE offers a complete range of nursing & home support services We are about to open offices in Huron county and we have an immediate need to recruit HOME SUPPORT WORKERSIHOIEMAKERS As a pyramid home support worker you will care primarily for elderly & disabl- ed people in their home. You will receive basic training which will allow you to provide nutritional homemaking & per- sonal patient care. QUALIFICATIONS: •Maturity & understanding with the respect to the deeds of the elderly & disabled •previous homemaking or nurse aid experience •experience raring for patients or fami- ly members ais inn their own home. t� l la°morpd HEALTH SERVICES Please phone toll free 1-800-265-5768 to arran a for interview in _your area Beniniller Inn has openings for full-time and part-time WAITRESSES AND WAITERS Experience preferred but not necessary. For more information please contact Rosanne Rakow at 524-2191 or send applications to: Benmiller Inn R.R. 4 Goderich, Ont., N7A 3Y1 Attention: Rosanne Rakow - also - Person for JANITORIAL SERVICES required Must be 18 or over. Must be able to drive van. WEEKENDS INCLUDED Contact: Frances Chisholm at Beniniller Inn I. R. 4 Goderich N7A 3Y1 524-2191 Ext. 257 30. Employment wanted WILL BABYSIT IN MY HOME Three miles South of Clinton on Hwy No 4 • Please phone 2337032 45.47ar CHRISTMAS IS COMING so let me cleon your house Call 482.5939 between 5 p m 7 p m .46 WILL BABYSIT in my own home in Kippen Please phone 2626702 46.47 31. Service directory 1 PHIL 5 refrigerator and appliance service. Pro- mpt dependable service to all makes and models of domestic appliances Phone 887-9062. 27tf MASONRY STONE and Carpentry work Specializing in brick pointing and chimney building Free estimates For information call Stan Kirkham 4825305 3tfar CUSTOM BACKHOEING Dram Repair erosion control cellar drains laser Call Fronk Postill 482 910J 21lfor KEN CARPENTRY Remodelling renovations cupboards ceramic tile counter tops rec rooms carports flooring windows patio doors aluminum siding Phone 482 7676 Ken McNairn 22tfar RESIDENTIAL CLEANERS Weekly or Seasonal Cleaning 10% Discount to Seniors Barb Hodgins 482-9223 CHIMNEY SWEEPING q q Phone Paul Gridzak 233-9916 After 3:30 p.m. WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS Four modern rotary rigs Phone Seaforth NEIL: 5471737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD. ®Form and Residential Buildings ' Additions and Renovations °RoofI :A ding, Soffit 8. Fascia PHONE 230 after 6�m. 63 Gat, .aiu+ F tAJLDERsASSOCIATION MEMBER 48 JACK Bo COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTING Specializing in: 'CUSTOM BUILT HOMES 'RENOVATIONS "ADDITIONS 'KITCHENS 'ALUMINUM SIDING 'REPLACEMENT WINDOWS 565-2108 34. Personal IF YOU'RE serious about losing weighttcall ycur local CALORAD distributor. 482.5647.-45,46 35. Notice to creditors ••••••CONTRACTOR•••••• • • • • • 1 1 • • • • • • • • PH 482-72 • .0 LTD Goovirs •V *RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • *FARM INCLUDING ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS 0 Irl • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••88888«88•••••A••eel 17. Apartments for rent NEWLY DECORATED 2 bedroom apartment available October 1. Close to downtown No pets. No children Phone 482.7860 - -3714 SPACIOUS two bedroom apartment for rent in Clinton, no children, available December 1st $250.00 monthly plus utilities. Phone 527-1113 420 APARTMENT FOR RENT in Seoforth. Two bedroomsthree piece both, kitchen. Iivingroom $265 heat included. Available now. Phone 527-1095. 45,46 RENTAL FAMILY TO z` 'NHOMES ®AIL New Spacious 1200 square feet 03 bedrooms •Only 8325. per month AVAILAj -LE NVEMBER 15 - ONLY 2 LEFT CALL NO'' RENTAL OFFICE 482=5 70 'Satisfaction Guaranteed"" -weekly maid service -spring cleaning -window washing -house sitting NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM ROBERT DALRYMPLE, late of the Village of Brucefield in the County of Huron, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 21st day of September, 1987, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of December, 1987, ofter which dote the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated this 10th day of November. 1987. E.B. Menzies, Q.C. Barrister and Solicitor Box 68 Clinton, Ontario. NOM 1L0 Solicitor for the Executrix 38. Auction sale Richard Lobb Auctioneer CLINTON 482-7898 SAT., NOV. 28 AT 10 A.M.: Furniture, glassware. appliances, etc. at Richard l ohh Auction Barn, Clinton tor Doug Freeman. plus additions welcomed SAT., DEC. 5 AT 10 A.M.: 3 bedroom single storey dwelling with large living and dining morn, single c dr garage situated on a large lot kxated 1 hlcxk from the main street core area of town 58 Rat- tenhury Street West, Clinton tor Mr & Mrs Raymond Whitmore CONSIGNMENT SALE of Approximately 50 Tractors & 250 Pieces of Equipment at BRINDLEY SALES YARD Dungannon Monday, November 23/87 10:00 A.M. Tractors selling at 1:00 P.M. Auctioneers Gordon H. Brindley Barry Grey Brian Rintoul For more information 529-7625 or 529-7970 ELITE DOMESTIC SERVICES Doug & Laurie Falconer Dan MacKinnon 524-5170 4 BUSINESS LIQUIDATION Of Grocery Store Equipment: Restaurant Equipment & Grocery Inven- tory to be held at the Village Market In Sebringvllle SATURDAY, NOV. 21 AT 10:00 A.M. REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT: Ruddy. Merkel and VCN meat coolers: Kelvinator and Schaefer lee creams freezers: 2 Husarnen produce coolers; Tyler frozen produce freezer; work-in freezer components; refrigeration compressors. STORE EQUIPMENT: Toledo electronic scale; TEC MA -128 cash register; Data Terminal cash register; 23 sections of steel adjustable shelving; grocery carts: wire racks: display counters; card rack; etc. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT: Garland elec- tric grill; Garland electric deep fryer: Starmaster soup wormer; Bunn coffee l,eoo4° ; Hsaeegrd 4 uertalst cooler: dishes; etc. SALE ORDER• o, A i tventory at 10:00 A.M. with equipment around moors. TERMS: Cash or cheque with I.D. AUCTI.r:NIERS uglas Jacob 271-7894 Wallie Ross 39-5977