HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-11-18, Page 9Sister Anita to visit St.
James' Middleton
By Blanche Deeves
MIDDLETON - Morning prayer was held
in St. James' Middleton Anglican Church
with Rev. Aubrey Bell officiating. Organist
for this service was Ron Greidanus. Aaron
Welsh presented the Sunday School collec-
tion. Edward Deeves received the offering.
Next weekend is an opportunity to ex-
perience a time of hearing and discussing
things of vital importance in the living of our
day to day routine. In gathering together,
we may get answers to those troublesome
questions that keep coming up m one's
Sister Anita, who is well qualified to give
guidance and leadership,. is the guest. Do
come Friday evening and Saturday to Trini-
ty Church, Bayfield. P.S. Bring your own
lunch Saturday. On Sunday, Sister Anita
will be at St. James Middleton.
November 28, at St. James"Middlet.on, will
be Kids Day at the Movies starting at 2 p.m.
On November 29, Bishop Bob Townshend
will visit and carry out Confirmation.
November 30 is St. Andrews Day. A lun-
cheon and Corporate Euchrist will be held
for the ladies of both congregations.
White Gift Sunday to be held December 6.
ACW News
The ACW of St. James'Middleton Church
held their annual pot luck penny savers din-
ner with the spouses present.
Following the dinner, the ladies held their
meeting. Blanche Deeves who was in charge
of devotions, asked for a moment of silence.
This was held for those who lost their lives in
the war and for Matt Smith and his family in
In Flanders Fields was said in unison
followed by other prayers.
Adell Jervis gave a reading. Audrey Mid-
dleton then opened the business. Estelle
Wise read the minutes of the last meeting
which were approved as read. Lois Wise
presented the treasurer's report. Card
report was given by Blanche Deeves.
Estelle Wise read a letter from Town and
Country Homemakers and Estelle will
speak for St. James' Middleton at the
meeting in Goderich.
A motion was made to donate to Huron
Day Centre for the Homebound. Lois Wise is
to contact Compassion London re: a
Vera Miller has the church calendars
which are $3. Hilda Bell discussed a calen-
dar for activities for next year.
The slate of officers are: Blanche Deeves,
co-ordinator; secretary, Estelle Wise;
assistant, Vera Miller; press reporter, Blan-
che Deeves; social service, Blanche
Deeves; social convenor, Blanche Deeves;
assistant, Phyllis Aldwinkle; supply,
Delores Dutot; assistant, Bev Van
Ninhuys; Foster child, Hilda Bell;
treasurer, Lois Wise; assistant, Dawn
Kuenzig; prayer partner, Marion Smith and
Margaret Middleton; resource leader, Hilda
Bell; chancel work, Estelle Wise and
Audrey Middleton; phone committee,
Delores Dutot, Dawn Kuenzig, Vera Miller;
group leaders, Margaret Middleton; Hilda
Bell, Estelle Wise, Lois Wise, Audrey
New penny savers for 1988 captains are
Margaret Middleton and Delores Dutot.
Murray Cardiff to speak ...
• from page 8
and undertook to deliver meals at noon hour
on Tuesdays and Fridays in Bayfield and
the surrounding townships. Arrangements
were made for the meals to be prepared at
the community centre and delivered by
volunteer drivers to the clients' homes, and
the cost of the meal was set at $4.
However, for the program to work effec-
tively and economically two days advance
notice was required, although allowance
would be made for emergencies. The plan
also included the sale of tickets in advance
with a volunteer visiting especially for this
Basically this phase was introduced in
order to provide nutritious meals, social
contact and support for seniors wishing to
remain in their own environment. .
Finally there is no doubt that the program
will have to be abandoned after this week if
the response is not there. So, if you do wish
to enroll, don't delay - call Estelle Wise,
233-7761, Helen Owen, 565-2956 or Town and
Country Homemakers 1-800-265-3039.
Now to the Diners' Club - this is proving a
great success. The winter program
operated through local hotels is popular. So
far diners have enjoyed meals at the Little
Inn and the Captain's Cove. This week the
Bayfield Village Inn will be hosts, and the
following week the meal will be served at
the Albion Hotel. Don't forget to call before
12 noon on Mondays.
Aftermath Of The Storm
The hurricane which caused such
devasting damage in the U.K. in the early
hours of October 16 is no longer front page
news, but the pictorial record of the damage
which occurred in the southern county of
Sussex has been published. This special
issue notes that four people died in the area
and hundreds were made homeless.
Years of both natural history and man-
made history were uprooted and flattened.
Trees which had withstood some 150 years
of patient growth were ripped from the soil,
roofs, caravans and homes were splintered
and scattered and cars crushed beneath the
piles of debris.
The realities of the fearsome night are
portrayed in pictures of children, some of
whom were homeless, whilst others sought
whatever shelter they could, some of them
injured but with no alternative other than to
wait out the storm. One very sad picture is
of two little girls who were taken to safety in
the boot of a car.
Along the Sussex coast the hurricane
vented its fury on parks, gardens, shops,
railway stations, caravan sites and private
homes. Brighton, a famous seaside resort
with many historical associations was
devastated. The Royal Pavilion, a unique
building containing much memorabilia of
the Prince Regent, suffered severe damage
when the top minaret plunged through the
ceiling of the Music Room. It took 15 men
three hours to extract it, and destroyed
years and years of restoration work.
A huge articulated lorry, trucks, cars and
caravans were overturned like so many
Fisher Price toys! Schools, churches, blocks
of flat all suffered massive damage. And yet
there is one picture that really warms the
heart - a badly damaged bungalow on
Peacehaven's shattered promenade proudly
displays a Union Jack fluttering in the wind.
It indicates the resilience of the people of
Sussex who have no doubt that their
beautiful green county will re-emerge. In
fact work was promptly in hand to clear the
mess and repair damage, and a tree
disaster fund has been set up in order to in-
itiate replanting programs. If anyone is in-
terested donations should be sent to Tree
Disaster Fund 53 High Street, Arundel,
Sussex Bn18 9AL England.
This story deals with just one part of the
country and I am sure there are many more
just as horrific, and I am indebted to Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Beakhust whose nephew in
England sent them a copy of this very mov-
ing account.
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