HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-11-11, Page 16Page 16-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1987
38. Auction sale
38. Auction sale
e deerel/ l! i_l�Jl.�oie*ez/e,4
Of Tractors, Farm Machinery, and miscellaneous equipment 1'. miles west of Dashwood,
and 1' ] miles north, on
AT 10:30 A.M.
TRACTORS - J.D. 4240, 1979 (3000 hrs.) c w cab, 18-4.34 tires & duals, fully loaded: 1974
J.D. 1120, (2600 hrs.) remotes, standard equipment c w 145 pulley hyd. loader: Formal'
C. c w 10" tires, PTO pulley & hyd. remotes.
FARM EQUIPMENT - J.D. 7000 maxi -merge 4 row corn & bean planter, dry Pert. & insect.
units, adj.; 18',' ID. cult. c w leveling harrows: J.D. 145.5 furrow semi -mount plow, c.`w
trip•disc coulters. J.F. 3 PTH - 4 row cult., J.F. 3412.3 pth rotary hoe, J.D. 13' hyd. double
disc, J.D. 494A • 4 row corn & bean planter, J.D. 6 ton wagon, 185 bu. gravity box; Mar-
tin 6 ton wagon. 185 bu. gravity box, 2 - 5 ton wagons & gravity boxes; 6 ton wagon
with 16' flat rack, 4 row Int. bean puller: Smith 4 row bean puller with hyd. depth con-
trol. 520 Innis windrower with cross conveyor; Beane 13' packer c w 2.3' rollers: Int. 15
run seed drill on steel, Int. 16 run grain & fert. drill, 1 hydr, fert. auger; 5 sect. dia-
mond harrows; Int. 80 - 8' snowblower; Century field sprayer with pump & booms; New
Holland forage blower; 3 PTH - 6 blade: George White 225 • 3 PTH fert. spreader.
TRUCK, TRAILER 8 MISC. ITEMS - 1977 Dodge • 4 x 4, good running cond., selling as
is, Custom built 6' ]' x 12' low profile hog trailer, pig scales; Spruymore 1000 Ib. power
washer; buster bars 10', 500 gal. water tank, PTO circular saw 3 PTH (new); 10 ply 18.4.26
tires, qty. of antique machinery & misc. items; 18' - 5" grain auger: 180 amp Forney welder;
power hacksow, 200 Ib. anvil; grinder: shop tools: wheelbarrow; solid wood house doors;
1974 Olympic Ski-doo. 500 bales of straw; qty. of lumber: qty. of Misc. items.
Terms - Cash or Personal Cheque with I.D.
Proprietor - Maxine & Delmar Miller & Family
Rain or Shine - Everyone Welcome
NOTE - All equipment is in good running order.
Bruce Rathwell and Deck Robinson
Richard Lobb Auctioneer
CLINTON 482-7898
SAT., DEC . i AT 10 A.M. 1 hill. hr'druurn single
strifes rhvelltng ss/J,ir i lis nig mid (lining ninth,
nt1 li t ,u I;,u.igi' sihr,it 'rl nn .h I,trt r' int Int ,tied
I Ihlii k Num the 111.1111 street t nn• died 111 tussn
11 l -,illi 111111 ~heel \\'r•st ('mien 111
\1r•. Rasinuntl \\hunnin
Saturday, November 14
at 11 a.m. sharp
at South Huron
Recreation Centre, Exeter
Dispursing by auction from the estate of Mrs
S Abbott Immaculate covered furniture. an-
tiques. fine china. collectables and ap-
pliances. along with additions from the estate
of the late Mr Mahlon Watts of Exeter
FEATURES: Iwo matching Queen Anne style
chairs. a beautiful pastel print chesterfield.
setee with matching chair, (all the above are
nearly new and spotless). solid walnut dinette
suite, corner china cabinet. set of nesting
tables. liquor cabinet. sofa bed and matching
chair. two 3 pc bedroom suites. several lamp
tables a drop leaf table, portable black and
white TV, apartment size fridge. 30' electric
range, chest freezer. washer and dryer. misc
small wares. Ford riding lawn mower. Hoosier
cupboard chtna cabinet with two glass doors.
6 dining chairs. hens on nests coal oil lamps.
miscfine china. several hand tools. silver•
ware and much. much more
BOB HEYWOOD, Auctioneer
42. Death notice
42. Death notice
At Victoria Hospital. South Street Campus on
Saturday, November 7, 1987, Harry Willard Per•
due of London in his 59th year. Dear brother of
Ray and his wife Marjorie of London, Gladys
(Mrs. Clarence Livermore) of Clinton. Clarence
and his wife Jean of Clinton. Beloved uncle of
Lorry and Lourie and serveral nieces and
nephews Deor friend of Tony Di Pinio. Friends
received at the Logan Chapel, Furtney Funeral
Homes, 371 Dundas Street on Monday.
November 9, 1987 from 7.9 p.m. and Tuesday
from 2.4 and 7.9 p.m. Complete funeral commit•
tai service will be conducted in the chapel on
Wednesday, November 1 1 . 1987, at 10 a.m. with
Fr. John Comiskey of Holy Cross Roman Catholic
Church officiating.
At St Joseph s Hospital London on Wednesday
November 4 1987 Lloyd Elwin Steward of Grond
Bend in his 83rd year Beloved husband of Ger
trude (Lovell) of Grand Bend Dear father of
Maureen and Max Tiedeman of Grond Bend and
Dawn and Margaret Ann Stewart of Stratford
Brother of Ernie Ross of Exeter Alf Ross of Hen•
sall Roy Ross of Walkerton Rhea Farmer of
Phoenix and Peorl Jones of London Lloyd was
predeceased by one sister Ione Hayter Dear
grandfather of Todd and Chris Tiedeman Lela
Deanne and Jeremy Stewart Friends of the Hop•
per Hockey Funerol Home Williams Street Ex•
eter on Thursday from 7 9 p m and Friday 2.4
and 7 9 p m where the funeral service was held
on Saturday November 7 1987 at 3 p m with
Mr Ed Allen officiating Interment Exeter
At St Joseph s Hospital. London. on Saturday
November 7. 1987 David Greidanus infant son of
Leo and Mory Greidanus of R R 1 Brucefield. Deor
brother of Richard, predeceased by sister Rita.
Dear grandson of Evert and Margie Ridder of R R
2 Goderich and Jim and Theresa Greidanus of R R
1 Londesboro A family funeral service was held
on Monday November 9 1987 of the Beattie
Funerol Home 55 Rattenbury Street East, Clinton
with Rev Home Samplonius officiating. Inter-
ment was 1n Clinton Cemetery 45nx
At the Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday,
November 7 1987 Ellen Gertrude Mills. widow
of Elmer Keller of Auburn, Ontario. in her 80th
year Beloved mother of Lucille and Harry Arthur
of Auburn Ontario Dear grandmother of Mark
Arthur of Auburn Judy Ciesiar of Goderich and
Greg Arthur of Smith Falls Also survived by five
great granchildren and one sister -in taw Velma
Mills of Brantford Predeceased by her husband.
one sister and one brother Resting at the Tosker
Funerol Home Blyth. Ontario. where the funeral
service was held on Monday at 2 p m Interment
Ball s Cemetery Hullet Twp
Robert Nelson passed away at Stratford Generol
Hospital November 5 1987 Nelson Reid belov
ed husband of Annie Johnston (McTaggart) Reid
of Walton in his 92nd year Brother of Mrs. Edna
Hackwell of Seoforth and Mrs Lawrence (Mor•
lorie) Ryan of Walton predeceased by 2 sisters
Hattie (Mrs Stew Rockwell) and Edith (Mrs.
Elmer Hackwell) Visitation of the Brussels
Chapel of the M L. Watts Funeral Home Friday
where funeral service was held at 2 p m on
Saturday Interment Maitland Bank Cemetery
42. Death notice
Mary Catherine, at the Strathroy Middlesex
General Hospital on Wednesday, November 4,
1987, Mary Catherine Larkin of West Williams
Township, in her 82nd year. Beloved wife of the
late Joseph J. Larkin (1969). Dear mother 9f Kay
Cluft of Bayfield, Donald Larkin of Grand Bend,
Bernard Larkin of London, Leo Larkin of
McGillivary Township. Reta (Mrs. William
Hadley) of London and Murray Larkin of West
Williams Township; also survived by 10 grand-
children and 3 great-grandchildren. Predeceased
by 1 grandson Michael. Rested at the M. Box &
Son Funeral Home Parkhill. Funeral Mass was
conducted on Friday, November 6, at 11 o'clock,
at The Sacred Heart Church, Parkhill, Father
James Roche will officiate. Interment in Parkhill
43. Births
In the R ECU at the Stratford General Hospital
on Saturday November 7, 1987, Gornet Whit-
taker of 237 Romeo Street South Stratford; in his
76th year He 1s survived by his wife Dorothy Bill-
ings and her family 2 sons Ross Whittaker,
Brucefield Lorne Whittaker Whitehorse. 3
daughters Florence Taylor. London. Joyce Pep-
per Hensall & Sharon Medd. Seoforth, 1 brother
Joseph Whittaker of Stratford. 3 sisters Ethel
Griffin London Myrtle Collins Clinton and
Mobel Handy Seoforth Also survived by 16
grandchildren and 2 greot•grondchildren
Predeceased by his first wife Jean Longhurst on
infant son 2 brothers Alex and John and 1
grandson Thomas Visitation at the W G Young
Funeral Home 430 Huron Street Stratford. Mon•
day 2.4 and 7.9 p m. The funeral service was held
at the funeral home Tuesday at 11 a.m. with
burial in the St Mary s Cemetery.
Ole/ 00
MORE TOYS (including, Fisher Price, Play Skool, LEGO Toys) BOARD GAMES. JIGSAW
PUZZLES, HOBBIES, MODELS, CHILDREN'S BOOKS (30% more books to choose from)
You'll Find It At ,.
Shopper's Sq..
Evenings till lOPM
Sundays IP A,A1 - 9 Prue
Mildred would like to announce the arrival of her
Granddaughter Jessica Sarah, born October 30,
1987. Proud parents Marg and Pete Cameron of
Dennis and Jenny are pleased to announce the
birth of their daughter, Laura Denise, on Sunday,
November 1, 1987 at Alexandra Murine and
General Hospital, Goderich, weighing 7 lbs-, 9
ozs. Proud grandparents are Bill and Ruby
Fleischauer of Clinton and Adrian and Mary
Kester of Dashwood.-45nx
Dave and Kim are pleased to announce the safe
arrival of their daughter Tammy Lynn on
November 8, 1987, weighing 6 lbs. Proud grand-
parents are Bill and June Lee of Clinton and Bill
Tomkins of Sarnia, We wish to thank Dr.
Salsbury, Dr. Steed and 2nd floor nurses staff at
the Clinton Hospital.-45nx
44. Engagements
Harry and Morg Torrance ore pleased to an-
nounce the forthcoming marriage of their
daughter, Debra Louise to James Angus MacKin-
non, son of George and Agnes MacKinnon. The
wedding to take place at North Street United
Church, Goderich on November 21, 1987. Recep-
tion to follow at Saltford.--45,46x
46. In memoriam
In loving memory of a dear father and grand-
father, William Case Caldwell who passed away
November 14, 1985.
Loving and kind in all his ways,
Upright and just to the end of his days,
Sincere and kind in heart and mind,
What a beautiful memory he left behind.
- Always remembered by Lyle, Lynne, Katie and
Erin. -45
In loving memory of our dear sister Jean Cook.
who passed away November 15, 1985
Nothing con be more beautiful,
Than the memories we have of you.
To us you were someone special,
And God must have thought so too.
Sadly missed by Doris, Edna, Alvin. 45
In loving memory of a dear husband, father and
grandfather, Bill, who passed away November
14. 1985:
Today is remembered and quietly kept,
No words are needed, we'll never forget.
Deep in our hearts you'll always stay,
Loved and remembered everyday.
Loved and missed by his family. 45x
47. Card of thanks
I want to thank all my family for the lovely cords,
gifts and surprise party given to me on my 85th
birthday. Thanks also go out to the UCW of Varna
for the beautiful fruit basket and to my friends
and neighbours for cards and gifts. Thank you
very much. Laura. -- 45x
I wish to thank relatives and friends for flowers.
cords and best wishes sent to me on the occasion
of my ninetieth birthday. Rose. 45x
Dave Jones of Clinton earned the highest number of points in the
Huron County 4-H Horse Clubs. For this achievement the member
of the Central Huron 4-14 Horse Club received the John. Franken
Memorial Trophy at the awards night ceremonies. Emma Franken
made the presentation. (Shelley McPhee Haist photo)
0 N
1 would like to express a sincere thanks to all my
friends for flowers, gifts and cords and to all who
mode phone calls Special thanks to all my family
for the wonderful care they gave while I was in
London Hospital and since returning home.
Always remembered Ruth. 45
CLINTON CWL would like to thank all the mer-
chants and people who donated items for our
draw and penny sole 45
We wish to thank our friends and neighbours of
the 2nd and 3rd of Hullet for the surprise
farewell party on October 30. Special thanks to
Marie and Jeon Dale for their help in organizing
this party. Lorne and Geraldine- --45x
Cindy Campschroer of RR 1 Blyth was the recipient of the Russell
T. Bolton Memorial Trophy at the Huron County Agricultural
Club's 4-H Awards Night. The award was accepted by Cindy on
behalf of the Huron 4-H Sheep Club for their champion corn exhibit
shown at the Seaforth Junior Fair. Art Bolton made the presenta-
tion. (Shelley McPhee Haist photo)
Huron 4-11 Leader president Adriaan Brand presented the Hallrice Farms Trophy to
Michael Merner of RR 1 Clinton. Michael displayed the champion 4-H gate sign in the
Huron County 4-11 Gate Sign Competiton. (Shelley McPhee Haist photo )
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