HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-11-11, Page 13Remembrance Day service
held at Varna Cenotaph
By Joan Beierling
VARNA - On November 8 after a shorten-
ed church service, Rev. Sam Parker con-
ducted the Remembrance Day Service. The
Varna congregation gathered together at
the township Cenotaph where wreaths were
laid by Bill McAsh representing the
veterans, Clarence Rau the township and
Doug McAsh for the Orange Lodge.
The Youth Group I is meeting in Varna at
7:30 p.m. on November 12 to speak on Why
the Flood.
Varna UCW ladies, please remember the
McClure Play in Blyth on Saturday at 2 p.m.
Everyone is to meet at the church in Varna
at 12:45 p.m.
Euchre Results
There were nine tables of euchre at the
first Varna Lodge card party for this season
at the Stanley Complex on Friday evening.
Winners of ladies' high and low were Ina
Neeb and Gwen McKellar. Men's high and
low winners were Frank Thompson and
Frank McClinchey.
Winners of draw prizes were Mrs. Bob
Welsh, Annie Finkbiner, Margaret Dowson,
Walter Pepper, and Myrtle Taylor. Next
card party will be held November 20 at 8
The deer hunters had good luck with a suc-
cessful deer hunt this year. The Chessell
gang took five deer, the Stephenson gang
took six deer, the Consitt gang took eight.
Ken Boyce's gang took two and Brian
McAsh took one.
Holmesville prepares for baptisms
By Blanche Deeves thanking the Enterprising Seniors for
HOLMESVILLE4 - Morning worship ser- hosting the Zone Rally. The treasurer's
vice at Holmesville United Church on Sun- ,report was given by Helen Lindsay.
day was well attended. Rev. James Bechtel A discussion was held on the Christmas
officiated. Darryl Hemingway and Greg dinner and it was decided to be December 3
Lobb received the offering. at the White Carnation at noon. Everyone is
There will be choir practice November 12 to bring a gift of $2 with long red ribbon for
at 7:15 p.m. ladies and long green ribbon on the men's
Next Sunday will be Baptism at gift. Each member is to pay $5 towards the
Holmesville United Church. price of the dinner:The phoning committee
On November 17 the penny savers dinner is to call members.
will be held with Junior UCW providing the
January 7 will be the first meeting in
January. Blanche Deeves invited the
Enterprising Seniors News seniors to the Robin Hood potluck dinner to
The Enterprising Seniors met Thursday be held in MacKay Centre in Goderich on
afternoon in the community centre in December 4 at 6 p.m. The bus will pick up
Holmesville. Gertrude Trewartha played anyone wishing to go at 5:30 p.m. Everyone
the piano for the opening. bring dessert or salads and dishes and
Edward Deeves chaired the meeting and cutlery. Reserve with Blanche, 482-9536.
roll call was taken with the minutes of the Jean Lobb thanked the Seniors for the
last meeting read and approved. Secretary flowers sent to the hospital. Fran and
was Alice Porter. Marion Powell entertained the Seniors with
Marion Powell gave the card report. two slide shows, Two Way Window, telling
In correspondence a letter was read from about eyes, and Scotland Dances.
the Town and Country Homemakers. in- Everyone enjoyed Court Whisk and shuf-
viting someone to attend a meeting in fleboard. Lunch was served.
MacKay Centre, Goderich. Bert McCreath Sympathy to Jean and Clarence Perdue
will attend. on the loss of Clarence's brother, Harry, of
A letter was read. from Mr. Rowntree London.
Remembrance Day
service held in church
By Blanche Deeves
MIDDLETON - A Remembrance Day Ser-
vice was held in St. James' Middleton
Anglican Church Sunday morning with Rev.
Aubrey Bell officiating. Ron Greidanus was
at the organ.
Angie Van der Haar presented the Sunday
School collection and Ray Wise received the
Congratulations to Ron Greidanus who
was in a music competition and placed
Sister Anita comes to St. James' Mid-
dleton Anglican Church on November 22 at
11 a.m.
Correction to last week: Bishop Bob
Townshend comes to St. James' Middleton
Church on November 29, not December, for
Confirmation Service.
Christmas Pageants to be in St. James'
Middleton on December 24 at 11.
ACW News
The ACW of St. James' Middleton Church
will meet in the church hall on November 12.
A potluck supper is to be had at 6:30 p.m.
with the penny winning team being. Delores
Ladies please bring two gifts for the fun
auction and bring your husbands along as
Get well wishes go out to Bill Brand.
Taking care of their teeth
By Maureen Dunsmore
VANASTRA - On November 9 the dental
hygenist from the Huron County Health Unit
visited Vanastra Public School to check the
children's teeth.
Also on Monday, Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8
started their four week swimming course.
This is the second week for the school to
have the I.C.ONS computers.
On November 12, the students have in-
vited their parents to join them at the
school from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., who show their
parents how they can use the computers.
On November 11 the students will hold a
Remembrance Day service in the gym. The
students will also watch a film on Remem-
branceDay. Lisa Gawhiler and Allan Talbot
will lay the wreath at the service in Clinton
at the Cenotaph.
Parents are reminded that report cards
will be coming home around November 20.
Also a reminder that parent teacher inter-
views will be held November 24 and 25.
Lioness News
November 5 was the monthly dinner
meeting for the Vanastra District Lioness.
The club was visited by Lioness Janet
Dawson of Kitchener, who is the Associate
Lioness Chairperson. Also in attendance
were four members of the Atwood Lioness
Club and six prospective new members.
Lioness Janet spoke on her job as
Associate Lioness, and also on what Lioness
is about. The question asked by Janet was
why are we Lioness members. The answer
heard most was to become involved in the
community and do some good in the
The club held a raffle for a basket of ap-
ples and two small vases of flowers. Lioness
Linda- won the apple basket, while an Att-
wood Lioness won one flower arrangement
and guest, Brenda, won the other vase of
Parents are reminded that November 13
is Activity Night. This is open for children
ages 7 and up and is held in the Vanastra
Recreation Centre from 7 to 9:30 p.m.
The Lioness will also be holding their an-
nual Chri§turas Bazaar on November 21 at
the Recreation Centre from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
This year the bazaar will feature a penny
sale, along with door prizes and a tea room.
Also again this year the club will hold a
New Year's Eve Dance at the Recreation
Centre with PRS D.J.'s supplying the music.
Congratulations to Kim and Dave Russell
on their first born, a daughter Tammy
Lynn, born Sunday November 8.
Also congratulations to Ray and Christine
Taylor on their first born, a son Scott
Douglas, born November 5.
More Belgrave news
. from page 7
their lead over second place Sarnia to five
points in the Western Junior B Hockey
Robert Gordon, who is attending Fan-
shawe College in London, spent the weekend
with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gordon
and sister Margie.
Wayne Munick, Edwin, Catherine and
Jennifer of Kitchener visited on November 8
with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanna.
The Belgrave Women's Institute will hold
an educational meeting on November 17 at
8:15 p.m. in the WI Hall. Ms. Dorene Cardiff
of the Ministry of Natural Resources will be
the guest speaker and will have as her topic
Rabies. Both men and women are welcome
to attend this meeting.
Mabel Wheeler attended the 1987 Educa-
tion Conference of the Canadian Cancer
Society, October 23-25, held at the Toronto
Airport Mariott Hotel. The theme for the ap-
proximately 400 volunteers was Yes We Can
- Beat Cancer.
Congratulations to Dianne Black on
receiving the Murray Elston Award as
Champ;on 4-H Beef Showman at the
Seaforth Fair.
Laura Jane Matheson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Mark Matheson, was baptized on
November 8 in St. Andrews Presbyterian
Church, Molesworth. Attending the service
and family dinner which followed at their
home was her sister Lisa, Mr. and Mrs.
William Coultes, RR 5 Brussels, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Cook and Arny of Belgrave, An-
drea Coultes of Kitchener, Alison Coultes
and Brian Wightman of London, John
Matheson, Mr. and Mrs. David Matheson,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Snider, Jason and Kelli all
of Molesworth.
WMS News
The WMS of Knox Presbyterian Church
held their meeting on November 2 at the
home of Mrs. Mac Scott who presided and
opened with a call to worship.
Mrs. Garner Nicholson read the scripture
and Ivy Cloakey read a meditation. Mrs.
Alan Dunbar led in prayer. Each lady
brought a story or poetn on the subject of
Remembrance Day or Thanksgiving Day.
The secretary, Robena McBurney, read
her report and the financial report was
given by Mrs. Cloakey. Seven members
were present and answered the roll call on
Thirty sick and shut-in calls were
Mrs. Cloakey is to order the World Day of
Prayer services. Mrs. Nicholson will
preside for the December meeting. Mrs.
McBurney read a poem.
Mrs. McBurney extended a thank you to
Mrs. Scott and lunch was served by the
Euchre Results
Twelve tables were in play at the weekly
euchre held in the WI Hall November 4.
Winners were: high lady, Edna Adams;
low lady, Alma Jardine; novelty lady, Helen
Martin; door prize, Jean Pattison; high
man. Leslie Vincent; low man, Agnes
Gaunt; (playing as a man), novelty man,
Mrs. Lawrence Taylor (playing as a man)
and door prize, man, Robert Grasby.
There will be euchre November 11 star-
ting at 8 p.m.
Selection. Service
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