Clinton News-Record, 1987-11-04, Page 18Page 18-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, NOVE;'111: 1, 19t47 Coming Events ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH. Kippen. smorgasbord supper held at Brucefield United Church an Wednesday, November 11, 5-8 p.m. Adults $7.50, children 12 and under $3.50. pre- schoolers free. Advance tickets only. Helen Faber 262-6502,Myra Lovell 262-5618. 42-44ar EUCHRE PARTY at Londesboro Hall, starts for the season Friday. November 6 at 8 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. 43,44 MENOPAUSE the second half of life. Film Is it hot in here?" November 5, 7:30 p.m. Clinton Town Hall. No fee. Register by calling Women Today 482-9706. 44ar LONDON HADASSAH BAZAAR, Sun- day.November 8, 10 a.m. • 6 p.m. Progress Building, Western Fairgrounds. Microwave cook• ing demonstration with Mark Handelman, 1:30 p.m., auction 3 p.m.; fashion show by Kettle Creek Canvas Co.. 2 p.m. Baking carousel; blint- zes, cabbage rolls. Fresh bagels from Toronto. Exhibits. New car displays. Boutiques. Books. Treasure Chest. Clothing. Bargains. Admission $1.50 entitles each ticket holder to chance for $1.000.00 door prize. -44 BINGO - Vanastra Rec. Centre, Tuesdays, 8 p.m. First regular cord $1., 15 regular, $20 games, 3 share-the•wealth. Jackpot $200, must go. Lucky Ball $160 (if not won) Lucky Ball increases $10 per week. Admission restricted to 16 years and over. tfar CATERING • for complete satisfaction, let us cater your next special occasion. Variety meal plans. Captain's Cove Family . Restaurant, Bayfield, 565-2992. l0tfar J.UNIOR D Dabber Bingo starting September 10 in the top of the arena. Bingo is every other Thurs• day evening. Doors open at 6:30 and Bingo starts at 7.45. $300 jackpot to go.36tfar EUCHRE PARTY at the Huron Fish & Game, starts 8 p.m. an November 7. Ladies please brinq lunch. •44or NIMBLE PRESCRIPTION for your golden years and prior Dancing Is good exercise and jolly good music is sound medicine for the mind soul Enjoy the.feeling of dancing in the old fashioned way to those unforgettable favourites and lovely tem- pos in modulated stereo sound with Bruno and his Music In Gold. 524.2832. 44ar PLAN TO ATTEND the Walkerton Heritage Fair - one of Ontario's best craft shows. 30 booths of traditional crafts and quilts. Many one•of-a•kind items. Tea room Organized free parking. Knights of Columbus Hall Highway 9 between Walkerton and Mildmay November 7 and 8. Ad- mission $1.50 44x VANASTRA DISTRICT Lioness Club Christmas Bazaar November 21 10 a m 2 p.in Tables for rent $8.00 each. Penny sole door prizes and tea room. 482'9435 43 44ar EUCHRE PARTY St. Josephs Church Hall, Clinton Wednesday. November 11. 8 p.rn. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus. Everyone welcome. Please bring lunch. Admission $1.50. 44 OPEN HOUSE ' for D'Arcy and Madeleine Rothwell, Sunday. November 8. 2-5 p.m. Brucefield United Church. on the occasion of their 50th Anniversary. 44x EUCHRE PARTY Stanley Complex, Friday No.Yember 6. 8 p.rn. Sponsored by Varna L.O.L. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. 43 44x BAYFIELD AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY annual .meeting on Novernber 19. in Municipal Building in Bayfield. Pot luck supper 6:30 p.m. and meeting at 8.00 p.rn. 44ar CARD PARTY, 1.O.O.F. Hall, Princess St. Clinton, Thursday, November 5, 8 p.m. Ladies please br- ing lunch. Everyone welcome. Admission $1.50. 44 Reserve Now For Our HAWAIIAN PARTY Saturday, November 21 Hawaiian Food Specials THIS WEEKEND: LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Breakfast 51.99 1.99 Daily Luncheon and Dinner Specials HARBOUR LIGHTS RESTAURANT & TAVERN OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 A.M. - 1 A.M. HIGHWAY 21-BAYFIELD 565-2554 ST. ANDREWS UNITED CHURCH KIPPEN S Secfri Brucefield United Church Wednesday, November 11 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Adults: 57.50 Children 12 & Under: 53.50 Pre-Schoolers: FREE Advance Tickets Only CaII for Tickets Myra Lovell 262-5618 or Helen Faber 262-6502 NEW YEAR'S EVE RECREATION DANCE December 31, 1987 9 -?am Stanley Complex VARNA Music By "Anything Go's ' $2000 per couple includes buffet by Captain's Cove Limited Tickets available • v Call � 482-9153 or 262-2623 Hats and Horns 40th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY SATURDAY, NOVEMBtR 7, 1987 RECEPTION AT Blyth Community Centre FROM9PM-1AM EVERYONE WELCOME BEST WISHES ONLY PLEASE PRIME ICE 'TIME AVAILABLE Hayfield Arena For Information Call 565-2121 Happy 45th Anniversary To our Parents ARIE and LENA VANDENDOOL On November 6th With LOVE from your Family HUNTER SAFETY TRAINING COURSE Mondays and Thursdays November 16th thru December 17th 7- 10 p.m. Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton MUST PRE -REGISTER Call Phil Bradley 482-7734 Happy 35th Anniversary N1OM and DAD Brian Hemingway got an original Hallowe'en face at the Holmesville UCW Bazaar. Jackie Norman was painting clown faces as a special feature at the October 31 bazaar. (Shelley McPhee Haist photo) Blyth presents McClure BLYTH - The Blyth Festival is pleased to announce two performances of McClure by Munroe Scott at Blyth Memorial Hall on November 14. The production comes from Theatre Aquarius in Hamilton and stars Stephen Black as Robert Baird McClure, the first layman moderator of the United Church of Canada. It is produced in co-operation with United Church Television. The play centres on Dr. McClure's 25 adventurous years in China as a surgeon - missionary. A true story of a Canadian hero, the play has recently been mounted at the 1987 Guelph Spring Festival and has just returned from 10 performances at Theatre New Brunswick. It has received both popular and critical acclaims. A "life-size portrait of a hero..," says the Globe and Mail while the Guelph Daily Mercury calls the show ''superb theatre that deserves a wide audience". Tickets for McClure are $10.50 and perfor- mances on November 14 are at 2 and 8 p.m. The evening show is nearly sold out but a number of tickets are still available for the matinee. For reservations phone the Blyth Festival box office at -523-9300 or 523-9225. Musicfestcomm to Clintoni CLINTON - A musical extravaganza featuring concert bands from Huron County's fair high schools will be held here on Friday, November 13. Huron Musicfest, a first time effort, will see the instrumental music students from four county high schools joining together for a daylong workshop and evening concert at Central Huron Secondary School (CHSS). The Massed Band Concert, to begin at 7:30 p.m. that evening, will feature guest con- ductor Brian Strachan, Mr. Strachan has taught at various schools and now works at Althouse College in London's University of Western Ontario where he is Associate Pro- fessor of Music Education. The Massed Band will play a selection of PIANO TUNING • REPAIRS • REBUILDING • KEYS RECOVERED • DAMPP'CHASERS • REGULATIN • BENCHES G BRUCE PULSIFER PH. 3189223 23 pieces including "Three Folk Miniatures" arranged by Andre Jutras, "Praeludium" by Jared Spears and "Raging Thunder", by David Schaffer. As well, individual high school bands will also perform. The CHSS Band will be performing two pieces under the direction of Hugh McGregor, including "That's What Friends Are For" by Sager and Bacharach and, "Albermarle" by J. Chataway. Throughout his schooling years, Mr. McGregor has played in various bands, in- cluding community bands, high school bands and his own Swing Band. He also played in the Windsor Symphony Orchestra during high school. He attended the University of Western On- tario, specializing in Music Education. He taught music at Goderich District Collegiate Institute (GDCI) for eight years and now teaches at CHSS. The GDCI band will perform '`Normandy Beach" by John Edmondson, "Allegro Scherzando" by Bach and, "Serenade for Picket Fench" by Norman Leyden. Al Mullin has been teaching music at GDCI since 1972. He holds a Performance Diploma in piano and a Master's Degree in Music Education. As a trumpet player, he performs professionally with a 17 -piece sw- ing band. His interests in Music Education also include work in synthesizers and computers. Under the direction of Robert Robilliard, Exeter's South Huron Secondary School Band will play "Pachelbel's Canon" and "Instant Concert" arranged by H. Walters. Mr. Robilliard earned his Bachelor of Music from the University of Western On- tario in 1974. That year, and in 1975 he was a solo English Horn player with the London Symphony. He first taught music at Cosbourn Junior High School in East York, then moved to Napanee District Secondary School. For the past four summers he has been a conductor at the National Music Camp of Canada. The Wingham F.E. Madill Senior Concert Band will be playing the theme from "Bar- naby Jones'" and "Festa Espagnol". They will perform under the direction of John Matthew. Prior to his teaching appointment in Wingham, Mr. Matthews taught in Lindsay for one year. He graduated from Queen's University with a Bachelor of Music in 1983 and a Bachelor of Education in 1984. He has performed with the Hamilton Philharmonic and the Kingston Symphony. . x ... Ayrnp.w... • My Little Pony Large selection of Baby Ponies. Reg. 8.99 69 Stedmans »:.. - .-CHRISTMAS MAGIC BE N T`... My Little Pony Super selection of Flutter Ponies Reg. 7 49 547 Super Plush Toys A) Transauropod, or Tranacamoseur Rex Kids will love these prehletonc plush ammars from Ganz Bros Reg 27 99 2497 A) Jam or Barbie rerrnea comokme «th canswn. Hata.. cmas Comel.te wee, acces.o..s R.p 21 99 1 97 B) Poaabla Pat21 Ow P.m deal ,0 t 7' 1.0 •oa la ookit • o. e at style. 9w. areata ver, We Rep 1999 1797 C) Transeggoserts Huggehle plush pocket dlnosaurs Assorted Reg 16 99 1 97 II %- PRICE Stedmains Children's Bear After Sale Price 19.9' For every 'Children's Dear sold, Stedinari* will donate S7.00 to the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada. Fisher Price Grand Piano Provides musical fun get ready for the concerts Reg 28 99 97 G.I. Joe Choose from our Targe selection of action figures Reg. 5 99 447 Fisher Price Express Train Sturdy, fun train for lots of adventures. Reg. 24 99 2'97 Lego 21 465 pc. Lego bonanza in a bucket . . Build a Lego land - Balderdash Play the hilarious bluffing game with over 2,500 words to laugh about Reg. 24 99 Art Gaddy A greet chance to crest. maaterploca0 with paints mortem crayons, etc aids w'a arse, la haunt Rao it 99• - 97 97 Wisecracking Alf Press a button on his belly to make Alf talk 5297 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS, DECORATION', Christmas Light Set Super savings on our set of 25 outdoor sparkle bulbs in assorted colours. Reg. 14.99 Floodlight Kit Kit contains 1 coloured bulb plus holder & cord Available in red, blue or green. Reg. 14.99 Mini Lite Set Save on our 35 mini lite set. Assorted Colour bulbs, for indoor use. Reg. to 5 79 Christmas Balls Good quality 2%- sahn balls Rainbow design m assorted colours Pica 019 Reg to 2 79 Christmas Tags A wide assortment of Christmas lags in various designs and sizes Reg tot 59 Bows! Sows! Rows! Handy for Christmas 25 9ssorPe8 coloured bows 0 bag Reg 1 49 Sale Prices End S Marjorie & Eric Anderson November 8, 1987 Love from your family turday, Nov. 14 L1 T N0 ONT.