HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-11-04, Page 2Page 2--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1987 7® Hunt's 5.5 oz. Tin ""TOMATO 'PASTE SPAGHETTI or MACARONI ;Ni? White Swan, Pkg. of 150 FACIAL TISSUE N99 69 o Special Price w/o Coupon 6/2.99 t,Nkil 1\0 .'11111\1: Kraft 1 kg. Pkg Regular, Thin } INDEPENDENT FOOD MARKETS Associate Stores Special price With 506 Coupon 11Below Special Price w/o Coupon Assorted Grinds, 369 g Pkg. NABOB TRADITIONAL or SUMMIT COFFEE 2.99 CHEESE SLICES z4.88 `APPLE JUICE E vvslttETENcv Prod. of Spain, Can. No. 1, Green ALMERIA GRAPES • 8 1.96 Kg. Prod of U S A . Fresh Tasty BROCCOLI . 89„„ Prod of U S.A , Can Fancy, 1.74 Kg. California Grown. Granny Smith APPLES ■ 79 1b Prod of Ont Can No 1 7 "' Cello Buq Fresh Tender 2 CARROTS Y,4 g2199 No� 199 Prod of Ont . Can No 1, 2 Ib Bag COOKING ONIONS Prod of P E I Can No 1 5 1b Bay PFI BAKING POTATOES 1•39ea Prod of U S A . Can No 1, Fresh GREEN CUCUMBERS 2199 Prnr, of U 9 A Can No 1 1 Ib CnIIo Bay Fresh Crisp RADISHES ■ 9 Pa Prod of U S A . 10 oz cello Bag FRESH SPINACH 99 ea V. Prnd of Ont Can Fancy O Y.'5 lb Bag Red DELICIOUS APPLES89 1 ■9 ea Prod of U S A Can Fancy 1.96 Kg p ANJOU PEARS ® It, Robin Hood. 540 g Pkg 2 kg Bag PIE CRUST MIX YELLOW SUGAR 1.69 1.99 r 1 1 1 1 i Valid Only At Knechtel Assoc. Stores Coupon Expires Sat. Nov. 7, 1987 With>This SAVE 20° off the Purchase of Coupon 1 - 300 mL Tin of EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK Special Price With This 20' Coupon .99 Special Price Without Coupon 2.19 Valid Only At Knechtel Assoc. Stores 1402973x9 ®®� Coupo®E®pater®sSat. Nov. 7, 1987 ®®®®®® off the Purchase of 6 - 5.5 oz. Tins of With This Coupon SAVE $1.0® Bright's 48 oz. Tin LESS THAN 1/2 PRICE! APPLE JUICE 'OWL- I %IP Illidr _.. Ai! Knechtel 1 kg. Bag, Frozen Peas. Corn. Mixed Vegetables, Green Beans FANCY149 VEGETABLES ■ Assorted Varieties. 680 g Tin PURITAN STEWS 1■ Habitant 750 ml Jar, Baby Dills, Spears, Bread & Butter, Sweet Mixed DELI PICKLES 1.69 Laura Secord 4 x 142 g. Pkg Assorted Flavours PUDDING CUPS 2.29 General Mills 575 g Pkg CHEERIOS or 525 g HONEY NUT 2.99. Stokely Kernel Corn, 12 oz . French Style Green Beans, Peas. Green Beans. Wax Beans 14 oz VEGETABLES ■79 Carnation Lite 225 g Rich Chocolate. Marshmallow, Milk 500 g HOT CHOCOLATE . 3 39 Ocean Spray 3 x 250 ml Tetra Pak Cranapple. Crantastic, Crangrape. Cranraspberry DRINKS 1 ■49 Knechtel 500 9 Jar Smooth Crunchy PEANUT BUTTER 1 ■ 39 Quick 1 35 kg . Minute 1 25 kg QUAKER OATS 1.19 30 m STRETCH 'N SEAL 2 ®29 Fancy Feast 8 oz Tin Assorted Varieties CAT FOOD 21■69 Westons Pkg of 8 ENGLISH MUFFINS ■992.99 Finesse 300 ml . Ass't Varieties SHAMPOO or CONDITIONER Ma WM CID WM CM CM HUNT'S TOMATO PASTE Special Price With This $1.00 Coupon 11 ■ Savings Based on our own Regular Prices Special Price Without Coupon 1 1 1 1 1 612=.99 0853170r1 1 "®WMWMWM 6. KUENZIG FOOD MARKET - CLINTON "Y !fin ehtel Associate Store" Knechtel. Sliced 675 g Loaf WHITE BREAD ■ Fresh Young Ontario Pork 2.18 Kg., Fresh Picnic Pork SHOULDER ROAST . 99 Fresh Young Ontario Pork SIDE SPARERIBS 11591b. Tend -R -Fresh, Can Grade "A" Fresh "Jumbo" ROASTING CHICKENS 1.39 . Less Than 16°%o Fat Content. Lean GROUND BEEF 1.89 Maple Leaf Popular Varieties. 175 g Sliced. Our Reg. 1.65 SAVE .66 PKG. LUNCH MEATS .99 Maple Leal Boneless Smoked Picnic PORK SHOULDERS 1.99 Ib Our Reg. 3.79 Ib. SAVE 1.80 LB. DELICATES,N Maple Leaf. Deli Sliced or Shaved EYE of ROUND PASTRAMI SAVE .80 Ib. Maple Leaf Assorted Varieties Deli Sliced or Shaved. Baked MEAT LOAVES SAVE .50 LB. 3.49 Ib r. off the Purchase of 1 1 Valid Only At Knechtel Assoc: Stores !Coupon Expires Sat. Nov, 7, 1987 With This SAVE 50P Coupon 1 - 750 mL Jar of RAGU SPAGHETTI SAUCE Special Price With This 504 Coupon 99 c Special Price Without Coupon 1.49 1 0097232d 7. STORE Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat, 8:30 am - 6 pm HOURS: Thurs. & Fri. 8:30 am .a pm 5% DISCOUNT FOFI SENIOR CITIZENS EVERY WEDNESDAV THE STORE WITH - FRIENDLY COURTESY - CARRY OUT SERVICE - PLENTY OF PARKING Values In Effect Until Closing Sat., Nov. 7, 1987 CHECK UR WEEKLY FLYER FOR MANY MORE SAVINGS