Clinton News-Record, 1987-10-14, Page 47-- They said it won't work in 1977. many people told then cu- .niinator Ann St. Jean that a day cen- tre would not work in this area Ten ,ars later. she stood before a crowd no w ere out to celebrate the Huron Day Centre For The Homebound's an - nn ersar\ . that 'heart and soul• made ct w urk It's easy to say 'forget IC because these people have heavy work loads. but they didn't." said Mrs. St Jean Mrs St. Jean was working at Maitland Manor in Goderich when she w as asked to sit on a comnuttee which was established to organize the Centre Her prevwus experience in a city was an a„est the committee was looking for 6i e made proposals to the ministry . and we had to re -write those pro- posals.- she recalls. But out of that commitment came the first rural day centre Mrs St Jean listed a nuinber, of words which she felt were vital to a day centre The first was directed at the clients Courage It takes a lot of courage to put 'our confidence in strangers and oine out and join others you don't know ,4 hen ‘ uu re feeling low It takes Ann St. Jean, the first co-ordinator of the Huron Day Centre For The Home- bound. was present at the 10th anniver- sary celebrations on September 15. As guest speaker, she gave a brief history of the Centre, throwing in a few per- sonal recollections. l Anne Narejko photos courage with a capital 'C'. '*The next word is volunteers - angel. with happy faces. They give the gift of loving and caring. -Then there are organizers. To Rosemary 1 Armstrong i and staff and all the organizers who put their heart and soul into the Centre, that's the description of day care.” Mrs. St. Jean also said she ap- preciated the gift she was given for her birthday in 1977. This gift was an assis- tant co-ordinator, Rosemary Arm- strong, who became the co-ordinator when Mrs. St. Jean left in 1979 because her husband was transferred. As an aside, Mrs. St. Jean shared the story of the first day centre client with the group gathered in the auditorium on September 15. She said, "1 remeber the first client, after the first day saying to us, 'If that's all we're going to do, I'm not corning back.' "I don't remember what we did that day, but he did come back." Today, the Huron Day Centre averages 17-20 people per day with 65-70 full time regular clients, and what Mrs. Armstrong calls. "Fifty wonderful volunteers-" 7Zeite witfe CONGRATULATIONS TO THE HURON DAY CENTRE •A• 000 on your 10th Anniversary of service to the homebound of Goderich, Clinton and area. RI EI Is PHARiAC1 is sour centre sur Hume Care need. - r-.ersthing tur the r umturt and Nell -being of uu and Nuur tamih in sit laws. ur tunsales( enie You've Got A Friend At... IE Pharmacy 14 SHOPPERS SQUARE GOOERICH 524-7241 WE DELIVER OPEN SUNDAYS BEST PRICES. ON QUALITY BENJAMIN FILM DEVELOPING