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Clinton News-Record, 1987-10-14, Page 21
CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1987—Page 21 Lesley Willis UCW report on thank offering CLINTON - The Wesley -Willis U.C.W. business meeting was held on October 7 with 11 members present. Peggy Menzies opened the meeting with a Thanksgiving Psalm, and commented on the excellent Thank Of- fering service that was held on September 13. She also reported on the Huron -Perth ex- ecutive meeting that was held in Park View United Church Stratford on September 14. 1 The next executive meeting will be in Wesley -Willis Church on November 3 and plans will be made at this time for the An- nual Presbyterial in January 1988, that will be hosted by Wesley -Willis. Several members attended the Regional Rally on September 30 in Bayfield United Church. Joyce Dawson opened the meeting with a singsong. The speaker for the evening was Neil Anderson of Stratford, and musical numbers were given by The Varna Singers and Barbara Parker of Bayfield. On Saturday, November 14, at Blyth Memorial Hall there will be "McClure Din- ner Theatre" - the story of Robert McClure, former Moderator of the United Church. A smorgasbord dinner will be served at 5 o'clock by Blyth United Church. Tickets for this event can be obtained from Peggy Menzies. The minutes of last meeting were read by Ruth Bond, Donna Johnson had received several thank -you notes, and a letter from the Ontario Regional Director, of the Leprosy Mission, informing us of a film that is available on this subject. The Thank (lf- 11.-1.ti 1. 11.1.A'I). 11.1hE 1,11,117' 11'ORh Many hands make light work was a proven theory at the Ontario Street United Church, Clinton on October 7 when the annual Pork Barbecue was held. More than 1,200 meals were served. Church members volunteered their time to make for another successful dinner. Women brought in more than 400 pounds of scalloped potatoes, 100 pound of bak- ed beans, tole slaw and hundreds of pies to feed to the crowd. (Shelley McPhee Fiaist photo) Hensall to celebrate children On Friday, October 9 Reeve Jim Robinson declared the week of October 17-24, 1987 as Week of the Child in the village of Hensall. Brochures were handed out to the children to be used as "Point Collector Sheets" by the children who participate in the ac- tivities. The two top point collectors in each of 4 categories are eligible for a prize spon- sored by the Hensall Council. All organizations have again opened their doors to encourage children to join in whether they are registered members or not. Don't forget Moms and Dads are welcome too. Tu be eligible for points the sheet must be signed by an authorized person. Extra point sheets are available at the Village Office or Library and completed sheets are to be handed in at these same locations no later than 9 p.m. on Tuesday, October 27. Winners will be contacted. As a grand finale to the week the Hensall Merchants are sponsoring a Dress -up Parade with the theme "it's a Small World" on Saturday, October 24 at 1 p.m. Participants %rill be judged in the follow- ing categories with 1st and 2nd prizes in each: Scarecrow, Hobo, Best Bicycle, Best Animal or Pet, Witch, Ghost, Best Wagon, Clown, Fancy Dress, Best Miniature Float. Remember every parade needs spectators too' The parade will begin at the Fire Hall, wind through the streets and end at the Arena. The Kinettes will provide treats and free family skating will be sponsored by the Kinsmen Club Everyone is encouraged to participate in Week of The Child. The success of this an- nual event depends on YOU PEOPLE On Saturday. Run Hartman hod Brad, and Peter Groot, Eric and Ryan travelled to the Silverdome in Pontiac, Michigan for the "Rattle of the Monster Trucks" where they had a roaring good time. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Pulham and Natalie hosted Thanksgiving dinner for Greg's mother, sister and brother-in-law and brand new nephew. Ron. Susan and Brad Hartman enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner at (;rand Bend on Sunday with Susan's parents Don and Lois Caldwell Also joining us for dinner were Mike and ,lane Campbell and daughter Amanda from Kitchener The Hensall and District Horticultural Society hosted a successful bus trip last Monday. Thirty-five members and guests enjoyed an entire day jam packed with sightseeing, shopping and of course, eating. The first stop was the Wellington County Museum near Fergus fojlowed by a late lunch at the Old Schoolhouse restaurant near Elora. A tour guide joined the group at this point and led them on a tour of the Elora Gorge and other local points of interest. The next stop was the Silo Gift Shops in St. Jacobs, and then a delicious dinner at the Stone Crock. UNiT 1II The October meeting of Unit III United Church Women was opened with the poem "I Would Give Thanks,", the theme song and prayer. Mary Brintnell presided. Vera Ross conducted the worship on the theme "Song of Thanksgiving". The members replied to the roll call by telling their place of baptistn and also the name of the minister. This Unit will be hosting a Bazaar and Bake Sale and Tea on Friday, November 27 at 3 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall at the United Church. Plans were completed for the church decorations for Thanksgiving Sunday. Erla Coleman gave the study "People forced to flee land to make room for coffee." Dorothy Brintnell gave a reading "Every- day Thanksgiving." The members were reminded to bring a gift for Friendship House. The meeting was closed with prayer. Hostesses were Erla Coleman and Marg Cole. UNITED CHURCH Worshippers at Hensall United Church on Thanksgiving Sunday were greeted at the door by Elva Forrest and ushered by Ross Veal, .Jeff Corbett, Harold Parsons, and Peter Pryde. The .Junior Choir under the direction of Debbie Wood performed "Thank You for Loving Me". Junior Minister ,Jonathon Corbett read the Bible lessons, and Rev. Doug Wright gave his sermon on Thanksgiving. The Senior Choir joined in singing "When the Harvest is Past. ' NORTH('REST NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Ross Herdan, Union. Mr and Mrs. Wayne Payne and Amherley, Lon don, and Mary Merritt, Poway, California TO Daniel Taylor, Clinton Charles Taylor,Clinton Corrie Sriirth,R.R. 5 Clinton Kristina Dalgliesh, Clinton Joseph Airdrie, Londesboro David Hough, Clinton Becky Wilkinson, R.R. 2 Seaforth ON October 8 October 8 October 9 October 11 October 12 October 12 October 12 HAVE YOUR BIRTHDAY PARTY AT Zee We care supply — CAKE - HATS - GAMES AN" A HOSTESS. C.;, II for details! 482-7337 enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner on Monday with the latter's parents Carl and Hilda Payrie. Nan Britton spent the weekend visiting with her son and family in Kitchener. ,Jessie Armstrong spent the weekend with daughter and son-in-law Betty and Don F'lear of Grand Bend. Carl and Hilda Payne and daughter Mary Merrit visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bren- dan ( Carl's sister and brother-in-law) on the happy occasion of Ross's . birthday last Saturday. The McKnights visited with their daughter Mary and Don Growett and family of Hanover on Sunday. Margaret Mole spent Thanksgiving with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mole in Dungannon. fering in the spring will be at Ontario Street Church with the St. Marys Youth Choir as entertainment. The Morning Market convenors have add- ed a few new booths this year for November. An insert will be in the church bulletin with this information. Elaine Bechtel attended the "Canadian Institute for Agriculture" meeting in Alum- ni Hall, where Dr. Allan Knight was honored for his services as a United Church mis- sionary for 39 years in Africa, doing agricultural programming there. He also is the organizer for the distribution of the seeds for Zaire. The good will truck will be picking up used c*othing and appliances the end of November, and the shower of canned goods for Friendship House, Goderich will be on Sunday, October 18. On Wednesday afternoon, October 14, Donna Wood and committee will be visiting at Huronview and plans are being made for the Christmas visitation. Several carnations and sympathy cards have been sent out by Cleta Holland. The evening group reported they had their first meeting September 28 and the October meeting will be under the leadership of Mary Jean Beattie. The nominating committee will bring in the 1988 >!•'te of officers at the Christmas meeting, and the installation of these of- ficers will be held on Sunday, January 3. Local arts organizations benefit from grants TORONTO - The Paul Demers Orchestra of Ottawa was heard in France this past summer, the Venture Drum Corps of Kit- chener performed on the grounds of the Whitehouse in Washington, D.C., and Nor- thern Ontario students from Marathon, South Porcupine and Smooth Rock Falls will travel to Southern Ontario to attend theatre performances. These are just a few of the projects made possible with help from the Ministry of Culture and Communications, Minister Lily Munro announced recently. "Participation in the international marketplace of the arts is essential to the achievement of excellence," she said. "Ex- posure to these audiences builds confidence and brings artists into contact with new ideas." Ninety-four arts organizations throughout Ontario received grants totalling $458,161. Funds were awarded for a wide variety of projects including the purchase of com- puterized equipment, hiring of student in- terns, attending professional conferences and producing new works. Locally, the Blyth Centre for the Arts received a grant of $10,000 to develop their project Vision On Arts. The Stratford festival received $2,700 to help sponsor a Chinese delegation visit to Ontario. The On- tario Massed Legion Pipes and Drums of Meaford received $3,000 for a performance tour of Europe. "The activities of arts organizations in a community help build bridges between cultures and between individuals who might not otherwise have the opportunity to meet," the Minister continued. "By in- vesting in the arts we invest in the quality of our life in this province." 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