HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-10-07, Page 18Page 18-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1987 1. 'Articles for sale GIVE A FAMILY PORTRAIT FOR CHRISTMAS, Bobk your portrait grouping now to guarantee delivery. Individual couples families. Walden Photo. 523.9212 39 46ar DINING ROOM TABLE of solid light maple. 6 mot- ching upholstered chairs Phone 482.7244 evenings. 39 40 HARDWICK gas cook stove with rotisserie on top oven oven & broiler on bottom Clock & timer in good condition ' Will sell reasonable. 482.3800 40 APPLES Macs. Courtlands, Red and Yellow Delicious Spy Russett. Ida Red and Empire. Potatoes onions and apple butter, SPECIAL bushel of Macs. $6 00 4 litres of cider, $2.00 plus container Two locations Boyes Transport, Clin- tor, and Art Bell Fruit Farm. 5248037. 39tfar REGRIGERATOR SI 50 00 Inglis washing machine S275 00 excellent condition, electric dryer 5175 00 apartment size dryer. 5100.00, Guaranteed Bayfield 565 5777. 39.42 GARDEN MUMS Canning tomatoes • our own squash. pumpkins cabbage, beads. cauliflower and broccoli • all available in freezer quantities. Also potatoes and onions. TEEM FARM, RR 1 Bayfield 4823020. 40 DOUBLE WATERBED and metal utility shed for sale Call between 9 3 p rn 482 9150. 40 • MAYTAG automatic 482 3837 40x washer. Phone UTILITY TRAILER 4 x 6' Phonc 482 7723 40nx APPLES Macs Spartens Empires Snows Sweets Spies Ida Red Red & Golden Delicious c icier apples cider on weekends McClymont Or chards Varna 482.3214 40 BLUE SPRUCE dig your choice take sod with undistiLnced roots 1' , miles east of Wingham, Hwy 86. Spruce 52 00 It. blue spruce $3.50 ft (tax included) Mrs Marsh, centre of three houses cost of school 357 2387. 4042 LASSIFIED THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD -THE BLYTH STANDARD -THE BAYFIELD BUGLE VISSCHER FARMS COUNTRY MARKET open daily 9 a in 5 p rn closed Sundays. Specializing in cauliflower and broccoli 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy No 83 1 237 3442 27tfar APPLES you pick large excellent, Macs & Cour tlands $6 00 bushel while they last Delicious Spies Ida Reds $8.00 bushel •tow tress bring container come soon, harvest 3 weeks early daylight hours Ross & Mabel Mid . dletort Orchards 1 mile east of Bayfield. north of wet 39 40 8 1 001 TRU( K CAMPER sleeps 4 2 way fridge tour• luinn<e and toilet Phone 48) 7018 :19 40 USE SKA 11S bought sold exchanged nlso sharpening scrvui' for skates knives scissors •,nws err 139 Queen St Clinton 4117 9412 40 49x AIUMINUM STORM WINDOW with screen 27 3 4 .14 Reostlnnhle Two sashes 31' . x 33' Phan,, 523 4489 40x IWO GYMNASTIC MATS 580 heavy basketball hoop and hall 525 fireplace quite 560 there ill pone hothtoom window 3x3 575 00 565 7974 40x ( ASIOTRONE Mi 100 keyboard never used 5)10(1 hoitorii'. and hooks included Phone 5h5 )074 4t) HRISTMAS GIF 1`, 40", OFF patio furniture 8 or r•ssenes Spring Itlynwnys War ehouse open F r ,day, and Snhurdays 71 Kung W Forest Ont 510 786 4405 40 47 FOR SAIF ro,vertor In, TV Asking 585 never been use,l 413) 5)0R 40x BOYS 8 (-,IRt 5 hubs , lathes rind ncressoru,s Sin••• Il 1 year ex,ellpnt rendition prier' egnt„thle (,111 482 9530 nnytirne 40 PIFC 1 DINING ROOM 5F T un very good r ondi tion risking S'50 Coll 482 9869 40 41 FIREWOOD fnr sale your it will store if desired 482 11H0 Jr' 41 F 181 WOOD In, solo, Phone 487 7644 r ,er,ir195 40x 16DIF 5 C OAT full length outer shell 100', nylon v,ilh 100", fiberfill size I4 medium brown new ,nd,tinn 482 9502 40v C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUP LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY , mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades Campbells Men's it Ladies' Wear Where You Will Find For Her MR. LEONARD PANT MAN For Illi: LEO CNEIMUER RNIERA iN..> T Main Cerner, Clinton ®pear Mon. - Thera. 9:30 - 5:30 Fri. 9 - 9; cam. tiff 5:00 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising .. Tuesday 3:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sale 1A Snowmobiles for sale 2 Motorcycle for sale 3 Garage sole / yard 4 Antiques for sale 5 Cars for sole 6 Trucks for sale 7 R. V.'s for sale 8 Marine 9 Automotive sole 10 Pets for sole 12 Real estate for sole .13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room & board 21 Cottages for rent 22 Lots for rent 23 Commercial property for rent 24 Wonted to rent 25 Wanted to buy 26 Help wanted 27 Wanted (general) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice 90 creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sale 39 Education 40 Lost & Found 41 To give away 42 Death notice 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 46 In memoriam 47 Cards of thanks 50' DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE PHONE 482-3443 n Crl c'd MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 3. Garage sale/Yard sale YARD SALE First quality yarns. ' 2 price: worm winter gloves and mitts. $1.00 pair; glassware Xmas decorations, ladies pantyhose: leotards. boys thermal underwear 51.00. ladies and childrerls socks. Many other items new and used. Last house in Clinton going toward Seaforth, south side. Friday. Saturday 9th and 10th, Mon- day 12th open 9 o m A. Mothers. 40ar LAST OF THE SEASON Garage Sale '. mile west of Auburn on County Road 25 on top of the hill October 9 10. 1 1 . 12 from 9-? Many small and big Items. Table saw, choirs tables dishes. etc Watch for the sign 40nx Attention Farmers A. For Sale 1 1982 1 D Combine air conditioning heater radio 4 wily seat Murphy shut down switches Sid grain loss rnonitotinq system 329 cu in bin ext extension Diesel motor 23 1 x 26 tires 600 hours 1982 10 dummy pickup header with 8 Sun pickup new in 1985 hydraulic controlled 1982 4 row 30 corn head new style low profile Ex rellent combine low hours stored insdie never pulled white beans 529 7607 or 529 7995 28tfnx GLENCO seven shank soil saver Phone 565 5075 39tf Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 12.30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton 482.7311 Barry Miller - evoter 2333717 Kirkton 229.6203 Gregory Hargreaves 2622619 8. Custom Work CUSTOM 5011 SAVER conserve your snit qualify for Innd stewardship 8 grants phone 523 9537 or 523 4849 Wayne Colcough 39 d0 CUSTOM PLOUGHING Phone 262 5365 Steve Key; 39 40 CUSTOM COMBINING of soy beans and Corn trucking is ovoilnhle Rensonnhle rotes Phone Steve Keys 262 5365 39 40 D. Livestock POULTRY FOR SALF Dny old R. ready to lay leghorn pullets Avnilnhle year round dual pur pose brown egg layers available Spring and Fall Call toll free today 1 800 265 8536 McKinley Hc,tchw_ry lstwk E. Farm Services BERG Sales Service Inslotlotion Born Cleaners m Bunk Feeders Stabling a Manure Conveyors FREE ESTIMATES Donald G. Wes R.R. 2 BLYTH 867-90241 5. Cars for sale 1982 CHEVETTE B0,000 kilt certified Phone 523.4359 or 523.4846. 3613110 1982 PONTIAC 6000 4 door 4 cylinder automatic. new tires. excellent condition Phone 482-3883. 39.40 10. Pets for sale i CHOCOLATE POINT Siamese kittens for sale 550.00. Phone 529.7382. 38tfrrx 7 8 ARABIAN MARE 5 year old quiet and green broke. Moving. must sell. Call 529.3126 40 12. Real estate for sale BAYFIELD OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11: 2 TILL 4 PM "ORIGINAL BAYFIELD" This beautiful Bayfield property is a well treed double lot 132' x 132' and is located on a paved road in a quiet section of the Village. This home features most of the original pine walls and shelving and is very unique - all electric heat - 2 fireplaces - ex- cellent value at $79,900.00. Don't miss seeing it Sunday, October 11 from 2 till 4 pm. DIRECTIONS: 1 BLOCK WEST OF BAYFIELD BUILDING CENTRE - FIRST LEFT HAND TURN OFF CAMERON, IN FAIRACRES ESTATES. WATCH FOR SIGNS! FOR SALE Your Host K.S. (Willy) Bunn 565-5055 WILLS/S 3 NORTH ST., GODERICH 524-2667 FIRST TIME OFFERED - EXCLUSIVE LISTING! Built by a builder - for a builder and it shows. This quality rambling ran- cher has space galore. All are large rooms, 4 bedrooms, living room has fieldstone fireplace with insert. Country style kit- chen, dining area with patio doors to private deck. Insulated double garage, plus detached garage -boat house. Finish- ed family room with play areas galore in lower level - and the list goes on. The most pleasant surprise is the asking price, $105,000.00. MOVE -IN CONDITION: This charming 4 bedroom sidesplit is located at east end of High Street 12 years better than new with 1460 sq. ft. finished areas. Attached garage with paved drive. Professionally landscaped with private fenced yard. It's in move -in condition, call us for full particulars. 12. Real estate for sale 0LOCK HOW ®WIHGt4*M ®kgrIC14ELL ZURICH swims STRATI!Oi. 12. Real estate for sale '?lam rhe• '741, See To 11011 FiliD C . a Pill is rt('tiltitiN L co. LLM is ° A EAL.T®fat TEAMWORK MAKES THE DIFFERENCE Thinking of Selling? Call us first and see what the difference our team makes. Our agents are trained in arranging financing and putting you in a home that best suits your needs. QUALITY BUILT: Builders own home, solid brick 13/4 storey, 4 bedroom residence on Ontario Street, first house out of town, large living room .with fireplace. Plaster walls, low taxes, immaculate throughout. Asking 5105,000.00. LOCATION! LOCATION! Prestigious 4 bedroom sidesplit on mature lot. 318 High Street, 2 bathrooms and an -exceptional family room. Asking $105,000.00. BEST BUY IN GODERICH: 3 bedroom modern home located at the edge of Goderich. 2 car garage. well landscaped lawn. Large kitchen and family room. Lot 174' x 113' Priced at only 588,000 00 Call today. INCOME!! 3700 sq ft. duplex In good con- dition Tenants pay all utilities Income of $8.000 00' per year, priced al only $63,500 Live in one half and rent out the other half COZY AND INEXPENSIVE: Excellent 1 floor bungalow, 3 bedrooms. cedar deck Perfect condition For only $33.000 Call Large lot. priced to sell Let's negotiate today FAMILY HOME: Insulated shop. 4 bedroom home, nicely landscaped grounds on small acreage. Minutes from Clinton Priced at $69.000 00 PRIME LOCATION IN CLINTON: 4 bedroom home, large living roem, 2 & 3 pc bath, located on large corner lot Cap be converted easily to duplex Asking only $59.000 00 2 BEDROOM HOME: on 128 North Street FARMS WANTED IMMEDIATELY!! Excellent Prices are being offered for qualifying properties We are looking for 50 acre and 100 acre farms with good homes right now' Call us for a free evaluation LIST WITH THE ACTION TEAM Bill Steenstra Aileen Craig Sharon Medd (Seaforth) 482-3780 482-3669 527-0560 Peter Damsma 482-9849 Mary Divok 482-3370 OFFICE: 11 Victoria St. Clinton 482-5991 Of21.1 I 1 • ALL POINTS REALTY INC. Goderich 524-2111 Ask about the industry's best training programs. Ours. Choose Your Decor New Listing - Varna New home under construction. 2 or 3 bedrooms, 1' 2 baths Patin doors from din- ing area to rear (deck to your specifications within allowance). European kitchen cabinets. inspect with Wayne by calling 412-3091; or 524-2111 Country 124-2111 Country Retreat OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING: Excellent starter home with cottage industry poten- tial for under thirty thousand dollars. Well kept property with living quarters and a place to open up your own business. It's only minutes from Clinton, get your parents to buy it for you. it's that good an opportunity! FOR THESE ANO MANY MORE GOOD LISTINGS - DON'T- WAIT FOR AN OPEN HOUSE! CALL TODAY FOR A NO COST, NO OBLIGATION PRIVATE SHOWING. YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID! Bruce Ryan 524-7762 Les Willems 524-8451 Bonnie Johnson 482-9951 Our Pledge To you r friendly gervlee P efeseionall®m and integrity` PIG RA'r. , mile from Blyth '111111111y for .911(1 Tat hogs liquid manure Hnrvestnr silo and For motic feed milli 523 4917 after 6 p m 39 40x Near l.onrleshoro on 3 acreslots of trees sur. round the Century Old home with recent. hoard and patten addition. Hydro. septic. in- stllation, roof, updated. Allf or $69,900. ('all Karen Scruton at 482.9716. 120287D) Excellent condition, 1's storey home located on the edge of Varna. Hanover kitchen cup - hoards. patio doors to deck, all new windows, new roof. new siding. Priced in the 560's. To view call Karen Dechert at 524-2111 or 524-13568 (24287D1D11 Picturesque Setting, Just On The Edge Of Town This 3 bedroom brick home set on 111 acres, features 1' 2 baths. formal dining room. eat - in kitchen, enclosed cnnporch and main floor family room. Combine (.hese features with a new combination furnace, newly shingled roof. steel clad garage and barn and you know you owe it to yourself to view tF114 one. Call 524-2111. Marie Hughes 482-7508 Bill McGregor 482-7539 Wayne Wigelsworth 482-3091 Karen Seruton 482-9716 Marg rlllgwen 482-1760 -tiff : 122. ALL P ,INTS REALTY INC. Goderich $24-2111 THE LARGEST REAL ESTATE ORGANIZATION iN THE WORi,i) EACH OFFICE iS INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED • and TTM) trademarks of Century 21 Real Estate Corporation