HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-10-07, Page 5Volunteer fire fighting hazards examined • from page 1 ments in Ontario are outfitted with similar refitted milk trucks. Two similar accidents with tanker trucks have also been reported. In one case, two fire fighters were killed. It was suggested that old milk trucks are used for fire fighting purposes as a cost effi- cient solution. However, Mr. Woodruff stressed, "It is incumbant on municipalities to ensure that equipment given to fire fighters is adequate." He further suggested that it should be im- perative that any commercial vehicle that is refitted should be approved by appropriate individuals to ensure that it complies with load dynamics. Mr. Fields re -iterated Mr. Woodruff's con- cerns, noting that his research has found similar accidents with converted milk trucks. "It's becoming a major problem as far as I'rn concerned," he noted. He said that many fire departments and municipal councils opt to refit trucks for fire use. The cost to refit a used vehicle runs in the neighborhood of $20,000 to $40,000. It would cost at least $40,000 to $60,000 to built a new tanker truck. Mr. Fields noted more emphasis and safe- ty precautions should be placed on tanker trucks. He said, "People say, 'Why do we have to be concerned about a truck that car- ries water around?' When you put a red light and a siren on such a truck, it puts it in a far different situation." He further said, •'Sometimes fire fighting apparatus is not as special'as it's thought to be. Sometimes it's just a commercial vehi- cle with the fire department sign on it." • Mr. Fields said that often times, par- ticularly with fire departments in rural areas, equipment safety is compromised. Rural fire departments usually have one pumper truck and one tanker. With no back- up equipment readily available, trucks are used even when the vehicles are not safe. 1 ATELECTOTROLUX �, 1987 VACUUMS ARE DISAPPEARING FAST The very best doesn't go on sa e very often. But while our supply of 1987 vacuums last, you can cash in on up to a cool $200 savings! -E E ELECTROLUX - ALVIN RILEY Sales and Service 153 Lighthouse St. Goderich 524-8889 West Wawanosh Mutual Insurance Company Dungannon 529-7922 Farm Protection For: FARM OWNERS - Fire and Nam- ed Perils -Farm machinery - All external Perils, including Non -owned equipment. -Livestock (named perils), Broad Form including entrapment, elec- trical power interruption and fumes. -Earnings Insurance. -Farm Produce - Named Perils -Comprehensive Farin Liability in- cluding Limited Pollution Liabili- ty and Non -licensed vehicles. -Farm Auto. -Free fire prevention inspections. For a quotation, please contact any of the following agents: FRANK FORAN. Lucknow 528-3824 LYONS & MULHERN Goderich 524-2664 DONALD R. SIMPSON Goderich 529-7567 JOHN NIXON Brussels 887.9417 DEI.MAR SPROUL Auburn 529-727:1 KENNETH MACLEAN Paisley 368-7537 SLA DE INSURANCE BROKERS INC. Kincardine 396-9513 I,AURIF. CAMPBELL Brussels 887-9051 New Office Now Open in Clinton 11 VICTORIA ST. (Beside Bank of Montreal) David Sproul - Mike Miller 482-3434 "It's a Catch-22 situation," he said. He said that fire service has been slow in setting standards, and suggested that the Ontario Fire Marshal's Office work with the National Research Council to compile a set of mandatory standards for fire equipment safety. Clare Duvalle, a vehicle inspector with the Ministry of Transportation and Com- munication (MTC) suggested that criteria should be laid out for mandatory insepction of all fire department vehicles. While MTC legislation calls for regular in- spections of commercial vehicles, including buses and dump trucks, no such ruling is in place for fire trucks. "Right now a fire department could buy a truck today and conceivably keep it for 20 or 25 years and never have it inspected," he said. He suggested that fire trucks should be in- spected on a six month basis to ensure a minimum of maintanence..He also sug- gested that criteria should be in place that would ensure that refitted vehicles are ap- propriately designed to be fire vehicles and that the chassis is adequate to handle the load. Specifically speaking to the Brucefield Fire Department tanker truck, Mr. Duvalle •0• said, "My own opinon is that the centre of gravity was too high and there wasn't enough baffles ( for what the truck was be- ing used for 1." In his summation to the jury, Crown At- torney Robert Morris said that "fire fighting should be high priority on the list" when municipalities, determine how money should be spent. He further suggested that provincial government funding should be made available to local municipalities to help ease the monetary constraints of financing fire departments. Further recommendations from the in- quest jury call for a review of all fire safety documents to form the basis of one docu- ment to be used as a minimum guideline for use of all tank -trucks used in fire fighting. This document is to be distributed to all fire departments in Ontario. Also recommended is that provincial fun- ding should be made available for firefighting departments needing assistance in retro -fitting or purchasing tank trucks. The jury also called for regular MTC in- spection of fire fighting vehicles. The jury delibertated for close to two hours before making their final recommen- dations to Coroner Ray Flowers. Mayor pleased with highway announcements By David Emslie CLINTON - "We don't even have to wait five years, we've got our new highway now," said a pleased Mayor John Balfour at the council meeting here on October 5. The construction he was talking about was the widening of Highway 8 from Kitchener to Stratford to make it a four lane road. Mayor Balfour, along with the mayors of Mitchell, Seaforth, Goderich and a representative of the Township of Wilmot had approached the Minister of Transporta- tion and Communications, Ed Fulton, earlier this regarding this matter. "This is the biggest enticement to pro- gress and industry that has come down the pike in years," Mayor Balfour stated. Following this 1988 construction, it is also probable that passing lanes will be installed along Highway 8 from Stratford to Goderich. "There you go, boys and girls, the highway's coming," the mayor concluded. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1987 -Page 5 Clinton Lions Club member Carl Merner accompanied Goderich resident Valerie Ander- son, her guide dog Josh and son Michael on the 10km route for the third annual Walk-A-Don- A-Thon sponsored by the Goderich, Clinton, Auburn, Londesboro and Blyth Lions ('Tubs. The event, held Sunday afternoon, saw about 30 walkers and their dogs walk the route through the streets of Goderich. Approximately $3,200 was raised from the event, about $8511 more than last year's total. The money is sent to Canine Vision Canada in Oakville, a train- ing facility for guide dogs and visually impaired Canadians, operated by the Canadian (.ions Foundation. (photo by Lou -Ann DeBruyni Anstett Jewellers - Goderich proudly presents our 1987 ESTATE JEWELLERY SALE This is our 1987 Estate Jewellery Event OCTOBER 7 TO OCTOBER 17 IN GODERICH This is a small sample of our Collection. Shop and save now for Christmas Gift Giving. No. R-285 UNIQUE LADIES RING A unique de.Ign 16 diamond. twt .Incl If .apphire. tiet 1n 14 kt while and yell(1'. gold RFPI A( FMFNT (()ST $160000 ESTATE 1 (.1)7 SAIF 2. No. 168-42 LADIES CLUSTER RING Set in 14 kt yellow and white gold 12 ( 1 (11,(monrl and 21) v (11 (t diamond. KEPI A( FMFNT COST 142; 00 FST ATF SA1.1 855. No. 5280-1 LADIES GARNET RING Set 1n 10 k yellow gold, red - green garnet RE PI A( FMFNT ( OST 170 00 FSTATF SAIF 102. No. R408-7 LADIES RUBY AND DIAMOND RING Set in 10 14 kt yellow geld RIPE A( F'.11NT ( ()ST 4111 nn FSTATF 24 SAI F 6. No. W2084 LADIES ETERNITY RING Set In 10 14 41 s,rllnw geld 1- (1 R t diamond. RFPI •\( FMFNT ( ()ST iRi 00 FSTATF SA11 351. No. W2976 RA -1 LADIES SOLITAIRE RING Set in 14 kt yellow geld 91 (1 diamond RFPI A( FMFNT COST 189; 00 FSTATF 1 1 SAIF 37. No. R-872 LADIES SHOULDER ENGAGEMENT RING 14 kt tottery,. geld ,,et with 90 (1 1 entre .tone and 1 11 ( t ear h .1de.tnne. RF PI •\( FMFNT COST 4R00 00 FSTATF 322 SAI F 0. No. 218 LADIES ENGAGEMENT RING 1810 rlln\I kiln .el O 116 6_' (I 111,)n), .1 (11 1 rose c ul dtan),111(1. REP! \(r\)FNT ( ()ST 900 On FST •\TF S.\1 1 600. No. R-446 LADIES PL�`1NUM BOW RING Set with 1; diamond. 1 111 (1 twt RF P1 A(EMENT(OST 104000 ESTATE SALE 1367. No. 50121 LADIES GOLDEN BERYL & DIAMOND RING Set in 14 kt yellow and while gn1(I 6 28 ( t pear.haped Golden Beryl and 11 <1 twt diamond RFPI A( FMENT ( ()ST 791 OO FSTATF SAIF 477. No. G106 -CZ MEN'S CUBIC ZIR- CONIA RING Set 1n 10 14 kt gold RFP) A( FMFNT COST 119 00 FSTATF SAIF 203.° No. 85013 BLACK HEMATITE BEADS 16 .(rand RFPI A( 1MFNT ( OST iR 00 ESTATE 5.11F 34.'5 No. 50561 TRI -COLOUR PIN AND EARRING SET Set in 10 kkt gold RFPI A( FMFNT COST 426 9; SALE ON NOW TILL SATURDAY OCTOBER 17 GODERICH STORE ONLY ESTATF SAIF 196.25 No. R-146 LADIES GOLD CROWN RING 18 kl tell11vti wilt) 1111 , .apllhue. 1 1. ( ,11),11 hon ( ut 1 11(1 1 .11111 .'.' (11.111111111• 61) ( I Iw1 KEPI A11 \11N1 1 1 )s1 I too 011 151 AN ',AI1 871. No. 50552 TRI -COLOUR GOLD, GARNET PENDANT AND EARRING SET. art 1n 11) kt gold RFPI A( 1 \1) N1 ( 1 nI F"TATF S•\11 172.'s No TJ2803 14 KT. YELLOW & GOLD BRACELET RFPL5)(MINT ((( 1 11'1 00 957. 151-\1) S \I 1 No. E7161 DIAMOND SET HOOP EARRINGS 111 1 I I.1 ,1 1111`0, „1 ., ,1, ) 1iI 111.1"101(1-. RI I'1 A) 1 \11 N T 1 1 151 '1,' , on FsT•\11 SAI 555. No. GP -2 I.D. BRACELET SET WITH 2 EMERALDS Set in 10 kt tellnw gold KEPI A(1\11NT (0-T 11000 HTATI S\I1 189.° T No. 218 LADIES SUPERBLY CRAFTED ENGAGEMENT RING IR kt yellnw gnl(l, .et with 1 11i it ( (tire 'Ione an(1 6 marOw. .11a1)t•(1 dl,uno1111. ,) r t Iwt REDIA( FMFNT ((1ST 9240 00 FSTATF SAIL 6190. No. P102-09-10 "V" SHAPED NECKLACE SET WITH SAPPHIRES AND OPALS 111 kl yellnw And white gold 1-.111111un••. n.(I i np,,l. RFPI A( E ME N T (OST 62; 110 ESTATE SAIF 375. MATCHING BRACELET SET WITH SAPPHIRES AND OPALS 4 oPal. and 4 .apphirr. Pff') A( FMFNT ( OST 199 00 FSTATF SAI F 239.° ASSORTED FRESHWATER PEARL PENDANTS Pearl, set in 10 kt yellow geld RFPI A( FMFNT ( ()ST FROv1 i'(') 1) ) -9 9; ST A TF SAI f 4.To48. No. 598-7 CULTURED PEARLS 18 ..trand RFP1 A( FMFNT (OST 29600 FST ATE SA11 177.° TT JEWELLERS 2 The Square, GODERICH5 244195 BRANCHES IN: SEAFORTH, CLINTON, EXETER, ST. MARYS, WALKERTON A(Mgt P AMO PIC AN G6MSO( I(tr