HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-12-24, Page 6tete. :]!Bi DLO ENGLAND WS Blr MAIL ABOUT erOMN BULL Sens PEOPLE,„ lerreneeS in the Land That gliPIente irk the 0934- inercia1 World. The last euxemer has been the wet- test experieneed in. the British Isles for sixty years. There is now thane million less acres under the plough in Great :Bri- tain thee was the caSe 80 years ago. Immediate steps aro to be taken by the Metropolitan Free Church Fee - oration with respect to the tteeni- played queetiota, A municipal telephone system has been inaugurated by the Mayor of Swansea, It has already 366 sub- scribers, ancl it is to cost £20,300. The first turbine cruiser, the Ame- thyst, was recently launched from the Elswiek shipbuilding yard. Her displacement is 8,000tons. Mary Hayea, a dressmaker, was awarded £250 against Earl de Grey for injeries sustained by being run down by his lordship's motor car. A V, C. was recently sold at Sothe- by's rooms, London, for £48. It was won by a private oe tbe Dragoon Guardsduring the Indian. Mutiny. W. P, Johnston, a London engin eer, was awarded £3,000 damages against •the Great Western Railway for injuries to his left leg, which ren- dered him. lame. Four hundred lady teachers watched the washing, drying and dressing of a baby at the board room of the London Scheel Board to be able to teach cleanliness. Capt. Leinster, of North Shields, who last year was sentenced at Dur- ban to five yeW penal servitude for burning the shit) Richmond, has, died in prison. !Damage done by his bulls running into a cycle shop at Bristol was the reason of John Gyford, a Suffolk .cattle dealer, having to pay the proprietor ae damages. A Leaden vieae who said his faun - were "nearly starving' prevailed on the Bloomsbury County Court judge to rescind an order committing Alien to prison for debt. At an inquest on a woman at Srentford, who had acquired the tabit of drinleing laudanum, her doe - or said she had told him it was er only pleasure of life. An American citizen who commit- ted suicide in Bloomsbury, London, bequeathed his body to a medical college. The coroner pointed out that such a bequest is not valid in law. According to a Leeds by-law clerks with smiewages, girls, such as post - office employes. and apprentices in "clean" trades, are not "workmen." They have not the advantage of theap car fares. One of the gold medals presented to Nelson after the victory of the Nile was recently sold at London for £115. During a fire in Soho, London, in the absence of their mother, a four- year-old boy and a fourteen month baby were saved by their three-year- old sister, who dragged them from the room. Charles Henry Salmon, solicitor, of Leyton, who four years ago was struck off the rolls for a small of- fence, conunitted suicide by throwing himself under a train at Aldersgate station, London. A won= named Howe, charged at Marlborough Police Court, London, with attempted suicide, said her hus- band had sold her to another -man tor two shillings. She had lived With her purchaser five months. For greater safety an Ilford wo- man deposited a cash box containing 460 worth of property amongst some old rags. Her servant girl said the whole lot for ad. to a reg and bone dealer, who cannot be traced. People of Portsmouth and parts of the Isle of Wlght recently thought they had experienced an earthquake. it was a simultaneous explosion of idbout forty mines by the experimen.- tal staff of H. M. 5.• Vernon - "I think the interest and welfare of 40,000,000 of our people here are more important than, as I believe, the mistaken policy of 11,000,000 in the colonies," said Sir Michael Hicks - Beach at a conference of business inen in Manchester. A draper was at Bury St. Ed - mends sentenced to 12 months' hard labor for bigamy, after a married life of twenty-one years. He spent • week days with his fiest wife and week ends -with the second. He ended up by deserting both. THE REMEDY A NUISANCE. Some 25 years ago mongooses were imported into Barbadoes to drive away the rats which ate tbe sugar- canes- Now the sugar -planters have petitioned the governor to authorize the destruction of the mongooses be- muse the hitter, instead of confining their attention to the rats, have &leen out many useful native ani- mals, including lizards, which were the enemies of the moth -borer cater- pillars. The ca,terpitesos are now left hoe •to penetrate the sugar -canes thereby affording holes for the lodg- ment of deetructive funguses, Thus .in the continual struggle for exis- tence nature herself is often found to have establisted the best system of CqtdlihliTUfl, intetference • svith which brings more ills than it drives away. , WITENCE COMES coLcat In what way colorare produced is a Mystery still. Endless are the colors produced from coal tar. But how »o scientist can. Say. Why it is thatin the • zenith We have, in fine Weather, a deepe rich blue .is perhaps not generally known. Thole is al- a'ays above es a have, however fine. jThj 110.4 is the aggregate of the fin- est combination of moisture on dust particles. And water is blue; even when distired bi e is 118 inhKent color, • Accordingly the deep blue color in the tipper Imavens is Caused by the light throu.gh depth of line have. If there was err earn .above vs the eky would be black—that ie, we wen1.0 be looking into the Week - Pee of !tuxedoes space, 0.4...MT4BUD'iNET48. Eet.GLES AND SEA rowts ARE PIERCE FIGHTERS, A Postman's Experience Tw o French. TourestS KiUed Eagles. The Maritime Alpe of Eastern France have long been noted as be- ing the haunt of the most ferocious and powerful breed of eagles in exis- tence. Children iumnnerable have been carried off' by them, and tiny even attack adults on oecaelous, Sometimewith dire results. In July, 18E39, for instanee, a post- man named Gustave Silva, who car- ried ti e mails, on foot between the Villages of Sospeelo 'end Puget Then- iers, was set upon while crossing the pass' by three large cock -birds, and frightfully injured. He managed to drive off his winged assailant, with the aid of his alpenstock, and even- tually reached his destination with his bag of letters. But bis ease was from the first regarded as hopeless by the local doetors, and sure teiough, after lingering in indescriba- ble agony for .six days, he succumbed to his wounds. kteanwbile two young French tour- ists, Messrs. Joseph Monand and Antoine Neyssel, went up ieto the mountains to try to kill the birds that had done the damage, and were savagely attacked in their turn, Both men were armed, but the sud- den onslaught of the winged creat- ures completely unnerved them, end after firing oily one shot they TRIED TO ESCAPE by running. The birds, however, struck them down ere they had gene many yards, and they would have doubtless been torn. to pieces where they lay but for the opportune arri- val of a, party of shepherds. These sumeeded in rescuing Mr. Neyssel alive, but terribly injured, he having sustained no fewer than ten severe wounds in the head and back, besides innumerable minor lacerations and abrasions. Hie compa,nion, Mr. Monand, was killed outright early in the fray, and his body when re- covered presented a most shocking spe.ta,cle. Mr Neyesel recovered af- ter six weeks in bed, but is disfigured for life. Very tragic was the fate of Peter Thoralsen and John Hibbert, two seamen belonging • to de whaler Good Hope, who attempted for a wager to reach the summit of Posee- sion Island some years ago. his, perhaps the most desolate and sel- domevisited spet, on the whole globe, is the home of myriads of sea -fowl, who occupy the entire surface of the land, from the lowermost beach to the top of the conical mountain whieh occupies tee ,CENTRE OF THE ISLAiSTO. It was noticed from the ship that tee sitting birds attacked the ceplor- ers vigorousy as they waded through teem, pecking at them with their sharp beaes and screeching savagely, but no one anticipated danger. When about two-thirds of the as- cent had been corapleted, however, the men were seen to be in gathered the following satisti:s, bee - ties, and a relief party was orgamiz- ed on tee study of the brains of ed; but at that moment there sprang 285 persons, differing widely in their up one of those terrific . blizzards that are so frequent in the Aneartic regions, and coinraunication between sup and shore became for the tieue being impossible. Next day it was restored, but it ,111111, 001leC Ont. wary though they are laequently came to grief, while dis- astela innumerable have overtaken aneatears, bards, and begged..or bullied her fond brothers till they gave her freen their savings. But the whole 0.14100nt ws not large, so Princess Louise in re- raAlsz FOR TEE ESQUIMAU. • tented to her father with tercet , • her eyes, and Witt him that he must do the rest. The royal "We" was An Industrious Chap Who Deserees omitted entirely. a Helping Hand, It is said that the 'Princess Isoeise'S The natives of Alaska are a etse. tears are a form of feminine influence dwindling race. Teeir sun is s'ettiei; to Which the kaiser is peculiarly sus - rose higher than the inideviuter sun obtaine sun novae eePtible. At all events, he net only d for Pepito several state Probably their mideay The satisfaction of having tho riees in this latituie, appropriations Ler the encourage- washing done early in the day, Most of the Eskimos in Alaska are meat of musical talent, but added and well done, belongs to every gathe,ed at the Inj,,sinam s, net the one thousand arks a year out of travelers will Ancl a. few la 'villages his private purse. Nevertheless, it User of Sunlight Soap. int of two or three or half a doeen is probable that he will think twice igloos in places convenient for fish- before brining another prodigy to THE 100 -MILE Mg, as fish is the staple diet of these the atteation of the princess. people. Starvation and hi etve heee le.t but a renumet of once populous tribes. Contara with the white race has deterioretion. Ti ey ;I: e whiseey, DAY IN A DRAM bad a great deal to do with deb, and, liee all other native races, a:e not naturally indentrious. Befoso the coming cf the whiee man etern eeceseety main teem provide for tlio immediate future, The sea supplied them with most of tl eir food, fwci there we e wi:d berries and various kinds of game on the need to vary their lish diet. By iestinct interit- ed from a long line of mice tors, they are fishermen and hence, s, but contact with the Catecasean tiny are malrets of curios and traders. In their new avocatioes they Mee be- After four years of torture, during bn e convinced that higher speeds are come dependent to a g. eat extent upon the white people. which be was scarcely an hour free both poesible and practicable. One But the 1 igher ra.ce is not respon- from pain, Wm. Doeg, a farmer, lir- hundred and forty miles per, hour is ing on Con. 3, Strong Township, a decidedly hot pe,se, but it rill siblo for all their ins. The I:inspect- and well known here is a hale and more than likely be beaten before we ' troy state in weich dee, live is not hearty man. Dedd's Kidney pees go to press. ft hastaken a good conducive to longevity. Tie ime cured him. • many years to evolve the two -min- ute trotting horse, but this year we have him in triplicate, and just so it has been with electric tailroading. Once the records began to break they fairly blew up and left only email fragments. One hundred and forty miles per hour, even if not outdone by a con- siderable margin, still means that the hundred -mile -all -hoer train is mach nearer to reality than it has ever been before. That speed is quite feasible whenever it is demand- ed. and it is enoreover, quite high enough to meet the requirements of humanity for some little time to come. Its real. importance lies, as we have often remarked, in its ap- plication to long lines on which the !saving of time would be methane. Cutting down the running time to IFlatbush or Hackensack may de- fer tee dyspepsia of the commuter for another season or two, but it is tot commercially important. It ds 'cutting the time on long runs that counts—reducing the time to Wash- ington to less than three hours, and converting ti.e trip to Chicago into a mere night's run. It is now announced that the ox- perftnents have. been conducted large- ly with the idea ef the early applica- tion of the system to the railroad connecting Beflin with Hamburg, dis- tant by rail 176 miles from each other, and that an early conversioli of that line is by no means impro- bable. S °mellow the he nd an -hour train looks nearer than it did a few months ago, and our spy- glass is still trained in the direetion of Germany. Acae 46/ ftir cZat,a atitZ et, SAT NET AND TILL DODD'S KIDNEY Pin.LS CURED HIS RI-rrIUMATISH. William Doeg, of Strong T crw ship, Hale and, Hearty Attr ruotors failing or the pressure: cav- Four Years of Torture—The in' in the front end of the car. Story of Ills Sickness and His Cure, Sundridge, Dec. 14,•—(Special).— We're Likely to Be Trevelling at That Rate. We note with pleasure thee our Einem devouring feiends at Zoesere Germany, have not yet satiated their henger for pace, and touched the re- cord the other day for no less than 140 miles pm eour, says the Street Railway' Journal. They 5e0111 to be overcoming air pressure 'rather comfortably up to the present, and we bave Inard nothing aboet the' Perhaps the douleting gentlemen who figured on the motors burning out from overload at 80 miles per hour to 100 miles per hour will now pure air in the natiee Winter huts, the lack of personal cletudiress, and much of the food tl:e melee oats would shorten the days of the hard- iest people. The Eskimo has, seine qualities of character to be aeimi. ed. He has of- ten shared his last bit of food with starving prospeetots or wreceed sail- ors. He is bright and ingenuous, ample ueieded as a child, with a bappy disposition, that takes no thought of the morrow. He is had only when under the influence of The Govonment should niaece some Provistions for the Eslimo. can be ma 'e self-sapporting, persibly a contributor, to the wealth of • the woilu, by placing him in a e ot work for which nature ntted him. Provide 1 ina with modern appliances and means for :fishing and whaling, and with proper management he will become a producer of wealth. WEIGHT OF THE BRAIN. Development Follows Differiag Lines of Work. Speaking of his cure Mr. Doeg says: "The trouble started in my back and the pain got so bad• I could not lie down to take rest, but had to sit night and day in a chair. "The pain would sometimes MOTO to other parts of my body, and when in My knees I was unable to walk. was treated for Rheumatism by several doctors, euni also tried dif- ferent medicines without receiving any benefit. I feared I *would never again be free from pain. "Ivfy attention was called to cures by Dodd's Kidney Pills and I started to use them. Before had finished the second box I was a new man, en- tirely free from pain. It has not conie back since." Uric aeid in the blood is the cause of Rheumatism. If the Kidneys aro working right they take all •the uric out of the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills make the Kidneys weirk right. FETICH DOCTOR. • -- Rave Just Stirred Up a Revolt in the Congo Free State. M. Mathiega, an anthropologist of fetAicldi ed7cattocti•ls filn°111th Lotolmdoainnsiapyissttactt Prague, has.just matte some interest- of the Congo State, about 900 Miles ing expeeiments with tegard to the from the Allende, have stirred up weiget of brain in different branches inmey natives to reaolt, fortifying of the community. Having first as- their courage to tbis point by incan- certained that the male bi ain weighs tations which will reneer them in - on an average 1,400 grantines. and vulnerable to the bullets 'of the the feinale brain 1,200 gganunes be- whine.. tween the ages of 20 and 60. he has Fetichism is iecognized as an im- pediment to progress on the Congo. Just es the Congo State has made the crimes of slave raiding, cannibal- ism, and human sacrifices punishable with death, so it has placed, the arts of the fetich doctor on the list of misdemeanors, and punishes these men when they are caught plying their trade, occupation and intellectual culture : Grammes. Day labore.s • 1,400 Workmen and unsei led labor- ers 1,433 Porters, guardians and watc.la was then too late. The explorers 0 s . • • 1,436 These fellows live by their wits. were fouMe hanics nd upright nmong the guano, • • 1,450 They keep alive faith in the efficacy into which they had sunk up to Th•etheee men "-• 1.468 of chasms, belief in witch craft, and menu Phyeiciaes and prcenssors 1,500 their waists, and quite dead, many ' other harmful superstitions. e round the disfigured and mutilated To mant featuring or sale of al- Any one is likely to be accused of coholic drinks is not favorable to bodies lolled thousands of bloated cerebral eevelopment, judging by the light weight of the brains of brewers, saloonlieepet s, and waiters in cafes. The average weight among this class the fetich man desires to pleaee. The is only 1,419 grammes, whereas it natives believe that the person thus rises to 1,442 among cabieetmakers acused is a wizard, and when he takes the poison tet, aed staggers and falls under the influence of the drug, his guilt Is consieered as es- tabliebecl, and the by-standers resh at him and beat Iran to death. Dr. Bentley, of the Baptist :emis- sions,. wrote a while ago thateniany hundreds of „terrible stories :of his kind with much variety/of detail might eadly: be collected/ He told of a case on the Loeven/Congo where eighteen men were cernpelled to suf- fer death because as fetich doctor ac- cused them of causing the. death of six men who had been drowned by the upsetting of their canoe. As fast as the influence of the Congo State is extended over its vast domain, tee authorities are making much trouble for the fetich doctor by dimininishing his prestige and punishing him for practising his art. So he regards white men as his spe.ial enemies, and, if possible, stirs up the natives against them. DISRAELI WAS A COWA:RD. seafowl gored to repletion with a hideous and unwonted diet. Ordinarily the ostrich is a shy bird, more ready to run than to fight on the approach of a human being. But in the breeding season,' and especially when the hen has near- ly finished sitting, the old cock is frequently little less dangerous than A WOUNDED TIGER. Many terrible. tales are told in Cape Colony of tbe ferocity aith which tbey will then attack all and sundry, and , of the shocking injuries they are able to inflict with their long pointed toes. Nor is escape at all easy. A native will spring up wards at the bird's long neck, and gripping it tightly swing bimself on his assailant's back, where he is comparatively safe. But Woe be- tide him if he misses. The emu, too, is equally dangerous under similar circumetances. "Bert Castleton, the well-known Austra- lian explorer and prospector, lost his life in a fight with one of these birds after passing unscathed through all sorts of dangers. The exnu, an "old man" bird, took him unawares, hurling him to the ground and breaecing one of his legs, after which it deliberately set to work and • pounded him to death. When next day, tee body was ei .coeered by a earching party. it was found to have sustained no fewer than Sixty-thrce wounds, many of Limn of the most shocking character. STRONGEST BEAK. The strongest and most formidable beak among birds of prey is ownea by the Egyptian velture. Ti is bird 45 "prate.ted" throlighout Northern Africa., as it acts the part of a scavenger, and does not, as a rule, USO upon living creatures the terrible weapon with which nature has ens dowed it. But wben famine falls upon the land, as in certain districts is not infiequently the case, the vul- ture at once betromes a source of acute and very positive danger. (..4 01.- bage is then no lOriger available. frenger rendets him term IOUs, and, on occasions, Le will not hesitate to attack even adult human beings. Weird tales ;used to 'be told of the strength and ferocity of the condor. As a matter of fact this giant ain.ong vultures • is comparatively harmless except during the, nesting season. Then both maie„ mid female becOme not infrequently Wantoely aggressive, teed they will, besitieS, invariably fight to the last in defence of their eggs or their young, For this'reason the man who aepires to rob a condor's eyrie, accomplishes his task always at therisk of iris lire. The native Peruvian and ChB - being a witch if he happens to have property that is coveted by the chief or the fetich doctor, or has in- curred the hatred of some one whom 1,446 among shoemaleers, and 1,447 among blacksmiths, locksmiths, and otner workers in. iron and steel. • THE FIRST BABY. What joy there is ill the home when the first baby comes, and yet to the young and inexperienced mother who has to care for it there is no other, period of her life so trying. In the little ills that are certain to come the inexperienced 'mother scarcely knows what to do. To the young mother—to all mothers—Baby's Own Tablets are a real blessing. They promptly cure such troubles as con- stipation, colic, sour stomach, diar- rhoea and simple fevers. They break up colds, destroy worms, allay the irritation accompanying the cutting of teeth and prevent inore serious ills. These Tablets are sold under a, guarantee to contain no opiate, nor any other of the harmful drugs al- ways found in. the so-called "sooth- ing medicines. They are good for all children from the new born b,abe to the well grown child. If you do not fled the Tablets at your medi- cine dealers send 25 cents to The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont., and a box will be mailed you post paid. THE PRINCESS AND P.EPITO. How the Kaiser Was Influenced by His Daughter. PrilleCSS Victoria Louise, the only girl in the kaSser's large foenily, al- though she is ooly eleven years old, already promises to be a patron of musiciann. As in the case of other daughters not royal, it is "father" who has to pay in coin of the realm, for this sympathy with genius, The London Chronicle says that a musician in Berlin told the emperor of the wonderful piano -playing of a small boy Pointe Arriola. The boy Was bidden to the palace. The em- peror told the princess that she was to be present at the concert, and ad- ded that she Must listen eloaely, for Pepito played eveii bettor that me- lba,. Although the little girl Said that she did not believe that to be possible, she was delighted with reptto's playing. on being told that he Was poor, she seid: must help hire!" She ran Ote. and emptied her own The late earl of Beaconsfield was gifted with any amount of politieal and moral courage, but he was an ableet coward physically. When he was still plain Mr. Disraeli his wife once said of him : "Benjamin is the greatest coward I ever saw. Why, do you know 1 lways have to pull the string of bbs shower bath ?" And the groat man was fain to eonfoes that this was actually the case. ee,see-eseeereisteneeem You can't cure a cough or cold from the outside. You must cure it through the blood. hilt,' 's 1 onsum tic re The Lung Tonic • is the only remedy that will do this, lt gets right to the root of the trouble. It is guaranteed to cure. Prices 26e., 60o. and 81.00 s. 6...vvEms & co. Tironto, 01n. LeRoy, 14.V., • Physician (to patient's wife)—•"Why did you delay sending for me until your husband was unconscious?" Wife --"Well, doctor, as long as he re- tained his senses he wouldn't let -us send for you." VTATE OP OHIO, CITY OP TOLEDO, 2 LUDAS COUNTY. SS SRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of IP. J. 01111.1Mt2Y & CO.,. doing business In the City of Toledo, County and titate aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each and every case of OA - that cannot be cured by the tle0 of HALL'S CATARRH CURB. . FRANK J. CHENEY. ' Sworn to before Inc and subscribed•in my presence, this eth day of December, A.D. 1846. ..... A. W. GLEASON, • Notary -Public catarrh Cure its taken lnter- sally, and acts directly onthe blood and Mucous surfaces of the system. bend for testimonials, free. •. JP. J. CHENEY 4 00., Toledo, O. Sold by All Druggists, 7.5c, Hall's Family rills are the best, A BAD XtF.CORD. Siace .1852 ince e. than 26,e00 cone viets have been sent to French Guia- na, of whom 84e per cent. die of eisease, hardship and insufficient. food- • Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria, "Can you tell me," said a lazy ina.n to a witty acquaintance, "of a plan for getting up earlier in the morning? I seem to be getting later and later every day." "Well," said the friend, "just continue as at pres- ent, getting up later every day, and by-and-by you will be ep at four o'clock in the morning." Illinatti's Liked Wes Distemper, ••••••••.••••• WORLD'S BIGGEST MARKET. ,The honor of possessing the great- est market in the world belongs to Russia. It is situated in Moscow, covers twenty acres, and embraces a thousand different establishments, each of which has its own proprietor. The place is in fact a sort of baz- aar, consisting not only of shops on the ground floor, but also on three floors above it, The merchandise of- fered for sale is described as of fabu- lous valtte; it ailments in fact to millions of pounds. The prices af 'the wares are not marked. The Rus- sians are much given to bargaining for and cheapening.' the goods they buy, and in buying at the bazaar most of them "negotiate" with the tratiesixxan verymuch in the Oriental fashion. • G1111., DRUG CLERKS. There is a demand for girls • as clerks in Gernien .tirug stores, •The course oV inetraction requires thiee years, except in the case of high school graduates, •who need' only tWo. ••• ) ge, eferees zt: griVeigrO, CAN BE HAD IN P Eis„ Wash Basins, Mini Pans, Any riret-Clasz Grocer Can Supply Vett. INSIST ON GETTING EDWPS. . 1,11.4A.V.:10:,TancePist-r.•!. Nt...4.".4 • =.113:aAciNct ALL CLASSES. The "sandwieh army" 01 London is I over 7,000 strong. in the service of 01.0 advertising contractor have been clergymen, doctors architects, ac- tors, clerks, and even a former wealthy squite. Sheer inisfox tune, as a rule, presses men into the work:, hut, accorcliegto a well-known con- tractor recruiting sergeant of the army of board-bearere, whose ordin- ary wages vary from one shilliug to two shillings a day. Pos. oyer Sixty Years Ittas. WINSLOW% SOOTIIIVO Mitre his been ttead by pillions of mothers for their children while teething. Itsoothes the cluid. softens the gums. allays pain, owes rind erotic, regulates theater:melt ataa bowels, and is the tot retnedy for Dlarrhoe. Twenty -11s e /onto n bottle told by druggist/ tarous_hout the world. Be Euro end 15k tor " Eas. WINALrOVIS SOOTIIING SVA11.1°." 21.74 "Confound the railroadsl" ex- claimed Subbubs, as he entered the ()Slice an hour late and took off his coat. "Train late again, I sup- pose?" asked Townley. "Not at all. For the first time in six months the measly thing was on time, and, of course. I missed it." Piles cured in 3 to 3 nights.— One application gives relief. Dr. Agnew' Ointment is a boon for Itching Piles, et Blind, Bleeding Piles. It relieves quickh and permanently. In skin eruptions it stand without a rival. Thousands of testimoniali if,‘,I7auliwoaan,t oevidideen;_caep. 35Icehnetas.r— you've lost your job?" "Well, I wouldn't put it like that exactly, but the firrn has been foolish enough to sever its connection with ine." I was Cured of a bad case of Grip by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Sydney, C.B. C. I. LAGUE. I was Cured of loss of voice by IINARD'S LINIMENT. Yarmouth. CHAS. PLUMMER. I was Cured of Sciatica Rheuma- tism by MINARD'S LINIME)NT. BURIN, Nfld. LEWIS S. BUTLER. t -f ara.eamatcrsormaft ltiugg—"Yes; they thought I was poisoned, and the doctor came with his stomach -pump." Wump—"Did he get anything out of you?" Mugg-- Yes; two dollars." Mr. Kidderee-"Ale how -der -do, doc- tor? If you have a few minutes to spare, X wish you would come .over to my house and chloroform my youngest boy." Dr. Price—"What is the matter with the lad?" Mr. Kid- der—"Oh, his Mother wants to comb his hair 'TO Starve la a Faliacy..—The dictum to stop eating because you have indi- gestion has long, since been exploded. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets intiodUced a new era in the treatment. of stomach troubles. It hes proved that one may eat his fill of anything and everything he relishes, and one tablet taken 'after the meal will aid the stomach in doing ite work. eo In a box, 35 cents.- -at Wife (who was always, ailing)— "You , will bury me by the side of my first husband, won't you, dear?" Husband—"WIth pleasure, my dear." •• twat Ilm.voi• gloom's Mimi cues Gorge! in .0ows, • Gentleman—"What do you mean by putting your hand in my pocket?". Light-fingered Bill—"Excuse me sir; I'm so absent-minded. I 'used to have a pair of trousers exactly like yours." Weill greasy dishes, pots or pans with Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It will remove the grease with the greatest ease. •••••••••••••• Saia—"Howe is it :Pete Green wears sech fine clothes en (loan' do nuf- fin'?" Remus—"Why, lie hes a washine machine dist suppohts him, and does it very well, too." Sam— "Huh! :Did he Invent it?" Remits— "No: married it." rt 1ase Most Sadden and Dangerous of Ailments. Dr. Agnew's ileart Cure relieves in • 343 Plinutes. Stealthy ns a thief in the eight, heart disease heralds its coming only by the deadly grip it tests upon its victims. If you have palpitation, short breath, smothering spans, or vertigo, do not de- lay tlie 11Sie of Dr. AgnoW's Mart. Cure • It Will relieve every case in 30 minuteS and will radically cure ninety-five per cent,. of those affected, Ti is a perfect remedy for nerves end stomach. 8 Dr. Agnew's 010tIlietilt Clirerg all • skin eruptions, 35c, Chinese farn2ers use a plow that is, . V017 small and with but ore heeefile, the moldboard having but a lew inebes �f surface. 11 amply scrateh- es tbe top of the soil, and is frequent.-- • le, drawn by men and women. The Cbinese have no conception of deep plowing and it would be contrary to their traditional agileultural train- , ing to turn the valuable surface soil underneath. A Veteran's Steno—George Levies; of Shamokin, Pa.'writes: "I ani eighty years of age. I have been troubled with Catarrh for fifty years, and In my time have used a great many catarrh cures, but neve bad any elief until I used Dr. Agneves Catarrhal Powder. One box cured in completely." so cents. -23 ••••••••••......• "Pa, won't you buy me a watch?'l "What for, my boy?" "I want to, . sWap it to Billy Wiggins for one of his pups." •••••••••••••••••1 IMinard's WINO Cues Colds. etc; Doctor—"Professor, a little son has just arrived " Professor (absent- mindedly)—"Tell him to wait in the • ante -room." An admirable Food of the Finest quality and flavour. 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