HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-12-24, Page 4• i j: ,l T4,, l!2 INT BGllliQ., a' TUE CRAZY !QU ILT -...., . Our leer , One t.iauaw. I 'into �a, etfa,z sit t t , �S actingwell. $dweis x3, , t I vas ,Pat awaa'ro i _< g, ',[',bait at w=as ca;azy tuit.(il It on All tbu ilOws o Interest es ( Ire •alar. Ui est;ion �Q�S �� n,uwifunnxmunuumnunuttoimmrmtllnumu#,uutn,„, . ' k 1 t O7 Gara .tune, a dreadful scare, T>iwes Readers HuppelniDg. hots remember, ,Dyers Pills. . .its lamiat' ,delustan was tivat .l Ill these Counties. The kind you have known l ill Was at amid 'It vy:a,s I; a i your life T a a orco t Jnerd Pale in the M ti es% and 1 - _ 9 .+'oRren,rs'aaa It u1c m - -z ST I y _ � �!'ti3' �11;�ct11�rS �,11t1 �halei`ex�. Huron Saved "Sun>g ,a lul'la1�y i” _ I (lg Axz, and Mrs, D. MctGllli cudd and Want yotir moustache or beard - I -o e •i S • moving a beautiful brown or rich black? Use This worried xled ire z xwxaluacay,, .so I . - _ 15�, f Uod a ch ala zxaovnn o I tl1=.-.ht I Would; riatrcat, -- _ G,ado,i' h,'vhem the well refsido, - Y iV3lilu tsuddi,n.a y tho quill: e+s,slaycc� = ka_. _ _ � You � -b t• , To, Li; frtLte tram sick 11La'c1,aalte� Iazlli- .Co lcix;k •ms off iti.� £e�ol, r I{ fl�lllVlu X111 i1 ill/� i Ip i f 1 citunn�etssy x',Cith9LJ�,t�a;C ton, a to., tilsu (�•Ct'r,-�, �'t°r era. !c• r. ua11, s co.. NAaaVe. M. u. nrr-�--rr,-- , -t';--r. ;:-5-7�—.r,'i�'r�rr-nr F' t •,Always Bought tet s Little, Liver Pills. Strlotly.vop;- St: tlpn ortoi e an,d, sa=id same° thi. e i _. t I �9�V�>;ekabt� �-�,-aa,..,tiottforAs.. r. The .Englishman's idea of breakfast is a healthy one, Toast, jam and tea --a c=lop ;mebbe : gust enough food for the stomach. to assimilate properly—the warmth of the tea to draw the blood to the stomach and assist digestion, Blue Ribbon Tea is tl* daintiest and crisplest leaves of the tea plant• r 's are tea --free tannin—appetizing 7t at p of . and nutritious. ' Trot the Red Lgb91 Frond for your breakfast, lue ROmffiw"' I's bb' ont Coylop T e r ' Dits� , 1Nia ash slwo,aa'Aa tram mals for Clxe ±i~��'Hc�r+ rCva•�s�a� a s" Fl:•ea3 I.as)tsa37L The Ni olso s 'art THE REV. IRR HICKS 1904 lIncorporn,ted'byAct of Parliament 1955) ALMANAC Head Office,liao•,t"l I:tha Rev. 7rrd R. 13'Ick� Akixetiwac fort Capital authorized --S,00y,000' Capital (all Paid up) k ,Saei,120 ,1' 3,s tni0iw #iaadty R will. be- Lmailedi Iteserce Fund - - 62,720, 17 to a,7ky &Aftziss for e{3 cants. it is sur. 44 Branehei in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, �piritigi,rig 1ha11� such Mtn elie�aaltt cosily i ' British Columbia and Alanitoba, t EXETER BRANCH book clan ba sant prepaid so cheaply. No family or •parsons is preptarod;t,o Open Erery Lawful Day from 16 a. an. [study tba baaviens or'the storms and to 3 p. iii.; except we,at'l•'fetr' in ItJ04 , without this wonflfetr Saturdays, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Farmers Sale Notes cashed or col ful Incurs Almanac,' and P-riaf. IR613;s' lected. Forms supplied on application, spl'e'wdtid papeir, 'word and Worm. Drafts on all points in the Dominion. Both :atria sterna for anay 0113 dollar a Great .Britain and United States yetair. Mrard and Works is among' bhp bought and sold at lowest rates of 'befit Amtelriician magazines. Like tii;e wr hax)ge• $1I,eks Al'ariamae, it is too well known SAVINGS DErARTIMENT. to need fmm- bier commendablon. Pew mm Ih;ave, labor -A more faithfully for Deposits of $1.60 and upwards receiv- Mia public; . good or found a ,,vartnaerr ed. Interest compounded halt T, early, p,laioo an the hearts at the people. and added to principal June Both and Send ardfe¢s to Word and Works pub - December 31st. Deposits Receipts also Vmbfung Oo.., 2201 Looususi St., St. Louis, issued and highest clarrent Tate of Mo. a interest allowed. Advances make to farmers, stock CATARRHAL D,EAYL ESS IS dealers and business men at iowesti CA,USEIl. rates and on most favorable terms. - Agents at Exeter for Dominion 13y a chiclreoang of the linin_- me'm- Government.. brave of .the, m7ddle ear, owing; to pro- 9MRSM C S�ILIL orrolm N. D. HUx ..0N,R uouitbed u;n,£kaxnmA oU from. �clattarir'hal _-arms. The ,only cure .is frtagxant,, be- -r, e- •••,,.••r aling Gatarrhozone one, tvhicii is car- e ! &i gry-iii ilill ' y �.wdt by the air tive ,breia.th ,;Lar itihci *# matest parts of [hie throat and ears ( r,eacbes the source of the trouble, and Calendar for December 1903 leuxits, �dfenfraess. t efrmraensnti5-: Every SUND9.Y.......... t3 13' 20 27 atuffe,•rter tom: atnpairier3, lie;ariln;; k[o\•DaY........, r 14 21 2S ,should us,s CattaxTh.oscme, whiichhlaself- TiwsDAY......... 1 8 15 22 29 footed. •many wicinaetxful curetoa .Yon WEDNESDAY... $ 9 16 23 BO simply binathe its healing medlo%ted TrunsDAY....... 3 10 17 24 31 satpac''-°cryoasy and pleasa; '. iDd• FRu,3Y....., . ; .. 4 11 1S 25 tflris ao l your h3afring ,Witt W, res0reA SATURDAY.....,. 5 1`r 19 26 Catarrhozane Dever fails; it is guar- _ ant, .Tvyo months, treatment for THURSDAY,DEOJ.+`MBER 2lth, 1903 $1'00 al d> ug�itretyt. SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION THE JOS OF LIVING. " W. knave- but Little• of joy; ,and, as A lta'rlga and represeni:`a,tivec meet. herr Jibe joy of hvimg, most of us have in got Sunday School Workers, mi�zaa tshlat aLtooe,Lhe,r"--the lack ,of ;iram all parts of tine toutns;hips of h!a Viayess in the would. and the unreal Jiiddulph and Dlansliard, and this vil. ' letwabLen..;ss 0f such a state of, affaissis lagers cqC Imran, Clatmdlsiboye„ Wood'- (rhe subject of au. inz-Pining paper by bam, 17,Irlabin, R%nnaob, and other I�tittie Hamiltiotu 1 •i't ncth, i1# tha Janu-. tpl4w% was lhedd, In .the M,tethvdist atry Deliwejuu i . AjuhtoQgh [lie• writer X--� Uay�1 mudht b:)Oli2ss uLa�a1, the;nanlc'sislt- ureb, Grantian, on 'Tuesday,, eve ..ng eiic,a of happiness, she points a way to Dec .8111. Mr. W. F. 13odtby, tha.-m�aw- irlvdivid'ual bP�t�rment ae conditions. agetr of the Mereba,n•ts Bank, Lucan, D• an, sale sink liudi3r a burden: of I x y lt" 1 Wats elaleicd Pxes;iavat; Dr. Fesguston, catrs,'w'b! rams care shr�titd be an uplift 1RExktchm,, 1sit; V loo lI .rely ; Mr- W .. 9. I • g . znfb infiue11rae, for the saddest of life :Dinsimuaro, 2nd 'i7':iice-Pres ;Ail the min- Sia nK4t found whar,a erase• is. but there Iilsto,Ts of (ihie district ,lion -Pres. I,`,tha,� Lcve is and Care is dsnied." It w,os decided tbat the association, T,laei7js is that in life to reweomtpems0for rimu�ld be known as the "f3iddulpii and . scrmow, =however great; the trouble{as :Blrwshai d and District Sunday School tiba,t m,anty cannot doe: the good around Asac,claitiou." „ i tibj?,am �e'verryvrhere, !a nature. Therein The excru•t. vq committee w..l meet • is L1be sgomt oif all joy', is. M,isJlk'•r%u- wwly .in January for work, and a dis-' C}h,st c7nreislatagre,-a! right un,cieirstmnding i4e1q c. aveiation- wilts be held in .:the `aP Life, looking on the bright side of. iatucr part of next May t , t rtkagtos. "Yet eveui when ycnir'atr- Tdire c+b jer_ttis of, the a-sozia;ticm axe ` em' iih dj-.a with discontent --and hexa to shim up <a. greater interest in , t7a>v verrY joy of rale itself -Nil tore, Sunday School work, land in making 11'rit[h its TAmiedial fo,ixc" wiU bring 1Lne so}u tars more effe4tive. lstreogth baiclx to you, for Nature, The ,mile oroailviTatuon is p,uxely a 1 wbtch is life, ss an e,terntall , rene•wv- b*,al one and vrilt not conflict vwlbb i • y Che work of county assoe.iations. reg' •iii things and always ready Lo, ra- f tvetvv ytau. . -`Y s , A -13 `'iri' SQA il3�.iL iT w .! This announcomenL is made vaLh:out any q•uallUcatiuns. F3em Roiri is the, t • Ai rine preparation in tiia, world ` that r �s. guarantees 7Ia�m Rodd w511 cur;; any case 0f 1'il- _ It do in tdre fio,eni of a, t•a•blert. ? = ( It •is the only Pile rant dy used ia- s jou can hardly find ,g.h#3lI'r., J i.<,'.gnol1W. 6rlill]BixC 1tS�rCt'S Cl]easy '' It as'imt.ptc,ssible Macara ataestablish- Pectoralp. Parentsknowullist �ed ca�2rf Tilos 1 Lt,1n oiatftrnents:, sup- 'w8t tl0eS 'ti�� children' breaks rpoel,ories u.jeofaons. or outivard ap- (lra ni a a t . A €;tiararima ifo is issued w with tains `�+v' : �itni kiag n f tl,titi-hc,., , w,ll,i:ch contains Cherr f a 1n; 'I h'S tr•ea,tm. Go arid. talk to your' druggfat abauL _ 1,, �it. V:l}� S cold' in a single xi%�; t, , , i1Ti•, J. �•V . lI. C.,s rit,rtr•om, a .rttr, i,vvttlr wards of bronchitis, prevents mala cleirk, watt .011, Dominion .A:tlantic 1.)ne'LuY onir'l. Physicians ad- Itaslweiy, fetI ,off a txaln on 5utt lay tnighL and waa lyadi frozon. 11-. i',,,or (;13 visa parents t� keep =ton llatid y €.' yrceat^ta ^ilrl, ih,a's ircaun 50 yeas .77 Che , ^r ,rThe ,bot coankh rneillone-innney`ent µMn ;• 1"7'C�, aXA'1 i3 1,Iis tYipe'r K21 t;he North !Y 13.yex 1 Gilexry 1°eatarat, a or thr,: ,, i „ ar ahiirireainotl2ta�aatritl a=sli,tylrp F e:ttcr• . +l%t:i L1,sll .�r7Ciety, Ilaltfax. i� JACon jlnu 7., Saratoga, Dal +�t ,.n � .r. c.nEtrnr.i,.;t, tTiio bias::'?y-lClarirs :�taniuf£a;citlarin;,; e„ 6rw.g, e. i Commpax;y have notlaul their amployes Aft rir,F s int.s, 7 r1 t;tapR T '3✓:.7P'::." fox, �,..,='""•K..., :9.u` tyi 4it '1 to i➢^,r' Vaal. 1. re lU lI,a,n .in '44ai,,''�,'.ry L' 312 , <e ,y all ioulnul, the company cliam, it is .t ,i1 O >kS�; t .3 1: . S • i a, 'na-a d jusetnan,t of tvag,r sa�liome Thus 9 4 1 is Lrhe nxe out in any of thra, b goon- " �= ' � oefrrna :�f: Llai :cll:y si,nrc Llic hlgbi tide Ay log great Citi 'tate Oi'i�'r �Y ,or pomiparuv. ,v'rotn 1,5017 to 1,300 P '4a`l Iart�a to pip a fs1C e r " nYurt arra uffeolert« T,he lnxln a:re loath. arzt 11t7y ciril'a11•wiuon. l ' otabb2•. V03"y gO;ltly stimulate the If- rin, and Irce the stamaeli ;from hale, _-� �. - n 10001Vaxls 111+11 xzf g1P0m. Arita lien fit U10110d. a:'bellboy, and Mr. J. J. 119:�aiguire, aria avid Blyt'li boy Cashwoed Said "I dant 1 kie thio rMin"', amid who has bee=n Grand Trunk ageai: tut S,'bakespiepwa fear the past two years -Our au iuc -'-,-� 1 b se1LaD1 4.Oao(i f.'t' :Luta. IV•i th ge►nt•!to hand the bOlLbay, took Ina -betep!priolmicited to tiro LnGaha dny tar Mixt Christmas hol day. -..Mr�a•. C; 13ettvlex> of C•rezli! anr.speln•ti 2yhte quilt, aat•d sioftly said; ,.r Tba •poor old quilt is crazy, sir: aItadnit;y. .At the 1110-miaiation .held at Auburn, Sunday with b2+r tstsle'r,'Alrs, Jaseiph Sap Vil:.' Audit must go to tied," clr( Wtet(�aejsday, of last week, Di'ia•ypr l.rewi,4 lof Godeiridh was chosein-aS elan- f krt,hux Iiell,alriniun; zt studt.wt Ott And its ,lire wain$, away, I wgike-d 1' bia-t• 1c,au, d d•ts, luaac; $". didal�e -far West Huron, at th's coming it , 111, , Wrlitaz'u 00110: •e, �Yapar- . Ville, ill, is., InAme trader the parental ••Alas l" he 4nsivere.d, " Si•r it was f Dalull7kian �alet(tou, ryoof, ,stun g g " y .. g 'by' 0 uifltan bene., The engine and ln.rge press oe- t9 tt 3 ek'•01!Qrth Stair ha.V& bean Ths Chr•?,sijhats ioadva.l In the: :Lv- C 6utxrch •eYill 1 "Since ibaxn its Qatteora is sal land puiriabiasfetd by kr. Macbeth, of the Mil,. rlira,al-.• apipglk~aal bti belt' fc¢i i Cha.+isLmi,%s night, Admissiwrn aduhLs„ It rtalnwajt; g'o to.slebeipr,: Anid soot �alt�•a,ys ;SW.ks sacuse S1eirticin San. Th: Clintou'New 15c, ehil� icon• 5 cgats.• . `, o sioolid oa' swear or weep," so P=1haise3 a portion of the, Machin. . .-Quite a. Au,mber attended Lipe elt'ly. I Christmas festiva1.mt tho Presb'yLer- Now, Wh! n; I �e a criaT.y,quilt, Dyrlplapsaa in tte tislc,rst forms evil] ` iqa re1Yuxoh,, Gavatud Bond, On Tue-0d y 1 It much; appeals to me ytieLd to Ube use of 0aeEer's Little er•eillno, x always Lary too oataafor't it Nierve 1'ials, Molded by Cartel's Litle Li- I - --The m4linc_y: s*wsm .Las Qlos'ud, L;b fr:inin�aly; sy!m?p#.hy.i veer Bills. They noc only relieve pies- arad t' o mill gersi have retucuaa to � (Cpu'iilatga '!`;zifbane. enit dishreas but ztreugtlte.0 the sto,m- the,iir Wines M,itss Duvv, co Miteliell, - a�ch antd dugesllvw appairatus. 'and Mass fiennc•;;t, to Melbourne, Ill; D+eise'rres PITY. That McKillop, council. have awarded •-Dir. and Mrs. Henry Hallerman, '-'- thecontract• for ten •steel bridges, to tiM Milttchied] Dri,age GamRaairy. These Mrs. J. Gill and Sirs. Liege, all attf Elkton, lticolxigan, are in tha village, alis Ismr-t ring from , sciatica was so bridges are to be erected in tillialt tawv�n fF it a. fewdrays aind attanded til A fuu- great,but thanks. too Nervaline he vvns elhikV, heat• summer. ''They wire, baba built fwr Cem=ent floors and the con- Wall off Lbsix mother. -D+la,di skoLe.rad Lhe hame of Minh-- cured. "'I suffered far three years fromi sciatica" writes E, S. Jenklns, of Fort 4r,ac•t price its $1760. ori film-, oln Friday night and -claimed land, "acid no: man eversmffieream�ore li?r. P. Barnes, *ane• of the Clinton Biod hr's. `Zi'ler as its victim. Mrs. Giltyr had beteln aiiiliAg for some time land I sPUnt 0, small fiartulM. on different r,emedked butt t'he cml)" one w th,xieal elites, uaielaT;M,r. Loug'h's tui•tian,,took a •run ,da1-n •011 Saturday last toy Ailsa her death was not uneapeo•ted.y tnx►nit �v,as Nrrviline. l used a few bot Craig aod' made •asi,femt;a�e•mern. boi.j)e .,.•Lasa 'Mhu,risd,ay ev.enting Mr. Gera. Kellex=ii recalved tine sad neves Bite Pas at Neirvgl,Flne -and w w eample,tely, euxed. I uan recommend Nerviline as taa;elter inane, of the public schools, of tba,t• Icioaiity, lar the incomingi fyleair tke death of his m;othe.r at •Elkton}, o. sure cure, for sciatica, it's exoeile,nt a [good salary. Miifa'bdigaxi• Her remains wvere brought also for rheumattlsm and neural is .witch, ,a D•aAhl poA, on aaturday aveiiini_j Try Nervillne, 25o at all druggists. Whit one in tttvnty atria free'fxofm-• atwd iu.exred in Branson lino cemetery ---------_ some little ailment caused by inaoti�on of phis :Livor. like Cairtor's LtUlo IA 0A S tnda;yi fortennon, -.41r. Re,n,ry. S.te{phan fs home for! q, ClubbingRates for t 9{73 , l SOS very Pills. +The, result will be a.pleias rdw .days adteir spep4h3g the summetr `'"" ainit surprise, Th�eyr give positive. re.• slatitliinta vin [Abe gTtaat lakctia B•rr. Sart- T.tmers,aind,•Far!,Dxs Aclv'rWa,tjef.,, $'2.255 Lire+P. phenws holdis a. lucraUvcf pos�itio•n its Timers afntd Taxoanto Daily New,s,.. 1.50 Ater an illness fram, lbeart trouble, >sdCoind mkalte, an one of 4he , 1•a'igeisit Time and ZV'eekly" Free Press to extending ovar the past couple of ja�Lva1Lp., 'fia;aling LaJGWied- up [that .oro. J•anwax;y 1905 ...... ... ... ............. 1.75 mlcm,tthts, Wm. Hinton, the well-known ouplmttiwx Lofr the least fivo years, Times and Weekly Advertiser to m'ainaigar of the Ite;nsingtonFurniture —Laura Webeir,'vvho speiat the Ja•auatry 1x905...............................,.'1.50 company •for Lji,- Past spiv,en ox(esght past few •mxxntihs in London, is home Times •and daily Ad'"Oaser to, yeays, anstvwireid the .faunal summons on Lcir rbcs Xmas. holij&ATs, X=uasy 1905 .......... .: ........................... w 50 Sunday esaeiitdn,g last, 'having reached --On Suimilay ulgh,t Mss. John Rhodo Times,and Dally Star to Jaa. tlhte age of rif ty-[nine yeairs. sr. !passed away. Mrs. Iih•ada bad, bean 11,905.1 ........ ...... ..,.. : •...._ 1.75 Xr. retor Cool. Sa, ur t,ivo of : God)- in pooir •health for, a few yexrw• and' Times and Daily World o Janu etrrivib Lottrnpblp, wbate be was born ba,vlitng been spetc�hless fotr, the, )last wary, 1905 ...... .............. ....... .. 3.50 sixty yefars algia,' -died on Thursday : hirm. yleatra 0aused by a. par:tlyticj Times and Dimity Mail & Empixe Past. He aamried an farming un. sirol e, death came, as a happy relsase to January, 1905.......... .....4.25 tint ra flaw Ago when het ,m MI(to to'bter- The fanteral took olace on Times and baal;y Globe• to J,anu ,yea=rs onoton, but for pone time, past be Wdd,netsdiay fore,aaaa, to ltlhe Goshen ulmry 1905 ......, .. ..„.....4:25 Mats beern living in London. tis wife fine 'Mmetogy. ; Times amid Weekly Globe, *,b J•zn. suirivri.ves, tage,bb r with two sons, 1905 .... ..... ..... .. ........... . 1 G5 Times and 'Vzanireal Witness, to Wamim vvfiiih pale colorless faces, vvlia Leel weak •avid, cLsooulraged, will BORN. HILL.-b,n 14 �1tgAes.Si.Rete•t, T�aTonto, Jana 1900 .,..... ,........•.. 1 65 Tomas and Wee......kly' Advar i9or to roceave both meatal and bodily vig'OT an Ibecptmbear 22 -ad, to Mr. and Mrs- Jan. ....... 1 75 b using Canter's Iron fills, which, Y Firod J. HUI a daiu:Mhtieir• � , .,.., rid 'Times ,and Mail &Empire to Jam. marde faor the 'blood, series and Com- D=,4 D. 1905 ............... .. ... ... 75 pleaion. GOUI;D.---'Die;d 1A. Exeter, on Do,,*,m- Times and gamily Hexulde& Star At Lthe -annual Meeting ort: -the, Con- :her- 17th, Mary Ann Hutchings, be- to Jan., 1905......... ................... �ar'valtiive Amsotcaia�ticia of 1I ast Huron, ldr'ed wife of J,a,me,s Gould, aged Timers & Weekly Sun to Jan. hiela -at Wiinigham, Dr. Thomas Chits.. 56 yoairs 1 m,otnth, and- one, day. 1905 ....... ..... ... ........ 1$1 5 btoP.fm, of WIngh�ana, was +chosen irreisx- Yearly eubsenibers• bo Times and Mail ciieinit, Sams discussion took prl+ace; xe- venal recetre a baaidsome premium pie, ion �o; • „• tr c,a , � s ndi ' t . -ate da l . t lIt^ a din t r. Eia� � � I HOI� if®?1-OX Tablets lrn� u e •lift ., t. r "The oto, ed Th a -Vint ' oria,Cross„ v0hteaii it was a'aAcilr5d. td !call a ge'nexai the, dote } ptoVed ,a London Boy's an e:pisade of the.Doer war. .- Yearly to ,cinvlewtion for the, purpose, subsoribors � the Family afr43 ,plaola to be flamed later, _ Health. Herald & Star will receive a hand - game picture and special prize. WHEN YOUR APPETITE FA.LLS g January' 3:1, 19O3. Othea additiaws `vitt be made to this list later. I am glad to tell you of the &nd I.' m�akesy;au dizzy to. even hiuk u! among. . rXm ,Ied F tfr;azonc the r- W g el ! good effects of Iron -ox Tab- CHI11 L 'S J3 A.TIr.. zaLetst of appetizing tonics: It builds lets. We first got thein for —�-- up the whole 'body, the taste becomes fiaiv+ors in foot, our BC2 two -arid -a -half ears boy, y •Diss. J. I3. Busk; Rusbview, Dnt.,• , aware of new you no -v- 3r,noticed before, A'relish, aad alter old, who was very cross and says: "I rhmve used Uagyard,s yellow Oil for Chilblains, and found it -.sa,tisfa:ctian in eating is anotbetr( r.�- improves had no appetite. ®fir reille- most eJ£eetual. It relieved tri$ i-rritation til lull boom Ftrrozonc «lnicli. rhe dfig;astkm iind •oonvizrts everything dy soon made hila as bright n,•cdt immsduateiy and a fele appiica- tions made a.00mixl�ete cure,,, 3acen into nourishment for the blood xnd bir•ain and nerves. JusL on.e rerr- as ever. husband uses, y mzona t,aW.,t after meals, easy • to take wad Try I''errozone them for headache and slug - °yam I WAS GIFTS, pleazaot. 50c: . ish liver. While certainly gy : t'rica at rltzu�ggists. effective,, the cause neither l L.Irge Bailkrupt Stock of.. �] Perth Mrs. McConnell, dau,ahter of, Mrs. � a1f1 nor inconvenience. We � have Gold,W tche Va s, each . only Just consider it, ':a a box in the house al - stand.. Alex. i'a7trast, Atxvreod, committed - 21rd t•Jf�tseIle+J'va2•icli,a;old- mieide -else Thursday by hanging her- ways now, filed cr.ses, Warranted for m1f with u, towel in thecellar. De- Mrs. Jean Russell, 20'►ears for only $7.50 C.. a�a. ,i iraa subject to fits a, .depipon_ � deny. The Ridgeway, 0. ©., on approval. "You ba.rdly realize Lhac it is medi-- London, Ont. We have eecured Cut; a, large discount Alimited atoCk of the>sewatches,hence ci-ne wv',hetn liakin Carter's LitLlef:L'i- our ability to sell therm at such aprice. vefg elf rs ,a; they are very small ; nto bad e8fe,sf:s ; all troubles from torpid ?leer fifty iron -ox Tablets in an attractive aluminum pocket case, 25 cents at drug- This is chance of a; lifetime to ctb- awrt, relieised by Lbeir use. Xxr W. J. Holmes bays svld'hist lf•ty gists, or sent, postpaid, *on receipt of. price. The Iron -ox Remedy Co., I,4tn- talii a high grade warranted watch. g returned at nt:r Pxpence if trot r~rti6is- avre farm, coil. 3, Logan, north, of ited, Walkerville, Out. factory. M1 einall, to, DI,r. Thos, Coppin, of, Both. ------- --- hcilm, and gives Possession Feb 1st, 1i21,D4. Mr. Holmes and -family,, will y� . �� z .�� � s , , . . ,-.. � �'�E1���� � �(� 000 m^t�,^. t `.iii d is ftitt�t. •..: ...,.• CLEAI;tiS AssAY 1rtrORD2c,UNION Ffl[GING 423 Park Ave. , LONDON ONT. rtni'ovm offs ave nxazn us rixrs covrox The Ce=ntral Supply Co. ---•�i Mrs. Win. Gralbam, Shel:pardan,Gnt Shortest L.l]'te wvrrr• era, "I have given Dr. Low's Fastest Time Plf,aisesend me t`•, O, 1). 1ty 19xpress Wot i Syrup to a n r z boy time a rnd y y y p n n n i o f v0 t :-n t 7 7 r” it.dl .Q ( P or £rP.nfsl 7 aig'ac,u aril find it a good worm magi- TO j ",' ell"d 20' F ads 1XIVIratiteed gj1d fill- Gl nl3• It IS nice t0. take anal 'never makes the child sick like fcmders," re, 0-o ed'1vAtCb08t'h0 r;1111P to Ftp examined land approved by tr,f• hf•forP accept Trina tae• Alice T.•:G�,�- . t AND Name ........ ... y�� All Stuffed Wa �#.O Arltirf as . j 8.8 .'hat's the condition of many sufferers n �� P', .xrrPA; OPfice,. ... from catarrh, especially in the morning. D6tylight Rice of 200 Miles aiotig the ,mom,. ---+--•--..- > „y Great difficulty is experienced in clear- Beautiful ColLl-..n 31,,1 LXX Eli KAtiXBTS Ing the head and throat. River ss tient per busht•il 71 to 76 Na wonder catarrh causes headache , impairs the taste - Two Throb b TiaN5 $�r�B � � o ata flew .. 25. fo • '38 J31W10y , .. :10 t o 87 smell and.bearin , P r � . i, ��1�t'eGl 1Q pollutes ' the breath, deranges the stone- Accommodation for All elassee 0f " ... 20 "h and affects the appetite. passengers Wool.; 10 l To cure catarrh treatment wrist be constitutional- alterative and Manic. S(e:i:m Zieitt-l'intscli Light . Pork live weight i .00 t o nay oo Porte Dressed 16 F,0 tri fi(3;K0 tt las Ill ml thro months 'vib catarrh TOURIST 5L! ElSli`iG C.4F33 61 Turkey 1a Dudl;s 8 I Ilad a bad cough In the bead abl blood. and raised blood. I had become dis-Clhicits SPECIALTY ,. . ' n .. 1. ... . ti a.l .,, imila.tinb aief'ood atidRegula- tliibffia t radisarAl3mrelsaf �rClllotes Di�eskia,�,Clteerful- r ,t.,ss �itdI'Cest,Contalns neittler Dpluni'Morptaiae nor Maesal. NOT WARC8: TIC. 6 •7Jt3%Gi�iL.i�JSI�J�'i 'a .7�rm�xktn J'.szr- .4i'h..fn,; xc � Rarled is Aa?dr - �ijn,�rrntnf _ L: cr13r.,rams,+,�w y jic'nm J'eui - , �lrrr�ih'erl,lugrtr . Aparfeafieipedy forConslipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea 'o,loi•i'ftsa,Convu[sions,feverisit- ness and Loss 0 F 6LEI >' - Bears the e A e Ii ur of tip t .. The l c to r i camA C s ;25 For Valor- In 1'en Colors , i3Fr V 71 Weekly of Effi&;%Ire Efr`: . For IVeW� 2�t, Pages "fIHE picture shown is one boy dear to every man, woMan', reward dear to soldiers' hearts above every other is the ani girl, on account of its meaning--" The Vic- toria Cross," given for conspicuous bravery. If only: o the soil of South Africa could voice the deeds perfpraa.e i all the leading illustrated periodicals of the Empire, It is a upon it, how _many Victoria Crosses would hav_ found to have been earned by Canada's sons! it i has obtained the exclusive right for this picture in Canad.i. hard in the heat of action to notice every act of` valor, aad h h h' «• f S•=` c er ore only t ose w Leh take place under th eye 0. superiors of sufficient rank can be noted. i The picture shows one of such deeds Two tr000ers ar closely pressed by the enemy. The' horse of oae ' is h't. ; Under the withering fare, the man whose mount is uzh it :n . I ti halts, and, risking everything, watts to get his comracia safe,y t mounted behind him and carry hien back to the C3na'iia:t ' lines. It is a desperate deed, and one often perforineJ ba. seldom noticed. When, however, such an act is seen,. t'ne reward dear to soldiers' hearts above every other is the orb result. This picture is from the brush of Mr, W. B. Wollen, an o artist famed for his war pictures, one whose.- work appears in all the leading illustrated periodicals of the Empire, It is a forceful subject from the hand of a strong man. The Mail and Empire has obtained the exclusive right for this picture in Canad.i. ' It is a perfect tea -color reproduction, and will be given FAM, rr to readers under Mid foltovsiing conditions: -- With The Weekly Trail and Empire r• New and old subscriber; map secure one copy of the Artogravure on or 11ric ` ONE YEAR'S subaaription, payable in advance, maile3 to any add._ -s i;: I Canada, Grant Britain or United States for _$1.00. For samples of paper and far.her particulars, write to - CIRCULATION DEPAIYTYIENT, r MAIL AND EMPIRE, TORONTO. 5K - couraged when r'by b%sband bought a bottle : i3a stun yoarticlvat nr;' 13 over ttie Union Paci52i of hood's SarsopaAD)a and persuaded rm to try lt. I aelvlso all to tape lt, It has 1 i1;1 inferrzntltiolt fur.nisherl on cured and built ino tip," 11172Iran p s. Ii' RG . , .. a lie'e,ioll (fY fir. � .:._.. Y07G7?tr, 'i3r'est •I.lsC07rib, X. S. : Hood' .g�r T11, B. Ohmte, G. A. a ' S Ja- x'ft�,�r�j`lzb&af Y t , f20 wooaward,A.ve ..,:„», w To Cure Cures catarrh ---it soothes and strength- lJ T.t, t rut t,ri ! .1 t D'atroit, Mich. s a �' y'sq S 1 },IN,i1ek I3uei,lanl+ •`8t oLaxativeJS ' ,ia��J't56 ens %rte mucous membrane acid hu�ltls up the whole systema, 'T'fsr rv,t t,y ii,tlt,td t, uevl- A �,llfi9irt bLoxes:sold In "at 12 months. 19TMS 61I Woo” RMW r o RMW