HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-09-09, Page 23Pig Tales - discount selling network An overwhelming interest in books is what got Joanne (Bode) Drennan, of Clinton and formerly of Seaforth, involved with Pig Tales, a firm which sells children's books at rock -bottom prices through home parties. It was April when Mrs. Drennan, on maternity leave from her teaching position at Vanastra Public School, first heard about Pig Tales through the Channel 13 program, "Be My Guest". It featured Carol Meredith, a former school teacher and the president of Pig Tales Books Ltd., a shop -at-home literary party that offers children's books at half of their regular price. Similar to the Tupperware approach to business, Pig Tales holds gatherings in suburban living rooms, local schools and trade shows. Independent sales consultants, like Mrs. Drennan, some complete with pink sweatshirts adorned with a burgundy pig and other pig -type displays, show off their ,wares before scrutinizing parents. The con- sultants are paid for their time with further discounts on the books. Mrs. Drennan, who admits she buys a lot of books anyway, said she couldn't believe how much less the books offered through Pig Tales cost. "They're all first class books too. They are good quality and have good stories. They aren't the kind you'd find in super- markets," she said, adding all the books sold by Pig Tales are made of high quality paper, have large print and colorful pic- tures. There are books suitable for children from birth all the way up to age 12. Current titles include some Charles Dickens books as well as a popular seller, The Human Body featuring three- dimensional pop-up pages. There are a wide variety of board books and/or heavily laminated books suitable for infants whose primary interests are teething moreso than reading. These books are also ones infants can handle in their hands. Also available are a range of texture books, bathtub books, and material books as well as the standard nursery rhyme books, fairy tales, picture stories and Bible stories. There are interactive books which allow children to take a more active role in the story they are reading. There are kaleidoscope -type books which let children pull a tabs in order to make the pictures change. There are books which teach se- quencing and others intended for the young scientist. "A lot of the books are books which get the child involved. W -e, call -them books that don't sit on a shelf," said Mrs. Drennan. "These aren't just books you get out and read to your child once in a while. These are the ones your kids want to get out and play with every day." Despite the good quality and selection of the books offered by Pig Tales, none sells for more than $10. The lowest priced book sells for 99 cents. In order to offer these top-quality books at cut-rate prices, Pig Tales Ltd. scours publishers for special buys. More often than not it takes advantage of reduced prices on "end of the line" books. These books, which aren't available in sufficient quantity for publishers to distribute profitably, are sold at rock -bottom prices to Pig Tales Ltd. But more than offering good quality books at lower prices Pig Tales allows parents to get involved in their children's literary education. "The P -I -G in Pig Tales actually stands for Parents involved in growth," Mrs. Dren- nan pointed out. "The TALES part of the name has a meaning as well. It relates to the actual stories ( tales I themselves as well as the end of the line hooks ( tail ends )." "And there's a personal touch to it. When you go into a store you don't really know for :;ure what quality of hook you're getting. Turn to page 4A • Send the CLINTON NEWS RECORD to COLLEGE Any student away at college wants to know the news from home. And there's no better way to get it, than with a regular subscription to the paper. That's why we offer special rates to college students for 8 months (the school year). SPECIAL 50 STUDENT SUBSCRIPTION RATE 18 month V Clinton News Record Phone P.O. Box 39 Clinton. Ontario NOM 1 LO Student name Address Starting Date 482-3443 Joanne Drennan of Clinton entertains her eight -month-old son, Phillip, with one of the books offered for sale through Pig Tales, a discount book selling network. Mrs. Drennan, a teacher at Vanastra Public School, got involved in Pig Tales because of her keen in- terest in books. (Heather Mcllwraith photo) 1 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1987—Page 3A ELECT NICO PETERS Planning Your Future in HURON For Information Call NICO PETERS CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS Clinton 482-7764 Exeter - 235-2026 Seaforth - 527-2266 Goderich - °524-8455 Wingham - 357-1148 ilte,11,11.1repoiosw Authorized by the Huron Progressive Conservative Associanon HORST Feige D T. 53' West Street GODERICH (519) 524-6688 Neustadt (519) 665-7818 No Charge 1-800-265-7555 Sale of Land By Public Auction Municipal Tax Sales Act, 1984 The Corporation of the County of Huron TAKE NOTICE that the land(s) described below will be offered for sale by public auction at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon 'on the 6th day of October, 1987 at THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, COURT HOUSE, GODERICH. ONTARIO. Description of Land(s) PCL. No. 4 TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD, COUNTY OF HURON, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 'PART OF THE NORTH HALF OF LOT 44 OF THE FRONT CONCES- SION OR CONCESSION "A", NORTH OF THE TOWN PLOT OF THE SAID TOWNSHIP, which said parcel of land may be more particularly described as follows BEARINGS mentioned herein are astronomic and are referred to those bearings shown on Registered Plan No 580. Ashfield; COMMENCING at a point 1n the North Limit of the North Half of the said Lot 44. 457 35.feet measured Easterly from the North West angle of the North half of said Lot 44. which said point may be further described as the point where the North limit of the North Half of the said Lot 44 is in- tersected by the East limit of Huron Street as shown on Registered Plan No 580 Ashfield. THENCE continuing Easterly along the North limit of the North Half of the said Lot 44. 488 65 feet more or less to the North West angle of those lands described in Registered Instrument No 15783, THENCE Southerly 759 10 feel more or less 10 a point in a line between the North and South Half of the said Lot 44, 6204 00 feet measured Westerly therealong from the South East angle of the North Hall of the said Lot 44 THENCE Westerly along the line between the North and South Halves of the said Lot 44 to the point where the said limit is intersected by the East Limit of Huron Street as shown on Registered Plan No 580. Ashfield THENCE Northerly along the last mentioned limit to an angle therein THENCE North 61 degrees 22 minutes 00 seconds .West along the North limit of Huron Street 145 60 feet more or less to an angle therein. rHENCE North 18 degrees 37 minutes 00 seconds West along the East limit of Huron Street to the point of commencement save and except lots 1 2 3 4 5 1) 7 8 9 10 Plan 591 PCL. No. 16 TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD, COUNTY OF HURON, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO PART OF LOT 10, CONCESSION 8. EASTERN DIVISION and designated as Part Twelve on a plan of survey deposited January 17th 1969 as RD No 18 TOGETHER WITH A right of way over that part of Lol 10. Conces Sion 8. Eastern Division. and designated as Part 1 on a Plan of Survey deposited as RD No 10 PCL. No. 52 TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK, COUNTY OF HURON, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO PART OF LOT 8 - NORTH SIDE OF ALICE STREET PLAN 243 more particularly described as follows COMMENCING al the North West corner of said Lot 8 THENCE north 79 23 00 East along the Northerly limit of said Lot 8 a distance of 41 55 feet to a point THENCE South 34 00' 00' East a distance of 0 38 feet to a witness iron bar. THENCF continuing along the same South 34 00 00 East a distance 01 240 36 to an iron bar THENCE South 79 34 30 WeSI a distance of 136 45 fret to a witnes,•, standard round iron bar THENCE continuing ,along the same South 79 3n 30 Were .a dr,t;an,e of 1 60 teat to the Westerly limit of said Lot 8 THENCE North 10.46 '30 West along the Westerly lima1 of sard int 8 to the POINT OF COMMENCEMENT Further shown as Part 2 & 3 Plan 22F3 1783 PCL. No. 61 TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK, COUNTY OF HURON PROVINCE OF ONTARIO PARK LOT 23 PLAN 276 PCL. No. 102 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN. COUNTY OF HURON. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO Cornpn'>ed of a portion of Lot Number Four 141 Parsons Survey Plan 211 of the Village of Crediton and known as a part of the south west angle of Farm LM Number Eleven (11) in the Sixth (6) Concession of the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and better known and descnoed as follows Commencing at a stake plated on the easterly limit of said village Lot Number Four at a distance or itty twr. feet (52 1 northerly from the south-east angle of said Village lot thence northerly along the easterly limat of said Village Lor a distance of thirty feet six inches 130 6 ) more or less arriving at the northerly limot of said Village Lot thence westerly along the said northerly limit a d stat e of twenty two feet (22 1 to an angle. thence southerly parallel with the easterly 1)rnit of said lot a d Slance 01 thirty feet six inches 130 6 1 to an angle thence eaeterly parallel with the southerly limit of said V liege Lot a rlistanre of twenty two feet (22.) arriving at a place of beginning TOGETHER with a rot of wa' running north to south described as follows Commencing at a point 00 the southerly limit of said Village Lnt Number Four (41 and ata distance of twenty two feet 1221 west from the south Past angle of said Lol thence northerly parallel with the eastern boundary a distance of eighty two feet six inches (82'6 1 to an angle thence westerly parallel with the southerly limit a distance of eight feel (8 i to an angle t`aence southerly parallel with the easterly limit a distance of eighty two feet six inches (82 6 ) arriving a1 the southerly limit of sard lot thence easterly along the southerly limit a distance of eight feet (8 i arriving 21 the place or beginning PARK LOT NUMBER 26 ON THE WEST SIDE OF ARTHUR STREET PLAN 410 in the said Town Plot of Wingham lying south of the Well ington Grey and Bruce Railway Company right-of-way more pancculeriy described in Registered Inst 10623 PCL. No 109 TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY. COUNTY OF HURON. $ 207.04 PROVINCE OF ONTARIO GORE LOT DUNCANS SURVEY PLAN 166 Minimum Bid $ (the cancellation price as of the first day of advertising) $1,046.13 $ 366.94 $1 ,546.81 $7,706.16 $ 223.03 Ail amounts payable by the successful purchaser shall be payable in full at the time of the sale by cash or money order or by a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank. trust company or Province of Ontario Savings Office. The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other mat- ters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rest with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Tax Sales Act, 1984 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount bid plus accumulated taxes and relevant land transfer tax. For further information regarding this sale, contact: B. G. Hanly, Clerk -Treasurer & Administrator. Corporation of the County of Huron, Court House Square. Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M2. t