HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-09-09, Page 20ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL Fid• $ Y - Z`UNTOFf....:; Page 20-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1987 CAC offers childrens' programs CLINTON - A fantastic children's enter- tainment value is being offered to Clinton families this fall by the Clinton Arts Com- mittee. Three events comprise the first an- nual series and it begins'soon. April and Susan present a concert for children and their families, using a dynamic and exciting blend of original songs, poetry and theatre with lots of audience participa- tion. This takes place at the Clinton Town Hall at 3 p.m..on October 3. The second event, call The Second First Christmas, is presented by the Toy Town Troupers' Theatre company on December 12. It is an imaginative stbry about Christmas in 2087. An exciting five member company from Halifax called 'the Jest in -Time' Theatre' has an original style of physical theatre, weaving together mime, acting' and move- ment and will appear on the stage January 30, 1988. 'i'o promote this series, there will be a celebration in the library square September 12, at 11 a.m. with clowns, balloons and goodies for the kids. Tickets for the children's series will be available here as well as at the town hall, and from volunteer icket sellers. Bring your children and join in the fun. Don't miss this opportunity to stimulate your children's imagination and present Yrnl .in ,1nIIr11 rlu,IliU LIVE ENTERTAINMENT WEDDINGS - PARTIES - DANCES [don't ,,ettle tor second he'.t! Oval (•nlert,ttnnx•n1, ser, rca.onaltle pit( y.. 1h, grn,Ur+I Nis 01 OW .n ., 60'., O. a ttu'.! i • //e 7","/"."- i ii • tendon (i 19) 679-1196 ( .111 ( I 111,• I ) I (Ilrul.ili Krlrn•nr r. `,,,,,1,11,1° BUCK & DOE for Jerry Hoggarth and Marlene. Nott FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 For information call 523-9646 STAG & DOE COLIN CHISHOLM and ANNE NAREJKO Saturday, September 12 9PM-1AM in 1)IIN(:ANNoN For More Information Call 529-7733 - OLD FASHION - PANCAKE BREAKFAST and BAKE SALE Brucefield Fire all SATURDAY, SEPT. 12, 1987 7 a.m. - 12 noon Sponsored by Brucefield Firemen Proceeds for equipment foiattg £7&tZ., invites you to an *01 tl'Ogfe--j FRI., SEPT. 18 -4 PM - 9 PM SAT., SEPT. 19 - 9 AM - 4 PM at the residence of Ervin & Helen Keys R.R. 1 VARNA, 262-5367 Fall & Christmas Country Crafts Grapevine and Pinecone Wreaths and Centrepieces, Folkart, Barley Weaving, Baskets and Crates, Cornhusk Flowers and Dolts, Indian Corn Swags, Floral Ar- rangements, etc. EVERYONE WELCOME Helen Keys - Esther Cantelon * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * THURSDAY IS... * * LADIES NIGHT * "Three Shows" * FRIDAY, SEPT. 11 * VOLLEYBALL * TOURNAMENT FINALS Teams can till enter! * Great Prizes! SATURDAY - DANCING * ALL NIGHT TO YOUR FAVOURITE TUNES. * * Mlusic at Conversational Levels * * * * * * * 'il * * * -lel' * * * * * * * * * them with quality entertainment. Support for the series will determine the availability of a series being offered in the future. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEWF! (Lori Reed better late than never! 4P MAPLE LEAF DOLL CLUB SIXTH ANNUAL DOLL SHOW Reproduction and Antique Dolls • Teddies • Books Stuffed Toys • Supplies • Clothes • Collectibles • Seminars and Videos • SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th, 1987 10:0) A.M. to 4:30 PM. KARL HOMIJTH ARENA Hamihon St_ Cambridge (Preelem) Adults $2.00 Children $1.00 Further Information 579-85156(0 519-862-3979 Coming Events COFFEEBREAK. Enjoy coffee, fellowship and in• formal Bible Study. Babysitting, storyhour pro- gram included. September 17. 9:45 - 11 a.m., Clinton Christian Reformed Church, Princess St. 34-37 . - - -- THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT presents "Pleasures, Problems and Preschoolers" a series of 3 parenting classes for parents of children ag- ed 1-5 years. Classes will commence Wednes- day, September 16, 1987 and will be held at Seaforth Community Hospital, Seaforth. Please call 527.1243 to. pre -register. 34-36ar FELLOWSHIP BIBLE CHAPEL, Ladies Coffee Hour starts Sept. 23 at 10 a.m, Speaker again this year is Vivian Grant from Loddon. 35,36ar KARATE: 8 week course, Separate women's and men's classes. Starts September 14 at Goderich Twp. Hall in Holmesville. Fee $25, For pre- registration or information, phone 482-3634. 35,36 BLYTH FESTIVAL, ANOTHER SEASON'S PROMISE by Anne Chislett and Keith Roulston. September 9,(matinee and evening), 10 (matinee and even• ing), 11, 12 (matinee and evening). PROMISE, closes on September 12. All performances are at 8:30 p.m. except matinees which are at 2:00 p.m. For tickets, call Box Office at 523-9300 9225. 36ar BRUCEFIELD U.C.W. Noon luncheon euchre and bake sale, held in Church Hall, October 6, 12:30 p.m. - 36 BINGO - Vanastra Rec. Centre, Tuesdays, 8 p.m. First regular cord $1., 15 regular, $20 games, 3 share -the -wealth. Jackpot $200, must go. Lucky Ball $160 (if not won) Lucky Ball increases $10 per Week. Admission restricted to 16 years and over. tfar - JUNIOR D Dobber Bingo starting September 10 ill the top of the arena,. Bingo is every other Thurs• day evening. Doors open at 6:30 and Bingo starts at 7:45. $300 jackpot to go. 36tfar Are You Tired of Your Baby Fat? Then Join COUNT DOWN Weight Loss & Weight Control SEPTEMBER SPECIAL Only $6.00 10 join and $5.00 weekly fee. No penalties for weeks missed. Wednesdoys in Clinton Ontario St United Church 12 Noon FOR INFO 396.7005 CATERING - for complete satisfaction, let us cater your next special occasion. Variety meal plans. Captain's Cove Family Restaurant. Bayfield, 565-2992. 10tfar BAYFIELD LIONS and LIONESS CLUB Bingo every Friday. Boyfield Community Centre. Door open 6:30 p.m. Early Bird 7:45 Jackpot. 24tfar A SQUARE DANCE Beginners Night at Clinton Public School Thursday, September 10 at 8:30 p.m. All ages are welcome - drop in and give it a try, 35,36x GODERICH SQUADRON of the Canadian Power and Soil Squadrons will be conducting Boating Courses for adults this fall. Register at Central Huron Secondary School on September 10 al .8 p.m. or phone 482-7849. 35,36 CLINTON AND DISTRICT Badminton Club, 1987.88 season begins Wednesday, September 16 runn- ing through till May 1988. Every Wednesday from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the CHSS. gym, Clinton. • Registration dates are October 7 and 14. Fees adults single $20, married couple $25. New members always welcome. Bring your racquet and running shpes. Lots of fun and fellowship. For information call Bob Riehl 482-065. 36,37 CLINTON LIONS CLUB Annual Seafood Festival, Saturday, September 12, 1987, Goderich Township Community Centre. Dinner: 7 • 9 p.m., dance to follow, Tickets 515,00, available at My Fair Lady and Groves. 34ar,36 AUBURN & DISTRICT Lions Men's •Slo-Pitch Tour- nament. Sept. 10, 11, 12, 13, Auburn Community Hall, Dance 9 - 1 Friday and Saturday. Music by Sound Trek. Held under authority of special occa- sion permit. Age of Majority Card, please. No -minors. All proceeds gq . to playground equipment. 35,36 , CLINTON MINOR HOCKEY meeting, Wednesday. September 9, 1987 at Clinton 'Public School at 7 p.m. Everyone welcome. 35,36ar it SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Fair Dance and Chicken Barbecue, Sat. Sept. 19. Judging and Crowning of Fair Queen. Seoforth & District Comunity Centres, music by Beechwood, Danc- ing 9-1, Barbecue 6.7:30. Dance and 880 $10.00 BBQ $7.00 children (12 & under) $3,50, Dance on- ly $5.00. Take-outs available 527.1390.-..36.37ar SEPTEMBER 12, 11:00 a.m. in the Library Square, children's entertainment series celebration with clowns, balloons and goodies. Tickets pvailabl4e. 36ar • 33RD ANNUAL,Clinton Hospital Auxiliary Penny Sale. September 26 at St. Paul's Anglican Church Parish Hall. Open daily starting September 17, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. except Friday 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.. 36.38 BE,ECHWOOD POTTERY'S fall sale a great selection of odd pieces, ends of sets and good functional seconds at 50°. off! All regular stock 20°° off, this Friday Sept. 11 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday noon to 5 p.m. 2' 7 miles north of, St,' Columban on McKillop sideroad 1,0. 345:2I84. 36 BUS TRIP to Cullen's Gardens and Cullen's Barn, September 23. Sponsored by C.W.L. For tickets call:482.7554. -34-37 PRE -4400L story hour at Clinton Public School for 3 and 4 year olds accompanied by an adult coml'nences Monday. September 21 at 10:30 a.m. 36ar AN INVITATION to attend the Fall -Thank Offer• ing Service at Wesley -Willis United Church, Clin- ton Sunday, September 13 7:30 p.m. Special speaker The Rev, Masaoki Hoshino of Akita, Japan. 'Musical entertainment by the famous Goderich Collegiate Jazz Choir. Sponsored by Wesley -Willis and Ontario Street United Chur• ches of Clinton. Everyone welcome. -36 BREAKFAST 2 NEW YORK. SIRLOIN DINNERS FOR516.95 * * LUNCH AND DINNER SPECIALS * * PLAYING FRIDAY & SATURDAY "Billy Donaldson" LIVE ENTERTAINMENT THURS.-SUN. FROM 5 P.M.ON 61.99 HARBOUR LIGHTS RESTAURANT & TAVERN HIGHWAY 21 - BAYFIELD 565-2554 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 7 A.M.•1 A.M. H 1111)00 ANNUAL TWO DAYS ONLY FRIDAY, SEPT. pitn- 'SATURDAY, SEP 9AM-5:30 PM Bauer 1000 Try the new Bauer 1000. Skate of the art. 10013IST National 301 2999 Now Only Reg. 5189.99 SAVE $60. Tprf .-011rCooper Skates, NEW! SUPERLITE $20 100's SaVE HOCKEY STICKS Leading Brands! TITAN 99 or COOPER 425 Reg. 513.99 ALL OTHER BRANDS s1149 $2e OFF Cooper or DNR EUROPEAN - STYLE HOCKEY PANTS full protection - no girdle required. SAVE 1 00 Canadian and CCM HELMETS Values to S36.99 $2499 Now Only ■ SAVE $20. During this Sale! i CCM � ♦P Custom Tacks Reg. $189.99 SAVE 550.00 NOW ONLY $13999 CCM Junior Custom Tacks Reg. $129.99 SAVE $40.00 NOW ONLY 58999 Bauer & CCM SKATES $5499 IF and up XL7 Reg. 554.99 SK2000 Reg. 549.99 SK600 Reg. 536.99 HELMETS Now Only Now Only Now Only $x,$99 $449 h. Cooperall CG3 GIRDLE and LP 3 LONG PANTS SEPARATE COST $103.99 NOWONLY 499 11 per set tsit CCM SUPER TACKS Reg. $209.99 Now 'nly $18999 All Remaining HOCKEY EQUIPMENT 1 0% OFF HOCKEY CLO /ES by Cooper, �/® Canadianand CCM 15OFF FREE DRAWS for Hockey Equipment Bags 6