HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-09-09, Page 16r� Page 16-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1987 CLASSIFIED 26. Help wanted 26. Help wanted Assemblers Required for Tight factor' work by an automotive parts manufacturer in the E eter area. On line training available to conscientious individuals. Applications available from Canada Employment Centre, Centre Mall, Exeter, Ontario *IF CYANAMID FARM SUPPLY R.R. 4 Clinton WANTED: DRIVER for fall season - driver for a liquid sprayer or air flow applicator. PHONE 4823423 TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH TUCKERSMITH DAY NURSERY requires immediately One full-time supervisor Two part-time teachers for LADY DIANA NURSERY apply in person to 'Cheryl Nuhn 482-7634 IA Id St tffin (gale PART-TIME STAFF WANTED for Day and Evening Work. Apply at the Cafe. 8 ISAAC ST-, CLINTON FRIDAY, SEPT. 11 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM Growing ship licenced 4th Contact Chrysler Dealer- requires experienced mechanic or 3rd or year apprentice. Dick Hagle at 524-7383 for interview .I ODEF11CH EYMOUTH / .' � ,A, • eiri CHRYSLER LTD. -A' Ma hands wit!, d' Norm all tiM Orstat asr when t_Se.'v'ce Sens Cara end Tryckal 414 H,,r•on Rd Goder-,ct, 524 7393 We require an EXPERIENCED COMBINE OPERATOR - also - FARM TRACTOR DRIVER and TRUCK DRIVER for the harvest season. Also Seasonal Grain Elevator help. Experience an asset but not a necessity. HILL AND HILL FARMS LTD. 482-3218 Vslilly's is expanding. PART-TIME HELP NEEDED IMMEDIATELY 10 - 15 hours per week, mostly lunch hours. With possibility of full-time in mid-October. Call Willy at 482-5055 or drop in to Willy's Burger Stop, Hwy. 8 West, Clinton. HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION has full time custodial vacancies at the Seaforth District High School, effective immediatel® and Central Huron Secon- dary, effective October 1, 1987. These positions require shift work, and st ill require membership in the Ser- %ice Employees 'Union Local 210. Applications will he received by the undersigned prior to 12 noon, N'ednes- daa), September 16, 1987. (vino (:iannandrea Superintendent of Personnel Huron Count} Board of Fd. 103 ,Obert St., Clinton, Ont. NOM 11.0 H.B. Allen Director A. Clark Chairman HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION has the I'ullutting %acanc) Full -Time Executive Secretary at its office, 103 Albert St.. Clinton. Ontario The successful applicant still pro%ide secretarial support to the esecutise team and assume other responsibilities stithin the secretarial department. The ideal candidate )t ill hale formal secretarial training he%ond I he high school lei el. Ile or she must he pro- ficient in list and word processing, shorthand, I) ping and other secretarial skills. Fanliliarits tt ith the 11 ang micro -computer could he a definite asset. Applicat• still be,Lvsiit t 1 p.m. 11 ed., Sept16th. 1987. Gino (.iannandrea Superintendent of Personnel Huron Count) Board of I•.ducatinn 103 Albert St.. ( linton. Onl.. \II\1 11.0 H.II. %Ilan 1.. ('lark 1)1recior (•hairman 28. Business opportunity CASH IN CASH OUT 1 Coke Pepsi Libby s Heinz World Famous Drinks you will refill in your new unique cold pop juice vendors with sepornte price settings Min investment of 511 980 secured ns we supply freight equipment installed in locations products fills supplies etc Own your cosh business your choice part or full time Coll write 174 hrs i for brochure Solar Business Centres 100 Fast Drive Suite 200 Brnmaleo QW 16T 1B3 Mr Holbot 1 416 761 15 35 38 TENDERS ore invited W the undersigned for the purchase and removal of the residence lounted nt 109 Ontario Street Clinton Ontario ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH o Keith Tyndall R R 1 Clinton Ontario NOM 1L0 Phone 482 7877 Township of Goderich TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Tenders will be received by the under- signed until 12:00 noon. M,,NDAY, SEPT, 21, 1987 for the crushing and hauling of approx- imately 15,000 cubic yards 5/8 inch grovel, must be capable of at (east 1,000 cubic yards per day. Work to be done to the satisfaction of the Road Superinten- dent between October I. 1987 and com- pleted by October 31, 1987. All bids must be accompanied by a cer- tified cheque in the amount of 10% of the tender. For further particulars and tender forms confoo n4Ores• below. Lowest of any tender not necessarily accepted- Jar,y: P:•tter Road Superintendent R.R. 3 Clinton, Ont. NOM IL (519) 482-7412 30. Employment wanted BABYSITTING in my home Phone 482 3899 3h WILL BABYSIT in my home Contort Ruth Shrop shall at 482 3023 3ltfnx 31. Service directory PHIL'S refrigerator and appliance service. Pro- mpt dependable service to oIl makes and models of domestic appliances. Phone 887-9062. •27tf MASONRY, STONE and Carpentry work: Specializing in brick pointing and chimney building. Free estimates. For information call Stan Kirkham 482.5305: - 3tfar CUSTOM BACKHOEING, Wain Repair, erosion control, cellar drains, laser. Call Frank Postill 482-9101. 211far. KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling, renovations, cupboards, ceramic tile, counter tops, rec rooms, carports. flooring, windows, patio doors, aluminum siding. Phone 482-7676. Ken McNairn. 22tfar CONCRETE WORK -- Expert chimney and roofing repairs. Specializing in stabling. Phone Don Ives, Brussels, 887-9024.-eow RESIDENTIAL CLEANERS Weekly or Seasonal Cleaning 10 / Discount to Seniors Barb Hodgins 482-9223 JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD. •Farm and Residential Buildings • Additions and Renovations •Roofing, Siding, Soffit & Fascia PHONE CFBA CANAIXAN FARM aADERS ASSOCIATION MEMBER 482 -3p -m063 after 6 , MENEM WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS Four modern rotary rigs Phone Seaforth NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 1 'Satisfaction Guaranteed" -weekly maid service -spring cleaning -window washing -house sifting OPEN TILL 8:00 P.M. Doug & Laurie Falconer .rfr ! Dan MacKinnon 524-5170 • 34. Personal OVERWEIGHTS I lose weight without dieting while I sleep Coll about Colored 4825647 35.36 35. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Theda L Williams All persons having claims against the estate of Theda L Williams lote of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, deceased who died on the 9th day of June 1987 are hereby notified to send in lull particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 24th doy of September 1987 after which dote the assets will he distributed having regard only to claims then received Dated at Seaforth Ontario this 26th day of August 1987 McConnell Stewart & Devereaux Barristers 8c Seoforth Ontario Solicitors for the executor 35 37or NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THF ESTATE OF NELLIE LOUISE WOOIFENOEN tote of the City of Birmingham in the State of Michigan one of the United States of America der eased All persons having claims against the Estate"of the above nomed who died on the 10th doy of January 1987 are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 30th day of September 1987 after which dote the assets will be distributed having regard only to the rinims of which the undersigned shall then hove notice Doted this 24th day of August 1987 E B Menzies Q C Barrister and Solicitor Box 68 Clinton Ontario NOM 110 Solicitor for the Executor 35.37or 36. Announcements, notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM HAROLD ADAMS Tole of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron Retired Civil Servant deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 11th day of Ju• ly 1987 are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 30th doy of September 1987 ofter which dote the assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice Doted this 28th day of August 1987 E 8 Menzies. Q C Barrister and Solicitor Box 68 Clinton Ontario NOM 110 Solicitor for the Executors 35 37or RETIREMENT HOMES Your invitation to gracious retirement living ac- commodation available at -Malcolm Place Retire- ment Residence, 255 Durham St., Kincardine. Ap- plications now being accepted, 1.396.4715 for more information. •33-39 38. Auction sale Richard iobb Auctioneer (I INION 482-7898 SAT., SEPT. 19 AT 10:30 AM: Appliances, fur- niture, new Honda riding lawn mower, garden tiller, radial arm saw, large offering of tools at Blyth Arena for Harvey McCallum of Blyth. SAT., SEPT. 26 AT 10:00 AM: Furniture, ap- pliances, 5 school buses, electric welder, radial arm saw for Mrs. German, the Estate of Bert Gar- rett, Huron Board of Education plus other con- signors, this will be a Targe excellent auction to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn in Clinton. AUCTION SALE of household furniture and antiques will be held on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 AT 5:30 P.M. at LUCKNOW ARENA Anyone wishing to consign household items, furniture, appliances, antiques, etc.. please call 395-5062 Auctioneers Allan Miller Bill Haldenby Listen to CKNX For List NOTICE TO CREDITORS -IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM STEWART BALL. late o e Township of Hullett in the County of Huron Retired Manufacturer deceased All persons having claims ogoinst the Estate of the above named who died on the 17th day of Ju- ly 1987 ore required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 9th day of October. 1987 after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then helve notice Dated this 10 day of September. 1987. E B Menzies, 0 C Barrister and Solicitor Box 68 Clinton. Ontario NOM 11.0 Solicitor for the Executor 36 AUCTION SALE Sat., September 12, 1987 at 12:30 p.m. on location at 29 Wellington St., Exeter (in case of Inclement weather, sale will be held at the Exeter areno) We will be dispersing by auction the home and all contents from the estate of the late Ella D'esjardine plus additions. PROPERTY - to be offered at 1:30 p.m. sub- ject too reasonable reserve bid. This single storey brick home sitting on a fully servic- ed corner lot 50.2 feet depth. 100 feet fron- tage includes a living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, utility room, 3 pc bath, large carport with attached workshop and storage Terms 10% down doy of sale with balanced payable in 30 days. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS & APPLIANCES - Westhinghouse frost free fridge. GE automatic washer and dryer. Frigidaire air conditioner. Filter Queen vacuum with powerheod. Yamaha double keyboard organ (excellent condition). Zenith chest freezer. 3 pc bedroom suite. sofa bed, several lamps. chino, pots and pants, linen and bedding. Snapper riding lawnmower. 8 H P Massey Ferguson snowblower. TV tower and aerial. lovely walnut sideboard. solid ash washstand. cedar chest with drawer. miniature chino 'C'ZitstnelliOnnfield mantel clock. dressers antique child's cup• board faint couch hundreds of useful terns Bob Heywood, Auctioneer 235-0874 LARGE AUCTION SALE Modern furniture, appliances, picture window. snowblower, tools, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. for LIONA HOLLAND of Clinton plus good consignments SAT., SEPT. 12 AT 10:00 AM Kenmore fridge, 1 yr. old; Zenith fridge; Hoover spin tub washer, like new; modern dining suite includes oval dining table w/2 leaves, Targe fancy hutch, 4 chairs w/cained backs (like new); modern chesterfield & chair like new; gold chesterfield and matching love seat; chesterfield; apt. dining table extends from 20" to 6'; gateleaf drop leaf table; round wooden kitchen table, 4 matching chairs; modern maple drop leaf table and 4 matching chairs; 2 pressback rocking chairs; floor model colour TV; china cabinet; wardrobe w/2 mirror doors; modern Lazy Boy recliner chair; leatherette .recliner; antique musk stand w/mirror; chest of drawers; 5 drawer chest; sideboard bottom; counter top glass showcase, 6 ft long; continental single bed; odd fancy small tables; 2 component hi fi's w/turn tables & tape players; wooden and brass hall trees; several floor lamps, some wooden; fancy antique mantel clock w/carved front; antique kitchen shelf clock; wicker sewing basket; wicker hamper; picture Crokinole board; small electric kitchen ap- pliances; electric typewriter; movie projector & films: silver pieces; dishes & glassware including several nice pieces; depression glass; clear glass; crystal bowl etc; records; patio um- brella table, lawn chairs; cement deer & bird both; skill saw; electric coin counter; 2 burner counter top propane stove for camper van; wrenches; hand tools; garden tools; wafer pressure system; gas engine snowblower; NEW 6 X 6 ft thermal pane picture window; 2 modern humidifiers; Uni-cycle; bed- ding etc. TERMS CASH Auctioneers Richard Lobb & Burt Lobb 482-7898 40. Lost 8 Found LOST of Auburn hall. Saturday night, ladies gold keepsake watch. Reward. Phone 482-3651. 36.37 LOST Reward. slalom water ski. lund-chock steams modef. Repty Bayfield, Box 1-82 or phone 565.5322 36.37x 42. Death notice PRESSEAU At Alexandra Marine 8 General Hospital on Thursday, September 3. 1987, Mary Lee (Hollenbeck) Presseau of Goderich in her 471h year Dear mother of Angela and Kari James of Goderich. Loving daughter of Robert and Mary Hollenbeck of Goderich and sister of William Hollenbeck of Goderich and Robert Hollenbeck of Wingham A funeral service was held at the McCallum 8 Palle Funeral Home. Cambria Rood at East Street Goderich on Saturday at 1 30 p m Interment Maitland Cemetery HALLAM At his residence at RR 1 Auburn on Monday September 7 1987 John Hallam. in his 89th yeor Beloved husband of the lote Margaret (Pitblado Hallam Dear father of Brion of RR 1 Auburn Stuart of Guelph Maureen Hallam Elliott of Bar rue and Donno (Mrs William Crawford) of RR 4 Goderich. Brother of Arthur Hallnm of Vanastro Also survived by 12 grandchildren and 4 great giondchildren Predeceased by 3 brothers Chorlie Les and George A graveside service will be held at Bolls Cemetery Auburn Time of service to be announced later There will be no funeral home service or visitation adme// VS/1.10(y ale s BANKRUPTCY & PROPERTY AUCTION We have been instructed by the secured party of sell by public auction vehicles farm equipment shop tools and equipment. plus addtional property and household furniture and antiques an SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 AT 10:30 A.M. at BRUCEFIELD PROPERTY: Approx 9 acres of land c w 20' x 40' hip roof barn 28 x 48 foundation town water available tile drained. spring fed creek. fenced, corral and yard Selling subject to low reserve 51 .000 00 Down balance in 30 days. AUTOMOBILES: 1983 5 10 Chev Pickup truck 1983 Olds Cutlass Sierra car 4 door diesel TRACTORS & FARM EQUIPMENT: AC WO tractor. Gibson antique miniature tractor 6' x 8' utility trailer, new 10 H P snowblower Jomco 5th wheel beaver tail trailer new with vacuum brakes Snapper 36" riding mower: Ford 3 PTH rotary mower. Ford 515-T 3 PTH mower. 1 set Int Harvester 3 PTH arms, 5 furrow Case plow parts, 15 . 24' buster bars new 80 DSX Suzuki motor bike. Honda moped. motorcycle utility trailer. Ski-doo Olympique snowmobile. MISC. EQUIPMENT: Pioneer chain saw. Homelite trimmer: Power washer. ' ) H.P. air compressor. Hardy back -pock, battery charger, Jack-aIl•jack. tool box 8 tools, 24" lawn mower, hand tools; garden tools; misc. power tools; quantity of lumber. steel 8' or• nomental posts; 8' hexagon steel posts; steel floor croting; quontity of misc. steel and lumber: quantity of alum. siding 8 eavestroughing: 10 sections expanded metol panels steel shelving; steel stand up utility cob; 57 tower UHF 8 VHF antenna's, gas furnoce; hot water heater, 300' of 4- hydrant hose: storage shelves. shop vacuum. Industrial 5 H P 10' bench sow 4' table. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES: Cherry ext. table. 2 small pine boxes, oak pigeon hole shelf: old wall telephone. cost iron hand pump: brass wall unit. good set of buggy wheels. beer barrels, trunk, 4 gallon wine crock. crockery. chesterfield & choir. recliner rocker. 2 drawer filing cabinet, letter size. bedroom suite, weight lifting set, brass candelabras, fireside set, gos barbecue; 2 cordless telephones. APPLIANCES: Viking clothes riery Whirlpool auto washing machine Viking 30" electric range. COMPUTERS: Hyperion computer c ; w Epson print out Zenith Dote System screen disc adad hutch. Osborne executive computer c'w assorted programs and screens. 2 tom• outer tables. AUCTIONEER - APPRAISERS Bruce ;'athweil - Auctioneer