HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-12-24, Page 1®gwrn■B nY, ,,wlS €■ Yqo °rli[ o r ■ ■pAe14!p rssr' . ..' eeteeleee iii,iiiia, GM,'iii, . iilau iM001nYYDnYa@nMYMasYteiia. -ass •Fi r• V!la II 1!a 11 1'1 l dl nee I!IwH ■ ! II,I. lia 111111 jilI 1111: '.a IY I el II IIN C11A ■ esu: !u!a ali:C au ai 11,111 CI VC .II Ih CITS" Il , le. gang= : qp ■■rwmv i■iwrr■■Bini ry Yet .HVRO IV1D LetsEX G E S I THIRTY-FIRST YEAR—No 17 r5 EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING; DECEMBER 24th 190 lilt E dill ore TIC I IC ■ Ie nu ■ _ _ Y_Y_e■■onnnnnun■■■■_■s_■v■Y■■ L43-2a_._'-=E=_v _... N:174r2n i 2c_Z2a_E'_'22c 9 _y -,.L lac.- '"@=== -- `--- BEAVITILINS SON emsovuoarcesomaasalmar Wishing all our many Customers a ....very- Merry Christ= rias and a Happy New Year T. H v 1' KINE & SON A WOMAN "S C F E IE3 TO N • I Milis CRITICISMRollor I •ref what a scan's clothes should be is pretty accurate. There can be no .possible f ity tofind with your aA- dDFlc7 lag and Gnoppino pearance if your -clothes are made to, 1C7 measure in an expert way. The style pp j ( jj ".of aral;arfor we make iso sufficient DOH P1 1 111 ' guarantee for first class work. All the U .mew up-to-date Fall ' ►dC i it Over Goatino r and Fantillus ;just arrived. Prices away down. W. W Taman. 1d6erCHa,tit Tailor. .44.4a00400400•4400444044®4N Xmas 1 03 Our Xmas stock is the most corn- :;plete we have ever shown. Pianos and Organs For the parlor we have Pianos and 'Organs of the most beautiful . designs -and finish and quality unsurpassed, Sewing Machines Our sewing machines are a class by themselves. In working qualities and :finish The Best. For the Children' We have Sleighs galore, at all Oe 4. Also Shoo Fly Rockers, Games Whistles, Mouth Organs, etc. In Music We have the latest Popular Songs and Instrumentals. Hymn Books and OBibles also in stock. Call and seetrsand get one of our Artistic Calanders S. lVlartin. We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re- modelling our mill. IN t ER' AST Is no respector of persons, therefore prepare to meet its coming by providing yourself b with one of our Fall Over6oa1s NEVER SO LOW NEVER 30 GOOD NEVER SO STYLISH rJOITISTS Merchant Tailor Lucan Times and Toronto Daily' Newts for one year for 11.80. -Rev. B. L. Hutton, of Centralia, preached two very eloquent: sermons iheere, on Sunday last, Rerv. aVar. e4m4444404444444440@404♦44 east :plrs,a0tarog. Slrndia,y 841001, Annti. vereary seermiens at Centralia. Ti E ercBank s f Canada • HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL, APITAt. (alt paid up) $6,000,000. f4ESE RVE AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS- $2,974245 artros: FYSRS1E. F.11117BDEN, - done rat Manager Superintendent of Branches A ERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Interest at most favorable current rates allowed; on Savings k Accounts and Deposit Receipts. 'Special attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle- men. to travellers, in all parts of the Letters of Credit issued payable world. CREDITON ONTARIO., INH S CHISHOLM .Manage Hensall (, J, Sutherland, Notary Public, Convoyan Ter, Commissioner, Fire Insurance Agent, and cseurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal doeu:ments ea—really drawn at reasonable rates, (Money to loan on real estate at low rates of interest, ()Mee at the Post Oillco nensall Times and Taranto Daily' News for one year for .;,1.$0. _ i G;rearl3 elxuxch,, S,taLfa, are; having ,tbei;r annual Christ:nee tree on Christ uneais eve.. •T,hurlsdayevetning, at 7.3l 1 -,'Tlie,tax rolteetat- reported that he hold collected, W12195.99, and that .only $20 remained uncollected. A good erhtatvAx4g. ' --We now imvu the eieetrlc BOIL for about two 'home in the: m.ornintgebut it goes out at 11 o'clock in place of at mid,nig'ht, • -Mere wall be eervicee in, St., Penes eJhumch on C Tint as. )' at 3 o c oc h xn ry, 1 k .in the afternoon with at celebration of oho Holy Camzuunion, -At t hea uuea1 meeting; on Te sa a T a deputaeioa'Brom the public library beard asked the eouncil to assume the library and make it free, -,Moss Martha Hunter recently re- turned from Tonawanda, near Buffalo where she has bona spending a num- be.r.af mantas with her sister. -:0n Sunday -last the. communion was administered, in .Carmel church, The preparatory services was con- due;.edon Friday by Rev. Mr. Ramat - ton of Londesbort• -At 1 ,o'clock, on Wednesday after noon, in Carmel Ceartch, Diss (Kate McEwen become the wife of Mr. Con- ley, of Winnipeg,. Rev. Mr. Salvers (wvaisi the officiating c1ergymesa. Far a week or more it•liasbeemtsaid that the oatmeal trust have made: Mr. D. Uirqulhart a goiod offer, so that they can °lase his mill. It is one. od; the largest in the.prorrincet, and greatlyimt prayed this last summer. For the sake of ibis oommuenity it is to be hoped that he will not accept. The freight train massed a triple/Web ivcy this week. It is about time that we :bad a train eteeh way'every day, send then it would not be necessary for the engine to leave the train at Ifnppen go down to' Exeter'for water and bunk agbin, and hold the express at Kippen most of this time as it did; •recently. The London wholesale houses should bring pressure an t'be G. T. R. to give us : a: beater service.. , Maguire -'The 'pupilisl of S. .S No. 5• are'down Malt mumps at present. --(Mr. :T. fiye`ttte,rra ton, of Chicago, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Dixon at present. -Hers. R. Canning, of London, is, the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Thos Hoidg(tan. Times and Family Herald & Star; from now until January 1905 includ- ing three ;premiums for $1.75. -Mee: MMCo+rm,iio•la, of M:acton, has ii turned shame, after spending a cou- ple oef- weeks with her brother. Mr. J. Langlin, Saintsbury --a-- Times and 'Toronto Daily News for one year for $1.80. -Miss Dulcle Martin has resigned hear •posieti,an as teacher in S S. No. 9. -'Thee party given by Mr. Matthew Deacon on Monday night was a grand emcees. --fM'eteee . W. J•. Davis and W. W. Hceiigins have again started clover th. reeling egad report a good turn out. -Dir. W. J. Hodgins of the towvaline bless tented his Baxm for a term of fare years and inteudls going to Edmonton in the spring. Seaforth On Wednesday last this -residence of rVLr. end Mrs: J1ameas El. -Bell, ;aft +S;ett- DerLlh was the scene of the wedding of Miss Lena Sti}notr, sister of Dirs./Bele to Mr. Barry Lott, of .London. The ceremony was performed by Elder R. C. Evans, of London, and it was wit- messed by friends and relatives of the bride and groom. The, bride wi s be- comingly attired in white organdie and married a 'baguet of bridal. roses, while the, bridesmaid, Meiss, Mary Smith„ eaten of Seaforth, was at;ti reed in white aelyd carried white. ca.rnaticnes Ma Chaos. Samar, brother of the bride was beret man. Clandeboye ,.. . F 11. . Mr. John Gilmore, of bloor.ev le., intends staaating a carriage shop here. Mer. Burley Hodgins, of London, is spending a few clays with his mother here, Mr.'Ed. Simpson has purcllased a house and lot here, known as the Lin Lott estate. !Mee Little scan of Mr. Kilmer, of 1)-• hno,it, died on Sunday and wvas buried here nen Wednesday ai Marr's Hill ce- e , M y• Mr. John Patterson, of the second coneee5ion, McGillivray, is. going :to cult 500 cords of wooct for 4slhipnrani to liesind on..• No wonder Mr.' Charles Carter somal -- es --A little girl damn bo them a few nights age, anti by all aceou,nts is go. ing co stay. o -Mrs. Martin Collison, of the Lon- don Road„ a 'mucilieeeteeemled •reLaidetal of I!his, 'neighborhood, died on. Monday and her funeral which was largely, ate tended, took Aare on 'Wednesday memo nti,ng to St. Patrielt'e Roman Catholic Cleuer'dle Mrs. Courson was 72 years of age. CASTOR I For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 144 Russeldale Times and Toennto Dail; News for one year for $L80. -David Ste, a0. , elite bee been ab- sent .sent for a, numibe.r of years it Dakota is .alt present 't isiting relatives and fri- ends in ibis vielnity. --112r. Andrew Morgan, of Dakota, •u roan of 1VEiohi and Il n , gaII, are at borne +zpending they Cbxistznas hclideys'with their a:x nt . t'e p 'et ,5 1'tusseldale Commit No, 100. C.C. C. F held their annual election of officers ea •Tih meay etingl, the 17111 lust, as Oda .arwvs ;-0. O. D. Dow; V.. 'C., ' T,' Pniid'htam ; Ren. A, llodgert ; Treas. l Jahn. C ; D'I•axrial, , k 1',, {la-tee/nit:: kt ry, W ntiale. pi; !141sts; P unRleate,Clax117rs /; A. Hadgert; Guard, G 'Melville; Sentry, O ll;arris ; Asst. Rec., A. Cale Examiner, D,r PrLud fact , Li nna^a 0. Harris, T. L. Russell, A. R. Cole, ; Re- preselnLati•ves, to Grand Council, A. Hadgeri; aril W'ie. Balfour. Eden --Dille hollowing, is the cerreet , re - part of the pupils of Eden, S. S. No. 4, Usb:drna, Bar the month of December, based Ica the marks obtained from thlzix examintations.r Namely in ordeer cif near,itolass, Lela Busweelle Sr. 4aih, Bert Luxton, Lydia Handford, A1mia May; Sr. 3rd., Pearl Hunter, Edna Luxton, Flossie Hunter and Al- ice Davis •(equal), Eileen Cave, Nellie Rooke, Frank 'Landlord, Frank Rooke Ernie Luxton, May Skinner, Russell May, Ar{thur Kerslake, Alvin Essery, Willie Webber, Nene McCurdy, Jcsepih Healmatn and Richie Hicks; Sr: and., Cecil Skinner and Willie Essery (equ- al), V1ua Kerslake and Bella Davis; jr 2nmd., Jae. Davis, Geo. Davis, Carrie May, Beekie Colbert, 'JSluoemas Coates, Lida Crrea{gletoa , sera. Skinner, Willie Walker amid Hadley btay.: Sr. 151.4. Weesleetr Oolbe'rt, Fred Webber, ; Jr. 1st Alison Ca reei;g!te;toin; Rhea McCurdy and Gee. Hackney. Farquhar --:Mr. Tames Harris wears a smile these days ; it is another • small boy. -Mrs. William Gardiner moved in- to L. McLean's pottage in this village, Ln tehe beginning of the week. 'times and Fancily Herald & Stan from now until January 1905 includ- ing three premiums for $1.75. • ,-Messrs. E,•Cam,pbeil acid C. Bor- land ispen.i Sunday and Monday in Lo- gva,n.. T1hey repeat a splendid time. Mr. tired Mrs. Chas. Davis have moved from Exeter and .are now. oc- eatpying Mres.'Cameran's cottage on. babe Thames Road. . -Mr. James Gardiner Intends rais- ing tuns baren on the ww hit farunl nest summer and building a cement wall tinder it. -The Royal Te.naplars held tiler aa.. Huai .oyseer supper 'on T'nes.dtty night.. R,ver!y,body was fi11,t'd',tot overflowing with oysters, end the. eoneert was also a gra nd success. Thames Road MIS foliow ng is,. the report of • the e ea,mitnattioin, bead in S. S. No. 2, Us - benne, during the month of December, 1903 :-Sr. 4t elate. Total 1000 maxks Edmond Italy, 811; Mora Stewart, 712 Cla'rise Snell, 500 ; Jatmes Turnbull, 445 Jo,hin McNichol, 350; Gordon Brown, 847. junior 4t%b class, 'Total 800 marries. Wesley S tone, : 577; Willie Weesi'bekee, 418 ; Alfred atunkin, n2; Maggie Riley 48 per cent. Senior 8rd.. cines Total 900 marks. Lin,dsaysGar- derieerl, 711 ; Jennie Monteith, 090; Ai- mee' Sbeliint't, 611: Willie Kay, 5635; Walter Me Boot, 532. Myrtle iiunkin, 512; Easter Bray, 60 per cent.; Tammy F1eacignerd, 65 per cent. Junior 3rd• class Toilet 800 marks. Anne. Allison, 686; Willie 'M,anleabh,, 678; Flossie: Pees - ,more, 511; Than 'Turnbull, an.; Bert Brawn, 367. Senior second class. To- tal. 400 marks. :Gierne t Pass more, 342 •Ethel Hunkin, 336 ; May Darch, 330: John Riley, 330. Those whose meareks are given, as a certain percent age were present for only part of tee exeaminadjtecln-3aesie A. Handl eon, Teen/Lhee•r. Hlimville Johns a,nd wife spent Sunday, at, -The young people who wenn`,' to Ce.nerali•a, Monday night enjoyed them e.eLvice,s: --Mnsa A.;gir IIun.ter is visiting at Lelle, hainse. of A:6r. 4Vm. Robi,ns,on, Oen- -A number of lobe people here at- tended the annivere:ry services at Suenseine- --Miss ine---Miss I3e,r•tie Cooper is spcndingher Ohtrisd tuns I>,o4i,diays at Mr. D. Mc- Curcby's, .De viten ; -We ere sorry to state that Airs Thomas. V'cad le oar the sick list. Hes io htar Lilly is home nursingto her -The Epworth League as utsaktrneg arrangements fair a good• time, at their entertainment to be hselal. en New - Year's Eve. rca.mcrrng this e who are e t.peetcld to take part are Rev. Mr. Anderson., Kirkton;• Rev. J. Hart, Woodheanr:; Miss Gertrude Hart, e;lo- euLSaneiset from Alma College, St. Thomas Hears Gertrude Miller. Win- chelsea, eisea a select male quartette ftrrien Exeter, besides Iota) I gloat. Ali came and enjoy n treat. Program to commence. net, 8 o'clock. Sayfieid -Messrs, Neil Cameron, John and Wesley Erwin, sailcirs have returned• to spend. the winter. Times and Family Herald & Star,. from now until January 1905 island- ing three premiums for $7.75. --Tice independent Order 'of Forest- , sees 1hhavehavedeededdod to field their minuet at ball on the evening of January. 28th.. .-Wand was received front. Detroit of ttbe rneietatige on Watneiaday sleep; JOHN WHITE & So1Ys leg nsf Mr. Albert Vanstone to Miss Alice Gwen, , ,b'at?x ,formerly of Bay.. Need. xnsm•be,ns of Trinity church , -! e a bl 1 a the edsst r aesam wr , y n Thursday. evening and Lyrieeeentcd Rev. Mr. Int - ramp with elated of cats. The even- ing was nociably spent, the x'e,fresb- me[nthe being ,prlavided!'by tdie young badies of the camre •a'tio'n, g g -Muth sympathy is felt for the family of Rev. Mi.µ. McNeil, which,. is mourning n t death a• a his e a 1 of its i i its youngest member:, .a ichild of Leen months. The sad bereavement occurred on Fiid;ay evening tram 'the fatal meningitis. r 'V1'h,en se .aff.lisrtegd it is caamfoer'tiggieto feel that all things are soldered:a b Divine Father, whose hand will never sauna Heis child to shed a needless tens C,red iton --Mr. Sol lioltzmu,nn ,of Elklon, Mi- chigan, is 'visiting relatives in . this • vlilalgwe,. s -.Athens Kislcn; who, has spent a iter m in Alma College is home for her :poli., d a•ys. . - Ivir, send Mrs. M•ticibsll, of :Eig ;an, Miohi;gaen are visiting the latter's par- en.te, Mr. end Mrs. Tobias Wurtz. -.-Mims. Peter Falmer, and daughter, of Uerlseey, Mieleigan are visiting pear- etntesand briends in this 'vicinity. -.,Miss Vivian, and Ella Be,avedr;leif9 Wednesday morning for a tiro week's wiiisit eat Detroit. -'The annual aim;a,s. cnirtrtain.aien1 in Lihe Evangelical church, this even - lag (.Thua'sdray). Dealt miss it. -Mrs. George; Brown and family, of laielman'agb, 1VLieehigsn, are holidaying with erinlnds in this vicinity-. --A seiekale load from. here took i',nl the entertainment given in thecopera house at Exeter, on Tuesday night last. .E a v -Mr. raes4 Glanvillerriv 'in a ed the vale:ge' from Manitoba, Saurdae. night, and eeaperts have IL that . he will not 'return .alone. -Aur lady teachers returned to their - parental homes to spend their Ohnistmes• vlagatioea.. Miss Mc'13ealn will not return her roam will betak- en by Miss Salton, of Parkhill. -Mr. Edward i'YIurlack , and Miss 1Lary Mc:clock lett Tuetsdlay- last for Pandora, Ohio and if reports are. true Mr. Merlaek will bring back aithhi.m a pamboeer tor life. 1' '---A11 sura pleased to see the stmeiiimeg (eine lot Mr. Vidtior Bertrand, of tb- ewn aiing Michigan. Mr. Bertrand, was. o. former resident of this place and ' made main} warm friend while here. -Mer. George Lawson ,who has been •ubtenc in;g the Model at London.. re- turned home Friday night. Mr. Law - sem has been successful in passing the Model, and will teeth Lha Sharon school atter Chrdstmas vacation,. -School closed on Tuesday last for rhe Xinaes. hudiday. The pupils .rend- ered a, fine .pre na.mme on Tuesday afternoon and a goodly number , of friends and patren is were present to 0 1 jo y' the same.. -One very fine afternoon, this week a quarcett of our young ladies Were out strolling, when ov+a•rtajken by a young gentlemen, from •iihee country h y the om wr ride accosted for a r de C o which he cheerfully responded. Have in;g a very spirited team and .wishing to give the ladies a swift ride he ap- plied thew alp. the result was it was net very long before the horses, took= on. a ;meree' rapid- gate than eapeected and soon freed them,seitves from the sleigh ;n the meantime giving the young Indies a every severe secare. There was no further damage donne. • C•eniLra,lia.. -Tribes Sunday Scheoi Anniivr,rsary of the Maith•cidisst church was, vary sus- cessEul. Both Sunday and 'Monday were e!iiarmy days, but thee did not peeev,e:at tyre people from going to; the church Barrios, .Liyr,ge C':angregatioen bath 'mooting and evening. Rev. J. A. Ayeeatrtit, of Lucean orencshelbl in•'tbe morning, the pastor Rev. 13. L. Hut- ton, in the evening. At the Maas meeting in the afterncronelr. Buswell and John Esse,ry, of Edon, and Bev. Mir. Ayearst, gave fine addresses The at)tand,anee at tits, tea meeting, was be pond expeectaLbons 'T he Lea and• pyrta+gramme was,Eirsi-class. Tea Clam deboyu choir gave greet satisfaction. proceeds, • $50.00. The following pupils obtained 60 per cent. or over of the marks given. dur- ing November and December. Names i•xi corder ,of merit : • Division III.—Sr. 51ih., Melinda. 'Crick Edna Eitber; Jr. 51h., Joseph Fink- betner, Alrhur lioltzmann ; Entrance, Wallin Hill, Laura. Haist, Garnet. Swe- RN:Ir, Madeline Bertrand, .'d rater 13erown; Jr: 4`h., Frank Finkbsin• r 1 tut.ermediaLe 3rd., Edna Pack, Lcitian Gai ar, Adeline Finkbeiner, Roland lilil'bZ;r•. CLAUDE DWELT, Teacher: Division IL -Sr. 3rd., ,Ida Ewald, , Berlea Fink bei.ner Jr. 31d 1cri Geiser, Carrie \\"gin reran uibs7n, i lisle Shenk, Pearl Heist , Sr. 2nd„ til 1itee Finkbeiner, Elsie. Ge Isar, CI era lioltztuann, Clarence iloitzurann and Almedu fi`inkbainer equal, Ernest Ap- pleton. Harry Trick, Herbert Fahner; Jr. and., Vera KKoietz:mann, GeesrLic Eit.• lber, Harrison Itoli:zniann. K. A. MACBEAN. Teacher Division L -Jr, 2a'd,. Aline Hellin, 'gamy SMI1zaerI Pearl Trei'.L•z, Harry llxa•ng.nus, Edwin Fahner; Sr., Pt. 2nd. rellu Geiser, Welli.algt•an Ran,'Ida Brown 'Mabel Wenzel; Jr. pt. and., Sam Wein, 1Vaelvin Brown, Florica 11111, Ilaabert Hoist ii3lMTH 3,OBSON, ',teestiteeer. RHEUMATISM IN SHOULDERS "1 hall the rheumatism so badin my eheeeueldorwe so bad that X could. not . L3,he- a burn s •1VL l night. 1 took vest at um:aLic 1'llle and he not hada trace lof it since.". John Pirton, Glenboro. Man, FRIP. hristinas oodsa ' Our Store is now stocked with novelties c,f every description. We are laying aside articles every day for customers to be taken at Christmas. Why not you 2 You can- not hope to go4t as good a choice if left until the last minute, Our Store is noted for its variety and we have indeed a large and wc11 assorted stock of Christmas an les, Christmas Toys, Christmas Dolls? Etc. Comae acid'deet yo 1% Pregoitii 1 o 4'• C$iAR1eT ON'S FAIR ober 'E TAKE PLEASURE in informing the public •that we have now in stock a nice assortment of Eur Coats and Robes which we would like to show .whether. you caro to buy or not, Come in and look at them. Fr y Slippers Suitable for Christmas Gifts. They are very stylish and are well made and make a useful present. We have alao a full stock of Boots and shoes. RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES Conte in and see our stock of Rubbers and Overshoes, you will find we have all the different styles and can please you in quality and price. HARNESS AND BLANKETS . We have in stock a nice line of Ligbt and Heavy Harness, as Blankets of all kinds. We also have Trunks and all kinds of Grips on hand. G. SOUSE, weal as at ways StreetMain EXETER. m*40044. 43.0 r44.4444464000 •$ rist 1 coo•aaoroo. }eaoo• ®®oedaao ® ;. O w.:.Sale a. $ 4t; +0.-04440,444444+.44.444,.... $$40044+094+044+®0+4,. +O ei Rowe & Atkinson are holding a special sale of furniture from now until January Ist, 1904. Our large warerooms are packed full from cellar. to attic with all kinps of, furniture for the Xmas trade which we are selling at greatly reduced prices during this sale. GIVE US A CALL AND WE WILL SAVE YOU DOLLARS ROWE & RTKINSON Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. Main Street, Exeter FOR ds XMfiS BUYRS Spring Skates 50o pair and up • Hockey Skates 50c pair, up We are offering a special Nickle Plat- ed Hockey Skate for $1.00 for Xmas Buyers ;Hockey Sticks r . H c1^ Sticks 10c 15c 25c,3v c and U ,ey , , 50 ets. Hockey Punks 25e. Down This List e Sure and Look Boys' Pocket Knives ... Girls' Pen Knives ...... Ladies' Pen Knives.. .... Men's Pen Knives .. ••. , • . See our s ectal 2 blade ivoryhandle p, ,..... from 5c to 5oc • .•.• from I5ctosot ... ct nc • ..... .fAom z4 a 5 ,from 2sC to 75c Pen Knife for 35c regular 45c Emb Scissors .. , . 0 ... • .. • .. , • s . , from 20c up Shears good value ...... .........• .... , .. .from 50c up Razors that shave - .. • . ,• • . . . • • • • . •• Y ... _ • from 75c up $2'. oo See onr$ 1'00 guaranteed Razor Safety Razors ..,, . ....$2.00 Carvers in cases....: . .$2.75 up, Carvers in pairs... ....... .....50e up Carpet, SeVeepers.... , ..... $$2,'15 tip , , . r ... ,1.2u up Carvers in setts....,. ,.., 1.00u I 22 cal Rules,...,.. ; p 1•s 12 ga Shot Gans $8.75 IIEA \ ANS IARDR'ARE