HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-12-17, Page 8`4,' .1;1. 4
,0 B0 EMBER 170a 1903
Arse } oil preparing for Xmas. We are ready with an
immense lo;: of suitable and useful presents.. Presents for
old and young, Presents for rich and poor.
$100,00 far 1 a d. 1 e s,
choice black Persian
Lamb Coat, lo v e 1 y
,tight curl, rich glossy
black. They are beau-
$45,00 for ladies'
choice Electric S e a 1
Coact with mink col-
lars, revers and front
edging, A swell gar-
$37.50 for ladies
choice Electric 8 e a 1
Coat with .American
Sable Collar and Rev-
eyes. A money sayer.
$34.00for ladies'
choice, plain, Electric
Seal Coat with full
roll storm collar. We
consider this a great
$23.00 to $40.00 for
ladies' black astrachan
and, Bakara,n Fur
Coats.. A large stock
to select from.
$40.00 for ladies'
black Russian Lamb
Coats, Very small
close caul, nearly as
nice as Persian Lamb
at less than half the
cost, See them.
$8.00 fur ladies' Tas-
manian Sable Neck
Ruff. Very full, soft
fur, trimmed with
cluster tails and cha-
$4.50 for ladies' long
black Fur Ruff, trim-
with cluster tails
and chains. Great
$5.00 for choice of
big lot of ladies, black
Fur Oaperines. Large
storm collars, 1 o u g
and medium fronts.
Regula' value 88.00 to
$10.00. Xmas• clearing
price $5.00..
A swell lot of chil-
dren's ne sv Winter
Coats, Xmas. prices
A big Iot of men': fur
caps, all at Xmas prices.
See them.
$2.00 for ladies' 111k.
English Coney. Neck
Ruffs. They're a snap.
$500.00 formen's choice
prime Canadian Coon
Coats, natural, dark
soft fur, The biggest
coon coat bargaia of
the season. Do you
want one?
$24.00 for men's chat -
cost dark, swamp Wall-
aby Fur Coat. A good
looker and a great bar -
$25.00 for men's nets
ural black Russian
Calf Fur Coat w h
black curl dog collet. -
one of our leaders.
324.00 for men's nat-
ural dark brown Rus-
sian Calf Coat. with.
best Black Astrachan
$19.00 for men's nat-
u r a 1 brown Russian
Calf Coat. A great
$24,50 for men's black
Corsican Luwb F u r
Coats, small bright curl
very dressy,
$19.00'for men's black
Bohemian Dog F u r
0 o a t. Large strong
hides and very black
and glossy. See thew.
$17.50 for men's black
Bishop Fur Coat s,
great wearers and good
lookers. •
$19.00 for men's rat -
ural Brown Yack Fur
goats, strongest hides
known and very heavy
soft Fur.
+15,00 for men's nat-
ural grey Australian
Coon Coats. We be-
lieve that this is the
best low priced f ai r
coat that money can
$7.35 for the Galt
Saskatchewan Robe
medium size and $8 35
for largest size.
Men's new Grovenor
O. -rcoats in greys and
Meek and white effects,
leg values.
$7.50 for ladies' Isa-
halla Sable Ruff. Very
full fur with long tad
frot,t. Something
75c for children's: nice -
bright f e 1 t Slippers.
Tuliett style.
$1.00 for misses bright
felt Juliett Slippers.
81,25 for ladies felt
Juliett Slippers.
81.25 for ladies new
silk lined. mace K i d
Gloves, A lovely pre-
25o 50c and 75e f o r
men's way mufflers, all
75c for men's new silk
shaped mufflers, swell
$11.50 for ladies fur
Hued cloth Cape with
lovely fur collar.
$35 for ladies broehee
silk squirrel lined Fur
Cape, thibett colar and
thibelt trimmed. Reg-
ular value $50,00. A
royal Xmas present.
$12 50 for the newest
and choicest semi por-
celeaa Dinner Sets in
Exeter, new floral dec-
orations, gold tracings.
98 and 108 pieces. They
are certainly swell.
$33 75 hr very pretty
10 piece Semi porcelean.
Toilet Sets. shaded in
green, pink, blue and
$5.00 for the finest 10
piece porcelean g o 1 d
decorated Toilet Sets
that we have eve r
shown. Blue a n d
pink floral designs.
25c foe very pretty
China Candle Stick
with colored wax cand-
le, new cupid designs.
25c fora lovely lot of
Laughing China figures
Everybody laughs i n
wonderland, come and
see tbem. they're cute.
50e glass Bohemian
vases for 25c.
Ladies' Fur 0 a p s,
Fur Mitts and Fur
Mnffs. All at easy
Grey Lauib F u r
Caps, Grey Lamb Fur
Collars, Grey Lamb
Fur Mitts. At Xmas,
Christmas Groceries, Candies, Nuts and Oranges
All Fresh and New
3 lhs. hest new Rais-
ins for 25c. Machine
cleaned, 31bs. est new cur-
rants, machine clean-
ed for 25c.
10c.. per pound for
our new,Vanilla Crisp
Biscuit. ad
15c dozen for real nice
25c a dozen for our
best Oranges.
12ec a pound for best
mixed nuts. All guar -
anted new.
50. the pound for
loyely ei Figs.
y new it
4 pounds nice mixed
candy for 25c.
3ounds onr o w n
special Mixed Candy for
Lovely mixed Cream
Candy 10c.
Choice Chocolate for
onIY 15c.
Come everybody and share in our great Xmas bargains.
Highest prices for all kinds of farm produce.
The copyfor chanes Must be lettC 11, J
not aer than. Tueadeay noon. Co sui.I _.
advestiseia. elite '' te accepted rip to neon • - , '
Wednesday of each week. X Xmas Chin
r a uRSDAX, DECE11B11iR, 11th, 1903
Light days till Oh sptmas.
Read Popplestone Gardiner'$ add
,en page 5.
A nifty time of Purses at pl'la'sl;te
Fair, Exeter, *s ek",,11
airs. Phil Rowcliffe is visiting
friends in London,
Mrs. Fred Keyes and child are visit-
ing friends at Varna.
The Seaforth Expositor have in-
stalled a new Rodger's typograph
Mr, Harry Browning student at
Trinity College, Toronto, is home for
the holidays.
Mrs, Floyd left last weelt.for Buffalo
where she will mr keohe Brawn, home with
her daughter,
Mr, and Mrs, T. G, Stanbury spent
Sunday with the former's uncle. Rev.
J. G. Stuart, of Knox church, London,
Miss Stoneman, milliner with Miss
Morlock, left last week fon her home
in Mitchell where she will spend her
L. H. Dickson and J. G. Stanbury
were at Goderich on Wednesday in
connection with the damage action of
Spencer vs Ratcliffe.
Miss Stout, of Kirkton, who is a
student at Clinton High School spent
Tuesday .with Mrs. J, T. Cairns,
while on her way home to Kirkton.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refundthe money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
i- on each box. 25c.
Mr Hicks, of Xilleruey. Man., is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.
Flicks, Janne street. It is twelve years
since Mr,Hicks left here for the North-
CALENDAR PADS -We have on hand
at this offiec a number of calendar
pads,all sizes, which will be sold cheap
to clear out the stock- These pads
are suitable for fancy calendars of all
Rev. Mr. Shaw, of Egmondville
preached the preparatory sermon's in
Oaven Presbyterian chn'rcti on Friday
last. The sacraurentai services being
conducted by the pastor, Rey. W. M.
Martin on Sunday morning.
Bon lion Disbetr 35c to 750eaeh,
Berry Sets 125 ta, el 75t ertcli
Biscuit Jars lee wail
5 o'clock Tea Sets 1.25 to $1.35 each
Fancy Fruit Plates 1,25 to $L50
Bread and Butter. Plates 1.00 to.
$1.75 a cozen,
Fancy Royal Art Jardiners and
Vases 50c to $1,75 each
anoy Salad Dishes 50c each.
Xmas 'fist Bags
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Head Office Toronto. Executive Office, Montreal.
Make a Start bhy depositing ONE DOLLAR in
time to time as yon, are old, you will song he placed beyond
the possibility of being in want, We invite you to open a
SAYINGS BANK ACCOUNT. Interest paid at the high-
est current rate from date of deposit.
Solicitors. Manager, Exeter.
t is bank and adding to it from
For Marriage Licenses,
Wedding Rings,
Watches, Clocks
Spectacles Etc
r, ALT, ON
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
ORDER Now. The TLMES afnd To-
ronto Daily News for renewals or new
subscriptions at the low rate of $2.00
till Jan. 1905.
property in Exeter with suitable resi-
dence thereon. Good investment.
Overcoat Snaps for
Xrnas buyers
just two weeks and the world's greatest holiday will be here.
From now till then things tor Xmas will have first place in this
store. • There will be no neglect of regular stocks, but holiday
goods of all kinds will be kept in the foreground. We are anxious
to clear out our stock of Ready -to -Wear Clothing and Overcoats,
the remainder
we do not intend carrying this line and are offering
of out Overcoats and Suits at greatly reduced prices. They are
up-to-date in style and quality.
Overcoats from $5 up to $12 Suits from
Furs from soc. to $xo.00
Fancy Goods
You will find our stock of Pin Cushions, Handkerchiefs from 10. to 50c,
Doylies, Fancy Collars, etc., complete in every way. The designs are new
and up to-dar.e. and although the variety is large. there are few of any single
pattern. Colne and look them over before the best are gone.
$4.5o to $1t
••��m /`��a .�� and Ga
G����01t1ae tlrl o��l 1
We lin,ve a fresh stook of Groceries and can supply you with everything
that is needed to make a Plum Pudding or a nice cake, Our Fruits, Spices
and Candied Peels are fresh,
t'See our window for big display of Christmas Candies, Nuts, ete
You will buy in greater comfort and have greater variety to
select from if you do your Christmas buying early. Stocks here are
all ready. Colne in and see for yourself,
+1m - +! YE0
All kinds of produce taken in exchange.
Ladies' ea rist Bag, solid leather
brown or black with gold chain
and patent fastener, 75e each.
Wrist Bags
In Black or Brown with chain,
only 50c.
Fancy Wrist Bag in black only
with chain, special 45r and 50c
Xmas Belts
Ladies' Silk Belts . with fancy
tnckle and back piece in black
white ank red, special 25e, 50c and
75c each.
Xmas Neckwear
Newspaper subscriptions are always
paid in advance; that is to say,though
the subscriber may not do it, the
publisher is obliged to, as the paper
dealers, the compositors, the type
makers, ink makers, the pressmen,the
landlord and others will not wait .for
pay until the year expires.
Ax OLn AND WELL-TETatn Rtt DY.-&ars
Window's Soothing Syrup has been used for
over sixty years by minions of mothers for their
children while teething, with perfect success
It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all
pain cures wind collo. best remedy
and is the y
for i5iarrhasa. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world. 2.5
sure aanddtakemMrrsslle is Window'sSoothing
Syrup and ask for no other kind.
Call and see sample copies of the
'Heart "
new act
,4 given and Bard w Choose, gn e prem.
Tums with the Family Herald and
Weekly S ar, which are well worth
the price of a year's subscription alone
if you want something nice subscribe
for the Taxes and above paper and
get these two pictures as well as a
quick reference map of the Dominion.
J. G. Stanbury was at London on.
Saturday appearing on behalf of the
Executors before Hon. Mr. Justice
Meredith in couuectiou with a motion
brought by them in the case of Her-
bert vs Herbert to dismiss the actor.
This is the action by Walter Herbert
to have his father's will set aside.
Judge Meredith ordered Walter to pro-
ceed with his action at -the Spring
Assizes or it would be dismissed,
Meredith & Fisher. of London, are
acting for young Herbert.
time to decide what papers you will
take during the coining year. We
are in a position to make special in-
ducements to anyone wishing to take
a city daily or weekly and in clubbing
with the TIMES we can save you
mousey. We have added to out list
many new subscribers during the past
months and to those who are not •now
subscribers we will give the balance of
this year free. Send us $1 00 and we
will :send the TIMES until the first of
January 1905. Call and see some of
the premium pictures.
SG.tme' Xmas. News. -2 -We have now
side"'vlesey "Bine ;pe.rtume,s" in cralse;1s
tercels repaving from 300 to132 or. $3
-`es,e are very suitable for Xmas; prey
Watts. We also have some very err-
ileindt hair brushes and toilet articles
t ui•bable for. Xmas. preeenbs ; brushes
Reviling holm 30e. •tto 53 ee.e ; all grali-
es, dneluding Ube best. We have ton
le, hasty assortment of "wall pockets"
t'veiry •pre,tty costing only 15c. or 20e
'Theses make very useful Xmas prase -
we have, same reetl gootil .and
t,. nxzOng
-.. •:-•.•adt L Rr
, u U
u oa-j17d P
stare, Exalter, Call anal ook at there
Nailltess FLorseshoes.--As a suibsti--
tate for the ordinary nailed horseshoe
a Pep,ne6^bvanian has invented: a saline,
Which can be applied very readily and
assured bee asingle balls' The shot
epeeists oaf; a plate of 'horseshoe ,form
provided with heel add toe calks. Pi-
voted to tiro upper face of the plate at
the bees ends are two draw! straps
made to fit the contour of, "t'he. ,hoof
Tanrgue-ptraps are pivdted to these
draw-stlra.ps and provided with. lugs
nit tiheir• ends, to receive the clamping
belie A toeestrip pivotaily aatbaehei3
to the toe of the honsenhoe extendssurp
ward to meet the tongue -straps., end
ep:midges ,provided in this toeestrap a
adapted to receive a projection
forte -
ed onr sle
ormedenratle ve la rhearsen the WASs
- rti
.toe k
on 'the e
of the Inge PH ,
projection•rves to told the serape
from warkeng downward. In planing
the ghee on the horses hoof. the st t ps
may be quickly ssavung in poser n,
and secured by meand of the bole
Rev. Irl 11iok'as Foreesests for tee
week ending feeember 2otih. ,.., The
Ladles' fancy Collets in pink,
white, blue and reseda, with lace
and fancy open stitch, very pretty
25c to 50c. each,
• Xmas Gloves
Ladies Kid Gloves in tans, greys,
and blacks with fancy stitched
backs every pair gu'iranteed $1.00.
Xmas Handkerchiefs
A: wry fine ass Hi went of faaacy
lace, heitisiliebed, tucked end ecu-
broidery ll.isulkerchiefs 5, 10, 15,
:a�0 and 25 ceute each. Also a large
stock of silk Handkerchiefs in plain
and initials 25c. to 50u. each.
Xmas Linens
Bleached Table Ciotti of very
fine linen, hemstitched, large size
and a doz. Napkins to inatoh for
Bleached Table Oloth 2x21 yards
nice border Xmas. bargain .$1.25
Fancy Linen. Towels. Fancy Lin-
en Tray cloth, Fancy Linen Doy-
lies, Fancy ' Linen Centre Pieces,•
Fancy Linen Side Board Scarf,
Fancy Linen Table Napkins,
All at very low prices.
Table Covers
Fancy Silk Table Covers with
silk knotted fringe. Special for
Xmas. $2.50.
Fancy Chenille Table covers with
deep fringe, pretty' colors, makes
a nice present $1.00.
Cushion Tops
Fancy Silk Cushion Tops, .nicely
embroidered. Special 50c, and Tic
Kid Mitts
Ladies undressed Kid Mitts with
fur top, heavy wool lining only
$1.00 a pair.
reV.4r• sIlkxrm period central on( the
17th lazed extending from the 15th • to
the. 20th, will bring a derided tall of
tee baineme•tc,r, proIgresesiviely from,
west to east. The temperittt•ure . nvil1
rise, winds will -shift to southerly and
easterly, and more storms of rain and
snow will develop in eastern parts on
angle' 'Lqueleinig the 17,th. Dearing tate
18Jh1 to 2ath these s,Lartms will pals
over •she country to the Atllantic+. Rain
to ilhe aeauetI anaa'd, turning to sleet and
scow northward, may be expected, -all
folllowed from the northwestby high
barometer, wintry gales and a cold
erase. It will be the pant of evis(lpen
and common sense to anticipate such
tib(ings end; make .prefiax'atisens for
therm before they come upon you A
reactionary storm period is central on
the 22nd ;and 23rd exactly+a•t theorises
Of 'tibia' -010:their sc5 iti,c{s, ;The; p+rol.un-
ed, " tends ney to eternalness •axid ;ptreoi'-
pitatian; thirough all this part- of the
will 'break inity, well defined stermslof
rein, wind and snow on and.. about
tepee elates.Another cold
1id11asvt this reattionary; period; dere
trig whiele'the .melrpury nvillttfia>11 ivory
low, •and. 'the cold will penetrate, quite
far into the south. •
Anniversary Serv4ces.-The anniver-
earrices .connection wnbh tee
Jamee:-►it. Mieithodise church eveare
held on Sunday and Monday lase.
The services on Sunday were presided
over by the Rev. George B;isho.p,ofr the
Fleet. Me,tbledist Church, Lbrndnn.
This was Mr. Bishop's first lappexr-
aanice before an Exeter audience arra
be dae`Lighted his hearers at bath ser-
vkies.i Hiss ipresellsiin,g was powe*fut,
aead 'haeepful, nhch an scriptural expos-
itions and. withal, conveying to •The•
hearers the impression of the reserve
ociwer •beahiSdi at. The subsrlriptic(ns
and, hpintiributions weire• very en-
entouraging but had :the• day not been
stci nay and severely cold larger con
g'rp•gafstans woad, have bee present.
ten Monday ,eavaemring a saerred concert
Wats-,giveal by Miss• Anna Beckett, of
Detroit assisted by local talent., Miss
Ileckelt delighted her audieinaeaand at
every namtber war -tear lily eanerel(
whish she dreseoeaded in •a pleasant. un-
affeeted manner, wh,ieh quite wan. the
hearts of all. Hes voice has a range
orf four octaves and she cirri sing any.
thing in music, classical, grand opera,
title., etc., and in heir rendering oft the
"Ulbrich' of LLe Gamete= idtelni' 51 •
,might be said could not be excelled
Her enuzu in1Lion is well nigh petlfeletts
every word belong ;heard to the farther
era aartn,e,r of the church, with .ease.
(elm woo ably ,ass,istese by Brief. aJian,es
4vtillt, ai pipe • organa solo, piano Felep.tiL
Ong by Miss N. Martin and elarionet
solo by Mur. George al+',cirett, all of
which were, well received.
paednihal,e-Crd,Ltenden.---On Su,Lurd.ay
Dleceimber 121th,, 1903, .a very quiet but
happy event was solemnized in the
Ataiin.,st Methodist Chute*, it being
Ube DeeSSIon of the. -marriage of, Miss
ltmma Peculate, daughter of Mrs. Pen -
hale, Gidley street, and. NLr. lhayman
ante ndnrn, of Bleat. The reretmony
eves •puarfo,rmed by Re's-. Wm. Godwin
tut tee hour oL 7.45 a. •m., a very- few
cif the •immnldi a•te eoleetives being; pore-
cs li the our as'ear-
't ,ated a,1Gh h w
n rt, +
�x ,
1 •a permrber of friends ;gathered ,to/
wittiness the pleasing ceremony. , The
bride was beicamingly attired in e suit
of'.navy blue oosi.uwn clout with white
silk waist and hat to matctlt. The
bride and groom were unattended. Af-
ter ;t he +ceremony was porfornletd and
•cddngraitulatians beetowelt upon the
happy pair while the registrar was
being signed, Ales. J'. Bi,ateh,ford,play
eel tee wedding mgirrch, after which
thew weire driven to the station and.
took the 8.35 train for Lbn,don, • St.
Thema+ whefr,e• :they will, spend. some
titni)e 'with eiliernde prior to taalki:ng up
tlheir rresideeteei in lliyth.. ;Mrs. Crit-
Imago was an . active ihebp in the Boy -
al Teamplars:of Temperance, and a zeal
out worker in bhe &raci .y Sehoot, and
oiler ebureh work being amember of
- t Methodist r oar: The
mcmaxelris ,aC whirl assemblea et her
homes a 'fletv. nights previous to her
Marriage and :pretreated her wile. d,
beautiful walnut center table. The
yowng'cnupbe are both well and' t3av-
seabiy known Mete, and: •aha beast wish
es set sated of friends follow them
to their new bonne.
Merry i i trria
You would think it was merry to see us selling present,
these days, and judging from the way they are going out it will be
a merry Christmas for a great many.
W. C. T. U. Noites.-Jottings firor
tem St. Thomas Convention. IFrlom
the resolution committee "Resolved
that we reaffirm,., our faith in the to -
tal pxw'hipition of the liquor, traffic.
inoludes total abstinence far'
the individual and Legal prohibition.
tar the slate; also in equal franchise
tar men and women, and hi political,
social and ,personal: purity." Whereas
t'he ,abertters of the liquor traffic are
bard at work to keep a foot-holde and
to obtain favour from political lead..
,ers'ande .cheurchmen, whereby even.
professed Christians by thousands are
Led to vote with parties which gelor
the gale, of i,ntoxictan,ts ;' and aw;herea,5r
the word led warning of the Almigh-
ty is being defied ; and, whereas, the
result of the drink habit inelude:,phy-
abeal wretchedness, :mental imbecility,.
with moral dagred;atian, crime, ,pov-
earty and untold fathoms of Jamentae
tions mourning and woe result from
nae sale .of Intoxicating liquorts, there -
Dere, resolved thaat the cause of tem-
peras/ice calls. loudly Box perwlee;r unlgl
effort in the .value of the. Lord to put
down the saloon business by civil antis
'Deity or .prohibition. Resolved that
in order to this end we wilt earnestly
eindeevecur to ornate right .P
sentiment in regard to Chess things
Mies Sproule, the Missionary from Al -
game, reiparted in detail the work
done during the year in the lumber-
1Rg d'sttricts. Though often diet only
waaxiia,n in tyke +amp was always treat-
ed with the greatest kindnes(srand
•cta;unbe'.ey. Gine great. need among the
men is more literature to divert them
daring rainy wenbher. Repoirte leav-
tag travelled over five thousand miile,s
during the y er of misdsi.arnnary work
Besides'holding meetings had distri-+-
buted aureat ,amount •of literature.
Among the Roman Catholics had leen
kthngly andi biospitably reeetved.
The Day's Markets. - Every Live-
stock main, merthane and farmer in
tees section knows that ihc,aiuotations
en Toronto markets are those which
govielefna rib . whole Province. Wlien'n
daily ,epeivepaPer. dedvates a large a mo-
nnit q space to bright, crisp, we1I,ar--
alac>,g+ed marke<information with' price
quail biolns'traain day to diayy, .i;t a is
su� orf- a.place. in the Ignorable judg-
nthn't of men interested in business af- a °CFOOd" not a "Fad."
Lairs. For mangy years the furnishing
oaf each information rested largely Our facilities for handling the chop
%p,itib the morning papers of .Toronto.,,
i,t it has been Bound that to. many ping trade are unsurpassed. The new
s deers, ,particularly at points dis- .Natant grinder is giving great satis-
nt from Toronto, the malum., tion faction.
B5 published is of little a terns-. to
an caries •to wait until afternoon, to
laid reperte et markets wheel close at
'Clock or earlier on tee previous
ty:tijn,:ron. The 'Toronto News mak-
e. speicdalty of its commereialanews.
rge sparse is deecded to this depart -
1. and the Oluctuations in pricey of
vaatious commodities, such as live
Ir, grain, butter, ohesse, seeds, fru-
td hogs are noted each day. • The
edition of tails paper, with closing
etiolate arrives many hours in ed -
van of Toronto morning papers. Un-
der •i soh circumstatnees, •- The News
may be ,reigarded ase a -valuable : ad -
an n•o matte
business m r
'ono' tb the s ,
whit branch of business activity ea
gages his •attention. Partioular atten
tion is paid to price movements on. To-
rt."•antes ' 'arketa,. and many im�portantt
items o market news are 'fouxtd' in
Tee Nese many hours before they are
pubtis'hn •18 .ar'ty other journal blithe,
Deeninion.. The News mairatains a
bngh•�awdard in all its departments.
Titer •c lay'e, he.ppe ntngs are recorded in
terse but compreliouelve manner.
Betsey issue comba las • sdmetbis g Of
interest to every member' of the fata-
lly. The pricy of Ehe Newts is astonish
brag,, '$1,00 a year. Think of it, 13 pa,g-
es each werck-•day in' the year, with
twelves additional pages on�'Saturday-,
for •one &tear t A post card sent r ttr
The Newss. Toronto, will bring esam-
pee. copy, avid particulars of their pro -
ata e clubbing.
f bl
..tom- �3 � �. ..�.
lama° The Kind You Nave Always sought
Easy to Buy
For 12 1M20
Silk Collar Forms
Fancy Handkerchiefs
Silk Handkerchiefs
Fancy Ribbons
Fancy Flannelettes
Cups and Saucers
Cream Pitchers
Fancy Plates
Fancy Odd China
Shaving Cups
For Oc
Swell Stock Collars
Best of Belts
Swell Neck Ties
Nice Neck Mufflers
Initaled Silk handkerchiefs
Chenelle Table Covers
Pickle Dishes
Salad Bowls
Fruit Dishes
Bread and Butter Plates
For c
Nice new Stock Collars
Latest Belts '
Good Silk Handkerchiefs
Wool Gloves and Mi
Jardineres; `
Bread and Butter Plates
China Cups and Saucers.
Nice Silk Ties.
Good Kid Gloves
Nice Shoulder Shawls
6-4 Chen' Table Covers
Pair best Linen Towels
Black Underskirts
Fancy Lamps
Fruit Dishes
Berry Sets
Cake Plates
NSCKWARE,-We have just opened lap the svvellest lot of gents new Puff
Ties, .Ascot Ties, Neck Muffiers, and ladies Stock Collars ever
shown in Exeter. A dainty Christmas present.
A� LIN J�io.
Cheap Furniture
Good Furniture
Xmas . ;Furniture
Until the new year ,we are offering big bargains in
Furniture. 5 per cent discount on all cash. sales.
Picture Framing and 'all kinds ordered work cheap.
Funeral Director and Practicable Embalmer. Opera House Block
a .;i
.. re
o e
When you insist on having
Harvey Bros.' Flour. Our
Is made from the choicest
Ontario and Manitoba wheat.
The quality of our
Has been improved by Steri-
lizing it. We sell 10 pounds
for 25c... Give it a trial it is
it a
Additional 'LooalS On Page 5
008Oim® e®m0SO0ee001118Se 13e
6 A large, wide-awake, working. s
a hustling result -producing school
CANADA To -DAY. Graduates al- 0
ways get oositions., This college placed
many of Its graduates in other business 6
colleges as teachers. e
A With= TEEM OPENS dA.N. sea. q,
6 Handsome catalogue' free. B
0 'fi . J. ELLIOTT,
• Principal N
soa000Atoosis00me eauceeresoeos
These Dyes will 'dye Wool, Cotton,
Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath
-tbey•are the latest and Most improv-
ed Dye in the world. Try a . package.
All colors at C. Ltrrz, Exeter. •
We wish' to thank our many cus-
tomers for their vaned patronage
during the year 1903 andrespectfully
solicit a continuance of their valued
We also invite all who contemplate
building in.1904 too call and inspect
our stock which will be found com-
plete in every department, and a1
prices that will justify them in placing
their orders with us.
We manufacture `-'t,,
Packing Boxes and Crates
and Bee Keepers Supplies, such tie
Beehives and Hive Fittings,
Satistaation Guaranteed
Complete assortment of, uo•to-date
Best Quality, Lowest Prides, also
full supply '
Note Books, &c.
Medicines and Chemical
Toilet Articles
Brushes, Combs and Perfumes
03rug S ore;