HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-09-02, Page 18Page 18 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1987 26. Help wanted 26. Help wanted Assemblers Required for light factory work by an automotive parts manufacturer in the Exeter area. On line training available to conscientious individuals. Applications available from Canada Employment Centre, Centre Mali Exeter, Ontario 29. Tenders A4_ HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY S.F.T. (H.C.) 87-10 Sale of Sar -plus Grounds Equipment of the Huron County Housing Authority. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, September 16th, 1987 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5, (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY P.T. (H.C.) 87-02 For Public Space Painting in Huron County Housing Senior Citizen Buildings at 52 Bristol Terrace, Wingham, 50 Alfred Street, Wingham, Zurich (OH1), Blyth (01-11), 34 John Street, Seaforth and 85 West Street, Goderich. Finders will be received for the above until 11:00 AM. LOCAL TIME, WEDNES- DA Y, SEPTEMBER 16, 1987 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5, (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. 36 Lmployment wanted ;t (r MOIHER wishes to hohyslt in her "•ni• roil 565 5036 34.35 IiAp, ,1111N(, AVAILABLE in Bayfield area Call u+; )476 .14 .35 I +' F Nil tlr f D BABYSIT TING in my horne Live „ihlu school references available big i r i• .mi l t„ pl,iy ,n Phone 43)2 9012 35 • r N'I til, 1(1 hnhysittinq nvnilohle in my home nhlir at hor,l Call rifler 3 p m 31. Service directory I illi ,.l, „ilei alar and rippliance service Pro ,•,,.I. ilii,• ,ni si c e to oil makes and models b no •.t,. ,ipplionres Phone 887 9062 77tf •1'.1 'HIP r STONE and Carpentry work . n •• it k pointing and chimney t . I ,l I „ , , •.tin,, rtes For infer motion (all i• •1,, t')) S1(t5 Writ r I ,ti i',+ 8A( KHOfINC, Drntn Repair erosion drum., loser Coll Frank Postill . , ,, : • I N, v ANPE rJ TRY Remodelling renovations 1 r •1,in,.' t,le «meter tops ret rooms J ir.,•r,'.q windows patio doors .,,•. •d'nq Phone 482 7676 Ken ,•.f031, IIAIU, The CPR T Fund of Clinton Odd i, '' 1cth,t.n wheelcho,rs available for •,, „ Horolt, Wise Ltd 487 7062 or N• rt Pt; '')IAO nvnnings 1St wk JACK B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTING Specializing in: •CUSTOM BUILT HOMES • RENOVATIONS • ADDITIONS • K ITCHENS • ALUMINUM SIDING •REPLACEMENT WINDOWS 565-2108 RESIDENTIAL & COPiMERCIAL CLEANING Fully Bonded and Insured Satisfaction Guaranteed" -weekly maid cervico -spring cleaning -window w.rching -house sitting OPEN Till 8:00 P.M. ELITE DOMESTIC SERVICES Doug & Laurie Falconer Dan '4(.,c Kinnon 522-5170 31. Service directory RESIDENTIAL CLEANERS Weekly or Seasonal Cleaning 10•x• Discount to Seniors Boob Hodgins 482-9223 Professional Photography •Weddings •Portraits •Family Gatherings GARY WALDEN 523-9212 Westfield, 12 mi S E of Lucknow WATER WELL DRILLING 1M.D. HOPPER & SONS Four modern rotary rigs Phone Seaforth NEIL: 527-1737 MAL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD. •Farm and Residential Buildings • Additions and Renovations •Roofing, Siding, Soffit & Fascia PHONE CAMADuw FARM %ALDERS ASSOC1ATGN MEMBER 482-3063 after 6 p.m. SPACE AGE INSULATION All types of insulation Polyurethane Foam iberglass, Rockwool, Cellulose FOR MORE INFORMATION AND FREE ESTIMATES Ron Kassies 523-9484 AFTER 6 P.M. For HOMES - ADDITIONS GARAGE AND SHED FARM BUILDINGS Phone RAY LAMBERS CONSTRUCTION 482-3305 • • • • • •CONTRACTOR • • • • �• • IlUC� • • •••• • .El1,tl '11). • *RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL• •FARM • • • • • • • • INCLUDING ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PH 482-7290 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 -ti • •••••••••••••••••••• 34. Personal LOSE VIE IGF41 482 7497 14 (5 hotter ani! Ir,nk gond (111 Does Someone you love have ri drinking pro hlem'7 There ,s help for you Coll Al Anon 574 6001 or vwrite P 0 Box 101 Clinton Ont NOM 1)() I,t v,k OVERWFIIrH1 I„•,r• weight without dieting while I sleep Coll nhnut rnlnrnd 482 5447 35. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF NELLIE IOUISE WOOIFENDEN lace of the City of Birmingham in the State of Mrchignn one of the United States of Americo derensed All persons hnvinq rIrnms ngrnnst the Estote of the obovp named who died on the 10th (-Joy of Jnnunry 1987 ore required to file full portic ulnrs thereof with the undersigned nn or before the 30th cloy of Septemher 1987 offer which dote the assets will he distributed hnvirq regard only to the r'rums of which the undersigned shell then hove nntir, Doted this 74th drty of August 1997 F 8 Mammos O C Barrister and Solicitor Box 68 Clinton Ontario NOM 110 Solicitor far the Ever -00r 35 37or NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM HAROLD ADAMS Int, of the Town o4 Clinton in the County of Huron Retired Civii Servant deceased All persons ho,,,nq rinims ngninst the Fstote of the shove named whn died on the 1 1 th d.oy of 111 ly 1987 ere required to file full pnrtirulnrs thereof with the undersigned on or before the 10th coy ,-,a September 1987 nater which dote the assets will he distributed hnvinq regard only to the rinims of which the undersigned shell then hove notice Dated this 28th day of August 1997 F 8 Menzies O C Bnrr,ster rind Solicitor Bo. 69 Clinton Ontario NOM 110 5„hntor for the Fverutnrs 35 37or not f cum g Classified Ads will slide you in the right direction 35. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTA1'E OF ESTHER LAVINA KENL)ALL, LA'Z'E OF THE TWP. c)1'' 'ruc'KERSMITH IN THE COUN'T'Y OF HURON �• All person, having claire, against the Estate the uboce•named deceased. Who tiled on or about 1he:1(Ith dad of 'May. 1987, are hereby notified to forward toll particulars of their claims to th&' undersigned on or baton' the 15th day of Sept.. 1987. after „inch dote the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received Donnelly X Murphy 18 The Square. (iuderi<•h, (►mit. N7 X :Il'7 tioliciti r, for the Estate NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Theda L. Williams. All persons having claims against the estate of Theda L. Williams lute of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron. deceased who died on the 9th day of June 1987, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of September 1987 after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated of Seaforth. Ontario this 26th day of 1 August 1987. McConnell Stewart & Devereaux Barristers, &c., Seaforth Ontario Solicitors for the executor 35-37or 36. Announcements, notices RETIREMENT HOMES Your invitation to gracious retirement living ac• cornmodation available at Malcolm Place Retire- ment Residence, 255 Durham St.. Kincardine. Ap- plications now being accepted, 1.396-4215 for more information. 3339 NOTICE JUNE NEWLAND MANAGEMENT CO. LIMITED NOTICE is hereby given that June Newland Management Co. Limited intends to file Ac• titles ct Dissolution with the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. pur suant to Section 236 of the Business Cor- poration Act. DATED at Clinton Ontario this 1st day of . September. 1987 JUNE NEWLAND, President 38. Auction sale Richard Lc)hh Auctioneer (I IN ION -182.7898 SAT., SFPT. 12 AT 10:00 A,M.: Mndr•r'n hu alin' .11)41 ,rpltb,t11( r, .it kir li,1rd I nhh , • iii lion Run. (IuUnn, ( 1111 , Inc Mr. I erm,i I Inll,ind u1 (Itnlun plus >;u11(1 ,1)1(31lu 111, 1 42. Death notice POWER At Victoria Hospital South Street on Tuesday August 25 1987 C E (Eddie) Power dear hus bond of Elizabeth Margaret Cnrrnl1 in his 85th year Dear father of Sandra Anil nod Basil An 9thony Power of Montreal Gnrrrrk Power of Lon dors Mrs Robert •Cnrrolli Gnudie of Hensall door brother of Flora McGuire of Montreal also survived by eight grandchildren Visitors were received at John T Donohue Funeral Herne 362 Wnlerlon 5t co King bn Wednesday 2 4 and 7 9 Funeral Moss mit 5t Joseph s Church on Thursday mit 1) noon Crernrttinn and interment in Holy Family Mausoleum St Peters 3"rmetery McALISTER At University Hospital London on Monday August 74 1987 Alex McAlister of RR 1 Bayfield Beloved hu,hnnd of ledn McAlister Deer father of Steven of Ahhntsfnrd B C Dome) mil Toronto Kenneth of Bob.nygenrt Andrew of ()Hawn Mork of Tnrnnto Dern brother of Alfred of Quebec Ruth Willioms of NPw York N Y The termly weir caned ti,rnrf, rtt his residence ,on Hwy 71 I mile north of Bayfield of the stone gates on lake side, nn Wednesday afternoon rind Thursdny morning with Celehrnt,on of Life mit 10 n m on Thursdny MORRISON Sylv,n 81nnrhr. Suddenly as the result of on cirri dent on Wednesday August 76 1987 mit the Hamilton Generol Hospital Sylvia Blanche Butler nged 79 years Beloved wife of Hnmtsh Westwnter Door mother of Angela Shown and Mork Beloved daughter of Rowonn and Ken Hayton of Bayfield DPnr sister of Ed Butler and his wife Dinnn of London F,Ieen rind her hus hand Fred Butler Cnwghie of Snskntrhewnn Corot Ind her hushnnd Tom Goldberg of Brnmp ton Denr daughter in low of Non Westwnter and sister in low of Roy rind Sandy Westwrter Gronddnughter of Mr and Mrs W,Il,nm Haight of Gorier -n-1" rind Mr and Mrs Stanley Butler of Newfoundland Fondly remembered by several nieces rind nephews Sylvia was n valued employee mit the Stanley Street Mrponnld s Restournnt Brentford Friends were received mit the Beckett Gloves Family Funeral Centre 98 Brunt Ave Brantford on Friday 7 4 rind 7 9 p m SPrv,CP ,n the rhnpel on Sotto -cloy mit 2 p m (remotion HOWE At 5t Josephs Hospital London on Tuosdny August 25 1987 Alexander HnwP of Hurnnvirw Clinton mind formerly n4 Centrnbo and Avonhonk in his 55th year Beloved son of the Into W,Ilinm F and Grnre mnrgnret Howe Door brother of Kenneth Howe of Virtnrin B C and Mrirrny HnwP of Hensall Funeral service was held of the Boll 4 Falconer Funeral Home 153 High Street Clinton on Monday August 31 nt 2 n clock Inter meet Avonhonk Cemetery Downie Twp MILLER At Victor -in Hospital London on Wednesdny August 26 1987 Murrey Williom Miller of (lin ton in his 61s. yr.+nr Beloved hushnnd of Phyllis Hoy Miller n, •1 den( !other of Robert and his wife Vnler,e Miller of Clinton. loving grand father of Mnrshn and Jon Moller Dear brother of Keith and hos wife Vern Miller of RR 2 Bayfield Friends were received mit the Brill & Falconer Funeral Hnme 153 High Street Clinton on Friday from 7 4 and 7 9 p ,n Funeral service was held mit the funeral home on Sntordny AugLict 29 mit 2 o clock Interment Clinton Cemetery 42. Death notice MCPHEE At Alexandra Marine and Generol Hospital on Wednesday, August 26, 1987. Orval McPhee of Goderich and formerly of Auburn in his 76th year. Beloved husband of Velma (Kerr) and also of the late Lily (Kerns). Dear father of the late Ronald McPhee and the late John McPhee (in in• fancy) and step -father of Douglas Gibson of Winghom and Barry Gibson of Ridgetown. Also survived by his daughter•in-law Mrs. Deborah McPhee and his mother-in•law Mrs. Lily Kerns of Goderich. Grandfather of Robbie, Ryan and Justin McPhee: Kevin, Kim, Brett and Darren Gibson and great-grandfather of Colin Gibson. Predeceased by one sister Beth Taylor and one brother Harvey McPhee. The family received friends at the McCallum and Palls Funeral Home, Cambria Road at East Street, Goderich on Friday from 2-4 and 7.9 p.m. A funeral service was held at the funeral home on Saturday at 1:30 p.m. In- terment Dungannon Cemetery. - DUPUIS (President of Ray & Mike's Shoe Repair). At Clint ton Public Hospital on Friday, August 28, 1987, Raymond Leon Dupuis of RR 3, Clinton; in his 65th year. Beloved husband of Catherine (Malenfant) Dupuis'. and dear father of Betty and Burnham Carlyle and Rose Marie and Richard Lansdowne, both of London and Michael at home. Loving grandfather of Rebecca Carlyle. Dear brother of Sophroine (Mrs. William Bonneau) of Comber, Adeline (Mrs. Gene Mailloux) of Tecumseh and Eli and Adrian Dupuis of Windsor. Predeceased by one sister Victoria Dupuis and by one brother David. Friends were received at the Ball •4 Falconer Funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton on Sunday from 2.4 and 7.9 p.m. Funeral Mass was held at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Clinton on Monday, August 31, at 11 o'clock. In- terment Clinton Cemetery. WRIGHT W. Arthur. It is with great sorrow that his family announce the passing of a dear husband, father and grandfather, William Arthur Wright of John Street, Seaforth of Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, August 27, 1987: in his 82nd year. Beloved husband of the former Gladys Ducklow and dear father of Donald and his wife Marilyn of Clinton and Douglas and his wife Wendy of Knota. Dear grandfather of David, Paul, Rhonda and Scott, all of Clinton and Wade and Jarret of Knata. Predeceased by one son Harold Wayne in infancy. Also predeceased by two sisters and two brothers. The family received friends of the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home, 87 Goderich Street West, Seaforth; where funeral services were held on Monday at 2 p.m. Interment Fairview Cemetery, Listowel. ,In our hearts, let us remember the love he gave to us all. JEFFREY At St. Joseph's Hospital. London on Sunday, August 30, 1987, Edmund D. (Ted) Jeffrey of Goderich and formerly of Hay Twp.; in his 62nd year. Lovingly remembered by Madge Oesch of Goderich, David and Linda Oesch of Richmond Hill. Dear brother of Blanche Bechard of Zurich, Ulene (Mrs. Napoleon Duchorme) of London. Lloyd of Windsor; Clemente of Zurich and the late Leonard Jeffrey. The family received friends at the McCollum & Palls Funeral Home, Cambria Road at East Street. Goderich 2-4 and 7.9 p.m. Tuesday. Funeral service was held at the funeral home 10.30 o'clock Wednesday morning. Inter ment St. Boniface Cemetery. Zurich. PURVES At Wingham and District Hospital. on Sunday. August 20, 1987, Mr. Alex Purves in his 88th year. Beloved husband of Kitty (Moore). Dear brother of Les Purves of lucknow, Annie Irwin, Lin Bolt, Marjorie Purves, all of Mitchell and Urena Lyons of Huronview, Clinton. Also surviv- ed by several nieces and nephews. Predeceased by one sister Mary and two brothers Ken and Calvin. Funeral service was held in the MacKen- zie & McCreath Funeral Home, Lucknow, on Tuesday at 2 p.m , Rev. W. Henderson officiated Interment South Kinloss Cemetery. Lucknow 43. Births FISHER Debbie and Perry Fisher ore proud to announce the birth of their daughter Jocelyn Debra on August 18. 1987 weighing 8 Ib 5 oz . at Grace Hospital Winnipeg First grandchild for Mavis and Bill Fisher of Goderich and 8th grandchild for Joe and Janet Hunking of Auburn Great grandchild for Arte and Tri Duizer of Londesboro 35nx McLEAN Tom and Kathy (nee Wubs) ore pleased to an nounce the arrival of their daughter Stephanie Meognn at 9 43 o m August 22 1987 weighing 7 Itis 3 ozs A granddaughter for John and Hilda Wubs of Bayfield and Bob and Edna Mclean of Goderich Thanks to Dr Fiegel and Dr Pet tucoomb and Daphone. Rosemary. Lorretto and others at Ottawa Civic Hospitol 35x 43. Births COLQUHOUN - ESSEX Laura and Kevin are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Amanda Leigh Moe on August 25, 1987 weighing 6 lbs. 12 ozs and 19" long, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Proud grandparents are Joan and Tom Colquhoun of Clinton, Norma and Dwight Porter of RR 2. Goderich. Great grandparents are Phyllis and Elmer Lee of Clinton. 35nx GLOUSHER It's a girl! Stewart and Shoror'r of Goderich are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, Stacey Lyrin, born at St. Joseph's Hospital August 27, 1987, weighing 4 lbs. 4 ozs. Proud grand- parents are, Wilmer and Norma Glousher of Londesboro and Eugene and Florence Deveau of Nova Scotia. Special thanks to Dr. Salsbury of Clinton and Dr. F. Fellows and Dr. P. Potts of London. 35nx VODDEN Ray and Myrna are very happy to announce the arrival of Meghan Allena Christine a sister for Amanda, born Augu t 20 at Clinton Public Hospital weighing 8 Ib. 7 oz. Proud grandparents are Roy and Anne Vodden of Summerhill, Morris and Clara Scott of Bayfield. Special thanks to Dr. Steed and Salsbury and 2nd floor nurses. 35nx DYKSTRA We thank God for the safe arrival of our 2nd child Yvonne Catherine born August 26 weighing 7 Ib. 7 oz. Happy parents are John and Elaine Dykstra. Big brother is Billy Joe. Proud grand- parents are Rene and Alice Brochu of Clinton, BHI Dykstra of RR 1 Bayfield, and Judy Dykstra of RR 2 Bayfield. Special thanks to 3 great doctors Steed, Baker and Salsbury, and to the wonderful nurses at Clinton Hospital. 35nx LIVINGSTON Finally announcing the safe arrival of Patrick William Thomas, weighing 7 Ib. 7 oz. at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on August 25 to Larry and Beth. Proud grandparents are Bill and Pat Hulley, RR 2 Staffa, Gail Livingston, Goderich. and David and Arlene Livingston. London. Proud great grandparents are Ida Livingston. Clinton and Elizabeth Ramsey, Mitchell. 35nx 46. In memoriam DRUMMOND In loving memory of my Dod who passed away 2 years ago September 8, 1986. You weren't the kind of Dad who looked for applause, But you were always there Behind the scenes, encouraging helping and caring. You were always there to share the good tines and the not so good times, You were always there to give a little push when things looked scary, A pat on the back when I had done well Or a loving hug when things went wrong When I was younger I thought That was just the way Dads were But now I realize lust how very very special you were to me. Sadly missed and loved always by Mory 35 DRUMMOND In loving memory of a very special frither rind grandfather John, who passed away two vim.. ago September 8, 1985 The blustery winds dont mor your sleep When thunderstorm roar through The heat of day brings no concern These things have passed from you The night with darkness holds no fears Your endless sleep has come You cannot hear the robins sing With first rays of the sun The only life -you have right now Is contained within my mond I drift back to the happier Boys When life was not unkind You walk with me your steps still strong We had talks for days and nights on end You were my Dad but hest of n11 You were my closest friend To live ,n the hearts of those we love is not to din but have everlasting life Always in our thoughts and prayers Jon Larry Julie and Greg 35. TAYLOR In loving memory of o dear mother rind grand mother Jean who passed nwny September 1 1982 Today recalls sed memories Of a dear mother gone to rest And the one who thinks of her today Is the one who loved her best Sadly missed by Irene Doug Virk IP Sandra and Joyce 35x Zurich Recreation Committee MYSTERY BINGO Thursday, Sept. 3 Zurich Community Centre Jackpot $750 must go Bonanza game 53 calls Doors open at 6:30 - Starts at 7:45 • 4 flash games O 1 early bird • 10 regular a 1 mystery pri1e Moved to ice surface Nenrt bingo Sept. 17 All proceeds to community projects No one under 16 allowed to play. bring your dabbers Due to the increase in business, we have immediate openings for qualified OWNER OPERATORS STEADY WORK WITH GUARANTEED MILEAGE LEASE PURCHASE AVAILABLE ('87 Freightliners) LAIDLAW CARRIERS INC. 235-2500 -. r 1-800-265-4249 Ask f', r Jim