HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-09-02, Page 16CUSTOM CORN DRYING •Competitive Rates •High Quality Drying for Feed Corn or to sell •Storage Available •Arrangments can be made to market your corn. CALL HAUGHOLM FARMS Brucefield 527-0248 10202.0. Page 16-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1987 LASSIFIED SAYE* THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD -THE BLYTH STANDARD -THE BAYFIELD BUGLE •I,Ug6NOW •WINDHAM ak�LYTN INTON *P/WORTTH 'mut • STIA▪ TtfOSI 1. Articles for sale 1977 COUGAR XR7, 302 with ps, pb, end, radio; 1979 T -Bird, 302, engine needs work, psi pb, and radio; 302 engine in good working order. Call 523-4497. 29tfgx WEDDING & ANNIVERSARY perfect gift! Patio furniture or accessories at 40% off or more, Warehouse open Fridays & Saturdays. 71 King W., Forest, Ont. (519) 786-4405. 34-39 PRINTER, MPS 802, high quality, dot matrix, suitable for Commodore computers. Like new. Mark Hobe 523-9576. 35x ROOSTERS oven ready. average 8-10 pounds, 4- months old, butchering date second week in September. 262-2114. 33,35 EVEN HEAT Kiln. shelves, post and much, much more. Call 523-9238. 35tfnx APPLES, PEARS, PLUMS Paulared, Wolfe River apples, Bartlett pears. prune plums now ready. McClymont Orchards, 1 mile south of Varna. 482.3214. 35 VISSCHER FARMS COUNTRY MARKET open daily 9am-6pm, Thursdays and Fridays 9am-8pm, dos- ed Sundays. Specializing in cauliflower and broc- coli, 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy No. 83, 1.237-3442. 27tfar BICYCLES FOR SALE new and used all sizes, men's, ladies', boys' and girls'. Will trade bikes and repair. Phone 482-5698. 33-35x 3 PIECE OAK wall unit with bar. Airtight wood stove. Phone to see 262.3024.-34tfar FOR SALE wood, dry mixed hardwood, cut in spr- ing of 1986. Phone 482-7180. 35.36 COMPLETE set of hockey equipment for o boy 12.14 years. Also a pair of size 10 Micron skates. Reasonable prices. 526-7735. .35.37x MCINTOSH apples, peaches, Bartlett pears, plums, potatoes. onions, apple butter. 2 Ioca tions No 8 highway Clinton at Boyes transport and Art Bell Fruit Farm. 524-8037. 35tf THREE YEAR OLD 30" Inglis Citation stove, self - clean, good condition Call 565-2739 after 6 p m 35 USED YELLOW house bricks for sale Phone 482 3374 35,36 BOYS11OCKEY equipment, size 10. 1, 3 skates. girls size 9 figure skates Phone 4827340. 35x NEW FRANKLIN fireplace. screen Hearth glass fireplace doors, new 26 2 cc weed 'brush trim rner. new metal swivel rocker, new wallpapers, 4 white wrought iron polio dinette chairs. cabinet sewing machine, Victorian parlor stove. antique pedestal dining table. miscellaneous No dealers please 565 2551 after 1 p m 35 GOLD BROWN & WHITE Sklar chesterfield and matching chair. excellent condition price negotiable Phone 482 9565 35 PINK FLOYD ticket for sale, September 23 con cert section 31. 8, 41 $40, must go best offer Phone Dave 4823597 3537 7 SECOND HAND air conditioners $200 each or nearest offer Phone 482 9885 in evening 35 MATCHING sofa and choir red and black ex rellent condition $125 Phone 487 1735 after 5 34 35x SATELLITE DISH 10' , feet black mesh used 3 months Paid 53 300 asking 52 500 Phone 1 657 2665 34 37 C & E FURNITURE NEW 8 USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY ", mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even fake trades PICK YOUR OWN • BEANS •TOMATOES • PICKLING CUCUMBERS Ready Picked Also Available •Lots of CANNING TOMATOES and other fruits and vegetables. Our own Cauliflower, Broccoli, Potatoes and Onions R.R. 1 BAYFIELD Open 7 Days 482-3020 2. Motorcycles for sale 1976 HONDA 750 4 runs excellent 5700 00 or hest offer 362 2846 34 35x 3. Garage sale/Yard sale MULTI FAMILY yard sale 1 mile south of Clinton an highway Saturday September 5 9 a m 2 p m 35 MULTI FAMILY Geroge Sale, 137 Joseph St Clin ton Saturday September 5 and Monday September 7 at 9 a m o Stove twin beds clothes, baby items, toys and miscelloneous items 35 YARD SALE Group sole, Friday September 4 Saturday 5. Sunday 6 at 9 o. m - 9 large selection of new items yarn socks, clothing glassware. etc Home of Alf and Marion Mothers lost house -+n1 of Clinton south side of rood highway 8 35or CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising .. Tuesday 3:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sole 1A Snowmobiles for sale 2 Motorcycle for sale 3 Garage sale / yard sole 4 Antiques for sole 5 Cars for sale 6 Trucks for sale 7 R.V,'s for sale 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sale 12 Real estate for sale 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room & board 21 Cottages for rent 22 Lets for rent 23 Commercial property for rent 24 Wanted to rent 25 Wanted to buy 26 Help wanted 27 Wanted (general) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sale 39 Education 40 Lost & Found 41 To give away 42 Death notice 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 46 In memoriam 47 Cards of thanks 50` DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ilk% minor 3- Garage sale/Yard sale MULTI -FAMILY yard sale, September 4, 4 p.m. - 7; September 5, 6, 7 at 9 o.m. O Varna Complex grounds. Homemade baking, baby items, etc 35x A. For Sale 1982 J D Combine air conditioning. heater, radio 4 way seal Murphy shut down switches. Sid grain loss monitoring system. 329 cu in , bin ext extension Diesel motor. 23 1 x 26 tires, 600 hours 1982 10' dummy pickup header with 8' Sun pickup. new in 1485. hydraulic controlled 1982, 4 row 30- corn head. new style low profile Ex- cellent combine low hours stored insdie never pulled white benns 529 7607 or 529 7995 28tfnx MASSEY FERGUSON Super 98 Combine. spiked tooth cylinder and pick up Best offer Contact Ralph Desmond RR 1 Ridgetown Phone 674 5706 33 38 Hensci l l Livestock Sales SALES EVERY TH IRSDAY AT 12:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Barry Miller Gregory Hargreaves Clinton 492 7511 velar Kirk ton 235.2717 2296205 267.2619 B. Custom Work CUSTOM silo filling and swathing Hank Reinmk 523 9202 or 523 4569 21tfnr CUSTOM COMBINING white beans with oireel soy and care Trucking available G Heyink 262 5708 34 36 D. Livestock POULTRY FOR SALE Day old & ready to lay leghorn pullets Available year round dual pur pose brown egglayers available Spring & Fall Coll toll free today 1 800 265 8536 McKinley Hat chery 1st wk TWO HORSES one Potomino and one standard bred must sell together Phone 482-3374 35 36 F. For Rent 3. Garage sale/Yard sale GARAGE SALE, 341 Ontario St., Highway 8 east Clinton. Friday, September 4, 1 p.m. - 8 p.m., Saturday, September 5, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Lamps, furniture, tools, antiques. George Cutler. ---35 GIANT YARD SALE, on highway 8 between Clin- ton and Seaforth, September 3 and 5, 8 a.m. - ? Household items, pig penning, heat lamp, toys and bikes. --35 YARD SALE, Saturday 5, Sunday 6, 10 a.m. • ? Dishes, household items, truck tire on rim for Chev '2 ton, and much more. Highway No. 4 north of Clinton past China Palace. Rain date Sept. 7. -35x 5. Cars for sale 1979 CHEV station wagon, Be! Air, 8 cyclinder. Phone 526.7735.-35-37x 6. Trucks for sale d• 1982 DATSUN KING CAB, ps, pb, sunroof, inter• mittant wipers, topper, 67,000 miles, $3,500. Must sell. Phone 482-3318.--34,35 7. R.V.'s for sale 15' COACHMAN Trailer, seats 5, 3 way fridge, stove, furnace and chemical toilet. Phone 482-7604. 35 8. Marine OPEN HOUSE - - Lake Huron Rod and Gun's big- gest sale of the year - goose and duck decoys, over 700 guns and many in store specials. Lake Huron Rod and Gun, Underwood, 368-7182. Open seven days. 34.39 12. Real estate for sale OPEN HOUSE 79 Erie St., Clinton SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 2-4PM Professionally decorated 3-4 bedroom split level home, built-in appliances in kitchen, separate dining room. 1'// baths, carpeted throughout. Lovely Florida room with sliding doors to sundeck, sunken liv- ing room also nice size rec room with woodstove. Many extras go with this home. Your Host: Bill Gilfillun BARN FOR RENT Hydr , nr,d water available Would prefer to rent entire horn for livestock with upper floor inrlud. d Phone Ken McNoirn 482 7676 34 35ar 12. Real estate for sale 12. Real estate for sale HOMES Let's negotiate - on this 2 bedroom home on 128 North St. which was listed on August 31 and must be sold within 4 weeks. Asking $25,750.00 Londesboro - Large Brick and Aluminum sided 2 storey home. Built in 1975, 2984 sq. ft. of living space. 5 bedrooms, located on 2 acres. Asking $99,500.00 Brick Bungalow - in Winter Court. 1600 sq. ft. - 5 bedroom - cedar deck - paved driveway and much more! Londesboro - 11/2 storey, 3 bedroom home with extra lot. Asking only $25,000.00. Pay Too Much Taxes? - Then inspect this duplex located in Clinton. The asking price is right. Call for more information. Family Home - With heated workshop on large lot in Holmesville. Renovated and has many unique features. Asking $74,900.00 New Listing - 4 bedroom home, 128 Mary St., extra large lot. Asking $55,000.00 New Listing - 3 bedroom home, 135 Orange St., double garage with paved drive. Asking $77,500.00 New Listing - Duplex, 84 Kirk St., separate furnishes and hydro meters. Asking $48,000.00 New Listing - Large 2 storey home on triple lot, 309 Albert St. Asking $89,500.00 New Listing - Prestigious 4 bedroom home on 318 High St., Asking $105,000.00 New Listing - Large 11/2 storey, 4 bedroom family home on 23 Gibbing St. Asking $59,000.00 New Listing - 126 Joseph St., 11/2 storey frame home, nicely redone Asking $54,500.00 Turn of the century - 21/2 storey brick triplex. Asking $120,000 00 Reduced - Vanastra - 3 bedroom home - now listed at $22,500.00 BUILDING LOTS Large Surveyed Building Lot - On I-(igh Street • Services available Asking $16,900.00 Building Lot - On Princess Street close to schools and churches. Asking $13,500 00 Lots - Price reduced on 6 registered lots on lake. Excellent value for only $73,000.00. COMMERCIAL Commercial Building - Presently accommodated by 2 retail stores in downtown Clinton. Priced to sell. Large Viar,astra Building - Suitable for private club, light industries, etc Asking $69,000.00 UNIQUE - Family owned dry good and clothing business with adjacent living quarters. Asking $69,000.00 Motel located on Main Hwy. in Huron County - unlimited potential For complete information call our office. New Listing - well established hotel in core area of'thriving Huron County Town Complete information on this profitable business on file in Clinton Office HOBBY FARMS AND RURAL HOMES - 5 bedroom home - on small acreage close to Clinton with Large Insulated workshop. Priced at $69,000.00 One Storey Brick Veneer - 2 bedroom home in Hullett Township, large lot with t) fruit trees and drilled well 1'/2 Storey Frame House - Aluminum sided, over 1700 sq It on 6 8 acres Asking $64,900.00 11/2 Storey 3 bedroom Home - Modern kitchen, drilled well on 1 acre near Auburn Asking $34,000 00 Hobby Farm - 11/2 storey. 3 bedroom home on 5 acres just North of Blyth Asking $85,000.00 Small Farm - 21/2 acres near Seaforth Large 4 bedroom home. heated barn set up for veal calves Solid Brick Home - Large workshop, barn suitable for Hogs - located on 20 acres near Clinton Exclusive - 5 bedroom. Century stone house on small acreage near Clinton Tuckersmith Twp - 11/2 storey, 3 bedroom home. barn, driving shed on 3 34 acres Goderich Twp - 1'/2 storey, fieldstone and stucco home. approx 2300 sq ft with small barn Asking $115,000 00 2 Storey Solid Brick Home - with new Addition and Barn on 4'/2 acres Asking $85,000 00 Raised Ranch - 4 bedroom family home on 16 scenic acres with large insulated Barn Asking $129,000 00 Bill Steenstra 482-3780 Peter Damsma 482-9849 Henry Damsma 482-5893 Mary Divok 482-3370 Aileen Craig 482-3669 Sharon Medd 527-0560 (Seaforth) OFFICE: 11 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON 482-5991 Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD SeaforthOffice: 527-1577 8 Main Street, Seaforth NEW LiSTING: 100 acres McKillop Twp. 60 acres workable, stone home plus fur- nishings. some hush with creek. Only minutes from Seaforth. Seaforth & Clinton Representatives Maureen Wildfong 482-3224 Heather Bennewies 345-2432 \, J NEW LiSTiNG: Unique woodwork from an ealier area dominates this one floor home. New heating system, 2 bedrooms. garage, paved drive, unique woodwork. JOHN STREET: Discriminating buyers will enjoy this unique 3 bedroom home with attention paid to every detail. Ideal loca- tion. Garage plus paved drive. DUPLEX: investment Opportunity in this 1-3 bedroom unit plus 1-2 bedroom unit, hot water gas heat. Owner anxious! Ready to move. years of J� service to the community. 1977-1987 iF LIFESTYLE iS IMPORTANT TO YOU: Well constructed ranch style home, modern European kitchen plus addition with wood insert, professionally decorated. spacious bedrooms, family room. situated in an attractive setting with privacy galore. Don't miss this beauty. Other Area Offices Mitchell Office 348 8355 Bayfield Office 565 5055 Wingham Office 357 3622 1