HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-08-26, Page 19CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1987—Page 19 GREENFIELD'S FAMILY TOWNHOMES 3 Bedroom Retail Townhomes in Clinton Area Appliances Basements Carpeted Throughout $325•- $350 per month CALL 482®5070 26. Help wanted COMMUNITY SUPPORT FOR FAMILIES Huron County requires female reale wor kers to provide individual support to children " with a developmental handicap on a part time contract basis throughout the County framing provided Send resume including experience and references by September 4 1987 to Community Support For Families General Delivery Clinton Ont NOM ILO. 33 34 • WAITRESS ER wanted Apply In person ut Burthfl, Restaurant Phone 482 9721 :340r WELDING AND FABRICATING shop requires sheet metalworker Must he able to weld. Only Irconsed sheet metal worker or 3rd or 4th year apprentice need apply to Stonetown Metal Pro ducts Box 427 Stratford N5A 6T3 .34 EXPERIENCED welder and heuvy equil lylent mechanic required. full time H D Marine ton• tractors Bayfield Call 565 2157 34 BABYSITTER needed in my horde starting September in Buyfield area. 3 5 days a week for 18 month old child No housework 482 7533 filter 2 p.rn 33.34 RESPONSIBLE mature person wanted for book keeping manager position at local photography outlet Minimum travelling involved. Send resume to Box 12000 Clinton NOM ILO 33 34 JANITORIAL SERVICES required for new office approximately 4.220 square feet mostly carpets Please submit written estimate of monthly fee to Box 458 Clinton before September 2. 1987. For further information please call 482 3411 34ar LOCAL COMPANY requires go getter for salaried sales position ExperiLnce is helpful but not essential Requirements include positive at titude organizational ability good comrnuni(0 tions skills head for details strong desire to sue teed Write in own handwriting giving educe trap background work experience and salary expectations to Drawer No. 49 Box 220 Goderich Ont. N7A 4B6 34tfnx TAXI DRIVER port time mon 01 woman over 25 with good driving record Clinton Taxi 482 9844 34x EDWARD FUELS Automotive Service Dept. requires a CLASS A MECHANIC o manage 3 Bay Service Department. Company offers top wages, bonuses and excellent corking conditions. Send resume to: Box filo �$ or apply in person to: Edward Fuels, 238 Albert St., Clinton, Ont. NOM 1L0 26. Help wanted Electrical Helper Needed Background Motorhomes or Trailers Male or Female - will train Apply in person to CANASSEN LTD. HURON PARK ONT. FARM EQUIPMENT MECHANIC APPLY TO: j i� y rl�l FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. Box 29 Walton Ont. 887-6365 527-0245 Help Wanted! AUTOMOTIVE Counter Person We require a person experienced in the wholesale - retail realm of the automotive parts supply industry. The person we want on our team should be experienced in truck parts, car parts -and body shop sup- plies, and must be an aggressive, self starter and be sales oriented. Applicants should be a high school graduate, and have prefer- rably 2 or more years work ex- perience in the automotive parts trade. We offer excellent working condi- tions, along with a competitive salary and benefit package. Send resume, in confidence along with salary expectations to: JOHN CORRIVEAU Kehl Automotive Supplies 218 Huron Road, Goderich, Ont. N7A 2Z9 26. Help wanted SEASONAL WORKERS THE EXETER PLANT OF NABISCO BRANDS LTD. Requires Seasonal Workers to Help Process Corn for the Month of September. •Hourly Jobs Available •Day or Night Shift •CISCO BRADS' Personnel Department 210 Wellington Street West Exeter, Ontario (519) 235-2445 OR CONTACT YOUR NEAREST CANADA EMPLOYMENT CENTRE RECREATION FACILITY PERSONNEL with ability to work with people of all ages. 30 - 40 hours weekly. Starting wage S6.00 per hour. negotiable upon applicant's qualifications. Send resume to LITTLE BOWL, 204 Huron Rd., Goderich, Ont. N7A 2Z9 HELP WANTED LICENSED MECHANIC or last year apprentice required for growing Chrysler dealership. Company benefits and Chrysler Training Program. PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: 348-8481 THE HURON ADDICTION ASSESSMENT & REFERRAL CENTRE The Huron Addiction Assessment and Refer- ral Centre requires a full-time (';,se .\lrmnger with formal counselling education and ex• perienr•e to pros ide case management ser- vices to Huron County clients of this agency. Responsibilities include maintenance 111' con- fidential client records, establistimenl ut in• terageney communication and participation in public education programs in the county. \lininlum educational requirement: \1.S.\V. or equivalent health care degree and ap- propriate counselling experience. Preference given to non-smokers;. Qualified applicants, please apply in writing with resume and three references by Sept. 15. 987 to: Price, Director Duran r\ddir•tion Assessment and Referral ('entre P.O. 13os 1120 Clinton, (int., NO NI 11,0 PLANNING RESOURCES TECHNICIAN The Ausahle Bayfield ( onservatinn Authority requires a responsible individual for the position of Planning Resourc rs Tec hnic ian. The sac c essful < andidale will report to the Planning Resour< es ( ordinator and %sill: undertake reviews of various applications and inquiries In the municipal plan res ion program as per the water and related land use poli< Tec of the Authority; advise mmic ipal and c mints staff nn planning and land use matters as they relate to the Authori- t,'s mandate: attend meetings and hearings to provide input related to the Authority's mandate: assist in the field and nffic e review of applic ations made pursuant to the Authority's Fill (on- struc tion and Alteration to Waterways Regulation (Ontario Regulation ,44 841, enforc ement of the regulation and review fit permits under the regulation, all in ac c nrdanc a with the Administra- tion procedures fit the Authority; implement the Authority's wetland management program int hiding evaluations, management oh - ler t hes and related resources projec ts; •perform other duties as assigned by the Planning Resourc es ( o -ordinator. (111A1 IFI( ATIONS: A degree from an accredited l Inisrrsit, or ( allege in a geography en`sironmen- tal studies planning related field. Knowledge and experience in physic al geographs, resources management, planning print iples and the muni, ipal plan review prnc ass. An ability Ir, write and communicate eller tivels with .1 wide sariety of Individuals and groups. SAI ARV RAV(,F: $19,000 $2;.000. Applic Atkins are to he submitted by September 10, 198' to the Ausahle Bas.field ( onservatinn Amlhnrits P.O. Box 2410 Fsete•. Ontario. NOM t r0 2t4 -2h10 Attention: Mr. Tom B. Proof. (,eneral Manager Equal Opportunity For Fmpinvment 29. Tenders TENDER Emergency watermain and sewage line repairs for the period beginning Oc- tober 1st, 1987 to September 30th, 1988. Ministry of Environment, Vanastra, will receive quotes from contractors for the above period for water and sewage line repairs. Must be able to respond within two hours or less Day or Night as and when required by Chief Operator. Contractor must be experienced in digging around watermains and copper lines as well as other utilities. Backhoe must be able to dig to a depth of 14'. Must have dump truck to draw away fill when needed. Must have access to good "A" gravel and dead sand. Reply stating hourly rate for backhoe and dump truck. The Ministry of r_nviron- ment, Vanastra reserves the right to ac- cept other than lowest tender. Quotes will be received until September 1st, 1987 at 12:00 noon at the Ministry of the Environment, Box 1057. Clinton, Ontario. NOM 1 LO. Superintendent. Donald C. McLean Township of Goderich TENDERS FOR PIT RUN GRAVEL TENDERS are being called for the loading and hauling of approximately 6000 cubic yards of pit run gravel. Con- tract to be completed by September 30, 1987. A11 bids must be accompanied by a certified cheque in the amount of 10'. of the tender. lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Closing date: 12:00 noon FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 for further particulars and tender forms contact address below. Joe Potter ROAD SUPERINTENDENT R.R. 3 CLINTON, Ont. NOM 110 (519) 482.7412 30 Employment wanted BAITYSITTINC, ^182 1899 10 14 FxPFRIFNCFO RARYSITHINC, ,his• ., ny hnmc 111 C 482 9567 31 1.1 ( ,n f ter 1 r, 1'111 BABYSIT in„% ii.,•,•e .'a• rr.V•,ert . htldrr+n pinn.e ( • Ruth Sh,,,p'.hnll .11 49? "1021 111t,1. bVll I BABYSIT .n my nv,•• h. .111 Phone 262 62'9 nf•nr 4 31 14 BAYFIFLD MOI HER wishr. rn hnhysit 111 has, home PIon9n (nil 5A5 5816 14 15 AHOUSINGHURON COUNTY AUTHORITY (H.C.) 87-02 For Public Space Painting in Huron County Housing Senior Citizen Buildings at 52 Bristol Terrace, Wingham, 50 Alfred Street, Wingham, Zurich (0H1 1, Blyth (OH1), 34 John Street, Seaforth and 85 West Street, Goderich. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 AM. LOCAL TIME, WEDNES- DAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1987 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5, (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. PROPOSAL CALL LUCKNOW & DISTRICT SPORTS COMPLEX Lucknow, Ontario Sealed proposals, clearly marked as to contents, will be accepted by the undersigned until 4:00 p.m. local time September 28, 1987 for the demolition and reconstruction of Phase I Lucknow and District Sports Complex. The proposal will generally consist of the demolition of the existing arena service building and the reconstruction of a building housing dressing rooms, washrooms, snack bar, meeting room and lobby. Proposal information can be obtain. ed from Maitland Engineering Services Ltd., P.O. Box 470, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2W0, 519-357-1521. Lowest or any proposal not necessari- ly accepted. Bertha Whitcroft Clerk -Treasurer Village of Lucknow 526 Campbell St., Lucknow, Ontario 30. Employment wanted MOTHER WILL BABYSIT 111 my ov,11 home Ilse IOW to puhle ','hoof hrni,e referenres Phony' 482 9012 34 BABYSITTING AVAILABLE rn Brryhc•Ir3 nrcn Coll Carolyn 482 3976 .34 .35 EXPERIENCED BABYSITTING in my home References ava.lnhle Phone 482 7944 34 31. Service directory 1 PHIL S refrigerator and ceppinuxe service Pro rept dependnble service to ill makes and models of (Enmesh( nppllnnces Phone 887 9062 27,1 MASONRY STONE nvl ( ntpr•ntry work Speri.11llloq In hr irk porn? 1/144 and iII.nv,ey building tree est,nuit , E or infrmmnhr,n till Stns Kirkl,nen 487 5305 ltfnr CUSTOM BACKHQERJG Drn•,r R„„iir er„ ,•e. nntrol . pilot dr tit', Irl',nr C.IlI frank P„.h! 482 9101 71 tfnr KFN 5 CARPENTRY Ren,r,rleIling 11.111„ntv,n• uphnnr rls ter emir hip r orintnr tow, 1 rrv,rn•• . fir pin is Ilio. my ,.,1nd1),,,, p• It„ • .1r,,.1 .ilu.nerurn siding Phnn.• 481 7r`. , !tr Nr1,rn 2?0hlr PIANO OR ORGAN LESSON', •It b"Is•s!,y WiI1, lJnitnrf Chut rh CIu,tr7t, fit •1t 111.11.• ,u Auh.ir Cirrus Dntemo 576 '207 11 31. (ON(RF TF WORK F ',Tor r h„n...y 111.1 r„nf r,ra r•p i r•, <woe i„nG ,,, •.I ih11nr1 P1.- fir Dr„ • 1.,.. Brussels 88' 902.1 1' (-1A55 A DRIVER SFRVICF qu-11,f,c-,1 .Ii..r r • rn- o,lnhlo for tomporrlry fir pnrrnnnent 10•01111,, Cell 8111 Wilson 487 79.30 34 RESIDENTIAL CLEANERS Weekly or Seasonal Cleaning 10'. Discount to Seniors Barb Hodgins 482-9223 WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER 8. SONS Four modearn rotary rigs Phone Seaforth NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD. .Farm and Residential Buildings Additions and Renovations •Roofing, Siding, Soffit & Fascia PHONE CANAVAN F e,,5_ ii MEMBER 482®3063 after 6 p.m RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL CLEANING Fully Bonded and Insured 'afisfarfio t Guaranteed”' -weekly maid service -spring cleaning -window washing -house sitting ()PEST Mt 8:00 P.of. ELITE DOMESTIC SERVICES Doug & Laurie Falconer Dan MacKinnon 524-5170 LOSE WEIGHT feel better and look good Cull 482 7497. 34 35 35. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THF: F;ti'I'A'I'E; OF' F'l'II :tt 1.AVIN.A. Ol '1'IIF: 'l'\1'P. OE' "I't'('KEIt`+\ll'I'H IN 'I'111.: l'O1 N'I'Y OF' 11t'KUN \1111” .en` h.., nig r Lunn. ,11;0111.1 I hr• I..I.u, ..t flu ..hi„r• 11,1111,11 rlol'e.n,d 1I1n Ihr-mi 1111 ..t .11.,111 OW In•h II.I, fit \1.1, Ili., ,it. h,n•h% 111.1111,11 I.. Inr'.,uriI hill 11.,111(1114i• fit 1111•11 Lnnl•trr tinllrrsign,llnnnrl.•Ilnr'ill, I ith 11,11111',.•til IP�;..Illy v, fur II 11.,1,ihr•.,.•rl. „111 10 II1.t r111u,11 hu, iiig r.•g,u•il ..1115 111 Ow , Lu:'1•. fit slur h [wit, i• hos hill) I.`r,i,1.11 Ihnuu•II% \ \lurph. IS 1Iu• square. 1.mi'riih. 1)nl TS; \ L17 h, ii..1 - t..1 I h.• F ,I.ili• 36. Announcements, notices NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Renovations for Clinton Fire Hall. Contractors interested in making quotations please contact Fred Lobb at 482-3409. A decision will be made on October 14, 1987, 38. Auction sale Richard Lobb Auctioneer (Ll TO. 482-7898 S\E.,'•\IJ(,.2tAT 111:011A.\1.:I1.n1•,•h.,;1I •t 1 hu 11,u1I I rot, \111 •:I ,n. 11,1.11 t .ul i ,!1 11.1• l Iiri,wrimi 'll 01.'1. ILII II auction Sale fur the Estate of Charles Taylor plus addi- tions from Luck and 1\ingham area homes FRIDAY, AUGUST 28 5:30 P.\1. .11 Lot knurc Anna Auctioneers .. . .. Allan R. Miller 395-5062 Bill Haldenby 395-5142 TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Sale by Public Auction on TUESDAY, SEPT. 1st, 1987 AT 7:00 P.M. Lot 20 Plan 133 Vanastra Park Fully ser- viced Industrial Lot including 32 x 88 frame building and 7 greenhouse unit frames Auction subject to reasonable reserve bid Deposit 01 S3,000 00 Certified Che- que Balance in 30 Days Fr,r further information contact John R. McLachlan. 519-482-9523 AUCTION SALE Appliances; furniture; garden tractor; air compressor; etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Born, Clinton, Ont. for local consignors and Mr. L.S. Bechtel SATURDAY, AUG. 29 AT 10:00 A.M. Admiral dishwasher; Frigidaire fridge; 30” electric stove: small vacuum cleaner; floor model colour TV; floor model stereo; component stereo w /8 track player; china cabinet w/glass front 8 sides; buffet; 6 matching dining chairs; pressback rocking arm chair; washstand: hump back trunk; 3 por table typewriters: small tip top pedestal table: oil lamp; miniature electric sewing machine; portable toilet for camper; modern 2 burner hot plate; 8 gallon crock; oil heater: electric heater; portable air compressor; gas lawn mower: 2 chain saws: walk behind garden tractor w/sickle mower disc & cultivator; matching rattan love chair and 2 stools: bed: dresser; skill saw; car ramps; milk can; electric buffer; CB aerial plus our usual large offering of dishes, glassware. entail appfiorras and misc. 2 wooden extension ladders; etc. Plus many other items not listed. Con_ signme.nts still being accepted. TERMS: Cash AUCTIONEER RichardLobb 4:' 2-7898 Clinton 40. Lost & Found LOST !N (1INTON .1 hurlgles blue yellow ,lnd Groan If seen till 482 917' 14