Clinton News-Record, 1987-08-26, Page 15Local sports shorts On the men's fastball front in Clinton the Lawries and Dynamos traded wins in their playoff games. On August 17 the Lawries won 7-3, and on August 19 the Lawries won again, 11-6. On August 24, however, the Dynamos came back with a win of their own, defeating the Lawries 4-3. So far the Lawries are leading the series by one game, but they will have to defend this lead on August 26 at 8:30 p.rn. Bowling Time Youth bowling registration will be held on September 5 and September 12 from 10 a.m. to noon for children aged five to 10 years old. For the older kids, in the 11 to 18 -year-old range registration will take place on September 9 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The cost of registration is $3.00 per child. Registra- tion will be held at the Clinton Crown Lanes. For any mothers interested in forming a league, a mom's and tots (3-5 years) league is under consideration. Anyone interested is asked to drop into the Clinton Crown Lanes for coffee on September 10 at 10 a.m. to discuss what day and time would be best. There is also time available for anyone wishing to start a daytime league. In- terested parties are asked to call the bowl- ing lanes if they would like to help in trying to form a new league. The following leagues need full time or spare bowlers. Please call the lanes if you are interested in joining: Monday Night Men's, 6:45 to 8:30 p.m.; Monday Night Tuckersmith, 8:30 p.m.; Tuesday Afternoon Ladies, 1:30 p.m.; Tuesday Londesboro Ladies, 7 to 9 p.m.; Tuesday Clinton and Area Ladies, 9 p.m.; Wednesday Night Mix- ed, 8:30 p.m.; Thursday Night Mixed, 6:45 to 9 p.m. Public bowling at the club will start on Labor Day weekend. Public hours run from 7 to 11 p.m. Fridays, 1 to 5 p.m., and 7 to 11 p.m. Saturdays, and 1 to 5 p.rrl. Sundays. Another success By Helen Owen BAYFIELD - August 21 and 22, saw the culmination of all the work which goes into the preparations for the Bayfield Fall Fair, work which extends to the clearing up for one year to the opening of the next. But there was no doubt that it was a tremendous success. Despite the lack of rain there were still lots of entries in the horticultural sec- ul fair tion and growers of flowers and vegetables provided a wonderful display in the arena. And what a demonstration of art and in- dustry was portrayed in the craft section, hours of work in every section, sewing, ceramics, embroidery and quilting. The children too showed initiative with their at- tractive exhibits. The morning had been overcast but as the Villagers will miss Alex ... • from page 10 there were happenings noir in the Village this week. Bud Robinson, a popular resident of Bayfield, was injured as he came out of the Foodland Parking Lot on his motorcy- cle, into that mad traffic on Highway 21 at Clan Gregor Square. He is badly shaken up and recovering painfully from cracked vertebrae. Perhaps cooler weather will in- duce drivers to travel with more care and so prevent more trouble at this hazardous spot. Our business people have been hit by sorne major shoplifting, d costly thing for everyone. One boy's bicycle was stolen from his home, and Sue Burton, returning from holidays, received a miserable anonymous letter implying that her very well cared for dogs were running free. Complaints about dogs are nothing new in the village. We remember our ratepayers meeting, when a well known lady, who shall be nameless, was voicing her opinion about dogs running loose, as though on cue, a dog walked in and settled himself at her feet. Her own of course. Well, anonymous letters are nasty things, newspapers refuse to publish them. Nasty, nasty happenings noir. Much more pleasant news, Knox Presbyterian Church invites all their friends to attend the annual potluck dinner, August 30 following morning worship. Trinity Anglican Church Women will resume their regular monthly meetings on September 8, in the parish hall. President Gladys Malcolm urges all members of the church to attend. St. Andrew's had an especially happy day for their 85th anniversary. A highlight of the morning service, was a solo, sung by Molly Cox, whose role as organist, prevents her listeners from enjoy- ing her singing voice more often. The special evening service was well at- tended, with singers and performers from other congregations, joining in this pleasant occasion. Members of the Bayfield Pottery Club wish to thank all those who participated in the lamp raffle at the Bayfield Fair. Rick Penhale, president of the Fair drew Eleanor Menard's ticket. The winner comes from Windsor but sum- mers in Jellystone Park - and what nicer setting could be found for the hand crafted lamp. A community shower will be held in the basement of St. Andrew's United Church on September 3 at 7:30 p.m. for Serena Chilton, bride -elect of Bob Snell. Forty-five attend reunion HENSALL-The second Jack and Reta Aikenhead reunion was held on August 16 at the Hensall Community Park with 45 of the Aikenhead clan in attendance. Several games and races were held with the following results: Races: 4 and under - Angela Collins, Daniel Hunt; 6 and under - Jeremy Willert, Rox- anne Gerber; 10 and under - Chad Gerber, Lori Collins, Danny Collins. Games: water balloon toss - Bud Hunt and Daniel Hunt; balloon/toothpick tag - Kelly Collins, Danny Collins; bubble gum blowing contest - Chad Gerber, Lori Collins and scavenger hunt - Kelly Collins. After the games and races, the boys and men played a game of slo-pitch with only one of the clan needing some bodily repair - namely Bud Hunt. Winners of the draw pries were Charlie Broadfoot (2), Jim Aikenhead, Ron Ferguson and Larry Pushelberg. The 1988 reunion will be held at the same location in Hensall on August 21 with the following directors in charge: Darlene Gerber, .Joanne Smyth, Ron Broadfoot. Steve Hunt and Debbie Ferguson. Second Hensall flower show The second Annual Flower Show of the Since the Arena will be in use this Thurs- Hensall and District Horticultural Society day, August 27, there will not be shuffling at will be held at the Hensall United Church on the Arena. However, weather permitting, Wednesday, September 2. Come and enjoy a the group will shuffle at the outside courts walk down the "Garden Path" from 2-4 p.m. behind the Senior Citizen Hall at 1:30 p.m. and 7-9 p m. There will be a tea room so br- The Happy Pushers will meet as usual ing your friends and spend an hour or so. September 3 at the Arena. OPENINGS LEFT GOBBLE IT UP The Hensall and District Co-operative Fifty-four people turned out on Thursday Nursery School has some openings left in to "Gobble It Up" at the Hensall Branch their morning or afternoon sessions, on Library. The children were delighted to Tuesdays and Thursdays from September hear such delicasies as "Alligator Pie" and through June. "Hippo Sandwich". They enjoyed visits A qualified "Early Childhood Education" from Eat -it -all Elaine and The Old Lady teacher will lead pre-schoolers aged 2-5, who Swallowed a Fly. These guests and through a varied and innovative program. others come from the mind and hands of The bright and beaufifully equipped facility Marian Doucette, Huron County's Puppet is located upstairs at the Hensall Arena. Lady. To help your child enjoy and grow with The children made for themselves a field trips, special accasions and parties call delightful pink pig puppet, using the ancient Sue Elder 262-3525 or .Jackie Blair 262-2108. art of Japanese paper -folding -Origami. Feel free to drop in on any session and see for yourself. YOUNG PERFORMER Last Monday, August 17, Victoria Bisback of Hensall performed for the preliminary judging of the Southwestern Ontario Junior Talent Show at the Western Fair grounds. She sang the song "Tomorrow" from the hit show "Annie." Unfortunately Victoria was not among the small group of semi-finalists chosen to ap- pear at the Western Fair next month. The effort displayed by this young lady deserves to be admired and the experience was well worth it despite not winning. Victoria is the daughter of Peter and .Janis Bisback. ATTENDS SHOWERS Mary Roobol attended two bridal showers and an open .house recently in honor of her granddaughter, Lynne Dodds. On Saturday Mary and Sim Roobol attend- ed the marriage of Lynne to Ron Godkin. The wedding took place at Winthrop United Church with a dinner and reception after- wards at the Seaforth and District Com- munity Centres. WATERLOO VISITOR Mrs. Ross MacMillan, Waterloo, spent last Friday with her mother, Mrs. Laird Mickle. Brother Charles returned with her to the home of his brother and sister-in-law near Ayr after spending almost five weeks with his mother in Hensall. SHUFFLEBOARD SCORES Shuffleboard scores for Thursday, August 20 were; Ladies high - Margaret Mole 196, Pearl McKnight 196. Men's high - George Dowson 171, John Pepper 166. CLINTON NEWS-tiE('UIil), WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1987—Page 15 Snowmobilers take to the turf On August 30, Hully Gully Yamaha and CRC productions will host the first of four snowmobile events scheduled for this year. Snowmobiles go from a standing start and in just under an eighth of a mule, hit ter- minal speeds of 100 miles per hour. All classes will be racing, from the crate stock classes through the modified, right up to the wild and wooly open ►nodifieds. A snowmobile right off the showroom floor can race in the crate stock class, which provides a way for potential racers to gain experience under controlled conditions. The racing begins at 12 noon August all at Hully Gully, Varna. Sorne All Terrain Vehicle i A'l'V l drags will also be held at approximately :i p.m. or Bayfield parade lined up the sunshine joined in and• more crowds than ever lined the route to watch the colorful floats, costumes, vehicles and horses led by the pipers. President, Rick Penhale welcomed everyone to the fair and master of ceremonies, Don Besley introduced Murray Cardiff, MP, Jack Riddell, MPP Minister of Agriculture for Ontario, Warden of Huron County, Brian McBurney, brought greetings as did village Reeve, David Johnston and Reeve Grant Stirling from Goclerich Township. Following the announcement of the prize winners in the parade, the large crowds dispersed to enjoy all the other events. The horses were spectacular with six entries in the four horse hitches, and the saddle club (SHABHA1, provided a great display of Western and English riding styles. No agricultural fair would be complete without the livestock, and here again some fine entries created a good deal of interest with sheep, calves and poultry. The Bayfield Lions were in evidence %Vail their midway, and the fish pond was as popular as ever with the children. Inside the arena, Rayfield babies com- peted in the baby show, and there was plen- ty to see with the concessions and elaborate displays of local organizations, and of course, the baking section which displayed the mouth watering expertise of the en- trants in this section. Altogether the organizers are delighted that once again the Agricultural Society has demonstrated the popularity of this annual event. The friends & relat i $ e.s r►1' Hsu ► c► �� (:race erintgeour are invited too an L1/14.t.-/z in honour of their .S'!rt ardor-► , August ugu.st 29 1'ronr 2 - 5 p.m. at (;ode ic'h Lan 11 Bon ling Club -- Best Wishes Onh — CLINTON MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION Saturday, August 22, 1987 From 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Saturday, August 29, 1987 10 a.m. - 12 noon �i at the Clinton Arena Fees: Mites - x75.00 All Others - s100.00 THE NEWS IS OUT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE ... Closing Out Prices Throughout The Store! DON'T MISS! Quality Jewellery at a price you'll like. In fact, this is one sale you simply can't afford to miss. Quality. More Selection and Value for most every budget! TME A DIVISION OF OFIMANDY'S INC. LERY CITLET. 366 BAYFIELD RD., GODERICH 524-2924 between Home Hardware and Murphy s Landing OPEN: Mon. - Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Fri. till 9 p.m. THE BAYVIE Hwy. 21, 7 rroiles north tiY 7ik of Grand Bend RESTAURANT and TAVERN Licensed under L.L.B.O. 236-4850 Under New Management Tuesday - Senior Citizens Night (10% off all dinner food items) Weekly Specials *Every night we have a fresh salad bar. All our entrees include salad bar. Also, daily special, fish of the day Saturday New York Steak Night Including salad bor A ,unto Now Yorw stook end selected deserts 51094 Sunday Sunday Nigh° Buffet (4:00 - ®:OO p.m.) Inr.lud,s salad bar O cons. binot,on of meow, vag000blos and p000$dos loll you can oaf) $10" DELICIOUS FOOD AT REASONABLE PRICES