HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-12-17, Page 5Tit
it `firI:M/13
General Merchants.
General Merobante.
You are i`9•.iti you
Buy from us Your
.1k0hristmas Presents.
Pillow Shams, Brussel's Net, finely embroidered at 60c, each
Pillow Shams, elegant design, well embroidered at 50c. each.
Scarfs, fringed, drawn threads. and
corners at :. , .250,.
Sideboard Drapes, very long, open Uric brae patterns, 50 knot-
ted fringe at 50c.
5 O'clock Tea Cloths, large size, knotted fringe, drawn
thread around centre piece, lovelypattern, at.... ....75c.
.ri O'clock Tea Cloths, hemstitched border, biro brae corner
design and centre, lovely corner and centre designs at 75c.
Tray Cloths iii pure Linen at 250 500 75c,
Table Mats, in pure white Linen, fringed, hemstitched and
drawn threads at 5c 140315c........
'Table Cloths, pure white: linen, beautiful drawn borders,�
in brie brae patterns, flower design, size 8 x 10 at... $3.00
ii ilk llandkerchiefs
Children's Silk Handkerchiefs, finely embroidered with silk
-,worked ed es, .white, blue, pink, cardinal, at.............:7c.
Children's Silk Handkerchiefs, cardinal, pink, blue, white,
':silk embroidered at :, . . 12Ae.
�/ Ladies Silk Handkerchiefs, pure white,fancy, hemstitched at 25c.
14L'f Ladies' Mourning Silk Handkerchiefs, . black embroidered
Pe art... _.. 25c. and 50c.
o" Ladies' Pure White Silk Handkerchiefs. while embroidered
Ai . at 25c.
Hemstitched Silk Handkerchiefs at 25c 35c 50c 75c
Initial Silk handkerchiefs, all letters, at 25c. and 50c. ..
Black Hemstitched Silk Handkerchiefs, large size at 50c.
Fancy Colored Silk Handkerchiefs, colored border with
white centre, also colored centre and white border at 50c.
ladies'C�ilars and
In Silk, Chiffon, and embroidered, latest produc-
tions for evening wear at 25c, 35c, 500,
75c, $I'oo $I.25 ... .• ...r.. s.,.,,
Cents Ties
All new for Xmas, 50 dozen to select from, rang-
ing in prices, from 25c, to 500.... .
Gents' Mufflers
Gent's Black Satin and Silk Mufflers, silk back and quilted at 50c.
Gent's Fancy Black Silk Mufflers coloredsatin backs and
quilted at 75e.
Gent's Black Silk and Satin Mufflers, Colored satin. quilted
backs at ....75c.
Gent's BIae Siik Folded Mufflers, colored satin backs at ..$1.00
Gent's Black Silk Shaped Mufflers, colored Satin' borders
very latest style at $1.00
Xrnas Furs
6.50, 7.50,'8.00, 0.00, 10.00, $12.50....
O 1
H gt Fur Oaperines at 4.00, 5.00, 6.50,4.50, 8 00, 10.00, 12.50 and $15.00
Fr; 1 Fur Caps, Beayer, Astrachan, Persian Lamb. Grey Lamb,
F'- c3 Seal from $2.00 to $6.75
'Men's Fur Coats at 18 00, 20.00. 25,00, 30.00, 35.00, 840.00
AI Ladies' Fur Coats at 25.00, 30.00, 32.00, 35.00, 37.50, $40.00 .... , . .
Children's White Lanb Boas, full fluffy wool, one yard
long worth 35c. for. 25c.
Fur Ruffs, Stoles, Boas. at 2.75, 3.00; 3 50, 4.00, 4.50 5.00,
Fur Mitts
W1 .ter, T61111 Jaci 4
B. for begin tlookin a lout
e s
t its orShorthand
ha. Dun
Course. OX course you want Ore
aCniv.UAyou ' 1EiSsTgSCIIOOL
we bull) you to get there be pay-
ing, your railway tare up 1e $1U.
Uetaiog "D" is ire° and tells all
aboutit. Write for it, Do. anew.
A. L. DRUWN, Principal.
Phone 45 Leamington, Ont.
Far a piece of nifty
Clla;rlib'cin's fair.
The ver latest and�aFii
toys at Oharlton's Fair.
Wanted. -500 pigeons on or before
the 24th Dee ember:. -W. Johns.
-Miss Lille Jaime is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Goodisan, at Sarnia,
Mx. Ambrose Cattle has purchased
beck the, eider; -mill from Mr. le•il •
to egh.
The Oddfel1ovvs have. placed aoleleo-
talo chandelier in their alrendy,vv'eIb-
ttippoisated, lodge •roo',m.
,Mr. Thou. Tapp ,has returned home
11r:om Manitoba, where lie has bean
tar a number of yearn.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Me'Dcnald and
i•hrtea ehiid'rnn bat here 'Wednes sty
meaming for Fulton, California.
,Durin rt the past few days vie have
experienced one of the coldest waves
on !neoord for 'Uhis time of the year.
The Diixrio+tors of the C. P. R. at a
meeting recently held have at least de
elided l'o. •build the: proposed extension
from Guelph to God eric1.
Don't forget the date of the iligh
Seh•ool concert„ Tuesday, December
22nd. at 8 p. m.. See large powers, for
:paa'l,itruftairn. Me programmes is one
et the beset.. • .
Mcr:•errs. Sandford & Elliott shipped
a ear Lai.d a 'horses to Fort :William
on, Sattua):lay last. They also intend
Olbtippasng eentibier loo:d'to Winnipe%
this weak.
Seemrol Conce(tlt.--Reimemtber the
concert to be .given by the ipupille • nil
Libe;'Uigh School on. Tuesday, Dec€,m•,
belri 2.2nd. in Oldie/es Oehrni tHniwia:,
Ariactigslion. to any ,past of the t . halii'
adu'l'ts 25c., child rlen 1.5c.
Sun" the ferwers business paper,
promises to be eveo more interesting
to the farmers in 1901 than in the p,st
The Sun is ane of the few papers that
places the farmers' interests before all
others. The Tnrtcs and Suu for $1.7,5.
Macke serious enpuiry ebout
il'ureatnreat" for bad colds, bronchitis,
influenza, lagrippe,.00ughs, and cater
s�Ih-sit •0a Lutz's drug store; Eseltpr:•
It le ersmeetlhpuig about which veal
gourd know..
-Messrs. Handford & Elliott have
purnelaiaireesd from Mr. T. T. Berry, of
Hemel', two thoroughbred imported
sbailkana. One of the' horses is a Spire
anti the other a Clyde.
Dr, Ovens, of London, Surgeon,Ocu-
list and specialist of diseases eye, ear,
nose and throat, will be at the Com-
mercial .ffots'1, Exeter, on Wednesday,
January Oth. 1901. Spectacles and
eye -glasses properly fitted...
Mee -annual meeting of the, Mission
Road is cionneotion with the Catv+en
1'retsbettrtlrie,n dhuroh was held -'on Fri-
a Lte anon of fast week, 'Mrs.. (ROI)
7UE.CE1\iB]it 17th
slzaw,''of Egmoxuliville, who is pr'aal-
that of the band for :Huron ;Co,,, ad -
drama 'the z,%Leteti>rg• A very enjoy --
able afternoon utas spent and offer-
!le gts by 'the ehi1d'rt'ln. ware brought:in
3vihlilcrh a,tulausrcrti to w.),0.00
Saleof ark.-Th. annual at s l
e of
work ca)nd+ue ted by the i attics' Guild
of the Trivia t Memorial church, on
Tuesday afteen,aoa resulted vary auo.
ecesfully. Nearly everything on eau
Niles disposed' of 'including useful as
well Vas, 1;ancy asrticlels. The refresh -
relent trebles, were also well patronir,,
ed by'th e .present. Thu La ilea of
the Gelid ere to be ooxlgra'tulitteol' en'
their efforts In this dirax(tion. The
hinaiuciail lraltss were good.
'The eold veil which starrtcd in ,on
Sunday still lasts, and the repartra
fit.,m Mee vvieather bureau wad that it
will stay with us for, some rdbyss yet
Ina `ego to me high wands which prevailed dur-
bntg the first fe;w d,ao'a has :err mewhei t
jugs in diminished, but it has •not entirelytdis
appoarediaa moderate winds are to con
Untie bringing down cold from thre
west vri th,the The
sm temperature
has fallen 'to zero and great quantiti-
es of snow 'have fallen. Towards the
end of hilae week it is sam'ticipated the
thermometer nay go up a few notch -
Russian Horse at $7:00 b
IA Black Persian Lamb at ....7.00, $8.00n nit
g a Grey Persian Lamb at $3.50 61;1
t.. �
Crockery .and
All kinds of Xmas Crockeryand Glassware. The V
kinds and pieces are too numerous to mention in this
small space, We can show you an immense variety at
prices that will suit you .
Visit us for
Xmas Goods
Pr: P=._EST NERro.
OSB DO0 NorUl 01 rost Oi1i6e�;
'Perms ---Carl' or Prod lace.
General Merchants. General Mercbanta.
r -r
The ' matter of feed is of
tremendous importance to the
farmer. Wrong feeding is
loss. Right feeding is prof t.
The up-to-date farmer knows
what to feed his cows to get
the most milk,his pigs to get
the most pork, his hens to
get the most eggs. Science.
But how about the children ?
Are they fed according to
science, a bone food if bones
are soft and undeveloped, a
flesh and muscle food if they
are thin and weak and a blood
food if there is anemia ?
Scott's Emulsion is a mixed
food; the Cod Liver Oil in it
makes flesh, blood and muscle,
the Lime and Soda make bone
and brain. It is the standard
scientific food for delicate
Send for free
Bo sure that thisicture in
the form of a label is on the
wrap er of every bottle of
Emulsion you buy.
Scott& Bowne
Toronto, Ontario.
50c. and $l I all ()MOOS
Boars the The Kind You Have Always Bought
Octnuaer+k:. The concert to be given
by the pupils of the lli;;h School, de•,
pertinent preenioe to be a rare treat.
No pains are being
sl) eei to . ' ma
Liviaconvert on of the b gw the
season. Encourage the pupils by your
ta,te,nti'an'ets-dato Tieetriey aVI: utn;;
Dec. 22nd. 1903, at 8 o'elook
Obitear-r,•-Over off; the pioneters v,
this :lolvulhi passed away Y b
on, �
oesday ll+etaem'ber• 16th. and another
bus gone to her long home, in Limper
son of M:a.ry Ann. Dile, rcltet vt tlw
La;.te •Thema& Clarke„. Mrs. Clarke
was borne in Devonshire, l:zi;, and
wee married there conning to this
country abort 1840 and settling in
Usbarne, near here. on the farm,.
where she spent the remainder at her
days until about a year g Tu,hem,she
made their, home with her daughter.
Mrs. Robert Pletcher, of this plane
herr husband predeceased her about
1809. The deceased was 'widely known
end re:tpe'e ted.. Her life was el arac-
rt� ., byher deedsof kindness too 1k a and
uss of ehnistian ,parity, and heir
children rine up eo call her blessed.She
had always enjoyed good health and
had atca ped to the 81st year of her
age, death coming to her as one going
to sleep. The vemati'nang •members, of
the family are Jas., of London; Thos.
end William, of Usborne ; Mrs .11. Flet
ober, of Usbonne; Mrs. Wesley Mills.
Q�--� of W.00dlta,m; and Mrts. sawyer, of••
't%GcG.r�T% llioz,eshard. Her romaine twill be in.
(erred in the Elimvillo cemetery on
iGE•NERAL N.L»S lrriday ,18th* at one u'el,ock. 1%itr
grnlndsons will act rw palI-bearers.
11 ilburn',s'Steelin;, Headache Pow:d-
eers contain neither morphine nor
opium. They promptly cure Sick
17eea•bache. Neuralgia, Ucadachc. Used
a.cihra of Grippe, Headache of delicate
la diets and headache green whLuevsr
source. Price 1.Oc and 25c. .:
Canaldia,ner again did exce,edimg,!;y
well et the In,tornatiannal Live Stock
Expesi'tiau. In the judging of sheep
it gnat many of the prizes. went to
the exhibitors from the land of, the
maple. In th' bers3 judging, Robt.
Davies, of Toronto, took third, prize in
bh's ha'ck+neys. In the Leicester sheep
classes, A. W. Smith, of Maple Lodge,
McGillivray be wmehitur, Ont., took the
banors, while in Doraieis, It 1I. Hard-
ing. of Thcerndale, Ont., figured heav-
Take a Laxa-Liyer fill befere retir-
img, and it will work while y'ousleelp
without a Drip- or gripe curing bill-
iousness, Gene sapatioil and Dyspepsia,
and ma.ke you feel better i
th,g. Price 25c.
Have you a Briead residing at, a
disstanee who would like to hear, from
the old borne end surrounding ne,'tgh-
bar7noen ref tourers you breve, but
yonx say you are a poor correspondent.
rExaccly. Now we will help you. We
will send the ,Times from this I date
until the end of next year free, of,pos-
t'age: fo:r $1 to menu su:bscsritrers. If
would cost $1 fin postage, besides pap-
er avid envelopes and the trouble' o1'.
!writing, to send 50 letters and then
I they wouldn't contain as much gen-
eral infeu naa.tion as the paper:
The well known sc•r'engthening ptr
pertlete of Iron combined with. other
tonics and a most perfect nervine, are
found in Carter's Iron Pills. which
sbrengtbe'n the nerves and body, and
improves the blood and complexion.
The l inoardinn Review ,says that
Mr. Samuel Miners seems to have in
lois machine for the manufaeture of
cement brick an article that will
bring him both fame and fortune. Al-
ready five of these machines have• bon
insialled in different places in Canada
and the United States, and all aro
giving ibe greatest satisfaction. The
last to be placed in operation iset Wi-
enbon, and it also has bad a most
thorough best. It has a capacity of
30,000 cement bricks •a day, and the
contract prig was •18•,000.
At 'present it looks as though•Jlehin
Atte x'm Dtow.ie,. or E1ijelb, t he Rodtgr-
er, as he was pleased Ln calk himself
was parapet at the end of this career.
Lately his financial difficulties have
been tnerc'asing:,• and 'hie frantic efforts
bo extort more money from his follow-
ers diiave not been successful. Wed-
peeday's dailies report that Zion City
is now in the 'rands of the Receivers,
and legal meshes surround,Mr. Dow,ie.
There is no +doubt that many good and
sincere people have been deluded by
this :man into parting with their
money. So far as we. can judge,
Dowie is the greatest religious fake of
modern times.
Every day in 'tth year, single and
round traps excursions• via the Chica-
go 'Union P•ani.fic .and North Western
line.. Through firsteclans Pullman.
and tourists sleeping' ears daily, , to
pointer ter inn 'California and' Ore;gon.Per-
monaLl,y' conducted cam/muttons Irons -
Chicago to San Francisco, Los, Angeles
and other Pacific Coast points, Leaving
Chicago on Tuesday's, : Wednesdays,
Thusrisdnys and: Fridays, Lowest rat-
ers. S'leclreeet time on the road, :Fin -
eat scenery. For maps, illustrated
folders and rates, write B. H. Bennett
2 Eaet King St., 'Toronto, Out.
"I had the 'rheumatism so bad in my
ssboutdnris so bad that I could not
rest at night. I took Milburn's Rhe-
um'aLir Pilla nand have not hart a trace
of it since.". John Kirton, Glenboro.
(Too late for last issue.)
-Mrs. Cowie visited with friends in
Gadex ieb Lase. wetek.
- Geer,ge Hanley. of Clinton,
visited friends in town on Tuesday,
-.Mr. Win. Mustard is doing. arush-
inig business in the log business this
wee uhr,r.
-Mr. Erin, Twitchell, of. Clinton,
spigot Monday, eve in our village, vise
Ring D. G. Gierta(nlelr.
-Mr. G. W. Reesman and son, Wil-
mer, of Idgmondville, called on friends
in, Lown en Saturday last.
'limes and Family IIezald & Staxii
from now until January 1903 includ-
ing Three premiums for $1.75.
- The Lediets'Atd cif the Methodist
Ohureh ip nit Vilteidnelsday evening at
Me home of Mrs. John bVatson...aubla
--About thirty of the young peo-
ple book in the fowl supper at Verna
given; byt the Methodist cb'urch en
Mionda.y elves haat,.
Mr. Adam Thompson wife and fa-
mily and Robert King, wife and Sera-
il. off Gode•rioh, sp:.'nc Sunday! en
towgn cisritimg frie;ndts.
-•Dire.. Va'nssone• and Miss Meg -gee
of Benmi.11err who spent: the pant
few weeks visiting friends in town
the i nne,d• botme this week:
-.The Presbyterian; Christmas en-
tainment will be held on. ',Xmas.
night, wilien a grand program will 'bp
''given. 'Everybody welcome.
- ;Me.: 13alrveey Sifariin;g, .w•he .pitta
been managelr at Ills Albion Hotel for
the past, six years has, resig'ned,his
p^;a ktian and Left far his home] in
'GieengeILowrn an Monday last.
CHII4 LAJ'_'rc
,Mrs. J. 13. Rusk, 1 uskvie•w, Ont.,
says: "I have used Hagyard's Yellow
Oil for Chilblains, and found it most
'effectual. It relieved the irritation al
I most •immeduateiy and a few applica-
tions made a complete cure."
ZET'TEL. At Zurich, Dec. 4th, toMz'.
and Mrs. John Zettel, a daughter.
Saturday, Deeeimber 12th 1903, in +
the Main -et Methodist Church', by
the Rev. W. Godwin, Mr. D. Crit ten-
den, of Bletb, to Mies E¢nrna.l?ern-
halre, elf Exeter.
C•Lsb,RKL-1'n Usbox1ne, eta .beecagmber,
1¢bh, Mary &tfln Yale, relict of the
1a to Thomas Clarke, aged 80 years,
It month, 11 delys.; Funeral will
take plane •Cram the residence" of
her daughter, Mrd Iigbert Pletch-
er for the Eame'ln° cemetery.
C.is. f'=3 eC91c#. ede
The Kilaf Yon Have Always Bought
Boars the
al' •.
Exeter Municipal Council.
'Council met pursuant to statute, at
Town Hall, Dec. r5th. All prevent,
Minutes of ;previous meeting read and
Creech-Cobbledlck.--That the trees
user's salary be increased $15.00. -Car
'G.itJgesipie L[awkias.-Teiat, the
eberk's salary be increases $10.00 ---
(C,ohbledick-,-Creech.-That, By -Law
No. 11, 1903, to fix polling booths and
appoint D, R. O's for Mee year 1904 ,
as ,read a first time be mow read a sere
and and 'third time and finally pass-
ed. -Carried.
Hra.wk:Wee--Gillespie.--T'bet the fol.
L tedrig r3lccounts be passed and orderrs
drawn on treseurer for skims•: -Jelin
While & Son. printing $80.65; D. Bra-
unrd:,, rent N. End fire 'ball„ '$2.00 ;, S.
Sweelt, Leber, $23.35; J. D. Dennis, apt.
$2.75; T. A. :Amos, selAr'y apet.
0 , 3,49.00; W. 11. Lovett, coal, IN. End
Litre (hall, $9.10 ; Geo. Crawley, $1.50; E
Treble get. $2.50; Municipal Wolrldi,
t' a 4.70'Aeoaate,advr'-
. Gi par d e ,tis
Y $
ing, $2.60; Dickson is Carling, a,et.,
11.110.29: IL E. Huston, grant public{
sohotoll ibrary, $150.00; J. Blatchford,
la(bar+, 65o; F. Gillespie, street -meter-
m ter -
31•11 ,. $116.100;: dp. labor. $2.45; IS. San -
Oars, sa\ba ry ' $.170.00; Mise Kelnrp,: sal-
ary, $25.00; Gee. I3. Bissseitt, salary,
$35.00; do. salary, board of health
06.00;, postage,, $1.45; ' Il i'.gltli Il'I'tbkkar,
sulloirYie $''3540;. Goo. Cuclmore, labor,
$8.50; Rios & Taylor, lumber for tonne
per fence via#wlera award, 00.00; .
Goa tic, labior and pests, Per fence
vie were award, &a, .,.; li;pfa,C+l;uncun:
nailsfor U
f fit.• 5 c .e, r a,e-
e, '� 4 etc•
coutvis as follows: L. elc:l'a,ggart," 0.23
Gee. Vera, labor, 50c; W. A.+13a.11rwill
doors Diad w4ndows, $11.7;x. -Carried
Cr+eech,--Wil,e,5p e.-Thd!1 Mr. liar-
•iar-cling be allowed a rebate of $3.50 ; for
lase of wiven
ue during the
putting t:n in
of mew scales.- Otx<ried.
f�illespie-2Tavvkins. -That W, A.
13aikivill's account for doors and .win-
do+w fit cenxeLery building be paid
Council adjourned to meet at call of
duo. 11. ATSSETT, Cl e
How Iron -ox Tablets In, -
proved a London Boy's
January 31, 1903.
I am glad to tell you of the
good effects of Iron -ox Tab-
lets. We first got them for
our boy, two -and -a -half years
old, who was very cross and
had no appetite. Your reme-
dy soon made him as bright
as ever. My husband uses
them for headache and slug-
gish liver. While certainly
effective, they cause neither
pain nor inconvenience. We
have a box in the house al-
ways now.
Mrs. Jean Russell,
The Ridgeway,
London, Ont.
Fifty Iron -ox Tablets, in an attractive
aluminum pocket case, 25 cents at drug-
gists, or sent, postpaid, on receipt of
price. The Iron -ox Remedy Co,, Lim-
ited, Walkerville, Ont.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertair our opinion free whether an
invention is pro' ably patentable. Communion.
t Mus strictly cceadentiai. Handbook on Patents
sent free. rd enci r securing
Patents tat en through
Munn & Co. receive
special notice, without cease, in the
Scientific American.
Abandsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir.
culation of any scientific journal. Terms, 83 a
year: four months, 81. Sold byall newwdealers.
MUNN & Co.36tBroadway, Naw York
Branch Office. 626 3' St.. Waal ' stun. H. C.
Clubbing Rates for 1903, 1904
Times and Weekly Globe io San.
1905 1 65
Times and Montreal Witness to
Jan. 1905 ... 1 65
Times and Weekly A.dvereiser to
San. 1905 ... 1 75
Times and Mail & Empire to Jan.
1905 .................. 1' 75
Times and Family Herald '8c Star
to Jan., 1904 15
Times and Family Herald i& Star
to Jane., 1905 1: 75
Times & Weekly Sun to Jan.
1905 ......... -I )'S
Yearly subscribers. to Times and Mail
will receive a handsome premium pies -
tura entitled "The Victoria ,Cross„'
an episode of the Boer war.
Yearly subscribers to bile Family
Herald & Star will receive a hand-
some picture and special prize.
Other additions will be made to this
list later.
From the premises of RohertJnhnslon
on or before the 5th of Nov. A red
yearling heifer. Any person knowing
her whereabouts please inform me
and oblige.
In the matter of the Estate of William
Lewis,late of the Township of McGilli-
vray in the County of Middlesex,'
Yeoman, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to "Tho Re-
vised Statutes of Ontarto,' 1897, Chapter 129,
that all creditors and others having claims
against the estate of the said William .Lewis,
who died on or about the 13th day of November,
1903,are required on or before the 1st day of
January 1901, to sand by post prepaid or deliver
to Messrs Gladman & Stanibur of the Village
of Exeter, Solicitors for the Executors of the
said estate their chrlstian and surnames, ad-
dresses and descriptions, the full partioulars of
their claims, the statement of their accounts,
and the natrre of the securities, it any. held by
them. And Lurcher take notice that after such
last mentioned date the said Executors will
proceed to distribute the assets of the de-
ceased' amongthe parties entitled thereto,
having regaronly to the claims of which
they shall then have notice, and that the said
Executors will not be: liable' forthe said assts
or any part thereof to any person or persons of
whose Claim notice shall not have bean receiv-
ed by them at the time ofsuoh distribution. •
Solicitors for the said Executors.
Dated at Dieter the 7thaay of Decembor,1903.
There is a groat deal of
pain and ache termed. Rheu-
matic •- sornetimes called
'kidney pain. The back
aches, shoulders, side, and
hips. A. cold will cause
pain and distress in the
back, Kidney and Bladder
trouble. In cases of this
idnd tie Anti -Fill end see
how quickly you will get
it It allhe
role. I c t
large glaands of the body.
Any one who doubts should
write for a free sample to
'resod-1!'xr s Co., Niagara
11'a11s, Ont.
Dr. Leonhardt's Anti -1i11
is a perfect System Treat -
Mont, Ptlee, 50 cents.
Do you Ward Cutter?
We lieu+• the fitic•;;t ,,tock in taws
al.! the 1:tteets ,.lylft•, its tie reeve es
c. )tors,
Our prices are mow as eau be roan'
1 -1i -et -Pines u,:steric! etic' workplan
J usseii
7'wu DOM.'S South Tom, llrtli.
1\ It t M. D.
e 1'. b,. t i'nt,.nu v c,.see
ofttCe /`Illi i.bn,,,. r'C@. Lt LL4,11100 Labors-
tury, Exeter,
H• 115.R. Lk. . KINSM. N
I) S. D. D • S Honor Graduate
of Toronto University, Dentist..
Teeth extracted without 'pain or
bad after effects, Office in Fan -
son's block. West side of Main
treat,' Exeter
D.A.ANDERSON, (D. D. S. 1.14
Honor Graduate of the Toronto University
and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario, with honors Also Postgraduate of
Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with
honorable mention.
Evorything known to the Dental Profession
done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al-
Iaminunr, gold and vulcanite plates all done in
the neatest manner possible. A perfectly
harmless anaesthetic used for painless •extrac-
Office ono door south of Carling Bro'gstorte
Exeter, Ont.
I?: SUR.AN on.
Private funds to loan on Farm property at Four
and one half per cent,
We have unlimited private funds for invest,
mcnt upon firm sr village property at Lewes
rates of interest.
We have a large amount of private funds to
loan on farm and village properties atlowratea
of interest.
Barristers Sencitors, Main St. Exeter, ..
O T _
limey to Loan
OFFrcE-(Formerly of Elliott and Madman')
Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers,
Commissioners, Solicitors for the M.lsons
Bank, Eta
Money toLoan at lowest rates of interest.
s. R. CARLINft n. A. L. H. DIOESON
EXETER -We offer for sale en reasonable
terms, that very desirable residential properts
known as "The Hooper Homestead" situa
on Lot Nn• 86, south of Huron Street, Exeter.
There is erected upon the land, a comfortable
and commodious brick dwelling, also the
necessary outhouses. The house is in good re-
pair and bas 9 rooms. The lot contains an acre
of land and isexcellentlyadapted for garden
ing or fruit growing. There is a plentiful sup-
ply of hard and soft nater, The property is up
to date and the terms easy. for particulars ap-
ply to date, & amuse barristers Exeter
or to A. E. HOOPER, Rew P. 0„ Penna. U.
A.., ursprietor.
Wor,:.hin.gton's Canadian Stoek'Ton-
io is given a preference over all other
Shock Foods by huge and experienced
feeders apart from. the facet that it is
leas Mani half the price of .any other
Diea S'
I'h+ave Led your Stock Tonle to.
cattle and like it very much. 11 mak.
ell t'he'ir thrive well and 'mitt 'iominejsli
moan rapidly, I tthink it is the Usk
tonic 1 thlave fed to houses. We are
also feeding 11 to ouritierna•this! win
for and they are laying better ttthan
they have donne for a long time. , it
pays ba feed it.
:routs Truly,
leader .Sweelpetl lees rat Cattle,
Prov, Winter Fair, 1901-2
Greenbank 1'. 0., Feb 23, 1903.
Disatr Sir. --I had a mare' stocked is
both lege. 'Wor+thinglon's Stoek'Food,
book it down completely and put, her
ihe'good condition» It teas lone,- my
cows good. Think it a good thing and
text itecmoi1mli+end 1t.,
i3. OlittiRCETLL, "Dairyman
OLintio,n, 3:an 17th, 11303.
10 1b. box, 200 feeds, 500, ; 50 ib. welt
For sale by. Carling Bros, Exeter;
Cook & Son, Rowan; J. 0. Youngs