HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-08-19, Page 17CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19. 1987 -Pa 12. Real estate for sale L12. Real estate for sale ,,,_ August 31 Possession Accommodating Home NEW HOME - 1,360 sq. ft. of charm on quiet street. Many features with large decks - lots of light, and lots of character. Call Karen Scruton at 482.9716. Quality Location A warm feeling is what you'll experience throughout this quality home in a prefer- red location. From the fieldstone fireplace to the large living room, accommodating dining room 'and spacious master bedroom, you'll feel that you have plenty of elbow *room. Call Wane to experience it yourself. 10 acres with barn, garage, and 'Century' brick home, nestled in mature trees and just on the edge of town. 3 bedrooms, 11/2 baths formal dining room, main floor family room plus much, much more. Call Karen Scruton now at 482-9716 or 482-7841. Marie Hughes 482-7508 Bill McGregor 482-7539 Marg Thgwell. Brucefield Small Acreage 9 acres at Brucefield on County Rd. 3. Pro- perty has a small bank barn, and is ready for you to develop your country estate. Call Bill McGregor at 482-7539 and make an offer. 135 Acres Stanley Twp. This farm consists of a Perth series soil with undulating topography. It contains 80 acres of workable ground and 55 acres of bush. Bill McGregor 482-7539. • Wayne Wigelsworth 482-3091 Karen Scruton 482-1760 482-9716 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. BRICK 1 FLOOR HOME, fireplace, modern kitchen, good condition, gas furnace, sundeck. asking $38,500.00 COMMERCIAL ZONED BUILDING, 1 floor. highway location, residence attached. A DECENT 1 FLOOR aluminum sided, 2 bedroom home, gas furnace, small lot, close to downtown. Only $25,000.00. HOLMESVILLE - Split level. ongelstone & brick, 2500 sq. ft. finished, whirlpool, 2 fireplaces,. double car - VANASTRA - 2 or 3 bedroom home, lull base- ment. workshop, asking `23,000.00. - RAISED RANCH with brick, stone & pine siding offers 3 bedrooms, dining room, garage on ' acre near Clinton. VINYL SIDED BUNGALOW 1'7 storey home, '26,000.00 in Vonastra. BRICK APARTMENT BUILDING, 6 units and a conch house 1'/, STOREY 3 bedroom home. 1' , baths, gas furnace paved drive garage in the 30's. 152 ACRES - 100 workable house born 2\ sheds Asking 5106 000 00 PORT ALBERT - I' ) storey home. fe turing 5 bedrooms 2 baths. decent condition' '49,900. PORT ALBERT - Lots adjacent to modern homes Asking '10 000 00 each BAYFIELD - 3700 sq It home raised ranch style on 1 8 acres with 400 ft river frontage Asking 5275 000 00 15 ACRES WITH 4 BEDROOM HOME steel shed and steel covered born near Clinton 96 ACRES. 70 WORKABLE - river frontage. some bush north of town MITCHELL - 2 storey brick home looted super location Asking 5142 000 00 Harold Workman 481-3455 Clinton 348-9066 Mitchell Leo 17. Apartments for rent AVAILABLE one bedroom apartment with good parking rent 5225 plus utilities Phone 524 8422 482 7928 nights 18tf 55 CLEAN NEWLY DECORATED artistic studio apartment up town one bedroom 5350 00 mon thly First and Inst months in advance References required 482 9494 32 33 BACHELOR APARTMENT available September 1st Consists of Iivingroom kitchen bedroom full bath close to uptown All utilities heat and cable supplied Own entrance References re quired 482 7864 31 32 33 MODERN two bedroom apartment in Blyth Available now References required Phone 482 9210 33 34or 18. Houses for rent 3 BEDROOM bungalow Duchorme Estates. Bayfield Available 1st of September Phone 236-4230. 31tf 2 OR 3 BEDROOM house for rent in Clinton Fridge and stove included- references required. 5.360 monthly plus utilities Available September 1 Phone 482.5761. 33tfnx 20. Room & board WANTED - Young woman wants room and boord, or room in Clinton or Vanostra Phone 482-5208 after 4 p m 32,33 23. Commercial property for rent OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT, central location, recently painted etc. For details call 482-9494. 32,33 PRIME OFFICE/WAREHOUSE SPACE Available September 1, Hensall, Ont. Air conditioned commercial building with finished executive offices from 200 to 3000 sq. ft. Storage space from 100 to 10,000 sq, ft. with fork lift, shelving, in- ventory control and fulfillment ser- vices available. Competitive rates, will subdivide. For information contact; Adrian, Bayley (519) 473-3300 24. Wanted to rent WANTED 2 to 3 bedroom apartment or house for September 1 Phone 482 3981 and ask for Liz 32,33 YOUNG PROFESSIONAL couple require a home in Clinton Hensoll Bayfield area Coll 482-9971 evenings 32 33 25. Wanted to buy CASH PAI D for Antiques, complete or partial estates, dining, bedroom, living room suites, old jewellery, docks, furniture, etc CaII Seaforth 527-1847 or 527-1633 26. Help wanted CLASSIFIED 26. Help wanted A CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed, Now is the time to train for your Class "A" Licence. For prescreen- ing interview andjob placement information, Contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training, London. 1-800.265.3559.-41 tfor MATURE babysitter to come into my home part- time to look after 1'/, old. 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Phone 482.9620.-32,33x HELP WANTED on dairy farm. For more informa- tion call 523-9610.-32,33 AVON - Earn extra money and have fun doing it - start your own business for $10.00. Immediate openings. Call Sharon Stephenson 1-887.6305.---32.36ar PART-TIME BABYSITTER required for three children, my home, starting Sept. 8, 482-5712 after 6 p.m, -33 CARPET CLEANERS Needed. Above average in- come, experience not essential. Will train. 482-7299.--33ar TELEPHONE SALES - people needed to make ap- pointments for cleaning service. Will train, 482-7299.-330r NANNY TO LIVE-IN 3.4 days, possibly 10 at a time for 2 children, 16 and 10. References. Call 482.3991 days or 482-3671 evenings. -•-33,34 COMMUNITY SUPPORT FOR FAMILIES - Huron County requires female/male workers to pro- vide individual support to children with a developmental handicap on a part-time contract basis throughout the County. Training provided. Send resume, including experience and references by September 4, 1987 to Community Support For Families, General Delivery Clinton, Ont. NOM 1LO. - 33-34 BABYSITTER needed in my home starting September in Bayfield area, 3-5 days a week for 18 month old child. No housework, 482-7533 after 2 p.m. 33 RESPONSIBLE, mature person wanted for book- keeping/manager position at local photography outlet. Minimum travelling involved. Send resume to Box 12000, Clinton, NOM 11.0.-33,34 PART-TIME ORGANIST for Brucefield United Church. For further information call 482-7477.--33 ATTENTION STUDENTS: Part -Time • Bartenders •Waiters / Waitresses APPLY IN PERSON QUEEN'S TAVERN SEAFORTH CLEANING STAFF Hourly help required to clean town- houses after construction. PHONE 482-5877 or 482-3662 EDWARD FUELS Automotive Service Dept. requires a CLASS A MECHANIC to manage 3 Bay Service Department. Company offers top wages, bonuses and excellent working conditions. Send resume to: Box 610 or apply in person to: Edward Fuels, 238 Albert St., Clinton, Ont. NOM 1L0 FALL/WINTER EMPLOYMENT OPENINGS. Now that Summer is com- ing to an end, our Sum- mer Student Staffers will soon be returning to school. As a result we have the following employment openings: DAY MAID: We have an immediate opening for this position which entails cleaning rooms. Working hours: preferably days. Please contact Frances Chisholm at 529-2192 ext. 257 to apply. HOT LINE & SALAD BAR: We are now accepting ap- plications for Hot Line & Salad Bar positions. The suc- cessful applicant will have a good basic knowledge of cook- ing and must be able to follow instructions. Please contact Derek at 524-2191 to apply for these positions. WAITER / WAITRESS: Dining Room Staff are now required for Full -Time Waiter / Waitress positions. No ex- perience necessary. Please apply in person to the reception desk at Ben - miller Inn, filling out an ap- plication at that time. CUSTODIAN: The successful applicant must be a hard worker and over 18 years of age. Please contact Frances Chisholm at 529-2191 ext. 257 to apply. Benmiller Inn R.R. 4 Goderlch N7A 3Y1 26. Help wonted CLASS "A" DRIVERS interested in working on temporary assignments daily or weekly 482-7930 anytime Electrical Helper Needed Background Motorhomes or Trailers Male or Female will train Apply in person to CANASSEN LTD. HURON PARK ONT. PARTTIME SECRETARY REQUIRED Mondays - Fridays 1 - 5 P.M. Qualified person will be responsible for general office duties, including taking messages, typing, filing, some purchasing and invoicing. Must be accurate typist with excellent com- munication skills. Computer experience an asset. Send resume to: M.P. RUSSO & ASSOCIATES INC. P.O. BOX 900 Clinton, Ont. NOM 1L0 BLYTH and DISTRICT - COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD requires a full-time arena manager. Ap- plications and information can be obtained at the Blyth Clerk's Office. Applications accepted until August 24, at 4 p.m. Little Kids Corner Day Care of 'Goderlch requires a pre-school teacher to begin work September 8, 1987. Early Childhood Education required. Send resume and references to: Canada Employment Centre 35 East St., Goderlch, Ont. N7A 3Y4 28. Business opportunity LOOKING FOR individuals to work in the finon tial services field Will train_ Send resume to A l Williams c -'o Max Reigling. R R 3 Lucknow NOG 2H0. 32.33 RESTAURANT. equipment and stock Ripley Con be removed or used for business Serious in guides only 519.794.2942 32.33 29. Tenders TENDiFT-1 Emergency watermaln and sewage line repairs for the period beginning Oc- tober 1st, 1987 to September 301h, 1988. Ministry of Environment, Vanastra, will receive quotes from contractors for the above period for water and sewage line repairs. Must be able to respond within two hours or less Day or Night as and when required by Chief Operator. Contractor must be Pxperienced in digging around watermafns and copper lines as well as other utilities. Backhoe must be able to dig to a de -th of 14'. Must have dump truck to draw away fill when needed. Must have access to good "A" gravel and dead sand. Reply stating hourly rate for backhoe and dump truck. The Ministry of Environ- ment, Vanastra reserves the right to ac- cept other than lowest tender. Ouotes will be received until September 1st, 1947 at 12:00 noon at the Ministry of the Environment, Box 1057, Clinton, Ontario. NOM 1LO. Superintendent, Donald C. McLean AGGRESSIVE SALESPERSONS REQUIRED To sell high fashion merchandise. Starting positions available from mid August to mid September. Full Time / Part Time. Must enjoy meeting people. One mile south of Blyth on Hwy. 4 (Outside of Town) PHONE 5234595 29. Tenders J TENDERS TENDERS are invited by the undersigned for the purchase, demolition and removal of the residence located at 109 Ontario Street, Clinton, Ontario. ANY INTERESTED PARTY may obtain full particulars from the undersigned and shall enter into a contract providing, among other things - that the purchaser - accepts full responsibility for any public liability, complies with all relevant municipal. pro• vincial and federal legislation, completes the work before the end of September, 1987, leaves the premises clear of all debris and at a grade level, posts a performance bond in the form of a Postdated cheque., or a letter of Credit in the amount of $2,000. ALL TENDERS must be in the hands of the undersigned on or before 12 o'clock noon, Monday, August 31st, 1987. ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH, c o Keith Tyndall. R.R. 1. Clinton, Ontario, NOM ILO. Phone 482-7877 30. Employment wanted BABYSITTING in my 482-3899. 30,31,32,33 home. . Phone B ABYSITTING AVAILABLE in Bayfield Call Caroline 482-3976. 32,33 MOTHER WILL BABYSIT in own home, Big yard to play in. Lives close to Public School. Have references. 482-9012. 33x EXPERIENCED BABYSITTING available in my home in Clinton. Call after 3 p.m. 482 9562 33 WILL BABYSIT in my home, toilet trained children please. Contact Ruth Shropshall at 482-3023. 3ltfnx WILL BABYSIT in my own home Phone 2626279 after 4. 33,34 31. Service directory PHIL'S refrigerator and appliance service Pro mpt dependable service to all makes and model-, of domestic appliances. Phone 887 9062 27tf MASONRY, STONE and Carpentry work Specializing in brick pointing and chimney building. Free estimotes. For information call Stan Kirkham 4825305 31far CUSTOM BACKHOEING. Drain Repair erosion control, cellar drains. loser Coll Frank Postill 4829101 21 Mar KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling renovations cupboards. ceramic tole counter tops rer rooms carportsflooring windows patio doors aluminum siding Phone 482 7676 Ker, McNairn 22tfar PIANO OR ORGAN LESSONS at Wesley Willis United Church, Clinton or al home in Auburn Grace Datemo 526 720? 33.34x WATER WElt MILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS Four modern rotary rigs Phone Seaforth NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-b775 RESIDENTIAL CLEANS Weekly or Seasonal Cleaning 10% Discount to Seniors Barb Hodgins 482-9223 JOHN LASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD. •Farm and Residential Buildings • Additions and Renovations •Roofing, Siding, Soffit 8 Fascia PHONE 482-3063 otter 6 •.rn MEMBER ••••••CONTRACTOR•••••• • • • • �• mow_ • • • • R U C T • • Off- i • i - G i,TT) O k • • • • • • • 0 • • •RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • •FARM • INCLUDING ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS PH 482-72 0 • • 0 0 • • 40 • • • 404104040.40404040404040*4004)••i }:• v<' RESIDENTIAL & *::-COMMERCIAL ` s CLEANlING Fully Bonded and fInsured '5atisfaction Guaranteed" -weekly maid service -spring cleaning -window washing -house sitting OPEN Tlff 8:00 P.M. ELITE DOMESTIC SERVICES Doug & Laurie Falconer Dan MacKinnon 524-5170