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Exeter Times, 1903-12-17, Page 1
Cdvl THIRTY-FIRST YL&R-=•-NO 10 • • &1 SEX GZET STOVES AND FUIINAGES f a stove or furnace If you are in need o this fall it tt will be to your 'advantage, to call and see our stock before youalarge purchase elsewhere as we carry .,;. 4. stock of the verybest makes both for coal and wood. We make a specialty of Furnaces, Eavetroug13.- ng: - Gas and 'ate�rptpe. � see our Car he3rs Coil and s et Stretc P CXXVIEBITT If you want the best results use NationalCement 111ellit e. �Lt1®��� and �t� WE ARE SOiiB AGENTS Walls, Floors, Troughs, etc, built with these Cements last for ever: TfU•RSDAY 1\101Malai DEOE1103ER 17th 1903 Masan . Woodham. .Tar, Commissioner, baro lnsurappe A ent, awe llhe a 'last tivl itt . cssuror of Marriage i i=iseabi o rutel Anet; --.lila Cizaza s S}val law, who pie Vis- ta tta ro o of interest.: t to loam on real estate at low rates erg n t -Me. W.'Alb4a,4't73pikat tans iveoseen G. J. sutDe>land,lVotary 1?ublic, Conveys n the tsuinni�vr izt the 1ru'ost, . returned r nt ds '1 i en t � village e o01ee as the Foot Offico Tensa C' Arue'ncis iu the to o 'Calgary. f. i' ewe '� is wit m 1K a4 t; ((1 --Thio Aliases Webber have recently 1 • Mr, George end Miss Jennie a:ioo. -t d'd neLuxzitad home from Buffalo. kina'•iteef,r, on'.uesdoe. on an ea. en tar tb kt they should be ter ••Devid •tiol1'tele is making eeve'rel 4 visit mete, £elands in Therms eyeeea, worthy. pr Tin i re!vem .ate on h dwelling. t -Mir•• E hiva•rd Knight left on Thep. mu.eseted so abruptly, but tins iseelc�otf: mlv a- fair the Old Country, where ho t'UL Oho things. iovie_ which ha h;;d'-na eon - try, J ek visiting was a Che cauii i d e few weeks relatives, troll, and w'h'ere he was forced to yield Ory, 1 the inevitable. .-tiles B. Meow, t odgerville -Mr. week heroines ere exp eted to be present, end to patties thein trot .only eeeeessful but L)L aer. it and e'njeyab11e• ,-Owttitx,,, tta tee 'accident whap- ;vetoed to the Rev. Mir. Taigas, ea the Esene'el c 1 Churebe(an'd being eiab had been gong on or more. tl?<an three, weeks) were, dis�eontirsued'me Tuesdays everting. It was mot tee will at the Elder, o her township sp- . e ail � who hes been mail- ,to Ami: Jahn Hider, o£ tic. 1 nota of 11011 shot a fine fox during' the liner at til: J• rxl r'et'urned ta`�1. tome tan Watford on Saturday la- ;' •-!`.lytta :5uind,a, ; School is making a's- t Mrs• innW r Conk and lettle'vta.,. 'ange+r nits for a New Year's arch' on ester are i polys pare this steel¢ vis- New teem' eve. '$..good programme itiri\ 1VTrs• d Ea's Patients. is bring pr.e�patreki, Reelember ,tbe Times and Family Herald: Sc Star_ Ocoee past week.. •P • Ifoeoim, now lintel January 1.90x. inclu 1amg three premiums for $1.75: . 4« Mester,'," Ellis & Sanaeleeombes rrot- 4.P' rletars et our rink, are getting it in tin �• `slYafp,o for curiu.•ng and ski, g 'e 1 -4D,avid A Cantelon, oar aniteirprie. The }sawmill is baamine nein un dies lee new firm. of Wynn & Mills whelp axe ready to pay the bigbeet praxes i,vr mll kande of lumber. Farm- errs, give t'rue'r a cafe t tong 'psraduca merehralt, reco'iiltly sthip• • veld. from here to, the Old al," •y, a ; '1' car tad o£ turkeys. -Our mereha{2te are, malting fine '1' display. of Christmas goods, whileteer. • •arm, eTerbur,n, of else Hensel). green Hausa, has thousands of . carnations t' and agilhtetu flowers, 4. -Mr, G. C. Betty has melee's; hies x ratm� business into the corner store of one enjoyed the excellent k •.g: inn- meat (xeshments tvhacbj related, thea one tthe+ m t k and has al l iddulph -?Tigre annual Cltelekmtas +entertain - S n'dt urtavnt of the English church u aY Eleih�ool :setas held on Weid'needey', nee, 2, at lir, Richard fiuietaa's resid'enee The botuee was ,parked with the`(soho- lacrte, Ctarents end friends, and 'Avery. hi .br lk bloc attt ,a part he formerly occupied to Mr. `i1 the form of a box sweat. Nlr. Holt- ehlant, i Manager" theMorehanWeeni; 1- A, Canntteilic1,. 'pre duoet mer by, -Our viela:gers •are• pleased to 809 Lucent was proposed ,• as chair man, louse '.g' LheRev• Mr. M. 0, MCLenn'an,irt our by •tha hector, Rev. W. Stout, end •N ago this week after' his close gall en twee trine position ably. Miss Max.txn; '1' dotix'iveestion with the explosion, from of 1 xebe•r,nsei:sted by' her sister, gave it acetylene gas at Reppen ohurcb. several very entertaining selections, t, a Ufa g.;44df Fkt1 E•t°1sgf3,tP ed as ^ rs Saarnment ai the Lord's Supper wheel Sere greatly ppat W11 be observed en Carmel Presbyter- Peale *Ise v„Q„_r__it ansgivett-H•1.444T CIRDI CON Per Xmas. ese•nts'Gry Charian's' Fair, Euterpe =r' -On Bromley n'ig'ht fire broke out in Ube driving shed la Mr. eerie, White t'e rend in a short time glia buzlds..i, God e�o,rttents wore' oonsax,med. In the;build da•ntg thetrie was a buggy, sleigh,and;a.: nun Rt£ rintoleran is The; loss in es- unrated at 'about 1)1000 which i, lyart- ly wavered by insurance iu the Hay Towtnsbli,p Fire xnsura see Co.. A des- perate fight was made to confine:the faro to the we building and had it nok been for the rain on .Sa•turday n gljt and the htea er fall ori Anawr foible/hag i1 would laavie been almost impossible ba ',arta the other buildings which are la close proximity. The fire is sup- rposed to have caught from. the olaim:.- ney in the building. --A very pleasant pigeon shooting tna.tch. and oyster supper took place on Friday a£te�rnoon last at Mr. G.Ross' N] r. T, Case and Mr, J. Jarraut;, were dh•ane,n as oaiptasns. The loosing side to runtish the oysters for the .supper. The eitootuug was good and the score curse, baring 48-42 in favor of Mr. T. Oates. Bach tperrstun shot at 10 birds. Palletising is ,the score.; (T. Case, Capta,bi) Peter Daae Edward. M.T'aggart Henry Bengali N. G. Case R. V. Caea pelosrge' 73a;tvkixns. A. Ingram J. Jackson G. Case John Case ratan efliturch on Ssabbaele 'mornuxg, Deo. y Miss Rooke, of Elimville. Miss 2atali wham the Mr. Ibamiltan, of Lamabouxne, and Ira gave several. expected t conduct Me songs in their usual fine. style. Mr � ,ssw Ln•rr s b saC Exeter, entox 7.DilirtiLiz%:.,sii(vesrhoi,,J,.t11 bheld zn hs ,plaan,agnatlrhUr. 4rm 5aturda},Dec. Abbaltga'v�exna uxr Alclehra;te'd awdalaixaisteev�ycreditablyinlite i 0 +'���Yank, gill deliver 9xisSchari: vitas the best dboxo, is expeceoMarin, 'tamed withees. e anal Mr, - entertainment will a i' hnu, natal sQletotianla CRITICISM f what a man's clothes should be is , Pretty accurate. There: can, be no Toesible fan ode to fault to find with your ap- I clearance if your clothes arena O very has beau secureZr :OEleastxre r an export way, The styl® .Of the garment we make is a sufficient natal t 1 work..All the a,nd. humerou,e lecture on Love, grogram. The csonce Courtship, 'Marriage and jealousy: will gsi:ve,n n �1 the eeslitis ii a the or some, t int 4Tthe centers mutual wiser, t an'd ,gr be held on Thursday e,vtettiing, !jocte'am,- em� end Late eetronit•tees_ The amount �t{ �j(� Ill 17t>>r,, and prromitses to be one oE' the ,reaLixn�d tv•as �417.4.�-------- V����$�� a�� (�()�� � ,very best of the. season as excellent Stephen Connell g, The curlers. DOOM MON a oonntder there is no talent too good: lost 'Meir. oa r « Tt>e- council of i.he township of Seeehe'n convened in the Tcreat 13a11, _guarantee for first class �/+� ya `n We are. giving excellent shire x'111 lt9a at 10 ��jj6 Volttiil 1 were 'preseznt an stairs ®it L1� Toronto I,a������1 Ttnxes and larw y v nus meeting were new up-to-date Fall ti_faction in flour since Sa,- re- at Crediton, on Tuesday, December a, m• All mem,bees. T Daily News for • d,minutes• off the ore- •read and adopted. ia . 11 at-- year for yetarte W;ueellh. ---,The rtsrent snow storms has filled Brown, � llesotar of t'alCesr is h,,xeliy serious- continuo $180 tt� That Got'tiob down. up ourdrifts. roads. but not many instructed and aathtarazed to co just arrived. Prices away drifts. the levy and collection of unpaid, taxers .$ -e-emotion are now am topics at oR � the,. manner and. with the Power the names spoken, lees ;fox 'the gene (.0tr e:Arag on andProvided be the t e (otx�etl►retruLu�stat,thtizcbunc7lbaarXl k y wad collection of taxes.-Ca`rrleu. aa� PaITUiIS modelling our mi W. W Ta1nan. • Merai,$tttt '1” esiili®i-, • �►�9�OOi0bi b*•Sb0Av9®�'e>OO,a?®�1►0�" Xmas 1903 Our Xmas - stock is the most corn lete we have ever shown. i Pianos and Organs For thep erlor we have Pianos and 'Organs of the inose; beautiful designs .and finish and quality' unsurpassed,. Sewing 1Ytachines Our sewing machines are a qualiss ties and by in working qua finish The Best. For the Children We have Sleeglis galol e, atGall Prices. ,Also Shoo Fly Rockers, es Whiietles, Mouth Organs, etc. In Music We have the latest Popular Songs and Instrumentals. Hy Bibles also in stock: e Cali and see us and get on of our Artistic Oalanders F. NEMER• WINTER'S BLAST 1904, are Messrs. J. Brown, W. $` n - Yeariely-. Astdersosx - Tixat the sum Ixe1 nex; T. Keyes to aGbot ;c n1e t n. of one hundred dollars be set aside There prtrmises to be a,hat eoiitest. frein bhe towlnslaip funds for the tise of " the board of health of the town - Centralia - ship of Stephen. -Carried. A:nde sign-Yetarl'ey.-That By -Lane oz, Or'augees for 25c at Charitonts • eT,. 7 for the appointing of Deputy a,tr, Exeter. 1 etueni'ng Officers and selection of No. 8, of and Be -Law tv - LOT ." llil -bo othsyr r n, Neve gi Tunes and 51.80.aio Daily pint auditors for 1903. eaelu one year for $1.80• - 1903 bane heard the third time,, be -AO the last raeagul0 mee,bing: the hard been siginerl by the reeve and Ma L- O. L., Ns. 610, Ctenteedie t se : 'totliotvwng vfficettis we ale tee for clerk. -'Carried, S. no iespectOr Of persons t'he ensuing year:A. Nevin, W. M. J• Ordters to the amotrntr of $1481./9 tomeet its McFalls, D. M. ; F. Davis, Chap.; F. J. wiare• 'passetd. The• tre(asurer's anastral therefore prepare R.. S• .• J. T ux�tetbtle, Tyler; B. report will contain a ste,terau,ent of Doses eiash oreer. Council adiourned sine, die_ Nomin, coning byproviding yourself with one of our Se 1a11 Over6oatS NEVER SO LOW NEVER SO QQOD NEVER SO STYLISH Mibehell, F. S.; H. Gonda*, D. C W,ri ge,t,' Secy; H. Mills; isx. - Opine mi.t}.4e.; W, Datvie, 2nd;; A. 1\4clFn:11s, ard; M. Mager, 4th, and W. Moffatt, 5 4 a 3 8 a 3 .5 "fatal 48 (J. Jarroatt, Captain). F. Ross W. Jai:o:n F. E. Cam a E. W,h,ite 0 G. E. Case 3 Roberit Ross 5 M. McTaggart .•7 James 'Jesek, til. 3 N. eared,: ... 3 Total. 42 Mr. W. ,T. 'White looked after the trap. - At the "close of the shooting match ay- sLetrs were served at the homeMr. Mahan efeTatggasr't . -after which. !a lesseerttn•t tune was s tent in 'naming and dlbl'_ir nannuero',rnenis: OH IOnN Wath l'1d Christmas Goods Our Store is stocked with `novelties :of every description, We. are laying aside ' articles every day for customer's to be taken at Christmas: Why not you 2 You can- not Y last . hope toget as good a chaise 1. left until the minute, p . its varietyand we have indeed a Our Store is noted 01 . large and well assorted stock of Christmas Candies, Christmas Toys, Christrnas Dolls'Etc. Conic and Select your Present Now 1 CHARLTON'S Fur cr.,dtten Ovetr a„,earteof candy at Charlton's Fair, Exeter. - -Our stage has been delayed of late owing to the severe storm }clocking up the railroad, • A Mr. J.dbn Deer Is ooinrxn,.d •tol,he hawser through illi+.'', but 'tire ha rte to soon sae tlubn out around again. --The ^•attendtanto at the church on Sunday teat was very meagre on ac. oauttt' .of tee seeeee etorth prevaslieg. - Delon well take place ea e ov lfressrs T, Haw oats and Robes ....444.111.5.1141.4.4.1011.414.466119 � as TAKE PLEASURE in informing the public that we have now in stock a Tice assortment of Fur Coats and Robes which we would like to show whether you care to buy or Dot, Come in and look at -them. Fancy Slippers Suitable for Christmas Gifts. They are very stylish and are well made and make a useful preent. We have alio a fol stock of Boots and shoes. RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES Come in and see our stock of Rubbers. and- Overshoes, you. Will find we have all the different styles and can please you i.. uality- and price, - HARNE- ' •,: ND BLANKETS We kava; in stock a nice line of Liana and titeavy: Harness, • ac well ae Blankets of all kinds. We also have Trunks and all kinds of Grips always on band. �,r G. HOUSE: Mai 1 . th T vicz tai 1c• kits it Sou, al Beet - 1903, on Monday, December'• 8th, dr halve installed a new acoeseene 19 03, 'at 1 p. m• laatet run Mr. C. Kubsa's new ,dwelling. Y. ELL'ilE$, Clerk P' � liotl.'f a,a, who held an anal= sale recently, to remav HLNR - .-,Mr Mts. • m ill e a Sexsmith Zurich N. W. T., where he has Qst55xraboici, chased band 4 lbs. Candy for 25c nese. 7harit Mr, James I� u her of Ilse young folks o£ ots,s pun+ .. ipa trick left for Lon- -Mr. Exo.tnn v dun a few days alta, wber.•e he has -Mr. John Corbett gave, his friends l,ho r• d)!a:go visited Mr. and ]ktzs, J, J of the Goshen Ling, on 1V ed- s l ztxrwd a posatann, boon in a &sty :last week• ads spent a lie,Wedt -Mr. •Bert Russ. of Toronto; former >� ly of Exeter, called on friends -here this week. --;O'ivieg to the snow storm . on rat , Hey, 'r_, neerleY gleaning, bime in game's, and other amusements --A couple of bad caeca of diptithetr'- ia are reported from the neighborhood of Drysdale- The, necessary preeaut:t ass bare been taken for:: the ,Purpose. of isolating the families and guarding against this spr+ad of the disease. *rye regular mecibing of the W..C. X- iSunday There was not a very larg rzorngrsgabion at church.. 'WciaNsWallow. Waar;re;u had the mis- e tointune to sprain his leg while loading Merchant Tailor bailed hay one day lately. -Mrs. Geoid set London, who has been etistieng brierxds here, lately re- tasseled tot her home last week. - Strepta cl�d- zn 905 from novo until January 1 --Mr: and Mrs. August Filmes, wee � three premiums far X1.75. herald ds , Star, Times, and Family the guest of Mr• a'nd.tTVirs.,T•.Beavor, fhb ,bas'as who went a l5. to North- Lune orLh tall. week. with Wes'° ;cin the b,arves•t excursions_' in Dewier is home it have all =returned. ,home • and =,s I.i U ie; Dtelc .lh'Q fail , MaSlswith repot themselves well pleased' xva flhat counbry. Grand__._-- �'�" '® i ibier • nethrer for Xmas. .-.,'Title m1sa1 Wee two holies late • an 040e000®0000* i IVtend,ay, the trains being blocked with O®A�i+�09b4*t�0 snow. —THE-- lierchants dank of Can HEAD _�,,,,...� vntrl�REAL. HEAD OFFICE, MON'C1�,EAAL. u ..:.. .....« 8,Q0 L`E08.I'vSliKt Suporintendent of en®rat Managitr' 0+000. 4,245 Branches 'CAPITAL (all paid p Ii E J PROFIT RESERVE AND tJi�,l4/ S••••••••.••$2,97 >,«u�surcrr, i ada BANKING BUSINESS st at most favorable' current rates allowed] on Interest and Deposit Receipts. cc and Fanners kA ia. Bank attention given to the business of ar en. eller' payable in all par•Letters of Credo issued to travellers, roirid. R DITOM ONTARIO. W, CHISHOLM ACTED• Savings Cattle., T.U. hid t the bomeof Mrs Ma - gel, an Fritz bed the devotional .paT.t, after wdhece. the e,ducatiotnat part ems taken t in ub eC ,� the 5 in t � being g �� the "Pledge" tooklamt a • 'oh most of the members be'rslb vluu vi -nu and tabs ,• then lr ' e�ss sax (Tire bosun pxtaceedee 'tette. tiaxt5t»iGluiitit;." -vl lye wounige,stors 'o£ both churches -the Ituthaitatn, •nail Eeangeltieei-ere -4lr. Allexx Heist and; family, of Blenheim, are visiting relatives in this still in trebling fart he entertainment � ricinit •. to be given under the au.epice9 ,04 r the f ; y Miss Dawswell, svh'o bas chatrgu ,o£ Mr. Charles Zw'icker'�:t milt. 1'tuetr& deotieemeut, this sel1s0n, lett for her. home, on l+aidtay last. --On Wed�day of last week, diir. Joseph Heist met with a very severe eacident which will lay him u:i�,fc'r Borne leetle• time. • Vbile tt0•101.ng;Rt>• 0a,ptr4&•000mdeeeees AAmCOO®0®40 A40A©0A@@b44 �48@4v@*0044,04 ,' 0 A his stook he had the misfortune to stip rind in so doing sustained :a frac wk's o a. Monday', DAceoiber'71'tt ,. Mrs. rLu,rae of. his en.klc. 11 is ewe ciotng as well as can be expectedr, arntl will•new only. htaave 10 tv-a•it until the injutcd heals. " C4 b eah rr_em s • f'• last --•Dusts^ �ailLie Brawn 14 t week her Setbewaang, Mlceigan,,whore he leas been engaged to lenr�n r the 4 4 O @X00®e)�9'00N�•C�•�'F®0i«04>$0+�004 �9@00@a®G�lO@®9'4�•0b04at04+'800+4 es Rowe' & Atkinson` are holding a special sale of furniture from now until January 1st, 19o4. yr large warerooms are packed full from cellar O g to attic with all kinps of furniture for the Xmas trade which the are selling at greatly reduced prices during this sale. GIVE US A CALL AND WE WILL SAVE YOU DOLLARS Pict as S • le • Sabbath SehoOlte 0112 ora abau mats time. These er ents should be 1>ctr'ne in mind, as members, anti eel- -- reeait preparation are in prrtor- ees in osaneolion with the anneal Xmas festival to be given in the Evan -Mr. Riebsted Hamilton has five 1 ge1icnl ah'ure.lx; on 3s m as t. e. teams drawing eine logs into his mill m^ --Shameen,s iV ate,h --'Th'e' shooting. yard. � 0040,p,00000*404A8®®'4.690®j i t li held' lin amnneicti�o'n with Mr. W. y' e 4 a a i ,• • , tel an neat ou was W. events, ;r. e •�cv�o .,au,lyleaf•aysa5' w:„',� and ane of five,_ ic: o --•M'rs. 11f. G`ili left hero on Sa.tnrd�ay };acvin(g in t7iie rasult•-h fear Exeter, where 'she xvill retrain Lor ..,.,,,.,;.1«, 10 Bard Meeclt•the wintc,r.: fe ret srneadt to leis --Mr• Wzn. 3:a2rdunes after e'peedieg a few days' witliihie parents here..thxet�hed ; 08 --Mr. J�e.rry.eilrophybags of red clover seed'in 17 sours, Itho sle;ed wass ?gg wn on 21 iacres.. of sgr,•�tind. I3alrer izad the mix --Master Major,foutunc to break the cap of'•hissi lons►e which hays ` caused hien considerable su;fferi>ag A60 taxun1blJD044o£ Seafor 19x, SpViyati1 » t>.0 s bro nisa tin vexter.evtTthd• cdzcss- wz1 ceo d 1 t e'1 aloortati. t�ICP success. The £ I band mmLralt is of the Manager CASTOR A For Infants and Children. The But You Ravo Always Bought Boars the Signature of 1+ . Hari give no• The R. Pickard Co. hereby gt.v q.S, Mitchell t at 1)ed ll tl l t, t7 1 tree that 'hely will present t the per- J, C'odes........ •. fill new Hein( ztnftt:t. taxKto, o C. I'ritr h d with the col sort presetitint; the vvx :fit, l earbety hereon. Or in cases this S. rieedr rt ct t,urnttex t W l a 9 s 5 al,n1 the, f soli ,s: correct. earl, io. for any tr rep Wes. Snell e -•• t'Nsent� cl.. Wtietlaer on acs stunt ` M. letelltv�en no r of tae ing lost, co. for ;my other reason pre- B. Munroe cclt:etsae'er. Then tlro perste. Jos. Brenner i t l i mbar senting Lite cars .vitt the t o nearest the correct tine twill be Lire st nn C t Hie /Veer ed with the petrel. The }rtes e lien. .l Mem). d fru sell ''ore' day, Dec. 2Itb, 4003, AO wehereby Of t11 piano w•tll he, 5) . ,88 ,riot a It D 11arl;benb.;. y Times- it t at l'2 r'a'eltactt tont air l~la Fly: 7 '7 0 'q. 5 iB,iir'd iVZallc+'b 1 the c D. 11a:c i lcib give nation that oibo named tittle V. gel* ...:,.....•. presented at the n ore AT. lticTrtvem will. be considered by us. 3. Doold (? . 1Z, itl:tturt>'e ; tJ r! 16Kai ll. GV. l PratI' . , W. Snell • . .8 W. S.glmishol,m....,..,4•144.041.411114•41.41 a 45 h: 4 blain Street, Exeter z' 't a Dealers and Undertakers. +urnr fir F O R :XMS BIiYERS Spring Skates 50c pair and np hockey Skates. 50c pair, up We are offering at. special Nickle Plat- ed Hockey Skate for $1,00 for Xmas Buyers Hockey Sticks Hockey Sticks, IOc, 15e, '25c, 35c hare'$ 50 cts. �5 c. Hockey Pucks Be Sure and LOQk Pown Tills List from 5c to 5oc Boys' Pocket Knives ... ..... , ` .. • • .... ......Y ro m 15c to 500 Girls' Pen,Knives .... • • , .. • « .. from 2 yc to 500Ladies' Pen Knives...-. • ......... ........ •. ....from 5C to 750 f Men s Pen KnivesY handle Pen Knife for $ 0 regular 4eC See ours acral z blade ivory hon In 2i:tc p •'•'•• •„. ••••..fro up Etnb Scissors .... ... , .. . ........ ......:frobl 500 up Shearsgood value .............: from 75C up $2,00 ''.Razors that ']rave ..... , .. • .. • • :.. , .. See onr$ x •0 guaranteed Razor rt 2,00 Carvers in case's...,, , $2.16' is Safer Razors .... • , • . • • `5 .. , .$145143 :. Safety u Caret Sweepers••• .,., .50c p P pairs..., ..•�, .,,,3,25 u” Carvers in . `� up p ,gee, 1 .Ofl u P 22 rat 1#i .. 1 Carvers in setts...... '» 7.2 ga Shot Guns $8.75 .:..