HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-12-10, Page 8•
a C' E l0 B E it 10th tooa
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rYe a1 e ready- with a. full line of .ta ale. a dARE
W � 1 n k enc
n slit 1 for the olds rade.We
;o � ods s ab e e h y t can please
you in quantity, quality and value, Do you know the
• b• ig store is doing a bigger and better trade than ever,
• there's a reason for it, values tell the tale. We are big
buyers and big sellers, you would be surprised to see
• the quantity of goods we handle every day. Values,
• yes values, are what do the deed. Come and see us for
your Xmas wants. Remember your money back in all
• cases if goads are not to your liking when you get
thein home.
o 81.00 each far lovely 4/4 Che-
nile Table Covers.
$2.00 each for the best 8/4 Che-
vile Table Covers,
,,,, $1,25 each for largest Bed
'® Comforters.
• 98c. each for special line large
'► white Bed Spreads
$2.05 the pair for lovely White
• Wool Blankets.
• $3.75 the ps,ir for our best
0 White Wool Blankets.
79c. for our Leader in Ladies
Black Sateen Underskirt.
$L25 for a regular $1.50 Black
Satana Underskirt.
50e. the pair for our new Dip
Hip Corsets.
75c. each for our new Chain
Uirdle Belt a beauty.
15e. the yard for special Amer-
ican Flannel Waisting.
25c. the yard for American
Opera Waisttngs.
• Just opened a special lot of ladies latest styles in
Tailor Made Coats, they are the nobiest lot of smart
m Dressy Coats that we have shown this season. Do you
want one, if so we would like to interest you.
$12 50 Here you are. Swellest
ad Dinuer Sets we have ever shown
• 108 pieces, pare white hard semi
® porceleau body,new bright floral
• decorations with illuminated
le gold tracings. Ask to see them.
,tp We have a big range of Ladies
• neck furs in Bolas, Ruffs, Caper-
ines and Scarfs.
8100.00 each 2 onlyLadies Black
Persian Lamb Fur Coats "both
samples" very close bright curl.
They are perfect beauties and
worth in any regular fur house
$135.00 each. Your choice for
only $100.00. Do you want one
In men's and women's Fur
Coats we are leaders. You
choose from nearly a hundred
Coats. Every coat a bargain.
Groceries fresh, clean, and choice, no doubtful qual-
• ity with us, the best is what we offer you. Are you
•paying too much for your groceries? Perhaps it would pay you to get
our prices. Did you say Mooney Biscaits, we have them, and we be-
• lieve they are the hest in the land, that's wast the people sty who
use them. Try a package.
4 Bring us your Produce, Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples and Poultry
We will use you well.
The Sovereign Bankof Canada
Head. Office Toronto. Executive Office, Montreal.
Make a Start thisdhank $nd addrngOto i from
time to time as yon are able, you Will soon be placed beyond
the possibility of beipg in want We invite you to open a
SAVINGS BANK _ACCOUNT. Interest paid at the high-
est current rate from date of deposit.
Solicitors. Manager, Exeter.
For Marriage Licenses,
Wedding Rings,
Watches, C10cics
Spectacles Etc
Watch Repairing a. Specialty.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisemente accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
Two weeks till Christmas.
Read Popplestone & Gardiner's add
on page 5.
Mrs. Johns has returned home from
St' Marys.
$2 50 is the prevailing price paid in
Wingharn for good dry hardwood.
New cutters are in large demand.
The local agents report a ready sale
for them.
Mr. W. W. Taman who has been on
the sick list, is now improving and
able to attend his duties,
Mr. Richard Davis left on Monday
for the northwest and will remain for
some time in and around Winnipeg.
Don't leave your Christmas shop-
ping all undone until Christmas eve.
Do it early and get better attention.
A London township farmer last
week sold a flock of turkeys numi.er-
ing 180 to a buyer at ten cents a pound
live weight.
Rev. W. M. Martin delivered an ex-
cellent sermon to young ladies on Sun-
day evening last which was helpful
and interesting.
Mr. Jas. Beer returned home from
Manitoba on Monday last. He has
spent the past few months in the vi-
cinity of Yorkton, Assa.
.A. meeting of the Council will he
held on Tuesday 15th to adopt the
financial statement for the year and
Overcoat Snaps for
Xmas uyers
Just two weeks and the world's greatest holiday will be here,
From now till then things for Xmas wilt have first place in th s
store. There will be no neglect of regular stocks, but holiday
goods of all kinds will be kept in the foreground. We are anxious"'
to clear out our stock ot Ready -to -Wear Clothing and Overcoats,
as we do not intend carrying this line and are offering the remainder
of our Overcoats and Suits at greatly reduced prices. They are
sap -to -date in style and quality.
Overcoats from $5 up to $12 Suits from
Furs from 50c to $1o.00
Fancy Goods
You will find our stock of Pin (Cushions, Handkerchiefs from lc to 50c,
Doylies, F.trley Collars, etc„ complete in every way. The designs are new
and up to•dete. and although the variety is large, there are ,few of any single
pattern, Ovine and look them over before the best are gone.
$4.5oto $1e
Gdristnias GroGnrins and Gand1Gs
We have a fresh stock of Groceries andcan supply you with everything
that is needed to make a Plum Pudding or a nice cake. Our Fruits, Spice
and Candied Peels are fresh.
tay'See our window for big display of Christrstas Candies, Nuts, etc is
You Will buy in greater comfort and have greater variety t
select from if ou doChrist
y yourmss buying early. Stocks here ar
all ready. Come in and see for yourself,
• W • Di
All kinds bf produce taken in exchange,
settle things up iia gat.eral t.I 1,1144
8 tons and 275 pounds of sagas. beets t
wits the retain of the half; acre p ot
wi'ov, n by Robert McDonald, 9th cone
�. cltillo p, t h's Lear. He sold it to
W'iarton Sugar traetorv,
Mrs. W. J. White and enenehters,
Misses May rue and Gretna, of Ottawa,
were the guests of Mrs. Joh=i White
and Mrs. John Sweet.F•Ire- , st. from
Saturday until Tueedee.
Take Laxative Bono Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund themoney if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
is on each box. 25c,
For 1904—Nominations of Munici-
pal Councils will be held this year on
Monday, December 28th. So far there
is not much anxiety as to who shall
represent the ratepayers of Exeter at
the council table of 1904.
Dr, Ovens, of London, Surgeon,Ocu-
list and specialist of diseases eye, ear,
nose and throat, will be at the Com-
mercial Hotel, Exeter, on Wednesday,
January 0th. 1901. Spectacles and
eye -glasses properly fitted,
Rev. E, Searle, returned missionary
from China, will occupy the pulpit of
Main street Methodist church on Sun-
day evening. He will give some ac-
connt of mission life in that populous
country. The pastor, Rev. W. God-
win, will take the usual morning ser-
Miss Anna Beckett, the noted
American soloist has been engaged
for the concert to be held in connec-
tion with the James street Anniver-
sary services on Monday evening
Dec. 14th. She will be assisted by the
best local musical talent, Miss Beck-
ett ranks among the stars in her pro-
tession. A large crowd is expected at
this concert.
Call and see sample copies of tb
two new pictures, "Heart Broken
and "Hard to Choose," given as prem
sums with the Family Herald ao
WeeklyS ar, which are well worth
the price of a year's subscription alon
if you want something nice subscnib
for the TIMES and above paper and
get these two pictures as well as
quick reference map of the Dominion
The county council committee visit
ed the House of Refuge, Clinton, and
as usual found everything all righ
and so reported at the meeting of the
council held in Goderich Last week t
is reported that there may be I
change in the management befog
long through force of circumstances
Mr. French is au excellent manager
and should he decide to retire his place
will be hard to fill, especially in the
incoming year when, ie is expected,
the addition to the House will be
The people of the James street
Methodist church have been fortunate
in securing the services of the Rev.
Geo, J. Bishop, pastor of the first
Methodist church, London, who will
preach their Anniversary sermons on
Sunday December 13th, in the morn-
ing at 10.30, in the evening at 7
o'clock. On the following Monday
evening Dec. 14th, a grand concert
will be held in the church. Miss Anna
Beckett will sing a. number of selec-
tions and will be assisted by the best
local musical talent. There will uo
doubt be a large crowd at the concert.
If you are superstituous abont the
number 13, you ought not to carry in
your pocket or use in any way an
American quarter dollar. Do you
happen to have one about you now ?
If so, take it out and see how it teems
with 13's. For instance : it has 13
stars, 13 letters in the scroll in the
eagle's beak, 13 feathers in the eagle's
tail, 13 parallel bats in the shield, 13
horizontal strips,13 leaves on the olive
branch, 13 arrow heads, and 13 letters
in the words "quarter dollar," The
Teems, however is proof against
superstitions, so that if your subscrip-
tion is in arrears and you have foie of
these unlucky "bits" of which you de-
sire to relieve yourself, we will gladly
accept them for a years subscrrbtion.
WANTED. —A,. boy to learn general
mercantile business, send a written
application, POPPLESTONE & GARD-
ORDER Now.—The TIMES and To-
ronto Daily News for renewals or new
subscriptions at the low rate of $2.00
till Jan. 1905.
property in Exeter, with suitable resi-
dence thereon. Good investment.
FOUND.—In 1'xeter on one of the
side streets a,�ylsir of ;fur gauntlets,
Owner may ptaye saltire by proving
property and paying foe this local.
BETTER Teta* EvER—"The Weekly
Sun" the farmers business paper,
promises to be even more Interesting
to the farmers in 1901 than in the past
The Sun is one of the few papers that
places the farriers' interests before all
o.hers. The TIMES and Sun for $1.75,
J. Bissett will be at the Tosnu;;, Hall
every Friday from,, el :viii' 12 in `the
morning asci reen '1 hill 5o'clock in
the af4ereioolr` tentil Feiday, December
llterand gd"tlee.Tjolfowing Saturday
and Monday Dec. 12th avid; 14th, for
the collecting! of taxed Alentaxes
%rum he pard pn or before Dep,,, •1,4,11303
or 5 pe"r''r ent. additxunal-ivtIf be charg-
time to decide what papers you will
take during the coining year. We
are in a position to make special in-
ducements to anyone wishing to take
a city daily or weekly and in clubbing
with the TIDIES we can save you
money. We have added to out list
many new subscribers during the past
months and to those who are not now
subscribers we will give the balance of
this year free. Send us $1.00 and we
will send the TIMES until the first of
January 1905. Call and nee some of
the premium pictures,
X1,000 FOR AN IDEA. — Here is a°
• e.stance for our readers. To any per-
«son who can suggest premiums that
..can be adopted. and will prove more
,popular and of greater value than the
:two pictures heart Broken" and
etHard to Choose" and the quick refer-
ence colored map of the Dominion
With enlarged maps of this province,
:which are this year given with The
Family Herald and Weekly Star of
Montreal, the publishers of that great
'Weekly will pay one thousand dol.
rats. This year's premiums are core
r . t
Xmas China
Bon Bon Dishes 35c to 75c each.
Berry Sete 1.25
to $1,75teea �b
Biscuit Jars 750 each
5 o'clock Tea Sets 1.25 to $1,35 each.
Blaney Bruit Plates 1,25 to $1.50
Bread and Butter Plates 1.00 to
$1,75 a dozen.
Fancy Royal Art Jardiners and
Vases 50e to $1.75 each
Fancy Salad Dishes 50c each.
Xmas Wrist Bags
Ladies' CC rist Bag, solid leather
brown or black with gold chain
and patent fastener, 75c each.
Fancy Wrist Bags
In black or Brown with chain,
only 50c.
Fancy Wrist Bag in black only
with chain, special 45c and 50c
Xmas Belts
Ladies' Silk Belts with fancy
tnckle and back piece in black
white ank red, special 25c, 50c and
75e each.
Xmas Neckwear
Ladies' fancy Collars in pink,
white, blue and reseda, with lace
and fancy oFeu stitch, very pretty
25c to 50c. each,
Xmas Gloves
Ladies Kid Gloves in tans, greys.
and blacks with fancy stitched
backs every pair guaranteed $1.00.
Xmas Handkerchiefs
vi ry link zt,r`s act lit of fertey
e -
lue Leftist-itched,t ('ked •:nd to
t4 <
br'oidery Ileialkrchiefs 5, 10, 15,
20 and 25 ceele each. Also a large
stock of silk 1-landkerchiefs in plain
and initials 25c, to 50e. ea h..
Xmas Linens
Bleached Table Cloth of very
fine linen, henlstitched, large size
and e doz. Napkins to match for
Bleached Table °loth 2x2e yards
nice border Xmas, bargain $1.25
Fancy Liven Towels. Fancy Lin-
en Tray cloth. Fancy Linen Doy-
lies, Fancy Linen Centre Pieces,
Fancy Linen Side Board Scarf,
Fancy Linen Table Napkins,
All at very low prices.
Table Covers
Fancy Silk Table Covers with
silk knotted fringe. Special for
Xmas. $2.50.
Fancy Chenille Table covers with
deep fringe, pretty colors, makes
a nice present $1.00.
Cushion Tops
Fancy Silk Cushion Tops, nicely
embroidered. Special 50e, and 75c
Kid Mitts
Ladies undressed Iiid Mitts with
fur top, heavy wool lining only
$1.00 a pair.
iiii1y immense value, and will be
,.leard to surpass. However, there is
'$1,000 waiting for any one who can
improve on them.
DIED IN LONDON.—The death took
place at noon on Friday, of Mr. Rich-
ard Evans, at the residence of his sou,
Mr. Malcolm Evans, 191 Bruce street.
Dec ea
sed had
reached the age of 73
years. About three weeks ago he was
taken ill with inflammatory rheuma-
tism, and on Thursday his condition
became quite serious. The late Mr.
Evans was a cooper by trade, and
came to this country from England
when he was seven years of age, De-
ceased's wife died two years ago. He
was a former resident of Elimville.
Three sons -John, of Exeter ; Richard
of St.Thoruas ; Malcolm, of London ;
and two daughters, Mrs. D. Palmer,
also of London, survive. Deceased
was a rnember of Union Lodge No. 380
A.,, F. & A. 0., and also of L. 0. L.,
No, 298. His remains were interred
in the Eliurville cemetery on Sunday
of the directors of the South Huron
Farmers'Institute was held at Hensall
on Wed. of last week. The principal
business of the meeting was to ar-
range for the winter Institute meet-
ings. The meetings will be held at
Exeter and Brucefield on Friday and
Saturday, January 15th and 10th, re-
spectively. There will be an after-
noon and evening meeting at each
place, In addition to the regular
speakers sent out by the department
Messrs. Robert McMordie and R B.
McLeau, Xippen, will take subjects at
the Exeter meetings, and Mr. Robert
Gardiner, of Farquhar,and S. M. San-
ders, of Exeter•, at the Brucefield
Meetings. An effort is also to be
wade to get a lady speaker for all the
meetings. Supplementary meetings
will be held in February at Farquhar,
Crediton, Grand Bend, Hensall, Varna
and Seaforth. The speakers and sub-
jects for these meetings were also
selected. but it is to early to announce
them yet. The Institute is in a very
satisfactory condition, but consider•
Mg the benefits available, there should
be a much larger membership. The
membership fee is 25 cents, and any
one of the many reports sent to all
members is aloue worth double this
amount to any farmer who takes an
interest iu his calling. The great
wonder is that the membership of
these institutes is not at least ten
times larger than it is.
The Felminine, Side., -The athero day
she announcement was made that a
daily paper, devoted solely to the in-
terests of women had made its appear
once in Landon. England,Tlhis is a fair
indication of the development which
has been, taking place in doily journ-
alism the world over. The Toroont
News is one of the papers which; looks
well to the interests of women. Each
dray a chapter of an absorbing series
story (appears, as well as a fiolumn'of
intereatin.g chat far the home. In The
Saturday News generous space is a1 -
lotted Lo the women's department,
ecinducted by Awn •Bleweti•, whose
name is familiar in thousands of Can-
adian Homes. In addition a column of
seasonable receipts is given, and a
wlh+ole page is devoted to a description
of the 1•a,test fashions—dainty erea-
tfi•o;on which: touch the feimininelhe'art
— well: appropriate illustraLians.
Bvecnts in th'e m,usiral and dramatic
world are interestingly written; about
and tae latest books and magizines
newkvwerd. Every Saturday number of
The News es orf absorbing interest to
every Can tdistn. w+om tn.. Nor is .thin
Tarctn,to New& a paper for wolmen"a1-
ctniel., Tylia husband' and brother witil
find in its ealum;ns a .terse tbut oom-
laltietnsive reoard of the day's events,
,,with wnelleanduected sporting; co.m-
etieroial and financial depar.I:ment.
The. prisms; of the News is i.nte•h'eftirng
t .to—' 1.00 a year by mail --which is
e. out the value :o1 the Saturdayedit-
io . 1f you would. utd` i
y like to sera 1;hcvNcws
d Ipr a card Lo Torosba end ask for a
Frelleple copy and, particulars of their
gt# ie.rtaus clubbing offer.
47 ,42i.. !S '7it x alis,.
B retb0 The Kind You Vav Ahoy! Ron ht
S nattu+s
of QCs
For the benefit of tboe.e who did
shall exalt the nation's mighteousness.
We are; canting to the 'light in • . the
temlj eiance reform, after years of
groping in the darkness. :AL first
stung with the direful effetes of drun-
ken ,ess in England, w:hcre signs up-
on t•he public houses reed, "Drunk for
a penny." "Dead drunk far twopence=
Sttna;w! ipnavided.", mein fought far'
m�gdcnatdon. After repeated failures
Of lea dadinki ig an,an to re•fgrmt„ithey
et blase rdeler!ecd that the rondy;sa;feey
was in ,total abeiste.nce. In it
similar way we are grapiang
lin the dnaxk to find a way to
e.xteirminate the traffic. The ' oh-.
jest of able temperance reform is 'to
produce a sober nation one method is
to keep the man away from the drink
firam the. man. One teethed is moral
t'hla other: is to keep •Lhe drink awe y
suasion, the other method is legal sua-
sion,. Both are necessary to produce
selarie ty. No government that de-
sires to conserve the people's morals
should per,'pe,tuate a partnership. with!
Ube Liqua r business. No business has
a ;night to exist in organized society
Oat iib injurious to socinity, is a+n, ac -
reviled dogma' of the political econo
nrist. Prohibition is the only method
of viegulastt'ing ori me, They wethud'of
securing ;prohibition is by sending
man be pariia,meut to demand it. Na-
tions that compromise with: sin<must
pay the penalty. When will nations
lcar.n that only those w•hio follow God's
liiig+la: live! AJngla Saxon" 'chivtadry
1iviceir true to the needs of the hour
when we realTzie 'the im:palitance of
the duty political parties fail to meas -
ilea to the c,oantry',# needs. They
sacrifice the country for the party's
wends We must emulate the spi]nit
of oar fore.fatihers en days of `old
tivp+e'n• !none, was :for• a 1}ar;ty, ;all were
Ler the st•ats.. If need be a new; piaa'ty
must be farmed wi tb the motto ‘"We
.rnuci inaise a standards to which Mad
wise, 'and hawse' can repair ;the event
is in. the hands of God."
At the ccincluenon Miss Cora, Prior
recited a temperance selection.
In a few well clras!cn remarksl taelr.
Gcdwin mowed a vote of thanks to
Mee bete -dreg. Rev. Mr. 'Martin wo-
rgndjed theoloti.on which was warmly
seeppnded to by this audiesoe!e
To the mothers and fatherst of! our
town we would appeal, do you know
venue! your boy is and whee ' dein.-
pa'ny be is in when he is ani until
ageism o'el.ocl'd at night? Surely par-
ents are more at fault liven(the boys.
Spend a few dollars in. reading matter
to make the home more attractive.
The next regular meeting will be
it lel : a t the residence of 11 .
e s Mfrs John
;l dittetchfpa•rl, Dec, 10tJi, at 3 gyp. tm.
brave bhp storm the evening Mis
iggims lac urea, we 'report .as fully
as pansi#rle. All who wean) pirehent
were delegeeted and speak in thebigh-
t praise of Miss Wiggins as a lectur-
e . We only regret that the church
as not crowded to the doors. 'The
rl.'eiidle a neang unavoidably abse.nt•;
Mrs. Gadw+in occupied bba chair. Miss
slued Gladwin sang a solo.,
1n inirbducing tdtte, ewbject foe the
evening "The Twentieth Century
ru,sadp"' ohne, ape'akgr said "Eve,ry,
sin •who leaves his mark upon ; '!the'
t ,nerd's history, was drawn to his task
bysome vision in his soul, divinely
yen Reformers usually attran.t.
seines, but on the, morraw'the eirowd
z1 Cunni bei build the prophet,s sepulc-
h re
Young men and women should de -
awl Ube best from each other —, one
standard of morals and that the high -
t. The White Orris of Chivalry and
t cW White t1he ly Shield a f Purity i,nculGait-
et ,ir tot Life's hiabi tss will matte' a new
standard for the home life where, nob -
ie yccu,nrg m,a.nh,00d and swie & young
naainhaod shall togeither sac'eedle-
se tihn daundati,on of a home life that
Additional Locals on Page 5
MA: 1
And you will want Something Nice for your Xmas
present. We have a beautiful selection of Fanoy
Goods at lowest prices. Come and see P11 our nice display
before making your purchases.
Fancy (Handkerchiefs
A beautiful range of Embroidered,
Hemstitched, Lace and Insertion
Trimmed. A nice little present, from
3c to 50c.
Ladies' Belts
A nice assortment of plain and
fancy Silk Belts, with Oxidised Buckle
front and back, also the very latest in
stock, collars, from 25c to $1.75.
Neck Ties
We can show you. the swellest lot
ever shown for Xmas trade, In the
New Puffs, Arcot. Four-in-hand and
Silk Handkerchiefs
A full line of Plain mid Fancy Hem-
stitched and initialed. From 25 cents
to a $l.
Kid Gloves t2}
All colors and all kinds, a� neat
Xmas Present, only $1.00 to 51.25
for the best.
Neck Mufflers
Nice Silk for 50e
Better Silk for....;.... 750
Best Silk for $1,00
Wray Mufflers for driving, from 25c
to $1.00.
We have had a big season in Furs and still have a few
choice ones left. If you want something good in this line,
we can just suit you in Fur Coats, Caps, Gauntlets, Ruffs,
Muffs, or Caper'ines. Anyone will make a beautiful Gift.
Kr Highest price for Poultry's
Cheap Furniture
Good Furniture
Xmas Furniture
Until the new yearwe
are offering big bargains in
Furniture. 5 per cent discount on all cash sales.
Picture Framing and all kinds ordered work cheap,
Funeral Director and Practicable Embalmer, Opera House Block
You are tern ,I
Quite Right
When you insist on having
Harvey Bros.' Flour. Our
Is made from the choicest
Ontario and Manitoba wheat.
The quality of our
Has been improved by Steri-
lizing it. We sell 10 pounds
for 25e. Give it a trial it is
a "Food" not a "Fad."
Our facilities for handling the chop-
ping trade are unsurpassed. The new
Vissot grinder is giving great satis-
ta ction.
I-tWiRVEY 13108
00060003:. 7eOO,SOOY0000000000
,; A Large, wide-awake, working. 'e
0 hustling result -producing school
m CANADA To -DAY. Graduates al- a
0 ways get positions. This college places O
g1 many ofits graduates in other business N
gf colleges as teachers.
Handsome catalogue free.
11 L OLD
These Dyes will dye Wool. Cotton,
Silk, Sate or Mixed Goods in one bath
—they are the latest and most improv-
ed lye in the world. Try a package.
All colors at C. Terre, Exeter.
We wish to thank our many cus-
tomers for their valued patronage
during the year 1903 and respectfully
solicit a continuance of their valued
We also invite all who contemplate
building in 1904 to call and inspect
our stock which will be found com-
plete in every department, and at
prices that will justify them in placing
their orders with us.
We manufacture
Packing Boxes and Crates
and Bee Keepers Supplies, such au
Beehives and Hive Fittings.
Satistaction Guaranteed
Complete assortment of uo•to-date
_ c ta, les
Best Quality, Lowest Prices, also
full supply
_dross ()Oki
Note Books, &c.
Medicines and Chemical
Toilet Articles
Brushes,. Cotnbs and Perfumes,