HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-12-10, Page 5, Npoj134 POPPLESTONE & GAIl,l1INER.. POPPLESTONE & GARDINER. General Meroinwnte. General Merebante. XMA You are a . it if y ti Buy from .: ro z -61111St as ,.A Pres . >. is hi 1 Pillow Shams, Brussei's Net, finely embroidered at 60e. each o ;, fri Pillow Shams,, elegant design, well embroidered at Mc. each. la Sideboard Scarfs, fringed. drawn threads, oval and square corners at 25e. n tt 50e. tlit pg a t Sideboard Drapes, very long, open brie brae patterns, knot- ted fringe at .,.... 5 O'clock Tea Cloths, large size, knotted fringe, drawn thread around centre piece, lovely pattern, at. . , .ri O'clock Tea Cloths, hemstitched border, biro brae corner design and centre, lovely corner and centre designs at •75c. Tray Cloths in pure Linen. at 25c 50c 75e. Table Mats, in pure white Linen, fringed, hemstitched and drawn threads at 5c 12ic 15c. Table Cloths, pure white linen, beautiful drawn borders, in brie brae patterns, flower design, size 8 x 10 at...- t3 CO S11k flaudkerchief Children's Silk Handkerchiefs, finely embroidered with silk worked edges, white, blue, pink, cardinal, at 7c. Uhilt3ren's Silk Handkerchiefs, cardinal, pink, blue, white, silk embroidered at 12ic. Ladies Silk Handkerchiefs, pure white,fancy, hemstitched at 25c. Ladies' Mourning Silk Handkerchiefs, Week entl roidered at 25e. and 50e. Ladies' Pure White Silk.Handkerehiefs, white embroidered at .25c, Hemstitched Silk Handkerchiefs at 25c 35c 50e 75e Initial Silk Handkerchiefs, all letters, at 25c. and 50o........ Black Hemstitched Silk Handkerchiefs, large size at 50c. Fancy Colored Silk Handkerchiefs, colored border with white centre, also colored centre and white border at 50c. JI• m aand Di X C/1 Ties pit In Silk,Chiffon, an d embroidered, latest produc- o tions for evening wear at 25; 35; 50; Qa 75c, $Po0 $I.25 ...‘,• Gents Ties All new for Xmas, ro dozen to select from, rang- ing anging in prices, from 25; to 50c... ss ni Gent's Mufflers m,, gGent's Black Satin and Silk Muffiers, silk back and quilted at 50c. d Gent's Fancy Black Silk Mufflers colored satin backs and 3 quilted at 75e. pP.4Gent's Black Silk and Satin Mufflers, Colored satin. quilted backs at 75c. Gent's Black Silk Folded Mufflers, colored satin backs at ,.$1.00 Gent's Black Silk Shaped Mufflers, colored Satin borders very latest style at $1.00 i4 ZRussian Horse at $7.00 Black Persian Lamb at .7.00, $8.00 aGrey Persian Lamb at $3.50 l PI „3„,,, Crockery and . (:),-, .E, p, Glassware (140 Pa flr Xmas Furs Children's White Laub Boas, full fluffy wool, one yard long worth 35c. for 25c. Fur Ruffs, Stoles, Boas. at 2.75, 3.00, 3 50, 4.00, 4.50, b.00, 6.50, 7.50, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, '612.50... Fur Caperines at 4.00, 5.00, 6.50, 7.50, 8 00, 10.00, 12.50 and $15.00 Fur Caps Beayer, Astrachan, Persian n Lamb GreyLamb, Seal from $2.00 to $6.75 Men's Fur Coats at 18 CO, 20.00. 25.00, 30.00, 35,00, $40.00 Ladies' Fur Coats at 25.00, 30.00, 82.00, 85.00, 37.50, $40.00 Fur Mitts All kinds of Xmas Crockery and Glassware. The kinds and pieces are too numerous to mention in this small space, We can show you an immense variety at prices that will suit you. Visit 1:ti . us Xmas Gio s POPPLEST f NE 6..RftINER w. tai ro 0 ro ro rDA �• O p g EO Oue Door 11011li ot rest '011166 II • Terms -Cash or Produce, d Li) 1' � Cl OPPLESTONL at. GAEDIN.CB. 1?01?1.i'LBSTON ,' 8t GA,R.IIIN'i;It, 'm General Merchants. Ganeital Martr�anta. T 1'iI NG 1'ON Bow 111411i 41111011 4 1904 ? roepsnee (tetINTER we should. begins lea ed to Lave you with us.. None but those of good character admitted. Good moral influences, superior eystems and instructions. Rail- way fare to $10 refunded, Ask for sraaolAa; Peorosrrloe. Catalog "D" tolls it all. A. L. BRiJWN, Principal. Phone 45 Leamington, Ont. �cr Locals Speonia bargains in ovnro.ats at Mrs. W. D. Yeo's. nes. P. 33awrlen,, who hats ban on the sick list is slowly ian;piroviu '. A ton .of .sugar beets• yield¢ 210;1 as. of Mined l sugar. leer,. W. Jeckeil'e tea:bags on Vic- e., .,tion, i9 r•l'^nt fee• a btnQk r., x rrame stable on 'bis property_ on Alndrew St. Mr$. A.. Huaebngs is in i3'uelpb this week attending the winter fair as, a delegate trona the Wazuan's Institute The present cold weathelr ma 1ab.a ooa:l business active, M.r. W_ . Lovett, delivered 41300 lbs, or. Tues ay of this week. Items ,ane Atkinson are holding a spacial sale from ,now. until Jens t. L904,'and ,are giving some great' gains in Xmas furniture. See ad. in acnat,lyar eolumn. laLrs. (Dr.) liannea has returned home from Chatham, whither she was walled awing to the illness of the fam- ily of her daughter, Mrs. F. E. Mai- ott. They have now all .recovered. Mr. Chas. Snell, of the Eiecirie.I'a;- er Co. has a staff of ;mea busily engag edi In building a brick addition eto,:hds power house to be used as a chopping mill. Ile will add new mac'hineryand brave the will in operation in a short time. Mr. David Glints pla•n,te:d a peck, of seed ;potatoes in the spring and had the vary eat.isfaoto'ry yield et four bushels of very fine potatoes. He.s'tat es Lhat the variety planted were: erntir e'ly free from the potato bug, , being proof 'against its ravages. Mir. Fred Ssve•et, who has recently been a 's!1.udhlnt of Goderich •, Mede,l School, has accepted a position as tea - coheir at :1i;irkkon. We oangratulate Fred torn his success in his exabnine:Li- ons,. rand bespeak for the scholars ( of Eirkton school a•teacher who is• thor- oughly equipped for his work. Mr. 1B . Maki.u's' has remavtilhis lwundry to Lhe brick building .doneoor south of his old stand. H>avang. pur- alzae►sd •thea •,piftnt eat the St. •Marys steam lasundry, has had it installedou the new pte;misea and will now be better 'able than ever to meet the wanes lafrs ever inoreasing trade. de. Seale of Work, -.The Ladles Guild of e tMe Memorial i o the Ta •tiviz C znoz a Church ry ll h ld a sale of world, of plainand fancy;a'r- tlieles, ort Dee. 151ih, commcncin;,g: et 3 o'eiock. Afternoon tea will be serv- ed at 5 o'etoeki, .There will also >be a mole]. evening with trefresli'ments Aram seven : until ten o'clock. The Ne,w Gook Book will be among the articles for sale. Admission ten cents !Beware of Burglars. -The banks whose hea'dquaet;ers aro in Montreue harm been notified by the Police De- partment of that city that a ;band{ of 4 , Consumption is a human weed flourishingbest in weak lungs. Like other weeds it's easily destroyed while young; when old, sometimes im- possible. Strengthen the lungs as you 'would weak land and the weeds will disappear. The best lung fertilizer is Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork is good too, but it is very hard to digest. The. time to treat consump- tion is when you begin trying to hide it from yourself. Others sce it, you won't. Don't wait until you can't deceive yourself any longer. Begin with the first thought to take Scott's Emulsion. If it isn't really consumption so much the better; you will soon forget.it and be better for the treatment. If it is consump- tion you can't expect to be cured at once, but if you. will begin in time and will be rigidly regular in your treat- ment you will win. Scott's Emulsion, fresh air, rest all you can, eat all you can, ' that's the treatment and that's the best treatment. We will send you a little of the Emul- sion free. Be sure that this picture In the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto, Ontario. 'J. T 1 N ' D+ (`, R I 1 I#a B, lOtll 1)011. lgive ante ,aien of operating in tlntaarle Upon receipt of that notice the .banks in Montreal bane slut cirenlers to all their breerchesl erdelring theta,. to!ta•ke every pre'ew'utioa to guard their preen. ses,. School Contieirt.-Tito Literary and Seiraititie society. of our public school• intend giving a concert in than cera house, on Detyefnber 22nd., The pro - enamellers will consist of choruses, re- el tatnons dialogues and drills, There Iola also ba a dw.br ae on altesolved that Manual Labor has done more:for Uhe country than Mainlinety." As this is the first eonoeat given by' the pupils of the school, they shoull be en- eoturupped by the !parents and ettizens, of our town, by turning out azud'heip- ing to:n ake this concert a euccess, ' Mir. Wilbur O:karti:n, after a pleas- a4nt and •protrita'b1e time of some neonate -past spent in Winnipeg( 11La•n. returned home ou Monday evening Last. Wilbur was employed ie the De- ipeintmentel 'More .of J. Robinson 'ee, Ca., mad waa generally well liked( by employvirs and staff. but we undcr- J;(tund he has now come home to stay tai i w.ill e:4.3,tr on otbe.r pursuits here. 1 i rsc ac Vesper and famii'y,left siti Tu'resi'aly morning for Toronto, whore they will. reside. 11Ir. Vosper ha:v'ing seouzd employment :n' that aid y Organ Recital --,The organ recital and sacred concert in Trim's Mcmor- lal ohureh on Tuesday evening in aid of the organ fund was well attend od. The choir of the church, assisted by members of the choirs of the other churches, under the leadership et Prof J.;anes peens a number of ehorouses Which. showed careful training. The solos by Mrs. Perkins and the organ retina by ''ref. Jonas were also much, etnjieste1.. The proceeds we re graiffy- ing. After the oencert a lunch was eorve,l by file ladies, in the school room to those taking part in the programme. An I)xeoe.r iioy Staffing tape --Bram ;the Ye'rkton, Assa. Enterprise. we learn :sat Mr. J. 1:. Grationy,'if the firm of Magee & Gregory, heal'Es- tate end lumber dealer of that place is spekon of as a strong eandidate•for the position of Mae oe, of that town. Mr. Gregory is 'a son of our esteemed townsmen, Mr. 'Thomas Gregory, and is making a mark for himself in the N2+ot iovesta When first be e nt out followedi o heh s I•r fessian that of school teacher„ giving that up shorit- iy:after w.a.rds to enter the real estate tu:nrber and, tinsuzlanne businese in which he has been eminently success- ful. Should he decide to become a candidate tor the mayoralty, we voice the sentiment of his many friends he'r'e in wishing him succeed n t the polls. Banner Anniversary.. -she anniver:• sary an connection with the Main-ts,t. Medhedist church, held on Sundae, last may well ow t laimsd to be the banner anniversai y in the church's hist'cir,y, Rev. C. W. Brow-(, 13.A. B. D. of Mitchell, conducted both servic es. The weather was delightful, the roads good and every:,bing was as rave available as could ba'dereire•d. Mr Bronext is no stranger to the people of Exe- ter and vi1oinity, and from many aid tnidnds he; received a kindly greeting and it was evident from the large,con gneigati,ue!ns present that he still re- tains a wairm .place in the- affections of tlxe pe,oplo in town and . country. The church was filled both morning and evening wish people of all denom- izna`-ions and we are sure none were dtisappoirnied, for as an earnest, plain ptnaceical gospel expounder, Mr Brown has gtrow^n as years have passed and dnpe•riences multiplied. In the even- ing the church was filled to overflow- ing. On 11Tonclizy evening as announc- ed Rev. E. Medd, Pb. D., a. Hensnl1, gfa.v,e his ,pu'puilar lecture on "Wooing and Wedding." A large audience greeted the lecturer and for two hours he held the close attention of hisheaners as if by magic, andi was only iintertrwpted by the frequent out bursts of applause which his wit and , hunter brought forth. The lecture I from start to finish is brimful of good, sensible, solid, practical advices to • y'oueng men and women and Should be vets !helpful, and was, pronounced, Iby a:.1 prea°ratt to be the moat enjoyable profittable 1 'avec i• tene'di to a. -id bl a is in Exeter: The chair under the'eagelr- ele'se of Mr. D. A. Ross, ,renidrredt ex- celle,et music throughout the services and the duetts by Misses Gidlesy utsa Huston, were much enjoyed. The financial returns of the anniver- sary ,netted the handsome sum of $250.00 which is in cxre.as of any pre- vious aarsxiiversary. bua;glars have Unwind for Canada tori tit Winchelsea Ti h fallowing is the report of school Secuuori No 6, Osborne, for the month of November. Names in order cf mer- it: -V„ May Janes, Rani kiagar,Mag- g;i.e Coward ; Sr. 1V., 01iv+a,•Rorryleill, Flossie lPraneis, May Delbric'i •c; Jtr. W., Almeria. Heywood, Vera' 'Weals - burn, Willie Mord; Sr. III., Laura God bolt. Nettie. Campbell, .Verla•Cree- nyt ; J;r. III.,. N,dltlia, Hey w Bred, V ird a Berry'hill, Annie Elford ; Jr. `CII.' Lulu. GGad•f?oft, Clartei:sae (ree:ry.'Lilla: t y- waod ; Sr. IL, Ella Veal, .Lila Wash, - burn, Hubert Jonas; Jr IT., Alm da CouLt.is, Jno. Cheery, Arnold Clark ; Sr Pt. II-, Lillis Go,dtboit. ;Sr, Pt, II.,, Jno B•roick.--D. McDougall, and A,'nna E. Matrltin, Tenlchattes• Centralia -Mr. Wren Shc,asclawn spent Sun- day in London. -Miss Marguerite Sandford is home an her holidays. -A ;number from here citeuded.the el:Avert vert an: OreadiLola, Der. 2'nd. They repart ai geed time. -Mrs. (Reev) llutie% has returned hose after spending a few weeks with her dto ghte•r, Mrs. Macdonald, of of Detroit. --llfirts. Andersen; leaves ton F.ridlsy Morning for Toronto, where ehel wi�i1 i s,tnd, unlet. Cbrii,st,mas with her 'Ota - g'h,Let, Miss Lilly. After Christmas She expects to visit friends in ICala- i•m,aacio, MiCi3. -At the box seas' on Wetdnestlra;y I evening, Dee. 2nd., at the residenoei Of Mr. Bie'tercl Quin.ton's, Dr. Orme and sea attd$z; alldrm sed ('drill Abbott gave a number of selettt. 1 TINY TONIC TA$UiTS ' •?' freshen a.nd purify .,F sallow, blotched skins Pimples, blotches, a sallow or discolored skin, generally indicate impure blood. Do not trifle with complexion powders. Take a proper tonic laxative that will remove the cause. Iron -Ox Tiny Tonic Tablets, by . cleansing and invigorating the digestive organs and stimulating the removal of poisonous waste, make pure, rich. blood. When the blood is healthy and abundant the skin becomes clear and fresh, unsightly blemishes disappear, natural color returns. Why not try? Fifty Iron -os Tablets, in an attractive aluminum pocket case, 25 cents at druggists, or sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, The Iron -ox Remedy Co„Lireited,Walkerville, Ont. inns on (leis guitar and mandolin, for which they nateived great praise.' -.The ec+ngnagation of the Centralia Met'hodis't church purpose not cling• their aeiniversary the. 20th and 21st, of Dec. The Rev. H. Ayerat, of Luoan I will preaa4oh both morning and even- ing, tied will addriasa the Sunday j Sdhool in the a f tesinoon. On Mon- day night a Lust -class supper will be served •at the church, after which an i excel.lent programme, oonsisting of !addresses, Instrumentals, do is, dialo- guns, re'ahtatiens, solos. and drills will be' given. Everybndy came and en - I joy tbnmselveis. Zurich -Mr. W. C. badlfas has reeved from Dashwood to uZrich. -We have another barber in the parts n of Mr. Hu.rneas. of Exeter. -tileesens. Henry Brown and Jiacob IEtngland have returned from Dakota. -111re. Peter Woolley la quiteill, a.t !present and is under medical treat - Ime+o t. -Division Court wias bald here on Wedmessday, L 'Lim sitting Vas not la very lengthy one. -Mr. ''Morris Hamacher, has, secur- "e;3 a situarian for the 'winter, at•Sea- 'LorLb, ait soft for that place last I week/. I -Mr.. Abraham Geiger, who perch- ' ase the house and Lot from Mr. P. :Hauch, same little Lime ago, moved in last week. j =hfr. G'eo'rge Appel has moved to Ghee house 'rcaisntly va'oetese by • • :Mr,. Fred Rummell, who is now located in his, new dwelling. -Mr Jacob Wurm broke Lha rre- cord for quack work in the flax pniull lhe;r'taa, on Manday, having finish: «d 115 Lbs in' 4 1-2 hotts'ns.. Thie is said to be considered extra quick work. -Mr. A. G. Mines, or the Zurich Read has sold his farm, to Mr, Robert Porterfield, of Clifford, for + he sttm cif x$7,500. The Term Is consider- ed one of the finest in the Township of Hay. -Mr. Frank Dennmy, of St. Joseph, has arrived home from Duluth, atter spending the summer on the lakes., as a marimr. He quit the ship the last plane where she went into quarters for the winter. 'n under.the_ au - --Atn einlerba,>, nt m�es ap}c, s of Live L,utiseenten Church S.ab- ba,l!h Schaal will takte place there ,cin or ,about Christmas eve. The scholars Neill be the principal partici- pants. Further particulars later. -Miss Ada Witwer, who has been residing in Detroit, for some +time past, arrived borne on Tuesday evening, when she mot with a hepr- ty welcome, not alone from parents and metltatbives, but from friends and acquaint a•noes. -Mas. Weir, of Manil•owanning,i is in. town and expects to spend most of the winter with her mother, Mrs. Henry Ortwein, of the South end. Mrs. Weir has been in that part of New Onta,ri•a for five years and epeaks vor:y highly of the country and its future prospects. -Mr. W. i3eedpir was at Oran,berry Island near Wia;rt'on ,Iaat week, look - tog ;atter his and Mr. Mager's interest in the ceder pur4hascd, there . last stainer, a cargo of 'which arrived' at St. Joseph in the fall and which was straw etc people for soenehhing in the neighbor- hood of 30,000, the amount neces;hr'y to comer the distance between $i. Jo- e+a'llh and' Stratford.. • Bears the The Kind Yeu Have Always Bought Signature of TRAY ED -&�c ./1f. From the premises of R'hertJohns ton on or before the 5th of Nov. A red yearling heifer, Any person knowing her eehereabouts please inform me nud oblige. ROBERT 301iNSTON, Woodham. . NOTICiE TO CttEDITOHS. ' Iu the matter of the Estate of William Lewis,late of the Tnwnship of McGilli- vray in the County of Middlesex, Yeoman, deceased. Notice is hereby_Rhen pursuant to "The Re- visedt3ta'utesof tutarto; 1397, Chapter 1-"9, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said William Lewis, who died on or about the 13th day of November, 1003,are required on or before the 1st day of January 1901, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs Gladman & Stanbury of, the pillage of Exeter, Solicitors for the Execntora of the said estate their chriatian and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full partioulars of oirclaims, the statement of their accounts, an the nature of the securities, if any, held by therm, And further take notice that after such last meutionoa date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto, aving regard only to the claims of which they shall then hare notice, and that the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been receiv- ed by them at the time of such distribution. GLADMAN & STAN/WRY. Solicitors for the said Executors, Dated at Biker the 7th day ofDecemter, 1903. EXECUTRIX' SALE Farm, Farm Stock and Implements ..Mr. Ii, Brown has received instruc- tions to setll on Lot 4, Con'cessiom 8, Stephen on FRIDAY, DEC. 9, 1903. At 1 o'clock p. m .sharp. The following valuable. property of C. Frank , Chambers, dece'aised. Farm Lot No. 4, con. 8, 5te!phen Township. eoattatinin,g 100 acres, well improved land. The sail is clay ham, cleat, and well farmed and very productive. On the .premises are a bank barn, brick foundation 45 x 70, and a brick house with frame kitchen and woodshed. There are two gond wells on the prem- ises. 10 mares are in fall wheat and seeded wtitlb timothy, and about thirty wares for spring crop, the :;balance be- ing in grass. Will be sold subject to oeirt•avn aharges. Also the following c'•ha cFels. : 1 Maxwell churn; 1 cook stove; 1 heater.; 1 lounge, 1 kitchen table; 1 pew supposed to be in calf; ; 3. cows new aal'ved ; 6 calves 10 months old ; 3 one-+J1aer old heifers; 3 calves three wed old ; 1 draft horse ; 1 driving 'colt year old:, ; 1 sow : 8 pigs three months old ; McCormick binder ; Masser -Harris mower; McCormick rake ; fanning mill ; drill ; roller ; root pulpae; snuffler; Diamond har- rows; ar- r ows; Disc harrows ; 2 plows, ; cream aopara.oar, "Empire" ; platform scales, wagon; bay rack; sleigh; cutter ;bar noes; poultry; roots ; grain; bay an:d said to the Electric Railway Com- pany ter fencing purposes. While lihsre, Mr. Bender gave contracts to 1r1oal man to get out a furlLhetr' awe ply. These :genitlemne have a turtle - or contract in vie* with tbs Electric Positively no Reserve. For terms of sate see bills or aeppiy to GLAD11rAN & STANBURY, Solicitors. H. BRowN, MRS. ALMA CHAMBERS, Auctioneer. Executrix. HOW IT'S DONE. It's from the stomach the blood is fed and t'he nerves controlled: Inadigested food ferments for lack of gastric juice. The fermentation and putre- faction in the stomach and alimentary canal are the main causes of disease. 1t upsets the nerves. It poisons the system, Dr. Leonhardt'a .Anti -lit increases the necessary, sup. ply of gastric juice in queer. tity and quality to insure e perfect stomach action. It bus similar action on bile formation. Anyone can prove this for himself by addressing Wzxsox-Er els Co., Niagara falls, Ont., for free sample, ,Ca'Yw:!iY ;utter:?! Do yo Want We bare the finest: stock in town• :til the latest styles, iia the eewee colors. Our prices are low as can be founw for first-class material and a of Tainan ship. BEFORE YOU BUY GALL f ND SEE Ufi.. SSG!! Two Doors South Tott•r lien. MEDICAL t141. 1311O1'eliiiil, au, D (a, • P. ts, (,rnau„i, Vlel •'10 , •rsity cfliee ui,,: r.swea ss, i,nin:uro. Le hors. - tory, Exeter, 1)F�1'AL 11 itlNe alAN, L. D. 8. AND' .; T 1t. A.it 1,.IA8AQAN, L. D. S.D. 13 3., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. bad tiif5e { eadt'eq e, Office in iFapn- Fan - sures block. West side of Maim treat, Exeter• IDA. AIS Sail, (D. • S. L D.S. DENTIST. ifonor Graduate of the Toronto University and Royal Coi,]ege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Post-gradduate of Chicago School of Prosthetio Dentistry (with• honorable mention. Everything known to the Dental Profession. done in this office. Bridge work. crowns, al- Iuniinum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac- tion, Office one door south of Carling Jiro's store Exeter. Ont. INSURANCE. MONEY TO LOA1' Private funds to loan on Farm property at Four and one half per omit. ERNEST ELLIOTT. nONEY TO LOAN et have iidvgsmnupon farmer village property e at Lowe rates of interest. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter. UNE �zT TO We have a large amount of private tends to loan on farm and villageproperties atlowrateoo- of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers Solicitors, Main -St. Exeter. IFOAL. RED ELLIOTT BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC.. Stoney to Loan OFFICE-(Formerely of Elliott and Gladnian,> MAIN STREET, EXETER. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Maisons. Bank, Etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE :-ritAIN STREET, EXETER. 8. R. DARLING B. A. I.. 8. DIcirsoy FOR SALE --BRICK .RE SIDENOE WITH AN ACRE OFLAND IN EXETER -We offer for sale on reasonable• terms, that very desirable residential property known as "The Hooper Homestead" situated, on Lot No. 86, south of Huron Street, Exeter. There is erected upon the land, a comfortable - and commodious brick dwelling, also the necessary outhouses. The house is in good re- pair and has 9 rooms. The lot contains an acre• of land andis excellently adapted for garden ing or fruit growing. There is a plentiful sup- ply of hard and soft water, The property is up• to date and the terms easy.for particulars ap- ply to bxcssox & O.Rx.nvo barristers Exeter or to A. E. HooPER. Row P. 0„ Penna, U. A., proprietor. IT PAYS TO FEED IT' Wor,Lbiexgton's Canadian Stock Ton- le is given a preference over all other• Steck Foods by lsaTg+e and experienced feeders apart from the foot that it ie less than half the price of any other 'Dtc,ar,.Sir , I have fed your Stock Tonic to cattle and like it very much. It mak-, et1 tthem thrive well and put icxniflesh m'a're rapidity. I think it is the beat, Wavle I have fed to horses. We are also feeding it to our hew this,' win- tetr and they are laying better,,than ttsey have, done far' a loins time. , Lt pays to feed it. Fr ours Trull?, JAMES LBASi . Feeder SeeetpsiUakes Fat Cattle. Prov. Wieeter Fair, 1901-2 Greenbank 1'. 0., Feb. 23, 1903. Dear Sir. --I had a mare stocked itis bot'is lege. Worthington's Stoek!Foed took at down 'completely and put: her it good candittsoii It hhs donee,- nay cows good. Think it a good thing and se!a;n wacu'psm'eed it., B. CH'U11,CBILL•, "D'airy'man annttaal, Son 17 tis, 1003. 10 lb. box, 200 feeds, 500); 50 lb. seek 32,00. Fet salts by Carling Bios. Bxetter; Cook & Son, Hetusall; 3. G. "young.