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Exeter Times, 1903-12-10, Page 4
N ;,- r .lrefrxrcoa r t L11111A.Ii ' Ii 144 6 - �.-IQfQuo,47, , 13wlt; �.4'iN1o4w%p', - 1,14.4 �v,, as:, �`-�,.,,_ ,1.1,111 Amft, a1ua41tiLDa 4 1 1 gg, 34 py " �y���T/ �1OIVKimber•• all members pi;eselnit, „ nlltlly u111 Illlmuunuuu ., ^> [ Appetite H' � • Bowels 31�125527s. tlild4r & k%os'ter, eontrao mwl,uw,nlun,gl,ulll III I I IIII t .: :`•i='.,. All the news epi laerest to ,collsgatedlF' `Tongue coated? taxis of the Schwalm Drain werograut „ ,. , ? • qd an extension of time until the 5W - �I� Bead ache" Its our avert -_____ ____ �-.-1t � t .,.r� •i�, �.�Xllleb �.'�C'iiGf.lb ��ii�'J�aG1a1I1� ? y da;yrrf t1.u�'ust= 190h. in lvhioh to,oam� _ Aces Pills ax's liver pills, al pL'let!e, tdre+icr* aaxgtraca, L=1 CA _ Aft i cA ���5� iu these Coiintles. On, mo,t,Con it was prdened tho,nom� URIA r , ��, ^vegetable. lsoidccr a.o;eerao:. ,, »'oxlnfdnts and Cxictxeu, r tinier c r- owns ,rag , lioa,tim for reeve and' counoi'l1Urt . l la r r , ! - luekd at elle, 4crvnn hall, an:lVland'ay, the I ..t , J `� J 9 `;� `^' I I I Miss Aggie Porter has resumed her ° Wgint your moustache the or beard ,28Uh ,qt I7!c(c�mbeorl, at Lira h;aur;"o4f,ane � � - The p� p� ,II�i� I I, z frc>z�utelr as%tuo:n iii. th3 Clinton eget- allrearttlfulbro�vrAoxmicltblack? LJsd xr'alaek in tiro afLernoan need uz Sage _ � .. - _��1•S OI,W N�- , ctf%kvl polls will. be a e.'n- • �c 7 pall be zyequirad, 1y xti - �p-.- I_ i ._ .� , Mr, 1vTdzlzian Srrttze;x liaissal less �� e'd,on Mcond,a,y, tlia 4th day;p'f , Jan- k�n� ;i :_ t fa•r'ta to� A'Ia 'l:lt on of 1 ha 1 0 Tile of wing being ap -lt , . , t Om ll& , ilr(llr r, iii ti D uAr yv �,4 tf- �_'_ x_,_� _+ . • .•W,++b L , j '4`".:" •,�,t% � ":a ;W,�:Iu `..m ^' '. ., -:v - form° a halnasame Agurvs. t n. k, R I,t s41uA • $• p,cunted Oputy .r"e.,turnipg a ttieerA Coir A"', f;, ,,, f c• -.11c co., xx x 11 I r w. -.a «• a '*g L1eTF1'�oarallcl,.or.As�� out l ' v .a .».Z_ —T, " '. T1ut xk,m,ains gat lho. late rllxs. Il. Al- , t'hKN rpopul ave pall,iag sub-'dlviszdnsy r, 4� e.� , ff �� . .+� . .• . F' ' ,, ., • ..:...., _, • <I •,...,, ., ,•„•... � Lay, formc:r�ly of Godirrich, rr•liasa � _..,_...- ,•,... 1 --Schaal hoarse S, S. No, 2, J. Ilawkimty i 5{iltilrZE;ll�; C,fi::f4rtiE?t't1Regul3» Aw death e+cone»reel in tllusl„u, Bears Pi mere Tlip stirika at C1axk & Ca'sl flan will ?-Sohaal hauise, S. S. No: 14, ;tae. Boat. IiDe, thestairu ch3alidi3oweisOfthe 0 I Stands any ,est brought to Godariah for interment. St•. Marys, is over, and an a:inloable tbron.;, 3--.fPQw0 Hall, Frctd I>etsls, sr.; CD . � � { br t I Mr. W T. O'Neil, grocer, of Clinton 4 -Schaal Howse, S. S. Na. 4, ;D. Suij- � µI �' �la '. .'i • »s � I .The most severe judgment of the expert tea taster renounces pettL::ment hynving boom arrived �1 �,�t j g p has, owing to the recent explosions of LeLri�mn the .firm and choir employees. _.__ Signature ""�'� a:t 1�, v e;rUs ; 5-;Sohaol< house, S. S. No. x2,..Ii, , I. �' '"�”. "�` ' � Cf' - Blue 124bbon Tea absolutely the best. Why? acet'yiecuw gas pliltnts at Rid -go town Ha.gyaxrd's Yellow 0.11 takes out pain Saricrusc (1--r�nc+ll's' office l?as9rywaoti L� u . s_no coarse a,nt%, L,iippeyi, ddsc+an:l1'na0`d tihe use of xe,aueats swell':x!:g and allays laflinima,. J. Snia11; 7-,SeJzaal ]rouse, S. 5.,'No.' 3, �':GS17G E5ZiS eSlir)R,Cite rfCtl- • It is free from tat nin and Caller Mi=ter s.bst�l�cs his and had eletCcric light installed. y -' S •� a , g x t -loin. Cures Rheumatism, Stiff .Clines, V,gywr ; 8 ,B,issgne(bt0 BlocgC, ` I acss lildResmontains neither A l)rQilS lsa!7eSrnplOyeC ill Its TYlalfilri xf you >uad taken twaaf CarAcx sLi'b I jgirvts, Cantma}cte.d;CbardsSone' 7'hroaL S.psincaax', ns>d +Lhtat a by be pasweii I (�`„tt?fl,ZorilillE TtorTliACrcli. ®A �- r The taste is pure, rich and creamy: that nameless quality, that t!� Diver Pitts bolero a atirwg ycia Group, Quinsy, cNe. It •does not sltain to tba:tt eEfecb. N$� � 1-T)QUC OTIC. - • P signifies to the expert and lovers of true tea. that it is the best ,would mac ba.r a liad that batt L•ast-6.1,13 t!In ,;kin v,t �aoil they clothing. Price . 'Acaotanta, -;mounting th sonr00inig I ,` i your mouth or coated tongue this 125c._..,. . leaves and shoots of the tea plant properly cured, � �ty�r ;si�4,3• ,were passed and arde,rs to , _ _ utorming,• Kee)? a vial wit you for A tela meetL•ng was�lield in $t. Marys � be paid, but as they �vil1 s�,au appear �J „TrjcoFC•:%�:+-.':,:1f1F PrrC 7� + I” ' ,ccasi anal use. 4 t I1Te-bDdist school •roam, glve{n by ih in dia4a,iil, with ot:h'ers ,passed ,fro!m- I 0 Airs. Robertt; ShorLreed •saes dls rolsevl ( ' , p 1'u,,,rlr"� 5� t ladies •af this church, Th'e money-rais- I ti;mo tlol time', in the Finalnc,t'al Stator ICI ,fL6r?Jv?:. 'I Iq:I of "h 'r farm in r42orris to Duncan Laid- `ed to go in aid of pure as n6 presents (1n!fitat salon to ire iss-a , do ,n0,t deem l c• r 1d. + l'iyrlt,;igf,Lhe,samne to�wuirhip. This, fasln for the .poor at ChrisiVnIas. expedient to Lake up space rviL'h them tl pmmrne - ' It It iofi�s! a very choice ana on the 9th line, All disorders causod by a billious I art +ppes�elnt, r�+;�Ond�noh.t a,— 11 q ! I Ucotntaiiniag 150 acres, on which is also, st'a,Le ,cif the. system can be ie T'ed, by Dolancil entrain a.djourne:d Lo metat I r Sr.scur I, , a quantity of valuable timber,. The using Carter's Little Liver Pills, No again on Llae 15th., lust:., at oneto'cllgck � y•"'-"J,yr r:J A14m,, �U S ji !I I & 407 price paid .ir is $8400. palm, griping err disoomfort attending p. mr Q -A Alr; Win. Bolt, of SChivu, Sytephe�'n •tlieire rise. Try them. A„elfectReiz'cdy i'ol'Coasups- •township, met wil,h •a very serious ac- TZ,r. Andrew' Enox, one of tibia , . ,. ,i �aa suould be ms's IC fox tue cidEuL. n, Le:ry days ago, IIo i3 TD1l- a ITS WITA2 TT I,LAD,S 10 E: it! ,Sour tom,zch,Diarrhoea, �3Yacls, 1� l Gee c. 7rl'ift7 Red 34abe3 i'a plane -Ts of Blairslttard, died at his --- Worms,CCrlvulsions,leverish- +In;g on a. load of st,paw, mboni he •fel'E e� flcias Green hr!ina in . that torr nshdp lass Tlu2,s- off, F0 fra<aturing some of !his ribs. , As , ' , ness a-adL0S9 oI SLEE11P i clay, at the adva13cerl at,e,af 93 yearns. That inaioas Catarrh enol a dreaded - = he is .over 80 years of, age. it is feared He ti's swrvived ''by -his wife, ,rwha 'lies dise:4se. If you have Ca tarprh tain;L•, 1 r Over 'I Itis injuries may go eel iously wlthhim been an invalid far years, and a. farm- drropping in Lhe throat, if• you hawk a0�inui Signature of 1 CONSTIPATION CIIREIy ,On,'Wetl,nesday' last, at high no,on, ily of one son and wNnyr;al daughters, and spit and have a stuffed, upfeel- . I 1°r�c�V. �1�+ A ® ��� Bank':--- a vary aloe but ratty Nveddim6 took 11 Thirlay Yeara. Aire. J'am•es Clark, Commanda, Ont, q p DZr. Knox was a native of Ireland, ing in y,aux nostrils you should use;fr 11 EW 's'OI�Ti, f eorporatedbyAct of Parliament 18,55) nritets: "T roes gxa,atly troubled rvithi •pia:ce in Godierdoh, at Airs, James and, come to Canada about 65 years agr:ant bleating CaLarrhozonet at' once Haaldy's, sister of the, bride, the 0013- ago. He was a -wea1L•li,y man, T.he pad t cuTed. Thousands have beet, 1Aft Renal091re,X01taeaL Hea,d;,whe and Constipation. I tried g'e Ga stat authorizeI WIN d - - $5,000=GQe i xa-Liver Pints and t7>e3a did nae more LnRnLing parties being Miss Elizabeth fwneral tdok pl;aae to the �Englk6lr bon';eA from 06,gsum�pe, on and c+om4 i e G�alpitail (all paid up) - s6�,4''-a a3 than anything I ever' took:" Oarpelnter, Goderiolr, and Mr. James church ceraetery, KirkLon, last Stet- ple(aly curitd by Oa,ba;rrhiozane, so-' iGAplW11 el+cud - - - s°, '-'Q• << Carroll, of Spria-bank, 1'Vestminist- trrd.ay. t(bere, is no reason ,why you shouldn't 34 Branches in Ontario, Quek,ec, Alberta, THE O. T. R. HAS DEFAULTED e¢' �ba.mp cut your CaLaxz+h also, Catar- ]BritishColumbiaandManitoba. Mr. Win. B.ubalz lyes sold hi.s farm A SATISFACTORY 1'P1.,E RFiI ,DY,: b=(Ine ,,till really cure you and;, •pre- EXACT'COPYOF rVRAPPER. 0 N �, E�CETER BRANCH '� �"- on the North Road, McKillop, to,, Mr. iveik Uhe disease from, returning. It'.s ...... _ ,,••,i.;,(,( I Winnipeg Tenogram. George Steiva�rt, of Seafox Lh, for ' the Will cure the ccmaitions pausing the very pleasant, just bansamic medicat- THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW yGH,4 O,TV. ©pen Every Latvfril nay from 10 A.. m. sum of $6,500. a1T4r. Bilbolz purchased , ,r , to 3 p. m,; except C:::+nfus,Z LXi,a pod,nt Ai:3 much, ,,.ithtea ,1k6 -,s- '.Pry 'Dr. Hamilt+cros Pills of, ed vn;pem: lea natiee(ous drugs AIb- lxxay, Ula G. 'T. P. has4dJrlfaulted, tnasl tihis fairm a Little aver a 'year a;go �Iandrlake and Butternut; their *,Ire-- salute cure guaranteed to users 61- Ca. Saturdays, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. mucL as it has not ma'drs th:+ d4poslt ' fi�am the estate b the Late George quen,t use prrevents piles. Na case b&, iAiozone; lit can't fail, try it. Conn Farriers Sale Dotes casbed or col- Of 55,000,000 rvitb the Gioverldment with' Diarra4nce. Mr. Buboiz talks of going ever humin where tate use of Dr. II•am ple,te outfit $1.00; sample size 250. lected. Forms supplied on application. in tiz,a time specified in the oentract. South, ,with the hope; that a.chaaige{of 11 -ton's Pills failed. Price. 25e. Drafts on all points in elle Domin101" climate may ,rrov3 beneficial to ills WANTED AOeordiing Co t+he teams i,n drag can- 1lairtsl purgabi;ve re.m�et3iels ara fast Exeter Municipal Council. tract, as ratified by 1 arliamelnt, lioalth, which has not been zatisifac- BORN• tlreat Britain and United $fates � t7ie ,givUng v4^ay to tJre geartiei aGtton cazvd bought and sold at lowest rates of G T P. Oompamy was bound, "within Ibmly faz`• some time, aixd; twhich:isithc mild effeats of Carter's Little 'Liver �� DUCHARME.-AL D;ryed:ale, an Nov. e •hangs, rr ,ai9an he sold his farm, .Council met ,pursuant to adjourn- • 2gth, the wife of Mr. John Duch -i- -"' tlief c Ways after the passing of fire Pill. If you try them they will Ser •amme, of a son. , A man to represent 0AWADA 9---° SAV, DEYARTAIENT, l'4T'Orms affect a eheid's health tea ser moire at T,arvar Ball :O;elc. 2nd. All =� Acv confirming this agreement and of eo4usly_ t:a ,ne,gde,at_ Same.Limea friary t uilaly please you. p the Art incarpornLing the. company :pr!esie n:6'i 'AZinubes ,af previous nYerr,L- FOREST.-t1t the Parr Line, Ilayo z GREATEST NuRSEmns in the town of ]Deposits of $1.00 And upwards receiv- , cause convulswns and demt'b. If you ing .read and confirtmed, November 25th, the wife :of Air. Jno ed. Interest compoandelhadfyearly, henaina,fterreferred to' to deposit suspect therm to presont,Igive Dr. JANUARY NUMBER c1rAa'h-Gille$ple..-T,hat Mx. Geo. EXETER and added to principal June 30th and NNdUh thee' Goveri�menE°'five million dal Lair's Pleas'an' -Worm Syrup, which--�.-,-d-- fle ,craw ba mattified re+ relmoval of rarest, of a soap. liars in cash or alpprow4a Govea•nment p yr RIIMBAo Mr. -a Wednesday„ Nov. December 31st. Deposits Receipts also or artiy in ca�llr ani part- rdlestrrays th+e• rvozms vfathout imjuri'rng N71.V1' IDEA l'irOJiAN'S MAGAZINE ccmpse from ave lot Lo'anoCher a,t,cem 18hh, to JVIr. •and Mrs. T!'. G. Rumball � and surrounding country, anft take••issued and highest current rate of ISI,NcuriLties, n Ube child. Price 25c. ,Teemdle rvitbt .goad. thing,'s interest allowed, adapted eitetmy. Omrrled. Landlcln:, a d'angh4L•er. , orders for dy such approval expired i fes:' The House of Refuge is au elconomi- ter, wgmen of varaous taste;si, Lhe Jan- •CobbleWUck-GilleApde.- That tbs The nim.•: limit. exppired last Monday call run institution, the a,Nwiage cost . uaxy mum!ber of tha NaIV Idea W,o- fallowing accounts be asse�d and or- WESDociem eT tat. Cath . and. on �s ,pp ^�•H Advances make to farmers, stock ant Lhla deposit has 'not been made, y ' p On•I7e(elembez 1st: to Mr. and. Mrs. ®U� ���'� SPE��1n�T�F�> dealers and business men at lowest p of mainitenance ,ieir capita par day %Woo'sI AS.a!ga'Zlne prre ants a most at- (Meer$ drarwn On treasurer fox same. F•- W. J. Wept;Gott •a son. Theis was some talk alraut ohreee betimlg less than faurtelen cants; This iiractive appeaxanee. Pre,minent E. TsiaPe►r, tnets obi; cemetery. re- SIEMON.-At the Dnansan Line'; Haig, in Fruit Frees, Small Fruits, rates and on most favorable terms. of grace, but, as everyone knows, 1.aL allowed' in such includes the expenditure. on.ssalaries amoag its utilitarian articles is one pLc�e,nge e..d0; C. B. Snob:, acOaunL to On November 16th, the wife of,',11T. Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, �� A1.gents at Exeter for Dominion dlays of graicea aro n g y u,aon "Launcler'in , the fourth in a Dec. 1st.,. 4'8.87 ; James �� cokes Etre- a Government, vases. On bilis Of eseh+vnge and laom etc.. The actual cost of 1avi,nm is only g S2 Camxacl .lemon, of a daughter. I dines, Seed Potatoes, &C. '- .- c D. $URDON ear ^ notes, they ,'llnr-ed, but on about half that amount. The inmates series upon "Profitable Industriesfor man's e(al'aatvU •, 10.00; E. L. JbtneG, P=D. 41ORSON & CARLING, N have been getting butter t.hrea times 1Srlctmen,' from 4bte pea of SirahiSlat- aaal ail, nort;bi and fire, hall, 220..; W. SOLICITORS. 'MdxAOEr. Sia oiler forms of agreements,. The EVANS.-In Landon, on'Demimber4t7r stock true to name and free from San•' oniract says, •'':within Lhirty days:' a day •this past yeiar and it* may sur- er. Franc?s Wilson has retold the J. Bisi-Qit, rwaad far town Ball, $10.20; 1903. Mr. Ricbard Evans, -formerly .Tose Scale. A permanent position for' `-.,___.... ...... ....... ..... -__.... .. _.....,.._ .........__ c ,iw some• to learn i'hat the post of pa.Lhetie atony of Charlotte Temple in J. T. r, %,sbbptt., salary truant offices, ,rte and it must mean exaetl -mliat it n' of Elimlville; in leis 73rd, year. the right man on either salary or dd t y butter alone as about tweuty� per, cent. •a ohnatmuing sway and Grace Porter. $10.a., . ,, wy. G+rigg, sicutiana.ry, $1.40, BROWN -rn Hay., on Deceim•ber 6t12i hr .Trfer 171 � un 'a Of t'he Lata1 expaadi:ture for food. Ha bins writes delig.htfull of"'Prom- >!orc.:41"41 Wilscon, balance gravelaot. y eommisaion. The contract was sdmae•d on the 29th p' g y :11903, Ja¢od: Il3rorvm, aged 83 t'e'ars, Miss M. Campbell. of Brussels, ,who inent Washington's Hostesses: 'Thera $17.25 ; T. Janes, Lobar, 51.37; T. �V•elsh day cif July last, and t1hia prlomoteas left some time ago fo.r Mexico, having. are sL•anles of exmptional merit and da., $1.50; Geo. Cudmore•, do., $5.50; G & mon'Lhs' StOlrO 4$C NURS llAgtUltll 11 Calendar for December 1903 .yawls Lhorefare had four months in vrbich to ar'ranrre for Lhe financinb of ihaxnd df a legecy bequeathed her, by examples of. verse that are instinct Atk;insloin, do., 51:00; W. J. Bissett„Te- BALLANT�eNE.-In Kirkban, on Nov. roxTazrL xvltseRrTs '1 D.0 ; J. Muir, art:- 25,1h, iLabeoca Oreery, relict of the over sop aores SUNDAY.......... 6 13 20 27 s $5,000,000. g Vie lanarvghat the cone Air• Ca1dogco, a com'paxaLtve ser- rr�iLih loriginaiity and merit, and the ,pairri'n,g etwginei, . • late James Ballantyne, aged 83 r I TORONTO, - - ONTARIO” ,Dsd�ONDAY:......., 7 14 21 22S m >uey mtark�t leas been tightening anger has been heard from. It ap- fashions set forth represent the new- te'ndting ga*Aine• engine, $5:00; {, y , g y s• iIIESDAY........, 1 S la .,Z ••-$ : duni,nb Lhs past Eery tvee7cs, but ift he esters rvh+en Air. Candlosco dried :he left est of .rely ideas in tarp rvoxld' 'of cera- i3ratsketrwiLle,. breaking stone $15:00 p C:taI,LINGWt0.C3;D,,--Zn Cumberl'a'nd, .. WEDNESDAY... Z 9 16 23 so lz Lh, c,f thirds ►,0heme can13gt ria Miss Qamphell a million dollars in- fume. C. Lu,tz, dislnfootetnts, 47.82; W-IPen- Wiec,clnsin, an Lhe 4th inst., Mrds: WEDNESDAY... ...., 3 10 17 24 3o' labii milk ,o succi ? e, raising $5,00n vescxd in a mine. For three years she hale, goad, town hall, 420.00; Tr Hart Violet Collilnlgwood, relict of Lbelate *®6*+®®0®®®®4O®®®�A0�4►A®Q'®° F.ftIDAy.,,.„,, 4 11 18 25 000, thls,praspects of their'ever.carry- rteceiweld the accumulation of Lhismil- HEADACHE VANISHED. ndllx cta.; $5.62; JGom>c!te,z'y accaumts Th!amnls Callingrwood, formerly of ! BATIIRDAY....... 5 12 19 26 ling through the e6ormous una�rtak- 11an dolloru ,which is playable 'to ,leer --- ,Calmmewet algoawn,ts as fgildws, - Exeter, in lied 87th year. l Portland Cement. Bing to ��tbi0h they committed them- ye;nrl'y. ,an August 1st. At the end F.c!rd; .&t Wilts.on, -grmveT ;3.26.75►, Jno. THIIRSDAY,DEOEIiBER10th, 1903 orf thiroe, years she ca,,,n comma.na the airs. E. W. Ire.Galla,is, St. Godfrayi hard, italbar, $8.87; Hurls Spackman, SALE REGISTER -- iaelves are very slight, Finaumerts m. iicipall, $1,000,000. This is certain- P. Q., says: "I -have used Mi•1•bua.n's lijaoaumL, 46,20; f). A. Alwarid, cement {bt.are not taken kindly to the soh me.. p E RAVE just received a uan-- f ly an mmense legacy. Stearl+ing :Helaidta.che Powders for sick a•ocioaunit., $7,50 ;-.C,anri+e,l. `""-°� 1 q House of Refuge Statistics �l ha+L is the Gdve2lsymant going to T,he Mi,tnhe•!t Recorder says:'Mesisrs haxilache. Atter taking, two powders IZa.rv)Atn Clrteelcpr Ti>at''the foal-fol.Parties getting their sn.le bills print tity of the best grade'of Port- , _ do, Ldg!ally th:', ~whole •agvae.me,nt, is N. 'Al. Cankin, of St. Jo epb, and F. M. I felt better and was able to get u,, lapwing D. R. Ore be appodn,t, for: elle ea at this office will rer,-,.ve a FREE and cement "'”- ;nares cold. x rash legisi•Ltton will be Hamel, engineer, of Ottawa, were in and go on with my work." yldairl 1'904:• -AL ;pollinig s0V-tifivisaoprt NoTicE under this beading until data ; can be had at either Centralia or - The following statistics takeAfrom moc,espa;ry to carry it out. Mr. Hays of sale. I Exeter Storehouses. ie xe1.;pyrt of the Inspe:ator of the saw Six Wilfrid Laurier the other day StratLoacd, recently Cntervddrrega Aix. lQ,a. 1.. A. G. I}yrir; pallnng su.b-.div. No A. F. McLax,an, iii. P., with;regard to 2, W. D. Weeks; .p!odling sub -div. No., Friday, December 22nd, farm, farm 7-�trusa of Refug•a, as submitted, to the , and started immediately he- secure re England. bhe pmojst•ced railway from St. Joseph; CALIFORNIA -- OREGON EJCCUR= J+na. A1:itobjeil; polling su.b.�div. No. 4', st act Mr. implements, Bo etc. the prop. W Al T E D tii"hat premiss did l secure beCare he Lake Hu xon, to Hans -111 and S[ON sit. of Mr. Albert Box, 'Lot 16, con, CouriLy council in s ssion this :weeks sta,rtie.d;3 This Lhs pea le should ]c!navv on J.e Wog ,be , and khat the nomination 3' will rare of iuLrr to our readers : IV.e b, aloe had enough of •indire'eL dear- on, tlimough Hibbert, Fullairto'n, Dyo�r� meeting,be held an `Monday, Dere 2&th 4, Stephen. Sale n one o'clock sharp. � i �E Y' n g nie and Stratford. The right• of way El day in the year, single and 1903, at the hoar of�g2 b'aloekn :noon; 1I. Brown, Auctioneer. No. of inmates since opening..260 ling ,on ells nuaLtRr. finis been bought as far as Hensall, anrT ( 1 For which full market plicas colli be a,oc.l l 1902 ...... 82 ! round trips excursions• via the Chia- and Liat a by-law by prepared in, 010- paid at storehouses, i " " admuLted.duximf; year 2? ' work in that division of the roads is * go Union Ranl.flc and, North: Western iamiidanm witli! this moitidn.-iQarri� d: 4tI I `� G I FT ! fiI3I; GREATEST FAAI:ILY REMEDY pi;agress• The pxobable extension of line.. i hrrclil Through first +cla'sy Pullman Cownlci>.l 'adjou;rned to Dec. 15th. at - 8 11e9 m �A ® lE?C>;TER , " latbscaanded ......... 1 ... bless road ,which carries freight as &cl Ali amLies baving• ac- , CENTRALIA, ' d'ibrtbs, 1; de,ath.s this iyerar,8; dischar � And ane well kn0Nvn in most Canad- and tourists sleeping carsre4go , r- o,tz p. In.. p , ` ictiil'alvr'pobserngcira,'to ilio+aCty pf ptgli:wts in Caii.fornia, and O.re;gan:Fer-' cau'nits'a:gdi,nst blie carporaL•Loa ,viii l.argel3ankruptSt0ck0f AND CLANDEBOYE.- , ped, 15; sin.ihepuse.on D:ccll, 1903, 81, 28 Can,homes is Nemoilln,e, a peTLer•i pan- St .Lord, will mean considerable to sonalty conducteA� e,,xcusrs�io,ns from please hand. them in �to the r,,e.eve� or Gold Watches, each only V bo � .- - 0--imal,etg and! 53 malsts. Durin;, 6he arca far all internal and external the pe;aple, of that place; a!rid,also to Chicago to Satn Fsa.uciseo, 'Los, Angeles aliark• „ Just consider it, a stand- 16 e r i yeear Mcl�iliap seln,'t 4 inlma.tes, Horvick pain. Airs. AI. E. Cartwright OfIlor- tie of Cromarty, 1! ullarto,n• Corners and other Pacific Coast points', leaving • GEO• H. IiISSET , Cl er'k, aid 7 -jewelled watch,gold- i Jos COBBLEDICK • 1, Hay 2, Godeerlah'Tp. 1, Tuckersmarth ris says : -I couldn t think of be1ng etc Ohicago on Tuesdays, : IVetdnesdays,-------- filled cases, warranted for t . 2, Asbfield 2, St'anleiy 1, Huilett 1, .%N11, ,out Heirrviline. When I gait � T+hazxirlayls and: Fridays. Lowest rat- HtURRIED AND WORRIED ALL 20 yeara for only $7.50 C, �►®.�80i®®NSA4A♦O®®�®®�®epi' Go!dlarioh 1, Saariowth, 2, Wingbhm;.- 1, tootha.che Nemiiine slops it. If I gest COUGH OF GRIPPE. ,ay Sb,artiist time on 'tbe road•, Fin- IAAT, 0. D., on approval. . DTyth• 1, Exeter 1, Clinton 2. These u sick headache, have a trouble with ept scenery. For maps, illustrated -_ ilrioTwdecl 14 Canadians 4 En"lis'h, r Imy stomach or bowels, I can rel on �� We have secured at a large discount Ex- dine to cure me prom- fly. P To In table spr4. ng when Grippe ~vas rag fielders ,and rates, write B. H.; Bennett Arid the worst of it is you area lit- a limited stacir of these watches, hence Germans, 1 Sc;Dteh'and 1 Irish.Neo? n n i,nig I (bald, a ba.d attack and the cough 2 East Tsang St., Toronto, Out. LLa --run w and you have, mighty otic ability to sell them ak enol aprice. tpezndtt'ux+e4 an, house an during break up a cold or. rub an, for rlienma was M1a slelvi?!r",', that I.thovigh't I trvould y i� year, 44SU9.52 ; toi,al expenditure Corr tism or neuralgia Nesviline has no aau,gl myself be death. T got a bottle little chlamce La catch up, Everythdng This is a chance of a lifetime to ob- U, I O PAGING year, 46094.58. There rvag salol off the .equtii: It's 'prical;ess, in auryi family. Kippan seiJmt� like, gx3melsiane wearing fain a high grade warranted *,watch_ felon produce to the amount of $37.02 ctf Dir: 4V:a oil s Norway Pine Syrup cla4vn• your nerves: You are irritable Nervi line is riling over all pain; and and lit +cured: =--i in a, surprisingly - returned at our expence if not satin Shortest Line „ and girt less sleep than,is absolutely y Fastest Time , aaiYl $147,42 was -received from paying a;.tsts ,.5c• sh:.tz+t Uim'n•-Mrs, J. II. M eTs; 7:aa,ac's -A number from here a,tteruded the factor y neaeJsatry. f3eilex slap before flange I ;pati,e.nts. Av,elrage, expenses peg' in- . Harbour, N. S. furveral .af the late A7,rs. Thomas Har- get rr�arse. Your best plan is: to use TO 1 ;mate per •day, 13.57 0euts. The fuel The Liberals of "Beautiful Plains Sana at ExeLer, last Mondb,y. FOrrazans for a while and give- your •� + p Y zenld 1idh,t of the instiEution costs; I naminaLg3 Dr. MacRae- to contest the Perth Jb1`W3 Aldat D•Cnsd;ale who has been netr.vcs and brain a chance to:pick: up The Central Supply 00, 07, combinrid salaries of Inspector, ;I"navinciad sail. Dr. ZviORao did not spen,d'iaug a fe'w ,weeks rvit'h friends in Fexirazane ries the, finest tondo a =tbusy y Park Ave., LONDON ONT.� Oregon, ` lr4z(,peir rand Matron 700, and extra , Mr. Joseph L' again, Blanchard, has 423 $ accept at enc,-, askingt .ime Ito consid- pultc7rased the, 1IO,acse 'farm ci yIr. Ems er and vicinity, returned hcime on man can take. It makes new blood, Wm id help $280.52 ler, Z`iiida•y e�'tlni!ng. , Ivaur:ivhcs the•body, streagilnexn:s the A�'CUT OFF AND 11fAILUSTHIS COUPON AND ' � Abonzo Mairbin, near Rannoch. rkie J -Mr. AleX n ii has olicad his sarv- nerves, improves the appetite and rre price paid rove 57,000. i ALt:h•:.;zi h no public avnounce-meni Mrs. Hibbert Book, Newbury, N. S. mill for this yeaW. His heiad sawycoq, babitua-les the whole sylsltem. Try The Central Supply Co. 'l7( �a� � ® ' of the fact has yet been made, ,:t is wribeis: "I was in tread for w,e'eks wlth Mr. Musser left for -his home WDaish- Ver-rozone. Price 500. Please send. me C. O. D. by Express Vv a 2 underistood tihat Lord Roberts Is woad, lost Sa,turdla -. one of our $7.5x1 ladies or ) RhrummLism and could not move with 3 y ( gents 7 Daylight Riae abenvb to r4^w!i gn as Gommarnder-En- oust ibr,L'p, I began using • Milburn's -rhe ahiof tgpie of coi7verr3aition is The date liar the North ,Re�itrew;el- jewelled 20 years guaranteed gold fill. f 20 it on the, r � Ghi:w�f. lie has been much more ill Rheumable Pills and one box relieved shUll the acetylene gas explosion in the d ed watches the same to be examined LILam is generally known, is still abed, e. actio+n haat be n fixed al last, Nam- O Beautiful ifuil Columbia o g y bile pain and six boxes 0ampietelycux- Pr,el byLwriaw G7hrurch. All concede It inatian will take ,place on Dc,c. 19LI1, anal approved by me before itecept� River; I � A amid the condition of his healthxequir- was pnavidlrinUal t�bat no lives irera anee es him to spend Hie rvdnter inaisouth- , mie• Last or that: the explosion didn't -rake and pcdliing on Gla 2G is Lhl ill e- fol- 101Mtig C'lirdsL�nra%i. This ,vitt e'na,ble TTan1t•,,;•,,,,,,,,, }, h y < ,ern climate, pro,l1•ibiy the Riviera. p!1 ata (hs,:•ni,ght before when there Ohs iumrbe,rmcn, rwha ,will be in from t Two Throual ' ,Trains raft. For hard colds bronchitis .---- t op,.l hunld'redo present. and thrice ' asthina anal COUglls, O< all THEY 1 NOW IT, - times t•he amount -of gas gsneraLed C72is r��aocls far the holiday to, cell Address .............. ........; ...,,. Accommodation for all classes ti£' %��'��%�L P ue tiln^_4 r votes. . Lba,t there, ryas when the exploislo,n• ai-rhi3 c,bcs-applhc4rotiprn .t�s,fo.r+g Ltie Court of Express Office ....... ... ........... passengers kinds, you cannot take any- i 1bousands sof people throughout `TO health and bapp>ness is Scrofula- took pleats, Those �rvho ware injured Appeal in (Ilia North Perth election Steam Heat-Pintsch Light thing better Calan Ayer S �ilie country know that the ordinary es ugly as ever since time rmmemonal, are, imilyrcving nicely though some- are, i pre- in carne t!o commit J. C. Menteith, the EXETER MARKETS rr;mocites for .piles -ointments, suppos- It causes bunches in the neck, dis- pa,Liti,cau�n•, &or failure to uttelwtl for ex TOURIST SLEEPING CARS A,. r stories and appliances- not cure. g res the akin, inflames the mucous am,in!nt,icni rias ernlarged t.il.l. It'xidayan �� heat perbrrshell 75 to 77 SPECIALTY' The best of them only bring passing THE CBRISTMAS DIN,N R. cicin4sient a,L• t:br, Iriequo-4 of Mr., IvIoai- Oats•new . ., .. , .. 26 to 26 rla,li,,,f. membrane, wastes the muscles, weal; '37 to 1io euro our tioket reads over the Union Pacifle _ - ens the bones reduces the power of te.dL'h's caun,�l.l. in t7ic Noa;Lh tare{ Barley y Dr. Lacalr,a,rdLs Item Raid is tab , In, spLte of the fact that the, word class. Jas. Babl;l far ;v_,&Ilioner Boy Butter ...... ...... 27 14ullinformation furnished on . . P e c"' l let taken internally that removes the resistance to disease and the capacity d, s .,^Visna means literally bad cook, it mldvc�d four a clay to b2arr, Lhe a eal of Eggs % r-1 .' .... . ° ... 0 application to > louse Of 'Ies, 'benlce. the cure is, per- d develops into con- will rlto.t ba fad, for .man :to ]a elle t,hl ,dr. ci dialnL t;rlctm the ordezp oG Mr. Wool :. , ... .... `14 t0 14 Cherry Pectoral. Ask your n for recovery, an p y y F,.s, oleates c . A. • malix'nt. •bla.me +an Llys cook if they .begin the JuslL6,-* Oid,vrr, IaxLe!nlsig ,:'he limit �clf Pork live weight $4.2o to $4.25 I • ti own doctor it. thl5 is not so. acka o old carries,a uar- suntptron. Pork Dressed $6.00 to $0.00 126 Woodward Ave Every p g s g CSznisLmas Dinner with little appptdte Limas lux ktrurging_ the ral.�e Ita:txiA'ti 12 TI. 1; CzirLer T.P,A. Detroit, iVlclr,. He uses it. Ho understands antee •wiLh it . ',Two, of my ebildren had scrofula sores orad end .t ,vitt, ddstxe'ss ,or nausgri It Tihia ciamruOL be done Lhe ,Chief Justice rurkt . • ,As to the most i e t rowing deopet and kept them y It is per.fet; Lly irairmle, h +vhlcl k p growing p 14 Janes Building why it soothes hill heals, may not be fair far any'Lo' da Lhk�t expWa%,n^Ides untCl a,naUh.^.r judge ok'tn be Ducks ... .•,. 73 g Y a torrrlito eon fi for woctrs, T6on x dt lwaits constRutton. A ,month's from going to school for 'three months. -jet us hops so for, the sane of the tia .lit 1n ,pl,ace of Jusitice Osler. Ohicken .... .... 7 'I'orontip, Catradit, too11 k Ay is Cherry reatorat and only r,no t-reiatment In eaab ',package, Scitd at b tments and medicines dict no goad until cools 'Pile disease .dyspepsia indicates a . --- ... i�r,- ; bottio t nnipi stets erred aril ." i i60.. in pep ltfrrs', J. r3. nAlrz�asrti, St,.Josoph, twice,. „1 I began giving them Ilood's Sarsaparilla. bad slicimaigh, Lhat i5 a •Nvleak Alomalch - -- _ - _ •- -.._. W-- W _._�:- - ., SKr,:, roe„ r.oe, � a, e,A•trnx Co., I! urchor ,,in.farmlation in tretga:rd Lo. TWA medicine caused the sores to heal, and rlakhor thain a bad cook, and.for, a �i Alt:Ara�rI, td. 'L. wfffl, i41„Cq: i,t n.t't drlr,g 5bai72, tt1C children have shown no signs Of serol- rr Illli (3tIC{maelli tlLeirYEY IiSt,naLlrilpg el`t5m� Cures �vr111 for t aiL since.” J; 1V. Aiaflnzlr, Woodstock, Ont, 'a - . - d # ,�•�, ., iC7.[�. �'�' � mit, X A. r 3 - oqua:l to food's Sizxsapa.z;ilia. It g►�- puri i'�vo Days. ' o Cold. The Kind You Nlive Always Bought Hoods Sarsaparilla � Lhe stamacl cigar a,nd tone{ g�r- lee appetite, and Beats p mak cath t reaics sure. it sh'atibri '�ae Laxative rQuinineTs`4ots.le. �+ �� !G'4��A'� • g cf will rid you of it, radically and. at- , b , g he Iilea. 'Year ,,,fish hatsten recovery by tt k- y ' y t Ing orad of Pryers mills at boutlrne4 r 0 y, `�b�ts s- ti31t$I , / ,. �" �Q71C. � � Sev�'arl 1�L►11iorx boxes sold Bast 1� arao�a8hs. ,» tnanentl all %t .has rid thqusandd ... . .. * I /" ;:,,�, ,ems„ _ «,1. v4`_M F ;;