HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-07-29, Page 6Page 6—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1987
IZIyth Standard
Blyth United Church's new minister, Rev. Lorenzo Ramierz, began his service with the
church on July 5. So far Rev. Ramierz and his wife and two children are enjoying their
time in the village. (David Emslie photo )
United Church h
By David Emslie
BLYTH - The United church here welcom-
ed a new reverend into their midst on July 5.
Reverend Lorenzo Ramierz, along with
his wife Norma and children John, 11, and
Abigail, 8, arrived in Blyth on July 1.
Originally from the Phillipines, he com-
pleted his university studies there, where he
got his BA, as well as his theological studies.
In 1973 Rev. Ramierz was ordained by the
United Methodist Church in the Phillipines.
It was also in 1973 that he followed his future
wife to Canada.
After living in this country for a year, he
joined the London Conference of the United
('hurch in Windsor in 1974.
"My first church was in Oil Springs, near
Petrolia and Sarnia. I was there for six
years," Rev. Ramierz explained.
Following his time at Oil Springs he mov-
ed to Mount Elgin in 1980, where he remain-
ed until he was called to the Blythi United
He admitted to never having heard of
13lyth before, but was quick to point out that
as new minister
1986 (:M(• 1/r TON hr'•\
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many have heard of the village because of
the theatre, as well as the Old Mill which is
advertised on television.
With just the one church in Blyth, his
preaching time is less than in Oil Springs
where he had a three point charge, and
Mount Elgin, which was two points.
However, there is extra work in other
areas. "The work is pretty much the same. I
visit people, the hospitals and the elderly.
Especially since I'm new, I have to visit
everyone," he said.
Although they have only been in the
village for a month, it has already made a
good impression on the reverend and his
"We really like it here. It is a nice place
with very friendly people. Blyth is a very
friendly place," he commented.
However, after living in Mount Elgin for
seven years, he admits that full adjustment
to the new environment will take time.
••It's pretty hard to adjust just like that,
but we're getting there," he concluded.
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Sixty-two attend Wallace reunion.
BLYTH - On July 26 the Wallace Farmily
reunion was held at Lion's Park, here with
62 attending.
Lorne and Addie Hunking's family were in
charge of games.
The oldest man and lady present were
brother and sister Irvine Wallace and
Charlotte Bell. The youngest child present
was Sara Pruss; closest birthday was. Cor-
rie Wallace; closest anniversary was Mark
and Laurel Mitchell; newest married couple
wag flan and Brenda Tyndall; person com-
ing the farthest was Marion Wallace, Lloyd-
minster, Alberta.
Guessing the correct number of paper
clips was Tara Hunking and the correct
number of pennies was Mark Wallace.
Kick the slipper: children - Greg
Rutledge; ladies - Sandy Brander; men -
Boris Wallace; Water balloons: Laurel Mit-
chell and Tom Duizer; Races, age 4 and
under - Dean Pruss; eight and under -
Bradley Hunking; 12 and under - Greg
Rutledge; Sack Rare' rhilriren - Gary
Rutledge, Greg Rutledge, Lisa Rutledge;
Ladies - Heather Rutledge, Kathy flunking,
Jan Rutledge, Sofia Rasa -Wallace; men,
Dan Tyndall, Boris Wallace, Les Rutledge.,
Football throw: eight and under, Gary
Rutledge; 14 and under - Tara Hunking and
Tyler Brander; ladies, Sandy Brander. Men
- Mark Mitchell.
Next year's picnic will be held July 24 at
Goderich will Bill and Irma Marshall's
family in change.
Reverend from Alberta visits Londesboro
By Dora Shobbrook
LONDESBORO - Rev. Mervyn and
Marilyn Penfound of Hanna, Alberta visited
last week with his mother Olive Penfound
and Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Mitchell attended
the funeral of is uncle Maurice Bassett in
Stratford on July n.
Jack Armstrong returned home on July 25
after spending a week in Seaforth Hospital.
Airie Duizer and her daughter Audrey
Lydon of Clinton -returned home on July 22
after spending 25 days visiting relations in
Edythe Beacon) and Laura Lyon attended
the Blyth United Church Sunday service,
and later visited with Mrs. Joe Cooper and
Nettie Clark at the Callander Nursing Home
in Brussels. They also called at the home of
Florence Cardiff in Brussels and were sup-
per guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Pear-
son in Ethel.
There were 17 from the Londesboro area
who enjoyed the Mystery Tour bus trip by
Leisure Tours on July 22 and 23.
Jennifer Lawrie of Kitchener visited last
week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Thompson.
Congratulations to Shannon Scott on
celebrating her seventh birthday on July 26.
Mr. and Mrs. William Scott of Rou,
Quebec are spending a few days with Jean
Scott. A family get together was held on Ju-
ly 25 at the home of Jean Scott. Absent were
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Flynn and children.
Visiting last weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Thompson were Bob's sister, Mrs. Bud
Smith of Toronto. They all spent the
weekend at the cottage at Lake Constago.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gilmore of Palmerston
visited on July 26 with the Fothergills.
Congratulations to Leon and Lynda Gor-
banuick on the birth of their daughter Mary
Jane on July 14. She is a sister for Angela,
Erin and Erica.
Relatives from Belgrave attend funeral
By Mrs. L. Stonehouse
BELGRAVE - Harold Cantelon died at his
home in Tweed on July 21, after a lengthy il-
lness. He was 66 years old.
Surviving is his wife Ruth I McGuire ), a
daughter Linda and her husband Leonard
Greenwood of Winnipeg, Manitoba, a son
Greg and his wife Lynne of Markham, two
sisters Vivian Campbell of Wingham, Ruth
Collins of Toronto, four grandchildren,
Matthew, Danny and Nicholas Cantelon of
Markham, Jessica Greenwood, Winnipeg a
mother-in-law Carrie McGuire of
Brookhaven Nursing Home, Wingham
sister -in-laws, Mrs. Sam 1 Thelma I Pletch,
Belgrave, Mrs. (Ldois) Norman Hill, Mrs.
Alan (Audrey) MacKay, Wingham, Mrs.
Merrill Cantelon, Wiarton, Mrs. Althea
Stuckey, Wingham.
He was predeceased by his parents Roy
Cantelon and Clara Beckett, two brothers
Merrill and Clarence Cantelon and father-
in-law Harry McGuire.
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Harold Cantelon played key role in
developing Quinte district provincial parks.
A family funeral service was held July 24 for
Mr. Cantelon who leaves his work stamped
on much of the Quinte district prime recrea-
tional landscape.
As a top district Ontario forestry official
for many years, Mr. Cantelon had a key hole
in developing the area's provincial parks for
public use.
He was born in Wingham and in the Se-
cond World War served during 1940-45 in the
Royal Canadian Air Force, including its.
gunnery assessment branch.
After the war he joined the province's
game and fisheries branch as a fish and wild
life overseer, transferring to the Depart-
ment of Lands and Forests, later the
Ministry of Natural Resources in 1946 and
served with it until retirement. By then he
was Manager of the Ministry's Tweed
district. Harold's specialty was long-range
recreational planning and he played a key
role in early development for public use of
provincial parks that included Sandbanks,
North Beach, Bon Echo,Sharlot Lake, Lake
St. Peter and Frontenac. After he returned
Mr. Cantelon later became a provincial ap-
pointed to the Maira River Conservation
Authority, busily serving on various corn-
inittees. In his community he notably mark-
ed to create the Tweed -Hungerford Com-
munity Centre in the early 1960s. He was
also a past president of the Land 0' Lakes
Curling Club at Tweed.
This year he was a recipient of the Ontario
governments Volunteer Service Award for
community work.
Carman Farrier of Long Branch and Mrs.
Paresh 1 Colleen) Athparia, Leena Marie
and baby brother Sonjoy of Calgary, Alber-
ta, were supper guests July 26 with Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Higgins.
Colleen's husband, Paresh Athparia, is at
present visiting with his relatives in India.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pletch accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Alan MacKay of Wingham, to
Tweed, to attend the funeral of their
brother-in-law Harold ('antelon who died .Ju-
ly 21.
Other relatives attanding were: Mr. and
Mrs. Kevin Pletch, Belgrave: Mrs. Ruth
Ann Russell, Guelph: David Pletch,
Oshawa: Mr. and Mrs. Brad MacKay and
Mrs. John Leitch of Wingham.
Frances McCammon of Islington; Win-
nifred Johnston and Irlma Edgar of
Wingham and Mr. acid Mrs. Lewis
Stonehouse of Belgrave were supper guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Edgar
on July 23, on the occasion of Irlma Edgar's
Belgrave neighbors and friends wish to
congratulate Mrs. Ellen Armstrong on her
94th birthday July 22.
Mrs. Armstrong is a resident at the
Pinecrest Nursing Home, Lucknow.
Mrs. John Leppington, Aaron, Adam and
Sara of Clinton, visited on July 22 with her
mother, Agnes Bieman.
Matthew Ball of Hanover is spending a
week's holidays with his grand parents Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Roy and Christina of
Lakefield are visiting with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Anderson.
Dr. and Mrs. Ray Nicholson of
Williamsburg were recent visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Garner Nicholson and her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Thornton. They also
visited, along with Ray's parents, with Mr.
and Mrs. Ron Nicholson who were at their
cottage at Lion's Head.
Mr. and Mrs. Glyn Wide, Kimberly, Jen-
nifer and Trevor were visitors, with Mr. and
Mrs. Garner Nicholson on July 26 weekend.
Service at Knox Presbyterian Church will
be held Sunday, August 2 at 9:30 a.m. with
Pastor Don Vair as speaker.
August 9, Mr. Martin Baan will be the
guest speaker on behalf of the Gideons.
Jean LePine of Windsor is spending a few
days with her cousins Mr. and .Mrs, Ross,.
Higgins and also visiting with other cousins
in this area.
Guests at the home of Mabel Wheeler for
dinner following the church service were:
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Mathers and great
granddaughter Jackie Gaunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Mathers, Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Mathers
and Brent, Mr. and Mrs. George Procter
and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Makas and Alicia.
Joint Service
Members of Calvin Brick United Church
joined with the congregation of Knox United
('hurch, for their morning service on July 26
which was conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
nold Mathers of Exeter assisted by Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Elgie of Wingham. On behalf of
the session, George Procter introduced and
welcomed the guests who presented Kids on
the Block, a troupe of puppets which repre-
sent problems in special education classes.
The service included four presentations
by pairs of puppets to help understand and
accept others with the problems be it blind-
ness: epilepsy; overweight; mentally
retarded or one of many others.
The guests are trained volunteers for the
South Huron Association for the
Mrs. ,Joel Arkell, a member of the regular
choir, sang accompanied by the organist
Elizabeth Procter.
All expressed their appreciation at the
conclusion of the service.
No August Auburn services
Mrs. Donald Oldrieve of Toronto (former-
ly Betty Asquith of Auburn I called on Ellen
,Johnston and Laura Phillips on Saturday.
There will be no Church at Knox United
Church for the month of August but will
resume again on September 6 at 10 a.m.
Sorry to report that Rev. Carne, minister
of the Missionary Chapel, is in a London
hospital. He is wished a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman ,Jardin of Port Alber-
ni. B.(' , have returned home after spending
Turn to page 9
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