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Exeter Times, 1903-12-10, Page 1
THIRTY-FIRST YAR -No 15 1. C RON & M1.DDL Ii SEX- G-A-ZETT . l EXETER, ONT., C .N,A,DA, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10th 1903 STt r r r .4 f. ANDSNA S N p•' If you are in need of a stove or furnace this fall it •, _will be to your advantage to call and see our stook before you purchase elsewhere aswe carry a large stook of the very best makes both for coal and wood. We make a specialty of Furnaces, Eavetrough- ing, Gas and Waterpipe , Call and see our Carpet Stretchers, cErrinwr If you want the best results use National and Star Brand Cement WE ARE SOLE AGENTS Walls, Floors, Troughs, etc, built with these Cements last for ever. 11.11171KIINTS SON ileil+++++++++++++++4-+++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *+. A WOMAN'S CRITICISM CFIEDIlirON Rolier Mills en what a man's clothes should be is pretty accurate. There can be no i ,pearanc fault to find with your to GriStinU an Glio00inQ enearance if your clothes are made to ll. easure in an expert way. The style Of the garment w •s make is a sufficient guarantee for first class work. All the new up-to-date Fall Saitinust Oven GoaAing and rantin S just arrived. Prices away down. W. W Taman. eitei'c r prat Toe Tor. ***.+e4)400aee0©©eeeeeeeeoa Xmas 1903 OuL Xmas stock is the most com- plete we have ever shown. Pianos and Organs • For the parlor we have Pianos and .Organs of the most beautiful designs .and finish and quality unsurpassed, Sewing Machines Our sewing machines are a class by themselves. In working qualities and finish The Best. For the Children We hitve Sleighs galore, at all prices. Also Shoo Fly Rockers, Games Whistles, Mouth. Organs, ete. hi Music We have the latest Popular Songs and Instrumentals. Hymn Books and •Bibles also in stock. Call and see us and get one of our Artistic Colanders S. Martin. Do16'rOCnp Iu We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re- modelling our mill. m SW TZER. W!NTER'S BLAST Is no respector of persons, therefore prepare to meet its coming by' providing yourself with one of our Fail Ov6r6Oats NEVER SO LOW EiEVER SO GOOD HEWER SO STYLISH ill >rl r ar xi nT s Merchant Tailor oamisommoveammla We understand there is talk of a i started Kilmer-. Ehird paper being od in s a in dine. A third paper bas been publish- ed in better towns .tha.n Kincardine and the reswit.has always Veen ceased publication in a few months. Rev. H. D. Steel, rector of Chalets church, Port Stanley, has placed his ieetetea4404.0+0094®e000000900 reeegnetiort in the hands of the Miele, op of Harron. THE Merchants Bank. of Canada HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. PAPITAL.(all paid up) $6,000,000. RESERVE AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS+:.,...,...$2,974245 THOS: FeSRE E, F. REDDEN, deneral Manager Superintendent oa 13ranehes A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Interest at most favorable current rates allowed; on Savings Bank Accounts.and Deposit Receipts. Special attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle- imen+ y f Credit issued to travellers payable in. all parts of theer o , p Y world. Hensal l Clan debo ye M 'Willson f . t h G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, acuveyan Ier, Commissioner, Fire insurance Agent, andoum cssurer of Marriage Licenses. Legaldoents carefully drawn at reasonable ates. ffioner to loan on real estate et low rates of interest',. Otilee at the Post Office riensali -Miss leminer Welsh returned 1homeirlcicentLy from ) antto:ba. Mr i Aires. (Rev.) Si•w pz'n and son have moved Liam Bruc field to our village. -Miss 1!is(Ivnr, of Zurich, was in the v11i;a,ge during. the past 'Mak r visit -4 irag Iter brother, --Our curling club are reg -organiz- ing and getting everything in shape for winter sports and intend giving their annual eancea:t in tho near fu- rore. iMxls•• D Urquhart and Mrs.. 3, Su leertan<d, spent a couple of days•dur inpg thiq pest week, in Blyth, :ris3;4;in i Mrs. G. Murray and her daughteee 1V1rts. (Dir,) L'vndisay. .•-nere Bernzxd- Thkeneson, re eettdy unliaat&ed pat our station a oar load, of tnereiture and household effe•ets, re- ceiving good beilrp from n 'couple of kr,i,e;ndrs felts 1Vlontcct,on. -1El nlsa113, +n,cltw;LLhis;tandin g tii:epe t of there being a great many backelore Oats atlwiays been noted as a good ma- trimonial field, and while there has bean .gaud proof of this during tlrp past mentths,• wedding bells and sltild Pinging in this vicinity. --.Thee friends of Mrs. G. D. Arnold, vino has been very seriously ill dur- ing the past week or so, wili'be pleas- ed bet bonen that she is sgmetwhlo,t'im- pr1nvcd, although still very weak. Her sours, Frea3erJok and Harry, .have been hare spelnding the past week witbl their mother, also Mrs. H. Arnole pond eles, 'Thompson. .A year: ago last. June le. Be'ngough and R. Bullard took a contract from the Canada Co. to clear fiifty acres of bush land next to Mr. Tinny's farm in R,ay, They have been working at the job eve,rsinre and have 30 acres cleared and must Linnet 'by next fall the re- ma.i.ning 20 acres, Owing to the high price of fuel they have been able to dis- pose of the wood on the property 'at gond prices. The good people of Hensel' are pleas ed to learn that Monsieur °en,tine. is seater:011v sa well wilds his electric road Lo run from Hensall to .at. seh. The right of way between Zur- iclin, n, series 33 feet wide trunning,par- ad'llel wit,* t,1, shfghtv;•ay, ,a,nd' thleei3 .. hryeo City, has been, pure -based and, the deeds given. Monsieur Contine clews a glowing :peetuxe of the happiness / in stare Lor the inhabitants of this. fair burg next summer. Saintsbury -00-00- -Mine EL;bee Smyth is visileina bee aunt, Mrs. Washburn in Arthur. -4Mr, James Brown, disposed' of his Bine farm to Mr, McDonald for. rz handsome sum. -The ytawn;g people of St. Patrick's Church bla-ve organize'd a 'junior branch of the W. A. M. A. to the memory of Mrs. F. Davis, sr., which leas'•beee'n named the Davis Memorial. It proves to be a •great success, Cromarty -Mr. :David Bruce has engaged William Hobbs to work for the wint- te,r. number kram here took: int'the Bethel taxa and report having a good time. --/It'Irs. S. Hicks. of Exeter has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. Leary, lately. -Mr. P. S. McLena\n .has ret+urns& home from thee.Norahtwest, where, hie has spent the past three 'months. The Sours of Scotland held a grand oyster supper and ball, on Nov 30,tib; Everything in connection was• done•in real old Scottish style and passed :bff sccessfuully. Granton --Miss Lou Mowbray, of Buffalo, is spending a few days at her theme heere. --A. fonvti supper and lecture wits held in the Presbyterian Church, on December 1st. -Mr. Joesepth Mii cheil, w110 boatmen seeiously ill with blood poisoning steadily imipravineg. -Mr. Abe La;ngeord has placed a new boiler in his mill. The. boiler .is one of E. Leonards & Son's of Lon- don. -Mr. W. W. Baker, e t Portage La - Prairie, has ren.isd a store in • our village, and will open up a lhatrdwure one tin shop here on the lett of ettn= uery next. We welcome i4'Cr. std Mrs, Bakker, to our village. • Seaforth A Cariosity. -While worftme•n were making preparations to excavate for a. 1ernace under tic clank of Cam- merce house, occupied by Mr. Parkes, the manager, they found a petrified cal:, The skeleton of the animal was perfect in every debail, and the skin egverteclt elm bones as oamtpleiteiy+;and penfenlly as in life, while the Carcass was rti,gidi as 8t'arra. It was found ly- ing in. t bed of lime left theta by some men who repaired the house same years ago, and it is thought; that biro oat WAS then caught tender, the house and had been dried up and hard tined by the lime. Tare eerie hos bean liilaced sin the mustquta of the 'Cglle,gi- a'tee IatjS eitiuttei CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought DI EDITON ONTARIO. t' Marla er Signature of UV cI ISHC LIt/1► . Dears the Item an, o lxe er • as secured a+ pesit:lan to Hamilton's store:,.: -Mr. ee. Cunningham, of Winnipeg is visttin>a fa'iend's in this vicinty. --MrSs 13utler; of St 'TJ. raps was here attending the funeral. of Mrs. Melee -Mee. J•arues Doyle, of mitis place, died lin St Jicsa'plh's Irespittal, ,on Fri - dew lest. Miss Tilley Yager and Miss Jennie Cunningrhaen, 'cit Exeter, visited, tfel- crnds brava last week, -Mi. George ndre s, of Parkhill has seciered a pasiLiori as bookkeeper in Cbawe'n's g:enearal store. -Mrs. Mo1Ibargey, who for the past month hos been visiting her daughter in, Stoney Point, has returned home. -Mr. Robert Hodgson, who for the past three months has been visiting daughter in Edinonton, returned home on Monday, Lucan On Tuesday last tibe Landon and Western Trusts Company nontducted a euccess'fu1 sale for Ibe McLeod estate at Lunen The house in Luoan was sold eon $,1,825 and Ile fins in Bidduliph 'au7d le oGSlliven,y townships Zoe $,41300 and X4,400, tih+e chanties realizing, 81,- 000, Mr. John S. Moore, the manager off L•Jae company attended the sale in perison. The oampany also solt1; the property-, corner of Ann and Metcalfe. aatrpeate, St. Thomas, renontky foe X2,1. -.-M00a`. J,Wniter Healey, M. A., of our H. S. staff has tendered his resig- rnabioe to aece t a situation at Arn- Peticr, d'ut}les to nt!t* t at tivo'4pe'nireg cif the beb;odl ort Jatnuaity tth. Mr. Healey bias been mathematical masiter here for the past year and: a' bale, dur ing which time he hues won \the• best wishes of ell aired it is .with •regreit we heave to lase. so able mod efficient' a teacher Carom our school Mr. Hed- ley's many erieinds join in visaing him a. ccnbinuance of success and prosper- ity. Dashwood -;Mr. +and Mrs. Chris. Beaver, (It Creduban visited at Jos. SneLl's an Sun - Ca). -Miss Lizzie Bender h.as returned to Saar,n,ia after spending, a couple of weeks under 'she parental roof. --,flirts. Jct;. Hide h•as returned, home from spending a wreck with friends and meta tives in ;New Hamburg. -Mr. Daniel Melsaac alas severed his caneeaciosl with Mr. Guenther, bl eckemii ne,. and has exempted, a ram- Liar .nositian with' Alex. Zimmer. -Miss M. Handford, milliner of,•the J. Priee•ter, Go's store, Zurich,:spent •a few days w'Ltlh Miss L. Wilbert,, be - tore' ev'i'n g far her home at Centra - lira. 'Dhe Christmas festival of the Lvan- ge,Lical church will se nits on Christ - night. An able committee has been appointed to prepare a programme and a rare treat is looked for. A sleeigh-ked of youg .people drove to Zurich lase Thursday night and •ett±erndied the .revival meeting now in prggress in the Evengeleeal dlxurch. All raeort havin.a spent e very proittabie time. Croditon --- --Mr. and Mrs. Becker, of Dashwood spent Monday at the German parson- age. --Miss McCallum, of Exeter, renew- ed acquaintances, in the village on Sun ,day Last. • -Mrs. Harry Dyer, of Detroit, who has been visiting under the parental roof left for her iome.Friday last. -Mr. Garnet Baker. or London, s.p,ent a. •fe'w days al the past 'week iin Inc village renewing acquaintances --The concert given in the •,t•own 'ball, on Wednesday night of last week was well attended, and all did their •1 et well. -Mr. Crosh, of Milverton is speeding a few :lays in the: village, en business in connection with the acey- Lene gas plant. -Mir. C. W. Treadgold. of London, i>:as'bsen in this neighborhood for a few dayst elllinig ibis Nec'amb piano and organ. We hear he has been•suc- cesstul in placing several organs. -Mr. Sam. Kubin. who left a few weeks ,aga for Detroit, to seek work Ck returned home Fri3ay night last and reports things very quiet across the line. IIe was accompanied by Mr.: 1 Conrad Voelkei.. Usborne Council Usbanne Municipal Council melt al; Township Hall, Elimville. on Denem-+- 5th. Alt the members vents preesetut. Th, minutes of the last meeting, were eeeeee tse+4.e.eOe®44.4tepe®. Illlnortdllt Noti6e The R. Pickard Co. hereby give no tice that they will pi esent that beaue- ful new Beinteenun Plana, to the per- son presenting the card with the cor- rect nuinber thieve)). Or in case, tele the correct card. is for avy reason notltrrsenttd, Whether on account of tieing leist, a rr For any other reason. whatsoever. Then tho per.i,r. pre- senting the card with the nuti,ber neare=st the correct one will he prr•'sttr,t.• ed with the piano. Thee presrr,bntiittt of this piano will he iu;v e aft me. limn• will store 8612 ri'ceick noon na, Thule - day, Dee.. 24Lh, 1003. And vr*' heteley gtvr= notice that roily the t grid. to presented at t he etinve nettled bine will he considered ley us.' TN R. Marti Go. .ir..0!'.♦10♦*O44 0000 read and apprpived The nomination for reeve and eoun-' ei'itc,rs to serve in the muan:t alnLy,for nlexCe311 y e r will ba held at tcxsvnshi;pt• tial, I+Iliinville, ea Monday, Dee. 28thtle cel one o'clock in the afternoon. It none 'than the required oandidates'are nominated, and, do not reeigrr es pro- vided by the statues, proceedings win be ,adjoureed uati•1 Monday, Jan 4th, 1904, wheat noels will be opened us fol -- Iowa: --:Div. ;Na. 1, bowia1iip ball,, El- lmval.le, F. Merlon, lt. O. ; div. No. 2, Lot No. 0, North Tha.men Road, Sohn 1;5ca.ney. D. R. 0.; div, No. 3, Lot 2,con. 10, M. Rautaey, jr., R. D. O. ;div. No. t4. public hall, Fa lqulsar,. ALs+s.. D1utnoan; D. R. R. Said polls to be opened from 9 o'clock a. 'm. to 5 o'clock p, m. le. W. Farnlilarabe, e E., of London, weals t ranted an extension of time for filling hie :report, plana au 1 slatatrice- L•ions of the Gatdine.r drain. Tkte .offer of A. H111 & Co. of Mit- ehell to 'remove the bridge reoen;tly erected on con. 4, and replaced eniahra much heavier One for $220,00 aver and Above the contract price •wastac- copl d, and $612.00 paid on account: Accounts a •mounting to ne.a.rlyt et4,,: 000 were passed ,a:nd orders issued .In Payment, all of which will shortly ap- pear :in the treasurer's financial• star: - meat. Council then adjourned to meet on Tuesday, Dan. 1511. at the h:our of one o'clock. Pursuant to statute. F. MORLEY , Clerk. Sarepta -Mr. Sam Beaverand 'els mother were the guests of Mr. and, Mrs. Seth. Brown, on Sunday rasa. -Mr. and Mrs. Render were tete guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry %Rey- ndlds of the 2nd con. Hay, ontSuncley last Mr. Jean, Ball has Mr. Ilenry.Call- fee etuga,ged•'cutting straw: and Weep - ping grain in Mr. T. Beaver's barn where he Inas a number of cattlefeed- ing foto` the winter. -Elder Walter Benett, of Wallace - burg 'preac'hed'i•n Mr. Grey'„ house one rrig'ht last week. Mr. Benett intends holding services in Mr. Grey's house for a ,mon.bh in the near ,future. -Mr. Jacob Reader moved to Dash - woad, where he intends to spend ' the rest of this days. We are sorry to lose Dir. Reader as )ie was a kind neighibor r41ntayts willing to help his feliow,men. -The cold hand of death has taken woollier odd settler a •way from among us. Mr. Jared Brown passed, peace- fully away en Sunday evening last at :nine o''elaek, :at the grand old age of 83 years z'xd 3 months Mrs.,i3rown departed this life about 8 months ago Ire leaves to .mowrn his loss two sons and six daughteris, Mr. Ilrown' has been a kind husband and father. He has Lived in this neighborhood about 50 yearns Tho family have Lhe sym- pathy of the neighbarhood Elimville =11r:. Riclsatrd; Evans, of London,: twos buried ac the cemetery here. on Sunday. M;•. Beans was a resident of El•imville. •about 55 ye'a'rs ago. Rbdharte Jolene Look a large,sa,si'gle- load of ,young folks to tee Zion•sahooi concert on Friday . evening and they cetrb'airrty Iliad a jolly good time. -The council had a very busy .day. on, Sulturtday, principally settling up accounts for the year. The collector was also kept quite busy taking taxes -Mr. George Hakvkeye. who host been working for R. Skinner, for Me past two years, has decided to, quit' larm.i,ng and take a course of training in the London Business College. Sus cess, George. -Mr. Sieve Ellie. of St: Marys: carped on friends in ;;he village, =Sat- urday. Ile \vLas also settling up ac- counts with the council far new biiidtges, cuLvzrts, and tile. His bill amounting to over e2000.00. --ViTdseto:s at the Elie: ille clitirch oarripl.ain of elle deplorable state the horse sheds are in. Horses having to stand with their front feet a foot low- er than ehssir hind 'ones. Tb e trus- te.e.% s'Iioutd certainly atante CO this minter at once. 'Wrongly informed. -Mise DIny Enewkins did rot• atLrud the Conven- tion as staled last week, but'spe•nt three weeks visiting It Sea teeth. Miss Mar'tha. Bern attended the Conven- tion at Chatham (Epworth League Convention, of London Conference) Also el sited friends at Tu•ppe.rville. arid Thto,r;nhill. Kirkton -Mrs. Wm. 13alfour is laid up, witli an attack of lumbago. -Miss Lizzie Kirkby, of Salem visit ed with Miss Cara Cornish, on , Sun- daiy; l net. -M+iss Louise 11allaentyne of Elem- vitte, is t'he guest of her cousin,. Miss Mize Elliott, this week. -Miss ids Weekes left on Wednes- day tsar l? tullarten, where she pur poises putting In three months et dtress Leaking. -The Ree, Humphrey Graham. of \lrellburn will occupy the Methodist pt4plL• 'next Sunday morning in • ithe absence of t:he pastor, who will preach enai•vcrsary ;services in Well burn, Quite 'a, numlbee pu,rpoae, a t tetnding the anniversary' services at Well.burr next Sunday who n the Rev. a.., lithe of Wheat ley, out former pastor, will lxiroaerlt both moraine, end evening. end Mrs. 'Win. Berry, of Ar -- Mier are visiLing friends in the Vili4'r age. ,fns. Berry was a.ite.txding the ftunuiral,aif her rnathc•r, Mrs. I3ta1ila3at- yne, which took place on Saturday Last. --'fine anniversary services held in eennection with the Methodist church en Sunday last wore very largely at -- tended bath ntoirning and evening. Than Ileo Mr. bteleehbon, art Allen Craig preatorhed t,w,r very interesting :end rlaetrile tive seltenoante A free will offering was taken up, amount- ing lin $98. • JOHN 'WHITE & SONS U fl. R L'T' N' F1 U 1 r, as ,.ods' Our Store is now stocked with novelties of every description. We are laying aside articles every day for customers to be taken at Christmas. Why not you ? You can- not hope to get as good a choice if left until the Last minute, Our Store is noted for its variety and we have indeed a large and well assorted stock of Christmas Candies, Christmas Toys, Christmas Dolls, Etc. • Cone aiid. Freseiit Now C ITA 11111.1112.11.10 IN'S PAIR s E TAKE PLEASURE in informing the public that we have now in stock a nice assortment of Fur Coats and Robes which we would like to show whether you care to buy or not, Come in and look at them. • Fancy Slippers Suitable for Christmas Gifts. They are very stylish and are well made and make a useful present. We have alio a full stock of Boots and shoes. RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES Come in and see our stock of' Rubbers and Overshoes, you. will find we have all the different styles and can please you in quality and price. HARNESS AND BLANKETS We have in stock a nice line of Light and Heavy Harness, as well as BIankets of all kinds. We also have Trunks and all kinds of Grips altrays on hand. Go HOUSE9 Meet EXETER. OAO@ OOm048•J'®0+P96+'rOC ®®+&ddJO 6' Qene rig 9 eeeeeeaeoo®•odeo• oaeo + c ae + le s 4 4 4 A 0 a. r' 06 ai e94ti @+Erv A®O©3reD@'+fir ®d { ?O+A Rowe Sr_ Atkinson are holding a special sale of furniture from now until January rst, 1904. ' Our large warerooms are packed full from cellar to attic with all kinps of furniture for the Xm trade which rve are selling at greatly reduced prices 1luring this sale. GIVE US A CALL AND WE WILL SAVE YOU DOLLARS OWE & RTKINSON Furniture Dealers and Undertaken. Main Street, Exeter Tm Crown u. A r Range stands for Kitchen Ecrncmy+ It will be a pleasure to show you our Range with Reservoir. Burets Coal or Wood. p of i Gnticril I1'io6S See our Warranted $t.00 Razor, regular price $r.25 White Handled Pocket Knives for 35c, regular 45c X Cut Saws Axes Pacer, Lance and Nickle Steel At Lowest .t'rcies. We sell Axes intim $3.00 up. front 60e to 51,25 International and Herbage= Stock Foods always on hand 11F NS i A.