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Clinton News-Record, 1987-07-15, Page 23
Page 22—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY JULY 15 1987 tzr Live music at Blyth BLYTH - Did you know that the music in Blyth Festival's Girls In The Gang is live every performance? Composed by John Roby, the music is in the style of the 1950s bebop era. It's played by band members iteAwg FASHION SHOW T: J. SPONSORED BY BAYFIELD LIONESS with Tracey Luciani of CKNX as Commentator to be held WEDNESDAY, JULY 22 BAYFIELD ARENA DOWNSTAIRS 7:30 p.m. TICKETS ■ Door Prizes and Dessert John Roby ( Keyboards ), Alex Dean (sax- ophone), Brian O'Kane (trumpet), Steve Lucas (bass), and Mark Congram (drums) - and they manage to produce that wonderful sound from extremely cramped gtfarte"rs! The band sits directly behind the back wall of the Girls set, in a corridor -like space approximately 6' x 16'. They work in the dark with small lights on their music stands to illuminate the score. Strangely enough, the band members have never actually seen the performance on stage - they only hear what is happening through their headsets! In addition, the actors use one end of the musicians' "corridor" as an access to the stage, making for much to-ing and fro-ing in the dark confined space! One of the musicians, Mark Congram, has a local connection - his parents are both originally from Wingham and his paternal grandparents, Wilfrid and Elsie Congram, still reside there. Mark himself, spent many holidays at his grandparents' home when he was younger so he's no stranger to Huron County. If you haven't yet seen Girls In The Gang, there are still tickets available for most per- formances. Don't miss out on this terrific production - and some of the catchiest music in town. BUCK & DOE for STEVE O'CONNELL and RUTHANN PENFOUND Saturday, July 18 for information and transportation 482-7565 44vvi 4Gi4leoos 44o4ileo i044 4 BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN 169 BEECH ST., CLINTON ryPFN AT 8:-'0 P.M. - FIRST SHOW 4 4 4 4 4 4 • 4 AT DUSK 482.7030 % „kQ THIS WEEKEND: FRl -SAT.-SUN., JULY 17-18-19 coJ 40' #1 BOX OFFICE HIT! 9.0 EDDIE MURPHY I3E\FE i 3,..S COARSE LANGUAGE Theatres Branch Ont. THE HEATS BACK ON! — PLUS 2ND FEATURE — "HOT PURSUIT" WARNING: Drugs, Swearing. t.b.o. 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 441v►0ee _ -.0:0: 4_.. * � i 40 ..:! FRIDAY NIGHT BUFFET Served from ! p. ,, 7 p.m. Every Friday Night. Featuring Italian Food cpaghottl, lasagna• poste dl,het, full salad bar. s69s Adult, • eo. cr FAMILY BRUNCH SERVED EVERY SUNDAY 10 AM - 2 PM Include, several salads. fruits, hot ditties. dessorts. All you can oat. SUNDAY BUFFET SERVED EVERY WEEK 4 PM - 7:30 PM FULL MENU WITH DAILY SPECIALS including full salad bar fESH FISH DAILY OPEN 7 days a wee 11:30 am - 1 am ercept Sunday open 10 am - 7:30 pm HIGHWAY 21 BAYFIELD Miss Balmoral; breaks all Blyth records BLYTH - For the first time in the history of the Blyth Festival, the entire run of a new play has sold out - even before the play opens! Miss Balmoral of the Bayview, the new comedy by Colleen Curran, opens at the Festival on July 14 and advance public in- terest has been so great that all 16 perfor- mances are completely sold out. However, as usual, a limited number of rush seats will go on sale to the general public two hours before performance time for each show. According to Keith Roulston, co-founder of the Festival, a similar record was set in 1983 when The Tomorrow Box was brought back and tickets were sold out before open- ing. But it is very unusual for a new play, one which has never been seen on stage before, to sell out in this way. "Audiences love a good comedy", said General Manager Tim Chapman, "and peo- ple remember the other Colleen Curran plays we've done here - Cake Walk and Moose County. I apologize to all those people who will be unable to get tickets to this show. We always urge people to purchase their tickets well in advance to avoid disap- pointment, but sometimes they don't believe us." If you want a night out at the theatre, and don't want to line up for Balmoral rush tickets, there are still tickets available for the other plays running in repertory at the Festival Girls in the Gang, Bordertown Cafe and Bush Fire (opening July 21). Please call the Box Office at F519) 523-9300-9225. Coming EvQnts BINGO Vonastra Rec Centre, Tuesdays, 8 p.rn First reg. card $1., fifteen reg. $20. games, three share -the -wealth. Jackpot $220. must go. Lucky Ball $220.00 (if not won). Lucky Ball increases $20. per week. Admission restricted to 16 years and over, ,far CATERING for complete satisfaction, let us cater your next special occasion.. Variety of meal plans. Captain's Cove Family Restaurant Bayfield 565.2992. 10tfor FASHION SHOW, Wednesday, July.22. 1987, in the Bayfield Arena downstairs at 7:30 p.m. Spon• sored by Bayfield Lioness with Tracey Luciana of CKNX Wingham as commentator. 55.00 adults. 54.00 seniors. Door prizes and dessert. 27.28,29 HURON SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT - SOIL CONSERVATION DAY Thursday. July 16. 1987 Plan now to ottend this annual event, at the farm of Jack and Normo McGregor. located 2' , miles south of Clinton. one mile west of Hwy 4. Registration fee 55 00. lunch provided. From 10:00 AM • 4:30 PM. For Inore information call 1.800.265-5170. 27,28ar KIDS BRING YOUR TEDDY BEARS TO - Teddy Beor Picnic, Tuesday, July 21 at 2 p.m. Clinton Branch Library. Children 4 to 10 years for age welcome IT'S FREE. 28 "COME AND GO" Tea. 2:30 to 4 p.m. July 18 for the 80th birthday of Ida McGowan at 15 Gloucester Terrace, Goderich, 28x HURON COUNTY Family Planning invites you to attend Family Planning Clinic every Thursday from 6:30 p.m• to 9 p.m. al Huron County Health Unit, Public Health Winghom, Huronview Clinton. Counselling and medical .services provided. eow BAYFIELD FAIR August 21 and 22 Those wishing to enter: Parade: contact Roe Fraser 565-2175. Arena floor space: contact Ina Fisher 482-7809. for exhibit numbers: contact Marilyn Durand 236-4422. -24,28,33 THERE GOES THE BRIDE. fart al comedy by Ray Cooney and John Chapman, directed by Steven Schipper, JuFy 21 to August 1 Main Stage at Huron Country Playhouse of 8 30 p.m Matinees Wednesday, Thursday 2 30 p m.. Call (519) 238.8451. 28ar LAKESHORE LANDOWNERS Plan to attend a public meeting on the topic of Shoreline Manage ment including Great Lakes water levels shore protection works, and natural shoreline pro- cesses. Thursday, July 23 1987 at 7 p rn 01 the Livery Theatre, South Street in Godench. Call Maitland Valley Conservation Authority for more information at 3353557 28ar BLYTH FESTIVAL Mss Balmoral of the Boyview All performances for this ploy are SOLD OUT However a limited number of rush tickets go on sale 2 hours before curtain time Bordertown Cafe July 16 Girls in the Gong July. 17. Bush Fire, July 21. (opening) 22. 23 imatinee) 25. All performances are at 8 30 p.m except matinees which are at 2 p.m. For tickets cull Box Office at 523.9300 9225. Blyth Festival Country Fair. Satur day. July 25' Booths filled with books clothing produce good ;unk special activities for children. Great fun for the whole family. 28 STANLEY TOWNSHIP summer Dance Saturday July 25. 1987 9 p m 1 a m Music by Country Companions'- 512 per couple Door prizes. Lunch provided. For tickets phone 482 9153 or 262-2623 28 29ar 'LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Thursday to Sunday from 5 p m. to 1 o.m Licensed outdoor patio overlook ing the Bayfield Marina At the Harbour Light, Restaurant Hwy No 21 Bayfield 565.2554. 28.33 BAYFIELD LIONS AND LIONESS CLUB Bingo every Friday Bayfield Community Centre Door, open 6 30 p.m. Early Bird 7 45 Jackpot 24tfar TUCKERSMITH DAY NURSERY open all summer for high quality day care 4827634 27 28ar Try Willy's New FISH DINNER Starting this Friday, July 17 Now made in our own kitchen with Willy's own fresh home-made fish batter. WISH HAT ', FREE with every purchase of a Targe slush puppy. (any flavour). WHILE THEY LAST ONLY! SUM CUP FREE with every purchase of a medium slush puppy. (any flavour) WHILE THEY LAST! Try Willy's newest taste sensation - our It's a char -broiled cheeseburg with Willy's Own Secret Recipe Hot Sauce. TRY IT! IF YOU HAVE A TASTE FOR THE HOTTER THINGS 111 LIFE, WE KNOW YOU'LL LIKE IT! USE THIS HALF-PRICE COUPON THIS WEEKEND! New Dip for Soft Ice Cream BUTTERSCOTCH CONE IIP Same price as our good oI'chocolate With every ©�,. ,... mini -golf game g e4 ag FREE WILLY S PEN mark d.;wn your score then keep the pen! WHILE THEY LAST! WILL 1 S BURGER STO" & MINI -GOLF HIGHWAY 8 WEST Phone CLINTON for faster s OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 11 AM -12 MIDNIGHT EXCEPT SUNDAYS OPEN 11:30 AM -9:30 PM e aheadrvice 4824055