HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-07-15, Page 6Page 6—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1987 Blyth Standard (1r Y7 1 4 11 on sure has the good life - a bowl full of cool water and an um- brella to shade him from the sun. Baron and owner Darlene Oleksik of Troy, Michigan, were participants in the annual Bluerwater Ken- nel Club Dog Show held July 7 and 8 at the Blyth Community Cen- BOB McKINLEY R.R. 3 CLINTON, NOM 1L0 Representing your TOTAL FINANCIAL PLANNING NEEDS WE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH: Annuities. RRIF's. Business and Personal Life In- surance. Group Life, Health and Pension Plans. Income Replacement Plans. RRSP's. GIC's. Mutual Funds and Debentures. LICENSED WITH: The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company \I.mufualurer. III CALL 482-3714 t eir • c tre. Over 350 participants came out to the event with approximately one-third of them coming from the United States. IAnne Narejko photo) Twin City 4' School of k.arN:15!:lairstyling Waterloo, Ont. •Hairstyling • Barbering •Ear Piercing • Make-up 55 Erb St. East 886-6305 "'Monday to Friday f►3.ss.s start lit of away roorrth / BEST INTEREST 1/4 Guaranteed Investment Certificates *Subject to change Gaiser-Kneale Exeter 235.2420 Clinton 482-9747 Insurani:e Brokers inc. Grand Bend 238-8484 Goderlch 524-2118 WE DESTROY CHINCH BUGS AND ALL OTHER INSECTS EVIDENCE OF DAMAGE: Local Dead Spots Abundance of Birds Abundance of Weeds - Thinning or Yellowing of Grass CALL TODAY ... •WRITTEN GUARANTEE •GOVERNMENT LICENSED CALL THE LAWN DRERTS BOBBY LAW SPRAY of Godench "GUARDIAN OF 1:HE NATION'S LAWNS' • 0 0 STOP LAWN DISEASE AVAILABLE ONLY FROM THE EXPERTS... BOBBY LAWN SPRAY. PLUG CORAERATIONn" The — WE KNOW YOUR BUSINESS! removal of Thatch and Soil to allow proper water, air and fertilizer penetration and to promote disease resistance! A MUST FOR YOUR LAWN SMITH'S FARM' GARDEN .CENTRE THE BLYTH STANDARD BuST ESS DIRECT' )1Vir PLUMB!Nl E 11 r Robert Worsell Plumbing Heating Sales & Service Box 68, Auburn 526-7597 t l tt'ton Nevus -R' nivl_ +.<..,.00a r1MO ,Mr MrrM ft10[• 1.P rM $A r,1... Buying or Selling The Classifieds Can t onk.nq for #44ort 40 ndvar,.vnq q1„r4 .nal,u,'+ rho Cle,s,ftoils rnr Dhora ,hoc n. New, Pooled 482-3443 or 482-7741 GENERAL J. Richard Elliott 15191 523-9725 LIFE N. john Elliott 1519) 523-4323 ELLiOTT INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. INSURANCE iN ALL BRANCHES F;•Iahliohed 1910 Bi.YTH. ONTARIO NOM 1110 519-523-4t•81 LIV ST,•.CK MORTALITY INSURANCE PT� David Langstaff Ltd. Optician 87 Main St., Sonth. SE<AFORTH Optometrist's and Ophthalmologist's Prescriptions Filled Promptly SUMMER HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9 a.rn. - 5:30 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. - 12 noon Closed Wednesday 8 Saturdays COMPLETE OPTICA, SERVICE 527-1303 Cal RURKE ELECTRIC Ltd. Flectricol Contractors Appliance Sales 8 Service to all makes Refrigeration Service Open 6 days a weak 40 Years Built by Oueliry B Service wingh©an, one 357-2450 Long dittance TOLL FREE 1-800-265-3025 LYLE YOUNGBLUT PLUMBING HEATING KLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523-9585 Marg Anderson welcomes members to WI meeting By Dora Shobbrook McComb of Galt, while nominating were LONDESBORO - There were 17 present Gordon and Darlene Shobbrook of for the WI meeting held here on July 8 with Londesboro. 13 members and four visitors attending. Those honored at the reunion included: The meeting began with the opening Ode, Laura Saundercock, oldest person present Mary Stewart collect and the anthem was at 92 years; Lindsey McComb of Galt: sung with Hattie Wood at the piano. Presi- . youngest present at 15 months; Edna dent Marg Anderson then welcomed all with Stemler of Pilot Mound, Manitoba, coming a reading. the farthest. Roll call was answered with those in at- Sports were conducted by Theresa and tendance saying where they would like to Melanie Knox. spend their next holiday. The winners in the different children's The minutes of the Iast meeting were read categories included: five years •old and by the secretary, Alice Buchanan, and the under, Christopher Peck, Ashley Saunder- treasurer's Ireport was given. The report cock, Lindsey McComb; six and seven year showed a balance of $857.10. olds, Jonathon Millar, Ashley Gibbings; In correspondence, thanks were received eight and nine year olds, Christhopher from: Helen and Elizabeth Lawson for the Knox, Marsha Miller; 10 and 11 year olds, 4-H gift pens; Clinton Public Hospital for a Vera Bell, Michael Gibbings. donation; Lady Diana Nursery School. The ladies' winners were Vera Bell and The WI moved to donate $25 to the Lady Julie Jackson, while John McComb and Diana Nursery School, and $25 to the Amy Dean Shobbrook won for the men. Julie Bosman memorial fund. Jackson and Lynn Peci were ladies kick Elma Jewitt introduced the guest slipper winners, while John McComb and speaker, Fern McClure. She showed pic- Cliff. Saundercock won this event for the tures 'from her trip to European countries men. such as England, Holland, France, Ger- Other competition winners included: Vera many and Italy as well as commenting on Bell, sack race; Marsha Miller, lemon relay them. Elma Jewitt thanked her for the race; Charlie and Shirley Shobbrook, three presentation and presented her with a gift. legged race; Beth Saundercock, guessing The president thanked all who helped with jelly beans; Gordon Shobbrook, Dean Shob- the last meeting and the graduation brook, Bill Gibbings, hammering the nail. banquet. Personals Lunch was served by Ehna Jewitt, Irene ,Congratulations to Judy Carter and Lee McCall, Evelyn Hudie and Ann Krosen. Robinson who were married in our church United Church News on July 11. Greeting members' to the United Church Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin on July 12 were Rev. Snihur and Gordon Wood on the birth of their first. great- Shobbrook. The ushers were Rick Konarski, grandchild, Philip Wade, born on July 6 to Richard Burgsma, and Dennis and Gerbin Joanne (Wood) and Darrell Anderson in Wilts. Deanna Lyon was the organist. Toronto. Rev. Snihur welcomed all and gave the Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fothergill and Nancy call to worship along with the following an- attended a shower at the home of Marion nouncements. The church will be closed on Simpson in Wingham in honor of the bride July 19, July 26 and August 2 while the elect, Joanne Wood of Wingham on July 12. minister is on holidays. During that time if Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bob an emergency should arise people can con- Thompson were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Boyle tact Bert Lyon at 523-4297. The next service -and Annie Thompson of Clarkesburg. They will be on August 9 at 11 a.m. Bible school all attended the Snell reunion in Londesboro will run from August 10-14, with registration on July 12 with Mr. and Mrs. George on August 10 from 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. McDonald of Aurora, along with Bert Snell For children's time a song was sung. The of Brampton. Also calling on July 11 were junior teachers were Theresa and Melanie Gordon and Catherine Caldwell of Blyth, Knox. and Bonnie and Kerrie Barraclough of Shobbrook Reunion Varna. The 52nd Shobbrook reunion was held at June Fothergill would like to thank her the Clinton Conservation Park on July 12. helpers Betty Moon, Nancy Allen and Pearl There were 52 people present. Mason for their help in collecting for the President Cliff Saundercock welcomed all cancer drive in the village. The total receiv- and two minutes of silence were held for ed was $349. past members. Burns UCW The blessing was asked by Gordon Shob- The Burns UCW held their July meeting brook, then all enjoyed the pot luck dinner. on the lawn at the home of Renee Snell with Thelma Ellerby read last year's minutes 15 members and one visitor present. and gave the treasurer's report. In cor- Gay Salverda opened the meeting with a respondence letters were received from Ann reading, before three hymns were sung. Ida WlITiai-d Of BiAffalo, llelyn Shobbrook and ' Satverdatthen read the scriptures, and this daughter Barbara Joslin of Vancouver, and was followed by Ida Leiper leading the Ruth and Rae Rosebush of Bobcaygen. group in prayer. Edna Stemler of Pilot Mound, Manitoba Readings were then given by Gladys was welcomed. Leiper, Ramona Jamieson and Renee Snell. It was moved to have the reunion at the Gay Salverda thanked Renee and all who same time and place next year, on the se- took part. cond Sunday in July. Jean Scott conducted the business, and The nominating report was given by Gor- gave a Dominion Day reading. Roll call was don Shobbrook. answered with a Bible verse, and the The honorary presidential couple were minutes of the last meeting were read. Cliff and Kay Saundercock of Londesboro, The treasurer's report was given by while the president was Ross Radford of Gloria McFwing. A thank you Tetter was Port Colborne. Thelma Ellerby of Clinton is received from Cela Sloman. The date for the the secretary treasurer, and Bill and Verna bazaar was set at October 21. Gibbings of Clinton were the vice president. Lunch was served by Gay Salverda and Taking care of sports were Kim and John her group. Street construction tenders opened HULLETT TWP - With a tender of $36,756.50, Robert Nicholson Construction earned the job of carrying out street con- struction in the Village of Londesboro. Tenders for the construction were opened during Hullett Township Council's July 7 meeting. Ken Dunn of Burns Ross and Associates was authorized by council to call tenders for repairs on a bridge situated on Concession 6 and 7, Lot 19. The tenders are to be clearly marked and in the hands of the road superintendnt by 4:30 p.m. on August 4. A bylaw to impose special annual drainage rates upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971, in the amount of $25,300 was passed. Council moved to give permission to the Seaforth and District Community Center to transfer funds to the reserve fund for 1987. Permission was also granted to the Auburn Lions Club to hold a slo-pitch tour- nament from September 10 to 13. Guests entertain ladies SUMMERHILL - The July meeting of the Summerhill Ladies' Club was held at the home of Corrie Haak, Phyllis Tyndall opened the meeting with a poem and Phyllis welcomed everyone and thanked Corrie Haak for hosting the Ladies' Club. The roll call was answered by 16 members with paying of their membership fee and 3 guests were also present. Phyllis Tyndall thanked the club members for attending their 40th anniver- sary celebration. Arrangements were finalized for the Com- munity Picnic which is to be held, July 20 at 7 p.m. in Clinton Conservation Park. The Summerhill community is invited to attend. The raffle for the meeting was won by Susan Van Egmond. For program, Hazel Watkins introduced Gladys and Susan Van Fgmond who enter- tained the. ladies with several musical members. Susan played the saxaphone and Gladys played the electric kevboard. Margaret Wright introduced the guest speaker, Angela Nethery the Huron County Dairy Princess. Angela told of her -activities as the dairy princess and conducted a con- test that tested dairy knowledge, then she told how ice cream is made. She also spoke about calcium n ads in the diet and handed out a recipe b�ok on milk. Angela was thanked and presented with a gift. The next Summerhill Ladies' Meeting will be held August 12 at 8 p.m. at Lorna Ellis'. Those on lunch and program are Lorna Ellis, Donna Gibbings and Edith Wright. The meeting closed and lunch was served and a social time held. Township of Hullett NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Hallett will be meeting on Tuesday, July 28, 1987 at 8:00 p.m. in open session at the Council Charmers to fill the office of Councillor. This is to fill a vacancy on council due to the resignation of a member of council. Any elector of the Municipality who is interested in serving as a council member for the remainder of the current term, and who is qualified to do so. should notify the clerk in writing prior to 4:30 p.m. local times, on Mgnday. July 27th, 1987 in order to be considered by council at the above mentioned meeting. Harry Lear CLERK -TREASURER TOWNSHIP OF MULLETT P.O. BOX 226 LONDEStf• RO NOM 2140