HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-07-08, Page 26BOYS DRESS SHIRTS 25' OFF Page BA—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8 We are Discontinuing GIRL'S WEAR Sizes 7 to 14 Anything that is left - including winter goods is GIRL'S CABBAGE PATCH SLIPPERS Broken Sizes Reg. 13.98 399 PRICE ALL GIRL'S WINTER WEAR Coats - Jackets Snow Suits - Etc. 1/2 Price VISA SHOPPING CENTRES GODERICH AND CLINTON CE SALE STARTS THURSDAY MORNING JULY 9, 1987 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 PM FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY -A -WAY PLAN. A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR PURCHASES. PRICES AND VALUES ARE THE SAME AT BOTH STORES MasterCard SLACKS All the fall shades. We have already received many of our new fall placing. Styles by Tan Jay, Bailin, Aero DRESSES All Spring and Summer Dresses LADIES' TEE SHIRTS All Sleeve Lengths, Sleeveless. Short Sleeve and Long Sleeve. Stylings, Plains and Patterns Also Tank Tops and Halters ALL 20 OFF OUT THEY GO!! /2 PRICE LADIES' SHORTS Included in this range are Rugger Styles, Short Shorts, Jamaicas & Bermudas LADIES' SLEEPWEAR Flannel & Brushed Nylon in Short Nities, Pyjamas, 1 & Long Nities. ■/3OFF 1: LOOK AHEAD TO THOSE COLD DAYS LADIES' BLOUSES Short. Long & Sleeveless Styles. Hundreds to choose from by Style Rite, Sweet Baby Jane. Arrow and many other makers. ALL AT 1/30FF ROMPERS Velours Only Reg. S12.98 LADIES' 1/2 Price $649 Special Table LADIES ANKLE SOCKS AND KNEE SOCKS Mostly Substandards 3 DAYS ONLY 99Q LADIES' COTTON PANTIES White. Beige. Pink or Blue Styled by Saykaly SIZES S•M-L Req S2 39 OVERSIZES Reg. 53.19 $1 89 $259 Pastel Shades LADIES' SUMMER BLAZERS 1 /3 AFF LADIES' JOCKEY PANTIES Colour - White or Beige HIPSTERS Reg 54 75 REGULAR BRIEF Reg S4 95 FRENCH CUT Reg 56.00 $379 $399 $479 LADIES SLEEPWEAR Cotton blend on Long Nities. Pyjamas. Short Nities and Baby Dolls NOW 20°/o 00/0 OFF LADIES SUMMER SKIRTS These include Jean and all types of summer skirts All Last Year s WINTER SKIRTS 1/30FF 1 /2 PRICE BOYS SUITS & SPORT JACKETS 3 Pc. Suits - Plains & Stripes Boy's Tweed Sport Jackets THIS SALE SPECIAL 1 /3 OFF BOYS PYJAMAS Broadcloth and Flannels plus Polo -Jamas ALL REDUCED 2o' SOCKS BOYS COMPLLt sovtn 20%nFF 1 /3 oFF LADIES' CAMISOLES Colours of White, Nude and a Few Black. COMPLETE 200/0 SIZE RANGES OFF LADIES' SLACKS Summer Weight Dress & Casual Styles ALL 1 3 OFF FABULOUS DISCOUNT! 1 /3 OFF ALL AT ONE LADIES' KNEE SOCKS Hundreds to Choose from in Plain, Patterns, and Plaids. Everything from Nylons to Wool Blends. Styles by Bonnie Doone, London Hosiery, Biron COMPLETE STOCK 20, OFF LADIES ANKLETS Nylon Anklets. Colours o1 430 Beige and Spice. Reg 59c SALE 2 FOR 850 LADIES' SLIPS Half and Full Slips in Static Free Arnel Half Slip Sizes: S -M -L -XL Full Slip Sizes. 32 to 52 20 0 In colours of While. Beige and Black ALL OFF PANTY HOSE KNEE HIGHS Regular styling. All sizes from Small to 20%0FF oversize. Plus tails. THIS SALE LEGGS PANTY 1 O% HOSE OFF LADIES. MEN'S. BOY'S JOGGING SUITS TAKE YOUR CHOICE1 FOR THIS SALE ONLY /3 OFF ALL SHORT SLEEVE &1 SLEEVELESS STYLES 2PRICE LADIES BATHING SUITS 1 and 2 Pc Makes Great styling in Plains and Patterns LADIES' HOUSECOATS These include the balance of our Summer Housecoats plus any Winter Leftovers. NOW 1 /2 PRICE Clinton Store Only LADIES UNIFORMS Both Pant Suit and Dresses in colours Basic White. Pink. Powder. Yellow. etc 3 DAYS ONLY 25°'° OFF THINK COLD' OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF LADIES. MENS. BOYS CAR COATS, JACKETS EVERYTHING IN1 OUTERWEAR /2 PRICE LADIES SLIPPERS & BOOTS 200,0 Styled by Lullabies OFF AT LADIES ARNEL PANTIES Colours o1 White. Beige etc Reg. $2.39 0 S Reg S3 19 $189 2 PR 53.85 $259 LADIES' SLEEPWEAR Arnel and Nylon Short & Long Nities & Peignoir Sets SP 20 0% SUMMER SPECIAL ALL REDUCED LADIES SPRING COATS Full length styles by Niccolini and Utex Look to the colder weather. LADIES BRAS By Playtex. Warners. Wonder Bra 1 /2 PRICE 20% OFF ........................... LADIES' JEANS Styles by Jordache. Sasoon. Cream. Levi G. W G . Scratch & Many. Many More Styles to Choose from Some Calvin Klein in Plain Denims. Stripes and Herringbone All At One Top Savings Price Req to 553 98 1/30FF BOYS HUSKY JEANS - CORDUROYS By G W G DRESS SLACKS By Besner 25% ALL OFF BOYS SHIRTS Plaids and A Few Plain Levi s Sizes 8 to 18 OUT THEY GO! 1 /2 PRF $2999fiii\,4c TEE SHI TS & JERSEYS Hundreds and Hundreds All the best makers - Cooper Kni Caramay, Levi, Bluestone, etc. Plains, Stripes and Patterns. Sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL We fit up to size 2X STOCK UP ON THESE! to pick from. ing, 1 /3 oFF MEN'S SPORT JACKETS Both summer and fall weights 3 DAYS 1 , ONLY 2 PRICE NAVY BLAZERS 30% off MEN'S SUMMER DRESS PANTS Ranges by Riviera, Gaslight. Daimor, etc. Plains and Pleated Styles Suitable for all ages OUT THEY GO! 1/30FF HAT & CAPS MEN'S SUMMER 1 /3 oFF MEN'S SHORTS Dressy Styles. Reg. and Knee Length Styles. Plain, Patterns and Prints ALL REDUCED 1 /3 MEN'S BRIEFS Regular and Hipster Styles Styles by Harvey Wood, Stanfields. Jockey. etc. ALL 20% OFF MEN'S DRESS SLACKS Fall Shades in Wools, Polys. etc 25% OFF. ALTERATIONS EXTRA MEN'S PERMANENT PRESS UNIFORM SETS Pants & Matching Shirts Green. Navy & Brown Sizes 28 to 52 SHIRTS Reg S21 98 $1 699 PANTS Reg '22 98 $1 799 MENS TEE SHIRTS Styles by Jockey. Harvey Woods and Stanfields - both White & Colours Some with Pockets 200/0 Reg S6 50 to 56 98 OFF MENS A SHIRTS Strap shoulder style in White only by Fruit o1 Loom. Jockey. Harvey Woods & Tiger Brand 20% OFF MEN S LEVI CORDUROYS Navy, Brown. $ 1 999 Black & Grey Reg to $35 98 (Broken Sizes) MENS or LADIES WINTER SWEATERS Look Ahead 1 /2 PRICE MENS CASUAL SLACKS Mostly Plain Shades Regular & Pleated Styles 4 .3 OFF 3 -STRIPE SHORTS by Athletic Knit Colours Grey. Royal. White BOYS Reg 510 98 MENS Reg S12 98 Red. Navy $379 $999 MENS JEAN JACKETS Big Look & Req. Styles by Levi. Wrangler. Walleys. etc. SUPER BLEACH. ACID WASH. STONE WASH All Reduced 20°" 3 DAYS ONLY THURSDAY -FRIDAY -SATURDAY JULY 9-10-11 ALL MEN'S SUITS 1 /2 PRICE 3 PACK TUBE SOCKS Styles by Harvey Woods and Macleans. Both White and Grey Bodies with Stripes. Reg. S6.98 S499 Reg. 57.98 Reg. $8.98 5599 $699 Special Table MEN'S DRESS & CASUAL SOCKS Subs and First Quality $1 59 2 PR. $300 3 DAYS ONLY MEN'S DRESS SOCKS Styles by McGregor, Harvey Woods, Vagden ALL 20% OFF MEN'S SHIRTS by Bluestone, B.V.D., Leo Chevalier. Pierre Cardin, St. Germain, etc. Short & Long Sleeve. 1 V/w Tails Included OFF MEN'S BOXER UNDERWEAR Plains - Patterns - Stripes Good fitting with balloon seal Reg. S5.98 $479 WORK SOCKS 100% Nylon, Wood Blend, Thermals. etc REDUCED 20°" MENS COVERALLS Green and Navy in Reg.. Talls & Shorts. Sizes 34 to 52 $2999 2999 Reg S39 98 MENS WORK WEAR Everything in Work Clothing 20% OFF MENS & BOY S SWIM SUITS All the latest styles and have we got the colours! Sizes XXL YOUR CHOICE 3OFF Special Lot MENS LONG SLEEVE SHIRTS Cotton Blends and Flannels Broken 112 PRICE Sizes and Ranges MEN'S & BOY'S BROADCLOTH PYJAMAS Shorts - Talls - Regs & Shortie Styles ALL 200,0 OFF ALL FLANNELS 1 /3 OFF MENS JEANS It s a whole new world' Choose from SUPER BLEACH - STONEWASH - ACID WASH and our good old REGULAR BLUE JEANS. Styles by Levi. GWG. Wrangler. Jordache. Wally'. etC WE STOCK APPROX 1.000 JEANS IN EACH OF OUR 2 STORES Req Reg Reg Reg Reg S37 98 S45 98 S43 98 S48 98 S51 98 $2999 $3599 S3499 $3799 $4099 BOYS WEAK CLEARANCE BOYS CASUAL SLACKS All Types - Many with Zippers and Large Pockets Canvas and Chinos SUMMER SPECIAL 1 /3 OFF Summer Special 3 DAYS ONLY BOYS LEVICORDUROY JEANS 1 /2 PRICE Regular and Slims BOYS DRESS PANTS All the Popular Shades 0 % in Washable Flannels 2OFF and Gabs BELTS Men s. Boys and l a dies Belts BOYS RIEFS Styles by Stanfield and Avanti White plus colours 20®/0 OFF 20% OFF BOYS SOCKS Special table - Boys Socks Subs and First Qualities 3 DAYS ONLY 99"3r. BOYS JEANS Styles by Levi and GWG in REGULARS - STONE WASH ACID WASH - SUPER BLEACH Reg 52798 Reg 529 98 Reg. S35.98 .. BOYS SHIRTS Short Sleeves - In Plains and Patterns $1999 $2199 $2799 1/30FF White - Blue - Beige Stripes - plus patterns