HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-11-26, Page 8r.: rk. NOYEMBER26th •44444444444 :4.4.4444444444494.4444.44 4444444444 14 4••• 4 4 • 4 •i 4 • 4•r igSF` ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT CHRISTMAS. We are ready with a full line of Staple and Fancy goods suitable for the holiday trade. We can please 4. you in quantity, quality and value. Do you know the l big store is doing a bigger and better trade than ever, • there's a reason for it, values tell the tale. We are big buyers and big sellers, yon would be surprised to see Ithe quantity of goods we handle every day. Values, a yes values, are what do the deed. Comae and see us for your Xmas wants. Remember your money back in all 4 oases if goods are not to your liking when you get • them home. P 4 ,4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 •4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 81.00 each for lovely 4/4 Che- nile Table Covers. $2,00 each for the best 8/4 Che- nile Table Covers, $1.25 each for largest Bed Comforters, 98c, each for special line large e Bed S whit ready p $2.65 the pair for lovely White Wool Blankets. $3.75 the pair for our best Wool White W Blankets. B els, 79c. for our Leader in Ladies Black Sateen Underskirt. $1.25 for a regular $L50 Black Satana Underskirt. 50c. the pair for our new Dip Hip Corsets. 75c. each for our new Chain I lir Belt e. beauty. Girdle 15c. the yard for special Amer- ican Flannel Waisting. 25e. the yard for American Opera Waistings. ***4••••••••••••••••••*.40♦ Just opened a special lot of ladies latest styles in Tailor Made Coats, they are the nohiest lot of -smart Dressy Coats that we have shown this season, Do you want one, if so we would like to interest you. $12.50 here you are. Swellest Dinner Sets we have ever shown 108 pieces, pure white hard semi porcelean body, new bright floral decorations with illuminated gohi uacings• Ask to see them. We have a big range of Ladies neck furs in Boas, Ruffs, Caper- ines and Scales. 2100.00 each 2 onlyLadies Black Persiau Lamb Fur Coats "both samples" very close bright curl. They are perfect beauties tend worth in any regular fur house $135.00 each. Your choice for only $100.00. Do you want one in men's and women's Fur Coats we are leaders. You choose from neatly a hundred Coats. Every coat a bargain. Groceries fresh, clean, and choice, no doubtful qual- ity with us, the best is what we offer you. Are you paying too much for your groceries? Perhaps it would pay you to get our prices. Did you say Mooney Biscuits, we have there, and we be- lieve they are the hest in the land, that's what the pe. ple say wh use them. Try a package. Bring us your Produce, Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples and Poultry We will use you well. 4 4 4 .4PTEW• o A. • :40004400000#01014♦N44 ►♦M44+4140440►+Of +N44 440400A A 4 0 4 4' e • 1 TO CURE A COLD IN ONE•DAY 4 + Take Lexative Bromic, Quinine Tablets ,4j All druggists refund the money if it O fails to cure. E. W. Grotte'3 signature 4' is on each box. 25c. • Only a few weeks more to make 4 selections for Christmas, read what 4 our local merchants advertise it will be a guide to you in doing your shop- * • ping. • Mrs, Fowell is making some im 8 proyements to the interior of her • residence in the way of enlarging rooms and building new stairways, al- ® so adding a furnace. • Mr. John Snell has purchased the • residence of Mr. George Marton, on OCarling street. Mr. and Mrs, Barton expect to move to the Northwest in se i the early spring. The Cavell Presbyterian Church • . Choir drove to Kippen on Monday • evening and took part in the musical TAprogramme in connection with the Presbyterian church tea•meeting at that place. illy. John MI awl Nits. WO. oi; Stratford, i have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlton during the past week. Miss Mildred, Godwin, eloeutionist, took part tit a concert in the Baptist church. Sarnia, on Monday evening of this week. Mrs. Rev. Bell, of Wheatley, re- turned home on Monday after epend- ing two weeks with friends in and a- round town. As a universal hoesrl,cd•t liniment there is none as useful on the market as Winer's Liniment, try it. Sold by C. Lou, Exeter.. Rev. W. Godwin was at Kerwood on Sunday last, Rev. M. Reed of that place taking Mr. Godwin's work here and preaching very acceptably. Mr. Jos. Davis, purchased. the rest- dence of Mr. John Moore ..which was sold at auction on Saturday last, The price paid was a trifle over $300. Miss Dora Trott completed her six months of apprenticeship at Dress- making on Saturday last. Miss Tom treated the girls to a tasty luncheon in Dora's honor. Mr. Thomas Handford has purchas- ed from Mr, Wes. Schoellig, of Zur- ich,his handsome team of Percherons, The price paid being in the neighbor- hood of $3.50 - Dix Cold Cure Remedies will relieve and cure Bad Colds, Influenza and La Grippe at all stages,; ' Enquire about them at 0. LTrrz Drug Store, Exeter. ``The Christn.as excursion rates from Manitoba to eastern Canada on all railwayr will go into effect on Decem- ber 1st. The rate will he the same as last year, $40. The Sovereign Bankof Canada Head Office Toronto. Executive Office., Montreal. Make a Start by depositing ONE DOLLAR in this bank and adding to it from time to time as you are able, you will soon be placed beyond the possibility of being in want, NG e invite you to open a SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT. Interest paid at the high- est current rate from date of deposit. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors. F. E, KARN Manager, Exeter. For Marriage Licenses, Wadding i�itigs, Watches, Clociks Jewel ry, Spectacles Etc CALL ON R HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. Wens .nrsoca.am TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual adveslisements accepted up to noon We"dnesday of each week. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1903 Locals Twenty-nine days till Christmas. Read Popplestoue & Gardiner's add on page 5. Mrs. Johns is visiting friends in St. Marys. Miss Jennie Quance is confined to her room through illness. Miss Clara Luxton spent Sunday with Miss Maud Glenn of Lumley. Miss A. Dinsdale, of Kippen, spent Sunday and Monday with friends in town. Wheat wanted at Exeter Grist Mill'', for which highest market price will be paid. =F Mrs. A. Sheere spent the forepart of this week with her son Aquilla, in St. Thomas. Mr. George Neaman has been laid up for a"few days with blood poison- ing in his arms. Mr. John Passmore, of Usborne, has accepted a, position as firemen ill Harvey Bros. Mill. Misses Mollie and Cora Lamport, of Crediton are spending a few days with' their sister, Mrs. Marshall. Mr. and firs. George Mitchell, of Stratford visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Heaman,. of Lon- don were guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Heaman, on Sunday Last. The non -jury sessions of the High Court will open before Justice Mac - Mahon ou Monday, Nov: 30th. Genuine Bargains in Winter Clothing JUST NOW WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF Hats and Caps, Overcoats, Suits, Winter Dress G-oods and Furs, which we are very anxious to clear out, so we have marked the prices down to the very lowest notch, and are giving big. reductions in the following lines. Hats from 506 up to $2.5o Caps from 20C up to 75c Overcoats from $5 up to $12 Suits from $4 5o to $11 Furs from 5oc to $10.00 Big Reductions in Winter Dress Goods For the Xmas Trade We have a fine range of Fancy Goods, such as DOYLIES I-IANDKERCI-IIEFS, Etc. They would make a nice Xmas gift to send to a friend. See them. asialhoweamoomOmmegmes Come in and examine our goods and get prices. MRS. W. D. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. IttEa Rowcliffe. of Ushorne, has sold his 50 acre farm to Mr. Albert Pennwarden who owns the adjoining 50 acres. Mr. Rowcliffe will move to Exeter as soon as a suitable house can be procured. Mr. Wm. Davis, of Exeter North, met with a severe accident last week. He was going down the skidway at Mr. Eillough's turning factory, and when near the bottom he fell an broke his leg, Ac a special meeting of the Wom- an's Institute held on Thursday las Mrs. A. Hastings was appointed a delegate to attend the meetings of the Institute in connection with the (Tin- ter Fair held at Guelph on Dec. 7th and 8th, r` The sale of English Stock Food is steadily increasing It is especially, good for fowls during be winter sea- son. It makes 'them lay= w lI and keeps them healthy, us 't fore.young 6pigs, fattening cattle and horses. Sold by C. LtdTz, Exeter, ;A very valuable cow beionging t M`r.Thos. Russell died on Sunday las "..rhe animal was apparently well the noon hour when being fed an nothing appeared wrong but on goin out in the evening Mr. Russell foun the cow lying dead. The loss to Mr, Russell is a heavy one. Dr. Ovens, of London, Surgeon,Ocu- list and specialist of diseases eye, ear, nose and throat, will be at the Com- mercial Hotel, Exeter, on Wednesday, November 4 ; Wednesday, December, 2 1903. Spectacles and eye -glasses properly fitted. Next visit will be Wednesday December 2. ',Sarnia Observer. - "Wooing and Wedding, delivered in Queen Street Church, was one of the most interest- ing and enjoyable lectures that has been our privilege to hear, and the Rev'd gentlemen held the audience spell hound during the delivery." In Main Street Methodist Church, Mon- day evening Dec. 7th. FOR OVFRSIXTY 1EARS AN OLD AND WELL-TRTED Rse xnY.-MMrs Winslow's SoothingSyruphas been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays an pain cures wind colic. and is the beet remedy for l'liarnccea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every .part, of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup and ask for no ether kind. There bas been another sharp ad- vance in the retail price of coal oil the price going up from 22c to 27c per Imperial gallon for the Canadian water white article, while the Ameri- can brand rose five cents a gallon higher, making the present prices 27c and 32c per gallon. respectively. This comes on top of a rise of two cents a gallon, which occurred several weeks ago. Call and see sample copies of the two new pictures, "Heart Broken' and "Hard to Choose," given as prem- iums with the Family Herald and Weekly S ar, which are well worth the price of a year's subscription alone If you want something nice subscribe for the TIMIS and above paper and get these two pictures as well as a quick reference map of the Dominion. Miss 0. Wiggins, of Toronto, the W. C. T. U. organizer, delivered a very inteeesting address on "The Home in Society" in the Presbyterian church on Wednesday afternoon, In the evening Miss Wiggins addressed a large and appreciative audience in the i Main Street Methodist Church on "The New Century Ideals" those who were present were highly pleased. The resident ministers were in attend- ance and a pra,gram of music was ren- dered suitable to the occasion. SAFE FOR SALE. --• A first class safe nearly new, Apply to MRs. JAMES WILLIS. ftRSft in Latest Styles Electric S e a 1 Jacket 27 inches long,, high Collar large lapels, new sleeve, heavy sat- in lining,a beauty 535.00. Electric S e a 1 Jacket 27 inches long with blue Oppossum collar. and lapels, satin lined, very pretty $35,00. Astrachan Jac- ket 27 inches long large bright curl quilted, satin lin- ing, great value $25.00. Persian Lamb Cap, wedge shape choice curl, best gnality, special $7 Electric S e a 1 a n d Aetrachau Caperine, with long front, very pretty combina- tion, $12.75, Stft Unsurpassed Quality Men's Eteotric Seal Sporting Cap choice quality, I' 'st satin lining, 5475. Electric S e a 1 and Blue Oppos- s u m Caperine, high collar, large cape, very pretty at $8,75, BIackOppossum Caperine, high collar, large cape, satin lined, wear guaranteed, $8 50 Electric S e a 1 Caperines, high collar, large full cape, long front, special at $10,00 Electric S e a 1 Caperine, ton g front, with cord and tc,ssels, high collar, $7.75. Grey Lamb Ca- perine,high storm collar, long front pretty curl, $9,75. Reliable Goods Grey Lamb S t o r m Dollar, large collar, med- ium length, first quality, $8.00, Child's Grey Lamb Storm Col- lar. nice large curl,wear guaran- teed, very scarce goods, $4.75, Natural Dark Alaska Sable neck Scarf.with cluster of tails, big value $9.00. American Sable Neck Ruff with 0 tails, a great sel- ler at $6.75. Bllr Astrachan Boa, 60 inches long,shaped, satin lined, very pretty $4,25. Near Seal Boa, 70 inches long, with cord end tas- sels, a great bar- gain, $4,25. FURS hu perior Finest Electric S e a1 Boa, very long fine quality, 513 Electric S e a 1 a n d Astrachan Stole. lined with silk, tassels and sable tails, very special $10.00 Black Hair Scar f, shaped, good qualcty, great value, $1.00 and $1.50. Grey Lamab Wedge Cap, very pretty, large curl good satin lining, $3,35, Beaver Oppos- surn Wedge Cap, quality., very fine q y, quilted satin lined $2.75. Astrachan Jac- ket, 30 inches long, nice large glossy curl, gur- anteed to wear $35.00. We have a to full range of Men's Fur Coats, $28.50. Call and see them and quality and prices. at from compare $1.8,50 SNELL. & ROWE Bears the Ilii Kind You Have Always Bought Signature 7 ®P of ORDER Now. -The TIMES and To- ronto Daily News for renewals or new stiubscrillJan. 1pti90ons5. at the"ow rate of $2.00 LOST. -A door of Waggonette, lois between Exeter and Elimvilie, o Tuesday of last week. Finder rewar ed by leaving at Crawley's livery. PROPERTY FOR SALE. - Desirabi property in Exeter with suitable resi- dence thereon. Good investment. Apply to GLADMAN & STANBURY, PROPERTY FOR SALE. - A nice frame house in the village of Exeter also 50 acres of land in the Township of Ushorne. For full particulars apply JorcN'GILL, Auctioneer, Exeter R SALE. -Sone choice lots on the er of Main and Victoria streets xeter nearly opposite Main st. Meth. Church, the above lots will be offered cheap to wind up the estate of the late Thomas Gidley. Apply to R. ItIDLEY, Exeter,one of the Executors. WOMAN'S INSTITUTE. - The next ar meeting of the Woman's In- stitute will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Hastings on Friday Dec. 4th. After the business of the meeting is transacted lunch will be served. Alt thesentm. embers are expected to be pre - ,A BETTER THAN EVER -"The Wee Sun" the farmers business paper, promises to be even more interesting to the farmers in 1904 than in the past The Sun is one of the few papers that places the farmers' interests before al others. The TIMES and San for $ NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS. -Mr. W. issett will be at the Town Hall every Friday from 9 till 12 in the morning and from 1 till 5 o'clock in the afternoon until Friday, December lith and on the following Saturday and Monday Dec. 12th and 14th, for the collecting of taxes, CHRISTMAS GOODS. -- Mr. John Charlton wishes to annouace that he is daily in receipt of new goods in- cluding Christmas Fruits, Toys,Chine, with a very fine and elegant display of H viland China as well as novel- ties in`Irand painted China. Toys of every description, See advertisement next week. TRAINS LATE•-Owin,r to the heavy amount gffreight to handle along the line of the L, H. & B. the freight trains have been unusually late during the past week. A run-off of a freight engine at Hyde Park Junction on Sat- urday morning, delayed the regular morning express for Fgeter until noon and the evening siren es was some three hours late. STEAM LAUNDRY. -Mr. B. Makins our enterprising laundry man has purchased a steam laundry plant in St, Marys and moved it to Exeter this week Me. Makins is installing the machinery in the brick block just north of the town hall, with the addi- tion of this plant to his already well equipped laundry, Mr. Makins, with his thorough knowledge of this busi- ness will be in a better position than ever to meet the wants of the public. TETE COUNTY'S HEALTH. -The Sep- tember report of the Provincial Board of Health has just been issued and shows that this connty was particu- larly fres from infectous diseases during that month. There were,how• ever, a few cases, and three deaths resulted, Bayfield reported one case of typhoid fever which terminated fatally. Grey and Ashfield each had a Case of typhoid fever, but no deaths; while in Usborne and Howick town- ships there was one death each from tuberculosis, CLUBB3ING PAPERS -- NOW IS the time to deoide what papers you will take during the coming year. We are in a, position to matte special in- ducements to anyone wishing to take a city daily or weekly and' in clubbing with the TTMes we can save you money. We have added to out List many new subscribers during the past months and to those who are not now subscribers we will give the balance of this year free. Seed us $1.00 and we will send the TIMES until the first of January 1905. Call and bee some of the premium pictures. "WELL DEseuvEn. - The immense 'value offered by The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal this season is meeting with the success the publishers deserye. Their pictures- *"lIeart Broken"and"Hard to Choose" =-o,re beautiful, and their other prem 'tum colored map of Canada is up -to "date. It is the biggest dollar's worth yin Canada to -day, The Family Her- ald is securing thousands of new sub- scribers by their generous gifts this ear; in fact, few homes will he found ithout that great paper and beauti- uI premiums when one dollar secures much, ANNIVERSARY. - Posters are nut a. pouncing the anniversary of the Main Street Methodist church ou Sunday December 6th. Rev. C. W. Brown, B. A., B. D., of Mitchell, who is well and favorably known to an Exeter audience, being a former pas- tor of James Street church,will preach at both services The usual tea - meeting will be dispensed with and a liberal contribution will be asked for. On Monday evening under the auspic- es of the Epworth League of the Church, Rev. Dr. Medd will deliver his popular lecture "Wooing and Wedding". Further announcements will he made next week. MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT.- The entertainment given by Miss Anna Beckett on Tuesday evening in James street church was thoroughly enjoyed by those present and those that failed to be present missed a rare treat. Only those who heard the singing of Miss Anna Beckett can appreciate her wonderful talents, We believe her to be far in advance of any singer who bas ever visited Exeter. The compass of her voice combined with its sweet- ness maker her complete mistress of difficult as well as the more simple pieces of music. We can only look forward to her return. a KILLED BY BRONCO. - Mrs. James W. Willis, of the 3rd. Concession Of Stephen, received the sad news last week of the death of her brother, Mr. John E, Mitchell, of Grand view, Man. Who died at that place on Saturday, Nov. 7th, af' er four days of severe suffering. The circumstances sur- rounding the case are indeed sad. It appears be was working around a bronco when the aunimal kicked him in the stomach, causing a severe wound from which he never recover- ed. Several doctors were shortly on the scene bat they could afford no re- lief. He Ieaves to mourn his untimely end a sorrowing wife and one child. The deceased was a former resident here and, being much respected, this sad news will be received with deep regret by his friends. DIED IN LONDON. Mir. Patrick Me - Phillips, the well known local harris t- er, died at his residence 335 King street. at one o'clock Tuesday morn- ing. Mr. McPhillips' death was not unexpected, as he had been ill for a long time, his condition for the past four weeks being very serious. Mr. McPhillips was the son of the late Patrick McPhillips, well known as a prosperous farmer of this district for many years, and was born in the township of Markham, York:County 46 years ago. About 1868 the family moved to Exeter, residing near this place, and in London, ever since, the eider Mr. McPhillips passing away in London a few years ago. About five years ago, Mr. McPhillips married Miss Robinson, daughter of Judge Christopher Robinson, of Richmond, Va., and who died a year following her wedding. Since that time, Mr. McPhillips has not taken an active interest in his profession. He is sur- vived by his motber,five brothers and three sisters, as follows : Mrs. Patrick McPhillips, 335 Bing street, London; Peter, of Manitoba; Williammusic dealer, of London ; Jaines and, Joseph of the United States; Frank, of Toron- to ; Miss Clara. of London ; Mrs: Geo. J. Kidd, of Sioux City, and Mrs. Prank McPhillips, of Winnipeg. De- ce,ised was a member of the Roman Catholic church. The interment will take place to-day(Thursday) in the Catholic cemetery ondon. CABLING BROI WINTER WANTS Some of our Special Lines at greatly Reduced Prices 75e For a nice Mink Neck Ruff . only a few of them left. 2 25, For a nice Dog Skin Caper. ine. Only a few left. r For a lovely genuine Dark Fox Ruff. This is a beauty, 6 nice tails, regular price $zo.00 1,5.00 For a mans good Fu Coat, dark color and a good 'wearer This is a coat special. 8.00- For a beautiful Sable Ruff large and fluffy, 6 tails. Reg- ular price $8.5o. 25 For the' best Worsted Wool Hose ever shown in Exeter. This is a regular 35c stocking. Ed11611 6r061(eru 611111a for Xmas We can show you a beautiful range of Fancy Crockery and China for the holiday trade. In Fancy Parlor Lamps, Hanging Lamps, Jardiners, Fruit Dishes, Vegetable Dishes, Fancy Cups and Saucers, Fancy Plates. Nice variety of Christmas China of all kinds rrHighest price for Poultry`] CA LING BROS. Joeo Chamberlain May be able to enlarge the British Empire, but if you wish to beau- tify your home with the latest in Furniture Styles, Call at the Gidley Opera block , rices are right and every article bought, guaranteed or replaced, if not satisfactory. Picture Graming and all kinds ordered work cheap, W. C. HUSTON, raduate of Dr, Myers School of EmbaIniing. Opera House Block. 444444400400040440444444400 Take Notice The Exeter Grist Mill Has been remodeled and is in full swing again, better than ever prepared to attend ,to the needs of their many customers, with a good supply of the noted STAR FLOUR on hand. "With .-Plate Choppers for fine chop, and a Roller for rolling oats for horses. Seeing is believing Give us a trial fif k RV EY E3R081 MILLERS 44444444.44044000414444444 841116111108456411141111666111410111111111611,0111 Get the Best -It Pays CENTRAL I/141 STRATFORD. ONT. Best Place In Canada ' for securing a thorough business • education or a superior short- 4 hand training. Our graduates ®► are always suooesSful in getting posit• B 0mons. This school invariably gives it 2 students more than they expect. Write A for Catalogue. Enter this montii if 0 lb possible, 0 e W. J. ELLIOTT, o a Principal 0 D00000Aolllo900o11600 *41106.10 s ftEXi1Lb Io D DYES These Dyes will dye Wool. Cotton, Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath -they are the latest and most improv- ed bye in the world. Try a package. Ail colors at 0, Llrrz, Exeter. Budding Material We wish to thank our many cus- tomers for their valued patronage during the year 1903 and respectfully solicit a continuance of their valued orders. We also invite all who contemplate building in 1904 to call and inspect our stock which will be found com- plete in every department, and at prices that will justify them in placing their orders with us. We manufacture Packing Boxes and Crates and Bee Keepers Supplies, such as Beehives and Hive Fittings, MOSS & TAYLOR EXETER, ONT. -AT- BROWNINGS Satisfaction Guaranteed Complete assortment of uo-to-date Spectacles Best Quality, Lowest Prices, also full supply school Books Note Books, &c. Drugs Medicines and Chemical Toilet Articles Brushes, Combs and Perfumes. Brown iugs Drug Store