HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-06-24, Page 7Sandra Walsh, a Grade 2 student at Blyth Public School, was the regional winner for her
class grouping in the Ministry of Natural Resources poster contest held during Forest
Fire Prevention Week. Sandra and principal Bill Black (left) were presented with pla-
ques by Smokey The Bear and Kim deVries of the ministry. (Anne Narejko photo)
Students return from trips
By Kelly Cook
BLYTH - On June 11, the Grade 8s, accom-
panied by Mr. and Mrs. Kolkman, set out on
a ninehrour drive to Ottawa. The trip was in-
terrupted only for short pit stops •and a one
hour shopping spree in Kingston. Once in Ot-
tawa, they settled into the dorms at
Carleton, University. Later that night a
relaxing swim was enjoyed in a Carleton's
Olympic -sized pool.
Friday morning after a free breakfast, a
tour of Ottawa began. Many places such as
the Parliament Buildings and the Peace
Tower, the Supreme Court, The Governor
General's Residence, the War Museum and
the Rideau Shopping Mall were visited. That
night the kids had anoather swim and pizza
was ordered afterward as a midnight snack.
Even after the late night they were up ear-
ly the next morning to pack, eat and get
ready for the long ride home following a tour
of the MacKenzie King Estate. A stop at
Pioneer Sports World in Kitchener for an
hour gave the students a break from the
long trip. The field trip finally ended at 10
p.m. Saturday and the students gratefully
went borne for sleep after an exhausting
The class extends a special Thank you to
Mr. Black and Mr. and Mrs. Kolkman for
being so patient and helpful for three long
A Visit From Smokey
By Zoey Onn
In the Month of May the Grade 2 class
entered a poster competition on Fire
Prevention. Sandy Walsh, was the regional
Smokey the Bear came to the school to
give Sandy her prize. It was a plaque with
her name on it and a belt buckle. Smokey
gave the whole class a coloring hook. Sandy
got to sit on Smokey's lap.
The class sang him a song and when he
carne to the part about his girl friend, he
Slow -Pitch Tourney
By Jason Lee
The annual senior slow -pitch was held at
Clinton Public School on Wednesday, June
17. There were seven schools involved:
Blyth; Clinton, Hullett, Huron Centennial,
Seaforth, Vanastra and Clinton Christian.
Each school entered both a boys' and girls'
team with each playing five games during
the day
The boys' team won a total of two games
which placed them in third place overall.
The girls' won one of their games.
The Bus Trip
By Karli Yanchus
On June 12, at 7:15 a.m., the Grade 5, 6,
and 7s met at the school to load up on the bus
to go to the Toronto Metro Zoo.
They were all divided into groups and
each group had a camera, because, besides
seeing all kinds of different plants and
animals, another purpose of the zoo trip was
to practise taking pictures, and to learn
about photography.
After a short break at a truck -stop, they
arrived at the zoo, gathered into groups, and
planned to meet at the American Pavillion
for lunch. Then they scattered, trying to see
as many of the exhibits as they could.
When they met for lunch, students quickly
finished Big Macs and went to see more
animals before meeting at the entrance of
the monorail for a ride.
On the monorail, they saw the part of the
zoo that had deer, wolves, moose, grizzly
bears and other animals.
After the monorail, the students loaded
onto the trusty bus. After stopping for sup-
per at McDonald's they set off for home.
Just outside of Petersburg, their "trusty
bus" broke down and they had to send for
They finally arrived home at about 9 p.m.,
tired but happy. The classes extend a
special Thank you to their teachers and the
parent volunteers.
Tweedsmuir meeting in Walton
Wednesday evening the Tweedsmuir
meeting of the Walton Women's Institute
was held in their hall.
Helen Craig called the meeting to order
with Margaret Shortreed as pianist., The
minutes and financial statement, were read
and a very good report of the noon luncheon
held that day given. Mrs. Craig read a
poem, "Be the best as you can" and the roll
call was answered by 11 members. A thank -
you note was read from the Huron County
Public -Library for the donation towards the
purchase of talking books. It was moved to
make a donation to the Butler Project,
Canadian Artist.
There will be no meeting in July and a
window replacement report is to be brought
to the August meeting. It was moved to have
the Tweedsmuir books micro -filmed.
The rest of the meeting was turned over to
convenors Annie Reid and Margaret Craig
who introduced guest Neil McGavin who
presented very interesting slides of local ac-
tivities social functions along with family
A poem, "I mustn't forget" was read by
Ms. Reid and Margaret Craig gave the Mot-
to. Pennies for friendship were collected.
Marine Marks reported a fridge had been
purchased for the hall.
Turn to page 8
Couple celebrate 45th anniversary
AUBURN - An open house was held in the
Auburn Community Hall for Leona and Joe
Hickey who celebrated their 45th wedding
anniversary. Leona and Joe were married
May 2, 1942 in Riversdale Church.
Following the open house, which approx-
imately 200 people attended, a meal was
served at their home for 80 close friends and
relatives by their children and families.
A special guest for the weekend was Joe's
sister Margarite, from Amherst, Nova
Scotia. Other guest were present from Sar-
nia, London, Oshawa, Barrie, Walkerton,
Hanover and the Auburn area.
They have nine children and 20 grand-
children: Marian and Frank Hallahan and
family of Blyth; Bob and Brenda Hickey
and family of Auburn; Jim and Teresa
Hickey and family of Auburn; Connie and
Paul Black and family of Lucknow; John
and Judy Hickey and family of Port Albert;
Joanne Phelan. and sons and Bob Riehl of
Clinton; George and Sylke Hickey of Blyth;
Phyllis and Rob Hanson of Thorndale;
Steven Hickey of Auburn.
Included in the many gifts were greetings
from the Prime Minister of Canada,
Premier of Ontario and a Papal Blessing.
Mr. William Anderson of Newmarket
visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Anderson over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Tom Jardin and Mrs. .Elva
S.traughan spent a few days i nMeaford last
week. They visited Mrs. Clayton Robertson
and Mr. Robertson who is a patient in
Meaford Hospital.
Decoration Sunday at Balk Cemetery will
be held on July 5 with Rev. Pickell of
Goderich conducting the service.
The UCW general meeting will be on June
24 at 8 p.m. Their will be a celebration of the
25th anniversary and the guest speaker will
be Mrs. Susan Howson. Former members
and friends welcome.
Women's Institute
The Auburn Women's Institute meeting
was held at the Auburn Community Hall on
Tuesday, June 16 at 2 p.m. The president,
Mrs. Len Archambault, welcomed all and
opened with a poem. The Ode, Mary
Stewart Collect and 0 Canada was sung with
Marjorie MacDougall as pianist.
There were 11 members and three guests
present. The minutes, correspondence and
financial statement were given by the
secretary, Mrs. Robert Peck.
Family and consumer affairs was the
topic with Mrs. Elliot Lapp and Mrs. Lillian
Leatherland in charge. Roll call was
answered with "name a protein other than
meat." There will be no July meeting
however there will be a bus trip to Grand
Bend to see Brigadoon in August. Anyone
wanting to go 'should contact Mrs. Marian
The card report was given by Mrs. Lillian
Leatherland. Mrs. Elliott Lapp gave a
reading. The reports of the district annual
were given.
Mrs. Elliott Lapp introduced the guest
speaker, Kathy Bromby of Blyth, who spoke
on her illness and seizures of epilepsy and
her hours of surgery as well as her new
outlook on life. Mrs. Lillian Leatherland
thanked. Kathy and presented her with a
Mrs. Charles Merrill gave a reading. Col-
lection was received. The Queen and Grace
were sung, followed .by the serving of
delicious desserts by Mrs. Lillian
Leatherland and Mrs. Charles Merrill. ('on -
test winners were Viola Raithby and Mrs.
Len Archambault.
Unit 11, Knox U('W
Unit II, Knox UCW, was held at the church
on .lune 17 with Mrs. Allan Webster, Mrs.
Violet Durnin and Mrs. Torn Lawlor in
Mrs. Durnin opened the meeting with a
reading. Hymns were sung accompanied by
Marjorie MacDougall. The meditation was
read by Mrs. Webster with scriptures read
by Mrs. Lawlor. Prayer was given by Mrs.
President Mrs. Peter Verbeek spoke
about visiting the shut-ins and plans for the
25th anniversary general meeting.
Lunch was served by Mrs. Webster, Mrs.
Durnin and Mrs. Lawlor.
Knox church service
Pastor Shuttleworth conducted the morn-
ing service at Knox United Church with
Mrs. Gordon Gross providing the organ
The junior choir sang under the direction
of Mrs. Gordon Gross.
Off6ring was received by Allan Webster
and Lawrence Plaetzer.
A bridal shower was held in honor of Miss
Linda Cunningham Thursday evening June
18 at the Know United Church in Auburn.
Mrs. Brian Hallam was the MC for the oc-
casion. Corsages wer pinned on the bride-
to-be, her mother ( Mrs. Tom Cunningham),
her maid of honor Miss Debbie Cunningam,
as well as the groom's mother, Mrs.
Lawrence Plaetzer.
A sing song was conducted by Miss Lors
Millian with Mrs. Betty Millian as the ac-
companiest. Mrs. Lloyd Penfound gave a
reading. Two contests were enjoyed led by
Miss Glenyce McClinchey. Miss Anita
Gross kept the crowd laughing with her ren-
dition of "Going to the Wedding."
The gifts were then presented to the bride
by Miss McClinchey and Miss Losereit as
well as several other young ladies.
Knox Sunday School
On Sunday, June 21, the superintendent
Gary Shuttleworth handed out diplomas and
seals for Sunday School attendance.
The following pupils were awarded
diplomas or seals:
First year diploma – Josh Middelkamp,
Robbie Young;
Second year seal – Joel Arthur, Kevin
Millian, David Haggitt, Aaron Shuttleworth,
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Third year seal – Melissa Hanna, Court-
ney Rutledge, Pamela Schneider, Amanda
Fourth year seal – Rachel Arthur, Sheryl
Ramsey ;
Fifth year seal – Anette Vincent, Tammy
Middelkamp, Tracy Millian, Janice Marie
Young, Bradley Ramsey;
Sixth year seal – Michael Bakker, Ryan
Middelkamp, Jonathan Collins, .John Arm-
strong, Christy Bricker, Laurel Campbell;
Seventh year seal – Scott Arthur, Peter
Criag, Ryan Chamney, Shelley Dobie, Kurt
Marchl, April Gross;
Eighth year seal – Kerry Bakker, Tyler
Craig, Karen Millian, Michael Schneider,
Ruth Ann Bakker;
Ninth year seal – Kevin Webster, Chris
Marchl, Shannon Millian, Janice Webster,
Susan Dobie, Alison Chamney;
Tenth year seal – Karen Bakker, Rose
Marie Young, Stewart Bakker, Donna Lynn
Eleventh year seal – Ian Andrews, Bryan
Gross, Cathy Nesbitt;
Twelfth year seal – Lori Armstrong;
Thirteenth year seal -- Leona
Bibles were presented to the following
Grade 1 pupils: Aaron Shuttleworth,
Pamela Schneider, David Haggitt and
Courtney Rutledge.
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