Exeter Times, 1903-11-26, Page 5T POPPLESTONE & GARDINER, POPPLEStTONE & GARDINER. General Merchants. General Merchants, Winter is here wth its inclement blast, Prepare for it now with Furs that will last, "German dyed is the best" the furriers say, Then buy them from us, and with you they'll stay. 1 ■ 11 11 evi T1 1 4 I/ cb „3,,, w �. HF l PeO The ear ri I Fur Caperine, Black Astrachan Dog, lined with black satin,with three tails, high collar, full cape for ...... tb,4 0 P4 li 0 71 0 ar FAX zg at pj O Pa m .m • DOOP Nortli - 01 Post O1ti6e d Terms --Cash or Produce. • ti ok,O rOPPL STONE & GARDINER. POPPX;ESTONE & ;GARDINER, A.4 Ci enerall Merchants. Gtsanieral. Morrliaat s. $4.00 I Black Coney Caperine, high roll collar, full back long front with six tails, lined throughout with black satin . • • • • .$5 .°° I Electric Seal Caperine, Iong front, roll collar six tails, lined with brown satin at.. ... $6.5o I Black Astrachan Caperine, with largest cape *made, also high collar, black satin lined, a beauty for stormy days .... $7,50 I Black Astrachan Caperine, lovely curl. fancy satin lined,long front,roll collar,six squirrel tails at ............. $8.00 I combination Persian Lamb and Electric Seal Caperine, brown satin lined, large cape, high roll collar, long front, four long tails one of the best of values at $10.00 I combination American Sable and Electric Seal Caperine, with new picot cape, very high roll collar,beautiful fluffy fur, medium long front, six tails at ... • $I2.00 I combination Electric Seal Caperine with Per- sian Lamb,creased roll collar, Indented roll cape all brown satin lined, very long front, squirrel tails at ........ .. $ 15.00 I Electric Seal Caperine, longest front made with six long squirrel tails, satin lined through- out, full roll collar .... .... $15.00 I Coney Fur Ruff with six tails at ...... . .......$I,75 x Coney Fur Ruff with six tails, chain attached at $2•. 00 I Japan Brown Fox Boa, 52 inehes long at $3.00 I Opossum Ruff with four tails at ..$3.0o I Mountain Goat Boa, 87 inches long, fully furred best we have seen at.. $5.00 t Canadian Sable Ruff,very wide collar,six tails at $6.00 i Black Coney Boa, 86 inches long, nice glossy fur,$5.00 I Cub Bear Bca, 85 inches long, trimmed with ten tails, all finely furred,extra fine quality, $rc 00 1 Canadian Sable Boa, 74 inches long, very wide ruff collar, trimmed with claws and long tails .... $12.00 Men's Saskatchewan Storm Coats, rubber interlin• ing, farmer satin quilted linings, Mohair sleeve lining our price $15.00 gess Goods Our Speciality P rd 0 ittOatl r.0 6 ro b enttlID igtei se iClu �, 4i Q � LEAMINGTO1` rc; fiF YOU READY a swept � i it • r waw, agouti u it out were P P 6 1 offered 'uuf It uo prepare guru i i flet nu P �l you, and you will receive a water- ier inte.i .,ticn, We time ,be Highest iu.nda,d of graduation, and :.uk etedeaGe, are el to eat demuu:L lieu Catalogue "1)" will ion )uu a'labuui it. write • fo: f. 4. L. U1tOWne, Principal. Phone t. Locals NOVE1Y113ER 201,1 1103. Trots a snow and excellent sleighing W auld same of our readers 'kindly furnish us with a ropy of the Timm of July 2red, 003. Owing to ;Last elond•ay eventing, be- ing stormy Advance Council No. 207, R. T. of 1', postponed' their "Rally Night" for one week, and will expert all of •tihie members to be present next 112cvxuelay evening, Nov. 30(•h. -Annie, M. Vincent, Rec. Sec',y. During the .past week a number of oar citizens report the loss of several a,rbict'ee of clothing from kitchen and •ci!nitbees-..lino. The clothes -line of Mr Jas. Graivee was relieved of some use- ful •ar.tieloa and. the sneak theism e'n- t ee!d the kitchen of Mr. D4ayid Mills and lieilre'cI •tlreimeelves. Other planet; were visited with. like results. A sus- picion note upon the guilty parties. T,he date of tlsa steered concert end organ recital to be :held in the' Trivitt Memorial cthureh has been fixed tor Tuesday evening, Deo. 8th. Profehs•ar Jonas rhes been 1iar,;.l at work for some was past I:ininLng nearly fifty v:ai'e- es taken from •.. the chorine 'of the ;dif- rerw,n.t ebszrohee in fawn so that our citizens may look for an excellent programme an that occasion. R. T. of T. Notes. -The. open meet- ing of Royal Templars hold in Main-ist Methodist church, an Wedeesday;ev- ening, Nov. 18th, was, a very interest- ing meeting. There was quite ;x num- .ber present, but atwing to the night beling stormy Lhare was not so large a crowd as was expected. The address; by Rev. Dr. Hannon was well worth, liste,n.in,g to and delighted all, ,as t. did salsa the short addreets by Rely. Mr. Martin end our worthy brother ; Mr. Frayine. The solos by Miss Lewis and Miss Edna Follick were beautiful. The duett by Airs. Cebbledick and brother 'leas a ecaQleinte The irekadiiings; by 1VPrs Manson and Miss Elsie McCallum ,ivere weal rendered. We wesee, pleas- ed to have secured such good talent Lor title rivvniixyg.and hope. at some fu- ture date we may have the pleasuro of listening to them again.- Annie M. Vincent, Rec. Sec'ry, R. T. of T. !obibuai ty.-tMrs. Thomas Barton., ro w'ho ipasn:id away an Tuesday 1ast„ was hi the daughter' of the Late Mr., tend: Mrs 2 r itWilliamWilliamOke Lorr;me:r residents of Us - borne, and was born near Bethesda a in the year 1847. S:.me few years( ago H Mns. Hartrxn wi.ia afflicted with,. a � • .oamcarous growth and different treat - !get emesis were resorted to in order to aa - R, baa- the ;prof rel s of the, disease and, for t;., a time it seemed apparent 'that she %vas entirely Cured, but lass than: a ra year .age it became evieent that the disease brad been still making its in - tread upon :her system, and despite cot •medicail skill she became a victim. to its ravages. During her Long and severe affliction she bore all with, thkxet Ghiristian fortitude which charao:teer- her whole like. She wan a consistent !and helpful me..mbe'r.of the Main-ist. G tri INER • Loss of Fsh When you can't eat break- fast, take Scott's Emulsion. When you can't eat bread and butter, take Scott's Emulsion. When you have been living on a milk diet arc'. want something a little more nourishing, take Scott's Emulsion. To get fat you must eat fat. Scott's Emulsion is a great fattener, a great strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat. Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. For invalids, for con- valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scott's Emulsion is a rich and com- fortable food, and a • natural tonic. Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. We will send you a free sample. Be sure that this picture In the form of a label is an the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWIE, CHEMISTS% Toronto, Ontario. 50c. and $11 all druggists • I Yea, mem., d t Church, and a hied nae AI Lhiv pile it , G 1r dCi �e � n p WAS ,always Wind and 'lliaspitablei, help- ful usually was to all and lived for ahem and., rn cin Tuesday •night the scene of a ter.- • gent-112mo.; lave and Cu•rtstian fidelity eels �'n= ye While brr departure is keenly felt I tertian l CI:l gas. Si:. Auidtr�sws •L.rei tly- x• u •ell ro was • 3 ten( n Glu r school m s bz 1 bile .o f 'the Ladies' Aid, The dee etesed the bents wee the esse+noe •of 1'41. 0110 , , , ,ia�o acciidn>xl, due to an explosio by thio nrrawing husband and friends yet they aejoaee in her 'glorious death and hope to meet and greet her in eternal. reunion in "The land that is fairer th,a•n day." Her remains were j,isl t'erretl on Monday in the Exeter ee,'tne,tory, The service .being•oonductr.d by Rev. W. M. Merlin, in' the absence •ef hop pastor, Bev. W. Godwin.. Be- sodas 'he'r bereaved husband their • re- m;unp to mourn their loss one siste,r Atria. C, Daymen, ,of Usborne, ; Thomas Okra., of Landon Township, and .John and William, of Bettheeda. as well ! as as numerous relatives, including Ibex' noire, Miss Rose ila•rton, who was her nail/fel attenident 'through her Long illness. AN ALL-ROUND REMEDY. Mrs. Honnesson, ' Binscart"h, Alan., Writes: "I have used 1:Iagyard'w Yel- low Oil for ,:ore ]Throat, Cate ,Scalds and Frtoetbites for a long time and oansidor they best all-round household remedy made.' Price 25c, at all deal- ers . Anderson -.Mr. Freed Epple]:t, of London, spent Sunday with Alice E. Murray.• -Mr. W. W. S. Brown, of Stratford, vent Sunday under the parental roof -Miss Alice Arthur, of Medina, was the guest of Edith Arthur,1 ast week Mr. Jno. Bodge has returned from Muskn1ea• where he has been visiting his brelher. - "bars. Barnett, •of Ra•nnnch, Mrs, Callum, oaf Glencoe, were guests at Mrs. 3. IL Atkinson, ori Sunday. - Mrs. Hamilton, Miss Mamie and Ilumphaey Anderson, of Sl. Marys, spent Sunday WI Or Mrs. Jna. Ander- sen. Elimville -1,1r. Thos. Veal is still confined to the ivcwes. -Mrs. Wm. Miners has tteen quite siek but pat .present is 'somewhht bet- ttir. -A1rs. W. Ilern spent a,few days of last week with her parents at Goderich. -Mre. Thomson, of Goderich is spanning a new days with her daught- er, Mrs. W. Herrn. -Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair of St. Marys spent Sunday the .guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Johns, jr. -Our blacksmith has moved into his ••new shop and finds it much warm- er than the old one. -Miss Martha Henn is visiting fri- ends in Tuppeirville and is also attend pr(; the Hpiwox4:b League Convention at Chatham as a delegate from the Plemwille League. �1V]rs. Jicneethen Cooper, south of W. C. T. U. NOTES thea village has a prodigy in a'braod Oil ducklings In the early, spr- or g g wirceked, and more thee one hundred people who were in it ` at the' „Lime, BORN. mostly children, were subject to a BUII•,TON.--'tn, l�irlr,iianl, to Mr. and most t�ryiinrig experience. i Mrs. W. 11. Burton, a on. What was a L,ee,tive•oecasion was end i itOI31NSON.-In Blansba-rd, en Tuei:- d!snly.canvorted into ono of confusion i day, Nov. 17, the wife of Mr. 0. W. anti :yarrow. The occasion was a sup- Robinson, of a son. per tendered to the children of the 'BOSSEN131aRRY.-At Zurich, on Mon - Sunday school, It was at this festival .dray, the 16th. inst to Mr. and Mrs. whish wa.n, le n c ress when the, ac- Frank 13ossenberrv. a son. ei&l t cecurired. i DIED, The aarlrpaxzy had been gathered, at BROCIL.-In Usborne, on Nov. 19.1h the tables far elope up -nn an hour when . 1903, Mr. John Brock, aged.78 years when the explosion occuzred. J : 2 months. The accident was caused by the ex- IIARTON.-Ina Usborne, on Friday, pleeton of acetylene gas, but What November 20th. 1903, Sarah A caused tthe explosion has not bean ex- Oleo, •beloved wife of Mr. Thomas pl.aineJ. The gas plant lead been in Herten, aged( 56 years. eporia.tion for some time, and, no e or• - imus trouble had bean experienced with it. It was under the cantlol of j the caaetaker of the church, Mr.WIn. Menne. who was supposed to under - .stand its working tborouglily. Mr. 1V'Taore was in the basement near the !has manhdszts when the trouble ac•aur- red, but 'b wn.s so terribly injured it was not possible to get from bin an atcooma�t of what led up to the explos- ion. Moore's injuries are chiefly, burns, and he has suffea`.d great agony Rev. Mr. McLennan, the pastor of the church leas also near by at the time, end was likewise seriously burn- ed. Ile is also suffering from shock. firs. Jas. McLean and Miss Nellie Cooter, who wore among those assist- ing at the children's feast were in- jured. by flying debris, and are saidito ba very seriously .hurt. The names of ehildre,n who were among the victims of the disaster are Elia Algia, Alice Taylor, Fiore Taiyloir end Linn Cooper. The school building and the base- ment beneath .it are thought >to be b. complete wreck. The structure was cif brick, and tveil constructed, ' 'but the t.remondaus power of the explod- ing ixplod iing tare it as if it had been of match w,,od. Owing to the very inadequate means of lighting up the scene, the work of the relscue•rs, some of whom had escarp ed unhurt from tbe, wrecked school - roam, wee necessarily retarded. great- ly. The men and w•amen who joined in •bhr. task of bringing relief to the injured -stumbled over heaps of debris w'ri•th the aid largely of nothing -better tiba.n lanterns. The cries •of• the little children in distress • served as a guide for re time, but some of them had; be- come unconscious, and where lifted dram the ruins Looking more dead thn.t alive, with blood flowing from wounds over. the once -clean frocks, now sadly tarn and soiled. What 'physicians is was passible to summon were brought bo the spot with all speed, but many wane the homely remedies applied by willing if not so well-trained, 'hands. or 1)i Lyr.z. Ilerse'he11' mutt the speed down to about .tan xu•iies a sec•antl,•Be- eent Lengthy observations and o:zloula- tions at the famous Lick .Obseirvtvtur in California. deetare the speed'to he twelve •miles a second or forty-five thousand d e• mites every hour. y unix n brood of ducks were hatched out These same fowl laid the eggs which wene placed under a hen for hatching, wtbieh brought out the full number The Little ones are bright and healthy looking, and with warm quarters, Mrs Cooper expects to raise tluematwithout any trouble. Who can boat this? Zurich Time and Family Herald &, Star, from now until January 1905 includ- ing three premiums for $1.75. -Me.. John Sararas, of the 14th.00n- ceeLan, sold a. fine two-year-old colt ba Mr. J. P. Rau, ,of the .Commercial, an Monday., for the sum of $125. -Mr. John Dumart went to' Lon- dondon, on Satuestity to place thimself under the care of a specialist for. some months studing music in London. -Mir. Wes. Sphoelli,g sold his hand -- some team of perche runs, to Mr. Thos. HandLord, of Exeter, on Wednesday, rhe price received beiiug, we .trader - stand in the neighborhood of $350. -Mr. Henry Weber is working, a't Ile ns,v hotel in St. Jose'p'h. It is being lathed and .plastered and it will bake several weeks yet to, complete the job, which has been let to a: Lon- don firm of contractors. -Mr. Henry Rupp met with an an- oi'deint, by Lalling out of his wagon, in front of the Commercial, on Tues.. day last, :The horses started sudden- ly wb'en he last his balance and fell over. He was, however, ,not seriously uinjutned. -Mrs. R . Hamacher, left for her ihioms in Sanil'ac Centre, Michigan, on Wodinssday morning accompanied by 'her brother and nephew, the Messrs. Wm. and Harvey Weber. The two latter will likely remain there andire- eume their trades for the winter, or as much of it as it is possible to work in that climate. NOTICE A MISSING GOLD WATCH. On Saitu:rdray night, Nov. 141h, Mr. C. M. Dykes, of He,ns•all,;los.t a $65 Bald wand(, a gift his father present- ed to him some years ago. The case is a heavy gold hunting Lin cose, the back case having a dent in it, at the hinges. The case is made heavy also the same at stem. A small pair of scales are stamped on the back alt one of the bask cases. The movement is an expensive Rolokfarid, screw set jew- els, on the dial is printed the na'me,of the jeweler from whom the watch was purchased. The, name is (H. A. Har- nistan, Sault sle. Marie) The parity whys. took the hatch in• front of (]lie Coimx5e foial hotel, 1X xr all, on .the above 'mentioned night, was seen by three different witnesses, but if he will leave the watch at the post office at Hensall for Mr. Dykes at ante, his name will be kept secret and no steps will be taken, Otherwise a warrant will be taken out for his immediate airrei�t; eThe laarty or partied who are hold - Me. Dyke's wateb are surely were that In •dieing so they tame committing a serious offence in the eyes eft the law and leaving themselves liable' to iraricionnment, if after this notice, they fail in a reasonable length of time to leave the the watch at poet Office as stat - `ed. At the last irugular meeting held at Mea. H. Hopper's Superintendents of saldle of the different decartmentts wore elected as follows: Temperlance in Sunday Schools and Jurv>CAnile work, Mrs. H. Hooper, Mrs. Geo. Munson, Mrs. Wesry and Mrs. Anti -Narcotics, Mrs. Chas. Brooks; Parlor Meet'un•ge, Mrs. B1atciheford ,a:nd Mrs. Biasdell; Missionary Work in lumber oa•mps, Mrs. Munroe and Miss MoTeggaint ; Press Work, Mrs. E Elliott ; Purity and Mother's Meet- ing, Mrs. Godwin. The secret of the magnificent suc- cess abreindting Nortih Dfakota's prohi- ibiLbary Lila, lies to a large extent • in the heavy penalties attached to the of- fence. For instance any person con- victed of sellingl iquor is fined $200 and is sentenced 'ie.) six months in jail for a first offence. For a second of- Leinios .the fine is $1000, and one year ; in jail. iBetsides this, the funniture of the shop or room in whloh the liquor was , sold is oanfiscaled and destroyed. ' It ,is 0150 worthy of mention that 1 bbs •man who drew up this law is at present one of the judges in North Da - kala, and as many of the cases; have been tried before him, it is needless. to add 'that to the guilty Ones is' meted h e.iar jus unishmeat, "Felt Gay" After the Sec- ond Box of Iron -ox Tablets. January 6, 1903. About a year ago, being a sufferer from indigestion (a bad attack), I bought two packages of Iron -ox. After taking one I was conscious of an improve- ment, and I remember that the second one did the busi- ness, and I felt gay. Pelham Crookenden, 182 Brunswick Street, Toronto, Ont. il'ifty Iron -ox Tablets, in an attractive aluminum pocket case, 25 cents at drug- gists, or sent, postpaid, on receipt of pace. The Iron -ox Remedy Co., Lim- ited, Walkerville, Ont. EXECUTRIX' SALE Farrn, Farm Sock and Implements Mr. U. Bnarin has received inscruc- talons to sell on Lot 4, Concession 8, Stephen an FRIDAY, DEC. U, 1003. At 1 o',olock p. m .sharp. The following valuable, .property of C. Frank : Chambers. deceived. Farm Lot No. 4, con. 8, Stephen Township, containing 100 aures, well boatel -pees Wed. The soil is clay learn, clean and well farmed and very- produc.tive..On tibio ;preimise,s are a bank barn, brick foundation 45 x 70, and a brick; house with frame kitchen and woodshed. Thera are two good wells an the prete- nses. 10 acres are in fall wheat and seeded with timothy, and about thirty acres for spring crop, the ;balance be- ing in grass. Will be sold subjeab to certain chargees. Also the following chi t te1s: : 1 Maxwell churn; 1 cook stove; 1 lounge, 1 longe, 1 kitchen table; 1 pow supposed to be in calf; ; 3. cows MU/calved ; 6 calves 10 months old; 3 one -seer old heifers; 3 .calves three old;; 1 draft horse : 1 driving salt year old, ; 1 sow ; 8 pigs 'three months old ; McCormick 'binder ; Maeeer-Harris mower ; McCormick rake; fanning mill; drill; roller root pulpier ; snuffler ; Diamond h;ar- >,tows ; Disc harrows ; 2 plows, ; creamseparator, "Empire" ; platform scales, wagon ; dray .rack ; sleigh ; cutter ; bar nese; •poultry; roots ; grain; hay and straw etc. Positively no Reserve. For terms of sale see bills or ;apply to GLADMAN & STANBIIRY, Solicitors. H. BROWN, Mns. ALMA CHAMBERS. Auctioneer. Executrix, au: h J p ®,- William Joiseph. Curry, the confessed murderer lad little Glory Whalen., pleaded guilty to; the charrge which birout,+hit him before, the 1lLaineherter eosins and received a sentence of fourteen years. Since his imprison- ment Curry bas bean acting strangely and finally made his confession. It is expeiLced that Curry will shortly be re moved from Metwdhestor to London, where he will , be charged with the Collingwood Prime before being hand- ed over Lo the Canadian authorities.. A. scientific periodical gives the tfol- Lawnag :More than one hundred ye(xrs ago Sir, William Herschell declared that the sol'a'r system -the su.n and his ak:ten.dant Plana'ts including ct;X eiartb-is moving in a straight line ap proximately towards the.conseellation Hercules. Than was merely a guess on Sir William's pert, for there, ware rue means th.n •• E ascertaining�r nin the xs - Ponces of bion eters orr.tbair velocity., Later diiscay.etries 'have shown however that the statement was absolutely correct and tbat the solar syntem is midwing to a point either in Hercules MEETING OF THE HUR- ON COUNTY COUNCIL The County Council will meet in the court house in the town of Gods - rich on the first clay of December next at the hour of 3 o'clock in the after- } noon. Dated at Goderich this 10th day of November 1903. W. LANE, Clerk. ' FARM FOR SALE Improved farm for sale lot No. 1. on the 10th concession of Usborne con- taining 100 acres. For particulars apply to L. WALKER, Woodham. kIINTS 'r0 HOUSEKEEPERS. Three tablespoons of freshly made rapau tea, with a bit of nutmeg, Ives an indescribable flavor to an nl,le pie. n applied to the A little sweet oil app] e t•onzes after they are dusted, follow - 1 by a brisk rubbing with chamois tin, will bring out their rich tones. Hot salted vinegar will restore cop- er and zinc to their ..first...lustre ..• • HALF CURE IS DANGEROUS. When you got a Cold, La Grippe, Influenza, do not be satisfied with something to check it. The greatest danger is in the lingering results of a half cure. Many elite history would read different to -day If that severe attack of Cold and La Grippe had been properly handled. A hard cold will settle in the weak- est part. ANTI-Prtr. sate on the entire mucous membrane of the body-relievosCon- gestion - cures Constipa- tion, Dys- pepsia Biliousness, ys- pepsia •--every large gland of the body is brought under its influence and a clear-eut cure established with, a medicine perfectly harmless to man, Woman, or child. 50 cents of dealers, or by addressing WjlsoN-VrLn co., Niagara Valls, Ontario. Free sam- ple to any address. Clubbing Rates for l $03, i 0O4 , Tireee and Weekly Globe to Jan. 1905 . .. ..• 1 05 Times end Men;reel 'Witness to Jan, 19055 e. . i 65 Times and Weekly Advereiser to Jan. 19051 75 Times and Mail & Empire to Jan. [905 .., 1 76 Times and family Herald &: Stair to ann., 1904 iG Tinges and Fanaii'y Herald (8c Star to Jun., 1905 1 75 Times & Weekly Sun to Jan. 1905 e,14. R .. V ....... •SI %5 Yearly subscribers to Times and Mail will receive a handsome premium pic tare entitled "The Victoria Cry„' an episode of the Boer war. Yearly aubscribors to bhe Family Herald & Star will receive a hand - same picture and special prize. , Other additions will be made to this list later. BUGGIE 8! BUGMS! Do you Want a Buggy? We have the finest stock in taws ail the latest styles, in the L voe& colors. Our prices are low as can be four' for first-class material and workman ship. BEFORE YOU BUY CALL ;`iiti1D $EE US F used f Two Doors South Town Hall. MEDICAL �1 . BIZOIVNIN G Iii. D. 11. O. el a P. b, Graduate 'Victoria ,niveretty CD1ce and residence, Dominion Labors. - tory, Exeter. DENTAL a:. per Y.INL'MAN, L. D. S. AND D.R. A. R. SINSMAN, L, D. S. D. D . S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or s: v bad after efrents. Office in Fan - son's block. West side of Main treet.' Exeter• D.A. ANDERSON, (®• D. 8• t 0.3. DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Post -graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (witb honorable mention. done in this office. Bridge w rk•orrownassioail- luminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac- tion. Office one door south of Carling Bro's store Exeter. Ont. INSURANCE. ERNEST ELLIOT, Agen for the WEernmo AssusArro t Com - ?ANY, of Toronto ; also .for the Pane= Free NSURANOE COMPANY, Of London, England; and ot.L LIANOE INSURANCE Co37PANY, of Er' CONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for invest. ment upon farm or village property at lower rates of interest. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter. riONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties atlowratea of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers Solicitors, Main St. Exeter. IEGAL. FRED ELLIOTT BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. ETC. Money to Loan Orrarlce-(Formerely of Elliott and Gladmaa,) MAIN STREET, EXETER. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Conveyancers,. Comniiseioners, solicitors for the Molsons Bank, Eto. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE :-MAIN STREET, EXETER. 8. R. CARLING B. A. L. H. DICKSON FOR SALE -BRICK RE E terms, that very desirable residential property Iknown as "The Hooper Homestead" situated on Lot No.86, south of Huron Street, Exeter. There is erected upon the land, a comfortable and commodious brick dwelling, also the necessary outhouses. The house is in good re- pair and Inas 9 rooms. The lot contains an acre of land and is excellently adapted for garden m fThere is a plentiful sup - ! u - or reit growing. n ply of hard nd soft water, The property is up , to date and the terms easy. for particulars ap- t ply to i')Icrsor & Cau rmo barristers Exeter or to A. E. HOOPER, Rew P. 0„ Penna, U. f A. proprietor. SIDE] TACE WITH AN ACRE OF LAND IN %ETE -We offer for sale on reasonable 50 YEARS'�� EXPERIENCE-' TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYAiGRTs &c. sendinga sketeh and description may quickly ly'aaSeortaiour opinion free whether et invention Is prop ably pnatentable. Communise. tions strictly ornrdentfal. Handbook on Patents sent free. Olds¢ agency for securing patents. Patontd ta>;.en through Munn & Cd. receive special notice, without charge, in tbo $t;enti1i Jimericano A handsomely Illustrated weekly. 7,ergeet. eulation of any aclentldo journal. Tonne. >18 a year :_four months, e1. Sold by all newadealers. MANN & Co.381aroadway, New York $ranch Ofnco. 625 B' Kt.. Washtnzton. D. 0.