HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-11-26, Page 4s • 111 1111111,autil' IiIIIU A Cour aoisseur's Tea The tender top shoots of the tea plant, known as "Orange "ekoe," are mainly used in Blue Ribbon Tea. The "creme de la creme" of tea growths! The most delicious and tasty tea in the world. People who know,recognize this quality in Blue Ribbon Ceylon Tea. The delicious taste and fragrant aroma mean inner excel- lence to them. lue Ri eVt art Mack, Maxed c Sllsotzled CeeGals Greens o ]-ift3' be Ask roe the Reel Labe' The Moisons Bank (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855) Head Oftlee, Me ctseat Capital authorized - - $5,000,000 Capital (a11 paid up) - $2,850,420 Reserve Fund - - - $2,720, 77 44 Branches in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia and Manitoba. EXETER BRANCH Open Every Lawful Day from 10 a, m. to 3 p. ni.; except Saturdays, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Farmers Sale Notes cashed or col- lected. Forms supplied on application. Drafts on all points in the Dominion. Great Britain and United States bought and sold at lowest rates of ex •hange. SAVINGS DErARTMENT. Deposits of 81.00 and upwards receiv- ed. Interest compounded half yearly, and added to principal June 80th a.nd December 31st. Deposits Receipts also issued and highest current rate of 'interest allowed, Advances make to farmers, stock dealers and business men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. Agents at Exeter for Dominion Government. OICKSON & CARLING, N. D. HURDON, SOLICITORS. MANAGER lie `xtfer wits Calendar for November 1903 13171iDAY 1 S 15 22 29 MONDAY 2 9 16 23 80 TUESDAY 3 10 17 2-1 WEDNESDAY... . 4 11 18 25 THURSDAY.... ... 5 12 19 26 FRIDAY 6 13 20 27 fieennDAY 7 14 21 28 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1903 eral newspapers, notably of the Wood - .stock Senbine:l-Review. The better ;element leas got to the point at public `le asking for a cleansing -a long, way for stiff pasty journals to go. Surely when such guarantees are given of the 1m.patin-ice of the honest rank and fele, J!Lr. Bass should be able to heed',a movement against the mercenaries of the ballot boa:. The worst feature of the whole situation is that Mr. Ross is unable to move hand or foot to drive out the machine element. The official leadeirr'hdp is in their hands. Be - tine heelers the l,remiet holds his - post Every move he makes is d'sctated by pot i't1ieal necessity. The cowardly re- fusal bo 'open North Renfrew continu- es ;galling, ass Liberals feel that publi,q !daunting of the white feather. The Mrelaeine is delfiantly looking after ete ower'; it leas secured help from, Ottawa and ds sending :to England. of all plac- es, to represent Canada, the Tnge,rsoll corruptionist who drew from the par- ty headquarters in 'Toronto money. to buy perjured ewidenre. The heelers (rule the Government. They dos not a:Ltro;geette,r rule the party, rigorous as ties dicipline has proved. The sup - pont of the Li•beralals who desire .up- right -administration, is beinggraduaae ly withdrawn. -Toronto News. DISINTEGRATION. eneee !thee Roe Adminisitration is failing to pieces of its owe, weight. Clinging to office by so insecure a t• enure_ de- pendent for its life upon tiho miserable tees of the. heeler, it long has been; at ;the mercy of every su,pporler whu ellen t o profit by the situations, and Of every influence however corrupt. Realization of such a condition of af- faurs tomes slowly. Liberals trained by bite Mowat Goceinnanent to look up- on their party as inseparably associat ed with honest adminisbrp•tion have been nelucha'nt to admit that the old ideals a.nd standards have been aban- ;thorned. But the. bulk of the pzer:y seem to be at last oonvincei, and the Last few days have seen species of up- ri:si ng. Tile Globe has served -notice on Mr. •Ross that the 'dominance of the para.-. ices has alienated decent Liberals. The Ottawa Pres Press has advised him to trielolrgoinize chs party, bluntly seating the alternative to be eselusien from p,ffice. Grave uneasiness appears in thh comments of many staunch ,dee know what all good doc- tors think o:Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own docs 'tor and find out. He will tell r. Peet •'r you how it quiets the tickling throat, heals the inflamed lungs, and controls the hardest of coughs. S'Ayor's Cherry Pectoral is well known in Our family. We think it ix the best medicine in the Trend for coughs and colds." Hiatt ILTYn3sos,Petalnma, Cal. ,QC., 31.00. Jasa . 0, A e"., dFC (bite' eist�arocot3 forC.o g s - r.ow 1I, Mahiass.� THE WORST BIND. After piles leave existed for a long time ,and passed through different s 'tasges, the .suffering is intense -pain aobing, throbbing, tumors form, fill- ed to bursteag with black blood. S'ynvpboms indioaiting other 'troubiegt may appear to a thoroughly pile -sick parson. This is when Hem -Reid, the only ln- ternal, the only absolute pile cure, brings the result that has made its fame. It will curs the most stubborn case in existence and a banded 'gua•ranteei to that effect goes with each. package. It is to be bad at the drug. store. ANNUAL MEETING Of the Ontario Agricultural and Ex- perimental Union. 'Care twenty-fifth annual m•eeting'eof Use Ontario Agricultural and Experi- mental Union will be /held at the On- tario Agricultural College on Monday wind Tuesday, Dereembeir 7ti14 and •Sth, starting at 1.30 p. m. on the 7th. Experiments in agrio-uiture andh,.r- ticulture have this year been conduct- ed on nearly 4,000 farms !throughout Ontario. The result of the carefully conducted work we.' b: summarized nal presentee a: eh- annual meeting. to which allEnter-esti i in agriculture are in.viced. cf tL Worct724 lag«atinier win, be held .. .n '• Mee. inle Iran:ate . ,n Ta:.d=,.y CM l Weineedey. "')n '_m4...sy Gran:ng a publ seer- e;: teat: be ,:Le�f s �feen.,__ ion Hall. ,` tor single ranee to °s ;.. ler• ' ;G; 1 zaerY- meental Union` -- a roe ;h, f're- vinelai Winter Fe': e ;:re:or. •ra ,•.s start cn ar~ r e . y For full p,rtieut r.s .0 rt:er-neetr ;r< :programme and tee fere r ee r'::?esu, write to C. A. Zavitz. Seeretare, An- ,'ricultur.xl College, Guelple Ont.:trir,.- , CLEARS AWAY WORMS. 1 ' Mira. Wen. Grwhern, Shbppe r:i tem, Ont. writes : "I have given Dr. Low's Worm Syrup to my boy time 'and ` again and find it a good woz•.m'medi- eine. It is nice to take and never ma- kes the.:,chitti sick like ' ponvdere." Price 25e. T'he .name of ex -Premier Greenway of Mereitob,t is mentioned in connec- tion with en appoin„meent to the r'eil- way Coemmdssion. One of the three ,share on this tribunal is designecli far :either a business man or a, farmer and •if the gevereareent prefers the latter, it may give a refusal et the position to leer. Greenway. :Everyone you meet :mew. 1:0 agree that Mr. Illair will take the chairmanship of the tribunal asnd there is a remarkable agreement ,moreover, that no man couldebe found bee:stetr Sill led to' disc'hatige the duties of the office Rs.ate.EGritiX l•M-t.X.ER.a Bears rho The Klrul You ilavo Always Bought `o"�v $lgnatnro ��J� One of A,yer's gills at bedtime wi I ' hasten recovery. cont!y laxative. of , .rti , E 1LRON, MIDDL 8EX, PERTF A.11 the news of Interest to Tinges Readers :happening in these Counties. Huron "Ibe steamer, City of Wind,scr, • for feeneree seasons on the Windsor -Soo route, went ashore near Owen Sound during the know• storm on Tuesday. Thorn is, 'nothing better for; 'oh,ile- d•ren's Coughs and Colds than' Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Ili ' es very pleasant to take and always cur- es the little ones' coughs :propuptly. Alex. li?loGnegar,'af Goderioh, came tun eonitac t with a Ti p po w w hiclzi he 'eras opeor'aeine at the, Organ.'faotory ,arid ,as •a. result lost the forefinger' of ave 'hand. As a result he will be off Work for same time: Miss Robb, who has for. several ylears been an efficient member of the Mo'd'al School staff, Clinton, bars ten- dered her resignation owing to heir services being required .at hones. A eu(oeessor has not yet been engaged. Mr. Wm. Lewtis, of Toronto, former - ay in W. J. Chtepmaen's ,glove facetory, Wiix,gh:am, met with an accident, sev- @rwl lamontlis age, by which his leg was hrakau. The bones have not properly knit and Mr. Lewis inderwent an oper action at the gereral hospital. Mir. Daniel McXenzie, hast been brakeman an thle London ,freight train has been promoted to brakeman, on Conductor Quirk's passenger train,We understand that Mr. R. A. D•insleey, o,f latTingham will take Mr. McKenzie's place on the Freight train. Milburn's Sterling Headache Pow- ders contain neither morphine nor esteem. They promptly cure Sick Headache Neuralgia, Headache„ Head- ache of Grippe, headache of delicate !aches and Headache from any cause wbaalelvrer. Price 10e and 25c. -Miss Effie Smite), of lieppeen was taik,dn to Vioboria hospital, London, tretaantly, and an operation resorted to as the only means of saving her, as,she wale eiife►ring from gn tn. Shloatly atfter the operation heart disease set in and caused her death. She was on- ly 20 years of agree. Her richer took ,took etho,rge of :the remains, taking 'them tc( a Bowmtainlville• for interment. A week sago,lant Saturday. Mr. S. Appleby, elf Hulett, got Into a friend- ly wrestle in town, and.; in falling, sprained his leg, as ,he supposed. He e'oncsulled• a medical m)an, Who. told him he had fractured it, but 'he, per- sisted in going home by twain milking to the station. The leg paused him so .much pain subsequently that he called tin a doctor, who again told him that Die had fractured one of the small bon- es. Tlxis will nonfine him to the house liar some weeks. NOT IF lT COSTS TEN DOLLARS A lathe would I bel'wiLhout Poison's Nerviline," writes J. A. Ruble, a. farm ea- living near Trenton, Ont. Nerviline is the best household liniment I know. We use it for stomach troubles, 7indi- geseion,'headaiche and summer com- plaint. I know of nothing better to take ern hat water to break up, a cold, or to rub on for rheumatism or neur- alilgeia'.'. Every farmer should , keep o. few bottles of Nerviline handy; and bare smaller doubter gills. Large. bottle 25o at chrteggiets. Middlesex . The death occurred in London, of Mrs. Catharine Doyle. of Ciandeboye. De'cease'd w'as 76 years of age. Mr. David Sampson, an inmate • at the Insane Asylum, in London, died'at -tent 'institution recently. He had,rea ched Lhe age pf 64 years. The re,; matins were taken to Parkhill for in- teatmetnt. A box of Milburn's Rheumatic Pills will be sent free to any one who suf- fers from Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lune leago or Neuralgia if they have never dried these pills be'fare. Send ;2c. stamp for postage to The, T. Milburn Co.. Limite,d Toronto, Ont. IT IS HIGHLY INJURIOUS. TO use a .cheap &eastl°'physic. Saf- e=_t remedy for constipation and,tor-- pid liver is Dr. Hemllb,ores Pills of Mandrake, and Butternut which iceeau vie, bowels without griping pains. L'se only Dr. I1; amnion's Pille. Prise 25c. Perth 3!r. Wm. Dinah, of St. Marys, hod Glee reisfertune of having his finger broken by a kick received from bis toren. 3Ir. and Mrs. Jas. liumpltri.a., , • ier- fferly- ars St. Marys, sailed from Lon - den. England, on Nov. 11, for their Borne in Durban, South Africa. Sixteen deg'reea of frost and, a mini- ature blizzard with one and a half in- ehes of mow is the meteorologie,i1 hise tory of Stratford for one. day. Itching Skin Distress by day and night - That's the complaint of those who are so unfortunate as to be afflicted with Eczema or Salt Rheum -and out- ward applications do not cure. They can't. - The source of the trouble is in the blood -make that pure and this scal- ing, burning, itching skin disease will disappear, "I was taken with an itching on my arms which proved very disagreeable, I' concluded it was salt rheum and bought a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. en two days atter I began taking it I felt better and It was not long before I was cured. Have never had any skin disease since," Mas. Inn, E. Weer', Cove Point, Md, Hood's Sarsaparilla rids the blood of all impuritie6 and cures all eruptions. T ,4. M NOVEMBER 20th, 1003. l3iliovs? Dizzy? Headache? Paid ,back of your eyes? It's your liver! Use Ayer's Pills. Gently laxative; all vegetable.y Sok! for 30 years. age= brown our moustache or beard a beautiful or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE ,ITT era n, r. HAIL A CO.. NA3UOA. N. a. At the meeting of the official bowed ice 'tilve, Methodistchurch a't Mistchell, R127. 0. W. Brown received an unani- mous invitation to .return for a third' seer whirl: was aoce•ptiad. Mr. W. W. Ballantyne, t+f Downie, is eine tel the lc•ocmmittee reppointeld by the Canadian breeders to draw up their oabjeetions to going to tlae 51, Louis Exposition. Whilst Mrs. Lane, tef St. Marys, wee sweeping her stairs an Thursday mor- ning Last, her foot slipped and she fell to the bottom. Her left wrist was broken -tiled oho was badly shaken up;q besides. eNeary A. O'.Cv'n;neil, Middle Stewi aeckec, ;N. S., says : "I haver used Laxa- Liver Pills for serious Liver Com- plaint and they have done rne 11:orld of good making me smart end well." Mr. Da,vai•d Chalmers, of St. iYlarys, Orae bought a section, 040 acnes, in a fine eraot of 'land•, situated geven,mil- es teem Regina and a hall mile from Gia nd •Qam'1ee; Mr. Ohfalmere and 'family will move there in the spring. On Sunday last there passed to, her great reward Ra'cllael Doherty, wi d er of the late James Bpearin', of St. Marys, aged 02 years. Deceased was well and favo' ably known in Blan., esbeaerd, having been one of the pioneers -ivaident,s cit that toweashiat ,Not one in twenty aro free from some little ailment causedby inaction of the liver. •Use Carter's Liatle Li- ver Pills. The result will be a pleas- ant surprise. Zlhey give positive re- lief. Der. 3. H. hemi lt:en reformer St. Marys bay, waho recently graduated tram Toronto University, bus success fully ;pas'sed th'e Medical Council examination standing at the top of •tbo hist. Dr.Haemilbetn.hascommenced ,p'agtice 'at Nels'otn, B. C. Rapid preparations are being made fear the early establishment of the new cement works, St. Marys. Consider- able stock has been -ddeposed of there and else'w'here, .a strong directorate. has been' farmed, (lend eboben for o site and 'naw all that is wanted is. suitable berms from the town. J. C. W. Daly, a former Si,ra.t- Lordite and the eldest son of the late T. M. Daly, M. P., of Stratford„ died at Portland, Oregon, on Sun iuy-last very suddenly. Ile was connected) with many railwa3ye during his life- time. ,end was very popular with all wile had business with him. 1YLr;s. Ed wands,' of Weeedehiaem,,.widpw of the late Robert Edwards, end son, Pahsaer, wibol are about leaving to make their home in Landfon 'were madle the we(^.sipienits of a gift end an address from tihee Ladies' Aid send, Aux iliary of tee W. M. S., of Woadbam, a few days ago. The Orangeville Post says that Mr T. H. Fzllick, la'•e Science Master et the St, Marys Collegiate, has been appointed crlgamest and choir leader of Me Methodist Church, Orangeville. This choice was anode from :a ,number; of 'a•ppliccetionrs. Mr. Follick's friends ere gland to bear of his appointment. A very large number of friends and acquaintances gatheered at the h•ame of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Budlantyne, 2nd oanceesion, township, of •Downie, on eVedneeday last to witness the marri- ag e of t.heur'da.ughter, Lizzie, midi Mr J. P. Waid.ie, of the St. Marys road The ceremony ,vas performed by Rev. M. L. Leitch, of Stratford. The gifts to the bride were numerous and cost- ly, and were evidences of the high' es - beam in which she is held in the' &ore- ununity. 1Mu,elt not be teen -founded with com- mon eatbartic •or purgative pills. Car- ter's Little Liver Pills are entirely un like them in every respect. One trial will prove their superioritry. A serious aooidaat ,happened to Mir. Duncan McIntyre of Downie , on Monday. He was -putting the cows Into the barn, assisted by- his deg. One caw- was blind of one eye , and whilst standing on the blind side of this he hit it a • blow 'to'., moven it over. The oow evidently thought it was the dog attatcicung it an.1 kicked out. The Birst kick caught Mr. Me- Inty re ion the, knees and knocked him down. The setoond kick broke an 'up- per rib. One county judge has the right to cell in a judge of another county, to hear a. dispute under the Registrty Ace. This was the conclusion reeachr- ed by the Court of appeal at Toronto, Monday in the appeal of a Mrs: Mc- Donald against the amendment of a plan of Listowel town, wizeoh meant Are you thinking 'phat pa- per you take for 1904 SELECT THE BEST, WHICH 15 T H E W6st ranv raiser 75 CENTS A YEAR - rias No Equal in IN Province Read their premium offers. ,''rite for sampltl copy. Address All orders; WESTERN- RDVE1TISER London, Ont. ;be ceasing up of I>IcDona,id-st. The leiolatoin .a'ppeaaled from 'was -given by the• county judge- of Oxford sitting for Abe vosnty' judge of Perth, tied the Gaunt of Apnoea finds he imd jurisdio.. 'Gitlin to so ,act, and was justl,fiod' in' his finilt!lzxg',s, ONION PACIFTC • Shortens 1inr;-fastest time to Oreg- on and Washington. Do.y'ligbi nidi© of 200 miles along the bea'unfull Coluznbi'a, Rivr�r. .Two ,through trains daily. Age.ommoda•tion for all classes of passengers. Steam trent-l'inelech 1i.gbl. Tourists sleeping ears a specialty. Ie'ull info,r;ma.ti•an furuiehe4 on ap- plioreticte toll, F. Carter, T., ;1?. a..,. 14 Jame. Building, Toronto Canada or P. 11. Choate, G, A., 126 •Wood'w'ard Ave., Detroit, Minh "Seven years of fatness 1" shouts the Toronto organ of the Laurier Gavern- anle'lnt, Yes tblere has been a goadtdeal of eidipossc lissue rendered out off,' lCrlaw'is Nest deals and so forth, -but the Batte,st country will soon, become. lean if the layers are bo he stripped aft at in this liberal fashion. -Mail &' Empire. Mho Standard OH Co. has added one uetzt a gallon to the wholesale price of loor'olselne and a cent a pound totalat.of pa'rarffan caniiheis. The increase on •oil will add to the company's, income about $10.000,000 per year, and that on candles about $1,000,000 a year. It is :pointed out that while the •Pre;Sidrin(t of the United States has no taxing ,power to impose what has all the sir.. ilitudro of a tax except as to the• des- tilny of flan pracc,e,ds. A STUDS' OF OLD AGE Reveals the fact that the bund is us wally :thin and lacking in the streng't- ening properties of young folks' blood If you want to fill your blood with this fire of youth, build up your ebretngth reeto,re your nerves, just use •Ferro✓,- oen19. It's the most potent toniec'known and will .rle,ne'w 'the flickering flames of an aged life by impacting nourish- m,enc to enfeebled organs. Fetrrozone fortifies weak systems, feeds bhe.blood hrain and nerves with new life. Try Fer'rozene. Price 50c. per box. The miniseler of Education is consid- ering the advisability of .reducing the 'number of Made!, Schools in Ontario ,dram 54 to 20, and extending:the;term Bar teaohslrs in training from three lto seiveen, c2- perhaps nine months. It: is thought that this would have the ef- feet of producing better teachers, and also increasing their remuneration. O.bbee'r changes are also under consider nelson. IT'hle Onta.rJo Agricultural Depart- ment .has been asked by ;relatives in Englund to locate Harry Burton, who farmed near Landon 15 year's I age. He would now be about 65. Nt' liquor licenses are issued ;in 74 ten of 833 municipalities in Ontario. Three bout^nships in Bruce Co. haven() licensed places where liquor can be bou,ghet, na,meiy Elde'rtslie, Lindeey,and Se. Edmunds. Sa,uge'e'n. and Arran townships have only one license. WHEN PA GOES OUT .•.tea -.,Psis.. When we hare got our supper done, Pa lights up his cigar, Ain' nen he'll say good -,bye an' run 'Te catch a down -town car ; 'Nen me cur' ma gores in tine house Am' ma turns on the ',l!.gh,'t, An' says she wonders wiser is up When pa ,goes out at night. Pa he won't neeevesr stay with us, He says he's "got a date," An' tees ma not to make a fuss 'Cause he stays out so ;late; 'But ma, you bet is,gettin' wise, Slbte4r• mato beim, 011 rigetb. She says tbey's something in the wind When pa goes out at night. One day ma looked his pockets through, 'Fore he was 'out o' bed, Axe Sound some smooteu round things o' sblueel,. An' same was white an' and ; 'Men ma, why, she '.1st jawed,t a,n' ;they 'Midi got mnho a. fight ; Ma says she kn,otws the. reasons now Why:pa goes out at night ! 'Twos yesterday at brek-fus, ma, She made him scone en' blush e3y sayin'Lo' him, "Tell met pa, What is a ',royal flush?" An' what is it to 'ante -up?" - An' pa's face wets a eight - I guess he knows ma smell a reit, When he goers out at night. Scemetimes when pa goes out at night Hoo stays tee longest while, An' when he comes home he's a sight Ain' wsa,rs, a silly smile; Alnh' if I •atak if pa isesick,. Ma, dee, says, "No, just tight!" An' -',wt's the way it always is when When pa goes out at night. -E. A. Brinstool. WHAT IS CATA.RRli? I1:.is indhammation of the mucous fining iof the throat bronchial tubes, and nasal; Lpallsages excited tie germs that oan only be destroyed by fragrant healing Catarrhozone which is breath ed direct to the seat of the disease, and has newer yet foiled to eurce., Pleas ant to use, a:bsolubeay cerrtain to cure Cabarrb:azone always gives satisfac- tion. "1 suffeenad from nasal catarrh ea badly tbrat dI couldn't breathe tlrraugh my noiatrils, writes, G. Wilmot, of Meriden. I used Catarr •o zone for a few minutes and wage reliev ed. IL Cured in a1 short time." No other remedy just like Catarrhozone -It's the best, Twee months' t•re't'li mlent $1,00 ; brial size 25e. ,nuI,anen IIIIgJNUIIaUIIIIIIIIIfU HWIIIIteIIIIIIUUeu iegetable Prcparatt onforAs- similaling theFoodttidRegula- tillg the Stomachs and3owe s of Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- ncss aril riest.Contains neither Opiuni,Morphine nor Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC. .1't.ope 4•'0f d''.1lr•5 WU..LPlil2tE7! Bunjkn, S±ua- lLt:,.crna r Romf:r& Saks - .4nr ce Set r Pro nrnt 1'J, Canson6-4.44 .4 /.tin iced - aid hcd Ji;gar . T S.0tyrnn/ aizr. AperfectEemedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stotnach,Diarrhoea, Worms,Convulsions,Feverisil- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. FacSimile Signature of `G�rrl: ..NEW -YOI K. ASTOR1A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always, Bought Bears the Signature of EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. use For Over Thiry Years ASTO ' IA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. .0000000004004000.49e00®40a0 Portland Cement E HAVE just r received a quan- tity of the best grade of Port- end cement can be bad at either Centralia or Exeter Storehouses. WANTED WHEAT, OATS, BARLEY For which full market prices will be paid at storehouses, EXETER, CENTRAL,IA, AND CLANDEBOYE. JOS. OOBBLEDIOK ••011.64.44044040.0.44,2404440411 WANTED A man to represent "CANADA. Si, GREATEST NURSERIES" in the town OF EXETER and surrounding country, and take orders for OUR HtIRDY sPEGIRLT1ES, in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoe s, &c. ' Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent position fore the right man on either salary or commission. Stone & Wellington PONTHILL NURSERIES over 800 acre's TORONTO, - = ONTARIO The water reservoir of the Imperial Oxford Range is so designed that it keeps a large volume of water at a high tempera- ture. This reservoir attachment of the Imperial Oxford Range is so arranged that it comes in close contact with the heat flues and keeps a plentiful supply of hot water ready at hand. The range is also fitted with an exceedingly powerful water front for use in connection with a kitchen boiler. If your dealer doesn't handle the Imperial Oxford, write to us for particulars. The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited Toronto, Canada Wisaniped Vaancotriver 9 2•2ommtronl SOLD DY T. H.AWKINS & SON London, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTH- Passenger. London depart 8.15 e, et. 4.40e, is. Centralia 9,1 5 50 Exeter 9.30 6.0 Heneall 9.44 6,15 Kippen 9.50 6.25 Brumfield 9.58 6.33 Clinton 10.15 6.55 Wingham arrive 11.10 8.00 GOING SOUTH- Passenger Wingbam, depart 6,03 A. M. 3.15 P. at Clintcn 7.47 4.25 Brumfield SipperHamanto #.6Haman22 5 02 Exeter 8,85 5.10 Centralia 8.46 5.25 London .arrive 9.37 6.12 BEWARE OF WORMS. Dan't let worms gnaw at the vitals of your cehildreln. Give, theta !Dir.. Low's Pleasanc Worm Syrup and' bthey'Il soon tie ‘rid of these parasites. Price 25 cents. EXETER MARKETS Wheat per bnsbell .. -. 75 to 71V Oats new . .. .... .. 26 to 28= Barley ...... 36 to 40 Butter 16• Eggs 18' Wool .... 14 to 141} Pork live weight ....35.10• to $5.10' Pork Dressed .... 37,00 to $7.25 Turkey .... .... 10 Ducks ... 7" Chicken .... 6: .144 YAM, • To Curie a Cold in One Day eW p e Take Laxative I°'oino Quinine Tat its. on every Seven Million bozos sold is past 12 months. This' signature, ww a /""a'7' 8.,s box. 25c.