HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-06-17, Page 16Richard Lobb Auctioneer CLINTON 482.7898 AUCTION CALENDAR WED., JUNE 17 AT 6:00 P.M.: Washer & dryer, 2 years old, 30'' electric stove, 6 years old; fridge; 9 pc. dining suite; tea wagon Com- plete household ettec Is a1 105 Brcx k Street, Goderich for Mrs. lean Cummings. THURS., JUNE 18 AT 6:30 PM.: Modern ap- pliances and turniture to he held at 206 Well- ington St. S., Grddenr h Inc 'v1r & Mrs Harry Williams. SAT., JUNE 20 AT 10:00 A.M.: Furniture; ap- pliances at Richard Lohh Auction Barn, Clinton. for Estate ut Vera hfud ie and Fred McClyrnont WED., JUNE 24 AT 6:00 P.M.: Antique fur- niture, etc. at Richard Lobb Barn, Clinton tor Edwin and lean Johns. SAT., JUNE 27 AT 10:00 A.M.: Fine 3 bedroom home w/garage In Bayfield plus antiques, tine furniture; appliances to he held at Bayfield Arena for Mr. and Mrs. Clair Merner. SAT., JULY 4 AT 10:00 A.M-: Modern quality furniture and glassware. crystal, etc at Lobh Auction Barn, Clinton fix Cepha Bell of Goderich and Madeleine Slattery of Seaforth. Page 16—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1987 CLASSIFIED 30. Employment Wanted WILLING TO do typing in my own horne Hove u secretary diploma. Phone 4823509 after 6 p m , 23.24 MATURE MAN with D License seeks dump truck driving position No experience but very eager Phune 482 5814, please be persistent 24,25 HARD WORKING- woman looking for domestic work, cleaning horne or cottages. Also will do lawn rnaintenence Transportation needed out of town 4825939 24 EXPERIENCED student will cleon your house Phone 4823305 24 25 31. Service directory PHIL S refrigerator and appliance service. Pro ritpt dependable service to all makes and models of domestic appliances. Phone 887.9062. 27tf MASONRY STONE and Carpentry work Specializing in brick pointing and chimney building. Free estimates. For information call Ston Kirkham 482.5305. 3tfar CUSTOM BACKHOEING, Drain Repair. erosion control. cellar drains, laser. Call Frank Postill 4829101. 21 tfar. KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling, renovations, cupboards, ceramic tile, counter tops, rec rooms. carports, flooring, windows, patio doors, aluminum siding. Phone 4827676. Ken McNoirn 22tfar CONCRETE WORK • Expert chimney and roofing repairs Specializing in stabling. Phone Don Ives Brussels. 887.9024. 43eow RESIDENTIAL CLEANERS will do spring cleaning, weekly cleaning, laundry, basements, cottoges. boots Will haul garbage. 10°° discount for Seniors. 482.9223 after 4 p m. References upon request 24.25 The Lawnmaster LAWN CUTTING, TRIMMING LANDSCAPING, GARDENING PAUL VANDER MOLEN 527-1750 COOKIE'S HOUSE PAINTING Interior & Exterior Experienced - Reasonable Rotes Steve Cook 482-9335 JACK B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTING Specializing in: • CUSTOM BUILT HOMES •RENOVATIONS • ADDITIONS • K ITCHENS •ALUMINUM SIDING •REPLACEMENT WINDOWS 565-2108 WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS Four modern rotary rigs Phone Seaforth NEIL: 527.1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 35. Notice to creditors PROTECT Your LAWN and FLOWER BEDS From cats and dogs. Harmless, Safe, Effective THE LAWNMASTER Licensed & Insured 527-1750 1-6-4-4-4 CONTRACTOR• • • • •• • • • • • • • • r) • • • • • • • • • G?, 6:1111 CT/0 v LTD. •RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL" •FARM • • • • • • • • • • 1 INCLUDING • ADDITIONS ANO RENOVATIONS • • PH 482-7290 I==:i • • • • • • • • 0 0 0 F • • 0 0 0 0 • • IN THE ESTATE OF VERA ELLEN HUDIE, late of the Town of Clullort it the County of Huron dec eased ALL PERSONS having claims against the Este of the above named who died on the 7th day of April 1987, are required to file full per titulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 10th day of July 1987 after which dale the assets will be distributed having regard only to the clowns of which the under- signed shall then hove notice DATED of Clinton. Ontario this 5th day of June. 1987 D. GERALD HILTS. Barrister arid Solicitor 52 Huron Street Clinton. Ontario NOM ILO Solicitor for the Administrator 23-25AR 36. Announcements, notices I, Cheryl J. Good will no longer be responsible for any debts incurred by Larry K. Good as of June 10 1987. 23 24,25x 38. Auction sale PROPERTY MAINTENANCE While you are. on vacation. Licensed & Insured THE LAWNMASTER Paul Vander Molen 527-1750 ANNUAL HORSE & PONY SALE at Denfield Sale Barn SATURDAY, JULY 4 AT 1 P.M. to consign, Phone Joe Corey 482-9889 RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL ;CLEANING Fully Bonded and Insured cat/six-firm Guaranteed" -weekly maid service -spring cleaning -window washing -house sitting OPEN Till 8:00 PM. ELITE DOMESTIC SERVICES Doug & Laurie Falconer Dan MacKinnon 524-5470 EVENING AUCTION SALE Antiques, furniture, household effects, lawnmower etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. for Edwin and Jean Johns, of Clinton • Wed., June 24 at.6 P.M. Nine piece dining suite, antique pine bonnet chest, bonnet chest w/tear drop pulls, blanket box, Beaver pelt top hat with leather carrying case, antique cof- fee grinder, spool bed, older three piece bedroom suite, Hoover spin dry washer, 2 hall trees, air conditioner 3 yrs. old, modern round dining table w/centre pedestal and 2 leaves, 2 small antique wooden tables w/drawers, single door wardrobe, treadle sewing machine, upholstered rocking chair, humidifier, chesterfield, magazine table, fancy carved back parlour chair, artificial corner fireplace, trunk, 5 mat- ching oak dining chairs, 2 matching din- ing chairs, oil lamp, finger oil lamp, lawn choirs, bake board, mantel clock, floor lamps, vacuum cleaner, round store mirror, portable sewing machine, chrome table, potpourri, chemical toilet, 2 oval picture frames, Niagara massage, cedar chest, night table, V size continental bed, desk w/drawer, double dresser w/large mirror, crock, hooked rug, hand made quilt, bedding, hand crocheted bed spread, 9 x 12 Ax - minister style rug, Benmiller wool car rug, Lawn Boy lawn mower, grasswhip, garden tools, dishes, glassware, etc. TERMS CASH AUCTIONEER RICHARD LOBB Clinton 482-7898 42. Death notice LATHAM It is with a deep sense of loss that the family un• nounces the sudden death of Emily (Beatty) Latham. in her 83rd year on Saturday. June 13 1987. Beloved wife of the late Ross E Latham. Dear mother of William and his wife Billie of Dor chester and Jonet and her husband James Caskey of London. Dear sister of Glodys Sparks of London. Predeceased be her brother George and her tw.in sister Edith. As a devoted grand- mother. she will be sadly missed and lovingly remembered by her grandchildren. Timothy and Noncy Latham both of Dorchester and Andrea Susan Jone and Sarah Caskey. all of London There was no funeral home visitation Funeral service was conducted in the chapel of the A Millard George Funeral Home 60 Ridout Street South on Tuesdoy June 16 at 11 a.m. Rev J. Keith Stokes of the Church of St. Andrew Memorial officiated. Private family interment to follow of Bayfield Cemetery LARGE AUCTION SALE Quality antiques; furniture; hanging lamps; clocks; collectables; modern ap- pliances; guns; etc. to be held at the Bayfield Arena for Mr. & Mrs. Clair Merner of Bayfield SATURDAY, JUNE 27 AT 10:00 A.M. APPLIANCES: Admiral square model fridge; White -Westinghouse 30" electric stove w/ large glass oven door; mat- ching Inglis almond colour washer and dryer, approx. 3 years old; Imperial apt. size freezer; colour TV. ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, COLLECTABLES, ETC.: Antique hanging lamps w/prisms; Cranberry hanging hall lamp; Ruby enamelled girandole w/prisms; antique dining table w/ 2 centre leaves and drop leaves; 4 gunstock caned seat choirs; sideboard w/ beveled walnut fronts on drawers; mirror and shelf; mahogany sideboard; tea wagon w! Targe wheels; antique writing desk; small spinning wheel; antique curved back sifter w/carved walnuts; fancy Bell antique pump organ; antique dresser vv/mirror and tear drop pulls; spooled legged bi- ble table; oval pedestal parlour table; dresser top swing mirror; antique blanket box; fancy antique dresser w/mirror and moustache pulls; antique dresser w/mirror; wicker doll buggy: flat to the wall cupboard; fancy oak sideboard bottom; antique high chair: 6 matching caned seat wooden chairs refinished; child's rocker; 2 chicken coop chairs; 4 matching wooden chairs; single iron bed; ontique kitchen shelf clock: Elgin pocket watch w/key wind: organ stool; violin & bow; 2 O'Gee clocks: washstand; ice cream chair w/caned seat; 4 canes; 2 ink works pictures: small corner table; Wallie Sterling silver flatware; large antique jardiner on matching pedestal bracket lamp: whatnot oil lamps: large offering of dishes & glassware including antique pieces: further listing in next week's paper. TERMS: Cosh AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb 482-7898 Clinton 42. Death notice MacKENZ1E At St Joseph s Hospitul London on Sunday June 14 1987 Dried MO( Kunnu of Goderich formerly of Ashfield Ivry mid London aye 72 years Belo,ed husband of Gruce Webster Dear father of 'Beverly Harr,s of Kincardine Loved grund fa per of Mnrk Hier i•. oI Toronto end Lynne Mrs Jeff Bonnett of Ceritun Brother of Ethel IMrs Cliff Jackman 01 Misres•.uucei The termly receiv• ed friends ut the McCollum & Pella Funeral Horne Cambria Rond ut Ecist Street from 2 4 and 7 9 p rrt. Mondny A funeral ser srice was held at the funeral horne ut 2 o clock Tuesday afternoon Interment K intuit Lerneteiy WALLACE At South Huron Hospital Exeter on Wednesday June 10 1987 Donald James Wolluce of RR 2. Zurich in his 64th year Beloved husband of Beret (Alexander; Wolluce Dear father of John Wolluce of OI City Robert of Clinton Judith Mrs John Lamont of Seuforth and Bonnie Lynn Mrs Andrew Colder: of Vunastro Dear step father of Dennis Alexander of Sudbury Darryl Alexander of Tireiton Dale Alexander of Sud• bury Darren Alexunder at home and Lenore Alexander of Hanover and Shelley Ann Mrs Joy Trenouth) of Calgory Dear brother of Douglas Wallace of Tuckersnuth May .Mrs Wesley Roel of Seaforth Mrs Iona Bloke of Holrnesv lle Jessie 'Mrs Leeland Wonnamaker; of Nopanee Mrs. Ruth Yeandle of Waterloo and Marion Pat terson of Nova Scotin Predecased by two brothers Russel and Carl and by two sisters Margaret Walker and Grore Miller Also surviv utg ore 10 grandchildren At the request of the deceased his body has been donated to medical science, A Memorial service was conducted on Monday evening June 15 at 8 p m in the Zurich Mennonite Church Goshen Street North. CRAWFORD At Alexandra Marine & General Hospital on Fri day June 12 1987 Saroh Amelia :Lapp; Crawford of Goderich in her 80th year Beloved wife of the late Stanley Lloyd Crawford. Dear mother of Gord of Gorier Audrey Mrs Lloyd Mayer) of Toronto Gerald of Goderich Margaret ,Mrs Delmer Schloendorf of Vanastra William of Auburn Robert of Exeter and Kenneth of Goderich Lovingly remembered by 20 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren Also survived by 3 brothers and 2 sisters Predeceased by 2 brothers and 2 sisters A funeral service was held ut the McCollum & Pella Funeral Home Cambria Road at Fast Street Goderich on Monday ,it 130 p rn Interment Maitland Cemetery ' LARGE AUCTION SALE 3 bedroom house; antique furniture and modern appliances to be held at the Bayfield Arena for Mr. & Mrs. Clair Merner SATURDAY, JUNE 27 AT 10:00 A.M. Property will be offered at 1 P.M. from the arena. OPEN HOUSE DATE: SUNDAY, JUNE 21 from 1 P.M. till 4 RM. Property known as Lot 50, Plan 147. Colina Street in the village of Bayfield consists of a Targe lot 115' frontage x 99' more or less. Aluminum sided house with new roof, electric heat, upstairs has 2 bedrooms and full bath, downstairs has 1 bedroom, kit- chen, 3 piece bath, large living and dining rooms. Cement block garage 28'x 20' new roof, 7' x 16' electric door, walk-in door. Other features paved driveway, drilled well, new sewage system, mature shade trees. Terms 10°° down day of sale, balance due in full in 30 days. Being offered subject to a reasonable reserve bid, For information phone Richard Lobb Auction 482-7898 42. Death notice JACKSON Lylo of Victoria Street, Seaforth. At Seaforth Community Hospital on June 12, in her 80th year, Lylo Chapman beloved wife of the late Harold Jackson (1973). Dear sister of Mrs. Babe McGregor of Hensoll Also survived bye two nephews and three nieces Friends coiled at the Whitney Ribey Funeral Home, 87 Goderich Street West Seaforth after 7 p.m. Sunday until 2 p.m. Monday when funeral services was held. Inter• merit Martlondbank Cemetery SALTER At Alexonder Marine & General Hospital, Goderich on Monday June 15, 1987, Beatrice May Hunter of Goderich and formerly of East Wawanosh Twp . in her 85th year. Beloved wife of the late Francis Wilburn Salter (February 3, 1987) Dear mother of Jock and his wife Barbara of Godercch. Loved grandmother of Debra and her husband Tudor Wain and greot•grandmother of Ruthann, all of Goderich Twp. Also survived by one sister Mary (Mrs. Les Cunningham) and one niece Lois Cunningham, both of Morris Twp. The family received friends at the McCollum & Pella Funeral Home. Cambria Road at East Street, Goderich from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Tuesday. Funeral and committal services will be held at the funeral home 2 o'clock Wednesday after- noon Interment Wingham Cemetery. — GODKIN At St. Joseph's Hospital on Monday, June 15, 1987. G. Brenton Godkin of London in his 71st year. Beloved husband of Alma (Scrimgeour) Godkin. Dear father of Charles and his wife Dune of London and Kenneth and his wife Koren of Brampton. Dear brother of Wilber of Clinton, Mary Grigg of Moosejaw. Hester Haines of Hunt- sville and Eliza Cuming of Fergus. Also loved by his 4 grandchildren Becky, Julie, Paul and David. Friends were received by the family from 2-4 and 7.9 p.m. Tuesday at the A. Millard George Funeral Home, 60 Ridout Street South where complete funeral service will be conducted in the chapel on Wednesday. June 17 at 1:30 p.m. with Rev Kenneth R. Emmons of Wesley -Knox United Church officiating. Interment in Mt, Pleasant Cemetery WILLIAMS At Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday, June 9, 1987, Thedo Lorraine (Freeman) Williams of Vonastra, in her 69th year. Beloved wife of Frank Williams and dear mother of Lydia and Kevin Linegar of Churchill. Wayne and Diane Williams of Brampton and Joseph and Dathne Williams of Bloomingdale Also loved by eight grand- :hildren. Also survived by one sister Verna (Mrs. :ale Doucette) of RR 4 Clinton and by two ,rothers Douglos Freeman of Clinton and :larence Freeman of Goderich. Predeceased by 'wo brothers Henry and Louis Freeman. Friends were received at the Ball & Falconer Funeral Home. 153 High Street, Clinton on Thursday from 2 4 and 7.9 p.m. Funeral service was held at the funeral home on Friday June 12 of 2 o'clock. In- terment Clinton Cemetery. MELLIS At South Huron Hospital, Exeter on Wednesday, June 10 1987 Mrs Mary Ellen (Gibson) Mellis of 180 Oxford Street Hensoll, formerly of Kippen. in her 88th year Beloved wife of the late W.L. Mellis 11981 I Dear sister of Mrs Agnes Burke of Wroxeter Mrs Margaret Barnard of Hensoll. Ar• thur W Gibson of Wroxeter and William A. Gib• son of Listowel Also surviving are several nieces and nephews Visitation was in the Hensoll Chapel of Michael P 0 Connor Funeral Homes 120 King Street where the funeral service was conducted on Friday June 12 at 1 p m Interment to follow Baird s Cemetery BROWN Suddenly in Goderich on Wednesday June 10 1987 Ronold Allan Brown of Goderich in his 35th year Beloved husband of Sharon (Wagner) Brown Loving father of Jason and Joshua at home Loved son of Mrs. Rita (Beadle) Brown of Goderich and the lute Clifford William Brown Dear brother of William (Sint and his wife Nadine of Goderich Sh rley ,Mrs John Hazlitt) of Ben• miller Carol 'Mrs Robin Lawrie1 of Blyth Nancy Brown of Kitchener Philip and his wife Margot of Toronto Also survived by several aunts uncles neves nephews and cousins The family receiv• ed friends at the McCallum & Palle Funeral Home Cambria Rood at East Street Goderich on Friday from 2 4 and 7 9 p m A funeral service was held at the funeral home on Saturday at 2 m Interment Balls Cemetery, Auburn ES?A?E AU&I*N Downtown Clinton Building & Interesting Contents 98 ALBERT (MAIN) STREET, CLINTON, ONTARIO SATURDAY, JUNE 20TH AT 11:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. — The building has been used for storage for many years and the auction will include such interesting items as TWO ANTIQUE OAK WALL PHONES, STEEL WORK BENCH, belt sander. new boxed gifts. ANTIQUE PINE TOOL CHEST, oak diners, crocks, knitting machine, VICTORIAN OAK BOOKCASE, good hand tools. old Coke cooler, old cameras, CEDAR CHEST, golf clubs, 40' & 16' ALUMINUM LADDERS, steel trolley, garden tools. WINDSOR ARMCHAIR. old table radio, FILE CABINETS, chests, trunks. old frames. OAK EX- ECUTIVE DESK & CHAIR, SEVERAL EXCELLENT STORAGE CABINETS & SHELF UNITS. crystal chandelier, cuckoo clocks, Shriner memorabilia, ANTIQUE OAK TABLES. ANTIQUE SCHOOL DESKS & large quantities of equally Interesting pieces. 12:00 NOON — The real property which fronts on a main highway and is adaptable for many purposes such as an anti- que shop will be. offered subject to conditions of sale and moderate reserve bid. It comprises the white brick front sec- tion with wggn doors well over one hundred years old to which has been added a modern cement block rear addition in ex- cellent condition. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY AND EXECUTORS OF• THE JOHN SMITH PARKER ESTATE JASON C. & GRANT C. GARDNER THE AUCTION GALLERIES 439-3333 p LARGE AUCTION SALE Piano. appliances, furniture, exercise equipment, new tent, lawn mowers, paddle boat, etc., to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton for the Estate of Vera Hudie, Fred McClymont and Malmie Ross SATURDAY, JUNE 20 AT 10:00 A.M. Willis upright piano and bench; chest freezer; washer and dryer; Westinghouse 30" electric stove; oak 9 pc. dining suite in good condition; 8 pc. dining suite; Simplicity wringer washer nearly new; Simplicity spin dry washer; Westinghouse dishwasher; 6'natching pressback chairs; wicker arm chair; wicker fern stand; treadle sewing machine; sideboard bottom; two 3 pe. bedroom suites; pressed pattern kit- chen shelf clock; cedar chest; modern chesterfield w/ pull out bed; older chesterfield and chair; 2 door war- drobe; single door wardrobe w/drawer; antique dresser w/mirror; oval chrome table and 4 chairs plus other set; vacuum cleaner; high chair; wooden bridge lamp; wooden arm chairs: upholstered chairs; coffee & end tablet: odd small tables; washstand; Coleman antique gas lamp w/fancy shade; 4 oil (amps; old radio: drop leaf table; 2 gallon crock; crokinole board: finger oil larnp; table lamps: pole lamps: floor lamps; partiol chamber set: chest of silverware; handmade quilt w/Mid- etetee chee-eh 'members names on If; RS. Prussia pitcher; Lawn Boy lawn mower: electric lawn mower; bedding & linoos: paddle boat; large oak office desk: Jen- ny Linde type bed w/box spring & mat- tress; B & D Workmate; exercise bike: boys BMX bike; ceIeur portable TV: B 8. W portable; rowing exerciser: tread mill exerciser; new 9 x 12 tent; 4 new life jackets; plus our usual large offer- ing of dishes, glassware, pots & pans. garden tools, pictures, step ladder, etc. TERMS: Cash AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb 482-7898 ctinton