HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-06-17, Page 14Page 14-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1987 1 . Articles for sale PIG TALES quality children s book ut offordable prices' Joonne Drennan 482.7584. 24 26 2 LOVE SEALS. excellent condition, beige tweed covering, matching cushions included. Asking only $125 for pair Phone 482.3818 24 CHERRIES Sweets starting June 18, sours July 2. Bring con - turners arid pick your own Watson's Fruit Farm. I mile north of Forest. Highway 21 786 5439 24.25 FRIDGE FREEZER. 22 cu ft. side•by-side deluxe in Avocudo electric stove. 24 deluxe •.ontinuous clean in Avocado photo copier, Logi use, ex- cellent condition. organ Whurlitzer electric con• sole with orbit synthesizer. o beautiful piece of furniture and excellent instrument. 482.7265 or 482 3401 24or STOVE`AND FRIDGE for sale cheap. Coll Greg in daytime 482 3931. 24 AUTUMN GOLD Tiffany style pool table light. 5200 00 Phone 482 3489. 24 30 ELECTRIC STOVE. avocado, good condition, 5150. fridge approximately 14 cubic feet, avocado, good condition, $150. Call evenings 482 7592. 24,25 ATC 1983 Honda 200X, used very little, $1100 00 or best offer Coll after 5 p.m. 482.5709. 24 LEATHER MOTORCYCLE jacket, block and gray, -size 10, worn twice, $269.95 Old Mill value, will sell for $100 00:565-2561. 24tf NEW BRICK 275 blush coloured $65. 200 beige brown blend 535, 1 reconditioned manure spreader $375 00 Phone 482-7676. 24ar HARDWOOD SLABS by the truckload (approx. 10 11 cord) $130.00 delivered. Phone 519 7302 19tf FOR A FREE water analysis. contact Bruce Falconer, Water Consultant with Aquafine. Phone 1.800 265-5735 21,24 750 CLEAN 8' blocks on palettes. 704 a piece. Phone !82 9956 23.24 FAT HERS DAY 'DEAL GIFT 1 Loungers and other yr cut patio items of 40°° off or more. Warehouse open Fridays 8 Saturdays 71 King W. FOREST. Ont 15191 7864405 23.24 15 x30 ABOVE GROUND POOL gas space heater for use in small home or cottage Anxious to sell. Phone (416) 4825653 Toronto after 6 23.24 LOOKING FOR BARN BOARD? They are yours for drsmuntlinq on old shed 22x50 Also 12x12' beam•, ni +orinus lengths Coll 523 4285 23 24 AI (IVAR elerrrrc guitar with rose amplifier and 111uS.( stand Used for 1 year by student Phone offer 5 482 7493 23.24 C fpt E FURNITURE NEW 8 USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY ' , mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades TE -EM FARM COME VISIT US FOR ALL YOUR GARDENING NEEDS •Top Quality Bedding Plants •Many In -Store Specials STRAWBERRIES Weather Permitting Pick Your Own or Ready Picked Til • OUR IWN A PARAGUS In Freezer Quantities... CUT FRESH DAILY! GREENHOUSE TOMATOES, ENGLISH CUCUMBERS AND RHUBARB - NOW READY! WHOLESALE & RETAIL SALES Buy Direct From The Grower For Top Quality OPEN a rev: 14 411 Crs4a ewer. lett 11 7 DAYS A WEEK R R 1 BAYFIELD 482-3020 LASSIFIED THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD -THE BLYTH STANDARD -THE HAYFIELD BUGLE ','l nton. Nees -Recon CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising .. Tuesday 3:00 p.m, CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sole 2 'lard sale 3 Garage sale 4 Antiques for sale 3 Cars for sole 6 Trucks for stile 7 R. V.'s for sale 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sole 12 Real estate for sole 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room & board 21 Cottages for rent 22 Lots for rant 24 Wanted to rent 23 Wanted to buy 26 Help wonted 27 Wanted (general) 28 fluslness opportunl$y 29 Tenders 30 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Personol 33 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sole 39 Educational 40 Lost1& Found 41 To give away 42 Death notice 43 Firths 44 Engagements 43 Marriages 46 In memoriam 23 Commercial property for rent 47 Cards of thanks 50C DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMFNT V/HEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ON E WEEK AFTER THE PAPER D \TE. PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1. Articles for sale SAWDUST Bedding For Livestock DELIVERED In 600 cu ft. Loads Craig Hardwood Ltd. - AUBURN - 526-7220 2. Motorcycres for sale MUST SELL 1977 Kawasaki KZ650, new point, low mileage Must be seen $1.000 as is or best offer Call evenings 4823880 24nx 3. Garage sale MOVING SALE Saturday June 20 9 a m 56 Vic torirf Blvd Vanastra Rain or shine Some fur niture household Items dishes toys Clothes plus miscellone.ous items 24 VANASTRA Public School YARD SALE in gym nasium 10 n m 4 p m Saturday June 20 1987 For information phone 482 3524 24 YARD SALE 181 Frederick Street Clinton on Saturday June 20 9 o m 24x GIGANTIC MULTI Iamrly yard sale Saturday June 20 Sunday June 21 239 James St 9 a m Westinghouse 30 stove large fridge small ap plron(es household baby items playpen highchair good quality clothing also ladies clothing Certified 1978 Econo von tools. etc plus loads more 24x GARAGE SALE 9 Toronto St Vanostra Sotur day June 20 9 n m 7 Numerous household nrtirles 24x YARD SALE lune 20 nt 9 a m 2 families ore hav ing a sole at 208 Ontnno Street Clinton 24nx GARAGE SALE Saturday June 20 110 Huron St No soles before 9 n m Electric stove fridge washer and other items 241r YARD SALE Saturday June 20 from 8 a m 3 p m 144 High Street Toys doors and household items 24 GARAGE SALE at Huron Centennial Public School Brucefield on June 20 from 10 30 a m 3 30 p m 24 ®..e �0 COupO� l�0 t� of*twj1� s5000 tat °etc !Rede cola ,,, �� mss ittC199 ah 03 e%p couPc% -003 Rei. TES .ur. and 'appliance centre l Ineluding - Ili• Btlsrd d Ballon 0111 Roomismsa l� io Hove Sin101 GRAMM402 On. 482-9414 DISCO mRE 2. Yard Sale YARD SALE • Saturday, June 20, 9 a.m. - ? 2' 2 miles west of Seaforth Highway 8. Miscellaneous household items. 24 YARD SALE, corner of James and Walker St., Saturday, June 20 from 10 a.m. - ?. 24x 5. Cars for sale 1979 THUNDERBIRD. loaded, certified, asking $3.500 firm. Call after 6 p.m. 482.5963.• 24x 1982 PONTIAC Grand Lemons, air, ps, pb, blue velour interior, dark blue exterior, 132,000 kms, $4,900 will certify. 482-9071.---24x We'll Rot you ready for a hat summon! HAVE YOUR CAR'S AIR „ - CONDITIONING o ,til DAILY RENTALS LEASING CHECKED & RECHARGED Mown CMTs Olds will cheek! •All Belts end A.C. News Hewn Leeks - Compressor operation •recharge sir condlllmin, system. BROVNIoIc1smobiIe CLINTON 4$2-9321 6. Trucks for sale 78 GMC van for sole, $500 includes running board. 2 sun roofs. 8 track and tinted windows. Phone 482-7533. --24 7. R.V.'s for sale TRAILERS -- travel, 5th wheels, hardtops, new and used. Golden Falcon, Prowler. Boler, Lionel. Hitches, truck cops. Soles, rentals. repairs. 25 years in business. Camp -Out, Hwy. 8, 1 mi. west of Stratford 393-5938. 12.30or 8. Marine ATTENTION FISHERMEN • Lowrance X4, X5, Eagle 5000, 6100, 7000, and VHF radios, temperature probes, Loran•C stock at discount prices. Lake Huron Rod and Gun Underwood. 368 7182 Open 7 days 22-30 14 FOOT Fiberglass Runabout complete with motor and trailer, new canopy topper. Open to offers. Phone 482.9223. 24 Par Attention Farmers A. For Sale 3300 BUSHEL groin bin for sole Also a quantity of straw Phone 5239691. 23.24.25 FIVE ACRES of mixed hay for sole Phone 524 8065 24x FORD 8N tractor loader no bucket, good shape. 51400 00 Phone 482.7126 24 20 ACRES standing hay. Timothy, alfalfa. red clover mixture Coll Jim Jamieson 482 7411 24nx Hensa l I Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY A7 12:30 P.M. A11 classes of Llvostock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Burry Miller Gregory Hargreaves Clinton 482 7511 twater 235.2717 Kirbton 279-6205 262-2619 8. Custom Work CUSTO,A silo filling Ond swathing Hank Reinink 523 9202 or 523 4569 21 tfor CUSTOM ROUND baling 4 ft wide by 3.6 ft high (John Deere) Scott Consitt 4829297 or 5652728 2233 CUSTOM BIG ROUND BALING 5 ft wide by 4 6 ft high Co Zondag 565 5308. 2330 D. Livestock FOR SALE Bred Gilts to farrow late June July August Breeding dates vaccinated R 0 P tested guaranteed York x Landroce or York x Hemp good selection York. Hemp Duroc and Hamp x Duroc Boors Days as low as 129 bock Tot as low as 8 4 mm all priced competitively from $250 Bob Robinson, RR 4 Walton Coll 345 2317 22.23 24 E. Farm Services BERGS®Ies Service In5toIlotiorl *Barn Cleun®rs °Bunk Feeders *Stabling °Manure Conveyoro FREE ESTIMATES Donald Ge Iv** R R. 2 et Y764 187.4424 12. Real estate for sale PRIVATE SALE 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Egrnondville on large lot in very good cor ition 7 yeors old. al lathed garage, good location. finished rec room 2 full baths. central vacuum, built-in dishwasher. plus more. Phone the owner. 5270493 after 6 p.m. 7tf STARTER OR RETIRMENT HOME In Auburn. New kitchen and bathroom. Garage and storage shed on large lot 526 7254. 23 24 429LLOOKINOW ®W1Nt3 4AM ISL YIN 4,001 PITON eSYAFORTH e tans IELI • EIJRICN e e extras t3T1IAT, 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE 14 x 70' Bendix 1978. By appointment only Phone 524 7731 after 6 p rn 161f 17. Apartments for rent FIRST MONTH FREE I 2 and 3 bedroom apartments available now. June 1 or July 1 Located at 176 Oxford Street. Hensoll Phone 262 2647 211f OPEN HOUSE Saturday, June 20 10 a.m. - 12 noon County Road No. 3 West of Hwy. No. 4, Brucefield Watch for signs 41011k OPEN HOUSE 1:001, ageor SUNDAY, JUNE 21 1:30-4:00P.M AT 120 ERIE ST., CLINTON Executive home, built 1979. Dou- ble lot, well landscaped, with L- shaped deck. Central vacuum. 4 bedroom, 2 car garage, new carpeting and eavestroughing. A must to see. rlw. "ruse" archer RF/X sales representative 482-9428 a -b realty ltd, an independent member broker pea Sino ii9NTEE L COr LIMITED ENJOY THIS SPACIOUS HOME: 1600 sq ft cozy fireplace in family room. Targe rec room single car garage and air conditioning Great buy at $88.900 EXCLUSIVE COUNTRY HOME: Hwy 4 lust south of Clinton This home was custom built in 1975 and features 3 bedrooms (possibly 41 large living room with fireplace modern kit then and dining room large family room large basement partly finished ENJOY EVERY SEASON: In this well hunt 2 storey aluminum sided home with Iorge cedar deck on n scenir 1 R nrres large in sulatecf shop $69 000 BE WITH THE ACTION: Build your own home on this completely serviced lot with spank ing new executive style homes on either side BUY OF THE WEEK: 3 bedrnorn remodelled home on 5 acres with Karn and shed Redur ed to $75 000 negotiable YESTERDAY'S CHARM: Combined with to day s convenience Century old solidly built brick home in Holmesville A horgom at 574 000 COUNTRY CHARM: Close to Blyth complete ly renovated 3 bedroom home featuring n large natural fieldstone fireplace and the se rood unique workable antique in n large country kitchen barn horse stalls etc NEAR AUBURN: 3 bedroom home modern kitchen 1 acre drilled well paved rood mew cost living and oskinq only 534 900 INDIVIDUALITY REIGNS HERE! Solidly built brick home with ung rved stone ver In do coloured glo henutiful wand work List 565 0,, 6 LAKEFRONT LOTS: between Goderich and Bayfield Registered plan HERITAGE HOME: Brick and stone 2 storey ne 45 or -cps of river volley and forest land Spacious rooms rustic fireplace honk born Ont sheds Noor Dungannon Mary Divok 871! Steenstra Henry Damsmo 482-3370 482-3780 482-5893 R E A LT 0 R ENJOY THE WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFUL SUNSETS: Lakeview cottage woodstove some furnishings Included Buyers bargain of $35 000 DON'T PASS THIS BUY: Rather than rent you can own this year round 3 bedroom residence at Sunset Bench on large treed lot 10, only 540 500 risk no RANCH STYLE BUNGALOW: in Winterrourt Cres 0 34 ore 3 bedrooms morn floor 2 bedrooms and rec room in basement COMMERCIAL BUILDING: containing 2 retail stores core area Clinton Ask for details SOLID BRICK HOME: 144 Albert Street 1 storey 2 bedrooms FAMILY HOME: Renovated with large heated workshop In Holmesvrlle MODERN BUNGALOW: Immrt(,ilnte 1850 sq ft in Londesboro RAISED RANCH: 1250 sq ft built in 1983 between Clinton and Senforth VANASTRA HOME: 1 storey 3 bedrooms needs outside work 29 Regina Rood Make an offer SMALL FARM: 2 i nrres oe Hwy 8 near Senforth Large. 4 bedroom home Heated horn will hold 140 veal calves PAVING TOO MUCH TAXES? Then inspect this duplex located in Clinton The nskinq pore is right Cnll.for more information LEISURE TIME LUXURY: On an extra henutiful private lot overlooking Pine Lake Sleeps 6 comfortably spocinus living room tastefully furnished large storage shed with porch All this for your onloyment of only 530 000 CLINTON: Building lot 60 x 135 Serviced •less to schools and churches Asking only S13 500 SEE THIS: 4 or 5 bedroom ing room full bosement New vinyl siding Priced nt $45 000 CLINTON: Well moil d 2 bedroom home on large lot ittArtenhury 51 Asking $39 000 WE HAVE A WIDE SELECTION Or DAISY, POULTRY, HOG AND CASH CROP FARMS FOR SALE. ASK FOR DETAILS. VANASTRA: 1 bedroom home 33 Quebec St $29 000 JUST LISTED: I nndesboro 1' , storey 3 bedroom home with extra lot $25 000 ORIGINAL LOG HOME: with large oddition on 1 acre north of Goderich $67 500 Aileen Craig 482-3669 Peter Darnsme 482-9849 Sharon Medd ,Senforth) 527-0560 2 storey large Liv OFFICE: 11 Victoria Si.. Clinton 482-5991 OFFICE: 11 VICTORIA ST., CLINTON 482®5991 GOLF COIR FuN *AD HELP Ott, COILEP%i Sit ctrl ff! idtOITES MR ALI. VEff•f: $E Tl -Mf - 2 PIC, t11E,1E 21E7ifr 19111 1