Exeter Times, 1903-11-26, Page 1THIRTY-FIRST YEAR --NO 13 CV HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE+ la= ellalauswAicausatiaamosiaavamr.a.p...I.oemoammeauswausomaka EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, NOiVEMBER 26th 1903 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ gi Hensall ++44444.4.+4++++++++++++++-++ Lileari it O. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Oonveyan' The f Oen "} ASSUranCe p$ Sl. Joseph,sfinished merJuy haveoftfth'ifail wozk,Sell u y drawn at reasonable rates. Mono II: p't 1 last week of Mr. Thomas OtfloeatthePoatoop ren, Lumen. Dece'atedthad been ill for about tends ing'v.ng into Dr. cLsun's store The Equitable Life, the strongest life COnl an in —Mr. G, E. Ootpealalnd, bas opened up Y —We sire Barr to stat ' S _ 7 y two oars and his death was not un. Y e tibial JTr,, i the worlG, wants d, reliable min as rarwrnean nl, ,r .g. a. farsiteolass up-to-date music state C11741°1°6' Aged 07 yeasts this wife died rnan Campbell )anis been laid. un wviLh JOHN WHITE TE & SONS VES AND FURNACES; If you are in need of a stove or furnace this fall it " i11 be to your advantage to Call and see our stock before you purchase elsewhere as we carry a large stock of the very best makes both for coal and wood. We make a specialty of Furnaces, Eavetrough- ing, Gas and Waterpipe. '19 Call and see our Carpet Stretchers If you want the best results use National and Star Brand Cement WE ARE SOLE AGENTS Walls, Floors, Troughs, etc, built with these Cements last for ever. SON ( Farquhar 7'fua •dea,ih took lac at* : armors in t'is wicL iL oiS i 'a a5S• o their Robinson, a well known resident of ! —Oar mail drawer, Mr. Riley, i Ier, Commissioner, Fire ineuranoe Agent, and assurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal documents carefully to loan on real estate at low retesot nterest :n Exeter and vicinity. Experience desirable but Oro a,bisna Mimes a, in Bevhirley's block and is parrying a same yelarrs ago lie loaves a iamtly'r fine let of Pinnas, Organs, Small Mus of 'hree boys and two girls—I!;dward f nal Family Herald & Star, I not essential. Write for information todayto .ir , w, machines:and G a ,Wil t 1ud - t atcail instruments., sewing of od' r:icln George, in Albert from naw until January 7,005 inc l,ates't and most popular sheet aline, Ilam a,L'home, end Marguerito and °mg lures premiums for $1.75. district agent and is pmepaxed a sell or errcha i Lizzie in tlhe United States ' d 1'2r. Arthur Campbell his e>nga; nee in- ' : with; the lkkenanital Theserahtnn T. El. PARKINSON London, I Company far .the rest of the sensori. Y I Jobe Cornish, of this vi11a P. S. Equitable 4 P. C. bonds which draw interest six months from —1VTr. date, are something new. siwraments, on the, most favorable ttelrons. Call and be convinced, Zion —Mr. J. W. Ortwein• recently shipp- I---- intends to mave.to Elimville where he ed away over 'nine tons of onions., This ; —The funeral of the late Mr. Jots!has engaged to work for Mr. Skinner is a gland Meowing. ,Brook was largely attended on Sunday I far a year. —The Canadian Order of Foresters, 7latst, Nov. 22.n<d. Rev. W. H. Cooper I Messrs. Fred Millia,'m and Johan of tabs village attended 'church :ont Seb.bath? miarnen,g feet, —Mrs. Craig, of Detroit (nee Miss 4. Kate Hodgins) is visiting bur father and irela,tivels in this vicinity. —Mr. F. W. Smallacombe, familarly known 'as the "Onion King," has,befen + making has large annual shipments. - 4 —Mr. and Mrs. Hassold of , Balta.:••. ,+I, mem, Ind. ase tete guests of Mrs. Hass- + ol'd's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 'l• Ortwein. 4. —Mr. Walter Lancaster had the, isle : fortune retcaeatly to got his foot pain- .g. fully bruised while assisting La miov- + dig a.piaria. —Mr. William Wihitesides has re- celntly very •much' imipraved the ap- g ,poarance of his dwelling by having, it q. talstily painted. -Mr. Wm. McKay, principal pelf +t. our ;public school, has been adding' 'to the size of his drivelling and improv- ing it gen,eetaLiy. —Mr. John Granger has purchased Me. H. R. Pfaff's dwelling, on Brock :street, and intends proving into our ;village in the camas of a few weeks. —A sudden death yeas that of the,in- fant child of Mr, and ,Mrs. Lewis., .,- of We11iniL•'on staweleti wept. The inter- ment. was made in Clinton, on Tues- day. —Mr. G. C. Petty 1'3ft bore this week for 1lre old country, where he intends seteending a montih or so with relatives and friends, We wish' him a safe, and Ipleasant trip. —Mr. Wm. R. Hodgins returned this wwee le fricun, Manit gba; stare he its beep for a 'couple of `tmtent'hs visiting relatives and friends, and reports hay iag,haaid a very pleasant trip. —Next Sunday evening in the Meths dist church, Rev. Dr. Medd .will deliv- er a sermon to young men appropriate music will be. rendered by acboir of young men instead of the usual church choir. —Mrr. Thomas F. Eyre, who recently Bald this store business at Chinelhurst, and :rented his premises. there/far' ,a .number of years to Mr. John White— mon, intends mo'v'ing into our ,village this week and ,residing her,etuntit , he decides on future business movements —Mr. John Patterson, milk vendor rd or had the 'misfortune, last week l:o get his nicely equipped. delivery wagon smashed, as well as the battles con- taining milk, owing to a little village. Lad attempting to turn around onitihe r3t,reet while Mr4 Patterson; was)deliver Ing milk. The poor little boy who had undertaken to do the driving, had the misfortune to get his heaidi very seriously cut in severa1 when the wa- gon •overturned. C-14+++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (•43.+4.4.+ A WOMAN'S cirri R ' D J T O N RITICISM !Roller Mills 4)f what a man's clothes should be is Pretty accurate. There can be no possible fault to find with your ap- pearance if your clothes are made to measure in an expert way. The style Of the garment we make is a sufficient guarantee for first class work. All the new up-to-date Fall nitinfS, Over Gooting and rantin fS just arrived. Prices away,down. W. W Taman. Merckaarit `H'ailor, p*v.eo©om40®oo.eovs.••s44•« NEW PIANOS We have just put in stock several ty Pianos in the latest designs and e Bast Makes at Popular Prices. We will esteem it a pleasure to show them to you. Organs always in stock. A good second hand Belt Organ :in good order, for sale cheap. The Bicycle Sewer Is with us and those Cushion Frames .are just what you want, We have them at moderate prices. et, - T achines in all the leading Makes always in stock and at prices that cannot be beaten anywhere, also repairs for ,same. Call and see us. We are always busy but will be glad to give you any information about our goods you may desire. • S.,, artin. 44.4.9444.4.04o4100e•e•e0•4.0 Gristinu and Clopping Done ProntIij We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re- modelling our mill. H. SW TZ 'R. win ER's BLAST Is no respector of persons, therefore prepare to meet its coming by providing yourself with one of our Fall Over6ots NEVER SO LOW NEVER SO GOOD NEVER SO STYLISH J MEN'S Merchant Tailor A man's wife should always be the dame especially to her husband, but if tee is 'weak and nertgiovs' and! uses Carter's Iron Pills she cannot be for tibiey make her' "feel like a differennt person., " so they all say, and their husbands say so too. THE Merchants Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. CAPITAL (all paid up) $6,000,000. RESERVE AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS $2,974,245 THOS. FYSEE General Manager E. F. ngBDEN, Superintendent of Branches A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Interest at most favorable current rates allowed; on Savings Bank Accounts and Deposit Receipts, Special attention given to the business of- Farmers and Cattle- nen. Letters of Credit issued to travellersbayable in all parts of the world. - OREDITON ONTARIO. Thanes Road 'Times and Family Herald & Seas; fwram now until January 1905 includ- eng three premiums far $1.75. —Mr. John 'l?a. stare e n•,. 4 gas has recently trie'turned frotm the West, and:-seeureel elle position of fireman in. 'Iiarvey Bros. mill, Exeter. —Mr. Wm. Pybus is ,able to be about eleaan after suffearing a severe attack ed inflammatory rheumatism, but, the disease has rendered his left ; hand helpless. Lumley Times and Toronto Daily News for one year dor $1.80. —Mies Jennie Horton scpent Sunday Last with friends in fieasall. —The Misses Stoneman„ of Ile,nst,ll and Misses fainter and Pinn of Wood ham, visited at Wm. Glenn's on Sun- day last. —Mr. L. Workman .has been spend - the past week or so'with• his sister, Mre. G. Brehm:am. —Miss Maud Glenn, accompanied by Miss Luxton, of Centralia, visited, at the •per;mtai home Saturday and Sun- day. Kirkton Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hazlewaodi,•jr., celiebra od lhsireryst l weddingingon Saturday evening. Quite an enjoy- a'b1e evs.ning was spent by:all pres- eent. Amnivemsary se,rvi•ees of the Kirk- t'c+n ldethodist church will b3 held Cal Sunday, Nov. 21111. The Bev. Mar. McKibben, of Ailsa Craig, will preach ran Me morning at 10.30 and in the evening •alb 7 o'clock. Exeter Municipal Council. A. spacial anen_bing e1 the Council was held on Friday evening Nov. 20th. Ab- sent eomnaarllar Gilleopie. The object of the meeting was to make a;ritain(gelneluts or ,yupplyin'g Messrs. Harvey Bras, with water for the winter montbs. Cabble'adutokf .- Or'e'ereh,—'.Chat they be fuannidheid wittier with the under- standing that they supply gasoline; pay a competent man to lrun 'engine ;, and to be 'r'esponsible for ally damage diome to etn,gine or plant.-0airried, cool:vei'1 adjourned till regular meet - W. S CHISHOL.Mi Manager 'bag. '9DO, II. I3 tSSBT"J.', CI art. 'L rieach: l an apprapr1abe sermon 'in tQ1p ehurcth. Who widow and family 'leave the symlp,athy ,on the community. -aTltua Methro'diste. of this plebe will hold 'l•;btear; Ken.niversery servicpa: next wmlumbLe cattle last week. They: work Sunday, Nov. 29th. The trustee. board Led their way into the straw -stool:; and tatsk Far am offering of 18.80,00. 'The : oauld 'not get out and were dead when Rev, I7lr. Hainnon, of :fam,es,st •clhurch, lediiscove,re'd. Exeter, will presucib, at 10 a. m. and 7 p. m. Russeldale Sit even• have bean engaged drawing sugar beets for Mr. Dobler the last three weeks. •—Mr. James .Ballantyne lost t Fullarton —The annual ploughing match of the Full:atr tan; Plowvmen's associa,tiori wt's held last Friday on the farm' of Times and Toronto Daily News for one year for $1.80. —Miss Beatrice Clark, is visiting tri ends at Avtm on and Hickson, —Thee new Me thefts t church at Be - John S. McNeil. Theme were a, goodly l tbel will be opened entSunday the '29 number of spectators, but not a great wLth Rev. Dr. Carmen preaching: at many eontest•onts. 'Nae results were 10.00 o'clock and 7 o'clock, and Rev. res foll,owts: Ist 'class, N. Oliver, 1st Mr. Brawn, of Mitchell, at 2.30 o'clock prize but received only second %money and'on Monday evening the, 30th a hot out account of not finishing in time ;1 fowl supper will he served in the' old Jas. Naatrm, 2nd prize and .first money ,c'hlu'rich from 4 O'clock to 8, after vehicle &d 'claps, A. Beware 1st i prize ; W. a grand entertainment will be given Waddell, 2nd prize. Jaws class, W: the music part of the: programmer will Bolton, 1st prize, ; T. Woods, 2nd be furnished by the St. Marys quar-. prize ; W. Nairn, 3rd prize. Tlhe tette, and nixed voices. Cor - judge was Mr. Dickson, of Elmo.—'Messrs. Wen. Roger, Irm. Cor_ nish, and: A. H,adigeint, a f ter e pending Bruicefield three months at Indian Head, N. W. ---Territory. returned home on Saturday —Mr. Willaaim. Dixon has purchased —Mr. Robert Clark sr., Ls under the p doctors care at 'present. from Mrs. Philip Murray, of Seaforth —Mrs. Jas. Park, who has been on the site on which the. burned hotel the sick list for the past three weeks stead, the price paid being 1$400 Itis is able to be around again. cine of the best business sites int the villeg'e. Mr. Dixon is the a%w.ner of Wtluan hotel property and at one, time owned this, selling it to the late""Jas Turner. 'The property will likely be built on next summer, as we under— sband this DTioCartn,ey Bros. intends er- eating on it an implement warehouse and no doubt other buildings will fol- low in due time. Greenway —Wedding bells were ringing in our neig'lubarhood kat week. —On Wednesday Mr. S. Prance and Miss M. Ann Bullock, of this village drove to Parkhill where they .were. quietly married at the Rectory. The groom was attended by Mr. ;Jahn Bul Tuckersmith lock and the bride by a cousin,of the ---•r--- groan. Atter the ceremony perform- •lr. Levi Lott 'has purchased„ Mr, ed by Rev. Mr. Berry., the happy eau - Sabra Shoebottom's 50 acre farm on the tee left on a trip to Sarnia and- alter 'Biutetvn.le ;roadd, in the Township' of Morris': The farm is at present rent- ed to Mr. Hunter and Mr. Lott well Iniad get ,ptassieusiota until next .spring. /This be a •,grand farm "and was ' under- stand the arks paid was $2,800. On Friday while Mr. Dunbar , had the straaicutters working for him the box boated .anal set the • straw in -a blaze, which was carried into, the barn The Lie spread ee rapidly lbat it was useless to try to extinguish, it, so the mein workedbztaveriYsavebe con to t - n tents. Most of the ,implements, :the horses and some of the cattle were res cued, but ,nineteen head of cattle were burned, to-.gaLber with all the grain and teed. It took only about hale an iblaur to ,convert a lovely 'barn into • a I na'ss of ruins. Crediton Times and Toronto Daily News for one year for $1.80. —Lett ever:ybody remember the ula•r entertainment to iv n pap be a by Lille ladies and gentlemen ot,the Me- thodist church, on Wednesday, Dec. end,, 1.903, at 8 le. na in the tlieet•awn hall, Crediton. The concert is a life [Reduction of the famous temperance ettoay entitled "Dot the Miner's da.ugh ter" together with intervals of wit and humor, Thins promises to be the event of she seaeen in and around Crediton. Don't fail Lo enjoy a couple of hours profit and laughter. Admission 25 cants any any part of the hall. Comeeeariy to `a,v!atidi the .rush: Everybody rota everywvhere invited. Came early and secure a cornier cable sitting. First come, first served- Ushers and grind •ar:c'1iestra In a,LLead;ance. 1' rog rams will be distributed. Grand Bend --- Times and Toronto Daily News for one year for $1.80. Andrew is recovering after a , two weeks illness. —Miss Anaie Stewart, of Exeter is ne. present visiting friends bore. —Mr. Ezra Brenner. shot twenty ducks one dayl est week. —Mr. and Mrs. D. Mallard spent Sunday with friends in Greenway. —Matt Peelle Lisette is ]tome, for a few days af,1er slim:Ling the last ,wo nroa,.1is studing music in Lencloe. —Mr. Frank Disjardinn, nho is in the livery business in Landon, spent a few days last wveck with his mother, —A number of our youne, people at:- tended t-tended a social gathering in Thedford, on Tueeday evening, and report a good. • Manse. -Ont of our enterprising march-- ants arch-ants is making a specialty of ladled' gold watbab!es. Prices and terms on a ppliaa tion. —Mr. John Spackman, of 1?.xete,r, epent a few days last week in this vi- ciai;y looking up cattle for feeding nu.rnoisce. • —Mr. 1Vtonroo. of Parkhill finished painting Mr. Robert IItanilton's new house Last: week, which will make a veny comfortable as • . well es pretty home. - • —.Me. N M. Cortise., of St. ,iosoph,; punMhased morel thousand feet of lire lumber from Ti. Hamilton, which %ve, telrn pecans we wish them a I ong and joyous life.. - -On Thnersday the Rev. Mr..Berry, united Miss Bella, fourth daughter of Mr. Ed. McPherson, Lo Mr. Geo. Saun- ders, of West McGillivray. The bride unattended, gowned in a dainty dress of white mull, ca'r•rying a ,beautiful baguet white oat of hit a chs• -a,nth y calms met the groom under a bell hung -in an arab of white chrsynathenums audio' iacge, After the ceremony, the cot-,- Aan ,aani s tiam of neari'palatives• rre- pa.ired to the dining room, where a daainly dinner was served. The bride's going away gown was of black and white mixed goods with hat to match, The happy couplet eft on a trip to Lon and Buffalo followed by the best wish- es oaf many fziansds. Dashwood —Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kellerman spout Sunday in Zurich. —:Miss Lizzie Bender, of Sarnia, is alnelndine a few days at 'home. —Mrs. Ge,a. Ruby presented her bus - band with a bouncing baby boy last —Mir. Japob England, who has ,been in North Dakota, the gist five years, is cin l;hc village renea-ing acquaint- -Mr. —Mr. and Mrs. C. Beaver. of Credi- ton were in the village last Frid•ty evening and took in the entertain- ment. —Mr. E. Tiernan. cur prominent but clbmr eolyd one of his driving borses to a gemtbelman of London, realizing •a good 'priacec. -eMesces. Geo. Brawn and William T•i,ana;n :have r eturnod home after e ending the summer at South River, Muskoka. —Dry.a J. Holleman, ,gene•i al eros+- ohaant lemc1 a regular poultry day , last Thu Today ,. ,when the farmers from give surrounding country marketed L'Meir fowl. Towward,s evening upwards of nine Ion had been gathered togeth- er far whech ilea highest • prices were paid. Mr. Kellerman deserves credit for securitng such a good iroultry mar- ket for the.. farmers. ' —What is the matter with our lawn lights these dark evenings? Why natilw este thoml it? This seems a be gine-'bii't> among a great number or our icibize,ns. What is the matter with early wvihra took the. contract of Yalta. lag them is thr;=•e no one to appeal to Now is the time we need them not whoa the %noon is shining. Hoping we will got better service in the Tu-- tune, —T.ba, public, sclaaoi c'nter'ia.i•nment hest Friday %evening was a :grand MC. rasa 'Tihe hall being peeked tet the dioors. ,Lveeyone came, wat,h, the ex- pectations aE listening to a, good.pretg ra:tnmc and surely ny one went home dis,aippeeneed. The dispensing with the .programme lasted about - two hours. It. consisted of singing, roeit,a- tions and drilling by tlue scholar;., wlvi'Le some, 'good musical sc1eo't'iond were given by flit: Bastard Bros. The irkan.•1 sclvolurs are to hoe c mere lfultalbed cine t'be; eucec,s.1 Beres tbo 'the KimI You Nave Always naught will be used itt the completion of ., the Signature big eiew bloerk. of Bayfield —Mr. H. Darrow ante improved his babel by a.ttaahang a new roof. —Mr. Jars, Sturgeon has m'aveidinto the house, whileh he recently repaired —S. Brown and J. Spencer, wvhq were employed on Stir. Bayfield, have Ire turned, —,Capt. 'rhos: PollAak, of Selkirk, Man. is visiting friends in and nenr Ba(y:Li,eLd.` FOUND • On Main street, Sept. 271h, the follow- ing letter. Owner may have it elf application to Times Office, and pa,ying cost of this advertisement i y Ownest Own rincrs your mile repulse a' 'my, side •a t the hand—eor, ratherCr, themfoot% --of ;pa, I have muse/11073g mad fondly, darling, on your daring proposition . %Elam I should fly with you and ba alt rest. I know it's naughty; and - .my, heairt and my conscience replro've me, Jout I'm ready to fly with you, delaresat, to the utmost punts of the earth. 11 If I re,me'nlaer aright the insatru.c- Limas wwere:Caarrriage corner aatreelt, ;midnight, then away to a land where the scorner is not. Terms to be made ( at leisure wi1h;infuriatpd papa. Peace leer ng made, we are to return) to Eset_ er, remise his blessing, settle down, and live happily ever afterwards, just Bios Arthur and Angelina, the couple in "Far Love and Fortune; or Love will Find a Way." You know . the book, love. I do so hope nothing will happen . to peeveant our escape. If pas should catch us before We are married— obi Charlie, I shudder to think of the oon- segne,nees. But with you, love, I''m prepared for the worst. Smile when you res me in church, and I sb ail known you expe'et ntae to be ready when the fateful time oames. And mew, Ohartie, my own beloved and munh,:abused darling, adieu till we meet at the witching hour demixi- night at the earner of the street. Yours till death, CLARA. P. S.—Perhaps you had better see Rowe & ALkins`ron, the furniture deal - ere, about furnishing the cottage so was will have a blame to , come to ,aiE- ter no have been reconciled to pa. They have the largest stock and you canget athe e best es :choice besides s es the Y at+t+ selling ai•'the old prices. Seo them about the furniture at once. —Mies Imo. Fowiie was the .gueet, of Miss Laura Weston}, of Goderieh'town- ehiip, bast week. —Mr. Ohm. Kogan, of Alpena, (Mi- chigan, is visiting his mother:heire, who lis, ill at prae'sent. - -Mr. Jas. SL•urgetotn Chas his nievella Lag in the village completed and mov- ed into it lnsb week. —torts. Bailey has ordered a new stable at cher ,place of resilience, for winter aoaammadlation. —Mrs. Storey and span of Thames - fiord visited hex sister, Mrs. Thos . 11iing here last week,. —Ma„. Albert Yanstonaei elf Detroit, spent a few days iu.town last week and returned to Detroit, on Friday 1a1sl. —Tare Presbyterians and ' English Sunday Soh :ale, are busy practisinlg' for their Xntas entertainments, dates latter cm. —Mtr. F. Belanger has completed the new pier to the satisfaction of the C• ovierr eme'nt Engineer, who inspelcted it last week. - —A. Erwin and J. rollick are ap- pointed byl the. .council to.'go to'Mon- bread., ars delegates to solieit the cause of the railroad to pasts through herrn. —Rev. 111.x. Snell, of Lbw Methodist church exchanged pulpits with Rev. Mr. McNeil. of the Presbyterian church on Sunday last morning and evening. —T,ha school trustees held a, meoii•ng on Friday evening last and engaged Mr, Wm. Robinson, as principal. and Miss Floosie S taan:bu'ry assisitant for next year. —Owing to that Ube. storm %the ern- ptora•tor was shut down for a few; days They have a week's chapping toin- is'h yet. This evaporator has Iaandled an enormous amount of apples ibis se a.Ran. CALIFORNIA — OREGON EXCUR- SION Evo•ry day in .the year, single and round trips excursions via the Chica- go Union Pacific and. North: Western line. Through first-class Pullman and tourists sleeping ears daily, to pelmets in California and Oregon.Pcr- scnall,y cand ucted excurlsioans from Chicago to Sam Francisco, Los. Angeles and other Pacific Coast points, leaving Chicago on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Mondays end Fridays. Lowest rat- es. Shatiteiet time on the road', Fin- est scenery. For maps. illustrated falderrs and raters, write 13. H. Bennett 2 East Ming St., Toronto, Ont. - ` , j.n ice$ 1 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Rev. Mark k Guy Pearse, ars_, during the course of an eloquent address ;in Trini- ty Methodist church, Toronto, Friday, said : "Canada is a wond'er'fully beauti ful country. Never have I experienc- ed such a climate. I speak without lexaggerattion, whiea I say that in the (six weeks of beautiful fall weather; I have enjoyed here, I have seem more ',sunshine than in any two years in England. You speak of the 'Lady' of Elia Snows' ; why it's 'Lady of God's Sunshine,' you should sae.” The Ontario Government o eainameat hale, by an 'order int Council, dated lith November inst., withdrawn from sale, lease or ex lrioraiion under the previsions of the mines alai', a belt of land ten miles wide on eaeh side of the Te•miskaming . & Northern Ontario Railway, extending from the north bouadary of the. Town ship of '1V'iddifield to the town of New Liskeard, the present terminus. Im- pmxitiatnt discoveries of the ores of nick el, cobalt, silver and arsenic have. re- cently been made near the shore of Long hake, a short distance south of tare township of Backe, and areewwhere. cener frr { e, f// 41 ,:ere teeneelesa L Oell. • y vee an d. !an e Do you want a Range to replace your old wood cook i If so see our New Range with Reservoir. Burns coal or wood, for \a At Bargain Prices, a 'ew good second hand Wood Cooks. ff;WWood and Coal Heaters from $4 00 up'jj Seasonable Needs Cow Tics from 17c up Buck Saws from 5oc up Cross Cut Saws 5oc up Lanterns from 75c up at Ko6kboltoni Frioes Axes from 6oc up Root Basket from 15c up Mitts and Gloves ire up ' Coal Hods from 25c up. International Stock Food 25c, 5oc and $3 50 International Poultry Food 25C and 5(c Bit MITINOIMAL E