HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-11-19, Page 8r90•0000.4 00�
WS , NOV'I RER 19th 1903.
g tr manager ot�
000t)d?�040�i00004#6p0@t4rr00004000 Molson's flank at 1Vorwich, is visiting
mt*. 0 ills mother, idles. l3. V. +`ttiuto.
e r"^'i.e �'� 0 Miss Julia Spicer has resumed ilei4Sc., ROIVE
Mr, Reginald Elliot
� •tt1rin
;.,.,•!re rias clerk lir t , Rroayn-
ing's Drug store having entered alien
leer duties this week..
• On Wednesday morning the a eetb-
WS. IS FUR TI(11 and STEWART'S is Fur Place, .
+ We believe our stock of Furs is the largest and:
if' most -up-to-date in the county. We invite every:0
:reader. of The Times todrop in and see our big Fur:.
1Stock. Christmas will soon be here, and you Know Furs:
mare •such useful presents. •
0, •
*' $2,00 for Ladies' Black Hair $2$.00 for Ladies' Black Astra •
0r Coney Neck Ruff, trimmed with ekan Fur Coat, well made and
natural head and tails. well lined. Great value. •
$35.00 for Ladies' Swell Elect- O
• $4 25 for Ladies' near seal, long rie Seal Fur Coat, a lovely gar- +
• fur, Neck Ruff, trim•ith ment.ed N 0
•cord and cluster tails. $38.00 for Ladies' choieeat •
Electric Seal Coat, with Tas
•$4,50 for Ladies' Long Neck •manian Sable Trimmings, very o
0 Ruff, a beauty. Sheared coney stylish. d►
•with cord and cluster tail trim- $40.00 for ladies' Black Rus- •
• mings. sign Lamb. Fur Coat, small tight 0
• curl. We believe them the best •
$7.50 for Ladies' Long Front wearing Fur Coat in'the trade.
new style Storm collar, Ameri- 0
;can Seal. A real swell line. $100.00 for choice Black Per-
• sian Lamb Fur Coad Two on- •
• $8.00 for Ladies' American ly to sell. Both travellers sam-
• Sable Neck Ruff, full clustre tail pies. They are far below their •
• trimuiings,a swell neck garment. regular value. Come in and •
• ,t,
512.00 for Ladies' Best Tag see them.
We have a very large stock
manian Sable Long Neck Ruff, of men's Fur Coats. Every coat
'O with cord and clustre tails. a bargain. Do you want one? ®®,
Ask for Mooney Biscuits, they are the best.
er took a decided change from the
balmy days preceeding to several de-
grees below freezing, a' ie nrpanied
with high a iuds and tturtit•s of snow.
Messrs,. R, Samuel acid W. J. Carl-
ing returned home ore Monday even-
ing fr'oni Muskoka, where they spent
a very pleasant two weeks in search
of game, bringing home with them
two deer,
Advance Council No 207 Royal Tem -
piers of Temperance will hold "Rally
Night" on Nov. 23rd. Every member
of the order is expected to be present.
Don't forget the date Nov. 23rd. AN-
NIE M. VINCENT,' ace -Secy.
Mr. W. H. Levitt has purchased a
new coal wagon and is now in a better
position to supply the wants of his
customers. Mr. Ley La shipped dur-
ing the past two weeks two carload of
dried apples to different parts in
Messes Charlotte and Mary Bentley,
of Blyth, who were in attendance at
the marriage of their cousin Mr.
George Bentley. of Kirkton, to Miss
Neil, of Brinsley called an friends in
town on Thursday.
Mr. C. B. Snell, proprietor of the
Electric Light plant, put in a uew
primary wire from the power house
along Maiu street to E. 3. Spackinan's
store. The lights are much brighter
and the service better.
.lar. Ovens, of Loudon, Surgeon,Ocrr-`•
list and specialist of diseases eye. ear,
nose and throat, will be at the Com-
mercial Hotel, Eketer, an Weduesday,
November' 4 ; Wednesday, Deeernl:er,
'� "'� 2 . Spectacles and eye -glassy,
1`74 proper1903ly fitted. Next visit will he
0 •® t' Wednesday December 2. F
Messrs. Connor Bros., who receti'tly
_ _ .... a ., . ��v ... �. �aso..�. moved their machine shop from the
Old market square to the huridiug
they have fitted up on the curn.er of
Gidley and Main streets, opposite rhe
English church, have now nearly all
their machinery in place, and are
again ready for business.
The Sovereign Bank of Oanadi
Head Office Toronto. Executive Office, Montreal.
Make a Start this depositing
dOaddingOto it from
time to time as you are able, you will soon be placed beyond
the possibility of being in want, We invite you to open a
SAYINGS BANS ACCOUNT. Interest paid at the high-
est current rate from date of deposit.
Solicitors. Manager, Exeter.
For Marriage Licenses,
Waddling; Ritags,
Watches, Clacks
Spectercics Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisemente accepted up to noon
Wednesdav of each week.
Just five weeks till Christmas.
Read Popplestone & Gardiner's add
on page 5.
Dr. Silk. of London, was in town on
Friday last.
Mr. Bert Ross, of Chatham, spent
Sunday in town.
Thanksgiving Day in the United
Stites on Nov. 26th.
Mr. George Willis, of St. Thomas
spent Sunday at his home here.
The trailing of long skirts has been
condemmed as a disease spreader.
Mrs. Maize, of Kirkton spent a few
days this week visiting Mrs. J. T.
Mrs. R, W. Dinney was visiting
Mrs. Wm. Winers of Crediton, on
Friday last.
Miss Louisa Sweet is spending a few
days in London the guest of her sister
Mrs. H. J. ifanville.
Mrs. Evans and children, of Ailsa
Craig, pent last week the guest of
her sister, Mrs. Quance.'
A. Ste, art x .A.. .
Mears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
oro �'u�Gs*�f/9r+
Is no respector of persons,
therefore prepare to meet its
coming by providing yourself
with one of our
fall Ov6r6oats
Merchant Tailor
Miss Lille Johns entertained the;
Young Ladies Club on Monday even
in t�
Wheat wanted at Exeter Grist Mili
or which:highest market price will ,
e paid.
Mrs. R. Samuel has returned from
a pleasant visit of two weeks with
friends in Ridgetown.
Mr. 3. P. Connor, of the firrn of
Connor Bros. was in London on Fri-
day of last week on business.
Mr. Milton Hicks, who •has been in
Riverside, California, for some time
returned home on Tuesday iast.
Mr: and Mrs. David Russell spent
part of last week with their daughter
Mrs. J. Peacock, at Prospect Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Shark of Zurich, spent
a few days this week the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Richardson.
Miss Dermid, nurse of St. Joseph
hospital, London, is visiting for a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood.
Mrs. Wm. Gardiner who has been
visiting friends in McKillop, Grey and
Morris, returned home on Saturday
Mrs. W. J. Ross, and little daugh-
ter Helen, of Clinton, are spending a
week the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy and Miss Alma
and Mr. and Mrs. Brooks spent a short
time in Russeldale on Sunday of last
Mrs. F. A, O'Neil, who has been
visiting for a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. B. S. O'Neil, left Tuesday for her
home in London.
Mrs. George Sanmwell, returned
home from Ingersoll, on Tuesday
evening after a pleasant visit with her
daughter, Mrs R. Seldon.
Mr. 0. J.. Balsden, of Melbourne
spent a few daysin town.also attend-
ed the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
0. H. Homey, Usborne.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Caldwell return-
ed to Bervie,on Monday, after attend-
ing the 25th anniversary of Mr, and
Mrs. C. H. Horney's wedding.
A souvenir volume, containing
views of Canada and a geography of
the Dominion, will be issued by the
Department of the Interior at Otawa.
A number from here took in the
fowl supper at Eden, appointment of
the Centralia Circuit on Monday
evening last. They report a good time.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
is on each box. 25c.
Mr. Wm. Dauucey, who for the
past six weeks has been overseeing
the packing of arples for Mr. Lang in,;
North and South East Hope, near
Stratford. returned home last week.
During his absence Mrs. Dauncev has
been visiting her daughters at CredI-
ton and Sexsmith.
Miss Annie Becket has a voice that,
is superb. A voice that has aptly been
said to "combine every;., charm." It,
is volatile, like.a perfurrie, and flown'
out full, sweet' and' ii exhaustahle,
Rev. C. H. Vaughan, Lansing. U.nde
hospices of the Epworth League of the'
,games Street Methodist church on
Tuesday, November 24tb.
• Call and see sample copies of the
two new pictures, "Heart Broken'
and "Hard to Choose," given as prem-
iums with the Family Herald and
Weekly S ar,- which are well worth
the price of a year's subscription alone
if you want something nice subscribe
for the TIMES and above paper and
get these two pictures as well as a
quick reference map of the Dominion.
The Railway Act requires that when
trains are half an hour late or over,
notice of the time they are expected
to arrive shall be posted up for the in-
formation of the public.
Miss Laura Gregory, of Toledo,Ohio
who has been here nursing' her moth-
er, has returned to her position as as-
sistant superintendent of one of the
largest hospitals there.
Mr. J. A. Zinger, of Detroit whose
death was mentioned in last weeks
issue was a victim of appendicitis hav-
ing been operated upon three times.
He leaves a wife and one child.
The Stratford Herald came out
bright and beautiful last week printed
on a Duplex Webb perfecting press,
erected ripecially for its use, and en
larged to 12 pages of seven columns to
the page.
To describe her voice, words • fill,,
For quality of tone a Flexibility`'it'
rivals that of the •(area Patti. --E. A.
Bays, High.
Chief R "er, Ancient
Order Foresters.Jndermit
Of the Epworth Leagrte of James St.
Methodist Church on Novomber 24th.
Great Cleasitig Sale of Oddments and Remnants in every depart -
malt of Pur store.
Dress 00 us CASS 00005 Dress
UU05Dion OOS
36 inch ,Amazon Cloth in grey, brown and navy, regular price 25c
Great clearing sale price 190 a yard
38 inch, all wool sere,: in fawn, rose and grey, regular price 30c
Great cltaring sale price Zoe a yard
100 yards Tweed Dress Goods, makes a good strong wearing dress
regular price 30c, great clearing sale price 150 a yard
About 100 yards Black Fancy Dress Goods, extra fine quality, regu-
alar price $2,5e, $1,50, $1,00, great clearing sale price,... sop a yard
Mantles -All our stock of Ladies' and Children's Man-
tles clearing at away down prices at our great Clearing Sale.
FURS -10 only, Electric Seal Caperines, high collar. large cape,
satin lining, regular price $3.00, ,great clearing sale price $2.39
3 only Astrachan Caperines, high collar, satin lining, regular price
53.75, great clearing sale price.... ............... 52.85
12 only Coney Fur Ruffs, trimmed with 6 tails, regular price $2.00
greatcleaaing sale price $1.5o
2 only Seal Oaperines, long front, regular price $7.50 great clearing
sale price 55.25
175 yards Fancy Silk, nice assortment of colors, regular price 75e,
$1.00e$1.25, great clearing sale price eec a yard
100 yards Moire Skirting, fancy stripe, elegant goods, regular price
40c, 50c and 65e, great clearing sale price250 a yard
Art Muslins. pretty patterns, regular price 7 cents, great clearing
sale price 50 a yard
About 200 yards Fancy Ribbon, suitable for Neckwear, regular
price 25e, great clearing sale price 5c a yard
50 pair Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, alt pure wool, regular price
25c, great clearing sale price lee a pair
e200 sheets Blacic Fancy Toilet Pins, 100 Pins in Sheet, great clear -
price ... cis
pair Ladies' Lace and Button Boots, regular price 51.50 and $1.75
great clearing sale price sizes 34 to 4 SEEe pair
eti0 pair Men's Strong Wearing Boots, regular price 5150, great
clearing sale price ... $1.23 pair
All our stock of Ladies' and. Children's Ready-to-wear and
Trimmed Hats, clearing out at this great sale.
tom -.1..V M.J
Folz SALE. ---Some choice lots on the
corner of Main and 'Tictoeia streets
Exeter nearly opposite- ain ;st. Meth.
Church, the above lots will; be offered
cheap teevititt Mp the estate of the f
late Thomas Gidiev. Appy* to R. '
wormer, Exeter, etre of the Executors.
,tT. $issett will be at the Town Hall
every Fridi%y f.coin 9 till 12 in the
mdrntng a`nd•frof'n 1 till 5 o'clock in
the'a,fter loon yi%itil Friday, December
11th''eard on- the following Saturday
and Mouday Dec. 12th and 14th, for
tithe collecting of taxes.
Mr. Earnie Buswell, who has been
in the employ of the R. Pickard store
here and receutly at Dashwood, for
the past three years, left Monday for
High River, Alherta Mr. Buswell
made many friends both here and at
Dashwood and his smiling face will be
missed by many. The Tures joius
with his friends ir, wishing him suc-
cess in the far west.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for
over sixty years by millions of mothers for their
children while teething, with perfeot success
It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colic. and is the best remedy
Lor Diarrhoea.. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world. 25
cents a bottle. Ite value is incalculable. Be
sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing
Syrup and ask for no other kind.
New rules are being drawn for the
Ontario jails by which the jailors are
forbidden to allow newspaper men to
interview the prisoners. The jail of-
ficials will hereafter wear uniform,
and be given two weeks' holidays a
year. Aged and infirm people are to
be treated as if in a house of refuge,
and they will be obliged to wear pri-
son uniform.
The man who consents to advertise
just because his competitor is adver-
tising will probably find that his ad-
vertising does not pay as well as he
thought it should. The man who ad-
vertises because he has something to
say about something he has to sell
and says that something in a manner
which will create interest among
prospective buyers will not regret the
expenditure for publicity, and will us-
ually have reason to be happy over
the financial returns from his adver-
«v SAFE FOR SALE. - A first class safe
nearly new, Apply to MRs. JAMES
ORDER Now. The TIMES and To-
ronto Daily News for renewals or new
subscriptions at the low rate of $2.00
till San. 1905.
property in Exeter with suitable resi-
dence thereon. Good investment.
PROPERT T.+'Olf SALE. - A nice
frame n�eua,t a village of Exeter
also 50 acies''of lend in the Township
of Usborne; Fei got particulars apply
to MR. Jonit, Auctioneer, Exeter,
meeting of the Woman's Institute is
called for today (Thursday) at 4 p. m.
to discuss the matter of sending a
delegate to the Winter Fair in the
early part of December.
cal change from old methods and
prices was announced by the Toronto
News this week. The eyes of the
newsaper world have been upon the
News for the past few months, during
which time several departures have
been made which have given that pa-
per a wide -spread reputation for en-
terprize and originality. This latest
tmove is to place the News at the price
f $1.00 a year by mail, We have
ade arrangements which will enable
s to club the News with the TIMES at
$1,80 a year in advance.
Miss Annie Beckett, of Detroit,sang
is such a Way as to win for her the
sympathy of the entire audience.
Proch's Theme and Variations was
brilliantly executed, while Home
Sweet Home and We'd Better Bide a
wee, reached the hearts of all.-Sagi-
uaw News. Under the auspices of
the Epworth League of James street
Methodist church on November 24th.
district news has not been as abun-
dant lately as we would like to see it,
and we would like our correspondents
to gather up the news each week, if it
is only a fest' items. and send them in.
We ask this as a special request. Now
as the cool weather is with ns, and
the rush is about over there is sure to
be a few personal or social events. If
you have no stationery send us word
and we will forward it to you.
A Goon CONCERT. - Despite the
stormy weather on Wednesday even-
ing last a goodly number were in at-
tendance at the concert and entertain-
ment furnished by the Scottish Con-
cert Co. and an enjoyable evening was
spent. Miss Burnett, soprano, Mies
Malcolm as accompanist and soloist,
with Miss Thompson as violinist fully
sustained the deservedly excellent
reputation of the Co. as entertainers.
The moving pictures were very good.
RENEW Now. -We are indebted to
a number of our subscribers who
have called in during the past few
weeks and have paid up their sub-
scription to Jan. 1905. Still there are
many others whom we would be
pleased tb hear trom, who are two
years in arrears, and in some cases
perhaps more. Will you not call or
remit us the necessary amount to
balance up and see that your label is
made to read correct.
time to decide what papers you will
take during the coming year. We
are in a position to make special in-
ducements to anyone wishing to take
a city daily or weekly and in clubbing
with the TllatEs we can save you
money. We have added to our list
many new subscribers during the past
months and to those who are not now
subscribers we will give the balance of
this year free. Send us $1.00 and we
will send the TIMES until the first of
January 1905. Call and bee some of
the premium pictures.
the remainder of November are as.
follows, with some very pleasant
weather promised: A regular storm
period is central on the 24th, covering
with its influence the 22nd to 27th. As
a rule the first two to three days of
the regular storm period are fair and
growing warmer,with falling barome-
ter and easterly to southerly winds.
Then follow cloudiness, storm and
precipitation, progressively from
west to east. Behind the area of high
temperature and rain. rising barome-
ter, snow and cold, west winds follow,
all ending in cold clear weather.
This order of phenomena will trans-
pire about the 22nd to 26th, but the
cold,fair weather following the storms
will be of short duration. Reaction-
ary storm conditions will prevail as.
the month goes out, bringing unsettl-
ed threatening and stormy t rmy weather.
November is not so perturbed N per and
stormy as October promised to be,and
has actually proven up to the present
very pleasant, autumnal weather.
Boys Mrsszr7G.-Russell Steele, aged
14, and Harold his brother. aged 10,
sons of Mr. Robert Steele, of Sraforth
have been missing since Monday last,
and as yet their father and friends
have been unable to get any trace of
them or their movements since that
time. The boys came home to dinner
on Monday and were apparently to
excited to eat, making as an excuse
that they had to hurry back to school
for a lesson. They did not reach school
and that is the last their father has
seen or heard of them. When they
left home they wore dark clothes and
dark peak caps. They were both fair-
ly large boys for their ages, and Rus-
sell was of a fair complexion. The ot-
her boy was -not as fair rs his brother,
but could hardly be described as dark.
Any information that will lead to
their being found or that would give
any inkling as to the direction in
which they went would be most glad-
ly received by their father, and we
would request our readers throughout
the country to he on the look out for
boys answering tc their descriptions.
-Huron Expositor.
W. C. T. U. Notes.e-"This fool hath'
tad in this he'ar't 'Thexraes no Gods'
An indifferent professing Christian is
mare dnngettous than the fool for he
its saying it by his life. Swift & Gua,
and .other (Chicago business houses em-
ploying hundreds of boys, have issued
this ,cir similar announcements : " So
iinlerel-eseid are, we wiele the darnge)r of
oigaiiieitte uising the t we will 'nart , em-
ploy any one addicted to the babiit."
Ito Jollhn Wennardaker's store the , ap-
plination blank to be filled out by. boyo
applying for 'a position,. reads, ; "De
you use tobacco or cigaxiettea?" A
negative answer is expected and is fa-
vorable to their acceptance as em-
ployees. The assistant general man-
ager of the Cumberland Telephone
and Telegxarph; Co. has issued the Lot -
lowing arrdr : "'You are direeted ' to
serve notice ghat the use of cigarettes
letter Au,gu:st lei: will be :prohibited„
and you are •further instructed .to', in
the future;, refuse to employ any one
wlho is addicted. to the habit" The
Pi'tterburg and; We,etenn R. R.,;forbids
the use of cigarettes by the attaches
of passenger trains, and notified tram -
eaters that they must not .smiokc citg-
liretkes in the ;passeinger coaches It of
the •com;pany. On, the West Superior
Wiseensin R. R., twenty-five laborers
making on la bridge were :discialarged
by bit eared master because they, were
smoking cig,arretbets.
Subscriptions and collections will
be taken on behalf of the Superenuat-
ion Foxed in Starnes' street church next
Sabbath, the 22nd inst.
Rev, W, 1l. Martin preached .t very
interesting sermon to young men ou
Sunday evening last, His subject was
"Is the Young Man Absalom Safe."
Anniversary services will be held in
Main street Methodist church on the
first Sunday in December. The Rev.
C.W.Brown will conduct the services.
The choir of the Presbyterian
church will provide the music at the
anniversary services in connection
with the St. Andrews chnrch at Kip -
pen on Monday next November' 23rd.
• In the Main street rethodist church
on Sunday next, the 22nd inst, the
Rev. L. W. Reid, B. A. of Kerwood,
elft preach morning and evening. A
collection in connection with the con-
nectional fund will be taken at both
services. The Rev. Mr. Godwin will
conduct missionary services fdr Mr.
Reid at Kerwood.
In the James Street church Last
Sabbath evening, Rev. Dr. Hannon
preached a unique sermon from the
words "Moreover thou shalt provide
men of truth, hating ce,yetousnesss;
and place such over them, to be rulers
of thousands, and rulers of hundreds,
rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens."
Exodus 18 chapter and 21 verse. She
subject discussed was, "Religions or
Christian Leaders." ist, Their Char-
acteristics; 2nd, Through stroll Lead-
ers God Carries on his work.
When you are in need of something warm to wear, don't for-
get us. We can suit you in anything in Winter Goods, from'tho
smallest child to the largest person. We have all kinds of Winter
Clothing, a few of which we will draw your attention.
Flannelette Underwear
Ladies' Flannelette Corset Covers, in
all colors for 25c and 35c.
Ladies' Flannelette Drawers, in pink
and blue for 25c and 85c,
Ladies' Flannelette Drawers, fancy
/*'p sy�y colors and frills 25c.
tlfj Ladies' Flannelette Night Gowns,
/*'' i
' 1'• I Ladies' Night Gowns in fancy colors white, pink or blue 50c and 75c.
,,,1-•. 3 , 60o and 25c,
Ladies Flannelette Underskirts in
fancy colors, 50c and 75c.
Ladies' Flannelette Wrappers in
fancy colors.
Ladies and Glii1drens Knit Underwear
Childs' Wool Vests from 15c. to 25c.
Childs Wool Drawers from 25c. to 35c.
Misses Wool Vests and Drawers from 200, to 45c.
Ladies Union Vests and Drawers for only 25e..
Ladies Union Vests and Drawers for only 50c.
Ladies Wool Vests snd Drawers from 15c to $1,O0
t1i 1', t
y,. to
20 yards good 28 in. Flannelette for $1
15 yards good 30 in. Flanrelette for $1
11 yards good 36 in. Flannelette for $1
Good heavy Shirting for only 124c. a yard
The best fancy Wrapperette for only 10c. a yard.
The best 9/4 Twilled Sheeting for only 25c.a yd.
Flannelette Blankets forei0c,, 75c. and $1.00
Don't forget our Overco ts, c can give you the best Overcoat
in town for only $7.00
Boy's Overcoats for $3.00
Joe. Cha
May be able to enlarge the British Empire, but if you wish to beau: •
tify your home with the latest in Furniture Styles,
Call at the Gidley Opera block
Prices are right and every article bought, guaranteed or replaced,
' if not satisfactory.
Picture Graming and all kinds ordered work cheap.
Graduate of Dr, Myers School of Embalming. Opera House Big
Take Notice
Grist dell
Has been remodeled and is in
full saving again, better than ever
prepared to attend to the needs
of their many customers, with a
good supply of the noted
on hand. With Plate Choppers
for fine chop,•and a Roller for
rolling oats for horses.
Seeing is believing
Give us a trial
f -W RV EY B IR.O81
•006001MC W0000000ti►6006000e
Get the Best -it Pays
e Best Place in Canada 's
6 for securing a thorough business t#
A education or a superior short-
• hand training. Our graduates 0
e are always suocessful in getting posi-
• tions. This school invariably gives a ce
H students more than they expect. write 0
Itfor Catalogue. Enter this month if 0
6 possible. e
= Principal O
� x LD S
These Dyes will dye Wool. Cotton,
Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath
-they are the latest and most improv-
ed Dye in the world. Try a package,
All colors at C, LETz, Exeter.
At I owest
Having bought out the entire stock
of the late James Willis, we are in a
better position than ever to sell Lum-
ber, Shingles, Lath and all Building
Material at lowest prices. The com-
bined stock of Shingles as contained
in both yards is heavier than we wish
to carry, so we purpose to make a.
material reduction in thejrice of
Shingles until we get our shock re.
duced. Take advantage of the reduc-
We thank the people of Exeter an&
the surrounding country for their
patronage in the past, and solicit a
continuance of their custom. Our
motto is smaller profits and quicker
& T
Satista6tion Guaranteed
Complete assortment of uo-to-date
Best Quality, Lowest. Prices, also
full supply
School Books
Note Books, &c.
Medicines and Chemical
Toilet Articles
Brushes, Combs and Perfumes
Drug Storms