HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-06-03, Page 18Page 18-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, X1987 °LUClLNOW o W1NGHAM 1. Articles for sale PATIO SETS 40°° OFF OR MORE Wide selection Warehouse open Fridays & Suturdoys 71 King W. FOREST. Ont. (519) 7864405 1922 TREES Evergreens Ornamentals Flowering Shrubs. Bakers Nursery R R No 2. Bayfield 482-9995. 20.23or TENT TRAILER with add a room. Also used lumber 2x4 2x6 2x8. and some 14 feet long Please phone 4827776 after 6 p m 20H BIKES FOR SALE 1 orange Jr 10 speed tires replaced last yearin good working condition 1 black Jr. 10 speed in good working condition 1 Brut dirt bike in good working condition. Phone 2625854 anytime. 21 22 DOG HOUSE. 6'x4', insulated, lift off roof best offer. Call 4827996 after 5 22 23 FIVE PIECE bedroorn suite (no mattress or spr Ings) two piece bedroom suite (with mattress and springs) pine dining 1oo111 suite 5 chairs table with leaf. hutch. kitchen chrome set, 4 chairs loveseot, humidifier china cabinet Ru dant kerosene heater new down filled queen size comforter never used 26-5 Roper snowblower like new Phone 4829598 days or 482.5974 evenings. 22x ALL WOOD coffee table and end tables with lamps $79.00. small organ with flute. string. etc. keys. $89.00. toaster oven $8.00. record player, S6 00 TV stand on wheels with rack for magazines 55.00 All Items in good condition Phone 5249916. 22 AUTOMATIC WASHER 550.00 electric dryer 575 00 1976 Torino ps pb a0 runs well 5100 00 Best offers Call 482 5430 22nx FLOOR MODEL stereo for sole includes AM FM radio turntable and cassette player also sono• ecoids Phone 482 9403 22x HARDWOOD SLABS by the truckload lapprox 10 11 cord) 5130 00 delivered Phone 529 /302 191f FOR A FREE witty' analysis rantalt Blurts Fulrone, Water Consultant with Aquuflne Phan, 1800 265 5/'15 71 24 BAIHINE1IESrhunyy tubi' sofity 11/' eat ',troller boby sleigh All 0n good ((militia) Ask req 5175 00 nr sell rndividuully 236 45337 22x U11111Y TRAILER hood mode light new tires plus spare Rump included Asking 5250 00 565 2959 22x 1988 CALGARY OLYMPIC tickets 2 tickets for three events bobsledding round robin hockey rind rodeo Dates of events February 20 Feh 21 and F eh 77 19813 Coll '1413 134"11 weekriny•, 145 JI)/'1 alter 6 p n, JJtll,. 3 XFR( ISFR w'i4,•r logger sp"dan„I'r 11nd 11d11)stahle lout nett tisk m g 5250 501 of maple• hunk hells and rnatr,•s•, like new asking 5300 4332 3800 22 DOUBLE SIZE mattress rand box spnnq 11s1•11 S5() Phony 4332 739:1 22. LAWN AND GARDEN IRACIORS 1'he Deere 3'33 IH HP hydrnstntrc power steering hyd lilt ,,unwn, 54695 Raper I I HP with 133 mower 51.395 Ford IGT 125 hydrostnhr drive 17 HP .17 mower 51995 Ford lGT III F,ydrost iter rh lv' 13 HP 38 mower 51795 Soot •, 11 11 vnlh plower , herr,, 11 HF' $11)95 1311 1450 hydro. •11311 drive hyd lilt 44 rn'w'r ronl r lertn S7495 MID town Hoff, 111 HP IH nv,wnr • 5595 Glr•o1' Cions' Hurry, Nor tar 1 t1f F inter 1 80) )65 4)70 22'rr 11,0w', sn:•w ANTIQUE ,vrts-1 stand for side F'h", 5)4 9540 1•,'nulys 72 i PIECE BOY S SUIT mrdrum blue worn oar° ice approximntrly 14 Ili Phrv,r• 481 1651 after .1 10p'n 21 T)ININC, ROOM tnhle 47 .58 7 e+t,,, 10,1,0s or horny top with 6 vinyl covered chairs twin hells ,with hnndhnnrds good Simmons how spring nrd ',ion, est, 2 hood mode quilts for some 2 °ler tr,r hlnoketc for some 011 like new 9.17 B&W TV G F AM FM r,rdto 100 gitrden hose Fth,l Smah 187 7151 72. 1,000 115E Kenrnore autnmotcr wnshinq int, hint' Mrty hit spyn rat 87 Mor /400 s Troller P ,r k or ph000 .187 592.1 72. C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY ' , mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades COME VISIT US FOR ALL YOUR OARDENINd NEEDS 'Sunshine Impatiens 'Tuberous Begonias °Hanging Baskets 'Nursery Stock Roses 'Geraniums 'Bedding Plants - including vegetable, tomato plants and herbs "Perennials OUR OWN ASPARAGUS In Freezer Quantities... CUT FRESH DAILY! GREENHOUSE TOMATOES, ENGLISH CUCUMBERS AND RHUBARB - NO* READY! WHOLESALE & RETAIL SALES Buy Direct From The Grower For Top Quality OPEN 1' 664..: s -.S 11 7 DAYS A WEEK R.R. 1 BAYFIELD 482-3020 LASSIFIE THE CL1NTON NEWS -RECORD -THE BLYTH STANDARD -THE BAYFIELD BUGLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising , , . Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sale 2 Yard sale 3 Garage sale 4 Antiques for sale 3 Cars for sole 6 Trucks for sale 7 R.V.'s for sale 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sale 12 Real estate for sale 13 Mobilo homes 14 Recreational properties 12 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Roonts for rant 20 Room & board 21 Cottages for runt 22 Lots for rant 24 Wanted to rent 25 Wanted to buy 26 Help wanted 27 Wanted (generet) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 90 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 33 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 39 Mortgages 38 Auction sale 39 Educational 40 Lost & Found 41 To give away 42 Doot3. notice 43 Births 44 Engagements 43 Marriages 46 to memoriam 23 Commercial property for rant 47 Cards of thanks 50' DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 @) MONDAY TO FRIDAY . 9,00 a.m. to 3 p.m. 2. Motorcycles for sale 1983 HONDA 750 SHADOW, black liquid cooled, low mileage. excellent condition, 2 full face helmets Included. Asking $1,850. Phone 524 5736 21 22 Attention Farmers A. For Sale 1 OR SALF New Holland 270 Baler Bought new well mulntamed Phone 529 7763 22 C ANADA No 1 Midland seed beans for sale ( 1'110011 and treated 95°. germtnahon Ho/vested before the rain Phone 393 6838 27 23 RED CLOVER HAY must be cut early 2 locations Hayfiold rind Gorier ich area Phone 262 5300 22. 70 ACRES of standing Timothy and Alfalfa hay I,r,1 north of Blyth Phone 523 9337 21 22 I IJ BEAR CAT land pricker like new Phone 413) 9915 11 22. Hensa l l Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 12:30 P.M. 411 <losses of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Barry Miller Gregory Hargreaves Clinton 482 7311 Evetor 233-2717 Kirk ton 229.6203 262-2619 B. Custom Work CUSTOM silo filling and swathing Honk Reinrnk 573 9207 or 571 4569 21 tfor WI) 1 DO custom rotary hoeing Coll William Fntheringhnm 487 9196 22 c USTOM ROUND holing 4 ft wide by 3 6 H high John Deere' Scott Consist 487 9297 or 565 7728 22 33 C. Wanted WANTED TO buy Formol' H trot -tor 1n gond condi icor, Phone 482 7246 71 72x D. Livestock POULTRY FOR SALE Doy old 8 reedy to lay leghorn pullets Avalloble year round dual pur pose brown egg layers available Spring 8 Fall Coll toll free today 1 800 265 8536 McKinley Hot rhery 1st wk FOR SAIF Bred Gilts to farrow late June July Aug 1st Breeding dates vntcinated R 0 P tested gunrnnteed York x torndrace of Vatic z Hemp good selection York Homp Duro( and Hemp x Dura Boars Days as low as 129 back Int ns low ns 8 4 mm 011 priced competitively from $750 Bob Robinson RR 4 Walton Coll 145 2317 27 23 24 E. Farm Services RFIIFF MILKING for your summer vocation Coll now George Townsend 527 1629 22 23x BERG Soles•Ser ice'Instollation *Born Cleaners *Bunk Feeders *Stabling *Manure Conveyors FREE ESTIMATES D+::mold G. Ivy* R tQ. 21111Y1,4 dt YTe4 .47-14124 3. Garage sale YARD AND BAKE SALE, Wesley -Willis parking lot, Clinton, on Saturday, June 13, 1987 at 9 a.m, •-22,23* GIGANTIC Garage Sole, Saturday, June 6, Sun- day, June 7, 8 a.m. • ? Filter Queen vacuum cleaner, misc. items. Lots of goodies. Bill Holland's, Vanastro corner Hwy. 8. 22 MULTI family garage sale, Saturday. June 6, 9 a.m.. ? 5 miles east of Clinton, Kinburn corner 8 Hwy, 8. Childreris clothes, swing set, baking and much more. -22 GARAGE SALE at 185 Queen St., Clinton, Satur- day, June 6 beginning al 9 a.m. Counter top and much more for sale,- 22 CLINTON LAWN BOWLING CLUB is having a yard sale on June 5 at 1 p.m„ June 6 from 9 a.m. • ? at 343 Victoria St., Trailer 4. All proceeds to the bowling building fund. 22 5. Cars for sale CARS FOR SALE. 1964 Dodge 440, 4 door, runs well; 1968 AMC Ambassador, 2 door, restorable, 1975 Austin Mini 1000, 2 door, new head, Take your pick $400 or best offer. 565-5074 after 7 p.m. 19.22 1979 VOLARE, 2 door, 6 cylinder, good mileage, new tires, brakes, and exhaust. Phone 482.7290 evenings. 22 1979 MONTE CARLO, sporty interior, 5950.00 as is or best offer. Phone 482.5443. 22 See us for DAILY CAR RENTALS BROWN chevrolet oldsmobile 482-9321 7. R.V.'s for sale TRAILERS travel. 5th wheels. hardtops, new and used. Golden Falcon, Prowler. Soler Lionel. Hitches, truck caps. Sales, rentals. repairs. 25 years in business. Camp•Out. Hwy. 8, 1 mi. west of Stratford 393.5938 12-30ar 1973 FLYTE 17' tandem wheels awning bathroom. 2 way fridge, sleeps 6, good condi. tion 53 200 482-9587 22x 8. Marine ATTENTION FISHERMEN Lowrance X4 X5 Eagle 5000 6100 7000, and VHF radios temperature probes Loran•C stock at discount prices Lake Huron Rod and Gun. Underwood 368 7182 Open 7 days 22 30 12. Real estate for sale "SUDDENLY IT'S SOLD" CLINTON - ONTARIO TELEPHONE: 482-9371 NEW LISTING: 218 Albert Street Clinton Good family home on large treed lot Very reasonable price AUBURN: Commercial property with apart ment above Attractively finished Only 19 000 00 25 ACRES: 2 miles from C1,nton small horn gond building site BLYTH: Stately red brick home in excellent condition On large corner lot in Blyth APARTMENT BUILDING: 6 units In lurknow Owner will finance RESTAURANT and good home highway loco tion Huron County 125 ACRES: Near Blyth good brick home 50 acres workable 27 acres hardwood bush Blyth creek crosses property COMMERCIAL BUILDING: Core area Clinton good Investment property 15 ACRES: 5 miles from Clinton 1 , floor frame home, farrowing for 35 sows CLINTON: Brick bungalow 3 bedrooms gas heat paved drive near hospital LONDESBORO: 4 bedrooms 2 floor home. very spacious heoted double garage like new throughout 4'.', ACRES: Near Family Paradise with 1 floor frame home needing some report- and exceptional lorge steel barn AUBURN: REDUCED. 1 floor frame home 2 bedrooms oil heat INVESTMENT PROPERTY: 2 apartments anus commercial space of 1300 sq ft floor nren 6 ACRES: On No 8 Highwoy Fieldstone home and smolt barn CLINTON: Duplex on Huron Street showing excellent return A good Investment Property LONDESBORO: Modern brick ranch style home attached goroge walk out basement Very attractive LONDESBORO: 1 floor brick home finished basement inground pool large lot CLINTON: 2 floor frame 15 Mill street 4 bedrooms good family home 3'4 ACRES: Tuckersmith Township on No 8 highway Frame home barn and shed BLYTH: Stotely red brick home to excellent condition on lorge corner lot FOOD FOR THOUGHT: No problem ,s too smolt to baffle our experts lJtYTIK f ,1NTON s., •3EAFORTH • MITCHELL • ZURICH • • emu STRATFORD 10. Pets for sale PETS FOR SALE Four Siamese kittens. Chocolate point, Three females one mole. Have shots. Phone 529.7382. 21,22nx AMERICAN COCKER SPANIEL puppies, black or blonde. Champion Sired. adorable pets. Registered with shots Brenda Mansell 524-7707. 22 12. Real estate for sale OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, JUNE 7 1:30-4:00 P.M. 79 Erie St., Clinton Professionally decorated 3-4 bedroom split level home, built-in appliances in kitchen. separate dining room, 1'., baths, carpeted throughout. Lovely Florida room with sliding doors to sundeck, sunken liv- ing room, also nice size rec room with woodstove. Many extras go with this home. Open to offers. 1 OPEN 001'SE: WEEKEND THIS WEEKEND, OUR. WELCOME MATS ARE OUT, ALL ACROSS CANADA. If this is tilt )ear In 111.11,1' ,larnextmite rh,-i.th1 . rrkrn4 to .ter n 11..13'' 1I Rl 21 I lien 11',u..- Kr -Owed and ,crr`,.ttixICF.N'T1.1f1.31 ,',,h 51,1 1811V3", fIE.V:I' I.VI I*,ur tux xJ prutexsinna)s will be holding ( )rr•n•Hi•u•u, all. was 2,11 I3n)figtd ftd..,,,.._. lanada Jnr snot mv)xvvun Oniuva 1 524-2111 1111 1 1,x1.1 .1 Irl 51 I .I 111 „k0, 3\1/ \I li'5 15 111) 1U13I 1i 15LN 01111.1 is mint P15015111 OWNI O AND OPilot) 4 s.41 !W ° Anal I,,.,.',,,Amon.. OPEN HOUSE Ann St„ Bayfield Saturday, June 6 3 5 p.m. OPEN HOUSE; Summer Haven 1 Cottage Rd. South of Cut line (County Rd. 181 Saturday. June 6 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. 1 OPEN HORSE McTavish St., Bayfield Sunday. .June 7 12:00 - 2:00 p.m OPEN HOUSE Tuyll St.. Bayfield Sunday. .June 7 1:30 - 3:30 p m. OPEN HOUSE 3 miles south of Bayfield .urn east at Stanley Sid-eroad 5 Sunday. June 7 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. \Ivo Open House,. in Scaforth and (.oderich thi., weekend. ('all 521.2111 for more infra, mation nr cheek our Korth at the Spring Fair. ZOO swims r.t-0! wee Marie Huglhela 482-7508 Dill McGregor 482.7599 Marg 711gweII w 482-1780 Wayne Wigelaworth 482-3091 ;Garen Scrtttora 482-9718 Dominic Bradley 482-7841 MAURICE GARDINER REAL. ESTATE LIMITED 34 STANLEY STREET GODERICH 52.2966 'We May Be Number One! But We're Still Trying Harder!' rr.,f.fc„ CALL US • TO WELCOME YOU HOME OPEN HOUSE Saturday, June 6 2 - 4 p.m. VICTORIA PLACE, Bayfield. 2 winterized, 1 bedroom cottages, rented year round, 1 seasonal cabin with bunk house, situated 1 block from Main St. Great investment pro- perty. Priced $55,000.00. OPEN HOUSE Sunday, 'June 7 2 - 4 p.m. LOUISA STREET - 11/2 storey red Insul brick, laundry hookup, 4 bedroom, wood burning stove, dining room 13' x 141'2', block from Main St. Priced 569,500.00 For more Information on cottages, homes or lots... CONTACT Dianne Alexander Member of M.L.S.. MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LTD. HWY. 21 .BAYFIELD ' 565-251 WORKMA N REAL ESTATE LTD. 6 APARTMENTS good condition large lot Convenient location BRICK DUPLEX good , nwithnn fully rented convenient location WANT TO RENOVATE A HOME - or huild n new one her It nut 150 May 5t BAYFIELD - Exr•rutivr• type 117,snd row h styl ori homy ort 2' rr11', vnth n,nr Irnnt11g° BEAUTIFUL INTERIOR in this 4 level home feotunnq torrnal dimity r'on, Irrrn1ly room 2 FIREPLACES - In this I Iloor brick 7 bedroom homy with modern korhen sundnrk In the 30s REALLY NEAT 1', STOREY HOME in Vnnnstrn open rnnrpp, 7 bedrooms 1 FLOOR BRICK BUNGALOW 1100 sq 0 2 bedrooms dining room brick goroge on acre in Hullett Twp Asking 557 000 00 STUCCO HOME, 2 Ila- In,mnl dm,ng rnnm flrn11y room c0ry 'ippoolrnq in Eginondville RAISED RANCH, angplstone with dining room family room 3 hnthrnom•, Florida room central air control *or heat pump of tarhed grunge large lot in n village nos' of Clinton BUIDING LOTS nvnilnble in thy west end of Clinton PORT ALBERT - 1 .30rey home featuring 5 bedrooms 7 baths decent rnnditinn $49 900 PORT ALBERT • lots od1'oe',t to modern homes Asking S10 nor 110 rilrh RESIDENTIAL LOT, roody for spring building i VANASTRA • 2 nr 3 hodrnnm ) stoney home with Inrnily .Horn S25 000 110 1 FLOOR, 2 BEDROOM HOME • C )nsP to dnwntnwn gnnd rnndihot, for 525 000 00 4 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING, large lot 1n1,d 10rn1'on LAYER QUOTA qo, 'q • 75 acres 67 workable split royal home 2400 •.q 11 finish Pd hrepince whirlpool trip small hush 5450 000 00 15 ACRES WITH 4 BEDROOM HOME steel shed ,nd steel covered horn n00r Clinton HOG BARN, liquid manure decent house 20 acres COMMERCIAL ZONED RESIDENCE with retail outlet highway location RIVER LOT with 355 ft front„qe in Clinton HULLETT TWP. - 100 ACRES - 92 workable hous,' sherl4$ wheat crop 96 ACRES, 90 WORKABLE . river Fran toge some hush north of town INDUSTRIAL LOTS - paved rood What size do you need FAMILY HOME - 3 bedrooms 1 ' , baths dining room recent gas furnace Asking 36 900 00 152 ACRES, 100 WORKABLE, hush barn 2 sheds decent house Asking `106 000 00 Harold Workman -BROKER- 482-3455 Clinton 348-9066 Mitchell