HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-11-19, Page 6t-4'%y,e,y'.
isoNzArgrge, ABOUT THE ex iT
ACTFR or T;BE 3.3PS.
Touowng, SAvey Which Shows
the Pima Traits in These.
Take Long, Slow',, Fuly Breath*
Whenever You Can,
Exercise is much more necessary
to Human life than most scoMen.
Ilee,ithy stimulation is an absolute
need; without it the body will rust
and fall into bits. The baby that
never creeps about or kicks or ex -
On the western waters of the Pa excises at all either wastes into a
elfin the ships of two great nations
tiny of bones and wrinkles,
are watching cala other, while their, or else takes on pounds of unhealthy
armies shuffle on the shores. For fat and becomes soft and short-
deep economic reasonq these two nee breathed and without vitality.
tions oppose each other. They The brain that never calls upon
may not fight yet, some basis for l!
itself for work must become dull and
loathe' caneessaons may be found; stupid,and it is the sante way with
cant the time will come when theythe muscles of the body. They
must light, if warfare at that time are filled with blood vessels that
Is stili the resort of aggrieved pee- should be up and doing. The blood
plea. has several purposes, and one is to
Of the Russians we know much. ;car awaymuch of the waste fluids
Their steady movement toward sun; of he body. Tho lungs are a sort
and sea is a vital impulse. Their of refinery, and the blood is a dis-
tortuous diplomacy, their rigid bur -
tilling tilling agent, If the blood becomes
eaucratic government, their thin ' thick and unhealthy and sluggish the
upper social stratum and the surging body does not keep its youthful
masses underneath, their anaconda- state. Eyes grow dull; lips loose
like digestion of the alien peoples their redness; the complexion is
they swallow -we are familiar with sallow and unlovely.
all these things. But the Japanese it is an easy and simple matter to
are newer acquaintances. We hese make exercise a habit -just like the
1earued of their skill and ingenuity habit of putting out the lights at
and sharp business practice; we have night and wondering if burglars will
seen their fine courage in war'; and show up before morning..
the know that they are a crowded A most excellent scheme is to take
nation and would like room to grow long, slow, full breaths, whenever
in. But what of their other essen- you have a chance; when you are
tial elements of character? The walking, when you are going to
Russian is rough, crude, vigorous, sleep, when you have just awakened.
Such habits are valuable, most
valuable, but because they don't cost
obstinate. The Japanese is -what?
In a recent book, "Kokoro," La-
fcadio Hearn says that in Japan anything and area little trouble,
there is a "relative absence from lots of women fancythere is nothing
the national character of egotisti- Nonsense!
cal fmdividualism," which produces in such practices, thattLook
"rano unselfishness and perfect i et the athletic men that train. They
faith." Such qualities mean dove- , are the healthiest, strongest, finest -
tion to country and to family. 11 r•. looking creatures in existence. Go
Hearn tells of the Japanese bugler thou and do likewise on, a little
who, when fatally wounded, put his scale•
bugle to hislips for the last time
and sounded the charge; of the Sa-
murai boy who killed himself in or-
der to make the authorities think
that his outlawed father was dead.
The following story, told by Mr.
(learn, shows other, and, if anything,
finer, Japanese traits. At a railway
stat;on a crowd was awaiting the
arrival, in custody, of a burglar
who had murdered a policeman.
"I expected to hear and see anger;
I even feared possibilities of violence.
The murdered officer had been much Mr. Thomas Johnson is well known
liked; his relatives would certainly in the vicinity of Tlemford, N.S., Ile
be among the spectators; and a Ku- has taught school in Lunenbur•g
mamoto crowd is not very gentle. I county for more than thirteen years,
also thought to find many police and his reputation as a teacher no
on duty. My anticipations were deservedly high. It is known that
wrong. iMr. Johnson has been a. severe suf-
"Tho train halted in the usual ` ferer from asthma, and as he has
found a cure for the trouble, a re-
porter thought the facts of his case
would prove interesting to similar
sufferers. "Ono evening," said Mr.
Johnson, "while lighting my pipe I
inhaled the sulphur from the match.
The fumes appeared to penetrate
every portion of my lungs, and near-
s. large, wild -looking man, with head ly strangled me. It was more than
bowed down, and arms fastened be- an hour before I recovered from the
hind his back. Prisoner and guard
both halted in front of the wicket,
and the people pressed forward to
see, but in silence. Then the officer
called out:
"Sugihara Sanl Sugihara 0-Kibil
Is she present?' "
"A slight, small woman, standing
near me, with a child on her back,
answered, 'Hai!' and advanced
through the press. This was the
widow 'of the murdered man; the
child she catried was his son. At
a wave of the officer's hand the
crowd fell back, so as to leave a
clear space about the prisoner and derived no benefit. Then I began
trying the remedies usually advertis-
ed as a cure for this trouble, but
{ with no better results. I was + con-
tinually growing worse and life was
'becoming a. burden. About a year
ago my wife was using Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, and was deriving so
much benefit from them that one
clay she said to me, 'Why don't you
try these pills, they might do you
good, and they certainly can't do
He Had Suffered for Years and
Often had. to Sit Night After
Night at an Open Window Gaspe
ing for Breath.
scene of hurry and noise, scurry and
clatter of passengers wearing geta,
screaming of boys wanting to sell
Japanese newspapers and Kumamoto
lemonade, Outside the barrier we
waited for nearly five minutes. Then,
pushed through the wicket by a po-
lice -sergeant, the prisoner appeared -
effects of this mishap, and I believe
that that was the starting point of
the trouble that has made my life
so frequently miserable since. At
!all events a few days later I had
my first attack of asthma. Follow-
ing this the attacks became more
and more frequent, sometimes con-
tinuing for a week or more at a
time. When these attacks came on
I dare not lie down, and many a
long, cold winter night I have pass-
ed at an open window gasping for
breath. I was treated by two of
the best doctors in the country, but
his escort. In that space the wo-
man with the child stood facing the
"Not to the woman at all, but
to the child only, did the officer then
speak. He spoke low, but so clear-
ly that I could catch every syllable:
"'Little one, this is the man who
killed your father four years ago.
You had not yet been born; you
were in your mother's womb. That you harm.' To please my wife I
you have no father to love you now began taking the pills, but only oc-
is the doing of this man. Look at
him -(here the officer, putting a
hand to the prisoner's chin, sternly
forced him to lift his eyes) -look
well at him, little boy! Do not be
afraid. It is painful but it is your
casionally at first, but inside of a
few weeks I felt that I was improv-
ing in many ways. Then 1 began to
use the pills in earnest, and soon
found that breathing was becoming
easier, the spasms came less fre-
s]uty. Look at him!' I quently, and I could go about out
"Over the mother's shoulder the , of doors without danger of bring-
boysn ther
trouble on as was formerly
gazed with eyes widely open, ge y
as in fear; then he began to sob; the case. I took twelve boxes of
then tears came' but, steadily and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in all, an
obediently, he ,still looked -looked- after the improvement began every
looked -straight into the cringing box added to it until all signs of
face. •the trouble had disappeared, and I
"The crowd seemed to have have not sinceehad any recurrence of
stopped breathing. 1 it. Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills have
""I saw the prisoner's features dis- saved me from a life of misery, and
tort; I saw him suddenly dash him- I am glad to make this public ac -
self down upon his knees, despite his knowledgment."
fetters, and beat his face into the I The above strong evidence proves
dust, crying out the whole while fu t that Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are
a passion of hoarse remorse that' not an ordinary medicine and that
made one's heart shake: I they cure when other medicines fail.
" 'Pardon, pardon, pardon nee, lit -1 IBvery Pill makes new, rich, rod
tie enol That I did, not for hates blood, and thus enables the system
was it done, but in mad fear only, to resist the inroads of disease and
in my desire to eseape. Very, very works a cure. Only the genuine
wicked I have been; great, unspeak- pills can do this, however, and the
able wrong have 1 done you! But purchaser should see that the full
name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People," is printed on the
wrapper around, every box. Sold
by all medicine dealers or sent post
paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50, by writing direct to the
Dr. William's Medicine Co., Brock -
villa, Ont.
now, for my sin, I go to die. I
wish to die. I am glad to die!
Therefore, 0 little one, be pitiful ---
forgive mol'
"The child still cried silently. The
officer raised the shakingcriminal;
the dumb crowd parted left and
right to let them by. Then, quite
suddenly, the whole multitude began
to sob. And as the bronzed guardi-
an passed, I saw what I had never
Lender : "I've been told Riven's'
name is in old Goldsworthy'.. will."
• Sena before- at few leen CVCE` 6ea, Friend : "Yes, his name is In it. He
what t shall probdf fy never see signed it es a witness. That's all,
and+ --good gracious 1 What's the mat-
ter ?" Lender : "Nothing; only I've
lent 111%'-'$50 en, the strength, of
again -the tears of a Japanese po-
Who shall say that such tender-
ness, such courage, such restraint
40 net Ineke for preattleaS In a nee
hobby :"Jilt. inch Said dist I
Coughinje is: the outward sign
of • inward disease.
Cure the disease with
C sum tion
Cure The Lung Tonic
and the cough will stop.
Try it tonight
If it doesn't benefit you
we'll give
your money .back.
Prices 25c., 60c, and $1.00
Toronto, C. a. I eRoy, N.Y.
Sir Harter Johnston, the great
African explorer, commissioner, dip-
lomat, tells a funny story. During
one of his tours through Africa
many years ago he was lying in bed
one night in his tent in the tangled
jungle, worried by mosquitoes, and
thinking. of the snakes, against
which he had been warned, when he
became aware of the presence along-
side of hire of a cold, treacherous
snake, probably a death -adder, as it
was only about three feet long.
Death from the bite of this playful
adder is rapid and painless, and Sir
Harry recorded afterwards his re-
flection that it was better perhaps
to die that way than by gout or
rheumatism. After an hour of ag-
ony, however, he slipped out of bed,
struck a light, and went about the
tent searching for the walking -stick
he had carried especially for defence
against reptiles. After a weary and
nervous hunt, he found it at Iast
among the disordered bedclothes. It
was his adder!
Most people who meet their liter-
ary heroes are disappointed. In
their books they may be as witty as
Sheridan, as thrilling as Scott, as
pathetic or humorous as Dickens,
but in their after-dinner talk they
are bores. Nearly all modern novel-
ists bear a bad reputation in this
way. Mr, C. J. Cutcliffe I3ynio is an
exception. His friends agree that his
conversation is no less brilliant than
his books. Mr. Hall Caine, Sir
Oonan Doyle, Sir Gilbert Parker,
and Mr. Stanley Weyman aro reput-
ed to be heavy talkers. "Mr. An-
thony Hope Hawkins," says a so-
ciety lady who knows him well, "is
always clever, but he doesn't talk
`Dolly Dialogues.- " Rudyard Kip-
ling is dull in an ordinary social
gathering, but that is said to be
merely a pose. He is shy, and hates
being lionised. But among his in-
timate friends he will expand, and
tell enthralling stories of Indian life.
Briggs -"Well old man, I
last look the world in the
my debts are paid."
Griggs -"How did you do
Briggs -"Oh, I succeeded
rowing the money."
"Do you want war ?" "Well," an-
swered the Japanese statesman, cau-
tiously, "we're too civilized to want
war; and we are also too civilized
not to think that if there should be
war we would make the enemy re -
""Jones's wife left him because he
stole a kiss," "She must be parti-
cular." "She is. He stole if from
the cook."
can at
face -all
it ?"
in bor-
What joy there is in the home when
the first baby comes, and yet to the
young and inexperienced mother who
has to care for it there is no other
.. e,.4,. •.. , ...., ,. ..,,..;
'What shrunk your 'woolens
Why did holes wear so soon
You used common Soap
Ault Aar the oeta:;on leer.
t -f
Professor Petrie Describes Some
Valuable Finds.
Professor Flinders Petrie gives an
interesting description of his last
winter's excavations on the site 'of
the Temple of Abydos, by the Nile,
where the foundations of ten succes-
sive temples, extending over a. period
of something like 4,000 years, were
discovered. The beautiful naturalis-
tic ivory carving in the work of the
first dynasty surpassed anything in
succeeding ages. Tito appreciation
of form., the delicacy of the curves,
and the power of expression was as
good as in the best classical work.
In` the fourth dynasty they had
found for the first time the portrait
of the best known of all the kings of
Cheops, Khufa. For the first two
thousand years there was no trace
of the worship of Osiris, the god
worshipped being the Jackal God,
"Upuat," the "opener of ways." The
belief of this • old people was that
departed souls went somewhere
across the great, boundless desert
west of the Nile, where the sun went
down. With its numerous crossing
ravines, the desert was impossible to
explore without using 'the jackal
paths, and so the jackal came to
typify the guide of the soul, which
was supposed to pass across the
And His Rheumatism and Dropsy
Departed Never to Return -lie
Makes a Statement.
Montreal, Que., Nov. 9. -(Special).
-The illness and cure of Mr. George
Robertson, of 89 St. Antoine St.,
this city, is further and convincing
proof that Rheumatism and Dropsy
are both the results of Diseased Kid-
neys. Mr. Robertson had Dropsy
and Rheumatism for five years. He
cured his Kidneys by using Dodd's
Kidney Pills and both diseases de-
parted for good. Speaking of his
case Mr. Robertson says:
"I had been troubled with Dropsy
and Rheumatism for five years. I
am now well and it is all owing to
Dodd's Kidney Pills. Before I start-
ed using them I could hardly put
my feet to the floor they wore swol-
len so much from Dropsy. My arms
used to swell at times so that I
could not put my coat on.
"A friend advised me to use
Dodd's Kidney Pills offering to pay
for them if they did riot help me.
Before I had used the second box I-
lan a great improvement. I took
seven boxes in all and I don't know
what it is to be sick since."
Husband : "I am surprised, Emily,
that you should have such bad taste
as to wear the hair of another wom-
an ou your head." Wife : "And I
am surprised that you should wear
the wool of another sheep on your
A PpeasaPtt Duty -"When I know
anything worthy of recommendation,
I consider it my duty to tell it," says
period of her life so trying. In the • Rev.. Jas. Murc]oek, of Hamburg, Pa.
little ills that are certain to come ( "Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder has
cured are of Catarrh of five years
standing. It is certainly magical in
its Onset. The first application bene-
fitted me in five minutes. 50 cts."-9
He : "Reggie F itzjames has become
recklessly engaged to any number of
girls, but he always gets out of it."
She : "With decency ?" He : "Oh,
t -i merely h andask
:yes . Ire me e y as to go
the father's consent, and it's all
the inexperienced mother scarcely
knows what to do. To the young
mother -to all mothers -Baby's Own
Tablets are a real blessing. They
promptly cure such troubles as con-
stipation, colic, sour stomach, diar-
rhoea and simple fevers. They break
up colds, destroy worms, allay the
irritation accompanying the cutting
of teeth and prevent more serious
ills. These Tablets are sold under a
guarantee to contain no opiate, nor
any other of the harmful drugs al-
ways found in the so-called "sooth-
ing" medicines. They are good for
all children from the new born babe
to the well grown child. If you do
not find the Tablets at your medi-
cine dealers send 25 cents to The
Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont., and a box will be mailed
you post paid.
"Didn't you think that was a
beautiful girl with me to -day, Ar-
thur ?"
"What girl, my dearest 7"
"Why,. she was with ing when you
met us in front of the church."
"Was there a girl there, dear ? I
didn't ' notice. I was looking at
And then she loved him all the
wasn't to eat that piece of take in
"Wor.n, S?I l e -struck?" the pantry --because it Would make
ttskOd the romantic, maid, ,"Noy" re- me sick." Mother : "Yes, Bobby."
plied take practical youth; "btit ;t Lobby, (con;vincinkly): "ttit, ma, it
Was run fluor by At fl 4tet3 car tlllce'f haori't abide me 01444
atarrh is not a
Catarrh macs a man ridiculous -.t,
makes him an offensive nuisance and it
makes him dangerously nick. It Is
pretty sure to bring on consumption,
pneumonia or et least a throat h,,,
titin. You can it �,iror+r tither, but
Yoe, tea aff'.:,;•a trio cure for it. It ie
Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal 'Powder. It re-
lieves a cold et catarrh, or Mures a
headache in 1,0 minutes. Don't hawk
and spit and ciieguet your frieds,
but cure yourself by the nae of title
1•einedy. t3
r.ligrareroadltitmen'reifstrep eglitntOin flocalki
Dear Sirs, -I was for seven years
a sufferer from Bronchial trouble,
and would be so hoarse at times
that I could scarcely speak above a
whisper. I ,got no relief from any
thing till I tried your MIN'ARD'S
HONEY BALSAM. Two bottles
gave relief and six bottles made a
complete cure. I would heartily
recommend it to anyone suffering
from throat or lung trouble.
I heard a lover tell his love,
And could but sympathise
To hear him calling her his dove
And noto her soft replies.
I heard the man the maid adore,
I saw her girlish glee;
And when the tender scene was o'er
They, turned and worshipped me.
But when he saw my beauty there
In that delightful grove,
0? ornaments he stripped ane bare
And gave thea to his love,
Now in my heart there is no room
Por tender sympathy,
until next year, sweet roses bloom
;Again upon this tree.
Columbus said the world was round,
And most of us declare
That shies hist time we've, often tonna]
lit any hilrig but' agnate.
A chemist was boasting in the coin..
pally of friends of his well..assorted
stock in trade. "There isn't a drug
missing," he said.
"Conte, now," said one of the by-
standers, by way of a joke. "I bet
that you don't keep any spiritof
contradiction, well stocked as you
pretend to be."
"Why not ?" replied the chemist,
not in the least embarrassed at the.
unexpected sally. "You shall see
for yourself." So saying he left the
group and returned in a few minutes
leading by the kande-his wife 1
"3Vhy, Tommy,' flow you do growl"
"Yes, auntie: 7 think they water me
too numb. Why, I'rn bathed night
and morning."
$100 Reward, $100
There is more Catarrh in this section
of .the country than all other diseases
put together, and until the lust few
years was supposed to bo incurable. For
a great many years doctors pronounced
It a local disoase and proscribed local
remedies, andby constantly falling to
cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Science has proven catarrh
to bo a constitutional disease and there-
fore requires constitutional treatment.
nail's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by
F. J, Cheney & Oo., Toledo, Ohio, is
the only constitutional cure on the mar-
ket. It is taken internally in doses
from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts
directly on the blood and mucous sur-
faces of the system. They oiler ono hun-
dred dollars for any case it fails to
cure. Send for circulars and testimoni-
als. Address,
F. J. CIIICN1CS' 4 00., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, Tee.
Halle Family Pills are the best.
Doctor : "You've got a fever, sir."
Patient : "Is it what you would call
a 'high fever,' doctor ?" Doctor :
"Well, it is and it isn't. Two dol-
lars, please." Patient : "Wm 1 Is
the -exp --fever as high as the fee,
would you say ?"
Por Over Silty Years
Sas. WIHBLow'. aeoTgnre ernvr has been need by
Pi/Ilona of mothers for their children while teething.
Itsoothea the child, softens thermos. sllayapain, euros
rind cello regulatthe stomach and bowels, and is the
fest remedy regulates the for amebae. Twenty-five teats s bottle
told b3-Cruggisti throughout the World..Be sure and
ukfor " ,tzta.WINgndw'e600raikoSxnvr." 33.71
A sea -captain had made such an
exceptionally good voyage that his
wife felt encouraged to ask him to
purchase a piano with wbich to beau-
tify their house and exasperate their
neighbors. Be told her he was go-
ing to town with a view to buying
one. This is his description of the
one he thought would suit her :-
"Black walnut hull, strong bulk-
heads strengthened fore and aft with
iron frame, lined with white wood
and maple riggings, steel wire double
on the ratlines, and whipped wire on
the tower stays and heavier cordage;
belaying pins of steel and well driven
home; length of tafirail over all, 61t.
lin. breadth of beam, 381n.; depth
of hold, 143n.; hatches can be bat-
tened down proof against ten -year-
old boys and ten -ton spankers, or
can be clewed up on occasioxt and
sheeted home for a first-class instru-
mental cyclone." '
A Belgian physician declares that
early baldness is frequently caused
by the excessive eating of meat. TIn
asserts that he has often checked
cases of falling hair by combining
with local treatment a diet of milk,
eggs, and fruit.
An Irishman who had jumped into
the water to save a man from
drowning, on receiving ten cents
from the rescued man, looked first
at the ten cents and then at the
man, saying, "Be jabers, I am over-
paid for that job."
It is never too late to learn unless
you think you know it all.
Mioard's Liniment Is used by Ph!sictans
Mr. Noodle : "Clever ? Why, she
has brains enough for two, Miss
Cutting." Miss Cutting : "Has she?
Then she is just the girl you ought
to marry, Mr. Noodle."
Lover's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfect-
ant Soap Powder dusted in the
bath, softens the water and disin-
fects. r
Papa : "How is it, Alice, that you
never get a prize at school ?" Mam-
ma : "And that your friend, Louisa
Sharp, gets so many 7" Alice- (in-
nocently) : "Louisa Sharp has such
clever parents 1"
E3sasnln ®!"o +cert
ffi' t
s a .t�."s
ina fo
S to isea'Jcs relieved w
ra�sll • k D
minutes by Agnew's Ointment. Dr. Agnew's
Ointment relieves instantly, and cures 'Fetter,
Salt Rheum, $c lld Bead, Eczema, Ulcers,
ilt9tchos, and all Eruptions of the Skin. It is
seething and quieting aid acts like magic in all
Aaby Humors, Irritation of the Scalp or Rashes
during teething tine. 35 cents a box. -e
She : "Poor Jack says he cannot
live without Miss Riche. IIe's wor-
ried himself into dyspepsia, and
can't eat anything but bread -and -
milk." i:ie : "Well, if that's all ho
eats, ho ought to be able to live
without Miss Riche."
Keep Minard's Liniment in the lime,
IAngry, Father -in -Law : "Didn't you
tell me when you married my daugh-
ter that you were worth $40,000 ?"
Son -in -Law : "No, sir; I said that I
could lay my hands on $40,000; but
had I done so I should now be in
gaol. "•
The real joy of an outing is good tea
Blue Ribbon Tea is made from the tenderest and most
delicate leaves and flowers of the Ceylon tea plant.
he taste—is simply dei aht'4` 4
It is delicious and creamytot . P Y u
with bread and butter.
Blac7 , Mixed
Ceylon. Groom,
14&4164,1 t1%,:1,:,. M54.113..2,; in
ahou 5d bo
°�a 7E•fift�
.A.eIC for the -" i".•`* '-"""^•'
®ml LabeaA
t -t
.?iEN'k.AJ.0:.'P. l` v..' a'*x :1.14:-.0!0 f..� -:;. a.• -..1'f
Ladies and Girls,,
You Can Earn This
lllli Fur Surf
In a Few [Minutes
SEND pen name and ((adze% ((adze,and we will mail
you post paid 8Iarge beautfifut y.Celo ed Flee
tures 1ei8Qinches, named' The Ang�1's-Whisper,"
"The Family Record," and "Simply to Thy Cross 1
Cling," to sell at 26e. each. We also glee a eoc.
certificate free to each purchaser. These pictures are
handsomely finished in 22 colors, and could not be
bought in any store for less than Soc. each. Every
one you offer them to will buy one or more. When.
sold send us the money, and we will scud you this
Over 40 inches long, g Inches wide, made from selected
full -furred skins with six fine full black tails, the very
latest style We know you will be more than pleated
with it. Miss J. Seekers, Rossenberg, Can., said:
" 1 write to thankyou for the handsome fur scarf, It
isjust beautiful, I could not buy one like it in our
store for $3.00," The regular price= all fur stores is
$3.0o, and. they fully equal la appearance any 41ro.00
Fur Scarf. We could not think of giving them for so
little, were it not that we bad a great. number made
specially forus during the summer when the furriers
were not busy. Ladies rind girls, take advantage of
this chance and write for the pictures to -day. We
guarantee to treat you right, and will allow you to
keep out money to pay your postage, so that your Fur
Scarf will not cost von ono cent. Address THE
COLONIAL ABT' CO., Dep. 20 Toronto.
,nae-_= '•:arm x —-•e:,..,e+�:ate.....-.....,,rnv,.,...Y.<,n - ...,�.,.....,.,m..w:.•:.amt
wr3132C9c. Az 60co
77•. St., Feet, Toronto,
colts®nuns oar gas.
at elle ptlue7 Send for cotalog.
RAW 'URS AHD C,Eti8itlO wanted. Send for
price list. Ea -64
MOUT T & Yin T�fl
MAOt+ BEE Sind for Han boos
105 Day St.,TORpFITO en patents, ,be.
And Farm Pro-
duce gencrallyo
consign it to us
sad we will get
you good prices.
Dawson Commission Co,,
He: "Could you love me if I lost
all my money ?" She: "I3ow much
have you to lose ?"
Ask for iinard's and take no other,
Babies cry most when they realize
that they look like some of their
Estt what you tike. -Give the
digestive organs some work to do. These
functions need exercise as much as any part
of the human anatomy, but -if they're deli-
cate, give them the aid that Dr, Von Stan's
Pineapple Tablets afford and you can eat
anything that's wholesome and palatable --
6o in a box, 35 cents. -8
"Do you think Cho'.le's miniver is
natural or lire :ei ?"' "Well, I
tre tc think the hest of everybody,
so ' don't know which to !,bink."
Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend
Charlie : "Young Biddley seems ,,'t,
think the girls aro crazy after him."
Flo : "Well, the ones who are after
him cer'taittly must be crazy."
axe Oen sae nine t tele efe
X>i the 0'0,001 :%sl"ES!Y ' tI L' ';OP1Q for *11 bodily
for 01,011 A '' tbIi1R4 renl•dytfliaiy be Itllf der"
and faded Suits would look better dyed. It no seral
et ours 1e- your town, write direct Montreal, Box 155
tiRITiSH Arentslpurd TIMING 00.
nun yrs
dispatched to subscribers by first mails by
WM. DAWSON es SONO, Limited, Cannon
Heusi, Bream's Buildings, London, England.
The hargest Subscription Agency in tine world.
Send for our list. Free on application. Est
1809. __Prompt and reliable.
BOYS We will xvu A1Da®LDYeLiv
Ciaarant.ed le I> pH
on. year C
If you will do a few hours work for no any
day after cahoot. Boys must oac'ese refer-
enoes from parents or Guardians. Wr1Gge
to -day. W. P. M/ESTys Room 610, No. 1
Fifth Ave., New York, U,S.d.
Dominion Lime Steamships
IYisrttrsal to Liverpool
Mootoos tO Liverpool
Large and Bast Stemaaingu. Superior accommodatleo
Ir ail stases of pm5em ers. Saloons and Statereoora
1peroa amid*blva. 66 latteatjon has been Gieen to t
fa d Belden and Third.elaas accommodation.
tate. otipemage and all particulars, apply to any agora
at the Company, or to passenger agent.
T sues fa., Taira 1T St. Seerament 51.. nlontreal!
The fast Trains
If you want a quick and pleas-
ant trip, select the Union Pa-
cific, its trains from Omaha
reaching the Pacific Coast :
16 Hours Quicker
'The Overland route'
all the way -
Be were your Ticket reads
over the UNION PAC•IFI:C.
i•ull information cbCci'fadly
farnilbocl on application to
13. F. CARTER; P,P.A.,
x9:.Innes 13uilcjin'g,
Toronto, C ?*ria.
B. ORK)AT1 G. A.,
126 Woodward Ave.,
1 '