HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-11-19, Page 5ri N 0 'r E J i- E It lith 1;;1Y3. POPPLE TONE & GI.R;DINER. General MeralzanLL, 0 POPPLESTONIa & GAR,DINER. General Mart:sheets. N t al ilr H O 4,3 Lei FU'S!RS Winter is here with its inclement blast, Prepare for it now with Furs that will last, "German dyed is the best" the furriers, say, \Then buy them from us, and with you they'll stay. fal 114 tae friM o Ent fe 411a ree P-1 Rei 14 z kei • ei illrrh ,1C�� xA 01P a 0 P4 fee PE! 1 N ES ew This Year Seg him I Fur Caperine, Black Astrachan Dog, lined with black satin,with three tails, high h collar, full cape for I Black Coney Caperine, high roll collar, full back long front with six tails, lined throughout with black satin $4.00 .. . $5.00 I Electric Seal Caperine, long front, roll collar six tails, lined with brown satin at. ....$6.50 r Black Astrachan Caperine, with largest cape made, also high collar, black satin lined, a beauty for stormy days ...••.....$7,50 I Black Astrachan Caperine, lovely curl. fancy satin lined,long front,roll collar,six squirrel tails at$8.00 1 combination Persian Lamb and Electric Seal Caperine, brown satin lined, large cape, high roll collar, long front, four long tails one of the best of values at ......$10.00 I combination American Sable and Electric Seal Caperine, with new picot cape, very high roll collar,beautiful fluffy fur, ,medium long front, six tails at .... , , , , . . $512.00 1 combination Electric Seal Caperine with Per- sian Lamb,creased roll collar, indented roll Iv cape all brown satin lined, very. long front, squirrel tails at ........ ..—$15.00 i Electric Seal Caperine, longest front made with six long squirrel tails, satin lined through- out, full roll collar .... .......... $15.00 I Coney Fur Ruff with six tails at .... ,...$1,75 I Coney Fur Ruff with six tails, chain attached at $2.00 T Japan Brown Fox Boa, 52 inehes long at $3.00 1 Opossum Ruff with .four tails at .. $3.00 I Mountain Goat Boa, 87 inches long, fully furred best we have seen at.. $5,00 I Canadian Sable Ruff,very wide collar,six tails at $6.00 tei YOIJ ,1 GflDY to accept a rood N tl it1 o i were P6 On4 P offered ou1 Itnof letus proPa e you, and you will receive a super- ior preparation. Wo have the highest standard of graduation and our graduates are in great demand Free Catalogue D" will tell you all about i4. Write for 11, .A. L. BROWN, Principal. Phone to Locals T. P. SMITH COMING. -.--If you have defective eyesight don't fail to con- sult with T. P. Smith the Noted Eye Specialist, of Elora, who will be at the Commercial House, Exeter, on Noy - ember 20th and 21st. See "ad" in an- other column. AUCTION SALE BILLS,• -The auction sale season is again with us, It will pay you to get your sale bills printed at this office. We print the bills on short notice and will give you a, good job. A free notice of sale is always given in the TemEs when bills are printed at this office. In a special issue; demptied'to "Mod- ern Aids to Priz ing,"t he Scientific Amerkca.n presents to its readers a fund of inf mutation about an indust- ry which pays ain importana part in the life of the ;people.. but of ;which little is popularly kuawn. The' n'uvn- ber describes in an cnte,riaining way the advances tb,a,t have been made in the ;pirlinti•ng art within recent years and strdk,iugly' show the ,eicono ere significance of the press. Or the merle iompor!bant articles in this issue may be mentioned an instructive in- bc r'v;ietw' with T,htered'arc L. De Miteneti the master-Ipriwte'r of Americo ;ani ac- count of the i'nfluenco of 'mechanical type=seltritarg as al. Maar saver ; a des- cription of a .modern newspaper press which preens• 150,000 copies per ; hour ; ui outline of book binding which tells how books are sewed, case -made, and emi;aseed. The number is dressed in an admirable colored cover. N. W. T. WHEAT YIELD MORE MONEY WILL BE GOT THIS YEAR THAN LAST. Thte superenteendbht of the' expeeri-i- men,tal farm at Inri.ian Head, N. W. T. reporting to Dr. Saunders, says Mat the wen thea is favorable for thrashing, and that just around In- dian lIead most of they farmers have finished. The yield of .stubble soil is from 20 to 30 bushels per; alcre, and on summer fallow from ; 30 to 35 bushels. The former grades, as a rule, are Na. 1 Northern, the pres- ent price for Which is ,7,3c., and the summer fallow wheat No., 2 and No. 3 Northern. Theirs' are, however, Ina,ny fields north of the Qu'Appette River whine wheat from summer fal- low all grades lower Pham , No. 3 Northern. The returns last yearwere were regarded as emementl,ysa.tisfac- Lorry, but the probabilities are that bhe cash :receipts this year from the 11903 chops. will, owing to , the high- er prices a,ggrega•te more than that which was realized from the ctap of 1902. 0 ro gC) I Black Coney Boa, 86 inches long, nice glossy fur,$5.00 z tea m d i 'Cub Bear Bc a, 85 inches long, trimmed with ten tails, all finely furred,extra fine quality: $10 00 I Canadian Sable Boa, 74 inches long, very wide ruff collar, trimmed with claws and long tails $12.00 Men's Saskatchewan Storm Coats, rubber interlin- ing, farmer satin quilted linings, Mohair sleeve lining our price . $15.00 ress oo s Our Speciality POP S N, RDINE i�ne DMortH 01 POSt 01116e Terms --Cash or Produce. P""•t O1P r01dehaptDTNEE.w a;c O id �r I1 cr tz1 H oR° o G•tb' mg POPPLESTOJ E & GAftJ fl'i n. General Mettleant,. " When the butter won't come put a penny in the churn," is an old time dairy proverb. It often seems to work though no one has ewr told why. When mothers are worried because the children do' not gain strength and flesh we say give them Scott's Emul- sion. It is like the penny in the milk because it works and because there is something astonishing about it. Scott's Emulsion is simply a milk of pure cod liver oil with some hypophosphites especially prepared for delicate stomachs. Children take to it naturally because they like the taste and the remedy takes just as' naturally to the children be- cause it is so perfectly adapted to their wants. For all weak and pale and thin children Scott's Emulsion is the most satisfactory treat- ment. We will send you the penny, 1. e., a sample free. Be sure that this picture b a the form of label ie on the L+mule on you buy. bottle of SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Torotito, Ontario. coo, and gl.00 ; all dntggfste, flow the, Popular Novel Destroys Forests It had been e.etituated that lin.; ztev- ells had a total sale of 1„000,000 copies. This means 2,000,000 pounds s of papert We are, assured by a:mainufacturer of ',aper bleat the average spruce !tree yields a little leas them' hall/ a c'o'rd, of woad, which is equivalent to 500 pounds of paper. In, other words, these mune novels swept away 4,000 l:,'re''ets, le it -any wotoderr, thee' those lin,te,riested in forestry look with ;anx- ie ty upon the paper mill?, -T! r.one the SeienLLLic American's Special n, Num- ber on "Modern Aids to Printing.'.' AN ALL-ROUND REMEDY. Mrs. Hannession, , Binscarib, Man., ev'rites : "I have used; II;agyrard'st Yel- low Oil dor Sore Throat, Cuts ,Scalds and Fnoetbites for a long time and eansider .hod best all-round household remedy made." Price 25c, at all deal - ors .. Whalen Times and Family Herald & Scar, from now until January 1905 includ- ing them premiums for x+1.75. -Mrs. 1. leIorley and Mrs. J. Mill - son viisiled friends at Cluudub>ye one day 1abely, -Mr. J. Torrance has been re-engag ed as telaob'titr i,n our public school at nen inicresave salary.. -Newton Millson has returned home ;after his summer's work; at cheese making near Orangeville. -Caleb Mil}san, of London held ' a very successful auction sale of milch • cows on Friday last, Iltg'h prices ,were real'ize<d., One of C. Hooper's horses dropped dead the other day while at work on the road manillas cleaning, out tthe creek on, laic farm. -Tthe attepidance at the public school has increased so much 'that the trustees fired it necessary to provide ;nUore eeeiait3Jag accommoc'4ation. -Alnnivereary services were ;held at •Betbal, an Sunday and Mouday !last. :'acv. Andcr,aon, of Kirkton, I p' ctach'ed two very able arid; •eicruent 'sieranons on Sunday to audiences that filled Ile church ;to the doors. ,The dua„. ree,able weather on Monday levera ng no doubt materially diminish led the attendance at the .00nce,r't' held Moindiaey , evening. Ttho Wendel:atm c'hpir furnished the music which was Imuch•,appreciadted. Eden Times and Family herald & Star, from now until January 1905 includ- ing three premiums for $1.75. The opearing of our church :on Sun- day 15th inet was a grcat success. Two services were held during the day'one at 2.36 p. m.,. and the other aL, 7 p. m. The church was filled at both services to overflowing. Rev. Mr. Salton, of London, and a former pastor of this cdlurch, spoke very 'masterly on two very u.l'peopriatc, texts. The • Ellen choir supplied the music and. singing which was rendered admirably. Rev. Salt on spoke in priaiseworfby telrme, of the beautifying of the church which now speaks e onedit to Labs community On the following Mon.d.ae evening., a fowl supper was served in the base- ment of the school. The past suppers socials of this place only aslant to ,ed - vim -tie; for this one, for though the cloud's rolled low alt day, and dark sky rcudiiy roads and showers prevailed et night, yet from divers directions flo- ekied a orowd to enjoy the good things :Truly there we're good things, as not only Me. f Comers testify, but me.rche anis, cle,rks., dressmakers, milliners, teachers and even the baker testified the name to be true. Atter, the lamer mean wets satisfied all repaired to the church whore a goo programme was giv,e.n_ Mr,' Jno. .Esse,ry, very aceept.- aobly filled the 'che er. Sunshtue choiar made the dark night as sunny as day. Releitaiti•ans were given by Miss .Blan- che Rook, of Eden, and Mize M,brein,, Leacher of Winoheisea. Theytheldethe eittention and pleased (lie audience. well. Addxtzt:::acs were given by Revs. Knowles, of Cred.iten; and Salton, of Landon. Rev. Knowles, who came from Cork, Ireland displayed some of b,is 7rie•b wit- Ile told us that. Lhe Cr,edi•Lon girls were noted for their good looks but that the, Eden girls were noted for good looks and good cooks. (Haas, Hear) Rev. Sal - ten displayed humor also in his ad- dresse. After the usual vabin2•g. of thanks to the chairman and those• taking part, and the s&nging cif the National A'ntthelm,, all separated with the previalnnL thought that "It woe good to be L•hare." The proceeds am- f aunted in all to over '.eighty five dol- la.ns. Congratulations to Eden wo- men i n 1 and also to thti, Eden .girls. .The drifferent committees wish to thank the workmen and also the different me,rohrents who assisted us well. GENERAL NEWS upou him ..here would be ample'time to investigate the truth of the cenfcs- isic m atl.e,rwies Sparks wouit t b i held ati a d.v;•idave fryin justice. until ille vel tegerien could. b: nettle. Pee Mr.f)Liv!e.r. Sl�mllie,ns, ofIw,Lrode, , sz E, amember of t. i 0 the C aa.a,d an L ai - n Liaament, died suddenly at Kansas City last wee*, aged '6) years. •5TJreoSkin- tames re,•preeenLed Ezsdt Lae:the e in thin House of Canuuans as a Cousortva- 1 thee, having been :returned at the gen- eral edeebiotn in 1900. lie wns born in Ohio, but, settled Ln Canada ,ninny yeair,s ago ak Petrolee, vvbere he was vie,ry successful in he oil business, file lliari occupied a number of public offi- ces in ichde tciwn arid Ale country, in- cluding Reese of MMlnyo•r and County W,aatdaon. ,The nor o.ffiee has forwarded lo the Aigriciul tura). De.ptart,ment farms of tender for the supply of .bread, for age, grceeries and meatt ot;lu3 troops. int SouL,h Africa. Tenders must dbe• age, groceries, and .meat to !the troos received ai: Pretoria by January 19th on application to W. W. Moore, A,g1 rinultnrral Department, Ottawa, Can- •a'dians ;have; a chance Lee supply bread flour, ,yeast and baking powder,.alf- aefa, me•alies, meal, oats, hay :bra;u, snack salt, linseed, sulphur, green•fod- der, dry gras,s for bedding, Coffee, tea chicory, .sugar, salt, and popper and eneatts, fresh, frozen and refrigerated. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of BORN. S1 IRRAY.--In Hay, an October 3otlh tele wife of Mr. David Shirray, of a son. M,cDO.NAL1D.-,En Ddiariit,, en Nov. 10 ,La Dr. and Mrs. a McDiona•Id,• (nye ;Miss Ada Button), of a;eon,. MARRIED. FOSTER-11ANDFORD.-Aft Olelatrfalli;a, at the residence of the ,bride's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Handford, on Wednesday, Nov. 18th, Mise Lot- b'te, to Mr. W. Foster, of Granton. The Ontario gave.rnnient has grant- ed. ;1300 each Le the grandaughters of Laura Sc,card, the her oiue of the war• et 1812;=15. Joseph S. Edgar, thee Windsor sthoe inereth!ainrt,, 1s+ rejoicing over the End- ing of leis brother, Charles, whoin he hos not seen for 41 years, and, for wlhom he has been hunting incessant- ly for the last twin years. On erues- cla.y aha reeeived word that elle brotheg' is ,an invalid in -the National Soldiers' • fought i Mi yr nukes '4V is. ILo .ow .,. � en 1 r g home, four years in ' bee A m,erica•n army., Mr. Edgar will viait 'him as d'oon as poss- ible, "Cele Ateeeney'-idaneral has rece,itvecii a cablegram from .0. Maoehcster,Eng - land, that Arthur J Siparke, on trial • there for an unnatural offence, • has confessed Lo t110 murder of Glory) W.he alien,. at Callingavood, Ont. in June last The desp l:clt said that. if Speaks was found gully at the trial now pending ` l Twin Chicks in Haar Iigg. The remarkable story is told of James E. Fennessy, a Ciiichrnatl the- atrical manager, who has a poultry farm at Culbertson, Ky., that he owns a hen that lays two eggs in one every time -one egg inside of the other. The outside egg is as large as a turkey or a goose egg, and the inner one is of the usual chicken egg size. Both have r4•' "4611- ;, hard shells and both are perfect as re- gards' yolk and white. The hen has been laying these fresh eggs for six weeks, at the rate of three a week. Mr. Fennessy will place a number of them bean incubator and expects that twin chicks will be hatched out of each egg. The hen is a prize -wine i g Yowl, is true to blood and points, aett in every way seemingly as healthy as any other hen. How Many Liens In a Flock, There has always been much discus- sion in regard to the number of hens that may be kept in a flock and s itt have them do their best. Of cou ate much depends upon the limits of tee range given them and the size of tae buildings. Sometime ago I started out to observe the degree of success attained by my neigbhors who keep poultry and I almost invariably found that those matron who sold the m.a:t poultry and eggs and in every w..y seemed to be the most successful were those who kept from 100 to 150 hens. A flock of this size would lay enouge eggs and produce enough surgl.ts stock to make its owner take a p11113 and have a lively interest in its wel- fare. Such a flock where well taken care of will bring in nearly or quite $100 per year and that is a sum for which most farm wives will do con- siderable work to obtain. Of course this is not expected to apply to tho o yards that are run for the product:,n of fine stock, but as regards to le e general farm flock where it is ilct yarded but allowed the free rang.; ca the farm. In keeping a flock of this size one c n afford to spend some time each clay to feed and water, as it taken no m..re time to feed 100 than to care for e0. But in most cases where parties, elated bysuecess with this number, attempted to enter a larger field and built extensive houses and enla:g..d their flocks, disaster seemed to come, disease quickly made appearance and reyipg dualities, decrg sed. Only 900 ,peo3p,nel in 1,00Q000,A ieOctr'' Cliebbing h'F;ttt s for 1 11'0a, '1 (Year.; tea medical authr`eti5, die erom sae age, vv^hile 1,200 succumb to gout 18,400 to measles, 27,000 to el)014sxy, 7,500 t,3 e;,nsurpLion, 49.,000 to f.fiar1,21 fe,sio,r, 25,000 o 'whooping cough., 000 ;typhoid an1 typhusfever, r, arid 7,000 � a ,� um to • 1. The average , t x3are a sn a g'o vary aeearding to locality, :but these acne ;considered pretty accurate as re- gards the ;poputa titan of the globe' as a Whole, "Felt Gay" After the Sec- ond Box of iron -ox Tablets. January 6, 1903, About a year ago, being a sufferer from indigestion (a bad attack), I bought two packages of Iron -ox. After taking one I was conscious of an improve- ment, and I remember that the second one did the busi- ness, and I felt gay. R. Pelham Crookenden, 182 Brunswick Street, Toronto, Ont. Fifty Iron -ox Tablets, in an attractive aluminum pocket case, ee cents at drug- gists, or sent, postpaid, on rece#tit of price. The Iron -ox Remedy Co., Lim- ited, Walkerville, Ont. SCIENTIFIC EYE SPECIALIST T. P. SMITH . tii'ILL DE AT TETE COMMERCIAL NOUSE, Exeter --Two days only FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, NOV- EMBER 20, 2 e Oail early and araii yourself of his valuable service, as this is a rare op- portunity to have your eyes properly tested free of charge, No guess work but a scientific certainty. Difficult cases accurately fitted. ALL WORR GUARANTEED, A full line of Artificial Eyes added to our stock. MORTGAOE SALE HOUSE AND LOT IN EXETER tJioder and by vinous of ',the pa'vv'e,•rs ogntained in a certain naort;gage, evlhich will be produced ab Lhe time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction Saturaay, November 21, 1903 At the hour of 3 p.' m. at Hawkshaw's Hotel in the Village of Exeter. By ly2r. Jahn Gill, auctioneer,. the,fol lowing property, namely, Lot .number Seventeen (17) west. o,£ Wiliiafm Street and south of Ann Street a e said . tin n g 'ai villa a of Eaetdr, S:a'pndenls? Second, Survey, containing` (me-fifibh of an acre more or less. T)hier'2, es ey ierame cottage cantainin ; Live rooms, and a good frame barn on the 'property. TERMS. Twenty peer cent, of the purchase' • money to be paid down at tibe time, of 1 stale and the balance in thirty days :thoxeafter, without interest. Fpr further :pa,reiciulars and condi- { tons of sale 'apply to OLADMAN & STANBURY Vendors' Solicitors. Exeter', 3rd Newielmber, '1903. MEETING OF THE HUR- ON COUNTY COUNCIL The County Council will meet in -the court house in the town of Gode- rich on the first day of December next at the hour of 3 o'clock in the after- noon. Dated at Goderieh this 10tb day of November 1903. W. LANE, Clerk. ••• wammeammenamems FARM FOR SALE Improved farm for sale lot No. 1. on the lOLh concession of Usborne con- taining 100 acres. For particulars apply to L. WALKER, Woodham. FOR SALE At Elimville, a comfortable house with 2e acres of land, having a good garden with a choice variety of all kinds of fruit trees and small fruits, a never failing well of the best of water, For particulaas apply to the owner on the premises or by letter to Wm. MIN- ERS, Elimville P. 0. 1f tic'vane/ years. thaangsse AT LEVENING. "d�"ENT'S EINGs To those well along in years there comes, accord- ing to the condition of the system, their measure of ills and suffering. Some are young at 70, wkile others aro old at 40, Elderly people who once use Dr. Leonhardt's Anti- PilI fled that it has Marvel- ous power to relieve them of the troubles that nothing else will shake off, especi- al l y backache, constipa- tion, bladder trouble fail- ing appetite, and indiges- tion. If Aerrt-Pell is used upon taking cold, the aches and pains that usually fol- low will be avoided. To prove this, send to Wu,- sbet-Fnxa Co., Niagara Falls, Out., for a free sane- ple, Atrri-PILL is sold by druggists at 50 cents a box. A TI PILL. Times end WeikLy 0104)3 co Jae, 1905 •.1 'Mese •and Montreal Wi�tx ss to Jan. 1905 1 anand A Ta eS W e P 1 e air de.z i I.y s t J'.azt. 1905 , ,.., .. , 1 Times and Mail & Empire, to Jan, 1905 1' Tunnels and Family Herald & SSlau' le O'o.zu., 190 ...,... Times and. Family i.Lerald t& Star 10 an., 1905 . 1. 75. Times & Weekly Sun to ,Jan. 1905 ,.,. ,...,,,..� 1.5 Yearly subsenibena to Times and Mali will receive a handaoiue premium pie,. Lure entitled "The Victoria Crosse"' an episode of the Boer war, Yearly eubs,oribors to elle Family Herald & Star will receive a some picture and special prize. Other additions will be made to this . list later. GS Y 75, 75, BUGGIESI BLGGIES! Dom Want nBuggy? We have the finest stock in town ail the latest styles, in the i:ewes' colors. Our prices are low as can be foun for first-class material and workman ship, .BEFORE YOU BUY GAiLL' FIND SEE US- JF ussell Two Doors South Towr IIall, MEDICAL �V . B.IWAtV NIN e 149. D. M1 . C . *P. S, Graduate Victoria. ,nlvcruity once and residence, Uomill,ou Labora- tory, Exeter. DENTAL H. DP.. A.IKIN 1. 11. KINSMAN, L. ri4 D. S. D. D. S., Honor Graduate' �.. of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effects, Office in Fan - son's block. West side of Main treet,`Exeter- D.11, ANDERSON, (D. D. S. L.D.S. DENTIST. Honor Oradnate of the Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Post -graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable mention. Everything known to the Dental Profession done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al- luminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done ire the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac- tion. Office one door south of Carling Bro'sstore. Exeter, Ont. INSURANCE. ERNEST ELLIOT, Agen for the WESTERN ASSURANCE COM- PANY, of Toronto; also for the PHoaNIx FOSuS NBURANOE COMPANY, of London, England; 'L MANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Er;t' and HONEY TO LOAN We haveunlimited private funds` for invest, went -upon farm or village property at lower rates of interest. DICKSON & C.KRLING Exeter. rI ONE Y TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private fonds to loan on farm and village properties atlowrateo- of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers Solicitors, Main St. Exeter. I}GtI. FRED ELLIOTT BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to Loan OFrrrcx-(Formerely of Elliott and Gladman,), MAIN STREET, EXETER. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, Solicitors Notaries. Conveyancer's, Commissioners, Solicitors for the N oisone Bank, Eta Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE :-MAIN STREET, EXETER. e. R. CARLING B. A. L. H. DICKSON' FOR SALE—.PIiICIi. RE SIDENmC WITH AN ACRE OFLAND IN EXETER -Wo offer for sale on reasonable terms, that Tory desirable residential property known as "The Hooper Homestead" situated on Lot No 86, south of Huron Street, Exeter. There is erected upon the land, a comfortable and commodious brick dwelling, also the necessary outhouses. The house is in good re- pair ant IeRs 9 rooms. The lot contains an acre of land and is excellent ado d excellently Pte for garden. ing or fruit growing. There is a plentiful sup- ply of hard and soft water, The property is up to date4and the terms easy. for particulars ap- ply to 1JIaresoe & CARL/NG barristers Exeter or to A. E. Hoomm%, Rew . P. 0„ Penna, U. A., proprietor. 50 YEARS° EXPERIENCE TRADE MARES DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone asudin a sketch and description now quickly certtir our Opinion free whether anvntoie prof ably patentable. Comiunic tions strictly ecnridonttal. Handbook on Patents cont free. Otthet agency for securing patents. Patents ta4.eu through Munu & Co. receive special ,totiee,'Without enarge, in the SAIknft 1 ie ft e1' C�qs A.handsomely Illustrated weekly, Largestire culation of any Scientific) journal. Terme, tea a year t four months, *1. Sold by all noirsdealers. MUNN & Co OI rbadtvag, New Mirk Breech ovule, c2G L' Flt„ 'a#t:'"etou, D;