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Exeter Times, 1903-11-19, Page 4
Blue Ribbon Tea is "hill grown" Ceylon tea. it grows slowly in the cool mountain air The best tea because and obtains all the fragrance and deliciousness the plant can, extract from a soil rich in these properties. A nerve -nourishing tea -a sense -pleasing tea --invaluable for brain -workers --solacing and comforting. $3acir, Mixed !" Ceylon Oregxt • 40 cos shotzld be Aste for the Rea Idabel The Moisons • n1< aucorporated by act of Parliament 1855) Head O .i.ee, Me :real. Capital authorized - - $5.00z,QOti gapfret (all paid np) $-,x 0,1:0 Reserve Fund - - - teaalo, 44 Branches in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia and elauitoba. EXETER BRANCH Open Every Lawful Day from 10 A. m. to 3p. m; except Saturdays, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m• .Farmers Sale Notes cashed or col- lected. Forms supplied on application. Drafts on all points hi the Dominion. Great Britain and United States bought and soldat lowest rates of ex :barge.. SAVINGS DE.i:'ART 4ENT. Deposits of S1,00 and upwards receiv- ed. Interest compounded half yearly, and added to principal June 30th and December 31st. Deposits Receipts also issued and highest current rate of interest allowed. Advances make to farmers, stock dealers and business men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. .Agents at Exeter for Dominion Government. ariCK5ON & CABLING, N. D. HURDON, SOLICITORS. 1r1NAGER Harriett Preseett Spofford. with a love s,:ory of unusual interest ; An- drew -Lang, with a clever travesty as tiie usual fairy tales, and Gustav' Kcbbe, with an inbexesting paper des - scribing the life of Mme. Emma Eam- es, in her Italian hare, with her port- rait in a tors . There is also the third installment or the Evolution of a Club 'Woman, the piquant narrative c4 clubdoni by Agnes Surbridge, and a remarkable photographic: artiele by J Hemment. There are many beautiful art features, among them four pages in +cellars representing Babyhood, Childhood, Girlhood, and Mothe' hood -:thee work of Bernard J. Rosennieyer. For the children there are entertain- ing games and stories, and for • the housewife many pracdeal suggertions in cookery and oeher depart:manta of ;:he home, for the Christmas season. N0 DIFFERENCE. No distinction is made as to , the kind of piles that Herm-Roid cures. The names Internal, External, Bleed ing, Blind. itching ,Sappurating,'etc., are simply names of the . ' different •, n utages thaiaugir wbdch every case will he _' X-, hh' tires pass if it continues) ong enough. •tere d Piles are caused ny congas tion !or 'stagnation of blood in the lower bow - Calendar for November 1903 el• az~d it takes an internal remedy:to 1 s 15 as 29 rwmacP the: cause 2 9 la 23 3(P Dr. Leonhardt's Ilea-Roid is a tab - 3 10 17 74 ; le- taken internally. 7a >s a permanent cure and no case a12 re }t • of Piles: has ever been found it failed 8 13 213 x~rare. Money beck if it does 1 '=' A guer:.ntee with every package. SUNDAY MONDAY ........ TUESDAY Virtue QESDIY... THussaay RR1Da SATURDAY 17it,ESDA.Y, .NOVEMBEB lit. 1968 In this crisis On -arid turns from its A aLkalMOTI; HOLIDAY ISSUE T is r r ea:o +thr :- mas= number, eepresenee_ - - v 't,er rrark of E _-- , rnd patssi.bly in eirt,"..2a:isn alere in a w-on;- enaa megazine, hae ng a firs: edition of more than a mii.,:cn copies. It on !Labe 210 page:. To proiuza teas mem mood. edition 728 toes of paper and 49 atesses working 25 days ware regeired In .addition to exquisite coolr work, olovex fictian, and strikingly i.i'zs:r:t ed articles, ohe number includes a dis- play of ehorzimin.Y winter fashiensccv- ea'inig forty-two pages. letters frena the foreign fashion centres and i i s- tr{a:ted artiries on the fashionable fab :ries ant trimmings, mi.tnery, etc. Among the uotabie contributors are: Ria'haad Le Galiie:ma, with a deli.;ate romans:a i Wedding Ring in the Gar- den. 'containing Ie ries in the author best vein ; W. A. Eraser. weir: an. Indi- an tale, the Nest of Leo; Albert Bige low Paine. with ._ delightful stie.tch faumde:l on the foibles of the ^oi:'c.or ;; eliniini:,trate rs with relief ena. canfldenee .o 31r. tW hitnsy. For e e ex: esur.. anl the speedy coil •apse of nitte eel]. sy 4ss n the Previccc hes to thank the Canservatvei leader and 'Lis ^aeso:ia :es. Oil has been his an- al:l,u._ vigil :ncc. t1:.... has breugh t t•J' 1, light. the onnegiraey against the .pub- , Lic. Attempts to bolster up the sys- i tem by naeaale of a coalition have !met with p>ompt rejration on the part ;of the retested Ies.der of emit -machine fcrees. Eattorserl bv a. large majority of the electors. Mr. Whitney lea :shover. that uns:verring faithfulness that preees him to be a man well qualified to restore clean government • to Ontario. To him the province is ',eking for tlwe adoption of higk'3•r and riser standards or public morality. The early collapse of :he Rosa Gov- ernment Las hien pro:laimed in every. line et the unanswered amazes- It remains only for the province -to end the disqulet and the scandal by re- moving the offenders so that. a clean; efficient, and progressive government t may he established. EVERY LADY Si101 LD KNOW Tec aderrezreee removes the causes €de Late/gem with the proper die- :ay/are ie- i /i re ..f all womanly functions ; .it ae r ete :rregularities: and is especial- ls geeed fir woman who are nervous~ end an/4 c heralaebe, lanes back, br .f •,,ng •^.•z'art ea es. d:spondenr,.y and Ferr rsz ane i s a 'blood buil- ,r *s- en.a per.f.er ere! e: n'r he exeeiled xn e3 r1_ •4, ".zder.. For your good e' Feraith :tee F;rrozeree. Price leer direergias, You can hardly find a he;: `-Y'. without its Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Parents know-vim it does for children: br;:n7: is Cllerry Pectora up a cold in a single night, wards of bronchitis, prevents i. pneumonia. Physicians etcians ad- vise parents to keep it on hand. e, The best cov h irxodletno money can hay is A.yer'a Marry roctoral. Nor the eori h of 'z children nothingcondi p,eonsibiy bo better." JACOB 811nr:L, Saratoga, I All dru fats• 7 R, r ii rp wcnrs,taat+ for trreasrn ,l Throat, Lula Ayer's Pills greatlyvazeractoiratea ld aid the Cherry ee .not. referred tea in thief reply. Pectoral let breaking up a co. ( a1 READER. Ce(9 .Ivi :a4"CATIO e A CORRECTION. i *Le Einar of r 1• EX,. b✓r'-- Jo• rapt, a e arteeent of marriage . of I all et ,.,: ,i ¢ era, Buffalo, on Oct. 1st. a'rK', Kaeg bgleam was ma,rrictl, 1-" Mise; Alinni:, a ephens by the ale tho tidal rl f-f.f t bet pta4- . Pr, King Soionin is no a negro, as it has been rotated, ar is there a drop of warn, blood hi Iris veins, his nation aitty being a Iiindu. alley h:inir a Iiindu, Nor did he as- ise:clea•e with. the negro/.l of Buffalo. King SeIo:n,n i1 nee his assumed name, but is hie real name. The couple did not go to view Y Dirk '.feed yy.(t Ito Ftatrce. Onreading the a,cceunt it was fount to be ions great mistake from beginn:- tfrig to end, its theme .ire other mistek- TI i' , NOVEMBER 19tlt., 1803. HURON, MLDIILESEX1 PERTH 611 the news of interest to Tinges Readers Happening iu these Counties. uron So far -chis season 35 ears of apples balm been shipped from Blyth station Tww'epry-f ve cars have gone to Grettt Brittein and ben to ManiLgba. :That Ored languid feeling and ;duff' lhlee.dr.•che is wexy- disagreeable.:.Take two of Carter's Little Liver Pills be- fore retirieig, and you will find relief. !they ee,veir fail to do !good, Alex. naceGeog ere of G odev'ioh, beta his left hand badly cut by a saw at the organ factory the sew pausing bet;wean.two, dingrars and cutting;thee peaA'nr. Mer. Isaac Errata, oaf Stanley, while pletion!`; varlets roan Tuesday, fell; tram. a •t,r)zte a du,stiatntce of about fifteen. feet Lracttuniutg a rib and sustaining other d,n,pu ties: W. J. (Henderson, of the •Bluev,ale road, Ada one eye severely Hurt while tying Ube cattle in the stable. One of them theme up its heal s,trikin'ghim on one eye width one of 113 horns. +The ether day, Nixon Sturdy, of Go- desticihi, wblire weakling rkling ,ou thefroaf• of his house stepped on a lops:: shingle, and ,the shingle eliding, he slid with it fund fell .to true ground a p,rettty; ood distanee. Mr. David Taylor, who has been a rieeii.d;2tn: of East Wawanosll and West- field for matey years, has pureh S a cd Mr. Charles Fioody's house! at rBlyth. The ,pniteti paid was $675. Miss Graham, of Godeirirch, has, began engaged byt he trustees of S. Sa ho.3 tawnahip of Stanley, for the balance of 'the year, !the former tearcber having/. had 'do giveup the position on. account oaf annals hi hex peens:• Tile:rn is nothing better for bhil.l- dren's Coughs and Colds than "Dr. W,aod's Norway Pine Syrup. Iti is very pleasant to take and always cur- es the little ones' coughs promptly. Mr. Wiliia,m Aberhart. of Seaforth, has .purebased the store and residence of Mrrs. Thos. Dal,;, of Egmond:ville. He will also xemove from where he naw resides to the residence which,he has purchased. At a meeting of the Ontario cabinet an crater was passed permi tltitng the .bavetn of Godenici to issue, debentures) to the nm•owntt ,of $3,000, for the pur- peee of paying for blhe:ineciasatery me- ters far the electric light 'plaint. Colonel Varcoe, of .the Huron Regi- ment thavin,g been placed on the nettrecj list, Major Young, of Colborne, :will -take Acs place, Captain Dudley Holm es, of Wingham, and Captain H. B. Combe, of Clinton will be Senior , and Junior. Majors, re, pe:ativreJy. Wm. Wray, of Belgrave bas sold his farm ,properly, clue siating 'of 150 acres of band situated on the 3rd line of Mor - res, as Robt, Maguire of the 1st rind of the sauna township. The purchase price, was 7,150, and: Mr.- Maguire gets ipaslrnssion in April next:. A boa of Milburn's Rheumatic Pills will be sent free to any one who suf- fere from Rheumatism, Sciatica, Luna bags or Neuralgia if they have never pried these pills .before. Send 2c_ stamp for postage to The T. Milburn Co.. Limited Toronto, Ont. A. J. Cooper, of Goderioh, shipped 5,000 bushels of wheat to the WdefIe MIIIierg Ccivapa,a,; at Amlier•5tburg, per aieambeat City of Mount Clemens Last week he shipped twelve cars of cats to New York three cars of,tvbea,t to Chatham and one car of barley, •via• New York, to France Both hat and this year, the potato rod cleared out the crop of potaeoes in the vicinity of Chesley. Some farmers kvae been able to save part of their potatoes this year and gather thiem iota their root houses, mut evese there the potatoes are spoiling. This year the rot has attacked the turnips. Mr. T. Meths wino• always has the heart car e:tetrytlrcng, this week kii'el an eight mantis' ofd pig, which when dressed tipped the scales at 340 pounds He alas offered. 8 cents a pound ,Cerin Time. total coat of feed apart from •-the m:lk from two cawva was,;S2,50. Torn would like to heal' from any person wei' iy earn baht this. Airs M. Thompson, of Seafor:h, met wwita a very painful accident on Thurs day afternoon of last week. She step- ped an en apple peeling on the walk on Main sec, near 1Ir: Roberts' drug score. and falling had her right arm fractured and her wrist distant - ed. She had her other arm broken a few years ago. .The following students of the God. etuic'h Model school have already suc- ceeded in obtaining schools far 1001 e Miss Nicholson, near Zurioh ; Miss Sturdy. !inn Shanley ; Miss 'Oartr+rr ; Aching Joints it the fingers, toes, arms, and other parts of the body, are joints that are Inflamed and swollen by rheumatism- that acid condition of the blood which affects the muscles also. Sufferers dread to move, especially after sitting or lying long, and their. condition is commonly worse in wet Weather. "I suffered dreadfully from rheumatism, bat have been completely cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, for winch I am deeply grate' tel." Miss Z'seece9 Sxnnr, rrescott, Ont• "X bad an attack of the grip which lett me weak and helpless and suffering from tho- matism i began taking Hood's Sarsapa- rilla and this medicine bas entirely cured me. 1 breve no hesitation in saying it saved my life." M. r. MODoerate, Trenton, Ont. good's Sarsaparilla lteinoves the eause of rheumatism -no outward application can. Take it, tweit Perth Od `,/ 0 Elize ebh Carney, Ill teep yea,r.p,kd 0 If da(utgbtletr cte;i41:r. !and Mrs., Pt etriele A sits Pills are good liver N v Downie, died an lvIouday, s: You know that. The best Always avoid harsh purgative pills family laxative you can buy. Tihey first make you sick and .then heaveyou constipated: Carter's .l•.it- ley keep the bowels regular, tie Lives' Pills regulate the bowels !CUM constipation.. a.o. Oreo,.. and make you. well. Dose, one pill, xawne' Ddnsu. 'The Ma;vwell works, $4. ittaITS have clamed Oman far a few days, to enable the wear( nein to install a; new engine;, the olid •one being inadeaauate ;to peat., farm tihle heavy dot+ies of running the Machinery sufficiently to get alt t110 paver required. The Rev. Mr. 'Taylor, of St.bLarys, pree,aobed a strcing esermlon upoa'arbi- traltian as being superior to war , for settling internlatianal disputes, . 11eire forred to the Alaska Boundary Award quitting Bishop Ridley, of Caledonia, B. C., evibo says that Canada by it has bee:a n gainer. Want your moustache or beard beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S BYE Parr: ore. araauaco..ruerinatr.Et. AMINIGNIGANYVINIANNI • Miss MceDon.aid,; F. Sweet, near Exet- er : Mr. Matheson., ,to Ashfield ; C.. As- quith:, Chur'clhili; E. ltic(beirittscn, Lon - d' l lboaro. Average selaryi, $ 325: Mary- A.. O'Connell, Middle Stewi ackae, ;N. S.. seas : "1 bavet used Laxa- Liver Pills for serious Liver Com- plaint and y heve done mea world goodcif making g me smart and well. Rabe.nt Gaienlcok has alseover- arn extensive bed. of mama on his farm on, .tate 3rd!ccnc ►(::ion' of • M'egill op, 'which he thinks is suitable for the rnniti: me e:1 tcte,mpnt,' :There are tiwwtc different 'varieties of the sobs Lento, elute unslelri;yin g lthr other. Should, this pirav a .to be gemellus Mr. G•ovenlookl wwull lbia:vte a valuable; .property as it is twti•thin two codes of Setafoatb, railway startiotn• The pricipelrty owners of Winghra,an), on Tuesday., .of Last wieek, by Met:ri vot- es• emp.awered the Town Council, ijo puaicll:ase the plant,. Machinery, eta. from bhe Wingham Electric Light Co, Tthe votes wwtais a very good ane4 neariy the trael amenable vote being polled watch shows that the nate payers are blear tiay in favor of municipal ownIer- stbep of pull:die frnnahises, Itti wvi11,l pleasing to the Town Council to fined that the by-law has been so heartily approved by the property owners. Miss. A. Caroline M,acdanald, B.A., of Wtinghacm wee appointed Fgr:eigh See - rotary of the !Young Women's Chris tion Asssocia,tion•, and will go to Japan Tthis .young lady is the talanted,dau- ghter of Dr. P. Macdonald, M. P. , and aim prefers the work she isengaged,in to that of arty other. Slie eis an eec- pterrit ntn .nealtueenatiels, having won the Blake scbalaaiship at Toronto Uni.vea- sity, and some time ago she was offe'r- etd a position in the .financial Depart- mien,L, at Ottawa, at $$00:'a yetaereun-- known to her father and without his influence, but she declined it, preferr- ing to follow her work in connection with the Y. ,W. C. A.-ClunUo;n New Era. CONSUMPTION BEGINS WITH lA .COUGEI, The (cough racks and tears thet ea - tissues of .the throat. Inflammation supenrenee and, then serious brontibie eel or lung trouble is established. The important time is at the, beginning. Stay the progress of the cough by us- ing eragrant healing Catarrhozone which reaches every part of the bron- chial tubes, throat and lungs. Catar- hozan:e destroys disease germs, stops the 'cough, beads sore spots, clear; the nose and throat of discharge.• Catarr- hozone soothes, never irritates. Gu- aranteed for every form of Catarrh: For lasting cure use Catarrhozone. TwwDi mouths' treatment $1.00 ; triak size ':5c. Middlesex Mr. F. H. Neil, heft he Maple Avenue Stock Fermi eft last week for the State of Nevada'withtwo car loads of his well-known Lincoln Sheep. All cases ef weak or lame back, backache, rheumatism, will find relief by wearing one of Carter's Smart \Vet;+d and Belladonia Baekache Plas- tors.. Prim 25 cents: Tay them. Harold W. Souther, one of the most widely known young, mon of London,' met an instant and terrible death on Thursday night last •by' being runiav- er by No. 5 G. T. 11. express for the tunnel, the accident happening in docent of the Richmond street station :shortly after 8 o'clock. Mr. South- am has horribly mangled, when taken from beneath the train A NOTED HORSEMAN'S EXPERI- ENCE. Mr. Antoine Wendling. owner of De verrais 211 1-4, and proprietor 'VA tan Cattalo clause, Brockville, says, nuli- niment camrptures srzith Nerviline for general use around the stable. Far strains, sprains, swellings, internal pains and effections of the whirl bone, Ne,iiv:ilines u:nequerlleld.l Mir. Wenct- Ling' believes Nerviline isindispensible as a. bores liniment; it has strength, penetrating paver and works thorou- ghly. Every horse and stock owner should use Nerviline. Sold in large 25c, battles Are you thinking what pa- per you wi:1 take for 1004? SELECT THE BEST, WHICH 15 THE Ateri Advertiser Y Urti -'75 CENTS YEAR tins No Equal in the Province Read their premium offers Write 7 rif C; for sa.n 1 copy. .Address All orders; WESTERN f1DVERTI8ER London. Ont. .Milburn's Sterling Headacbe Pow - dere cantnin neither morphine nor opium. They promptly ours Sick Headrtrrhta, Neuralgia, Headache,,Head- acllue of Grippe, headache of delicate ladies and Headache from any cause wwutlevie r. Price 10c and 25c. :During Sunday night burglars en- tered the Grand Trunk elation at Str- ,atfard, and made off with about • $100 In cash,' postage stamps, boxes of cig- ,hria, and eatables,. notwithstanding, that the, usual !nunbelr of ,gond men were. cm duty et net ime. The ticket effice, :news aaband, bar and rue ch,rooan ad1 a'ufferrietd alike. !TThe door, :of the roan's. waiting+ Team was forced ,open by oin instrument resembling a acrid chisel, from thio masks on.it. A t a mereitang in T,eirento this. Domin• ion Linseed Oil Co. was organized, rto Lake over bale factoresi located restpee- Lively tat Baden, Elc,xta, Owen !Sound, Guelph, and Montxeai James Living - abate, of Baden, was elected !president and manager ; John Me ga:van, of Elora, vLee president ; and S. tJ. ! Par- ker, Owen Sound ; Peter L'itvings t.on, Baden; H. P. Liviaga1'on, Baden; John hic,C+owan, El,oria ; and; F..'.7. Sa,nder%sona St. 1Vl:arys, direeltoirs. The ea:pi:Lel of the company' is ,placed, at' , 500,000. Stratford curling clubs organized for the eamunlg ee+ason ,'at a moat• en- ooureg;img meeting held in :the ;Wr iari- eor hotel. )rest evening, the retiring paestidtelut, J. W. C,haweu, pr'esidin •. The club has a lar;getr, cre,drit balance. bo marry over ::this year than anysince its inauguratiau. The eletiono of offi cars resulted as' follows :-Patron', A. F. McLaren, :M. P. ; presiden't, LW. Steinhoff ; vice. P.,F tewairt ; mere -taxa lirlea(suretr, Captain A. H. Molnteith; chtapiadns. Bsv.D. Williams, M. A. Rev M. L. Leitch. r Bears the ,q The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of CLEARS AlirAy WORMS. 1 ars. Wna. Gra,haen, Sheppardtorn, n . writes: "I have given Dr• Law's i4 :.trm Syrup to my boy time :and again and find it a. good worm'medi- care. It is nice to take, and never. ma- kes the :.child sick like •pc,wders." Prig 25c. ACCIDENT TO LORD K1TCIHENER Who had the misfortune to have one of his legs broken while riding in a tunnel Lard Ki tchener, commander-in-chief of the British forces in Tndia„has met with, a serious acidsnt, while riding home •alone from a country house near Santa. tisisawwgas;passinrge tli,rouog1h a kunnei his horse became frightened and collided with the walled side.'One of Lord Ki t'crhreener's leg's was: broken iu two elacos. Some time afterwards coolies ,passing•, 44ax+ounrh the tunnel found the commander-in-chief lying there helpless, and brought him to Simla•. He is now reported to .be do-. i,ng well. Al though aecustamed, to the ttwnuel, Lb,rtl Iititcbtener's horse was fri,ghllemeL1 by suddetnly terming u pen a a1n•Liva. Tire animal swerved and ja,mmeld its rider against a beam in the side wall. Drs leg was twisted and both bones snapped abovet be •ankles. Upon disco••verrin> identity of the injureed man the coolies bolted and left him lying cin. the ground,. where he suffetred greatly for half aa hour. The broken bones have been set and,af tor having passed a good night the general is in a cheerful mood. It ap- pears that Lord Kitchener had inform ed the members of bis s tai f f that: lie was rot going out for a ride, butrlat- eer changed his plans. Hence, he wefts alone whon the acoident occurred. 'W 11EN YOU NEED PHYSIC. ale,t a. box of the cad reliable Dr, liam:ilbotn's Pills of Ma nder;ake and Buettennut, which loosens the bowels without causing griping pains. Nore- m•edy is half se satisfactory 'iz?e Dr. Hamilton's Pills, Price 25c. Richard McKee, of Comber, notified Chief Willis, of Windier, that he had did:rctve:reel slue alayor of Glory 'Whal- en, who w e h.o ♦ asso brutally , b y murdered at Collingw'ood, Ont., three months ago Thane is a reward of :1000for tl h the capture of their assailant. The prisan- e!r is •a• ener-lelgged colored man, who was arre/mated on tiie premises:et Mc- Kee.. %\\\ \\\ N', \'" \ 0 • The Rind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been an also for rover 30 years, has borne the signature of V4° ,..., ....wmmv and has been made under his per.. ',s ` y L izig sonars pervtsiora since its inioncy. .ilow •into one to deceive •you in •this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health or Doti ulas and Children --Experience against Experiment* hat is CASTORIA Caslteria is a harmless substitute for Castor (Dill, Pare. ge •ice Drops and. Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It eontaheai Neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance,. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms mid alloys Feverishness. 115 cures Diarrhoea, and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, enres Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the. Food, regulates the Stomach and 13owels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. ENU9IV TO R IA ALWAYS. Bears this Signature of The Yid You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY 77 MURRAY STREET NEW YORK CITY. Iw i►saoaoeaoo©ooaaaoameooaoaa Portland Cement .ga- WWE HAVE just received a quan- tity of the best grade of Port - and cement can be had at either Centralia or Exeter Storehouses. WANTED WHEAT OATS, BARLEY For which full market prices will be paid at storehouses, EXETER, CENTRALiA, AND CLANDEBOYE. JOS. COBBLEDIOK 00444,0ae44"aaa440a444e4.410a4dt ANTED, A man to represent "CANADA Se GREATEST NURSERIES" in the town of EXETER and surrounding country, and take orders for OUR #it1RUY SPEGIR TIES In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, I Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent position for • the right man on either salary or - commission. Stone Sc. Wellington RONTHILL NURSERIIES over S00 acres ONTARIO TORONTO, • To have a truly delicious steak - rich and juicy, done to a turn -it must be broiled. Yet most ranges don't make _proper provision for broiling. The broiling and toasting door of the i perial Oxfor R ge is particularly capacious. You can get a large broiler easily into the door and over the glowing coals, •without stooping or getting the heat of the fire yourself Call at one of our agen- cies or write to us for booklet l• The Gurney Foundry Co. Limited. Toroaat0 Montreal. Win taipegf Vazascstsvor i SOLD BY T. HAWKINS & SON London, Huron and Bruce. Goren Nonars- Passenger. London, depart 8.15 a, le. 4.40r, M. Centralia ...... .-9,i 6.60 Exeter 9,30 6.0 Hensall 9.44 6,15 Kippen 9.50 6.25 Brumfield 9.58 6.33 Clinton 10.15 0.88 Wingham arrive11.10 8.00 (4omro BOOTH- Passenger Wingham, depart 6,63 A. ;ti. 8.151'. as Olintcue" . 9 .. 7.17 4.25 B oaru field 9.05 4,49 Kippon .15 4.57 Elanealt ... .22 5 02 r Eiret:er 8.8,, 5.10 Centralia 8.40 5.25 London ,e.rrivo9.37 5.12 0 1; BEWARE OF WORMS Don't let worms gnaw at the vitals of your children. Give, theirs Dl•. Low's Pleasant Worn Syrup alai they'll soon be rid of these parasites. Price 25 cents. EXETER MARKETS Wheat per bushel' .... 75 to 76' Oats new .... .. . .. ' 26 to 28, 13arley 86 to 40 Butter ..... 1G E gs 1$ W ool 14 to 14 Pork live weight ....$5.10 to $5.10' Pork Dressed $7.00 to $7.25 Turkey .... , ... 10 Decks Chicken 7. To CCure a Cold in n cr r , . "T vo liiays. Take LaXative Bio m ° Quirgine T 1 bO eve L Seven Million bones sold in past 12 maoniths, This signature, 444 .''" box. 250. ataPak rt»g i