HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-11-19, Page 2raeseirrenedaaerne rezeresfeet%Ycradalenceedenn Lrlad+tnon anewMa'&nderie'ekrececteri-�
HE ! 0
TOF ? .
One of those great calamities which
visit us Duce or twice it may be in a
century, descended upon London. on
Saturday the `i d of June, 2861. It
was the ;sudden, and for the time
overwhelming, attack of an old and
unconquerable enemy, who found us,
as usual, inadequately prepared to
meet him.
Fire has fought with us and fed
upon us since we became a nation,
and yet, despite all our efforts, its
flames are at thia day more furious
than ever ! There are more fires
daily in London now than there ever
were before. Has this foe been pro-
perly met ? is a question which net-
wral'ly arises out of this fact. Re -
forting to the beautiful organization
of the present Fire Brigade, the abil-
ity of its chiefs and the courage of
its men, the answer is, Yes, decided-
ly. But referring to the strength of
the brigade; to the munitions of war
in the form of water; to the means of
conveyance in the form of mains; to
the system of cheek in the shape of
an effective Act in reference to par-
tition walls and moderately -sired
warehouses; to the means of preven-
tion in the shape of prohibitious and
regulations in regard to inflammable
substances—referring to all things,
the answer to the question, "Has the
foe been properly met ?" is emphati-
cally, No.
It is not sufficient to reply that a
special inquiry is being made into
this subject now; that steps are be-
ing actually taken to remedy the
evils of our system (or rather of our
want of system) of. lire prevention.
Good may or may not result from'
this inquiry : that is yet to be seen.
Meanwhile the public ought to be
awakened more thoroughly to the
fact that an enemy is and always
has been abroad in our land, who
might be, if we chose, more effective-
ly checked; who, if he has not yet
attacked our own particular dwelling
may take us by surprise any day
when we least expect him, and who
does at all times very materially
diminish our ' national wealth and
increase our public burdens. Perhaps
we should not style fire an enemy,
but a mutinous servant, who does
his work faithfully and well, except
when neglected or abused
About five o'clock on Saturday af-
ternoon intelligence of the outbreak
of fire in Tooley Street reached the
headquarters of the brigade in Wat-
ling Street.
Fire in Tooley Street ! The more
summons lent enerto the
gy nerves
and spring to the muscles of the fire-
men. Not that Tooley Street en it-
self is more peculiarly dangerous in
regard to fare than are the other
streets of shops in the City. But
Tooley Street lies in a dangerous
neighborhood. The streets between.
it and the Thames, and those lying
immediately to the west of it, con-
tain huge warehouses and bonded
stores. which are filled to suffocation
with the "wealth of nations." Dirty
streets and narrow lanes here lead
to the fountain head of wealth un-
tone—almost inconceivable. The ele-
gant flirgree-work of `Vest -End lux-
ury may here be recti enamelled, as
it were, and in the oro. At the
same time the rich substances on
which fire feeds and fattens are stor-
ed here in warehouses which (as they
are) should never have been built,
and in proximities which should nev-
er have been permitted. Examine the
wharves—Brook's Wharf, Bears
Wharf, Cotton's Wharf, Chamberlains
Wharf, Freeman's Wharf, Griffin's
Wharf, Stanton's Wharf and others.
Investigate the lanes—Hay's Lane.
Mi:l Lane, Morgan's Lane; and the
streets—Bermondsey, Doekhead, Pick-
le -Herring Street, Horsley down, and
others,—and there, besides the great
deposit and commission warehouses
which cover acres of ground, and are
filled from basement to ridge pole
with the coanmodities and combusti-
bles of every clime, you will find
huge granaries and stores of lead,
alum, drugs, tallow, chicory, flour,
rice, biscuit, sulphur, and saltpeter,
mingled with the warehouses of
cheese agents,- ham -factors, provision
merchants, tarpaulin -dealers, oil and
,7 r s.
tthey quickly caught bold of vast
t r thes s'
pat ,for a of pr•ourmi es accepted by
the Arm of Seovell and Co.
"Tbere'a not a chance," said Frank
to Dale, while he wiped rd tI
e perspira-
tion etS
from his forehead, and sat down
for afew seconds to recover breath;
he had 4
tram for 1 ac sued fra burn-
ing building, driven back by heat
and setuoke—"There's not a chance of
saving that block; all the iron doors
that were meant to keep the fire
from spreading, have been left open
by the workmen 1"
"Chance or no chance, we must
do our best" said Dale. "Come lad,
with Me; I think we inny get at a
color merchants, etc. In fact, the door Weide the next warehouse,
entire region seems laid out with a through which we might bring the
view to the raisi';g of a. bonfire or a branch to bear. Aro you able ?"
pyrotechnic display on the grandest "All right," exclaimed Frank, leap -
conceivable scala ! ing up, and following his loader
Little wonder, then, +bat the fire- through the smoke.
men of Watling Street turned eat all "Have a care 1" cried Frank, paus-
their engines, including two of Shand ing as a tremendous explosion caused
and Mason's new land steaau fire- the ground to tamable under their
engines, which had at that time just feet.
been wrought into action. Little "It's sulphor or saltpeter," cried.
wonder that the usual request for a Dale, pushing on, "there are tons
man from each station was changed upon tons of that stuff in the cellars
into an urgent demand for every mon all round.
that could possibly bo spared. This was indeed the case. It was
The tire began in the extensive said that upward of :?r000 tons of
wharves and warehouses known as! saltpeter were in the vaults at the
Cot.on's Wharf, near London Btidgetirne; and several explosions had el-
and was first observed in a ware- ( ready taken place, though, fortunate -
house over a counting -room by some ly, without doing injury to any one.
workmen, who at once gave them Dale had already partially exnmin-
alarm, and attempted to extinguish ed the warehouse, into which he now
it with some buckets of water. They led Frank; and, therefore, although
were quickly driven back, however, I it was full of smoke, he moved rap -
by the suffocating smoke, which soon idly along the narrow and intricate
filled the various floors so densely i passages between the bales of goods
that no one could approach the seat, until he reached an iron door.
of the fire. "Here It is, we'll open this and
Mr. Dea.idwood, who was early au have a look," he said, grasping the
the spot, saw at a glance that a handle and swinging tho heavy door
pitched battle was to bo fought, and'• open.
one of the papers of the. day) "gath-
ered together to witness the general
not of a dead monarch, not of a.
great warrior, not of a distinguish-
istinguished stat.il r
e er noteven of a m
� an
famous in art, in literature, or in
science, but simply of James Braid -
wood, late a a e truper•intetrdont of the
London Fire -Engine Establishment"
—a true hero, and one who wassaid,
by those who knew him best, to be
an earnest Christian man.
But at the moment of his fall his
men were engaged in the thick of
battle. Crrushing though the news
of his death was, there was no
breathing -time to realize it.
The fierce heat had not only driven
back the firemen onshore, but had
compelled the floating fire -engines to
haul off, in consequence of the flam-
ing matter which poured over the
wharf wall and covered the surface of
the river the.entiro length of the
burning warehouses: while the whole
of the earriage-way of'Tooloy Street
was' ankle deep in hot oiland tal-
low. After the fall of their Chief,
Messrs. Henderson. and Pogo, two
of the principal officers of the bri-
gade, did their utrnost to direct the
energiesof the men.
Night closed in, and the flames
continued to rage in all their fury
and magnificence. News of this
great fire spread with the utmost
rapidity over the metropolis. Indeed
it was visible at Hampstead while it
was yet daylight. When darkness
set in, one,of the most ext,raordinary
scenes that London ever produced
was witnessed. From all quarters
the people came pouring in, on foot
in omnibus, cab, pleasure -van, cart,
and wagon—all converging to Lon-
don Bridge. At nine o'clock the
Bridge and its approaches presented
all the appearance of the Epsom road
;like a wise general, conceutrated al!( Instantly, a volume of black smoke 1 on the Derby day. Cabs and busses
the force at his command. Exprees,; drove both the men back, almost suf- plied backward and forward on the
es were sent for the more distant Meeting them. They could not Bridge all night, carrying an unlim-
brigade engines, and these cacao dash- speak; but each knew that the re- ited number of passengers at 2d. and
rlosririg of that iron door was all- 8d. each, and thousands of persona
ing up, one after another, at Pull
speed. The two powerful steam important, for the fire had got nearer spent the night in thus passing to
floating -engines which guard the to it than Dale had imagined. and fro. The railway terminus.
Thames from fire were moored. ole T1 ey both darted forward; but were Bi:lingsgate Market, the roof of the
the wharf, two lengths of hove at- again driven back, and had to rush Coal Exchange, the Monument, the
tached to them, and led on shore and to the open air for breath. Frank quays, the windows. the house -tops,
brought to bear on the file. A num- recovered before his comrade, in con- the steeples, and the- chlnniey-stacks
Ma of land-eagle:e'i took up. a poli- sequence of the latter haviug made a —all were crowded with human be -
tion in Tooley Street, ready for ac- more strenuous and prolonged effort ings, whose eager upturned faces
tion, but these wore compelled to re- to close the door which he had so rendered intensely bright against the
main idle for nearly an hour before unfortunately opened. surrounding dankness by, the fierce
water was obtainable from the fire- Without a moment's hesitation, he glare of the fire. But the Thames
plugs 1 0 London ! with all your sprang into the warehouse again; presented the most singular appear -
wealth and wisdom, bow strange regained and partially closed the arse 01 all,—now reflecting on its
that such words can be truly written door, when the stifling smoke choked bosom the inky black clouds of
of you 1 him, and he fel to the ground. A smoke: anon the red flames, as fresh
The vessels Which were lying at the few seconds later, Dale followed him, fuel was licked up by the devouring
wharf discharging and loading were and found him there, Applying his element, and, occasionally, sheets of
hauled out of danger into the stream, great strength with almost super- *liver light that flashed through the
In course of time the engines were human energy to the door, it shut chaos when sulphur and saltpeter ex -
in full play, but the warehouse burst i with a crash, and the communication plosions occurred. Mountains of
into flames from basement to roof in i between the buildings was cut off ! flame frequently burst away from
spite of, them, and ere long eight of! Dale then seized Frank by the collar, the mass of burning buildings and
the great storehouses were burning, and dragged him iuto the open air, floated upward for a few moments,
furiously. The flames made rapid! when he himself almost sank to the and tho tallow and tar which flowed
work of it, progressing toward the •• grouud. Fresh air, however, soon out of the warehouses floated away
line of warehouses facing the river, restored them both, and in a few 1 blaaing with the tide and set the
and to the lofty building whioh ad- minutes they were actively engaged shipping on fire, so that land and
joined on the Tooley Street side. at another part of the building. water alike seemed to bo involved in
Dale and his men wore quickly on Bravely and perseveringly though one huge terrific conflagration.
the scene of action, and had their this was done, it availed not, for The utmost consternation prevail -
engine soon at work. Before long. nothing could withstand the fury of ed on board the numerous craft on
Frank Winders joined them. T1'ey the fire. The warehouse caught, and the river in the vicinity of the fire,
were playing in at the windows of a was soon a glowing mass like the :for thick showers of sparks and burn -
largo store, which was burning so others, while the flames raged with 1 ing materials fell incessantly. Gusts
furiously that the interior appeared such violence that their roaring of wind acted on the ruins now and
to be redhot. drowned the shouting of men, and then, and at such momentr the gaunt
"Relieve Corney, lad," said Dale, the more distant roar of the innum- walls, cracked and rivenout of shape
as Frank sure forward. erab)e multitude that densely covered stood up glowing with intense white
"Och 1 it's time, cried Corney, de- London Bridge, and clustered on heat in the midst of a sea were
livening up the branch to Frank and every eminence from which a safe vomited, as from the crater of some
Morey; "euro ]3aemerc and me are view of the great fire could be ob- mighty volcano, with a roar that
molted intirely." tanned. mingled with the shouts of excited
Frank made no reply. He and The floating fire -engines had now thousands, and drowned even the dull
Morey directed the branch which the been at work for some time, and incessant thumpings of the engines
others resigned, turning their backs the men in charge of their branches that worked in all directions.
as much as possible on the glowing were suffering greatly from the in- Moored alongside of Chamberlain's
fire, and glancing at it over their tense heat. About this time, near- Wharf was a small sloop. Little
shoulders: for it was too hot to bo ly seven o'clock in the evening, Mr. blue blisters of light broke out inn
faced. Braidwood went to these men to her rigging; soon these increased in
Just then the Chief of the brigade give them a word of cnconragement size, and in a few minutes she was
came up. He proceeded down one of the ap- I on fire from stem to stern. I'maned-
"It's of no use, sir," "we can't preaches to the river from Tooley j iatoly after, there came a barge with
save these." Street, and stopped when nearly half flowing sails, borne on the rising
"True. Dale, true," said Dir. Braid way to give some directions, when a tide. Sho passed too near to the
wood, in a quack, but quiet tone; sudden and tremendous explosion conflagration. Her crew of three
"this block is doomed. 'Take your took place, shaking the already tot- men became panic-stricken, and lost
lads round to the nor' -east corner; tering walls, vehicle at this place were control of her. At sight of this a
we must try to prevent it spreading" of great height. A cry was raised ; great 'shout was raised, and a boat
As he surveyed the progress of the "Run 1 the wall is falling 1" Every put off and rescued the crew; but
fire, with a cool, practical eye, and one sprang away at the word. The almost before they were landed their
hurried off to another part 01 the wall bulged out at the same time; barge was alight from stem to stern.
battle -field to post his men to best and one of the firemen, seeing that Tho tremendous cheer that burst
advantage, little did the leader of, Mr. Braidwood was in imminent dan- from the excited multitude at sight
tho forces thiuk he was to be the ger, made a grasp at him as he was of this rescue rose for a ieoreacnt
first to fall that day 1 springing from the spot; but the above the roaring of,the conflagra-
Engines were no•w playing on the heavy masses of bt•ick-lvork dashed lion. Then another barge was set
buildings in all directions; but the ham away, and, in another moment, on lire by t'ne blazing tallow which
flames were so fierce that they made the gallant Chief of the Fire Brigade floated out to her, but she was sav-
no visible impression on them, and lay buried under at least fifteen feet ed by being scuttled.
of burning ruin. (To he Continued.)
even in the efforts made to check
their spreading, little success appear-
ed to attend them at Mat. Ware-
house after warehouse ignited.
To make matters worse, a fresh
breeze sprang up and fanned the
flames into redoubled fury; so that
Where octors and Surgeons, Medicines and
ations Fail, You Can be Cured by
Dr. Chase's Ointments
There is always some standard by
.which the merits of an article are
zneas,•ured. • :Among ointments the
standard is Dr. Chase's. If a dealer
tries to sell you any other kind he
tries to clinch his argument by say-
ing "This is as good as Dr.
Don't be stifled with substitutes
or imitations, for Dr. Chase's Oint-
ment is the only positive and guar-
anteed cure for every form of piles.
Rov, yWm, Thomas, Brownsville,
Ont., writes : "As a man of seventy;
years I am grateful to God and to
Dr. Chase's Ointment for a cure of
piles which has caused me endless
annoyance and much misery. The
Itching and burning was almost be-
yond endurance, but Dr. Chase's
Ointment brought quick relief, and as
the trouble has not returned, I have
reason to believe that the• cure is
Mr. Daman 1W'acVicar, Caledonia
Bines, N. S., writes :—"For a awn -
mi. of years I have boon troubled
riffs blending mad protruding piles,
which only afford me temporary re -
which only afforded me tempera/7 re-
lief. Sometimes I would be laid off
from work for weeks. One day last
winter one of your books came into
my hands, and after reading the tes-
timonials of ivir. Donald MacLean of
Tarbot Vale, N.S., and Be''. S. A.
Dupree' of Belleville, Ont., I decided
to give Dr. Chase's Ointment a trial,
After using two boxes of this oint-
ment I found myself completely cur-
ed. What I suffered from that awful
disease would 1111 a big book. You
are at liberty to publish this, as it
may be the means of convincing
some poor sufferer, such as I was,
that there is a..curo for piles. To
all sufferers from piles in any form
I would recommend Dr. Chase's Oint-
ment as the only cure."
Dr. Chase's Ointment,. 60 cents a
bort at all dealers, or Fklmanson,
Bates & Company, Torento. To pro-
tect you against imitations the por-
trait and signature of Dr, A, W.
Obese, the famous receipt book au-
thor, aro on every box of hie reme-
Any attempt at rescue would have
been impossible, as well as unavail-
ing, for death must have been instan-
taneous. The hero's warfare with
the flames, 'which had lasted for up-
w.ard of thirty-eight years, was end-
ed; and his brave spirit returned to
God who gave it.
That. a man of no ordinary note
had fallen was proved, before many
hours had passed, by the deep and
earnest feeling of sorrow and sym-
pathy which was manifested by all
classes in London, from the Queen
d.ownward, as well as by the public
funeral which took place a few days
afterward, at which were present the
Duke of Sutherland, the Earl of
Caithness, the Rev. Dr. Cumming,
and many gentlemen connected with
the insurance offices; the committee
and men of the London Fire Brigade;
also • those of various private and
local brigades; the semetaa• ' and
conductors of the Royal Society for
the Protection of Life from Fire; the
mounted Metropolitan and City pol-
ice; the London Rifle Brigade (of
which Mr. Braidwood's three sons
were members); the superintendents
and men of the various water corn`
paries; and a long string of private
and mourning carriages:—to witness
the progress of which hundreds of
thousands of people densely crowded
the streets and clustered in the win-
dows and on every available emi-
nence 'along the route; while in
Cheapside almost all the shops were
shut and business was suspended; and
in the neighborhood of Shoreditch
toiling thousands of artisairs came
forth from factory and workshop to
"see the last of Braidwoorl," whose
name had been so long fami.iar to
them as a "hou.seheld word." The
whole heart of London seemed to
have been moved by ono feeling, and
the thousands who thronged the
fibres/to "had," (in the language of
The Suez Canal Company reports
that in consequence of the campaign
conducted by Major Ross of the Liv-
erpool School of Tropical Medicine,
the number of cases of malarial fev-
er at Ismailia has decreased in a
most marked manner, and that the
ordinary mosquitoes• have been anni-
hilated almost absolutely, so that
even in the worst period of the hot
season it has been found possible to
dispense with mosquito -nets. Water -
pools are systematically oiled, and
all places where larvae, can be hatch-
ed are unceasingly guarded.
Amateur artists are not dangerous
even if their designs are bad.
The secret of popularity is always
to remember what to forget.
461noonabia, sn4 !Prmtij ,ole .}
ialrrrs for the Stacy Tiers «al
et the Solt,
Nothing is of greater value on the
farm for gathering together a large
amount of available fertilizer each
year than a compost heap. It may
be located in some out of the way
place, but the ideal spot is, if pos-
tiible right in the barn yard. Ann -
how, it should be built near enough
to it SO the liquid manure from the
stables, and as much of the solids
as is desired, can be readily convey-
ed into it. It should be at least
two feet deeper in the centro than at
the sides, and if paved with stones
ltuid in cement will endure service
for a long time and give excellent
satisfaction. It should be of a size
sufficient Lo hold not only all the
refuse on the farm, but the liquid
excrement, and the water after a
rainfall, without overflowing. Cutt-
ings of weeds, grass, tender shrubs,
and briars from the roadside, along
fences, ditches, and waste pieces,
leaves from shade trees, potato, to-
mato, bean, and pea vines, corn
stubs and the like, including old
paper and rags, old boots and shoes,
cuttings from fruit and v'egotables,
can be deposited in it and economi-
cally got rid of. Deed poultry,
dogs, horses, cattle, and oven bones,
are worth more by being disposed in
this way than fertilizer manufactur-
ers pan for them, and if buried deep-
ly in the heap and cov'et'ed with
horse manure or soil, they are no
longer in the way of or a menace to
anyone, for all offensive odors from
them will thus be absorbed. Brush
and odd pieces that cannot be con-
verted into firewood, or made use of
in. some other manner, should be
brought and burned near the heap,
and the ashes from the fires added to
its contents. Wash water, house
slops. and all kinds of trash in fact,
should be collected here. In the
course of a year it will make a de-
posit of valuable fertilizer for the
garden or any kind of crop at very
small cost; if stirred up or turned
over quite frequently the pile will
be thoroughly mixed, fine, and all
ready to become available to the
plants as soon as applied. Every
dollar paid out for commercial fer-
tilizers, that could have been saved
by loosing after a home-made arti-
cle equally as good in every respect
is absolutely thrown away., Moro -
over, when vines, stubs and such
like, or crops sown for the purposes
aro plowed in where they grow, the
poor spots of the field get the least
benefit and the rich places the most;
on the other hand, by putting on
compost the order is reversed. To
offset the cost of transportation to
and from the compost heap, there is
plowing and working; the weed seeds
and insect pests whioh would other-
wise live over in the field are drown-
ed, crushed or germinated to die in
the compost, and the vegetable mat-
ter is worth at fertilizer prices, from
five to eight dollars a ton. Hence,
it is clearly manifest, that a farmer,
who desires to keep his farm in , the
'highest state of fertility, can do
nothing better then collect those
things so often piled in corners to
feed weeds or thrown in the road to
be under foot and in the way for an'
indefinite period, perhaps, and dump
them in the compost heap. The fer-
tili:rer thus obtained works well, in-
deed, if spread on plowed ground,
and mixed with the surface soil. In
taking it out, begin at the highest
corner and throw back all the coarse
material 111 a new heap. The object
of mixing it with the surface soil is
that it will serve as a mulch in con-
serving moisture during a drou.th
iy preventing rapid evaporation. The
finer and more thoroughly rotted it
is, the better results it will give for
growing all crops.
The Danish Dairy Instructor, P.
Doggett], in a recent lecture, dwelt
at length on the use of lime in but-
ter factories.
He said that there is often occas-
ion to emphasize that it may be ne-
cessary to distinguish between clean-
ing and diffinfecting. It must be
conceded that tbo cleanliness with
which we—for practical reasons—
must be satisfied with in our factor-
ies in no way satisfied the strict de-
mand of the hygieuism which must
be applied. in fighting contagious dis-
eases in a herb; but on tho other
FJide it is generally acknowledged
that the best possible cleanliness is
equally desirable on account of the
health of the cows and the develop-
ment of their disease resisting pow-
ers, as it is of great importance in
the securing of fine and uutform
dairy prod.uets.
Ten or twenty dears ago heat was
used in the fight against bacteria.
Steam was employed liberally, and
the result was the warping of churns
and cream barrels. The floors were
scrubbed with boiling water, and it
was even proposed to scald the
drains which increased instead of
decreasing the smell. At present it
is an exception when a churn is
r' m
Mrs. Newyfe—Did you enjoy your dinner, my poor mane
Weary—re/joy it! Why, Ycr t'pM, I almost laughed mes to death over
deco croquettes!
steauiod« All wooden ntensf.s are
rinsed and ecrubbed, .first with cold
or lake -warm water to remove the
milk, and then they are covered with
a coat of thick muslin of sleeked
lime. After ten or twenty minutes
or later, the churns (or other uten-
sils) aro scrubbed with the limo'and
cold water, after whioh they' are
riusod twice in warm water and at
last with water hot enough to make
the Wood dry quickly.
A mixed rationwill nearly always
give More satisfactory results than
any ono material. Oats and cern
with good hay and fodder, can be
made the principalparts of a ration,
while bran, oil meal and quite a
number of other materials can be
used to make up a variety, Uso a
larger proportion of corn during tho
winter and less during the summer,
increasing the oats in the summer
and lessen the amount in the winter.
Oats make one of the very best feeds
that can be supplied to horses, and
especially so to the working teams.
The windmill has become a eecossi-
ty on farms. In proportion to cost
it gives more power and service than
any machine or"implement on the
farm. Not only will a windmill
pump water, but it will also grind
saw wood, cut the coarse food and
furnish power for many other pur-
ur poses. They have been greatly im-
proved, and are capable of doing
much more than many suppose.
Invest Their Savings in Trinkets
Instead of Cash.
The cigarette -makers in the City
road and the East -end at London are
just now feeling unusually proud.
They were delighted with the public
advertisement which a Police Court
case has given of the fact that the
jewellery they wear is not the worth-
less stuff it is often mistaken for;
but is real and genuine as that de-
lighted in by the ladies of the West -
end. A. young Jewess cigarette -
maker unsuccessfully sued her lover
for the return of the three engage-
ment rings he had given her and then
taken back after a lovers' tiff. Inci-
dentally it was found that the three
rings cost about $78.
Not all the work girls' jewellery is
genuine. But a surprising quantity
of it is, and among the foreign girls
who make cigarotts, especially the
Polish Jaws, it is almost all real,
and often very costly, though they
generally .prefer quantity to a little
of great value.
One reason of this is that these
girls earn high wages. At one large
tobacconist's there is a girl who can
earn as much as $1.2 a week making
hand -made cigarettes.
These hose giris work at piecerates, and
a thousand cigarettes a clayis a
poor average. But their earnings dei'
pend much on the nimbleness and
sureness of their fingers, and, though
beginners find it difficult to make $4
a week, and the fingers of others
never become quick enough to earn
$5 in tho week, an ordinary smart
girl will total up to $7 and $10.
Bat another reason why the cigar-
ette maker likes genuine jewellery is
that it is her "bank." Tho girls
live very cheaply, and, having a
native distrust of banks, yet being
'thrifty. their savings became a bur-
den to them. They are afraid to
bank it. afraid to leave it at home,
and still more afraid to carry it
about with them in the form of cur-
rent coin, for then they might only
1 lose it or be robbed, but even be
'tempted to spend some of it in un-
inicnded directions.
1 So they turn their money into jew-
ellery. And those who know them
say there are few buyers so expert.
They purchase chicly through their
own countrymen and co -religionists,
and generally by weight. 'They al-
low the seller very little profit, and
often obtain fine jewels at prices
which would astound those who pur-
chase through the ordinary courses.
In this way they can, whenever they
desire, turn their jewellery back into
gold with but very slight loss; and
what they lose in interest they gain
in the pleasure of possession end dis-
At a meeting in London, at which
the first annual report of the general
committee of the Cancer Research
Fund was presented, Sir William
Broadbent said he thought that in
the course of the work now being in-
augurated the nature, cause and cure
of cancer would bo arrived at, and
Dir•. Balfour remarked that there was
every reason to hope that the Inves-
tigations of the committee would ul-
timately prove successful. Although
it was deemed premature to make
any detailed statement of the experi-
mental work in progress, it was in-
dicated that considerable importance
is attached to the study of cancer as
it occurs spontaneously in the lower
Gorman farmers have discovered
that dried sugar -beets make an ex-
cellent fodder, which can be used as
a substitute for maize. When prop-
erly sacked and stored, they aro
kept without difficulty. One of the
effects of this use of beets in Ger-
many is expected to be the preven-
tion of overt -production of sugar. The
beets will bo utilized for fodder
yvhonever the price of sugar falls tori
CATARRH H CUBE r r r =" u.
p sere direct to the diseased
by the Reals the Ideas, clo Improved aha aft
passages, slops droppings In the
throat and permanently Curea
free. Alf ddealera klay D A W. Chane
Medicine Co„ ioroato and Buffeke
tv1oNARCI•IS WHO AIM kT,W.Ff.'ll'a
Emperor William Is a Good. Shot
—Does King Edward Go
President Roosevelt does not habi-
tually carry firearms, in spite of
stories which have been printed to
the contrary, and in this he differ/
Irene Emperor William and several
other executives of European na-
tions, who make a point of being al-
ways armed. The Kaiser is never
without his revolver, Ho is extrem-
ely skilful in the use of tho weapon,
and his Jaeger, or body servant, who
accompanies him everywhere, in-
spects it every morning to make sura
that it is in perfect workleg order.
l?irnnly convinced that he i1 oing to
die by the hand of an anarchiate this
fate having been prophesied to him
long ago, he is determined at least
to put up a fight for his life, and
to have at any rate the satisfaction
i1 he fails, of inflicting some injury
upon hie assailant,
Nor can any one blame the Em-
peror, for he knows that iuen occu-
pying the position of rulers are in
constant peril of attempts made on
their lives, not merely by anarchists
and by revolutionists, but also by
cranks of the cl c r f h
& lar a te O the as-
sassin of President Mclfinley, whip
the experiences of the last forty
years, indeed, ever since as a ohild
the Emperor became able to think
and observe for himself, have • fur-
urhashed hien with numerous proofs
that not even the most carefully and
elaborately organized system of pro-
tection on the part of the military
guards and police car secure a ruler
from his would-be murderer.
Iia was at Berlin when his grand-
father, to whom he was devoted,
was struck down by Nobiling, and
since he has reached manhood he has ti:•r`----
been called upon to don mourning
for his friend ICing Humbert, for
his kinsmen Emperor Alexander of
Russia, for the Empress of Austria.,
King Alexander of Servia, the late
Shah of Persia and President Car-
not of Franco, all of whom havo been
laid low by murderers. It is there- •
fore only natural that the IC:!ee-an
should go armed, so as to be ire a
position to at least make some de-
fence in the event of his being at-
Whether King Edward still carries
a pistol, now that he is on the
throne of Groat Britain, it is hard
to say. But he certainly used tjo
go ariiied when still Prince of Wales.
This was shown on one occasion
when he was riding in Hyde Park in
London. A horse which had first ,
bolted and then collided with the
railings, had sustained scroll shock-de,,,,Erna4
ing injuries as to render it impossle
bio that it should recover. As it
was suffering dreadfully, h ri.
the riders
had assembled on the spot de-
cided that it should be put out of
misery at once, and, accordingly,
called upon the policeman who had
appeared upon the scene to shoot the
animal. The policeman declined on
the ground that he was unarmed,
and further added that he had no
authority to kill the horse, even We,
pistol were to be furnished him. The
Prince of Wales, who was looking on,
thereupon produced a small revolver
from his pocket, and shot the horse.
thus revealing the fact that he was
the only man in the crowd who hap-
pened to be carrying a pistol.
His brother-in-law, the late Em-
peror of Russia, always kept re-
volver within reach, which was only
natural since he knew that Nihilist
assassins clogged his every footstep.
Isis son, Emperor Nicholas, presum-
ably follows his example, and no
secret is made of the fact that King
Victor Emmanuel is always armed,
as was his father, the illfated King
Humbert, who, it may be remember-
ed, was struck down by Bresci's bul-
let before ho had been able to fire
a single shot in his own defence.
King Carlos of Portugal also car-
ries a revolver since his encounter
with a tramp on a lonely road in
the neighborhood of Cintra, when,
having interfered to save an unfortu-
nate man from being robbed and
probably murdered, he had a hand-
to-hand fight with the knight • of
the road before assistance reached
him and he was able to subdue his
From this it will be seen that the
executives of nations usually go
armed. not only for their own sakes,
but likewise for that of the people
over whose destinies they preside,
since the assassination of the lead
of the nation invariably leads to a
crisis and to a disturbance of the
normal course of events. Indeed, it
is incumbent upon them to take eY-
ery possible measure that they can
devise to protect themselves from
the danger of assassination. -
An amusing story, characteristic, of
true peasant cunning, comes from
A peasant had gone to law With
a neighbor, and, in conversation with
his lawyer, suggested sending as it
present a couple of fine ducks to the
magistrate who was to try the race.
"Don't dream of such a thing,"
said the horrified lawyer; "it would
certainly cause you to lose."
Tho case was heard, and the de-
eision given in favor of the nine,
who turned with a triuinpbant grin
t0 his lawyer, and said :
"I did send those ducks," The law-
yer looked at him in dumb nancize-
Muout, which turned to irrepressible
acfiuiration when the peasant contin-
ued : "Ilu,4 •X sent theip in pry ileiglr-
bor's name,,
A fatnily jar is never used in 1)1'o-
sor virrg peace.
Njuwornen or cigars hl.
their•ever W1'e,pdgepets,
Probably the Hest way to kill ;
falsehood is to let it 16+.t.
Never judge a woman's smile i4.
hate 'teethe, they, mnn, be faf„1se,