HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-11-12, Page 8.4♦
i0.# r.+�4 ,►►+NO+s+4+Ire•s++4t1+s00+ ..... r ....s.+P
WS IS FUR MU and STEWART'S is Fur Place.
We believe our stock of Furs is the largest and=.
2 ost-up-to-date in the county, We invitexte cver3w
reader of The Times to drop in and . see our big Fur:
:Stock. Christmas will soon be here, and you X .now Furs
*are such useful presents.•
$2.00 for Ladies' Black Hair
8..00 for L<d
' Black Astra
eer►- Coney Neck off, trimmed withChan FurLoat, well made and
:natural head and tails. , well lined, Great value.
„O $85.00 for .Ladies' Swell' Elect= a
.0 $4.25 for Ladies' near seal, long ric Seal Fur Coat, a lovely gar= •a
O fur, Neck Ruff, trimmed withmea$83,. 00
t +
cord and cluster tails. . for Ladies'' chaiceat
forLadies' Electric Seal Coat, with Tae-•
A $4.50 adies Long Neck inanian Sable Trimmings; very.
Ruff, a beauty. Sheared coney stylish.
• with cord and cluster tail trim- $10.00 for Ladies' Black Bus- •
mirage. sian Lamb 'Fur Coat, smalltight2
curl. We believe them the best a
o $7,50 for Ladies' Long Front wearing Fur Coat in the trade. 0
new style Storm collar, Ameri- +.
O'can. Seal, ,A real swell line, 5100.00 for. choice Black Per -
1 Sian Lamb Fur Coat Two on- a Mr. Edward Howard held an auc-
efo $8.00 for Ladies' American ly to sell. Both travellers sam- O tion sale on Mondaylast of his house
Sable Neck Ruff, :full clustre tail pies,. They are far below their 2 hold effects,etc. which sold well real -
e** trimmings,a swell neck garment. regular value. Come in and 2 zing good rices.. Mr. Howard well,
• see them, a this week to London where,hekhas as
4 $12.00 for Ladies Best Tas- We have a very large stock ; ce .ted :a ositiou ss motor -matt with
as maniac Sable Long Neck Ruff, of men's Fur porus. Every coat 0 the Loudon Street Oar 0o. We true.
a with cord and ci.ustre tails. a bargain. Do you want one? + sorry to lose Mr. J toward and family'
O 0 as citizens.
+ a The chicken -pie social at the Pres-
Ask for Mooney Biscuits, they are the best. ` byterian church on Friday last was a,,.
marked success: The program after
ee tthe supper was cif high older. Among
, O those who took part were : Mrs. Rev,
_ ►"1tT"i
Si r0VE11'B1ti 12th
get these two pictures as Well as a j
wink. teferellce Map of tl:e Dotnirdlon,"
FOR OV SB$U TX 1.0.4,11$,
Wiaslo ''s eotbiug SYyrri p has been used' or
mar sixty years bymilitoi et mothers tortheir
children wliile teething, with peeteot sucoess
It soothes the alai, Battens the gloms, allays all
pain mires wind Polio. and is the b ,st mined,
for Diorama. it is pleasant; to the taste. eoid
lay druggists in every part ot the world,. 25
cents a bottle. be value is linaseeidafae, Ile
sure and take Mrs Witelow's boothing
flame end ask for apo other slue.,
Mr. Alex McDonald having rented
his farm on, the Thames Road has
moved into e.r. Southcott's house
on Simcoe street. We understand
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald intend going
to California, in the near future for a
change of climate.
Ir,John �
arms received intima-
n i a•tion
on Monday last, of thedeath of
Mr. John A. Zinger, at Berlin, son of
Mr, Zioger, formerely of the Metro-
politan. The deceased was in the
drug business in Detroit and was visi-
ting at the home of his wife's parents
at Berlin where his death tool place.
Messrs Harvey Bros. are this week
renovating the exterior of their grist
mill which has shown signs of weak-
ness in some of its timbers tor some
time past. The rotten beams are be-
ing removed and new ones put in
place which when done will greatly
increase the strength of the building.
d Perkins, Miss Anna Martin and Mr.
• 0 a Flemming soloists and Miss M. God-
win, elocutionist. The pioceeds a -
mounted to over $50,
411414O0000400400004t0000000404400400000000040000004O44s The auction sale of horses held by
Mr. R, McLeod ou Saturday last was
well attended the horses averaging
good prices. Mr. C. Dayinan. of Us -
borne who rurchased one was rather
unfortunate, having lassoed the horse
was endeavoring to lead it 'home
when the animal stood hick iri resis-
tance untilth me tighten-
noose bec a tigl
ed upon its neck and after about
twenty minutes fell down strangled
to death.
'An incorrect map or a map not up-
to-date is little better than no map at
all. The new map of the Dominion of
Canada being sent art a premiun to
subscribers of The Family Herald and
Weekly Star of Montreal this season
is not only eorreet,but is so up-to•date
as to show the new Alaskan boundary
lines as awarded October 20th. It is
the only snap to -clay to show that in-
formation. The publishers send a copy
Free along"with two beautiful pictures
o all subscribers of that great family
paper. The price of the paper is one
dollar per year, including all three
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Head Office Toronto. .Executive Office, Montreal.
Bank has exceptional facilities for tran-
sacting FARMERS' BUSINESS. No red tape or
delay. Exceptional inducements ot!ered to De-
positors by our SAVINGS BANK department.
Branches in Huron County
P. E. KARN, Manager, Exeter Branch..
For Marriage
Wedding Rings,.
We,tc11•res, Clocks
Word has been received here tha
Miss Ruby Davidson, who recently re-
moved to London is a victim of diph-
Mr. and Mrs. Holland expect short -
Jewelry, ly to move to their farm on the Lcn-
Spectacies Etc don Road north, recently vacated by
PALL ON Mr. Workman.
R FUCKS Mrs. Bagshaw has purchased Mr.
George Vosper's dwelling on Mill st.
Watch Repairing a Specialty. Mr. Vosper intends removing his fam-
ily to Toronto.
Miss Neelands, of Sea€orth, who is
The copyfor changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisemente accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
se i`- 1
Just six weeks till Christmas.
Council meets on Tuesday Novem-
ber 17th at 8 p:. m.
Mr. and Mrs, John Barnes have
moved to Detroit.
Miss Lily M. Blatchford is visiting
friends in Blyth.
Mr. Albert Hooper, of Clinton, call-
ed on friends here on Wednesday.
Mr. Wm. Hawkshaw jr., traveller,
spent Sunday with his parents here.
Mrs. H. E. Silk, of London, is visit-
ing her patents Mr. and Mrs. R.
Miss Lottie Hyndman was home
from Toronto the first part of the
Miss L. Black of St. Thomas spent
Monday night in Town the guest of
Miss Mame Sanders.
' Miss Vera Hawkshaw of London,
was in, attendance at the young men's
ball here -oil, Monday, evening.
Mr. Thomas Russell -and family
have moved into their, new. at.d `co *-
modious brick dwelli'tig ,on Andrew"
Dr. and Mrs. Bothwell and child
of Stratford, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Gidley on Sunday and
Is no respector of persons,
therefores re are to meet i
p P t
coming by pg rovidin yourself
with one of our
arxi; Tailor
the guest of the Misses Kinsman sang;
a solo very acceptably at Coven Prete.'
byterian church on Sunday evening r- l
Mr. Borden has resigned
J. S.
position as brakesman of the L. H. 86,
B. express train, and we underetanr
has taken a position in the works off ORDER Now. -The TIMES and To-
a. s
the Western Foundary Co. x 'ionto Daily News for renewals or new
'subscriptions at the low rate of $2.00
till Jan. 1905.
hereby informs her patrons that she
new occupies the Dressmaking rooms
over Mr.'Bobier's office
property in Exeter with i-uitable resi-
dence thereon. Good investment.
ay" PROPERTY FOS. SALE. — A nice
,SAFE Fos ALE. A first class safe
nearly net , .Apply to Mas. JAMES
WANTED.., Good general servant.
Apply Alas. FRASER, 232 Centra
Aseenue, London.
To RENT AT O a shop in
Is nson's block recently vacated by
Mr. Harness,apply to RAY L. PAXSON.
The Ladies Aid of the James street
church have decided to hold a prayer
meeting every Tuesday afternoon in
the Lecture room of the uchrch from
three to four o'clock. Free to all.
The King's birthday was honored
here on Monday by the firing of a
salute by- some of our most loyal citi-
zens. Flags also was flying over some
of the principal buildings. A 1
Rev. Prof. J ames Ballantyne, of
Toronto who preached anniversary "frame house'n`'t he, village of Exeter
services here
e e on October last for the:l
Caven Presbyterian church is serious-talso of Ueior lee r fulldfill nthe articularTownship
1 ill with typhoid. fever. t a p apply
Y yp til
to M. J Gila, Qi3N IJLL, Auctioneer Exeter,
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets defective eyesight don't fail to con -
All druggists refund the money if it z salt with T. P. Smith the Noted 'Eve
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
is on each box. 25c.
Mn Samuel Rowe's new two story
brick cottage on Main St. opposite
Rowe & Atkinson furniture emporium
is now well under waythe brick work
for thfaainae now being.completed.
Fon Sax;iv.—Sotoe tih ih e lots; on .the
cornet -of' Main'and Victoria streets
Eseteraneerier appeaite Main st. Meth.
Chuai!cb,,the above lots will be offered
cheap ;to' wind tip ,°the..estate of the
slste ;Th2amas Gklley. Apply to R.
(DUDLEY.' E eter,one of the Executors.
Mrs. A. Box and two children who
have been residents of Exeter for ar a
year and a half left last week for
Barwick, Rainy River District where
she intends residing with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. N Peterson. Her broth-
er-in-law, Mr. Marshall Box, accom-
panied her.
'DOve s, ofLondon, , Sur eon cu
llitt and specialist of diseases ee, ear,
nose and throat, will be at the Com-
mercial Hotel, .1 Exeter, on Weclnesda
November 1; Wednesday, December,
2 1903.Spectacles and a e- t
properlypgfitted, Next visit will r
'YV•'ediresday . December 2,
Mrs. Millar and Miss Ethel Dow re-
turned home on Friday last after a
four months visit with friends in diff-
erent harts of Manitoba. Mrd, Millar
states that she enjoyed a sleighride of
twelve on September 13th but
when leaving there for home the wen -
then was beautiful and summer-like
The programme given on Friday
last by e Exeter High. School
Y the b , de-
cartenent Literary and Scientific
ety was a decided success. Some
very appropriate readings, recitations
and remarks were given. The Glee
clap and Graphopbone rendered some
beautiful selections w Were mix
whichx ch
aPxeeciated by all. We speak great..
success for the society,
Call and see sample copies• of the
two new pictures, 'Heart Broken'
and "Heed to Choose," given as
prem -
hung with the Family herald and
Weekly b
whish are well worth
the pride of a year's subscription alone
if'jyou'Wantaomethitig nice subscribe
for the Timms and abode paper and
Specialist, of. Elora. who will be at the
Commercial House, Exeter, on Nov
ember 20th and 21st. See "ad" in an-
other. column.
sale season is again with us. It will
pay yea to get your sale bills printed
at.this office... We twilit' the bills On
,short notice and will' give' you a good
job. A. free notice of sale is always
given in the TIMES when bills are
printed at this office.
R. T. OF T. NEWS.—Advance Coun-
cil No. 207 Royal Tempters of
Pcrane intend holding an open meet-
ing on the eveningof Nov. 18th
Main street Methodist
church, com-
mencing at 8. o'clock. . 'An excellent
program is being provided. Every
body welcome. Don't forget the
date. Wednesday, Noy. 18th.—ANNIE
M. VINCENT, Rec. Sec'y
NEW Bus.—To meet the demands
of his ever increasing trade and the
;comfort of the travelling public Al-
derman Gillespie, on Monday last,
'brought home from m London a fine
new bus comfortably
u upholstered and
up-to-date in every respect. • The old
one which•has doue such long service
has now beensuperanuated and rele-
gated to the back yard.
BruoiiE HER TsxGH.—On Friday of
last week Mrs. Johns, who resides
with her son-in-law, Mr. Robert San-
ders, on the 8rd. con. of Stephen,
while in the act of climbing up to re-
move some • clothing from the wall
stepped u upon p bed and in some
way accidently slipped and in falling
had the misfortune to break
her thigh
The injured member was attended too
but the accident is an unfortunate
one. as Mrs, Johns is well advanced in
Parties getting their sale bills rrint.
ea at this ofnte^ will receive ,a FREn
Neanoie ander this heading until dats
of sale.
,Nov.Mat Friday, N .
o lot con. 1 $%d-
dulph, farm stock and ..implements.
sale at i o'clock sharp, Mr. Si. Nevin
Prop., Mr.H, Brown, Aueb.
Great Cleasing Sale of Qddments and Remnants. in .every depart.
msnt of our store.
When you are in need of
something warm -o wear, don't fO
ttDross Goocls Dross roods Dross Ooo
30 inch Amazon Cloth in grey, 'brown and navy, regular price 25o
Great clearing sale price.,,..,.,.,. ....:.....,,......,...,
.... *pc ayard
88 loch, all wool serge in fawn, rose, and grey, regular price 80c
Great cltaring sato price, «.., .. . , , .2oc a yard
100 yards Tweed Dress Goods, makes a good strong wearing dress
regularprice $Oc, great clearing' saleprice.. , ........ .1Seayard
About 100 yards Black Fancy Dress Goods, extra fine quality, rtceregi-
p $�0
,5$2,50, $1,50, l$1.00, great' clearing sale pace, .., ..;.... gqe a yard.
mantles—AU our stock of Ladies' and Children
tles clearing at away down pricesatour great Clearing Sale.
FURS -10 only, Electric Seal Caperines, high collar, large cape,
satin lining, regular price $3,00, great clearing sale price...... .. , $2.39
3 only Astrachan Caperines, high collar, satin lining, regular price
53.75, great clearing sale price,..". $2,85
12 only Coney Fur Ruffs, trimmed with 6 tails, regular price, 52 00
great cleaaing sale. pric a .... . . . ...... • . .. 5 i, 50
2 only Seal Oaperines, long front, regular price $7.50 great Clearing
sale price .;........ «.....;..... ....................$5.25
175 yards Fancy Silk, nice assortment of colors,; regular price 755c,
$1.,00, $1.25, great clearing sale price ........... . . .... ...4gc a yard
1.00 yards' Moire Skirting, fancy stripe, elegant goods, regular price
40o, 50c and 65c; greet clearing sale price... , ........ , .. , 25c a yard
Art Mullins, pretty patternG regular price 7 cents, great cleiring
gree .,sale.......,.. -.,., ..... grayard
Ationt 200 yards Fancy Ribbon, suitable . for Neckwear, regular
price 25c, great.clearing sale priceSC a yard
50 pair Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, all pure wool, regular price
25e, great olearing salep -ice.., .:. "... . - .. . .... .. .190 a pair
200 sheets Black Fancy Toilet Pins, 100 Pius in Sheet, great clear-
ing sale price E3 cts
25 pair Ladies' Lace and Button Boots,'regular peke $1.50 and $1.75
great clearing sale price sizes 3i to 4. 813c pair
50 pptiir Men's Strong Wearing Boats, regular price $100, great
clearing sale price $1.23 pair
All .our stock of Ladies'. and Children's Ready-to-wear and
Trimmed Hats, clearing out at this great sale.
cal change from old methods, and
prices was aunounced•hy the Toronto
News this week. The ;eyes of the
newsaper world have leen ' upon the
News for the past few months, during
which time several departures have
:been made which have given that pa-
per a wide -spread reputation for en-
erprire and originality. This latest
ove is to place the News at the price
f $1.00 a year by mail. We have
ade arrangements which will enable
s to club the New With the•TIMEs at
1,80 a year in advance.
CURING RAMS. — A writer in the
Iowa Homestead, in ,giving . a recipe
for the curing of hams, says:—To 100
pounds of hams use four quarts of
salt, four pounds of brown sugar and
one ounce of 'saltpetre. Make into
brine and cover the ineat. When it
has been on the treat; three weeks re-
rnoye it, boil and skim it, let it cool
and return it again on the meat. 11
the harms are of mediumsize, six
weeks ill the.curin
w coni ete pl l; Then
smoke to the desirable color. Hams
cured in this manner would the clown
on a circus poster snrilea,nd feel hun-
W. C. T. U. NoTEs. -At the animal
election the following officers were
elected for the ensuing year. — Presi-
dent, Mrs. E. J. Spackman ; first vice
President, Mrs. Wm. Bissett ; second
vice President, Mrs. Godwin; Rec.
Sec. Mrs. E. Elliott; Corr. Sec; Mrs.
Geo. Manson. At a meeting of Cart-
wright township, Council held a few
days ago, a petition, signed by more
than half the ratepayers in the town,
ship was presented to the council, ask-
ing them to pass ;.4, by-law, prohibiting
the sale of intoxicating liquors in that
township. The Council granted the
request, and the by-law was given its
first reading. It is the, intention to
vote on it at the coming .election.
There is only one hotel at present in
the Township and it is ,located at
Blackstock. The :adjoining township
of Darlington pissed a similiar by-law
some years ago and it his given entire
satisfaction. The indications are
that the by-law will carry ley' a 'large
REV.' lar HICK'S FoancesTs, — The
weather probs t'or the next .week., —
The l.2th to 15th may reasonably he•
expected one of the nroet generous
and active storm ceneres:of the month
As early as the Otte the' hi.r•oineter
will be falling in . the west, Change
to warmer win attend the falling ba-
and during .
ai Iran the lath to15th
these conditious will pass over the
country, moving eastward, bringing
rain and snow stortns'tomost partes of
the country. A very decided dash of
early winter will bring up the rear of
these storms, giving several cold. days
and frosty t nigh
tR to most parts before
the entrance of the next storm period.
A reactionary storm period is central
from the
h 17th to the 20th, having the
new Moon, or moon in conjunction
with Earth a kh a nd Sun on the 19th This
pP.,ilod will bring return of rising tem-
perature, failing barometer and wide,
areas of cloudinesrr, rain and snow.
The culmination of they disturbances.
will fall on and next to the19th.
A copy of bulletin No. '.15. entitled
Bill No 200, Reprinted. as Amended :.
An Act Respecting the Inspection'
and Sale of Seeds with Explanations
Comments" and tom t
nests» hoe been received.
This pamphlet is issued for general
distribution the purpose of serving
as a noticeo
t the interestedP ublic and
also to provide means for closer study
of the Bill in its relations to the op-
erations of seed producers, seed neer.
chants and seed e consumers, he Bill
as'rnended byCommittee the Co m' of the
a m
whole during the recent session of
Parliament. provides that seeds ` of
cereals, grasses, clovers or forage
plants which conteui the seeds of
n weeds in
named the
13111, will be peobibited from Sale. It
furtherprovides for uniform wethod
of grading,
to fix�dst
dards of purity and vitality, the Tirli,-
othy, Alsike, and Red Clover seeds
offered for Rale in Os;na+ila. A copy of
the pamphlet may lie had free on rip-
. plidation to the Seed Division, Branch
of the Uuir1tnis,iouee of Agriculture
and Dairying, Ottawa. Letters ad-
as above do nut require post=
ToeiLI�vs0N-FrrAYsrE-A very pret-
ty wedding was sole muized on Wed-
nesday Nov. llth at 1.30 p. m. ab the
residence of the br'ide's father, Mr.
Robert Mayne. ,zanes street, when
his;youngest daughter, Miss Emily
Fraytie, became the bride of Mr. H. E.
Tomlin' on, of London. The ceremony
was performed by the Rev; Dr. Han-
non, pastor of Jaynes street church,
only immediate relatives of the con-
tt•acting parties being present. The.
bride and groom were both unattend-
ed. The bride was eharniingiy attir-
ed in a gown of white organdie with
satin applique and ribbon trimmings
with lace yoke' and carried a boquet
of white crysanthemurns. Miss Vina
Fisher played • the wedding . march.
After the c. ren ony and congratnla-
was partaken
of. The gifts bestowed
upon the bride were numerous, valu-
able and beautiful. Mr.• and Mrs:
Tomlinson left on the evening train
for London where the groom bas a
nicely prepared home on \Wellington.
street ninth. The bride's guing away
gown was navy cheviot with hat to
watele Tine best wishes of a host of
friend. hese follow the young couple
fora bleat and happy future through
Ac Rr,;.st S..•nie_ web'ka ago Scarlet
fever entered the home of Mr. and
Mare. Flank Wood, when !.Claire, thN
video!. 'of• their,twa boys was, taken
deem. Every necessary precau,tion
was adlhe;r::ad .to eel- order to prevent
the spread •of.• the disease, but his sick-
rreea was of n 'wiry mild form end,soon
ala was able, to b3 around, again. Not
so 'wall Frank Laverne, the yfonngeet
ams, aped 5 yeasee and 6 months, Who
eiext was smiti:aa with the •disease.,
wbich from the ,first assumed a more
virulent form. Dip`ivthe,rra soon . set
aril and hire lit'tle life -hung in the. 'bill-
seine. Evnrything that nearliical aid
and attentive. nursing could do was
'dlcava lin order to restore the sufferer to
health again. but of no avail, and for
iwn weeks his little frame was wrack..
ea wiine the disease, other :coniplioati-
tins robbing in and on Monday aftee-
,naan his spirit passed away to ba for
saver at rest.. The sympathy of a host
of friends is extended to the bereaved
parenat in their affliction:
King Edward will .wake has first
app,aarpinee as an eil,itar by. puab-
laisalrung a volume descriptive of hisrre
crr'iat• t,cree lin ,neiisbiboring king-
Jcali(na MTaga art,, of Wall toe merge
was slho+t iaa ,the groin, on Nov. 6th b.
k1F t'i , �''
Wine„ Ataalls. Anneals sway examining
• at~a yea' n 14Iac s n vt
a. ben r 1 G .
acxi . • i c
di+scliarge,d by dP Rio Pelee:-
Move• is vary critical
The Garabd Trunk, Rail't\ayeclearing
tjiee past ,.rix months • added to their
inetbi:vae power amid equipruept ; eight
Iltaoonlotivree, six switching engines,
326 box cams, 300 etsgl coal ears, , and
477 v adencoal
cam,The orae of J. We leyYSijmpson, the
laxPeth farmer who canfmss
ed to ,giv
in,g this wife ground ;lass, was heard
alt Noive;riilrer 6L1ii, before- Ju�judgeBell,
of Chatham. m. Afterr hearing the . evi-
dence, ce, of constable Conn, Raohel Slmp-
son, the prisonee's wife,' Drs. Lanford
and Tye; and 1i.. L. Gosne11, Simpson
was nequi,tled by tare Judge, who eel-
dently' placed no .reliance;nn the story
told by Mrs. Sielpapri.
Min, J. Israel 'Tarte, former .Da7mitie.
lon-m initrr d f public' works, will leave
frit; En6�la,nJ, next tweak in filar ca•pacnty
of ai veanki`ng{ new,7ptiper man, to inker-
wi✓u Sive testi tit
al leadethee arena
c 'e v>cl h• tread ofe
Tis t e events. He i r1 ers � will
also stomp on the Chambeirla.an, part -
get us. We can suit you in anything in Winter Goods, from the
smallest child to the largest person. We have all kinds of Winter
Clothing,fewof which
a w x h we will draw your our attentiorl.
Flannelette Underwear
Lades' Flannelette Corset Covers, in
all colors for 2a"c and 35c,
Ladies' Flannelette Drawers, ine pink
and blue
for 25c35c.
L doe F
1 n`
a s an elette Drawers,' fancy
colors and frills 25c,
Ladies' Flannelette Night Gowns,
in white, pink or blue 50e and 75c.
Ladies' Night Gowns in fancy colors
60c and 25c.
Ladies' Flannelette Underskirts in
fancy colors, 50c' and 75c.,
Ladies' Flannelette. Wrappers in
fancy colors.
Lad[6; dila 6ldr n� ���� u
Childs' Wool Vests from 15c. to 25c.
Childs Wool Drawers from 25e. to 35c.
Misses Wool Vests and Drawers from 20c. to 45c.
Ladies Union Vests and Drawers for only 25c,
Ladies Union Vests and Drawers for only 50c.
Ladies Wool Vests sad Drawers from 150 to'$1.00
20 yards good 23 in. Flannelette for $1
15 yards good 30 in. Flanrelette for $1
11 yards good 36 in. Flannelette for $1
Good heavy Shirting for only 12Sc. a yard
The hest fancy Wrapperette for only 10c, a yard..
• The best 9/4 Twilled Sheeting for only 25c.a yd.
Flannelette Blankets for 00c, 75c. and $1.0
Don't forget our Overco ts. We can give you the best Overcoat
in town for only $7.0o
Boy's Overcoats for $3.00
joe. Chamberlain'
May be able to enlarge the British Empire, but if you wish to beau-
tify your home with the latest in Furniture Styles,
Call at the Oldley Opera block
Prices are right and every article bought, guaranteed or `replaced,
if not satisfactory.
Picture Graming and all kinds ordered work cheap.
W. C.
Graduate of Dr, Myers School of Embalming. Opera House Block.
arecherche weddia breakfast
Grist Mill
Has been remodeled andis in
fu'l saving again; better than ever
prepared to attend to the needs
of jheir many customers, with a
good supply of the noted
on hand. With Plate Choppers
for fine chop, and a Roller for
rolling oats for horses .
Seeing is believing
Give us ' a trial
'I--tfI FV EY B FR.089
ti�i�i�000 90fpsitiAO
•00rti 0
Get the Best—it
At Lowest
Having bought out the entire stock
of the late James Willis, we are in a
better position than.ever to sell •Lum-
ber, Shingles, Lath and all Building
Material at lowest prices, The com-
bined stock of Shingles as contained
in both yards is heavier than Viewish
to carry, so we purpose to eea
material reduction in the price o
Shingles until we f
g t get our stock re-
duced. Take advantage of the reduc-
We thank the people of Exeter and
the surrounding country for their
patronage in the past, and solicit s,
continuance of their custom, Our
motto is smaller profits and quicker
Satistaetion Guaranteed
Complete p assortment of uo.to-date
Quality, Lowest Prices, also
full supply
Best Plat n Cana. ,a -
for sectoring a thorough bust eSe
ale education or a superior s ort-
hand Dint to
training Our r s
tfi .
co getting
in. always
h0l invariably eLvat
students mora �r9
than they ex to to
for Cate. Enter tinct. zg month TIE e
w possible.!pl
2 principal 8
i•O�l••r! tiiidir
T3 S
XX +
EX rr:
��L7 � 0
I LD ���
These Des'wrlI
dye Wool.
Cotton,Silk Jute or Mixed Goosin one
--they are the latest and most impro,
ed Dye in the world, Try a packag
All colors at 0, tuTZ, Exeter.
Note Books, &c..
Medicines an
1 e '
C emical
Toilet Articles
Brushes, Combs and Perfumes.
EisOug Store