HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-05-13, Page 16Page 16—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1987 25. Wanted to buy BOOKS NEEDED for Huron County's largest used book sale June 6 and 7. Proceeds to Blyth Festival. Drop donations off prior to June 1 at book drop nearest you or call Box Office at 5239300 9225 for details. 19-21or FIBRE GLASS canoe, any condition, any length. Phone 523.4712. 19 tit 26. Help wanted A CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class "A" Licence. For prescreen- ing interview and job placement information, Contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training, London. 1.800-265.3559. 4I tfor SUN STAR Poultry Services, full or part-time employment available, night work catching chickens, travelling involved, transportation pro- vided. need fit and hard-working people. Chance for advancement to foreman available. Call 482.5523, ask for Clinton, 5tfar NANNY -TYPE or mature, responsible student to babysit 2 children, 20 months and 3 months old come into the home, light housework. Hours 7:30, o.rn. to 3 p.m. with 1 day off per week and no weekends. Phone 482-9335 between 7-9. 17tf CASUAL PARTTIME job available in convenience store in Clinton. Must be willing to work nights and weekends. Please apply in writing to Box 1090 Clinton. Ontario NOM 110.-18,19ar CARPENTERS required to replace windows. doors, and related trim work. Experienced only. Apply in person to Vanastra Townhouses or phone 482.3662. 19 WANTED - tellers, persons to work gate, and bartenders to work Sunday afternoons starting June 14 until September 13. Phone 482.7261 after 5 p.m. 19,20or WAITERS AND WAITRESSES. experienced; also experienced bartender. Full-time and part-time. The Red Pump, Bayfield 565.2576. 19.20 BAKER or person to learn baking. Apply in per, son to Bartliff's Bokery 5.7 p.m Ask for Doug. 4829727. 19ar A RELIABLE person to work on greenhouse - market gardening operation. Apply Teem Form 482 3020. 19ar PART-TIME RETAIL SALES HELP needed immediately for downtown Clinton store. Please send resume to - DRAW NO. 34 c/o CLINTON NEWS -RECORD P.O. BOX 39 CLINTON, ONT. NOM 110 29. Tenders %hie 14,7104 &oilygrow "if Educate:0g TENDERS INTERIO & EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE PROJECTS fender, trom all cunstructjun trade,' are in- vited for interior and exterior maintenance projec 1, at 1 fur(T11 County a hook. lend(', lurnm and job hpecificatiom are available at ffuran County Board of Educa- tion off jc ', 11)1 Albert St, Clinton, on May 1 ith, 1987. 1)('adline, for tender ,ubnli„iun j, 1:00 li.nl.. 'lune 5, 1987. 1(Wetit or any tenders not n('c (',,,arjly ac c opted. A. Clark R.B. Allan Chairman Director of Education HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Huron County Health Uni4invites applica- tions for the position of R.N.A. (PART-TIME) to work in 48 clinics throughout the County. Each clinic will bo 3' r hours and will bo hold four times per month. Duties will include foot -corn to Seniors mainly toenail clipping. Apply to: Dr. J.K. McGregor, Huron County Health Unit Court House, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M2 Township of Morris TENDERS Clearly marked sealed tenders will be accepted until 4 p.m., May 26, 1987 by the Township of Morris for the in- stallation of approximately 700° of 6" DRAINAGE TILE one Junction Box, and one Road Crossing in the hamlet of Bluevale. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further Information contact the un- dersigned: Lloyd Michie Road Superintendent R.R. 4 Brussels 887-6137 Ministry of Housing 7� HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY P.T. (H.C.) 87-01 Replacement of Roof Shingles at the Senior Citizens Building in Exeter, Ontario. (OHI) Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, May 27th, 1987 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5, (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be ob- tained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. sl 31. Service directory CIIcTOM BACKHOEING, Drain R. hair erosion control, cellar drains, Iu_er. Call Frank Postill 482-9101. 2l tf ar. KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling, renovations, cupboards, ceramic tile, coup 'ops, rec rooms, carports, flooring, windows, patio doors, aluminum siding. Phone 482.7676. Ken McNairn. 22tfar LAUNDRY SERVICES. DO IT yourself or have us do it. Reasonable rates. Blyth Laundry Services, Main St., Blyth, 523.4870. 49tfar KENNEDY'S small engines, Roper's soles and ser- vices • Londesboro 523-4314. 16-19 HEDGE TRIMMING - 14 years experience. Any size, big or small. Free estimate. Phone Gerry 482-9585. -19.21 LAWN CUTTING services available. Phone Brad Jewitt 482-3316. 19x COOKIE'S HOUSE PAINTING Interior & Exterior Experienced - Reasonable Rates Steve Cook 482-9335 30. Employment wanted i MOTHER WILL babyslt in my home lull or part lime Lots of toys references available Phone Bayfield 565 2565 18 19 MOTHER OF one will bobysit in my home in Vannstra Any age any shift Phone 482 3019 19 20 A leading construction equipment manufacturer seeks an experienc- ed senior programmer for its Information Systems Dept. The preferred candidate should possess a minimum of 2 years RPG experience, one of which was spent programming on a System 38 with RPG 11I. The posi- tion offers a competitive salary and excellent fringe benefits. Interested individuals who meet the qualifications described above should forward their resumes in strictest confidence, giving details of education, experience and salary expectations to: Drawer No. 10 c/o Goderich Signal -Star P.O. Box 220 Industrial Park, Goderich, Ont., N7A 4B6 29. Tenders 74 .e." &wet, '64'Zd °j Ed e4ti°'t NEW HEATING SYSTEM Vanastra Public School Sealed tenders are invited from qualified mechanical contractors for NEW HEATING SYSTEM al Vanastra Public School, Huron County, Ont. Drawings & specifications will be available May 14187 from: Vanderwesten & Rutherford Ltd. Consulting Engineers 36 Talbot Rd. S., Lambeth, Ont., NOL 150 OFI Huron Cotinty Board of Education 103 Albert Street. Clinton. Ont.• NOM 110 on payment of a S25. refundable deposit. Tenders are to be addressed to: Mr. Mike Rau Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert St., Clinton, Ont.. NOM 110 and delivered to the hoard office prior to 11:00 a.m. local time on Thursday, May 28, 1987. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. The owner reserves the richt to refect any or all tenders. 29. Tenders JIM'S TREE CUTTING Reasonable Estimates Fast and Reliable Work Call 524-6653 WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS Four modern rotary rigs Phone Seaforth NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 Screened Top -Soil FOR LAWt•IS, GARDENS, FLOWERB'EDS. DELIVERED AS THE WEATHER PERMITS. — ALSO — GRAVEL & CRUSHED STONE Lyle Montgomery PHONE 482-7644 EVENINGS SPACE AGE INSULATION All types of 'insulation Vill Polyurethane Foam Iberglass, Rockwool, Cellulose litorFOR MORE INFORMATION "�., AND FREE ESTIMATES IP Ron Kassies 523-9484 AFTER 6 P.M. D. MARSHALL. DECORATING Point - Paper - Drywall "Quality Work at Reasonable Rotes" Coll today and matte an appointment for That summer painting prolocil FREE ESTIMATES Do''d Marshall Bo. 336 Blyth 523-9220 35. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF RUSSELL THOMAS BEYER, late of the Town of Clinton. in the County of Huron, Retired Stationary Engineer, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 23rd day of March, 1987, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 29th day of May, 1987, after which dote the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of whichythe undersigned shall then hove notice. Dated this 28th day of April, 1987. E.B. Menzies, Q.C. Barrister and Solicitor ,Box 68 Clinton, Ontario NOM 110 Solicitor for the Executor. 17-19ar NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF BETTE ALICE IRWIN, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 23rd day of February, 1987, are required to file full par- ticulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 5th day of June, 1987, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then hove notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 29th doy of Apr,iI, 1987. CHRIS BKS CARPENTRY (And Woodworking) Home Improvements New Construction Custom Woodworking •KITCHEN CUPBOARDS •BATHROOM VANITIES •UTILITY CUPBOARDS •WALL UNITS •BOOKCASES We do all kinds of new woodworking. Plus wood repair PHONE: 482-3830 MINISTRY OF HOUSING m r. Huron County Housing Authority S.F.T. (H.C.) 87-07 For the Supply and Installation of new underlay and new Resilient Tile Flooring. at ten row housing units on Bristol Terrace in Wingham. Ontario. Tenders will be received for the above UNTIL 11:00 A.M. local time. WEDNES- DAY. MAY 20th. 1987 by the Huron Coun- ty Housing Authority. 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5. (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. The lowest or any Tender not necessari- ly accepted. 31. Service directory PHIL 5 refrigerator and opplionce service Pro mot dependable service to all makes and models of domestir appliances Phone 897 9062 2'tf MASONRY STONE and Carpentry work Speriali7ing in brick pointing and chimney b,iitdinq Free estimates For information roll Star tc irk horn IP'? 5305 3tfar RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL CLEANING = Fully Bonded and Insured D. GERALD HILTZ Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor. 18-20or NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARY MARETTA WALLIS, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 8th day of March, 1987, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 5th day of June, 1987, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 1st day of May, 1987. -weekly maid service -spring cleaning -window washing -house sitting Doug & Laurie Falconer Dan MacKinnon 524-5170 34.Personal 40. Lost & Found D. GERALD HILTZ Barrister and Solicitor 52 Huron Street, Clinton, Ontario NOM 110 Solicitor for the Executors. 18-20ar FOUND in Vanastra area grey tiger female cat, 5 months -old with brown collar. Also found a set of keys. For information phone 482-5652. - I9nx LOST tool pouch with electrician's tools. Phone 482-7062. Reward. 19 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RICHARD GEORGE ALBERT EVANS. late of the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 26th day of May, 1985 are required to fill full particplors thereof with the undersigned on or before the 5th doy of June. 1987, after which date the nssets will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then hove notice. DATED at Clinton Ontario, this 1st day of Moy 1987 OVERWEIGHT '» 1 lose weight without dieting while 1 sleep Call about Colornd 482 5647 18 19 20x 42. Death notice D GERALD HILTZ Barrister and Solicitor 52 Huron Street Clinton Ontario NOM 110 Solicitor for the Administrator 18 20or 38. Auction sale 1 35. Notice to creditors Nt TICE`TCREDITORS In the Estate of ALFRED E. BUCHANAN. All persons Kelvin() rinrms against the estate of Alfred f Burhnnnn tote of the Township of TurkPrsmith in the County of Huron who died on the 27th any of July 1986 ate hereby notified to send in full parhrulars of their claims to the under signed on nr before the 4th doy of lune 1987 offer which dote the nSSPtt will bP distributed having rewird only to rinrms thou received Doted nt Seaforth Ontario this 7th day of May 1987 McCONNELL. STEWART, DEVEREAUX Barristers, & c., Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the executors 34-21 AR Richard Lobb Auctioneer CLINTON 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR THURS., MAY 14 AT 6 P.M. - Car and household effects at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, ClTnton for Elsie Shaddtck o Londesboro WED., MAY 20 AT 8:30 PM 1ppli,tni r• ,inti tvBla•hnlTl,•firs IS ,1t : R,lil\\.I\'si It.drtrth 141 lila,' 1Hine THURS., MAY 21 AT 6:10 P.M. - \1tairtn ,tri Itli,tnr r•. iiirniturf' .it Rim h,trrl I nhh \ur firm R,irn ( lintnn tar \„p I ,\ S, n, iavlrr 11, n.all h \tarn 'h,lrlt ( Bairn SAT., MAY 23 AT 1 P.M. • Tractors. swather, Dion forage wagon, harvester, (arm machinery for Geo Quick. 21/2 miles east and 11+ miles north of Exeter TUES., MAY 26 AT 630 P.M. - Tractors forage wagons, Zero graze harvestor machinery, 21/2 miles nosh of Mitchell for Doug Shean. WED., MAY 27 AT 6 P.M. - MF 35 tractor machinery riding lawn mouser, hen cages & rrluitn»rn1 lu'4 i laid,, ,s, isinrlrrntrr u.t•hnld r•ttr', 1. tar ( \t, \i, hr,I . • nulr. .r im ith nl 1,1,alh rn ,incl 1'. mJr• r•.i't tit f.intily Rd LEWINOTON^ Elvia Frances. Possed away at Englehart Hospital, Tuesday. in her 73rd year, Elvia (Shep• pard) Lewington, of RR 2, Brussels. Beloved wife of the late Wilsbn Ernest Lewington (1973). Dear mother of Mary (Mrs. Doug Lazenby) of Earlton, and Ernie and his wife Annette of RR 2, Brussels. Also survived by 5 grandchildren, 3 sisters and 2 brothers of England. Predeceased by 2 brothers. Visitation was at the Brussels Chapel of the M.L. Watts Funeral Homes, on Thursday. where funeral service was held on Friday at 2 p.m. In- terment Brussels Cemetery. GREYDANUS "1 will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence comest my help." Psalm 121, verse 1. At Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday, May 5, 1987 Grace (Postma) Greydanus, age 46, of Wyoming, Ont. Mrs. Greydonus was a member of the Wyoming Christian Reform Church, the church choir and the International Symphony Choir. Beloved wife of Cornelius Greydonus. Dear mother of Patricia, of Toronto, Grant and Stephen, both at home. Loved daughter of Bart and Alice Postma of Brampton. Dear sister of Mrs. Bob (Anne) Walters, of Mark'dale, Mrs. Rev. Jerry (Winnie) Hoytema, of Burlington, Mrs. Harry (Marilyn) Siaardo, of Lucknow, Mrs. Jerry (Minnie) Buruna, of London, Casey Postmo. of Clinton and Mrs. Norman (Tina) Nielans, of Lon- don. Funeral service was held from the Wyoming Christian Reform Church, on Friday. May 8, at 1:30 p.m. Interment to follow in Wyoming Cemetery. Friends were 'received at the Smith Funeral Home, 1576 London Rd. (Hwy 7) Sarnia, ,on Thursday afternoon 2-4 and evening 7.9. ARBUCKLE At Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto on Satur• day, May 9, 1987, Bervo Mary (Moir) Arbuckle of North Bay and 'formerly of London and Clinton, in her 63rd year. Dear daughter of the late, John and Flossie Mair. Beloved wife of Edward Woodruff of RR 1, Bonfield and dear mother of Muriel Chamberlain of Port Stanley, Rher,a and Ernie Morris of Nova Scotia and Gary and Nancy Arbuckle of Ottawa. Also loved by eight grand- children. Predeceased by orae son Steven Ar• buckle. Friends were received at the Boll & Falconer Funeral Home, 153 High Street Clinton on Tuesday, May 12; where the tuneful service was held of 3:30 o'clock. Visitation from 1 p.m. until time of service. Interment Clinton Cemetery. 1 EVENING AUCTION SALE Modern appliances; furniture: dining suite: office equipment; laWil mOwer: To be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. for Sora and Nancy Taylor of Mensal!, Mary Sharp of Clinton, plus additions THURSDAY, MAY 21 AT 6:30 P.M. 2 chest freezers: snatching Speed ueen Almond colour washer and dryer, ap- prox. 3 yrs. old: Westinghouse square model fridge: O&M. electric typewriter; Westinghouse 30" harvest gold Stove: china cabinet: floor model ht fl: 9 pc. dining suite; 10" portable TV; long dresser w/rrrlrr'or; modern glass top oaf - fee labia aces, 2 rod folds;: roc/Beep chair: patio table and umbrella: small dresser nu/mirror; chest of drawers: 2 chesterfields; hall table; modern omol kitchen table: office desk; telephone answering rrtocl'rine: 2 adding machines: computer table: envelope tray; cheque writer: school desk: 4 fire ex- tinguishers: 2 office chairs: upholstered bar stool: violin and case; antique toy dump truck; 2 picnic tables: oak barrel: odd tables: town Boy lawn mower; hand sprayer;' garden took: golf cart; bed- ding. dishes, plus mise. Items. TERMS: CASH Auctioneer Richard Lobb Cliraton 482-7898 FRANKLIN At University Hospital on Friday, May 8 1987 Ed• ward W. Franklin of 653 Eden Avenue, in his 64th year. Beloved husband of Madelaine (Harrison) Franklin. Dear father of David E. Franklin of Ot• taws and Mrs. John (Corr I) Tofflemire of Oakville. Brother of Mrs. Edward (Lillian) Harris of London, Mrs. Albert (Ruby) Walker of Bayfield and James R.S. Franklin of London. Loved dearly by grandchildren Jennifer, Jeffrey. Trisha. Lisa and Jenna. Visitation was in the Needham Funeral Chapel. 520 Dundos Street. (Monday 2.4 and 7-9 p.m ) where the funeral service was conducted on Tuesday Moy 12 of 1 30 p m Rev J Keith Stokes officiated Interment Mt Pleasant Cemetery McCABE At Alexandra Marine & General Hospital Goderich on Sunday. May 10 1987 William Hugh McCabe of Goderich in his 89th year Dear father of Don and his wife Carolyn of Goderich Twp Loving grandfather of Jamie McCabe Also survived by five step grandsons Lorry Bill Wayne. Bryan and Bruce Elliott and one sister Ella (Mrs Jack Sproul) of London Predeceased by two step daughters Eileen Astals and Joyce Elliott two sisters and one brother Friends call ed•at the McCallum 8 Palle Funeral Home Com boa Road at East Street. Goderich A private family service was held at the funeral home Tuesday afternoon Interment Maitland Cemetery ECKSTEIN At the Blue Woter Rest Home Zurich on Monday May 11 1987 Irvin Eckstein in his 93rd year Beloved husband of the late Emma (Messner) Eckstein (1982) Dear father of (Viola) Mrs Allan Holts of Edmonton Mrs Marjorie Pearl Pwamley of London Also loved by three grandchildren five great-grandchildren and several niece' nephews Rested at T Harry Hoffman 8 Sons Funeral Horne Dashwood with visitations Tues doy afternoon & evening Where the funeral ser vire will take place on Wednesday Moy 13 at 2 p m Rev R Smasac officiating Interment Calvary U C Cemetery Dashwood (Goshen Lrnel 43. Births DROST Carmen and Mary Ann are very pleosed to an , nounce the safe arrival of their son Shown Tyler arrived on May 2 1987 al 4 23 a m weighing 6 lbs 7' , 075 of Clinton Public Hospital A little brother for Tonya His proud grandparents ore Tony and Mary Von Dorp Seaforth and John and Willy Drost Granton Special thanks goes to Dr Salsbury and all the kind and helpful staff of CI in ton Hospital I9nx LO V ETT lorry and Carol are very hoppy to announce the birth of their little boy Craig Michael Craig was born on May 8 1987 weighing 7 lbs 1 1 ' i ozs Fust time grandparents are Mr & Mrs Ross Lovett of Clinton Craig is the third grandchild for Mr 8 Mrs Harold Gross of Auburn I9nx HARRIS Rob d Harris Dleosed outhe sole arrivalanBev of their 2nared child GregtoannRobertnce born at Clinton Public Hospital on May 6 1987 weighing 6 lbs 10 ozs A wee brother for Sheree Special thanks to Drs Steed. Salsbury. and 2nd floor nursing staff. Proud grandparents ore Jim and Helen Emmerton and Marjorie and Gorry Addison of Clinton I9nx CAMPBELL Dan and Irene are pleosed to announce the ar rival of Scott Lee born on Moy 7 weighing 7 It's 6' ,ozs A baby brother for Craig Proud grand parents are John and Hilda Wubs of Bayfield and Bob and Kov Campbell of Clinton Special thanks to Dr Harrett and 2nd floor nurses I9nx ERB Paul and Diane and big brother Kevin are thrilled to announce the arrival of Dean Stuart on Friday. May 8 of 9 15 p m weighing 9 lbs 4' , ozs Special thonks to Drs Steed Salsbury and Hoy 2nd floor nurses and OR staff I9nx 46. In memoriam HOY In loving memory of a dear father and gran father Wiltiom Hoy who passed away May 14 1973 They say time heats"ail sorrow Arid helps us to forgot But time hos only so for proved How much we miss you yet Lovingly remembered by his family 190