HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-11-12, Page 50 PO PI liESTO&GARDINR. 'OPPLESQN&OARDINE br. t0 es Pa Come one ! Corse all. Come great ! Come small Come for the bargains we offer all, Whether you buy great or small, We extend a welcome to you all, Men's TTop Shirts Men's HeavyMoleskin Top Shirts at 50 cents en's Heavy, Fancy Knit Top Shirts at 50 cents .Len's Extra HeavyMoleskin TopShirt sat 750 $1.00 Men's fancy heavy knit Top Shirts at 750 1.00 Mens navy blue Top Shirts to sell at 90c 1.50 Men's heavy tweed 'Top Shirts felled seams at 950. 1.75 Men's heavy navy blue serge Shirts, double sewn at $1.15, _en's Overcoats and a Suits ...„ t7 ,..„. At• prices to surprise for cloth , style and p you O s3 �`� Boys' k _ and Pa , Stiits linings In the latest Cloths and Newest Styles Maurice Flannelette 0 O skal g° 7c Flannelettes for 15 yards for $1.00 113.4i 9c Flannelettes for 12 yards for $1.00 14 Double Warp English Flannelette, heaviest 6' made, extra width and fast colors, our price 100. waPlain Pink. laii5 ~J� AI H Flannelettes.,,,, d a I 1.21c En libh Twilled Pink Flannelettes g our En At price lOe TOc Etaglish Plain Pink Flannelettes our price 830 illG a Saxony Flannelettes Plain cardinal, white, pinks, very soft finish, good v�,.1., width, best for underwear at at 10e all L3 `•fi pg is b C.miie11iori; K g. tt �� F1ane1s O w • 320 plain twilled, light and dark greys for 30c 280 plain twilled, light and dark greys for 25c 25c Light Grey Flannel reduced to clear at 20c f 20c Dark Grey Twill Flannel to clear at 16o loii Job Line Ladies' Vests tesee da X r -A e. r. de Aa 0 see A' e 4 and Drawers Were 75c each, ourpricewhile with ns 500 Carpets R T I 4 s. N 0 V s. A ',Al #./ E fiRE YOU IF>IDY to wept good position if it were offered you'£ If not let es teeparo iorr'eeepd. ar�ttxu oill roWeevhave the highest standard of graduation, and our graduates are in great dforemltand Free Catalogue "D" will tell you ail about it, Write . ' A. L.11ROWN, Principal. Phone t5 3•ifa, •Ped •.J Locals 'Mae. L. M.Shepherd, wide tit 1 a;te, W.W. Sliejpllierde od Manceand her daughter Delve, have dee=d to make ter home• with hex Rosi, Mo ley •W . Shepherd, at 29.7 Sbeibaurne- st street, l.aro nto. A member of a. hunting (party of four Toronto mein, supposed to be na ed. Ness, aged 24, was mistaken fordeer, and, it is said shot through' t stomach, s=ear North Bay, and. killed. The ieimaans were takent o Toronto by other members of the party Among Canadians mentioned as likely tea receive donors on :the King's ;Birtibidlfyy w=ere=bfioin.Otu,ffird,SiftcinAandi ttbe juahietty in the, Ala).kkein, boundarytit attest case: Hon. Geo. leg -14 10nn el and Senator Cox, the K. 0. M. ;G,'s ;, Col. Pin'alt. DePuty Minister of Mil - and Philip lfebe�rt the' 1V.Lan Pietist, C. M.G.'s ; flotnt wgue•� ; Allen, Montreal, Comhiinsrder of the hath and. Cul, Heier r Smith, seirigep,ntj.rh,t'- arms of the House of d¢ommona, ` a member of tthe Imperial Service. Or- der., h , , ,-.t.. i J Presbytery; of Huron,—T,he Presley 'clary of Huron met an ,the 10th lead. in Willis Munch. Clinton Rev,; T. Danidsctn, moderator, After =hearin=g 'the Financial Committee's estimate as to the expenses of the year the rate ASPIRATION Glee 303 tit., quiet of Qom glu=t* And sift Ix ante elalhl>fngs of t fele/Wier trees, Then 'abaft Amy spirit burraootnlin•8 l in ea=se, And armed w=ait peace, go, fort=h a11. =afraid, Fresh from Its accolade, Sc %wall I, walking in that lonely eines, In ;splendor watch the • silent stars go Andfeelthe influence Of the tramp -di laureled Dicesom in dreams and hopes, until Good's face, Shall al>,ine there fora .pace. Ie. The ei1eAee •of• rapt twilights there ' ish'ail meld y ed Suetb stately highways to the glowing r weed That I shall pass, like one ou holy Attests And see the sacred cup, where clouds unfold, m Wrought of hope's coined gold. a he The days shall pass like saber men -at, arms, • Who., battles over and their warfare .dams, atlas fixed at ten centre;Per .family Bevis Ne;es,rs. Small and Carswell were arppoirlded to addaees, the annual meet- in3 ed itis . W. F. 'Mission Saciwiby • .of .1hte : !.2riasib'yte'ry., The remit dram General Ass=embly reg=arding the Aum n to 6 e tion of stipends in the Wes- tern section of the church, was adopt- ed On .bee 'condition .that the Fund per- mit. Rev. J. Anderson reported, that Auburn and Union church, Goderioh,, had agreed to the proposition from•. ,tike Augtrnm tastaanu ,committee and would raise their, proportion of the increase of etipends. A letter :Was receievd from Mrs. Mus - gooses thanking the Presbytery for its xeu. sd1 liou regarding t ,he dreg bit >C at f h r hu •b y sand, she; Eiov:iP:' A?uegrorvie. An Barnes.,. daa•cussian tool pjarcxi 'regarding the relation of Quelein'rs College to the Preeb,ytoria'n nhearch. A resolution, 01 l n ry o as passed in favor of retaining the connection, but post.poniing cirseussion on tthe details until nest •meatinjg'of the Presbytery The lapixle end ileoreign Mission funds were eiarnersily commended to the a,itentuon of congrelgations in view of the present deficits= Rev. Mr. Small- braked rtfrbve. of 'the Protaby!tbiry,iccl. re- move the eeesent Church building t et Auburn and erect a neve one on the me site. This ryas rnte d.earn- mending atm_ meindling the congregation 'for its en- terprise. The Presbytery adjourned 'bo meet at Clinton, on the 19th San- tee-leavert. P 250 Patterned Hemp Carpet, 1 yard wide, for 20c 300 Stripe Ribbed Hemp Carpet, 1 yd wide for 23c o ro e PSH mw 'sty • Dress6iiis . Our Speciality POP NE R INR 1,1 One Door North 01 Posh 011166 nst!LtWldc Salt pork is a famous old- fashioned remedy for con- sumption. "Eat plenty of pork," was the advice to the consumptive 5 o and i o years ago. Salt pork is good if a man can stomach it. The idea behind it is that fat is the food the consumptive needs most. Scott's Emulsion=s the mod- ern method, of feeding fat to the consumptive. Pork is too rough for sensitive stomachs. Scott's Emulsion is the most refined of fats, especially p Y prepared for easy digestion. Feeding him fat in this way,which is often the only way, way, is half the battle, but Scott's Emulsion does more than that. There is some- thing about the coinbination of cod liver oil and hypophos- phites in Scott's Emulsion that puts . new life into the weak parts and has a special action on the diseased lungs. Terms --Cash or Pa Oduce. tW. U rOPPEASTONL & GARDINER. POPPLESTONL & GA,FtI IN'ER. t=1 erentred MerAllrante. General ertal 1Vlerc lan•td. .A sample will be sent free upon request. Be sore that this picture in the form of a label is on the niu wra Isi erm of a ery bottle of i u youb SCOTT BOWNE, CHEMISTS, Torontto, Ontario. goc. and $x; 811 druggist, With chin on hand sit drowsing in rhe sun,' Dreaming ofkniehely fields and old alarms, .Now el:alte,red from war's harms. Then some fair' dawn across the lifted hual ',Des wind shall cell.likera gay brume 'pe!t!erh And straight my heart leaps up to, meet the stir, And. eoim,e,tbing whispere ; "If you !would. but will, All things might be yours still." dawn 1 The mind at aw et ll brings. the hope That e'hfltrete The sad -eyed sailor who, with . stead - test • ames, Vilest ;dared ,the unknown seas with westeringprow, P , Then soul leaps to its goal, as homing hrcl Seesits etaraight path unblurred. Keen grows the .le=sion then, :thee` in- ward look That measures gain and balances each lass. Then shall the soul acoept no lurin=g dtx.o�s,; And one email patch at sky glassed in the, bre okl Preach more than bell and book, —L. Prank Tooker, in ,t/he Outlook. NOT THE SLIGHTEST DANGER, In using Dr. Il;ami'lton's Pills • of Mandrake and Butternut for condi•{ tpaticn br pipets. Highly recommended because, they cause nagriping l ain :, Far prompt and certain curasuse,oniy Dir. Hamilton's Pills. Price 25. Eden s ---Next Sunda=y will be re-ooeneng ssrviices at Eden (Centralia Circuit). Rev. Samuel Salton, of London, will be the preacher. Services at 2.30 and 7 p. m. The fowl supper on Mohtl•ay promises bo be a .grand affair. Served Axiom 6 to 8 p. m. Then a eirst-eines programme in the church. The fri— ends of the eommunety, far, and near , h stied. The sweep s are lcarda,ally env pp ;4 only 25c. We hope ,fo hear a fine' re- port next week ofthe success of these iselrvices : C7 .A. "X" C9 R Z. A. . Bears the The Kind You. Have Always Bought Signature of Anderson sea 25 cents per box, you sale in every drug store "A Box of Goad Health?. --a dainty aluminum package of 1 ffy cbtoc- elate»coated 1R�NOX TINY TONIC TABLETS. An unfailing cure for Indigestion and Constipation A, gentle tonic -laxative that gives good digestion, pure blood, steady nerves. Why Not Try? Fifty Iron -ox Tablets, in an attractive aluminum pocket case, 25 cents at druggists, or sent, postpaid, on, receipt of price, The Iron -ox Remedy Co., Limited, Walkorviile, Ont. thing realized , agoad g ,pric=e: Mr. Bender ,will move to the village. in a ample Of w e elus, The date for our public •sehool en- tertainment bas been fixed for Nov, 20 A good programme has beeprepared by the teachers and scholars and , a letre treat is promised to all who come Don't fall to ,come, for cif you do' you will miss et ,atnd if you miss it you will be sorry. Proceeds are to go towards the achaol. Doors open 7.30. -•{l)he citizen's of the village, a ;wa=ne aroused. on Sunday •mornin=g et.about half past .fi,vte o'clock clock by the sound,of the bine bell when it was discove're13 khat the stave, and heading,. 'factory owned by Alfrled : Tiede'man was on hire. In a very sbert time the whole building was one blaze. It was with. much difficulty that the buildings an bite 'ad joining property was saved. This will be, aak re loss to t8 Mr. Tiedeman, as he 'carried no insurance on the build ing. Cause of the. firs is unknown. Winchelsea —We ,are laving "big loin's" in our town just now in the way, of com- ing and going. Mr. 'Will Sawyer ard family have moved to Kirkten where Mr. Sawyer has rented a farm. Mr. L Brown has taken possession of the re- sidence just vacated by Mr. Sawyerl while Tumor says Mr. Brown's cott- age will net long be variant. The wheeli,rig" season will soon be .over and in aanseeiuenee one of our leading men Ihata teecided to set the wheel ;of mat.rimorny in motion instead. --Thos. White is enuring this ;week to his from on Thames .l=oad, while Mr. Salm Bnock moves. auto the hou, vaca=ted by Mr. White. We are very sorry tolose so many of our citizens. Both f=amilies who are leaving,wers much valued in both church .and. so ial circles and .will be missed by/ all. —Miss Edith Sanders, Miss May Aemtstrang and Herman Heaman,,, ,qf Exeter, pallid us a visit on Monday'and spent ,Ohre: evening veir'y plfdasantly et Mr. Robt. Robinson's. -,The •fodlow'isag is the eeport dof S. S. Na. 6, Usbgllne, for ,tthrs. •month t pit October. Names in order of merit, Mayy Jones, M'aggic Coward, Hazel Hagar; sr. 4th., May De1•bri;dge, Floissie Francis ; Olive Berry h.fll ; jr. etib., Willie Elford, Vic t,dr Sawyer; At'men'a Heywood; sr. 3rd., Neale Campbell, Laura Godbolt, Vera Creery jr. 3rd., Alma Johns, N'elka ;Hielyevtood',• Virda Berryhill, The fallowing pro- motions nem made ds In the junior ream —Sr. 2nd to jr. 3rd, pass mask X17. Iaillia,n Hey'waod. 417; Clarence Creeiry 360; Lulu Gtdd,bolt 34.9 ; Earl Johns, 344 e Jr 2nd. to sr. 2nd. Pass mark 255. Ella Veal, 387; Annie Wil son 331; Hubert Jones 309: Laura Wcicds 30,9 ; Ella Washhurn 300; tR'ay, Fletcher 225 Part 2nd•t o jr.'2nd. Pardo mark . 325.. Join • Creery :430 Tom Sawyer 362. D. 'M. Dou;g'aid egad Anna E. Martin, Teaghera. —Mr. and Mrs. Arthur, of Missouri spent Sunday with Mr. W. G. Arthur. —Mr. a'nid leLrs. WValrter Sperling wore guests of Mr. Jas. I3. Atkiunsony an Sunday. —Mies Annie Beak and Miss Gere. rude Aisbharp, of St. Ma ;yls, , were Sunday visitors with, Mrs. Jas. Walks -Mr. and Mrs. Claycan ' Bearss. have returned to St. Marys, after spending the summed months in the country. -A very enjoyable evening was spent at Mr. Jno. Dickinson's, The young ,people • atter partaking of :a goodly quantity of oysters s.pamt the evening in games. Centralia Times and Toronco Daily Nears for one year for $1.80. —A goodly •number are . goings to Eden cb:urch re, -opening on Sunday ninrd Monday. —:Th Re=v. Samuel Sal.t'an, cif. ;Lon- don is esip%ated to pmeacht in the'Me- llhodist chorcll text t Sunday morning —Mrs. Richard flicks 'and her sme, Harvey arrived safely home Saturday evening from their trip to;ltlanftoliii. The journey by both was greatly en- joyed. —'Tis many long years since the farming comm minty bad such prize fall woailicr to complete their harvest If `hers be may w ro se root crop ienot Venereal, and fall plowing dont they should migrate to the North Pole. SUFFERED D 15 'YEARS. M,ns, Wm. Irelatnd, 170 Queen St. East, 'Toronto, wife of the wall knows shoemaker SI]ffe'red from •iin- dagestiion, land conelt.ypatton for over 15 yioiairls. No bluing did. her 'any good, tlfl she tried Laza-Liver Pills; rwhieht cur - ad ihnt, Dashwood BORN. BROOKS.,—In Centralia„ on Oetebee 15th,' the wife of Mr. AndrewBrooks o,E a+ d'augbderra HEISER.—At Zwragh. an Wed'neisdeee 'ver+ a her 4t rN the wife r fe o£ Mr. Fred' Heuser,, o£ a sin. ELWORTHY.-In Usbarne, on Nov. llth, ca Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry El - worthy, 2nd.. con., Usborne a daughter. MARRIED. TOMLISON-IRA'YNE.—Ln Exeter, •an Wednesday, Now. . llth, by the: Rev. Dr. Hannon, Emily, youngest dau- ghter of Mr. Robert .T'rayne, to Mr H. E. 'Tamhinson, of London. DIED. WOOD.—In Exeter, treX, on November 9,qh, 1903, r a nk Laverne, son of Zr a d Mina. Frank Wood, aged 5 yelarsl and 6 montta. ZINGER.—jet Berlin, •oa'Sunday, Nov 8th, 1903, Johpx A. Zinger, (drwga gii8•t at Detroit) axed formerly of Ex - Mem, age=d 32 years. such i Bugh orf El' in g ;County, 'Jw ge William Elici=t, aif Middletsiex { judge O'Brien,tof Pr;eeciobt;•aind Ras - sell, judge De+a'etrn, of Renfrew and /Judge Woods, of ,Kett Coanity; t 'w=ilt jibe /retired under Ithe new act. i•, pale colorless faces, 1 Women with who feel weak and discouraged:, will recerive both mental and bodily vigor by using Carter s Iron Pills„ Which are nz•ade for the blood, nerves and com- plexion, If ,a'child eats travetnotteiyt, grinds: the t=ee=th ,at night and picks its , nose, you may almost, be .certain it Alas worms. and should a.dmin,isberwithout, delay Dr. Low's P1exleen% Werra Syr - use. This remedy contains its own cath torsi c. SCIENTIFIC EYE SPECIALIST T. P. SMITH . . , . WILL BE AT TRF ... . COMMERCIAL INOUSE, Exeter -Two days only FRIDAY' AND SATURDAY, NOV- EMBER Call early and avail yourself of his valuable h ab le ecru= • ck, , as this is a rare op- portunity to have your eyes properly tested free of charge, No guess work but a scientific certainty. Difficult cases accurately fitted. .ALL WORK GUARANTEED. A full line of Artificial Eyes added to our stock. MORTGAGE LE HOUSE AND LOT IN EXETER Dander and by vilffue of ..tare, pewees agntained in a certain mortgage, w=hich will be produced ab the time o1 sale, :there will be offered for sale by .,public •a.untion Saturday, November 21, 1903 At ;the hour of 3 p: m. at Hawkshaw's Hotel in the Village of Exeter. Ey Mir. Jdhsn Gill, auctioneer,thefol lowing property, namely, Lot :number Seventeen (17) west . of Wham halm S brieet and south of A•net Street in the said village orf Exete=r, ea/adore? Second Surve=y, containing one-fifth of an acre more or les=s. Ti etre, ria aS.'fra,me cottage containing Live .rooms, and a good frame barn on .bbe 'proppeirty_ , TERMS. Twenty 9,0A- cent, of the purohasel money to be 'paid down et the time, of scale and the balance in -thirty days itbiebreatfIter, without intere=st. P,dr fusl(hex partic=ulars and condi- toms of sale 'apply to • QLADMAN & STANBURY Vendors' Solicitors. Exciter, 3rd N+avlelmber, ' 1903. FARM FOR SALE Improved faun fbr sale lot No. 1. on the loth concession of Usborne con- taining 100 acres. For particulars apply to L. WALKER, Woodham. FOR SALE At Elinivilie, a comfortable house with 2e acres of land, having a cad garden with a choice variety of all. kinds of fruit trees and small fruits, a never failing well of the best of water, For particulsss Apply to the owner on the premises or by letter to Wee MIN - EPs, Elimville P. O.• LI3FTING THE BURDEN With a Gentle Hand.--ANT'I.PILL. —Mr. P. ,Mclsa•act'e new britek ;black 1 is feet nearing ;cem;pleddee. Times end Family' lletrald & Star, Anoint now until January 1905 includ- ing throe premiums for $1.75. —Mr. J. Otto, a farmer employer of the J. Eidt 11.1111ing Ca., but now of Brantford, event a few clays with friends in the eithage, accompanied by hie wife, on his honeymoon trlp. -.;'The nhcltadn sia1,s a Mrs. Tlan•ry* Be'e'der'es a 011e, west at ftiho t••'iliia:,go was Well attended last 1!riday. Every - Woman's life err a battle with nerves that sap strength and energy. Shattered, nerves aggravate and promote chronic troubles, Thera is no time in. a woman's life Anti.Pill fails to do good, When the sleep is restless, food causes distress, head- ache or dizziuess,pafus in the side or back, indigestion, pal- pitation appetite poor, con- stipated, all tired ant, de- pressed --just one trial of Dr. Leonhardt's ANTI -PILL.. will "lighten the burden" that IS dragging you down. It begins its work in the Stomach from Which the blood is sed and the nerves controlled. 4.NT'xPIrx'1, embraces a new principle. Its effects are different from anything else; and there is no mistaking its Wonderful influence. Dr. Leonhardt has roared the formula entirely free from the injurious ingredients common to prevent day Pills, etc. It is the ideal system treatment. Price, 50 tenni per box of dettlers, or by addressing =Wer, s err -'y rest Co„ Niagara ?i ails, Ontario, who will also mail free Yana• pie to say- address. IC lulbi rig Rated for 190$,,1` 1 Times 'end Mail .Ye Exu'piee• 5o Jt n. 1,,i 0 ., ,. .. .1'75 ixuee and f . idly Herald & Stall• .to Too, U 04 .. ,,, ,, 1 TIMM and Family Herald (,do Star 'to jape 1905= .. .. ',...../1 .. 1 7 Times lac Weleikiy Sun til Jai].. 1905 ..... .. ..... .. . .,,..«.;�tl •i'�+' Y,salrly teubsenibere to Times and. Mail will receive a ha :1stme premium pine Lure entitled ''The Vletoria ,Croersi an episode of the Boer war. Yearly subscribers. to the Family, Herald & Star will, receive a hand - same picture and spec'ial prize. Othe=r additions will be made to this list later. BIJGGIES! BTJGG-ILSs Do you Want a Buggy? We have the fineststook in town. ail the latest styles, y es, in tIle newee. colors. Our prices are low as can be four m for first-class material and workman ship. BEFORE YOU BUY CftL L f1ND SEE US. J F Russell Two Doors South Town Hall. MEDICAL SW.BROWNING kt. D. Ai'. C. • P. $, Graduate Victoria ai' vepeitY office and :residence, Dominhon . Labora- tory, Exeter. DENTAL H KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND D. S. D. D. A. Honor SGP ra ua e Teeth Toronto wi hout Dpain or bad after effects. Office in rea- son's block, West side of Maim treet,` Exeter- D.A. ANDERSON, (D. D. &• L•a.8. DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University and Royal College ege of Dental Surgeons Ontario, with honors Also Post -graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (With honorable mention. done n this office to Dental crowwnns sib In m mum. d and ,gof d vui caniteplatea'all done in- the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac- tion. Office one door south of Carling Bre'sstore• Exeter, Ont. INSURANCE, ERNEST ELLIOT, AgfrtosoortC?AY, oToon,also ' X Fritz NSVRANOE COMPANY, of London, England and r' LLAN0a INBURANcz COMPANY, of Br. HONEY TO LOAN We villaged funds or r for rates of interest. DICKSON& CARLING Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties of interest. p at i owratea 0LADMAN & STANBURY Barristers Solicitors, Main St.. Exeter, , TFGAL. FRED ELLIOTT BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETO. Money to Loan Oirricx—(Fornierely of .Elliott and Qladman,). MAIN STREET, EXETER. DICICSON & CARLING, Barristers, Solicitors Notaries, Conve sneers, Commissioners, are Bank, Etc. " Scolicitors for the yp Sieben; Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE t --NAPM STREET, EXETER. S. R. 04RLINg Z. A. L. a. wormy OR SALE --BRICK RE SID.1WITif AN ACRE OFLAND IN EXETER—We offer for sale on reasonable= terms, that very desirable residential property known as "The Hooper Homestead" situated on Lot No. fie, south of Rllron Street, Exeter. There is erected upon the land, a comfortabldr and commodious brick dwelling also the outhouses. The house is in good re- pair an as 9 rooms. The lot contains an acre of land andis excellently adapted forgarden' ing or fruit growing. There 18 a plentiful sup- ply of hard and Soft water, The property is lip. to date and the terms easy, for partionlars ap- ply to Drairsort & CARnmNe' barristers Exeter or to A.. E. Eoo1'nR, Row P. 0,, Penna, TJ. A., proprietor. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tf$ABS MMitts �a COPYRIGEslIirsels &c. Anyenti sada n sketch and d05erlotion may Quickly iso r our popitit 7a free whether a» invention ion n strictly oralAdenoi . eEn etabbokon Paixterba* Sent it irea Old eat n eisti tt -r set�urtn CO, a tot Patents to . It Ben ttrtt hxbU Hutu n a .e c7rO rase .peGtad rotten, wEtitonG o�nar8e, In the 're dittitihiC Jimerican. A handsomely Illustrated 'weekly. Zerkedt eft'• halation of MIT Scienttaaourna 1. Terms, sig ayear r fear months, Si. ebld byatl ne;Vsdealere, MUNN & Co. 30IBroadway, Newyork,. 33114411.00m. 8,2$ Ir Ste }Vttrrltt?itttbn,'a• . Q