HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1987-05-06, Page 21The students in Grades 4 to 8 at Clinton and District Christian School presented their play, "Down By The Creek Bank", to students from Clinton Public School and residents from Huronview on April 29. This musical is a combination of "Down By The Creek Bank" and "Back At The Creek Bank". (David Emslie photo) 43. Births HART John and Brenda and big brother Matthew are pleased to announce the safe arrival of Melissa Nicole on April 28. 1987 weighing 8 lbs. 12 ozs. Proud grandparents are Jack and Marlene Hort of Clinton and Robert and Kathleen Bell of Goderich. Special thanks to Drs. Steed and Salsbury and also to the great nursing staff on 2nd floor 181 -ix 44. Engagements HARRIS - BENDER Mr. 8 Mrs. Raymond Bender of RR 3. Clinton are proud to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Koren Elizabeth to Scott William Harris son of Mr Milian Hbrris of Seaforth and Mrs Gerry Mountford of RR 5 Clinton The wed ding will take place Saturday. Moy 30 cit 3 30 p in in the Hnlinesville United Church 333 46. In memoriam JOHNSTON In loving memory of a dear mother Clara who passed away Moy 11 1983 and a dear father Perc who passed away November 29 1984 Never more than a thought away Quietly remembered every day No need for words except to say Still loved and missed in every way Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Don Phyllis Bob and family 18 47. Card of thanks 1 LYON My sincere thanks to family and friends for their visits flowers inquiries and cords while I was a patient in Clinton Hospital Special thanks to Dr Hay and all the wonderful nurses Also to Rev Snihur for his visits and prayers Thanks for the girls who took core of my flowers Meals were delicious 1 II always remember Joanne 18x ATK INSON Br,d Kim and Crystal wish to thank friends and relatives for gifts and best wishes on the birth of Joseph Kim and Joseph would like to thank Drs Salsbury Steed and Hay for their work and rare We would also like to thank the nurses on the 2nd floor of Clinton Public Hospital for their wonderful rare The Atkinson s 18 HART We would like to thank those who sent cords flowers gifts and also the visits we rerr:ived during our stay in the hospital Sper al thanks to Grandma Hort and Auntie Heather for their help ing hand Brenda and Melissa 18 TALBOT Rick and I would Ike to thank Dr Huy Dr Steed Dr Salsbury and the nurses on the second floor mnternity ward in Clinton 1-lospital for their fine work done beyond the roll of duty rn bringing our daughter Brittany into the world Linda 18x Bob Riehl RACQUET STRINGING & SALES ESTCA ESTUSA RACQUETS %✓1CTOR RACQUETS Clinton 482-7865 Tennis Squash Rciquetb®11 Badminton Conte Celebrate Mother's Day. • at the with inn Brunch 11 a. m. to2p.m. Dinner Buffet 4 p.m. to 7 p.m C01111)11111r'111t111i Cfl1►lfllif'►1C 101 11111 111t)111r'l S FOURTH ANNIVERSARY DRAW WINNER OF Brunch for 6 was ROBERTTAYLOR•OF CLINTON Retiervatior Licensed Appreciated L.1 B O. 23-9181 der. /„ ! • -> DUPEE The Duppe family, 52 Walker St.. Clinton would personally like to thank the Clinton Fire Depart- ment and. neighbours for the great giant effort that was contributed in saving our barn and horses during the terrible fire April 28. I still don't know how the firemen were able to put the fire out with the start it had. We have o great Fire Department (good work boys). A special thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Rpss Lovett who sounded the fire alarm and Murray Grigg who helped get the horses out. Sincerely, Wayne Dupee. 18 VIVIAN The family of the late. Keith Vivian wish to ex press their sincere thanks to friends. neighbours and relatives for their kind support. Special thanks to those who sent donations and cards. Also to Dr. Newland and nurses at Clinton Public Hospital. also to Dr Auhmed and nurses ut University Hospital London and to Rev Snihur for his prayers Florence 18x LEVEILLE Special thanks to my family and friends for then visits phone calls flowers. and cards while I was sick Your kindness and thoughfulness was very inucf►'eppreeiated »Poufa--18x - BAKELAAR The family of the late Adrinno Bakelaar wish to express their s.ncere thanks to relatives friends and neighbours for their floral tributes. done tions to "The Canadian Council of the Blind and for -food brought to the house al the time of the passing of our dear mother, grandmother and great grandmother Special thanks to the Huron County Homemakers for helping us to core for mother these last few years. Special thanks also goes to the Seaforth Ambulance. Tasker Funeral Home the doctors and nurses at the Clinton Public Hospital and the ladies at the Blyth Chris tion Reformed Church for the lovely lunch after the funeral Warmest thanks to Rev Gelwicks for his comforting words and visit at this time in our lives The Bakelaar family 18 BROWN I would like to thank everyone for their thoughtfulness while a patient in University Hospital Special thanks to all the doctors and nurses who attended me Helen 18 THANKS TO THE FOLLOW- ING FOR THEIR HELP WITH OUR ANNUAL BIKE RIDE FOR CANCER, HELD LAST SUNDAY - MAY 3. *Becker's Milk Store *hoe's Milk Store •Triangle Discount •Fairholme Dairy ®Clinton News Record ®Clinton *Clinton *Clinton Arena Police Department Crossing Guards SPECIAL THANKS to BIKE RIDERS and those who PLEDGED SO GENEROUSLY. CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE CLINTON BRANCH CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY LLlieay., .. - Hensall church holds confirmation A large crowd attended the Hensall United Church service on Sunday. The junior choir of 30 voices sang with Mrs. Debbie Wood at the piano. Mrs. Norma Pryde was at the organ for the service. The children's story was told by Mr. Cowan. Derich Elton Frederick McGee was con- firmed by Mr. Cowan. Derick was unable to attend last Sunday. A beautiful basket of flowers was a gift in memory of Jean Rowcliffe from her family Tim, Bobby -Joe, Joanne and William.. The plants were grown and arranged by Joanne. Flowers from the Pepper—Keller wed- ding adorned the church in their honour. There were also flowers placed in memory of the Rev. Husser by his wife and family. Mr. Cowan's sermon was on listening to God through His word, taken from parts of Luke, Hebrews, Romans and Psalms. Mona Alderdice served as greeter at the door, with Joanne Fields, Leslie ',Bailey, Sharon Wurm and Mary Kinsman serving as ushers. A congregational meeting followed the service. Eric Mansfield, Larry Elder, and Robert Raeburn were appointed as three new trustees to the Hensall United Church. YOUTH RALLY . South Huron Youth For Christ held the May rally at Centennial School, Brucefield on May 2 with a good attendance. Director Ron Westlake was in charge, opening the rally with a good song service accompanied by Ruth Gower on piano and Phillip Gower on drums. ,Steve Rathwell of Clinton led in prayer. Quiz time followed with the following results: Exeter first; Goderich second; and Clinton third. Ron gave the total number of points which were accumulated through the year. As a result, Exeter finished the year in first place. Robert Steckle then presented the trophy to coaches Gladys Talbot and Helen Coates and the Exeter team_ consisting of Kim Talbot, Kelly Talbot, Beth Hawley, Kathy Coates and Kathleen Little. Rob Steckle and Dianne Steckle favoured the groups with songs accompanied by Ruth Ann Steckle at piano. Appreciation night will be at Brucefield School on May 21 for all quizzers. The chicken barbeque will be held on June 13. Ron asked if any quizzers would like to form a team to travel to Delewan N.Y. to "Family Camp" to compete in the finals. Anyone int'trested can contact Pat Westlake. The October rally will be held the first Saturday night in October. The Rev. Austin Gedke from Orangeville was guest speaker. His theme was "Procrastinate" using scripture and ex- amples of what it meant. He said to "remember thy creator in the days of thy youth". In closing he asked, "What will you do with Jesus?" He urged everyone not to put off asking themselves this vital question and letting the things and cares of this world stop us from living for Him. SHUFFLEBOARD Ladies' high scores for Thursday, April 30 were: Mary Buchanan 344, Marg Consitt 286, Gertie Moir 271. Men's high scores were: Dave Kyle, 287, Walter Knowles, 262, Alf Ross 223. After shuffling the Happy Pushers celebrated the birthdays of Dorothy Kipfer and John Pepper with cake and ice cream. SPECIAL COLLECTION The Hensall special household garbage spring collection will be held on May 26 and 27. To facilitate collection on two days the village will be divided in half by King St. with the north half (including east side of No. 4 highway) being collected on Tuesday, May 26 and the south half being collected on Wednesday May 27. "Special household garbage" includes furniture, small appliances, car tires, brush tied in bundles and waste in containers. Refuse must be placed at the curb by 12 noon to ensure pick-up. NEW TIME The times for the Wintario draw to be held in Hensall this Thursday have been changed to accommodate the Stanley Cup Playoffs. The doors will now open at 6:1'5 with enter- tainment beginning at 6:30 and the draws to be held live from 8:00 - 8:30. Residents enjoy bingo This past week residents have been very busy at Queensway with several activities. To begin the last week of April, residents had the pleasure of welcoming the ladies from the Hensall Presbyterian Church for the last "Bingo" in the month. Residents have enjoyed having them in to run Monday afternoon bingos, and they would like to thank them for all their help. The Reverend Sinasac came in Tuesday afternoon to conduct the weekly church ser- vice. Phillipa Steckle accompanied on the piano while the group sang favourite hymns. Wednesday afternoon several residents went bowling for the afternoon. They had a super afternoon of friendly competition and would like to congratrulate Murray Howe for thegnen's top score, and Muriel Gunning for -- leading the ladies' division. ' Thursday morning the monthly Resident Council Meeting Was held, which was follow- ed in the afternoon by the monthly' birthday party. Happy April Birthdays to Albert Miazga, Murray Hoe, Ross Thompson, Clayton Mathers and Dora Hogarth. The best of everything for the coming year. Thursday evening several residents en- joyed watching themselves. This may sound a bit strange, but actually they were view - Publishing • companies do okay According to Statistics Canada, newspaper and periodical publishing com- panies made more than $2.5 -billion in net revenue in 1982. Daily newspapers ac- counted for nearly $1.5 -billion of this amount, periodicals, $777 -million, and com- pmunity newspapers, $300 -million. i QUEEN'S SEAFORTH THURS., FRI., SAT. "MONKEY SEE" PARTY HEARTY THURS. NUTE *FUN •SURPRISES ®SPECIALS JOIN US SUNDAY IN OUR DINING ROOM f®r MOTHER'S DAY SPECIALS Holland's Gebak DUTCH TREATS '5.25 Dozen 57.5© `15.00 '1.10 Phone 482-7710 Mother's Day Cake Sheet Cake MOCHA: Squares, Rounds Pkg. of 2 E.D. VAN 100 WRESTLING TONIGHT CLINTON ARENA MAY 6 8:00 p.m, Clinton Jr. D. Mustangs 300 BOOSTER CLUB SPRING DANCE et the Clinton Community Cent. e S AT U R D AY, MAY Dancing 9 P.M. - 1 A.M. Music By The Singing D.J. PROCEEDS TO JR. D. CUB ing a videotape that was taken by Bill Gib- son last December at the family Christmas dinner. Friday afternoon all gathered for "The Sharing of Stories." Together the group discussed their favourite things such as food, travelling, animals etc. The rest home bid farewell to Sally Ann Mathews with a delightful tea party. Quote of the week: "The victories of -yesterday are less important than the plans for tomorrow." Canadian Farm and Home Almanac. The Hensall Branch library has com- pleted its quarterly book exchange and there is a variety of new books. don't forget that if you need a particular book that isn't at the branch, it is available through an ex- cellent Interlibrary Loan Service. Drop in at 108 King St. on a Tuesday or Thursday afters n, or Friday evening or Saturday mornirfand see what's available. BABYSITTING COURSE The Hensal Kinettes will be conducting a babysitting course for 12-14 year olds. If you are interested in becoming a better babysitter call Bonnie Rowcliffe at 262-2191 or Carolyn Knight at 262-3444. PERSONALS Sue and Gary Stephens of Hensall held a grand opening on Saturday of their very own "Stephens Furniture" in Exeter. Gary and Sue are both experienced in the business and the community wishes them much success. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman, Mrs. Alice Tiernan and Mrs. Alda Heppler, all of Dashwood, were recent evening guests with Mrs. Laird Mickle of Hensall. Mrs. Mickle and her daughter Betty Mac- Millan, Waterloo, visited on Tuesday with the former's son Charles Mickle at the home of another son and his family, Dr. and Mrs; Robert Mickle at their home near Ayr. Charles has spent the Last three months in hospitals in Hamilton and Toronto recover- ing from surgery. The Hensall Cubs, Beavers, Scouts and Venturers spent Saturday morning on a village clean-up. The boys did a great job at picking up a winter's accumulation of trash, broken class and pop cans which were litter- ing our streets. Let's all work extra hard to keep that fresh clean look. On Thursday the Hensall cubs were given a tour of the Nabisco plant in Exeter, better known in this area as "The Canners". The guide for the tour was Ron Hartman, a maintenance mechanic at the plant. The boys enjoyed their visit and learned how the operation works as illustrated in this report by Hensall cub Richard Kinsman. THE CANNERS We went in a van. We drove to the can- ners. We went in the building and saw a big knife that cuts the corn up which had a big Be Careful sign beside it because it was so sharp. Next we saw the guy put the labels on the cans and put the cans in the boxes and the boxes rolled down to the next guy who stacks the boxes up. He showed us the way they store the cans and there were big stacks of canned food. They had cream corn and whole kernel corn. They had peas too, and peas and carrots mixed together. They have two cookers. One cooks 580 cans per minute and the other cooks 400 cans per minute. We had a lot of fun. Thank you for letting 1st Hensall Wolf Cubs come visit and go through the canners. Make Mother's Day Special Brunch... Served 11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Dinner... Served from 5 purl. Reservations Recommended 565-2611 THE LITTLE INN of BAYFIELD 'Main Street, Bayfield We invite you to join us for Mother's Day at I3artliff's We offer your choice of Hearty Chunky Vegetable Soup Fresh or Fruit Salad Chicken Breasts in Or creamy wine sauce Fresh Pan fried Whitefish All dinners are served with cauliflower B cheese sauce carrots vichy of baked or oven brown potato and our own crusty rolls A variety of homemade salads is also included Also Featured: FRESH STRAWBERRY PIE +'"Ji�99 � rl� choice I err a43 - .. estauraut 46 ALBERT ST. CLINTON 482-4127 <\ t • e /0411 armirotresalentaireatteml